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BoD Daily Update

WWE Releases Podcast Titled "30 Years of WrestleMania"

The first show is hosted by Renee Young and features Shawn Michaels as a guest.

WWE Network Launch Update

As of right now, the entire network will be launched at 9:00am EST on February 24th. Originally, the plan was for the network to have the library available at 9am then the original programming to launch after RAW.

Credit Bryan Alvarez, Figure Four Weekly Newsletter

How Will the PPV's Be Edited on the WWE Network?

After speaking with someone close to the network, Bryan Alvarez reports that he was told all of the PPV's that will be airing are shown from the master tapes and the only time "WWE Home Video" will be used is when there is a spot in the master tape that is damaged. If music was used that they do not have rights to, that will be changed. Also, any matches featuring choking and or hanging will have a disclaimer at the start of the show and will be given either a "TV-14" or "TV-MA" rating.

Credit Bryan Alvarez, Figure Four Weekly Newsletter

TNA Signs Two Wrestlers

TNA has signed Florida independent female wrestler Santana Garrett and Lucha Libre star Extreme Tiger .

Credit Mike Johnson,


  1. Glad the only editing to the PPV's will be music. I know people will complain about that too but it's something they can't get around.

  2. Yeah, the music stuff is really expensive and not worth it for the WWE.
    I am pumped for the network. Can't wait until it is available.

  3. So Wrestlemania 15 will get a Faces of Death rating?

  4. I posted this on a few days ago on this blog but I guess I'll repost it cause this time it's on-topic. I listened to this first episode with HBK and noticed a mention of CM Punk's name edited out. Young asks Shawn which current superstars he'd like to have a match with and he says "That's an easy one for me, it comes down between Daniel Bryan and......." and then there's an awkward edit where he obviously says CM Punk.

    Check it out at the 47.38 mark:

  5. I don't mind the music edits as much now that we're getting the scratch logo unblurred. The one exception is ecw, though. It's going to annoy me to no end to hear some generic music pumped over Natural Born Killaz when New Jack is in the ring. I'll keep my old VHS converts of ecw strictly for the music.

  6. I hope Extreme Tiger leads to a new push of the X Division. If TNA wants to save money, bring in some high-flyers and let them tear it up on Impact for a match or two a week. They can probably make a star out of one of them at least.

  7. The hanging I get, but the choking? How many of the early shows featured choking spots?

    Not really enough for me to turn against it, I just found it curious. Soon as I get to work on Feb. 24, I'm signing up.

  8. Yeah I know, it seems like 95% of the shows will come with a disclaimer.

  9. Nah just a picture of Chris Nowitski looking on disapprovingly.

  10. TJ Oshie vs Ivan Drago at 30. Book it!

  11. Is that podcast any good? I like Renee but I have a feeling a WWE produced podcast will suck.

  12. Polo has it in the post if you want to check out a few seconds of it.

  13. I know that it's a common thing, but Metallica was the one that really ended it.

  14. Ah good plan WWE, the original programming isn't what attracted people in the first place, outside of NXT of course.

  15. Choking was like 95% of Andre the Giant's offense in the late 80s.

  16. So Lex Luger matches will come with a warning about choking? Hey-oh!

  17. I have serious doubts that the only edits will be music-related. On Classics On Demand, not a single PPV was shown without at least some footage cut out. I doubt any old hotline or merchandise plugs will make the cut.

  18. TV-MA!? I understand for some of the ECW ppv's with excessive swearing and what-not, just cant imagine a WWE or WCW event getting a TV-MA rating

  19. ^^ This, so annoying. They always replace Natural Born Killaz with some shitty "generic hip hop loop". So you get no crowd sound, etc. Totally kills it and makes it unwatchable

  20. Does that stuff being cut actually matter to you?

  21. Aren't TV ratings 100% policed by the TV companies themselves? Like ABC assigns the ratings for hits own shows (as opposed to a movie that is subject to review by something more independent)?

    My point is, WWE is trying to satisfy parents of kids and Mattell who are going to complain about the programming being to violent. Vince can say, hey, we put the strictest warnings and ratings we could.

    Not that any 10 year old kids are going to be subscribing to the network.

  22. They have some of their DVD releases with commericals still in tack for the WWF Hotline or a commercial for the next show. Seriously, I was watching the Wrestlemania XIII DVD (from the 2006/7 anthology) and it had an add for the April In Your House.

  23. It's okay. Renee seemed a little out of sorts (often repeating questions) but she'll get better. Worth listening to...

  24. 10 year olds won't be subscribing but a lot of them will convince their parents to.

  25. I'm about 15 minutes in. Not bad. Renee's questions are way too generic.

  26. Yes. Nothing should be cut out unless completely necessary.
    Plus, sometimes, interviews with wrestlers were done with the hotline number on the screen or merchandise plugs were done in the aisle way while a wrestler was making his entrance, so on the home video release, you'd get an entire interview removed or a wrestler magically jumping from the entrance way to the ring in two seconds. It's needless.

  27. That actually is a good example of what I meant. On the Anthology version of WM 13, they show the IYH commercial twice even though it was only shown once during the live PPV. They added it in after the opening match to replace a segment with Sunny and Brian Pillman.
    Then after it's shown before the main event, they skip right to Shawn's entrance, cutting out the announcers' on-camera bit for no real reason than I guess the editors were bored.

  28. They should just bring Jimmy Hart in to at least make generic versions of the licensed songs with a couple of notes flipped around.

  29. ARRRRGH THE BARBARIANFebruary 15, 2014 at 10:51 AM

    I hope TNA signed Giant Tiger by accident.

  30. I just listened to it last hour and it seems that WWE edited it again. Now without awkward pause around 48:34.

  31. Fuck Metallica.

  32. ARRRRGH THE BARBARIANFebruary 15, 2014 at 11:14 AM

    Stuff like that makes me think it's a work on some level, because that would be a new high bar for pettiness.

  33. You know, I love that kinda stuff when I'm watching old shows. It's corny & awesome.

  34. My parents would not have subscribed to a TV channel just because I begged them too. I'd have gotten a smack in the back of the head and told to read a book (maybe that's why my dad was willing to fork over $15 a year to get WWF magazine for me - although that was a steal versus the cost of his Sports Illustrated magazine). I remember when the Disney channel was a premium channel and my brother and I wanted it. We got nowhere on that argument.

  35. That choking thing is going to make most of WWF programming before the PG era TV-14 or over. I guess WrestleMania III will have that because of Steamboat choking Savage.

    Does this mean if they use the master tapes that WrestleMania 2 will be unedited? That'd be sort of interesting to watch since the Coliseum Video chops that show to hell.

  36. I'm talking about households that order the PPVs for their kids. The parents will jump on the network deal in a second, even if they are just ordering half of them a year.

  37. Honestly what does the ratings they give even matter? It doesn't impact anything.

  38. are the gung-ho choking/hanging edits, and WWE's exclusion of such moves in recent years, because of Benoit, or because of sponsors? Just curious.

  39. I don't remember the parameters for ordering it. Does one have to already have a CSP, or will my smart blu-ray player be enough?

  40. I wonder how they define choking. Is it just hands on the throat, or does it include sleeper holds and such?

    Also, shouldn't that cover pretty much every Undertaker or Kane match? And most Paul Wight matches? A chokeslam is a choke, right?

  41. I too will take generic music over blurring any day of the week.

  42. You want me to forward you the email?

  43. If you wouldn't mind

  44. Both, but mostly Benoit. Had he shot Nancy and Daniel it likely wouldn't be an issue.

  45. Yeah, ratings don't matter as long as it's not edited.

  46. Probably the sponsors. I think we as fans probably assume the Benoit incident has more affect on WWE decision making than it actually does.

  47. You sir, are a scholar & a gentleman, thank you.

  48. Probably matters a great deal to some parents. To me, it's mostly just a curiosity.

  49. Well yeah, I meant making it tv-ma is better to me than making it pg and editing everything, s'what I meant.

  50. Well, I hope someone explains the difference between "there's a chokehold" TV-MA and "ECW definitely not appropriate for kids" TV-MA to these parents.

  51. Well, so I go to check my email, and the top one is from you "FWD: How To Watch The WWE Network" and what's the email right below yours? It's from the WWE "How To Watch The WWE Network".

    but I'll be opening yours, since it's a labor of love.

  52. It's pretty obvious they cut CM Punk's name from the discussion about current superstars. That alone is enough to convince me anything interesting will be cut. I mean, Renee Young is about the most talented announcer they have right now, but the appeal of podcasts (IMO) is their unedited, rambling format. I highly doubt WWE will get that, let alone allow it,

  53. Please, parents who need that explanation aren't letting their kids watch this stuff anyway.

  54. TJ: remember last week even there was a 3rd wrestler apparently being considered for the HOF that was comparable to Sting and Jake? According to Keller, that guy is Scott Hall. It's Keller and he didn't attach a source so take it fwiw

  55. So why is fake choking not OK but a fake arm bar or headlock OK? And why isn't the stfu or the yes lock a choke. And why is a knee to the head or clothesline OK? And don't people get shot on like ncis or these other dog shit network dramas that are TV pg? How is fake gun violence OK? Honestly I don't get that at all.

    It doesn't make any difference to me if they put a warning on a show with benoit choking out Jericho or whatever (can't wait to see a high quality version of that match again) but the whole no fake choking thing on a show where Daniel Bryan or cena gets"beaten" "unconscious" by the shield every week honestly seems fucking stupid.

  56. Exactly. I don't care if there's a two second warning before a raw with benoit or the match where taker hangs bossman etc but its just weird to me to see how they did it.

  57. We'll get every show left in tact, including the Benoit matches. Honestly who cares if the music is changed or they put a dumb warning? God I can't wait for this thing.

  58. Yes, but the memory remains.

  59. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryFebruary 15, 2014 at 2:03 PM

    I'll admit that One is a really good song. I'll also say that St. Anger is one of the worst albums I've ever heard.

  60. I just find it humorous is all.

  61. Yeah, seriously, those things serve absolutely no purpose.

  62. I wonder if they'll get some complaints and eventually do that. I find it funny that if a kid's parents use their parental control code for TV-14+ that it might wipe out a good chunk of the older pay-per-views/archival footage.

    Thank god they won't be doing that "oh my god! There's blood so let's quickly go to black and white!" like they had on COD. That was awful.

    Of course, they do they'll alienate so many people that it would probably not be worth it, but you know how corporate America is these days with offending anyone.

  63. Won't this Network lead to pay-per-views just not meaning anything? Granted, you could make the case that they are meaning less and less, but if they aren't going to generate as much revenue, is the company really going to care if it puts together a great WrestleMania or SummerSlam card down the road?

  64. Fake music kills the crowd noise for an entrance.

  65. The concept of Stone Cold Steve Austin is going to be SO CONFUSING to these kids.


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