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BoD Daily Update Smackdown Preview

Other Names WWE is Considering for the Hall of Fame

Right now, the WWE are looking at adding Lita and Paul Bearer. They also want to induct Mr. T, who has turned down the offer several times. There is also another name in the works who is apparently on a similar level as Jake Roberts and the Ultimate Warrior

Credit Dave Meltzer, Wrestling Observer Newsletter Article on "15 Superstars You Forgot Existed."


  1. Stranger in the AlpsFebruary 7, 2014 at 9:07 AM

    I'm relatively low-key and laid back. So it's quite easy. Plus, it allows for a clear head for witty repartee.

  2. But clearly not for writing quality wrestling reviews.

  3. Stranger in the AlpsFebruary 7, 2014 at 9:14 AM

    Keep it up, man. I'm thinking about reviewing the C show, Main Event. There will be subtle subliminal messages directed at you.

  4. Of course there will. Despite you slowing my posting down I am still the #1 Draw and the Franchise Player

  5. No, storyline written off because he can't travel to the UK.

  6. Okay, let's break this down.

    Angle: Out with surgery, time unknown (to me, at least)
    Aries: Rebuilding the X-Division, hopefully.
    Storm, Abyss, Gunner: Three months away, minimum.
    Roode: See Storm, but first dump the losing streak.
    Bully: Dump Anderson convincingly, yeah, he'd be viable by Lockdown.
    Sabin, Anderson: God no.
    EC3, Richards, Edwards, MVP: Six months away, minimum.
    Hardy: He should have a rematch, and put Magnus over "clean".

  7. Condoms you mean.

  8. I can't agree. Too much drama, to the point of overkill, no blood, barely a use of the cage, Shawn crying, I'm good on all that

  9. Your_Favourite_LoserFebruary 7, 2014 at 10:46 AM

    'the diminutive Hervey'

    does she actually say this, or are you just throwing that out there?

  10. Your_Favourite_LoserFebruary 7, 2014 at 10:47 AM

    where have you been?!

  11. Your_Favourite_LoserFebruary 7, 2014 at 10:49 AM

    i like that part where he came to kick ass and chew bubblegum, but was all out of bubblegum

  12. Hey! :) Around, just working. Haven't had a lot of interest in wrestling, but I'm still lurking on here. I need to get back into it, it's been too long haha.

  13. I don't live in the US so I was wondering would the average say 20 year old recognise Batista? I know he wouldn't remotely get recognised by non wrestling fans here in the UK.

  14. Caliber_Winfield_SidiousFebruary 7, 2014 at 11:39 AM

    Greatest you've ever seen? Me, Amber Rayne. I mean...good God.

  15. I miss big Johnny. He was so much better at this than hhh is willing to be

  16. *Calls cab*

    "Hey Missy, cabs on the way. You should probably wait for it outside since I don't get great reception in here."

  17. He could have, but I liked the opening paragraphs.

  18. Yeah, but "No Kidding"? Terrible name. Couldn't you call it something like "Hartbreaker"? Doubtful you will offend any fans of Ronnie Garvin's WWF run by calling it that.

  19. I'd say no. This is just a guess but I'd say maybe 30% of the people here would recognize Batista in a crowd.

  20. Yeah. It's not even "hot pokers up the ass" entertaining flaming of the product either. It's basically a general apathy. Which is totally understandable and pretty much where I have been since around 2002.

  21. Totally. Whereas the Rock is a true cross-promotion figure (he sells his movies on *his* name recognition, while drawing a few mainstream fans over to WWE temporarily), a guy like Batista has no name in movies.

  22. It's kind of a double-whammy of "overrated". I think Vince overestimated Batista's status as a WWE "legend" as well as a "hollywood star". He is basically neither and that has shown quite quickly

  23. I think the Rumble was the time to re-debut Batista for sure. It was no real secret that he had re-signed. There might be a decent buzz heading into the Rumble: you're pretty sure he will be making a surprise entry, but you don't know what # his music is going to hit. Then it can be a "but is he a heel or face? What did he come back for? What's his first promo going to be about?" sort of intrigue for the next night's Raw.

  24. Not sure whether Enzo will work long term as an in ring guy, but Enzo and Cass coming up with Enzo managing him (once Cass gets better in the ring) could really work I think. And I might be wrong about Enzo, if he can get better in the ring too.

    What's nice is a lot of these guys really own their gimmicks, and that's going to get over more often than not if they're given the chance.


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