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Cesaro vs. Randy Orton: SmackDown, Feb. 14, 2014

You marks are all kidding yourself if you think that Orton putting him over clean as a sheet and the announcers treating it as a big deal will have ANY effect on his rise to the next level.  No one pays attention to that SOUTHERN RASSLIN shit.  It's the fact that he is now just Cesaro that will determine his main event fate.  GENIUS.

Also, burying this on Smackdown and putting yet another Orton-Cena match that means nothing on RAW?  GENIUS.

Also, I think Ellen Page was taking the "mutants as metaphor" aspect of the X-Men movies a bit too seriously.  There's method acting and then there's taking it too far.

Also, more like ROBOFLOP, am I right?

That's all I got tonight.


  1. When they announced the concept of Orton facing all his EC opponents, I couldn't believe they wouldn't put this on Raw.

  2. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomeryFebruary 15, 2014 at 12:05 AM

    You know, Ellen Page being a lesbian actually makes me crush on her more.

  3. I saw this post pop up on Twitter and thought Steve Stennick was telling it like it REALLY is.

  4. Kinda feel like we're overestimating how much TV and old TV is gonna be on the Network. There really hasn't been any mentions of old Raws or Nitros being available. Would be kinda cool if they released them along with their weekly Monday night warS series to correspond with the week they're talking about.
    Didn't they already do Monday night warS on the OnDemand channel?

  5. My favorite DVD that has that match (albeit in severely clipped form) would have to be the 2004 release "Shawn Michaels: Boyhood Dream" (which was actually a re-release of a 1997 Coliseum Video entitled "Heartbreak Express" albeit with all the "WWF" mentions edited out which now looks really stupid and pointless in hindsight) because while the other DVDs that contained this match were unquestionably much better, this DVD however is the only chance you'll ever get to see Michael Hayes dressed up in the shittiest looking Shawn Michaels merchandise and looking like a complete buffoon in the process (it's also filmed entirely inside the Titan Towers gym which was clearly meant to be a jab at Hayes).

  6. Why does something get "buried" on Smackdown? Look, from a fan perspective, how could you miss a show, even in the DVR age....or "available online" age? As a fan, who cares if RAW is the centerpiece of their programming? That's usually where one has to sit through the shit, because their "writers" are "writing" for that show. Smackdown brings it almost every fucking week in terms of in-ring quality. If you're not seeking the show out, then don't complain when they put something on that "should have been on RAW". Why? So YOU could see it?

    NOTE: YOU is a generalization, not anyone specifically. Just watch the fucking thing.

  7. You know what really winds me up about wwe DVD releases and has done for years?

    The artwork totally spoils the outcomes of the matches. It shows like photos of the new champs posing and after match shots and I think that's really shoddy. Sure the result may be publicly known but if I've bought a DVD I don't want the results spoiled by the case itself.

  8. I can kinda see why shortening his name to just Cesaro makes sense if he's in line for a push, but boy does it ever scream "We think all our fans are retarded". He would have just as many fans as Antonio Cesaro as he will just as Cesaro.

    As for Robocop, I knew it would be a let down, glad I didn't bother trying to see it. It's just prettier than the original and nothing more, and I'm not the least bit surprised.

  9. Things like this make me nostalgic. I grew up on St. Louis wrestling, aka proto-Japan. You want clean finishes and mat-based action? Sam Muchnick had your back. I wish UFC had come along in the early 80s, because SLWC would have thrived.

  10. Your_Favourite_LoserFebruary 15, 2014 at 1:59 AM

    whoever is booking smackdown, by all means please keep it up. it's settled into the groove they've had off and on, where raw is the shows for angles and SD is the show for wrestling.

    no batista, no del rio, no fluff... awesome show this evening

  11. Test was in the position that anybody with a modicum of talent would have benefited from. He was given the push in the first place because he looked like Kevin Nash but could deliver a flying elbow.

  12. Ellen Page sucks anyway.

    Wait, she doesn't actually suck, she blo... she's mediocre is what I'm trying to say.

  13. Your_Favourite_LoserFebruary 15, 2014 at 2:18 AM

    hhh's promo is what made me really like him at that time. i was rooting for him to ascend since it was something new, but for some reason that promo sealed it for me

    then he got injured a bit later and was never the same

  14. Your_Favourite_LoserFebruary 15, 2014 at 2:19 AM

    it gave us ambrose, though, didnt it?

  15. Would be kind of fun talking about girls we'd like to f&@k with a hot gay chick.

  16. Yeah, I'm surprised so many people like her. She always has channel changing heat with me.

  17. We can't say fuck any more?

  18. Scotty, go home; YOU'RE DRUNK

  19. She's the innocent-looking girl who, of course, is smarter than the patriarchy's imposed limitation on how intelligent females should be.

    You know, because if there's anything that pervades the Hollywood culture, it's patriarchy.


  20. I can see that with Juno, as the writing is pretty infuriating, but her performances in Super, Hard Candy and An American Crime were all really good. And she was one of the bottle kids in Trailer Park Boys, so that's something!

  21. They tell stories in the same way a drunk at a bar does.

  22. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryFebruary 15, 2014 at 3:16 AM

    And Adam Cole.

  23. I didn't say fuck, I said f&@k.

  24. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryFebruary 15, 2014 at 3:17 AM

    Plus Test had a little talent, at least.

  25. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryFebruary 15, 2014 at 3:18 AM

    Why the fuck are you watching a CZW show?

  26. What does that mean?

  27. If you don't know, then you're too innocent for me to tell you.

  28. No no nonononono, it's FAAAAAAAHN....

  29. Yeah, haven't seen many films with her to be honest, only a few, but the ones I have seen (XMen, Juno, Inception) have just put me off. And yeah, I was amazed to imdb her and reallize she was Lahey's daughter, so I guess that gets her cool points.

  30. I highly recommend Super. Very funny movie.


  32. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomeryFebruary 15, 2014 at 4:06 AM

    "I would like to know what 'dango' means, because I know 'fan' means for 'fans', but I don't know -- dango -- what that means."

  33. Don't listen to them. Ratings were high and Triple H was in the hottest angles for most of 99 and 00. Those are the facts.

  34. people do all the time. There's a belief that he wasn't over until after he hooked up with Steph on-screen. Of course, in this case nobody cares about the Test/ Steph relationship, so people might havecheered for anyone who interrupted.

  35. I think they just thought he was midcard 4 life which is not the best situation, but far from being Ryder'ed

  36. This is also true. Although, I still believe that they should have tried to make money off of the guy.

  37. My only takeaway from this is that Orton is winning at EC. Smackdown is trumping Raw right now. On Monday we are going to get more Authority doubting Orton crap that just won't end. Why won't it end ya'll?

  38. It was the Ultimate Warrior's previous gimmick.

  39. Ugh, this place is full of white knights.

  40. I don't generally downvote because I find it cowardly and reductive but I did downvote your first comment, simply because I'd just watched the speech she gave and thought it deserved better than a lazy sex joke. Not that I'm above lazy or easy jokes, I just thought it was poor timing.

  41. This Cesaro thing is a bit irritating in that normally when someone changes their name (Rocky Maivia to The Rock, for example) there's at least some throwaway storyline reason such as the guy being a huge egotistical asshole. But it seems as if all of sudden we're just supposed to pretend he doesn't have a first name anymore? Maybe I missed an explanation somewhere.

  42. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryFebruary 15, 2014 at 5:20 AM

    Yeah. I mean, Ryder sucks, but I don't understand WWE's refusal to abide by the simple idea of "Hey, he's over, we should push him".

  43. That was the beginning of the end for the wrestling boom. A great storyline that called for Stephanie to leave Triple H for Kurt Angle. Triple H would have turned babyface and would have been over. Plus, 75 percent of the audience could relate to what he was going through. Missed opportunity.

  44. Did we ever that HHH/Austin/Rock 3 way? I have never seen it and with all mult-men type matches we got in the attitude era it's hard to believe one that obvious never took place.

  45. Not, that was the one before that.

    Blade Runner Rock -> Dingo Warrior -> Dango Warrior -> Ultimate Warrior -> The Warrior

  46. Oh. So when the next celebrity death comes along, how much time should pass before it's appropriate to make jokes about it? I'm all ears.

  47. The belief is not that he wasn't over. The problem was that Austin, Rock, Foley, UT, and Jericho were more popular but HHH was treated as the reason everyone tuned into the show.

    He was shoe-horned into almost every segment or angle until the fans finally accepted him as a legit star. Which did not happen until the Rumble match.

  48. You didn't miss it because it didn't happen.


  49. Poor Test. If only he'd put in some effort at the right time. Though I don't doubt that Trips deliberately had him held back to avoid the guy leeching off any of Hunter's own heat.

    Test seemed SET at one point. During the Shane feud over Steph's honor, Test was one of my favourite wrestlers. That Shane/Test match was AWESOME at SummerSlam.

  50. Somewhere in that list is Jim Hellwig, who is more insane and intolerable as the rest of them.

  51. Austin was over enough that he could have been paired with Pete Gas and probably put on some entertaining, popular TV segments. I mean, he'd fought The Undertaker so many times that it was an even bigger joke than Orton/Cena is today. Some variety would have been good.

    Though I don't begrudge the guy for turning down certain stupid feuds (the fact that few wrestlers seemed to like Jarrett didn't help, I'm sure- Bob Holly goes into this in his book). He was the top guy and worked his ASS off to get there, and now they want him to feud with unover losers?

  52. I enjoyed the match, I can be happy leaving at that for now.

  53. But... but that outcome doesn't make Triple-H look like a conquering, flawless bad-ass!! You can see why it would NEVER work...

  54. Yeah, Test was given numerous chances after this to succeed, but he never really did. The mis-handling of the Test/HHH issue REALLY hurt him, and I think the fans always took him for a midcard nobody after that, push be damned.

  55. Mini-TJ: The WWE is no longer content to just waste time on their TV shows giving tutorials on how to use their app or how to get the Network.

    I just got an email from WWE giving me a tutorial on the Network. Does this mean I don't have to watch Raw anymore?

    Also, geez, I stay away for a day and Scott starts trolling all of us now?

  56. What's The Undertaker's name?

  57. What in the hell difference does it make dropping Antonio from his name? How does that help him in any way shape or form? There are a million different problems in this company and Cesaro having a first name is not one of them.

  58. Scott starts trolling all of us now? Are you new here?

  59. YOU could use the third person to clarify things better.

  60. In Your House: Dango Unchained

  61. That was one of the more troll-y posts he's put up since I've been here.

  62. Were you not around for the 20 different ratings of Daniel Bryan vs CM Punk?

  63. I was. That was a lot of fun.

  64. I have no problem with jokes about any topic, as long as they're good.

  65. In Your House: Dingo Ate Your Baby?

  66. "I just thought it was poor timing."

    Yeah. I'm not trying to ruin your life. Don't let my bad jokes interfere with your weeping over that courageous girl's proud moment.

  67. I think you over-estimate your effect on me, friend.

  68. This is particularly egregious on the Summerslam 2013 cover because Orton wasn't even in the advertised main card.

  69. Absolutely not. Terms such as "poor timing" regarding a joke about some shitty actor who came out as gay are telltale signs that you're conversing with a sensitive faerie. It's no biggie mate, I see it all the time and there's nothing wrong with that.

  70. I seriously can't believe what a great match Macho had with Yokozuna. His method of planning out every spot works in some cases.

    I honestly think they should have just changed the title...I can see so many interesting directions WMX could have played out in.

  71. Maybe you see it all the time because your "edgy" jokes are just hacky and lazy? If you had some actual wit like, say, Chris Morris or Patton Oswalt, maybe all these sensitive types might not take issue with you. As I say, it's no big issue - I just explained my downvote because I think downvoting without putting forth an argument to back your opinion is cowardly. Continue as you were, chum.

  72. but the funny thing is: to this day most people don't see him as being on the same level as Austin or Rock.

  73. Because WCW dropped Bill from Goldberg's name.

  74. so that should/would mean that they dvds and bds would focus much more on "rare" matches (because the guys that want to own stuff as physical copies are even more likely to already own "the essentials")... but somehow I doubt that this will happen.

  75. case in point: the new WCW dvd. what a missed opportunity this is.

    it's called "greatest ppv matches" and yet still no Vader vs. Sting from SuperBrawl? wtf?!

  76. Test was massively over with the live crowd during that match, but my favorite moment is still the stooges run-in taking out the mean street posse and getting a massive pop.

  77. They were hardly around at the same time which is just strange when you think about it. Late 2000-early 2001 was the only time they all spent a significant amount of time on tv together.

  78. Dave Batista = Batista
    Bobby Lashley = Lashley
    The Aformentioned Bill Goldberg = Goldberg
    Canadian Earthquake = Earthquake

    If anything, it's a good sign because all of those guys did get huge pushes.

  79. YankeesHoganTripleHFanFebruary 15, 2014 at 7:04 AM

    Oh is THAT why I still only have the crappy VHS copy of the 3 Stages of Hell match?, (if you don't know which match I am talking about then you should probably reading the blog.) I thought maybe it was somehow Beniot's fault.

  80. Allow me to dissect your feeble points.

    - If you consider my - prepare for the quotation marks - "jokes" "edgy" then you obviously have never actually been to a pub or bar where real humans actually converse and you haven't been paying proper attention to this forum. This place isn't exactly "hardcore" and at times it's overly polite but it has its fair share of stupid humour bandied about, and very seldom does it deviate from "hacky" or "lazy".

    - Patton Oswalt is a god to sensitive bitch types so of course people like you will take umbrage to things I say. Everything Patton says is run through a PC filter and the only reason he hasn't been labelled as alternative is because he's *just* funny and irreverent enough; he's quite literally what Janeane Garofalo would be had she a pair of testicles.

    By now everything should be settled. Tomorrow night they'll play the second chapter of the INXS/Michael Hutchence story, so save your tears for that bad boy, friendo.

  81. Cesaro sounds awfully... I don't know, any antonym for "tough" or "powerful".

    Even the Jewish surname Goldberg sounds strong: it's a berg made of gold.

  82. I still find his failed "legend retirement pop" after the Lesnar match hilarious.

  83. They texted me. I'm start enough to sign up for text alerts from their company, but so dumb I need 17 explanations on how to get the network? And the way in using (Apple TV) isn't covered by any of their tutorials, anyway.

  84. Most CZW promos are: " GRARRBLEE RARR FUCK! RARRIULL BRAA KICK YOUR FUCKING ASS!! GRAAARRR FUCK!". They can never sort their mic/P.A levels out.

  85. YankeesHoganTripleHFanFebruary 15, 2014 at 7:11 AM

    Big Van = Vader

    Kane = The Undertaker, (which reminds me...I wonder if anyone ever met The Undertaker and had the balls to say, "so is it Mr. Undertaker or should I just be informal and call you The"

  86. You're assuming a lot about me from me giving a simple explanation to why I downvoted a joke of yours. It's kinda funny you're claiming I'm over-sensitive and crying when it's you whose resorting to name-calling and straw-man arguments. I'm sorry I upset you and I hope you have a wonderful day.

  87. For the promos alone, Austin-Regal would have been absolute gold. Not to mention the fact that Regal could have provided a fantastic series of matches for Austin.

  88. Still thought he should have done the Shamrock feud.

  89. Dammit Ellen Page. I don't care when we lose and Ellen Degeneras or Rosie O'Donnell but she was a hot one.

  90. WWE loves their one word names.

  91. YankeesHoganTripleHFanFebruary 15, 2014 at 7:23 AM

    Eh I moved on from her years ago. I'm all about Ariel Winter now.

  92. They started really slacking on the bio DVDs for a good while there, too. I used to buy most of the bios since they began doing them around 2005, but I stopped a few years ago when they started treating them like E! True Hollywood Story fluff pieces, barely cracking 60 minutes in length and telling me virtually nothing interesting about the talent being spotlighted.

    It got really bad around the Big Show (toothpaste sandwiches), Bobby Heenan (he was a manager! He was funny!), WCW and nWo releases. Luckily they have since rebounded with solid titles like Punk's, Foley's and Triple H's. Still haven't gotten around to the WWE 50th.

  93. You're wrong. I didn't assume a lot about you, I assumed very little and I'm certain I'm correct on it. Also, when my assumptions are correct there's no need to throw out a strawman, and any friendly jabs I toss in decorate my arguments quite nicely, if I say so myself. You didn't upset me, though! Why would I be upset when my beliefs are reaffirmed and I can confidently carry them? You take care out there, and don't get hurt.

  94. Rocky Maivia = The Rock

  95. Scott - star rating for Orton/Cesaro?

  96. Test and steph were a legit couple? I didn't know this...

  97. Better than being Boring Lance Storm... right? Or Rosey, the Super Hero in Training (S.H.I.T.... har har har). OK, 2003 Test was a miserable idea, but he got another big push in the revived ECW. Well, as big as a push you're going to get on the 3rd tier brand.

  98. As long as we're friends again. I'd say we should grab a beer to celebrate but clearly I don't do such things. I appreciate you can empathise with my incredible sensitivity, given a meagre comment about a joke you made led you on a long-and-winding dissection of my character and life. You have rumbled me, sir. And I'm so thin-skinned, I can not cope.

  99. Oh by the way people, "I don't generally downvote because I find it cowardly and reductive"; a guy who downvoted me has actually called a handful of others a bunch of pussies. At least he's honest!

  100. Another horrible one word named wrestler.

  101. I actually would share some beers with you because you've kept your chin up over this shitfest. You're Australian, right?

  102. It's brave to downvote people without having the conviction in your argument to back up your opinion? Sniping may be glamorous but it's not as invigorating as actually getting your hands dirty in a genuine tussle.

  103. Scott makes valid points but I think it's also the fact that they've released so many DVD's at this point that it's hard not to A) repeat matches B) put some crap matches in because you have hours to fill and you're trying not to repeat matches

  104. I'd argue it never happened. If he had been accepted on a Rock/Austin level the ratings would not have fallen as far as they did after they left.

  105. Precisely my point!

  106. The Undertaker never went by Kane on WWF TV.

  107. Haha, yes I am. This discussion is over now, right? I think I've used up all my sarcasm/passive aggression for the day!

  108. I remembered! Believe me, I don't care about what's actually said on here so long as there's brains behind it so that there's at least some challenge in retaliating against it. Have a good weekend!

  109. I wouldn't argue against that but I would say he was there once but couldn't sustain it.

  110. I just don't understand why we couldn't get Savage-Bret at Wrestlemania. IX or X would have been fine. I would've kept them both as faces too.

  111. YankeesHoganTripleHFanFebruary 15, 2014 at 7:43 AM

    Very briefly he did back in 90.

  112. Orton is just doing all these jobs so he can retain the title in the Elimination Chamber.

    50-50 BOOKING RULEZ.

  113. He did when DiBiase debuted him as his surprise tag team partner.

  114. IX would have been perfect and would have maybe prevented the Hogan hijacking

  115. NO!NO!NO!NO! This can't be happening.Ellen,you're my teenage crush!


  116. Test, along with many others at the time, had Russo as a big supporter. The moment Russo left, lots of guys lost their pushes and the pettiness we still see today began.

  117. I believe some house show matches

  118. I had no idea that Treena from TPB was a working actress.

    And now she's hot. And gay.

  119. Beating the champ clean, followed by losing a 6 man Elimination chamber match is not 50/50 at all. I just can't comprehend how people are complaining right now. Will Cesaro take Cena's spot in the next 6 months? Of course not. But would you prefer if Orton lost to Bryan, Sheamus and Cena, but beat Christian and Cesaro? How is this bad in any way?

  120. Atleast Austin and taker knew how to work differently and they had consistently different storylines for their feuds

  121. Yep, at least one Superstars squash match.

  122. TJ: USA-Russia is a GOOD game... I don't know if it plays on time-delay tonight, so no "spoilers"

  123. Few people have more disdain towards their fan base than Scott Keith does. He doesn't even hide it anymore.

  124. Russo left and it was well known HHH did not like test at the time. He resented his huge push with only a year in the business. Go back to a live MTV heat in 2000 and HHH just shoot buries poor test. He did a similar thing with Jericho.

  125. I know as a 27 year old man I'm not supposed to talk about a 16(?) year old girl like this but... DAMN. I was watching Modern Family last week and girl is STACKED. Like, I think they're bigger than Sofia Vergara's at this point.


    You're welcome

  127. Brian gerwitz and end koskey take exception. All their dumb ideas in 03

  128. Bad news Barrett needs to make a announcement for the Ellen Page reveal.

  129. I'm more surprised that people didn't know Ellen Page was gay

  130. That was released on one of the Steve Austin sets (Legacy of Stone Cold?).

  131. YankeesHoganTripleHFanFebruary 15, 2014 at 7:59 AM

    Not real impressed with the boob size but I am willing to overlook in light of the following facts.

    1. She is cute but not so cute that she will go around thinking she's all that

    2. Seem like mostly a good girl, but with just enough wild child in her to keep things interesting

    3. Messed up family life, so looking for a "white knight"- see below- to treat her well.

    4.Dated an 18 year old when she was 14 so likes older guys.

    5. Hasn't been wrecked by beiber, (looking at you Selena)

    6....and this last one is important. Co starred in the Chaperone with Triple H, which means I might be able to score tickets to Wrestlemania out of the deal.

  132. Austin/Undertaker had 11 PPV matches in any form from 1997-2002 (Austin 4-3 in singles matches).

    Orton/Cena have had 18 PPV matches in any form from 2007-Current (Orton 5-4 in singles matches). Elimination Chamber will be #19. I'd say that's a bigger joke.


  133. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    In my defense I just started watching the show last year, so I didn't watch her grow up like the rest of you perverts.

    For shame... for shame...

  134. I don't blame him. He's totally justified.

  135. She's hit her plateau as a chubby-faced teenager.

    I hate to disappoint you all, but she's just not sexy to me. Big tits is not the be all, end all.

  136. Or he could not. That'd also be good.

  137. Rambling drunk bar stories typically make more sense and are more entertaining.

  138. Just out of interest how do you see shortening his name making sense just because he may be in line for a push?

  139. DiBiase did NOT call him Kane the Undertaker.

  140. The lack of flannel threw everyone off the trail.

  141. I'm pretty sure WWE edits out the "Kane" part nowadays.

  142. I thought I was clear: I'm complaining because Orton is doing all these jobs because he's going to retail the title at Elinination Chamber. It's bad because Orton doing a million meaningless non-title jobs isn't changing the course of WrestMania XXX.

  143. Is Barrett still on TV? His stuff doesn't make the hulu cut of Raw of he is.

  144. I thought Jarrett was supposed to be a mini-feud for Austin. He came out and stunned him a couple of times and that was it, supposedly due to Austin holding a grudge over Jarrett/Debra's relationship.

    Nobody gave a shit about HHH after he turned on DX and he turned into a generic heel. It took a lot of effort to get him over, which he got because they wanted to get him over...isn't the "I am the game" sit-down interview with JR considered the point where he got over? Just prior to Summerslam.

    I think Test was a victim of the soap opera/wrestling combination that the Attitude Era was. As a character his storyline with Stephanie made sense, but once it reached it's climax, then what? Wrestling wise he wasn't ready to go to that next level and he might have been someone they just didn't see ever reaching that level....besides, to get a heel over you have to sacrifice some faces along the way.

  145. Kevin Kelly said Austin hated Jarrett going back to his Tennessee days, so he had no real chance anyway.

  146. Dibiase just called him The Undertaker at SurSer. There's footage of a couple of earlier matches where he was announced as Cain though.

  147. I for one am not disappointed by anyone not being sexy to you.

  148. Test was over due to the Stephanie storyline, Jericho was over the minute he walked out on Raw, and they were desperately trying to get Triple H over at the same time. That probably explains his attitude towards them at the time.

  149. Lily is the hottest Modern Family cast member.

  150. I thought Undertaker/Test was their last chance to make Test if that's what they wanted.

  151. I'm pretty sure I watched that ppv live and DiBiase DID NOT CALL HIM KANE.

  152. Ellen Page was already awesome (helped by the fact that Kitty Pryde was my favorite female superhero back in my youth. Excalibur ruled!), and now shes inspiring and courageous too. Very powerful and emotional speech.

    I'm hoping for ROBOFLOP too! What a waste of time.

  153. That Hogan guy wasn't a star until they dropped the Hulk from his name.

  154. I guess my "glass half full" vision is that Orton has had a streak of 3 to 4 star matches twice a week on free TV. He's really stepped up his game lately. That's all I care about really, I'll worry about WM 30 when we get there.

  155. Vader is a good one too yep.

  156. Cena and Orton keep having the same *** match that nobody wants to see. Like have you seriously ever been like, "OOOH, Cena v. Orton! HERE'S MY MONEY WWE!" Cause I haven't.

  157. I'm sorry, I must be thinking of a different match where they called him Kane.

  158. Guaranteed it happened at least once. Because when Paul Bearer first talked about a "little boy called Kane" in 1997, I thought he meant the Undertaker.

  159. What about the other 3 matches with Bryan, Christian and Cesaro? Do those 3 matches get cancelled out because you didn't wanna watch Cena/Orton? Sorry, I just can't get with that negative attitude.

  160. He was on last night with a newer podium.

  161. I could watch Orton/Cesaro every day. Crisp, clean, and no caffeine.

  162. Same with Bryan/Cesaro.

  163. I cannot compute any of this information. Back to House of Cards I go.

  164. It's very interesting thus far.

  165. It was at least ****1/4, for sure.

  166. Who's Lily? I haven't seen it in a couple of years.

  167. Also, they aren't showing it in primetime. Short track speed skating and men's skeleton final.

  168. It did happen once on Superstars (found the video on Youtube) but DiBiase never called him that and by the Rumble (probably before that) he was back to being The Undertaker.

  169. The gay couple's daughter. The Asian

  170. Yeah I just caugt that.

    God forbid they just get him over by having beat wrestlers in a wrestling ring though.

  171. Yeah, shit just got real; cannot compute what I just watched in that show either.

  172. Cesaro looks really good in that match, the spot where he get back on his feet after orton reverse the neutralizer was awesome, i didn't expected such agility from him. It's good to see how much he has grown on the audience in the last few month, and on smackdown he looked like a futur main eventer.

  173. I'll go further and say its the worst wrestling name I've ever heard. Some of the computer-generated ones are bad, but if you suffered a bad blow to the head it might make sense, but TEST? Ugh

  174. The oldest daughter is hot too. What a show!

  175. Nothing like the losing streak gimmick for the world champion. Ps this further proves Randal is winning the chamber.

  176. I don't think it'd be that hard to avoid repeat matches. It's just that they only look at the big four ppv's and the same ten or so performers that they always use.

  177. You know who's hot? Ellen Page. I wonder if I'm her type?

  178. The girl came out on SNL six years ago. I don't get the shock.

  179. I went to rifftrax live for Night of Living Dead and it was hilarious.

  180. Simpler is often better. YA KNOW there are fans out there who can't remember more than one word names, or sit around going "He should just go by Tony like a REAL MURICAN dangit." so like I said, I kinda see a certain logic to it...but then of course it's undercut by WWE saying "We assume ALL you knuckledraggers are like this."

  181. Rosie O'Donnell could scare a lesbian straight.

  182. To his credit 98 was void of main eventers, their were so few. Also I woulda killed for a Bret v Austin (as champ) match in 98.

  183. HHH wasn't treated as the reason everyone tuned into the show. He was a guy getting a main event push, the top heel. Considering that Jericho was getting face pops despite being a heel, I'd say Trips was the best choice for that role.

  184. He got another push in the new ECW in 2006/7 and had some horrible title matches against Lashley too, I seem to remember.

  185. Who the fuck downvoted this? lol Makes perfect sense.

  186. Jericho was more over after a five-minute heel promo than HHH was after a five-month huge heel push.

  187. Austin vs a motivated Vader would have been really good i reckon, but by the time Austin was on top, Vader was on his way out.

  188. Until that point, I didn't see why he was being shoved down our throats, but something just *clicked* during that wedding segment and I thought "OK, THIS guy I can see as a top villain."

  189. Test/Shane is a serious contender for WWF MOTY in 1999, I think only the Hardys/E & C ladder match and Rock/Austin at Backlash come close, IMO.

  190. like i said, i wasnt one to feel like he was being shoved down our throats, but the way you put it about something "just clicking" is spot on

    for whatever reason, the way he said, "DAD!" to vince just nailed it for me

  191. Exactly. That'd be like having Randy Savage and Elizabeth with the world title on the old 2 VHS tape box set of WrestleMania IV.

  192. The Best Of WWE on DVD! (with bonus 2 hours of Steve Lombardi talking heads compilation)

  193. White knighting assumes the downvoters have an angle to play and believe they're going to get anything out of this. You getting angry people don't find you funny isn't a case of white knighting. Your joke was basically a "I'm not racist, but..." attempt at humor.

  194. Triple H wasn't really over until after Royal Rumble 2000.

  195. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomeryFebruary 15, 2014 at 12:50 PM

    I hate the "throw in two random people to give the background of the wrestler and angles" stuff more, like Matt Striker and fucking Maria of all people hosting the Macho Man DVD.

  196. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomeryFebruary 15, 2014 at 12:52 PM


  197. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomeryFebruary 15, 2014 at 12:52 PM

    WIll they be re-airing it on NBCSN in the afternoon as the hockey Game of the Day?

  198. I think it is lost on everyone how bad T & A were.


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