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Cucch's Book Review: Missy Hyatt: First Lady Of Wrestling.

Seeing that cover alone made me want to just purely despise this book...I was surprised, to say the least.

I became a pro wrestling fan in winter of 1989. I remember watching the Viewer's Choice PPV teasers, and the trailer for Survivor Series 89 made an impression on me. I loved watching all the pre taped promos from Roddy's Rowdies, Rude's Brood, the Hulkamaniacs, the Million Dollar Team...the shit just seemed so surreal and so COOL to this 9 year old. In particular, a hulking black menace with a lazy eye named Zeus really caught this youngster's attention. I had no clue, back then, of what a good worker was, who was a good hand and who was clearly an actor posing as a wrestler...all I knew then was that Zeus was SCARY AS FUCK, no more no less. And if Hulk Hogan's offense could not slow him down, then by God, who could stop the man? All of that concern was set to rest a month later, when the WWF broadcast, on PPV, No Holds Barred: The Movie, The Match. Hulk vanquished his large lazy eyed black foe (who bears an uncanny resemblance to Deebo from Friday...) with three crushing bodyslams and a thunderous leg drop.

From that point until now, I was hooked. Of all things, it was Zeus that hooked me on pro wrestling. Sad to say.

Now some of you are probably wondering (hell, most): "What the fuck does this little rant have to do about Missy Hyatt?" Fair enough. I appreciate that you allowed me to indulge myself in that opening paragraph. Well, here it is. Most people my age, who discovered the phenomena known as Pro Wrestling around the same time, list a few seminal events that set off their perpetual slavish devotion to the pseudo sport we have come to know, love, hate, revile, and mock. Zeus was mine. About a month after the No Holds Barred Tag Match, we were treated to the epic criss cross of death between Hogan and the Ultimate Warrior at the Royal Rumble 1990, from Orlando, Florida. Right around those two events, the NWA, by then more or less WCW, was advertising a Clash of the Champions event, to be broadcast on TBS. I had no idea who the players in the main event were, besides Ric Flair and Sting. Even fans with the most rudimentary understanding of the mat wars were familiar with those two. As an added caveat, the Horsemen's match with Gary Hart's J-Tex group would be contested inside a steel cage. After being mesmerized (did not take me much back then) by the "spectacle" that was the No Holds Barred match (which, in hindsight, is just Randy Savage carrying three dudes on his back) was likewise a cage match. I was all in.

Now, the match, and the pre-match angle that saw the Horsemen kick Sting out of the group, remains the stuff of legend. I picked a hell of a Clash to be my first endeavor into WCW. The night progressed, Sting blew out his ACL, yadda yadda yada. We all know the story. But that event was what introduced me to WCW, and with the WWF running the Hogan-Warrior bulidup to Mania 6, you knew this nine year old was hooked and fucked for life. So I started watching everything available to me...and with WWF Superstars, Wrestling Challenge, Prime Time, as well as WCW Saturday Night and Main Event on Sundays (Captain Planet y'all), that pretty much monopolized my non-homework time.

Which brings me to Missy Hyatt...finally.

Missy was this wrestling fans' first crush...back in the early 90's, she was beyond gorgeous to a young boy who had yet to come of age. At the time I started watching WCW, she was involved with Jason Hervey of "The Wonder Years" fame. In 1990-91, he was very much at the pinnacle of his career, pre-Eric Bischoff, pre-"Scott Baio is 45 and Single". Most male fans of the era cite Miss Elizabeth as their first pro-wrestling crush, and I would be hard pressed not to mention her striptease at Summer Slam 1988 as one of those coming of age moments for a generation of young, horny wrestling fans. But Missy was something else entirely. Whereas Elizabeth was, more or less, a chaste, fairly innocent figure who played Yang to hubby Macho Man's Yin, Missy was more or less just a total tramp. With huge tits.

Missy's book does nothing to dissipate the rumors that have surrounded her throughout the years. Written in 2001, she is remarkably candid about who she blew and worked with over the years. As a teenage fan, she was infatuated with Tommy Rich, to the point where she and an Atlanta territory fan named "Cheryl", who I can only imagine to be the future Cheryl Roberts of future WWF fame, attended a live event together. They arrived for the event far too early and encountered the Georgian booker of the time...who remains unnamed. Missy was smitten at that point by Tommy Rich. Now, Missy, real name Melissa Hiatt, is, in case you have not noticed, a fairly attractive woman. Especially in those pre-collagen, pre-botox days. The booker made sure Missy was front row for "Wildfire's" match. The long and short of it, according to Ms. Hyatt...she gave him road head.

Thus begins one of the most glorious and enjoyable trainwrecks of a book I have ever read.

Missy was involved (read: FUCKED) many wrestlers over the years, and she names names here. From Tommy Rich, it was Jake Roberts (who she describes as...well...odd), Road Warrior Hawk, "Hollywood" John Tatum...who was the man who got Missy into the business, and is possibly one of the worst workers of all time. Seriously, I was on a recent Global binge with ESPN Classic running marathon showings lately...and the man just flat out had NOTHING in ring. Or out of the ring. That is where Missy was supposed to come through. Early on in the dying days of the territories, Missy became John's mouthpiece. Talk about putting lipstick on a pig. But Missy was something different, a hit with fans, and her schtick went down like a fine wine with them. But, for her, something wasn't right. She was John Tatum's sidepiece, but she was clearly above him. Her territory was soon turfed during the 80's Vince McMahon takeover...and none other than Vince himself extended an offer to Missy that she clearly could not refuse.

That offer was for Missy Hyatt to take over the segment that was Piper's Pit, in the form of Missy's Manor. Large shows (and Kilts) to fill. Piper had just departed WWF to star in such critical hits as "They Live" and "Hell Comes to Frogtown." So he had his plate full. "Missy's Manor" was slated to be the replacement for Piper's now legendary segment, but it bombed the first night out, as the Missy character was completely narcissistic and never should have been the WWF's plan for her...Missy was all about Missy, and for her to be trot out week after week as an interviewer when the character remained the clear focus was just counter productive. Both Vince and Missy realized this, and when Vince turfed Missy's Manor to, instead, have Missy become the head "Federette", or ring girl, she went back to the love of her life, Eddie Gilbert, who was a partial booker in the recently bought out by JCP UWF promotion.

From there, Missy was made color commentator of the product, with legend Jim Ross as the blow by blow guy. (Resisting...urge...blow...Missy joke...done). While there, Missy was on the outs in her relationship with Gilbert, which she confirms in having a one night stand with, of all people, Dr. Tom Prichard. I cannot accurately describe that hot garbage, so let us move on. Missy did. On. And down.

More or less, this book is a total kiss and tell memoir...Missy throws a veritable promotion under the bus as men who have laid under her. Her next experiences were with a man many years her junior, Marcus Bagwell, Bill Fralic (Studd the Dud, for Mania 2 wonks), as well as some well known hockey players. But chief among these was Jason Hervey. I always thought this relationship was a work...but Missy confirms that it wasn't. And she all but says it was more or less about the money turning her on more than anything the diminutive Hervey could offer. As I said earlier, what this book lacks in either depth or moral compass, it makes up for in the total TMZ factor. 

From there, and we are talking about page 135 out of less than 200, Missy quickly conveys her ECW experience, where, I think most of us watching the problem at that point can attest, Missy was just bombed out of her mind. Watch her eyes during her angles in ECW...nothing there but, maybe, lust. She conveys a story about how Lori Fullington, Sandman's wife, treated her like royalty when the red light was off, but when push came to shove in ring, she just stiffed the ever loving fuck out of Missy. Sounds about right. Although this book is written in 2001, there are no mentions as to the WrestlingVixxxens website...just to Missy begging Vince McMahon for a job in 1997, being rebuffed, which led to Missy going back to school. The entire ending of the book, knowing what we know now, over a decade later, is utter horse flop. But don't let it take away from the rest of the work: Missy Hyatt's book is the equivalent to picking up that National Enquirer gimmick when in line waiting to check out at the Grocery know it is likely 95% bullshit, but it is 100% entertaining. That is the best way I can describe Missy's book...only with less BS than an Enquirer article.


  1. I liked this book a lot actually. The Missy's Manor saga is pretty interesting, and her stories about Jason Hervey, Ted Turner and his "JC Penny suits" and Marcus Bagwell were all funny too. Oh and the running jokes about Eric Watts are pretty enjoyably mean spirited lol.

  2. Disqus is starting to disqust me.

  3. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomeryFebruary 6, 2014 at 10:59 PM

    I was going to say something snarky about the cover, but then someone showed me a topless Miley Cyrus photo, and all of a sudden, this cover looks a lot better.

  4. I don't know how anyone finds her attractive.


    This will never get old to me. Such a random hobby (each their own) and her actually justifying it to the BoD.

  6. It's really sad that the only reason Joe's main eventing a PPV again is because there's literally nobody else left in the company.

  7. What gets forgotten is that Bret showing up absolutely seemed possible at the time. It was just a week or so earlier that posted a photo of Bret and Vince shaking hands after agreeing to a deal on Bret's DVD set. I know after seeing that pic, I honestly believed the Hitman was coming out when his music hit. Still, the pop for his music might be among the loudest ever, and certainly has to be #1 for a wrestler who wasn't even there. What a moment it was.

    And I have to say, the difference between watching this again and seeing how Orton, Batista and HHH react to hostile crowds today is stunning. HBK knew he was going to get killed and he owned it and made it incredible. The Evo-3 just seem to prefer mocking their audience for the sake of it, instead of using the heat to create something great. HHH's post-Rumble baby voice, "oh, you didn't get what you wanted," promo comes instantly to mind.

  8. No way he could be considered to be worse than Tony Gates, Pedro Morales, or Stan Frazier

  9. I'm somewhere in the crowd! Was on holiday in Quebec and Ontario for three weeks and found out after I''d booked it that the Fed were in town. The heat for HBK was just off the scale. If my memory isn't playing tricks, Hogan appeared on this show to a massive face pop.

  10. I know HBK said he felt uncomfortable playing a heel after he found god but you can't tell me he wasn't enjoying this. Just awesome

  11. I loved the Superstars or RAW following that PPV. It had this Japanese dubbing with subtitles telling the events of the title match. And then right at the very end of it, when it got to the finish and says "Lex Luger...!", all of a sudden, Cornette's voice pipes up in clear English shouts, "BLEW IT! HE BLEW IT!" and then it cuts to an interview with him, Fuji, and Yoko.

    I laughed so hard when I saw that and it was then that I realized what an idiotic move it was not to give him the title. But at the same time, it was worth it for that moment.

  12. I think the smarks' awareness of his toughness started coming out around the Monday Night War period, when he was Meng in WCW.

  13. He seems pretty quiet so I'm not sure how much he'd say but they should definitely do a shoot where people just tell all their crazy Haku stories

  14. Caliber_Winfield_SidiousFebruary 7, 2014 at 2:50 AM

    Amen, brother. She was worth while back when she had a bit of weight on her and had the long brunette hair. But now? She looks like Vanilla Ice from 1991. Someone tried to tell me she was hot because of her "million dollar legs", to which I had to respond were attached to a 10 cent ass.

    Can't Be Tamed video? Hot.
    Wrecking Ball video? My boner and I didn't talk for weeks after I saw that!

  15. Weekly World News was the best.

  16. Caliber_Winfield_SidiousFebruary 7, 2014 at 3:24 AM

    Yes! That was the name. My friends and I always called it the National Enquirer for some reason. I want to think it was a subsidiary.

    It even got it's own TV show on USA in the 90s.

  17. If they didnt't want a Luger vs Bret Hart Match at Wrestlemania (which was my favourite main event) they could have made a Luger vs Yokozuna rematch at Survivor Series or Royal Rumble where Yoko wins the belt back.

  18. You could have started the review with 'Missy was this wrestling fans' first crush...' and still achieved exactly the same. The first six paragraphs are redundant.

  19. and I think it's cool that Missy seems to be handling her "reputation" that open.

  20. TNA spent too much time building up and turning Magnus to have him lose the title now, so his reign is gonna be lengthy. I just wonder if they're planning Joe's role as a months-long title chase, or is he just the contender of the month?

  21. LOL I remember that! And I didn't have PPV access at the time, so I had no idea who had won! Great "rick-roll"! :)

  22. Lol batboy was always my favorite!

  23. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonFebruary 7, 2014 at 6:18 AM

    Is this the book where Nash said, ":I'm the only person in wrestling Missy hasn't slept with."?

  24. I wonder if the workers today are running train on the divas like they were with hyatt?

  25. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonFebruary 7, 2014 at 6:19 AM

    According to "Men in Black" those stories were real.

  26. Sounds like lex is begging for the hof.

  27. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonFebruary 7, 2014 at 6:21 AM

    Miley has the body of a young Vietnamese boy.

  28. I hated that summer slam finish that was def lexs time to win the strap, he had zero momentum at wm x.

  29. they played a lot with this possibility during that feud. remember that during Hogan/Michaels at SummerSlam when the ref goes down Michaels puts Hogan in the sharpshooter (and I must admit, at that moment I really thought that Hart would come out to interfer in the match).

  30. And your a boder why? Reality check we question booking decisions from yeats past on a daily basis bub.

  31. No, it was obnoxious here in the states too.

  32. btw: I think that if this would take place in 2014 half the crowd would still rabidly cheer Michaels (well, maybe not in Montreal. but at least in most other cities).

  33. I still found it reprehensible how he over the top bumped in that match. That and his promo the next night are some of the most unprofessional nonsense to happen in wrestling. My .02.

  34. Dickhead promo he cut the night after that exposed the business. You can find Jesus, but once an asshole always an asshole.

  35. Angle, Aries, Storm, Abyss, Gunner, Roode, Bully, Sabin, EC III, Richards, Edwards, MVP, Jeff Hardy, Anderson,.....

  36. Did you just the whole company?

  37. No, just the viable guys that could face Magnus for the belt.

  38. Agreed. I always thought that was a great touch.

  39. Yeah, I'm a big Hart fan, too, but he does think very highly of himself. Normally I'm all about guys who carry themselves with a large amount of swagger, but Bret gets too sappy about it.

  40. Dude...your intro to wrestling is almost EXACTLY the same as mine was. Started watching in mid-1989 (my earliest wrestling memory is wondering how Summerslam '89 turned out, in particular if Warrior beat Rude). I remember being glued to my screen watchign Clash IX from Troy, NY. I kinda knew who a bunch of them were, in particular Flair & Sting, but mostly I knew this was the alternative to WWF so I wanted to get caught up with them. I was 9 years old as well.

  41. South Park already remade the fight scene at least, which to me was the best part of the movie. CRIPPLE FIGHT!

  42. I also started watching wrestling around that same. I was in second grade in 89/90 and jumped in with wcwsn and the Saturday am WWF shows. Plus I started taping prime time. I was hooked hard by fall of 89!

  43. Lol dude I read superheads book. Its hysterical.

  44. Lol oh man that shit was the greatest

  45. Hahahaha man I almost forgot about that.

    BTW what a typical glib female remark the whole "yeah I just dress like the Nazi nurses because the uniforms are hotter" lol that just kind of reminds me something my gf or other female friends might say to justify something dumb

  46. Those were the glory days, where flipping around on ESPN and other channels you could catch AWA, WCCW (dying as they both were), then USWA and even GWF for a hot minute. I knew about the Ebony Experience, Handsome Stranger, Jarrett, and the Lightning Kid all before they crossed over.

  47. That was me. I steadfastly maintain miley is hot.

  48. I'm ready to fight it outside.

  49. Yeah! I loved watching the gwf. That was a promotion that was so much fun to watch. Plus catcus jack was in it. I hated the patriot though for some reason. 89-92 will always be like the glory days of wrestling to me.

  50. Missy was awesome and was really the precursor to the divas and valets of today. Miss Elizabeth had that sweet classy charisma and has never been duplicated but really you could say anyone from sunny on to the fandango girl are doing missys act in the same way guys doing heel work ape flair. Im glad she had such a crazy run and made it out okay. Also if the wwe hof was really legit Missy would deserve to go in long before stacy keibler.

  51. Yeah, I don't really see the problem with Tatum, either. He wasn't great, but always seemed like a solid enough hand. He certainly had enough charisma to justify his spot in WCCW and later in Mid-South/UWF.

  52. Serious question, who is Tony Gates? Is that an auto-correct from Tony Garea?

  53. The show was fun. It was on in a block with Duckman.

  54. Something about top guys shitting on Canadian crowds...finally The Rock has come back to run his mouth all over your candy asses!

  55. Saying "he's not here and he's not coming back?" or something to that effect exposed the business?

  56. I vaguely remember that Hade guy, thought it was in September not December.

  57. Was this during WWE's dress code period? Because I remember around this time Michaels used to wear a suit quite frequently during his promos, and it really had nothing to do with his character.

  58. I may be the only person who felt this way, but I was PISSED when I never got to see Porky perform in WWE's Juniors Division. WE WERE ROBBED!

  59. So many dead weight guy from the WWE/ECW era, and no mention of Kazarny?

  60. TJ, now Disqus is only showing 20 comments at a time, why is it getting smaller.

  61. Someone mentioned it in the timeline review but Luger should get into the HOF at some point. He's definitely worthy.

    Weren't they saying Sting was a lock for the HOF like 3 weeks ago?

  62. It stopped doing steroids

  63. You should know about Vince and his ever changing mind.

  64. What possible reason could Mr. T have for turning down the Hall of Fame? His involvement in the WWF probably extended his 15 minutes of fame by about a year.

  65. No, then they would be in dying ECW trouble.

  66. Caliber_Winfield_SidiousFebruary 7, 2014 at 8:25 AM

    No kidding, especially considering he showed up with Hogan in WCW when he was at the lowest point in his career, and at least 5-10 years before nostalgia kicks in and you're famous again.


    Kinda funny he took the wwe HOF so seriously

  68. All depends on if McMahon has forgiven him.

    Fun fact: I saw Lex's 2nd last ever WWF match, 48 hours before he appeared on Nitro. Yay me!

  69. Caliber_Winfield_SidiousFebruary 7, 2014 at 8:27 AM

    I got too many windows open, and my old ass computer will punch me in the neck if I try and open another.

    What was his reason?

  70. Caliber_Winfield_SidiousFebruary 7, 2014 at 8:28 AM

    I've seen Superhead do her thing, and I gotta tell you, I've seen better.

  71. Caliber_Winfield_SidiousFebruary 7, 2014 at 8:29 AM

    The one thing I remember from Duckman was the character with two heads, and one episode one was complaining about being thirsty and the other about having to go to the bathroom and Duckman just screams at'em "Well, you idiots can solve each others problems, shut up!"

  72. Last I heard Sting and McMahon were still negotiating a deal.

  73. It's like the typical female "I like (insert sports team here) because they have pretty uniforms" line.

  74. Well he's not wrong about it being a freak show. He forgot to mention LT though.

  75. Hell No. There's a reason Edge and Punk are considered the way they are.

  76. Lex is currently a WWE employee, so things have apparently been forgiven to at least some degree.

  77. He was insulted by Pete Rose going into the WWE HOF.

  78. Who ever invented the list articles where you have to open a new page for each entry on that list, should be dragged out into the street, soaked in gasoline, strung up to the top of a flag pole and burned alive for everyone to see.

  79. Nah, that's looking ahead to when TNA signs Antonio Gates after he retires from football...

  80. Who will induct Lita,Edge maybe?

  81. Probably the biggest reason, aside from it just being terrible, I hate and refuse to visit bleacher report. They didn't invent it but they sure popularized it it seems.

  82. Yeah, that guy is worse than hitler.

  83. He is?? I had no idea he had anything to do with WWE since 1995. Interesting. What does he do?

  84. Luger is so anti-pro wrestling at this point - no way he ever even gets asked.

  85. Well the reason is obvious. And is it really that big of a deal? More hits = more money for them. It's how the world works.

  86. Are we adding Lita to the Hall of Fame or her boobs? Because I'd be in favor of her boobs returning.


  87. Matt Hardy would be perfect.

  88. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonFebruary 7, 2014 at 8:38 AM

    Hi Missy!!

  89. Buzzfeed is annoying but it's on one page and they crush everyone when it comes to page views & online advertising.

    The slideshow is quickly becoming a relic, especially with the increase in mobile traffic.

  90. Cant argue Luger.

    Him, Sting, Steiner Bros. VADER. The list goes on and on

  91. He's involved with their wellness policy. I don't know the details. He counsels wrestlers on nutrition, wellness, exercise, etc.

  92. Yup I obviously wasn't over exaggerating as a goof.

  93. There are tons of guys I thought wouldnt get in for whatever reason that are in or going in. When they need a name, they'll throw lots of money at him and he'll go in. Bruno was pretty anti everything Vince for years attend he's in.

  94. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonFebruary 7, 2014 at 8:40 AM

    I was not impressed either, but how it LOOKS versus how it FELT is two different things,

  95. Gee is it? Thanks for literally answering a joke.

  96. Caliber_Winfield_SidiousFebruary 7, 2014 at 8:41 AM

    What? That's insane. Why the hell does he care? Honestly, I was far more entertained by Pete Rose's involvement with wrestling than Mr. T's. Especially since he's responsible for the second worst reffing job in history.

  97. We'll if Stacy was brought up yesterday for the HOF(fucking seriously) cause of her amazing ass, than Lita's boobs I guess would get consideration.

    I dont think I would really have a problem with Lita going in. She is The Rock to Trish being Stone Cold, if that makes sense. No argument that she wasent the #2 womens wrestler for the company for the last 10-15 years

  98. That's racist. Theres been other African American performers in the wwe than two bad stereotypes of a thug.

  99. They sold her stuff to the fans when she retired.

  100. Caliber_Winfield_SidiousFebruary 7, 2014 at 8:43 AM

    Nothing better than when you simply air a grievance and people get all butthurt about it, huh?

    Thanks for the heads up. I was gonna go check out the list, but I fucking despise lists like that, and with my old-ass computer, a script heavy site like WWE bogs my shit down.

  101. Wow, it's still real to Mr. T, fool.

    I guess he didn't like the payout Vince offered him? Quick, someone send Triple H in to negotiate a deal!

  102. The rasslin' ladies of the 80s have aged poorly

  103. More unprofessional than Hogan using his creative control to turn a multi-PPV series into a single Summerslam match where he went over?

  104. Oddly enough, I watched both this and The Rock's magnificent Toronto promo last night. Jesus, these two should be Heel 101 for all wrestlers. These audiences, while in on the fun, wanted to kill Shawn and Rock dead.

  105. He only did it so he could go around the locker-room asking $10 each for the warning.

  106. Michaels quit because he got fat?

  107. Oh thank god, someone else remembered it. For some reason, I was starting to feel crazy when describing it.

  108. He's not saying Luger was better or more over, he's saying he was the number one regular in the number one promotion. Austin was upper mid card at that point.

  109. To what end?
    I mean, if that's your thing, that's awesome, truly. But I personally don't even care about what clothing I wore or who my classmates were or who was sitting in congress 20 years ago. It was twenty years ago man...that's a generation ago...does it matter anymore? Maybe I'm just old...

  110. "Hey Lex, tell us about 1993."
    "Oh 93 was cool man. New company, 2 new gimmicks. It rocked. "
    "How did you feel about diesel coming in?"
    "Yeah that was cool, he was a cool guy."
    "Hey how come X wasn't champ back then?"
    "Uh...I dunno? Ask the boss or something man..."

  111. Hope you are enjoying it. Thanks for listening.

    And yes, I remember the raw vividly, when he showed up in the biker outfit and beat the piss out of a bunch of guys.

  112. What does anything matter outside life-and-death issues? It's just a discussion, a discussion that fits in perfectly with the topic of the blog post.

  113. Michael Landsberg. And yes, I agree- he was a great interviewer, and not afraid to ask tough questions of people. The Wrestling interviews he did were always must-see stuff.

  114. Haku's toughness is like Andre's drinking and size- it seems to get exaggerated more with each telling. I think one or two guys told the story of Haku fighting off cops, and the number of cops increased exponentially over the years.

  115. Yeah, it's too bad, but at the time he was one of the worst workers in either company, so I don't think it would have mattered. Look at how the smarks treat CENA, and he's Captain Charity.

  116. Well, he was a Hogan Wannabe for too long, which hurt him. He never got a big run in the WWF or WCW after a point, as he either biffed his world title shot or lost it within a week. Then Miss Elizabeth died in his house because they were doing drugs. So his legacy is pretty much tarnished, and his career can be summed up as "failed Main Eventer". It kind of hurts him.

  117. I've heard that Vince was trying to ape WCW's success with Vader, but Vince tended to ignore what was going on there, so who knows?

  118. Yeah, I remember being ASTONISHED at school the next day when someone told me "that sumo wrestler guy" had won. He was barely on TV and had only beaten a single "named" guy (Virgil)!


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