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Cucch's Random Column of the Evening: Ranking the 24 Season Finales.

Most people who follow me on facebook know three undeniable things about me. One is that I am a diehard Yankees fan. Second is that I am a rabid wrestling fan. These first two facts obviously net me a gross amount of groupie love from all the pretty females patrolling social media. The third thing is that, in the last year or so, I have become reacquainted with all things 24, almost to the point of unnatural obsession. You see, as 2012 turned to 2013, the Audience network offered by DirecTV started airing marathon blocks of the show, chronologically beginning with season one. Every Tuesday night, they would show four straight episodes of whatever season they were airing in a row, with the only commercial coming in between episodes. So for my then unemployed ass, Tuesday nights, 8pm to 11pm became a sort of appointment for appointment that I could not break, much like Jack Bauer's word, because those 3 hour blocks became one of the more effective forms of therapy for this recovering. Over the course of the last year plus, I have painstakingly combed through the 24 archives, procuring every season on DVD and watching them ad nausem. And with 24: Live Another Day right around the corner (premieres May 5th), I figured now was as good a time as any to try to stoke any old flames past fans like myself had for the actually reignite them, to build towards a fever pitch. To remember what made the show so great in the first place. And I cannot think of a better way to do that than to rank the Season finales of the show. So lets get at it and proceed.

And if you are not down with that...blame the Audience Network.

Not Rated: 24: Redemption: 24: Redemption was a two hour mini movie that basically tried to describe Jack's journey from Season Six, where he more or less is a wanted man in his own country due to some of his interrogation tactics, to Season Seven, where he faces a Senate Grand Jury for those questionable torture techniques. As it is only a 2 hour mini movie of a series that generally spans 24 forty minute episodes, you can not hold any of this up to the other 8 Season Finales.

8: Season 7: Let's get one thing perfectly clear: Season 7 of 24 sucked. It was undeniably the worst season the show ever produced. So it stands to reason that the finale of Season 7 was the worst of the lot. The episode begins well enough, as Jack is trying to escape Evil Soul Patch Tony from submitting him to the Prion Cabal as a human guinea pig. Tony captures a weakened  and diseased Jack, but reveals his evil plot is just to gain revenge against the man, Alan Wilson, who was responsible for his wife's death. The portion where Tony actually gets hold of Wilson is just incredibly hokey for 24 standards, as Tony tells him that the reason he has turned to the darkside, the reason he has taken such amazing character jumps from the Tony Almeida most fans knew and adored, was the hackneyed plot device that when Michelle was killed, she was pregnant with Tony's child. Gag. Now, that all happens within about the first 15 minutes of the episode. The remaining 45 deal with the lame First Family saga and Jack embracing death. The Taylor Family nonsense is pure hot garbage, as they are easily three of the worst characters the series has ever seen. No need for them dominating the finale, especially when the Jack and Kim parts are just so emotionally powerful. A total airball by the writers here. Blame the writers' strike of 2009, I guess.

7: Season 6: Most 24 fans malign Season 6. I am not one of them. Was it their strongest season? No. Was the Bauer family saga a little forced? Certainly. But, for the most part, the season was fairly good, with a strong heel in Abu Fayed. The problem was, Fayed was killed almost 7 hours before the final act. The end heel ends up being Jack's father, Phillip Bauer, and the main bargaining chip of the last episode proves to be one of my least favorite 24 characters ever, Josh Bauer, Jack's nephew. Add into the fact that Ricky "Silver Spoons" Schoreder was the prime CTU badass in charge of supervising the exchange...which he fucks up royally, of course...and it just came off as flat, even with the spectacular F-15 bombing of Phillip Bauer's oil rig. What saves this from dead last is one thing: the very end. Jack's confrontation of Richard Heller, in regards to seeing Audrey, was outstanding. The ending with Jack, after realizing what Heller was telling him was true, after letting go of Audrey and his past life, was amazing. Jack standing on Heller's estate, with him symbolically throwing his gun into the ocean, with a pained, saddened look on his face, let you know just how damaged the Jack Bauer psyche was. And with good cause.

6: Season 1: SACRILEGE! I am sure many of you are saying that right now. Fact is, as good as Season One's finale just doesn't hold up. Teri dies, we know that. Nina is exposed as the mole and traitor. Don't get me is great television...especially when Jack just ups and mercs the fuck out of an unarmed Victor Drazen. As good as it was, it was just a taste, a teaser, of some of the finales we were about to experience. Call it the test case, patient zero of the finales of the series. It would only get better...or in the case of 6 and 7, worse.

5: Season 3: Anyone who knows me knows that Season 3 of 24 was my favorite, for it was when I started watching the series as event viewing. I still adore it to this day, and no one can tell me otherwise. That said, the Finale felt a little flat after a TREMENDOUS build. Saunders gets killed by Gael's wife. Some random dude has the last vial of the virus, and Jack and Chase (I still maintain Chase was Jack's best sidekick) have to chase Random Evil Guy to a grade school. Now, there it is fun, as Chase engages the mysterious Dr. X in a fist fight...which X (Arthur Raburn...I know, I know) defeats him. But Chase locks the virus device on his arm, allowing Jack to emerge and bullet fuck Raburn. The caveat was that the locking mechanism Chase activated around his wrist could not be broken. So, after failing to disarm it via the wiring, Jack has to chop Chase's thumb off with an ax, then run the virus down to a teacher's room and throw it in their refrigerator. From there....fairly mundane. The Chase sequence was great, but as compared to some of the seasons upcoming here...nothing special. But still my personal favorite season of the show.

4: Season 4: I just finished watching Season 4, so I viewed the finale about 2 hours ago. It is criminally underrated. Whereas most seasons of the show have 2 or maybe 3 main antagonists, Season 4 had just one: Habib Marwan. For what feels like an eternity, Jack and CTU track and attempt to trace Marwan...only to find one well placed road block after another. Marwan succeeds in melting down a nuclear power plant, shooting down Air Force One and gaining possession of a portion of the nuclear football. It all leads to Season Four's crescendo, where Jack finally, and ultimately, gets to the terrible Turk. Jack gets to Marwan through a character only true 24 fans would really relate to, Mandy, and is able to track Marwan's chopper to the Global building in downtown Los Angeles...minutes before Marwan's missile, armed with a nuclear device, would hit its payload. However, as Jack engages Marwan on the roof of the enormous structure, he slips and falls off the edge...only to be saved by Jack, who just wants to know the who, what, where, why and MAYBE how of the missile about to impact the continental United States. He holds Marwan by his hand, for which Marwan repays Jack by slicing the ever living fuck out of it, just so an already weakend Jack can let Marwan drop to his death, a martyr to his cause. But Jack and Curtis Manning are able to locate and shoot down the device, saving millions of innocent lives. There is a caveat to that, though: to obtain Marwan's position, Jack had to, unlawfully, enter the Chinese Consulate and kidnap a Chinese foreign who had the backing of his government, even with the shady shit he was perpetrating. It caused a fire fight where, while Jack's US soldiers used non lethal force, China used VERY lethal force, resulting in the friendly fire death of their consul. After the missile is disabled, former President David Palmer alerts Jack that, not only do the Chinese want to take him as a suspect in the death of their consul, on their soil (watch it and look up the name BERN...biggest bitch in the history of the series), but someone inside the White House wants him dead, for fear that he may expose secrets that would be detrimental to United States National Security. To that end, Jack fakes his own death and disappears. A fantastic, forgotten finale.

3: Season 8: After Season 7, I was not expecting much from Season 8. Boy, was I wrong. The last few hours of Season 8 revolve around Jack trying to get revenge for two things: The death of his love, Renee Walker, and to prove that President Allison Taylor was totally delusional in trying to bring peace to nations that clearly had no peace. In the buildup, he eviscerates the man who killed Renee. He impales the Russian Ambassador with his own sword. Jack just goes fucking off the grid bonkers...and it is a glorious site. The finale sees Jack with his sniper trained on epic baddie Charles Logan, telling him to bring the fucking PRESIDENT OF RUSSIA, into his view...because Yuri Suvarov is the man behind everything in Season Jack can kill him. That is pretty heady stuff. Now, Chole talks him out of it, and the episode DOES include Freddy Prinze...but trust me. This was just an awesome finale, the series finale. It reaches critical mass one wet blanket...I mean President Taylor realizes she has fucked up and orders Jack's recovery. Charles Logan is just deliciously evil. Fun stuff for all 24 myself.

2: Season 5: The Charles Logan Season. For episode after episode, you try to figure out who is the main heel within the White it Walt Cummings? Is it VP Hal Gardner? Maybe Mike Novick? Nope. It was the Grand Poobah himself, POTUS, Charles Logan. Jack figures it out...that is what Jack does. He interrogates the Prez...but gets nowhere. Logan figures he has won, after all the ignominy he has shown the office. It takes his mentally unstable wife, Martha, to bring the whole thing down...and it is glorious watching evil scumfuck Logan being led away by Secret Service as David Palmer's casket is being readied to be flown to DC. A truly epic episode that ends with Jack, as always, doing the right thing, but paying the most ultimate of costs.

1: Season 2: Number one with a bullet. Season Two of 24 was probably the best the series has ever pumped out (Season 5 was damned fine as well), but no finale has come even close to matching Season 2's sheer brilliance. From the time Jack is tortured by Kinglsey's men, from his arrival at Alex Hewitt's loft, from the unexpected appearance of Sherry Palmer...if you want to introduce a friend to the 24 Franchise...this is the episode. After Jack is tortured to death, then revived, he counts on a computer programmer and the ex wife of the President to help save the country from entering into an unnecessary strike against innocent nations. It sees Jack Bauer use Sherry Palmer as bait, at the LA Coliseum, no less, to lure out the true madmen behind the day's events. The final episode of Season 2 is television at its finest. We are all indebted to the Gods that are John Cassar and Kiefer Sutherland for this very episode. It is one of the main reasons I cannot wait for 24: Live Another Day. And its the reason you count down the days as well. 


  1. to more heat than Orton


  3. I actually thought seasons 6 through 8 all sucked hard (with 6 being the worst), but man did I love the first 5 seasons. Favourite episode still being the episode where George mason sacrifices himself to detonate the bomb. Gets me every time

  4. Bite your tongue sir, Linda Cardellini will always and forever be, hot as Fuck.

  5. That fucking episode, man. The feels.

  6. Damon Wayans was hilarious on Happy Endings and I'm glad he's back on New Girl, though it's true that it might make the cast a bit too full. They're already having problems finding enough for CeCe to do, and now with this most recent episode, it felt like the whole CeCe/Coach/Winston subplot was completely tacked-on. That said, the writers are still adjusting to Wayans' return since a) they weren't sure they were getting him back at all, and b) they only recently kept him on for the entire season.

    Linda Cardellini is still as gorgeous as ever. Did you see her on Mad Men last season? Have mercy.

    New Girl has been hilarious almost from start to finish this year, and I'd call it one of the best comedies on TV. The Jess/Nick pairing hasn't hurt the show whatsoever...those two have mad chemistry.

    Also, uh, NXT! Zayn/Cesaro should be amazing!

  7. I'd argue that S6 was by far the worst season of 24, and S7 (while not great itself) was better by leaps and bounds. That said, you're right about the S7 finale. The lame notion that this "Alan Wilson" was really the BIGGEST VILLAIN BEHIND THE ENTIRE SERIES fell totally flat since this guy had been introduced just a few episodes earlier and was presented as nothing more than another generic 24 suit-wearing bad guy.

  8. Try watching it Japenese.

    Constipated AND crazy high voices

  9. can't fuckin' wait for the revival.

  10. How many Yankee fans does it take to fix a tire?

    0. They instead talk about how great the ones were in the past.

  11. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryFebruary 14, 2014 at 1:05 AM

    Agreed, and yet he's a hundred times better than the douche that just replaced him.

  12. Yeah the big problem with 24 finales is that they normally blow their wad way too early and a lot of stuff happens and main characters die way before the finale and when the finale comes, it normally limps to a finish. I love 24 but don't like their Vince Russo ADD writing. In some ways, Homeland is better because it starts of slow and builds to a climax whereas 24 just starts of with a climax.

  13. We should start a what episode would of made a better finale than the one we got discussion:
    Season 1: The one where Gaines dies as I preferred Gaines as the main villain
    Season 2: The one where Mason Ryan sarifices himself
    Season 3: The kidnapping/exchange ep
    Season 4 & 5: Fine as it was
    Season 6: The nuke goes off ep

    Season 7: The White House invasion ep
    Season 8: Fine as it was but I just wish Bauer got to have one last kill in the finale :(

  14. Great article.

    Still gotta put season 1 at the top. Because back in 2002, it was a HELL of a payoff that might look more bland now.....but took balls back then. Just my 2 cents.

    Dead on with your love for season 3. Every second after that virus hit the air vent was awesome.

    And holy shit, was the end of season 8 fantastic. From Jack going "Phone Booth" on Logan, to carving up Renee's assassin like a 6 month old pumpkin (wow), it was BATSHIT BAUER like I always wanted to see him. I just think they should have killed him off to end the show. Maybe this summer.

  15. Happy Valentine’s Day! Or as most wrestling fans know it, Friday.


    I love shoot comments that aren't supposed to be shoot comments.
    (Goes to the corner and cries)

  16. Gotta include the chewing gum. When he's not spitting it out and whiffing on the swing, he's accidentally spitting it into the crowd or accidentally choking on it.

  17. As far guys who are currently on the roster, I think Jericho would be a good match for Rey to retire on.

  18. Let's look on the bright side. You will be in the corner with money in your pocket. Money = Good

  19. :( now that was just uncalled for

  20. Hold on a minute playa! Save it for BoD Mania. Cause right now it's gonna be a tag team match. SodiePop and Jawas vs Wnyxmcneal and APmark. Holla! Holla! Holla!

  21. I was never a huge but I have seen every season on Netflix but it all sort of runs together. Great article though, this was a good read.

  22. I think I went too far by implying you like Jay Leno. I apologize; you probably aren't a 50-year-old woman.

  23. "Happy Valentine’s Day! Or as most wrestling fans know it, Friday."

  24. I accept your apology. That was a real fucked up thing to imply.

  25. No way, Jimmy Fallon is going to be world's better than Leno. I watch Late Night every night and he's going to bring a real energy and fun the Tonight Show has lacked

  26. This is why becoming popular/mainstream isn't always a good thing. Maybe I shouldn't fret every time something is Screwed By The Network/Machine.

  27. WOOF WOOF WOOF, You know me !

  28. Jean Claude van OverbiteFebruary 14, 2014 at 10:50 AM

    DTA, you stupid sonofabitch!

    (At least, that's what my cats say to me every day.)

  29. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryFebruary 14, 2014 at 7:01 PM

    Sorry, but Fallon is horrible, and there's no way anyone can convince me otherwise. He makes Ben Stiller and Andy Dick look funny.

  30. Fallon is awesome. He has a genuine love and enthusiasm for what he does and you can see it when he gets to do bits with Paul McCartney or Bruce Springsteen. He makes late night TV fun, which is what it should be.

    He engages his guests and has them play fun games rather than boring interview segments. He uses his house band to perfection, making them more than just a group that plays covers when a guest come out.

    He has been such a breath of fresh air since starting his show and I am thrilled he held his ground and got the show to remain in New York. I really think things are looking up for The Tonight Show.

    I think Fallon will be successful, provided NBC gives him a chance, which they never gave Conan.

  31. I understand why people hate Andy Dick, but he's really funny. Matthew on NewsRadio, his anti-Chris Kattan song, I even enjoyed the Andy Dick Show.

  32. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryFebruary 15, 2014 at 3:05 AM

    Miz has a genuine love for what he does. So does Skip Bayless. And they're both absolutely terrible too.

  33. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryFebruary 15, 2014 at 3:07 AM

    Anti-Chris Kattan song? OK, maybe he's not so bad. No, wait, he killed Phil Hartman, so fuck him.

  34. Oh come on. That's a huge leap of logic and it's not right. Phil Hartman's wife. a drug addict, killed Phil Hartman.

    Phil Hartman has a hot daughter

  35. Fallon has earned everything he got, unlike Miz. He's also not a troll like Skip Bayless

  36. Fair enough.

    Also, fuck Skip Bayless. Not sure if it's on YouTube or anything, but I saw a clip on ESPN of Richard Sherman verbally bitch-slapping the shit out of him. I hate the Seahawks on principle, but that guy is my new hero for that.

  37. You need to watch Mark Cuban owning him. It's great.

  38. It's a reference to Dick and Jon Lovitz getting into a fight over Dick giving Hartman's wife some blow after she was clean for a long time.

    Just a bad attempt at humor. Even the best ballplayers don't bat 1.000.


  40. I know, I'm an expert on all things Phil Hartman.

  41. I've seen that before. That one's even better because it's not via satellite, they're sitting right next to each other.

  42. Yes, the fact that you know what his daughter looks like gave that away.

    Might have asked you this before, but is the "wny" in your name a reference to Western New York?

  43. No, a NewsRadio reference. See, the Phil Hartman thing!


  45. Nice looking girl. I take it that "wnyx" was the call letters of the station on News Radio? I like the show (outside of one Dick), but I'm not a huge fan or anything.

  46. Yes sir. It might be my favourite show of all time, especially if we decide Season 5 never happened. (Aside from Bill Moves On, of course)

  47. Season 5 is where Hartman was replaced by Lovitz, right?

  48. How has Miz not earned what he has in WWE? He went through training and developmental and did the small roles and the midcard before he got a main event push. He's not a guy who was born into the business, and coming from his reality-show background, I would imagine he's had to work harder to earn respect in the back. I'm not saying he's the greatest thing they have, but it's not like he skipped steps on his way to where he is.


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