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Extreme Rules 2012

Dear Scott:
So I recently rewatched the main event to Extreme Rules 2012. What was up with that weird promo John Cena cut at the end of the show? It was an oddly placed speech about going home and getting in trouble with the boss, but I remember Cena doing pretty much the same things Cena always does soon afterwards. Any ideas on why that promo happened or what it was supposed to accomplish? 

Far as I can remember it was just Cena going into business for himself with the vague idea of taking a few weeks off and building to a rematch.  Here's the Observer on the subject:

"In addition, when he was given the finish, he was told he was being protected because he was destroying Cena, that Cena would get the win, collapse, and have to be helped out of the ring and left for dead. Instead, Cena did a weird promo that based on what we were told, he was not authorized to do. Everyone backstage, including Vince McMahon either had no idea what he was doing (and it was not in the script for the show), or maybe Vince knew and was pretending. But given how it turned out, I’d bet on the former. In the interview, Cena talked about how much he gave for the match, and he did, how he was now going on vacation for a while. He talked about how everyone in WWE, good guys, bad guys, big guys and small guys, do everything they can to entertain you people. He said he was proud he could have a match like this in Chicago, and that if he’s leaving for a while, he wouldn't want to have gone out any other way."
Clearly that time off didn't happen.  Maybe he was just knocked goofy?  I don't think it was ever established for sure what the intention was.


  1. Still my 2012 MOTY, but yea that promo was strange. Didn't Brock flip the fuck out backstage when he did that?

  2. I disagree that he went into business for himself for 2 reasons.

    - it was Cena. Enough said. Either they legitimately planned on giving him time off amd changed their mind the next day OR...

    - it was part of a worked shoot angle they were planning. They also leaked the story about Brock being furious after Cenas speech and threatening to walk out.

  3. Not everything is a worked shoot.

  4. That match was insanely great. And Cena should have taken time off afterwards.

  5. Thanks, didn't know that.

  6. Cena is a guy I'm a big fan of. But he tends to be a huge mark for his own booking. I'm gonna kick out from a DDT on the floor and win the match. I'm gonna no sell a vicious beating or promo by laughing it off. Let me kick out of a pile driver. Let me remind every one Del Rios cars are just props. Its fucking stupid and it hurts his drawing power.

  7. Caliber_Winfield_TCTFebruary 16, 2014 at 9:29 AM

    How come we've never talked about this before on the blog, or no one's ever done any fantasy booking?

    Do you guys think Montreal was a work?

  8. He definitely should have taken time off because right after this he had the disastrous Big Johnny feud.

    Should have seen what Punk could do at the top

  9. VIKING SPACE LORD BROCK LESNAR straddled Cena's lifeless corpse and breathed new purpose into his soul. He will now walk among you dead eyed and smiling with a new assortment of poop jokes to lull all you heathen soldiers of half men into a false sense of security.

    Then when VIKING SPACE LORD BROCK LESNAR is done fear fucking Nikki Bella on the back of his mammoth diamond encrusted Thanagarian Snare Beast, he will easily be able to skull fuck this universe into the next dimension. And as gratitude for being his messenger of moist rape screams, VIKING SPACE LORD BROCK LESNAR will allow one solitary tear of elephant semen roll down his cheek as he strangles the life out of John Cena with plutonium anal beads.

    Really, it is the least he could do.

  10. Caliber_Winfield_TCTFebruary 16, 2014 at 9:31 AM

    But then we wouldn't have had the great Big Show turn! Maybe you could have lived without that in your life, but most of us? No sir. Because...perhaps you aren't aware...but the Big Show is a BIG guy! And we've never seen a "big, mean guy" as a heel before. Big Show's heel turn wasn't the booking we needed, it was the booking we deserved!

  11. Caliber_Winfield_TCTFebruary 16, 2014 at 9:32 AM

    Thank God you don't like my work. Man, if you ever say you're a fan of mine, with stuff like this as what you find funny, oh, I'll eat a bullet.

    lulz bazinga!

  12. Cena, rape, girlfriend/wife swapping, anal beads.... You are treading into Jesse Baker territory.

  13. I've actually never read your work, not because I always assume it is terrible, but because I'm sure I've already read the exact same thing on the internet by someone else.

  14. Still such a bullshit finish

  15. We actually ordered this show. Cena was actually getting real face heat. Then he pissed it all away. Such a shame

  16. That is kinda the point.

  17. Hey, it's a post/topic NOT about Bryan or Punk so let's not complain too much.

  18. Caliber_Winfield_TCTFebruary 16, 2014 at 9:38 AM

    Oh, so you just say my work is trash without actually knowing? Well, I suppose when you're banging as many chicks as you are, and getting as much attention from people for having 13,000+ posts on a wrestling blog, you can't read everybody's work.

  19. Getting cocky and fucking up against the Rock and getting destroyed by Brock right after would have made him interesting again for the first time in forever.

  20. Caliber_Winfield_TCTFebruary 16, 2014 at 9:39 AM

    Ah, c'mon, there's not enough talk about those two around here! I only know every single person's here thoughts on the matter 10x over. I'm gonna need at least 20x over, baby!

  21. Oh OK, joke gotten then. I just thought it was just another Viking Space Lord Lesner post.

  22. You're obsessed with my post count.

  23. It is. They've always taken a nose dive straight into Baker territory.

  24. Caliber_Winfield_TCTFebruary 16, 2014 at 9:41 AM

    Just like every red blooded female & jealous guy who never made something of his life. Myself included!

    lulz bazinga!

  25. Best WWE match of the last decade.

  26. Yeah, it would have also helped with the "worst year eva 4 realz" storyline they tried to push for Rock/Cena 2.

  27. I agree, at least until I watch MITB 11 again.

  28. I knew (saw) they always went into batshit insane territory but I never knew the whole thing was a parody on Jesse Baker. Well, TIL.

  29. Even your sarcasm is cringe worthy. Christ, you're awful at everything.

  30. Upvote for the Thanagarian Snare Beast reference. Did John Peters put you up to this?

  31. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonFebruary 16, 2014 at 9:44 AM

    Nothing the WWE has done in the last few years has pissed me off more than that promo. (and that includes the DBry stuff.) If he went into business for himself he can drink a protein shake full of dicks and amino acids.

  32. I'm shocked they haven't done a Cena vs Brock rematch yet. That Extreme Rules match left me begging to see them go at it again. I'm also shocked that they didn't save it for a WrestleMania. Brock fresh out of the UFC. UFC's biggest star vs. WWE's biggest star. It had money all over it and instead was wasted at an In Your House type PPV.

  33. There are people that agree Cena should have went over?? Wow.

  34. I think I remember reading around that time that Cena was planning on taking 4-6 months off. For some reason that never happened.

  35. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonFebruary 16, 2014 at 9:46 AM

    Did he kick open the cockpit door and take the control from the pilots that already made the sacrifice?

  36. Me and you get this reference, why? Because we're from the streets.

  37. Worse than him being "fired" after the Survivor Series during the Nexus fued and being back the very next night cause we can't go one day without John

  38. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonFebruary 16, 2014 at 9:47 AM

    Time off or not, he should have done the stretcher job to sell the beating he took. Simple as that.

  39. You know a stretcher job, help leaving the ring, or taking time off would have justified the decision. It still stands as one of the worst decisions in years and Brock's heat was almost gone instantly.

  40. I think we are well over 20x over by now. I really like this place and the community established here but now I barely read the comments in a Punk/Bryan thread. I've already stated how I feel about it and I've heard what everybody else thinks.

  41. The thing with this match was that the timing was just really off. I *get* that you don't want the face of your company jobbing to a guy who is only on a 1 year contract, especially after jobbing to the Rock. I also get that you want to capitalize on Brocmks momentum so you gotta give him something to do but...

    why not just have Cena take a few weeks off while Brock destroys everyone in sight for a few months and blown it off at SS. Fuck, put Cena over there and it even makes sense. Just weird timing all the way around

  42. The cocaine that Ultimate Warrior snorted was remains of a planet that was destroyed by VIKING SPACE LORD BROCK LESNAR.

  43. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonFebruary 16, 2014 at 9:48 AM

    Yes, because no one thought that Cena would be gone.

    Cena got tenderized that night by Lesnar. Stomped into wine. They actually used blood that match. And THAT is how you sell it? Really?

  44. I would've enjoyed that but him grasping his shoulder at his side, bloodied, barely able to stand up giving a promo was fine for me as well.

  45. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonFebruary 16, 2014 at 9:49 AM

    They were painted into a corner that match. I would have had Lesnar jump him before the bell and beat the shit out of him, drawings a no contest.

  46. I think Triple H is responsible for Brock's heat being gone.

  47. I didn't care who went over. The match made both men look awesome.

  48. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonFebruary 16, 2014 at 9:51 AM

    I don't think it was enough. To be honest I think Brock's latest run has been fucked up.

  49. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonFebruary 16, 2014 at 9:51 AM


  50. A protein shake full of dicks? Well a shake full of dicks would probably have a good amount of protein so it would work.

  51. Fans asked for their money back after this years no decision between Bryan vs. Orton, you think they wouldn't for THAT finish? Unless they didn't put them on last.

  52. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonFebruary 16, 2014 at 9:52 AM

    I don't. But win or lose he should not have left the ring under his own power. Hell didn't Brock need help walking to the back in that SAME MATCH

  53. I'm still in awe that they wasted 3 of his matches against TRIPLE H. I mean WTF. Out of everyone on the roster TRIPLE H. Then we get a match against BIG SHOW. Come on.

  54. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonFebruary 16, 2014 at 9:54 AM

    A no decision from Brock beating Cena into paste would be more understandable that what happened in the Bryan/Orton match.

  55. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonFebruary 16, 2014 at 9:55 AM

    The streets of South Central Thanagar?

  56. Yea, doing that match when they did, it really was a no win for them. Brocks contract and Cena just jobbing to the Rock put them in a tough spot. I would have just had Brock destroy Cena, wrote him off tv for like 4 weeks and then done it at Summerslam. That way the story of Cena going over actually makes sense.

  57. I'd be more angry if the match was declared a contest and we got 10 minutes of Brock destroying Cena after the bell than the Bryan/Cena 20+ minute good match.

  58. It still baffles me that WWE didn't give Lesnar the title and just have him destroy everyone until Cena finally returns to do it.

  59. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonFebruary 16, 2014 at 9:57 AM

    He could have given the WWE title and let him run with that.

  60. The most dangerous street in the animal kingdom.

  61. I think we can all agree that The Rock supremely F'd everything up during his run as WWE Champion and year before it.

  62. Storyline wise at least. It threw everything out of whack.

  63. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonFebruary 16, 2014 at 9:59 AM

    It hurt Punk more than anything.

  64. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonFebruary 16, 2014 at 10:00 AM

    I just can't see the paying public having a problem with Cena getting stomped into wine. He could have given that same speech VIA satelitte from a hspital bed.

  65. Brock helps Punk beat Rock. Rock/Cena vs Brock/Punk at Elimination Chamber. Brock vs Rock and Cena vs Punk for the title at 29. Would have been a hundred times better.

    But WWE needed Rock to tweet a pic of him with the WWE title or something so fuck it.

  66. Fantasy booking Mode activate:Cena does the the AA 1..2..NO,Brock gets up,That was cena's last straw of strength,Brock hits the F5 goes for the cover but gets up after 2,he wants Cena to Suffer so,another F5 and puts him in the Kimura lock,Cena is out by the pain,so Brock wins.Cena disappears for months after the match

    Later,Brock comes out once in while do destroy someone from the Upper card until he challenges Punk and wins.In december Cena returns without the colorful attire and pandering saying that the time he rested was a period of reconstruction.He wants rebuild himself in E starting from the bottom until reaching the top again,just like he did in 2002.A year goes by,Cena is still on his journey(as US/IC champion),Brock has defeated everyone.2013 rumble ends with Cena as the victor.Now the final step of the journey is set at WM were Cena wins the title from Brock in a rematch.

  67. I know you think you're insulting me, but when someone like you doesn't like me, I know I'm doing good. I would be mortified if you said you found me funny, then I read that space lord crap.

    I don't want you to like me, Cult. People like you suck, and are why things like Meet The Spartans can be number one at the box-office, and Kim Kardashian is a superstar.

  68. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonFebruary 16, 2014 at 10:02 AM

    I think Cena goes into business for himself during promos all the time. A good example of that was the promo in Seattle.

  69. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonFebruary 16, 2014 at 10:04 AM

    Wasn't that the new belt they promised to Punk? lol

  70. Rock is the fakest human ever. If he really wanted to help WWE, he would've put Punk over at the Rumble or put a fresh guy over at Mania instead of beating Cena then waiting a year before doing the job to a 35+ year old.

  71. My god. If I didn't know any better I'd think you were a 300 pound woman who lives with a cat.

  72. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonFebruary 16, 2014 at 10:07 AM

    The problem with THAT is they already planned on Rock/Cena II at Wrestlemania for the title when it was clear that the match did not need the title (or a rematch for that matter.)

  73. That is WWE's call not Rock's. I'm sure if they asked him to put over Punk, he'd do in a heartbeat.

  74. He does, but I dont think hed go as far as requesting unscheduled mic time after a brutal match that he originally was supposed to be stretchered out of. This of course if you believe the observer blurb in the OP

  75. You really think Rock would've come back if they told him.."Ok, you're going to lose to Cena at Mania 28, Punk at the Rumble, then Cena again at Mania 29."

  76. He jobbed to the Hurricane,so I think he would accept.

  77. I thought the plan was for Cena to sell his injury for at least a month, while Brock went on a rampage.

    Then all of us found out Brock's contract and all hope was lost.

  78. He jobbed to the Hurricane a month before he left the company.

  79. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonFebruary 16, 2014 at 10:11 AM

    So do I.

  80. The contract is great for Brock but it bones WWE. If he was a full timer, he probably goes over Cena and gets the title most of the summer.

  81. Given that Johnny Ace was going to be his next opponent, I imagine it was wishful thinking that slipped out after being dazed/concussed.

  82. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonFebruary 16, 2014 at 10:12 AM

    I thought the idea was he was going to get stretchered out but then it was changed to the interview. Once changed THEN he went into business for himself. Not sure if that;s true but it still fucked up things.

  83. Cena winning but having to leave on a stretcher may have been a good ending to the match. If I booked that match, I would have ripped off the finish to HBK vs Michaels SS2002. Have Cena get his ass kicked in the match, but then get a surprise roll up pin out of nowhere. Lesnar gets pissed,gets a weapon, and brutalizes Cena, in much the same way he just did to Big Show last month. Then Cena leaves on a stretcher. Brock Lesnar looks strong because he kicked Cena's ass, and Cena doesn't take a loss on his record to Rock and then Lesnar. Then they could have built up to a rematch at SS, instead of that shit with Triple H.

  84. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonFebruary 16, 2014 at 10:16 AM

    This is why I came up with an idea.

    After destroying Cena, but a secondary belt on him (bear with me) He wins the this belt and only shows up and defends it under MMA rules. He then wrestles the matches against wrestlers with MMA backgrounds or are big tough guys. It could even be done in a cage.

  85. Yea. Even if it was originally a 2 year part time deal it would give the wwe more leeway. People forget originally was only signed for 1 year. Tough to really integrate him into major storylines with a 1 year part time deal.

  86. Too bad Juan Cena never actually happened despite him being advertised for shows like that. If I were in charge of things I would have thrown a couple of thousand dollars at a mariachi band to record a rendition of his theme and had him come out under a mask, even for a few weeks

  87. The whole booking was bizarre to me. If the plan (which obviously didnt happen) was for Cena to take time off, why would you have him win?? Just have the same match and Brock winning, then Cena comes back and beats him in a rematch later. This also, by the way, would have helped build his "oh poor me, I had such a bad 2012" story for the Rock rematch.

  88. C'mon Bryan vs Punk was the 2012 moty

  89. Still annoys me. If you promised Cena his win back, fine. Have Cena go over Rock, but build WM around Punks 450+ title reign vs Takers streak. The drama in that would have been great.

  90. Agreed but I'd have Brock win. Who cares if he has a loss to both? Not only is he bulletproof, but it actually would have played into his storyline of how losing to Rock in 2012 was the worst thing in the history of time and caused him to have a worse year than Curt Hawkins did. And yes, I'm with you on the rematch at SS, which Cena could have won there on his road back to a rematch with The Rock at WM.

  91. Or you could have been the bigger man, and not said anything.

    There's that maturity.

  92. For everyone saying this was the 2012

  93. I remember hearing about the rumors of a Brock return at the WM party. I shrugged it off was ready to stop watching Raw again for 6 months because the Summer of Punk wore off at that point (Punk vs Jericho didn't do much for me). Next night, Cena cuts his promo, waits for the Rock, then Brock's music hits. EVERYBODY marks out. Brock looks out of shape, but whatever. He enters the ring, Cena looks concerned and stupidly offers his hand (which actually fits the Cena character), Brock accepts, and dekes into the F5. Kicks that STUPID HAT. Hope was restored.

    1 month later, hope shattered.

  94. I absolutely get wanting to protect Cena after a loss to Rock, but I wonder also how much of Cena going over was Vince trying to say wwe > mma?

  95. I think it was more of testing the guy who flaked out on you in the past.

  96. Jobber with a terrible wrestling opinion. Water is wet. Sky is blue.

  97. I dig that match, but something about it didn't click enough for it to be a MOTY for me.

  98. But then Brock is better than everyone on the WWE roster despite leaving and there's no Rock/Cena II. I'm sure you can see the horrible problem here. ;)


  100. After thrashing Hurricane handily in a few verbal encounters, The Rock lost to Hurricane via schoolboy when Stone Cold came to the ring and distracted The Rock by doing...nothing. Hurricane then hightailed it out of the way so the camera could focus on Rock and Austin staring at each other while Austin's music continued to play.

    There's losing a match and there's putting someone over.

  101. IIRC, Cena's marriage was on the rocks and he was (as usual) in pretty rough shape physically. So, Cena was supposedly planning to take that much needed vacation. Instead, Cena decided he'd rather be a pro wrestler than with his wife, and he stayed with the company.

    Lesnar supposedly flipped his shit about this, and I would have, too. It wrecked the finish.

  102. I guess if you wanted Rock vs Cena again, that would have been a good plan. Looking back Rock vs Cena II did much a worse buyrate than the first match. It was probably not worth another massive Rock paycheck for that letdown of a match.

    Instead, I would have had the Cena rollup victory at Extreme Rules against Lesnar, then the rematch at Summerslam. Heyman can cut promos about how Cena was left not being able to stand up. Therefore to settle things at Summerslam, its a last man standing match. Lesnar wins decivsesly and then goes on one of his long vacation until he reappears for the build up to Wrestlemania. Main event - Cena vs Lesnar rubber match, Hell in a Cell for the Title, which Cena would have won during that period. I think that would actually be a better draw than Cena- Rock II was.

  103. He could have just kept wrestling and stopped banging other women on the road. The best of both worlds.

  104. At least we got the Cena/Punk matches, plus the Hat-kick and Couch-toss gifs. Almost makes up for the Cena Promo, and the HHH fiasco.

  105. Agreed; I wish I could have a "worst year ever" like Cena's.

  106. But now he has Nikki!

  107. Who would be that stupid to book Rock to lose at WM 28 if they knew he was there for 29?

    And yes, Rock wouldve put Punk over if that was the plan. Rock never seemed to have an issue putting people over....

    While I hated the Rock's return because it was a watered down Rock, I never get some folks hate for him. Punk and Austin can walk out and are lauded, this guy moves on to better money ad an easier life and he betrayed the fans, meh.....

  108. Screw Rock/Cena II.And it would be logical to Brock destroy everyone,he's a former UFC champion.

  109. Cena doesn't need to be protected anymore. He can afford to lose a few.

  110. Where's the fun in that, Slaughter?

  111. Whilst watching the match live, I thought for sure that they were going for a Superman/Doomsday finish where, yeah, technically Superman stops Doomsday (Cena pins Brock) but is "dead" afterwards. Cena being taken out on a stretcher with even just a few weeks off would've, in my opinion, made Brock just crazy over and also would've built some serious face heat for Cena, which he has been desperately lacking for some time.

  112. I'd argue Cena started the decline... HHH just sped it up tremendously.

  113. There would still be no drama going into Taker/Punk with a 450+ day title reign. We all know Taker would win and then you have a guy who works less than the Rock as champ...

    Im not sure how that helps Punk any more than losing to the Rock, or why it is acceptable that he loses to one part timer but not another....

  114. I don't agree. Sure, he won't tumble into Kofi midcard territory but unless he remains moderately protected he'll be seen as just another main eventer after awhile, not JOHN CENA.

  115. Cena probably starting to miss the wife...

  116. Cena the wrestler: Damn good, and catches some shit he does NOT deserve. Although it's much less than he used to deal with.

    Cena the character: Stale tripe, barely tolerable on a GOOD day, on a bad day it makes me want to see the alternate universe where Dana White paid Brock a few million to literally turn Cena into a pile of broken bones and bloody flesh.

  117. They've been treating him like JOHN CENA for nearly ten years and now he's boring as fuck.

  118. Funny how that was also her last night.

  119. He put over the fucking Hurricane as his movie career was just kicking off. How much further down the totem pole does the man have to go to prove himself? Should he lay down for Zach Ryder?

  120. I really loved the match and thought the ending really didnt matter. I had a lot more respect for Cena for taking a beating like that...

    ...I can also understand why WWE would make Lesnar "pay his dues" in his return match. This was a guy they made into a star and he bounced on em. How did they know he wouldnt bounce again?

    ...and dont give me the breach of contract thing, McDevitt never wins these cases. So then you have an unhealthy former UFC guy going over your biggest star and then he bounces. That would be a big problem....

  121. To us. Hes boring bc hes always at the top also. Thats exactly what wwe wants though, gives them a face of the company whom appeals to kids and corporate sponsors.

    In this particular case, you have your tippy top guy, coming off a loss at the biggest ppv, wrestling a part timer on a 1 year deal with a history of flaking out on you. Its hard to blame vince for putting him over.

  122. Goldberg,Hunter,Jericho,Foley,Show,Booker T in the battle royal.

  123. The very act of losing to a comedy act like Hurricane under any circumstance puts Hurricane over. You're not going to have any of your top guys make Hurricane look like he's one of them because he's a fucking comedy act, but if he can hang, as he did, and pull off an upset then that makes him look great.

  124. Say lesnar won that match and flaked out again. Would cena really just be another guy in the main event or would he still not be JOHN CENA?

  125. itd help punk by giving him a successful title defense against the rock. I never said itd help punk more, it would have been a more interesting storyline then the stupid paul bearer build. If they went with the punk title streak vs taker and cena/rock 2, id bet it does a better buy rate

  126. Nice booking,I admit.

  127. Hed be fine but wwe and cena would look like idiots.

  128. They shouldn't book around the idea of him flaking out. If they thought this was a possibility again they should have never done business with him. Lesnar is being paid a kings ransom to work a wrestlers wet dream schedule.

  129. Maybe they didn't do it because they used that ending at Wrestlemania a year before that?

  130. The stretcher job would have been great. Instead Cena and Vince had to pull there dicks out and make sure they were still the biggest.

  131. For what? A week or so? Wins and losses barely matter anymore because they don't acknowledge them anymore. Do fans even remember that Daniel Bryan pinned cena clean at summerslam? The dude jobbed to kevin federline and no one remembers that.

  132. Plus, youd have the face of your company coming off loses to an actor and an mma fighter. Not a great look.

  133. Lol sure, some guy getting killed for twenty minutes and then hitting another guy with a chain and cutting a bizarre promo is better than a 25 minute classic between the two best wrestlers in the world, with an all time great submission reversal finish. Do you actually watch these matches or just come here to type out old jokes?

  134. Well, I didn't want Rock/Cena again, but to be clear, my scenario was with the idea that they were building to it no matter what.

  135. The entire Punk/Taker thing was done pretty stupidly and in my opinion Punk shouldnt faced Taker... thing they couldve done was have Punk retain over Rock due to Cena distraction, kind of a nod to WM 27 or something...

    ...then to save the "Once in a Lifetime" thing, have a triple threat at Mania with Punk still champ. With this you really have a who is going to win thing, instead of the 2 predictable things we got...

    ..oh yeah, what do you do with Taker? Feed him Tensai and some other worthless mid carder.....

  136. WWE just ran off one of there most important guys in Punk because they handed Big Dave the keys to the kingdom. I dont think WWE thinks before they do shit....

  137. My favorite was the six man tag at TLC

  138. Why would you ever risk it? Wwe puts huge money, resources, and pr behind cena. The entire purpose is to keep him cemented as the tippy top guy. Him coming off a loss to an actor and an mma fighter that your not even sure is gonna stick around for over a year isnt a good look. Did they leave money on the table, sure, but even the *possibility* of damaging cena outweighs a few hundred thousand in buyrates

  139. That was really good too

  140. The observer gave it to tanashi vs Suzuki which I never saw and I promise you 90% of the people here haven't seem either

  141. Maybe he went into business for himself, but to be fair, if I'd had the shit knocked out of me as badly as he was in that match, and was still somehow conscious, I'd be liable to declare myself the Duke of Spain and invite everyone around for a tea party.

  142. For some reason, I really love that promo even if it made no sense considering that he was on TV the next night.

  143. In this a rerun thread from the spring of 2012?

  144. ....are you done? You sure you don't want to reply another five times to your post?

  145. Rock and Brock are hardly vin diesel and frank Mir. Both had hall of fame/legend credentials in pro wrestling before they clashed with cena.

  146. If it was, there would already be a ton of basketball comments that have nothing to do with the topic.....

  147. How great is Total Divas going to be when Cena finally gets sick of her.

    I found it so surprising how decent Brie came off and how terrible Nikki looked. I'd argue she seemed just as dumb as Cameron.

  148. Another match better than cena vs Brock in 2012 (arguably) credit to mikeymike2323

  149. Nikki going to be out of a job once Cena is done with her...

  150. Doing well, not doing good.

  151. Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't that right before Cena's divorce. That was probably the reasoning behind.

    Dumb to even cut that promo, but I think that was what it was referencing.

  152. Another match better than Punk vs Bryan at OTL


  153. But her baseball hat look is so over!

  154. BTW here's the won 2012 match of the year, I've never seen it but I'm gonna check it out now

  155. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonFebruary 16, 2014 at 11:18 AM

    Yeah they did, but I think they could have done something similar.

  156. Did more people recognize Rock as a wrestler or actor in 2012? Was Brock known more as an mma fighter or wrestler in 2012? Like I said, having your top guh lose to someone going away for 8 months thats know primarily as an actor and immediately losing to a guy known primarily as a mma fighg isnt a good look.

  157. You are correct.

  158. Punk vs Bryan is a flawless technical wrestling match, clearly the 2012 match of the year if you value work rate and technical prowess over circus stuff (which is cool too)

    Basically Brock vs Cena is The Avengers and Punk vs Bryan OTL is The Master. I'm sure alot of people think the avengers is a better movie but they may not have the most discerning tastes.

  159. The Avengers is better than The Master. And I say that as someone who loves The Master.

  160. The porn star cena was banging > nikki imo

  161. In 13,200 posts this is the only thing you've ever said that I find personally offensive. I expect that from some people, and wouldn't even hold it against them, but you...I expected better cult status. I expected better....smh

  162. That has to be a troll post to fuck with me. Only possible explanation.

  163. In 13,200 posts this is like the 13,197th thing you've said that I've found personally offensive.

  164. I think you're putting too much emphasis on how fan's perceive wins and losses. Marks, smarks or whoever know rock and Brock are and how they are bigger stars than cena. A loss to bigger stars doesn't hurt a guy. It's how you lose. To me, cocky cena's showboating before being pinned by rock in Miami is worse than the loss itself.

    But the truth of the matter is that cena at that point was bulletproof, bombproof and fireproof. He would remain super over no matter what.

  165. Cena going over made all the sense in the world. They just should have fed someone to brock first, or done the brock cena trilogy instead of hhh, but god forbid we don't get that match 3 times.

  166. Well you are a very delicate flower, easily hurt and offended. The only acting in that movie is when rdj is playing tony stark. The rest is special effects and guys in costumes fighting.

    The scenes between PSH and phoenix in the master are out of this world

  167. worse than him being free!!!


  168. Damn you! Yeah, that's one I always miss. I also need to learn the proper way to use apostorphies. I know when they apply for ownership, but I always think they apply for conjunctions, yet I find I'm wrong sometimes.

  169. OK so I'm 10 minutes in, this is pretty fucking good

  170. At the time I assumed Cena thought he'd be held accountable for the excessive violence in the match and that he'd be somehow punished, hence the "going on a vacation for awhile" line. And I thought the rant about "good guys and bad guys" was his justification in doing something beyond the watered-down WWE Main Event brawls. But that was all speculation on my part.

  171. You know there's a documentary on the works about the failed Superman Lives project, it looks promising. I hope they interview Kevin about it, because I never tire hear him talking about it.

  172. Yea, I didnt mind cena winning. I would have just had brock destroy the roster and injure cena so Cena can take some time off. Do the match first match at either mitb or ss, thats a better story. Guess they wanted to capitalize on brocks surprise return momentum so did the match immediately

  173. I'm bad with apostrophes too. Well-good was instilled in me my whole life and it's become one of my biggest pet peeves.

    People who spell lose as loose should be murdered.

  174. Hmmmm...that's an interesting take I hadn't thought of. He didn't do his hulking up rountie (really) and let brock drop real elbows on him. That was one of the most violent matches ever and its because cena took a man sized ass kicking. Maybe they did tell him to do something different he told brock fuck it let's do something else. That actually makes sense.

  175. Would you rather see the Brock vs Cena rematch or Brock vs Daniel Bryan?

  176. Are you talking about Taker/HHH with that? If so, I think the situation would be so completely different (heat for the entire match, actual fighting instead of "big move and then yell for a minute", not a big dick wagging) that it would not have been comparable.

  177. I do not get the theory, at all, that Lesnar, as former UFC Heavyweight
    Champion, should've destroyed everyone he faced en route to being beaten
    by Cena or whomever at the end of his first run.

    Lesnar was a
    HUGE draw in UFC and had memorable fights but two of his four wins in
    UFC came over people he shouldn't have been fighting (Herring [a sub for
    Coleman, who Brock DEFINITELY shouldn't have been facing] and Couture
    [Champion, but old as hell and hadn't fought in a year]) and a third win
    came in a handicap match with him and the ref against Carwin. Yes, he
    beat the unholy jeebus out of Mir and deserves all the credit in the
    world for it but that is ONE good performance (not fight; all of his
    fights were entertaining in form or another) out of seven.

    is a beast and I would've really preferred to see some more solid
    booking with him these past few years but the idea that UFC Champ=OWN
    YOU is just silly.

  178. Shit, even Cena sneaking in a roll-up because of Brock getting too cocky and then doing the stretcher job would've been fine. But the actual finish was ten layers of retarded.

  179. Within the current wwe storylines, brock/bryan.

  180. My first post was very funky in its formatting so trying again...

    I do not get the theory, at all, that Lesnar, as former UFC Heavyweight
    Champion, should've destroyed everyone he faced en route to being beaten
    by Cena or whomever at the end of his first run.

    Lesnar was a
    HUGE draw in UFC and had memorable fights but two of his four wins in
    UFC came over people he shouldn't have been fighting (Herring [a sub for
    Coleman, who Brock DEFINITELY shouldn't have been facing] and Couture
    [Champion, but old as hell and hadn't fought in a year]) and a third win
    came in a handicap match with him and the ref against Carwin. Yes, he
    beat the unholy jeebus out of Mir and deserves all the credit in the
    world for it but that is ONE good performance (not fight; all of his
    fights were entertaining in form or another) out of seven.

    is a beast and I would've really preferred to see some more solid
    booking with him these past few years but the idea that UFC Champ=OWN
    YOU is just silly.

  181. Well the formatting still sucks (copy/pasted from another comment box) but my point still stands.

  182. Yeah, the Bella's contracts ended that night, so they left for nearly a year.

  183. I'd really love to see that rematch though

  184. The thing that really pisses me off is when morons say "itz just the net why shud i hafta spell right all da time lulz!!1".

    It's utterly shocking how pride & shame no longer have any meaning to people any more.

  185. I would also, especially on a huge stage. Besides cena/taker, I think brock/bryan is THE money match for wm 30. Somehow align brock with the authority and put the title on him. Portray bryan as the ultimate underdog, and let them go out and give us a 4.5 star match. Instead well get batista/orton in front of a dead crowd. Smh

  186. "The rest is special effects and guys in costumes fighting."

    You say this like it is a bad thing.

  187. I can't see Batista Orton hitting *** either

  188. I really don't feel like they're deviating from that Orton/Batista title match.

  189. This is some expert-like stretching of the truth. "Thrashing" Hurricane in verbal encounters? Just because the Rock is the man doesn't mean he did not non-verbally sell everything the Hurricane was saying. He sold it like any arrogant jerk would a threat to him.

    And, yes, he put Hurricane over--Want to know how I know? Because Hurricane WAS over after every part of their interaction. Because HHH had to get a win over the Hurricane after Rock was done.

  190. No, water is water. Water makes OTHER things wet.

  191. Hey I liked the avengers too but there's only one guy acting in the movie, while the master has 4 people throwing down like crazy and it has so much interesting subtext to interpret and think about. What does the avengers really have to say? Aliens are bad?

  192. I find it interesting because Triple H has received flack for doing meaningless jobs to people who are zero threat to him in lieu of putting anyone important over and this is the exact same thing to me.

    Yes, Hurricane got to mix it up with a main eventer for a few weeks and looked pretty good doing it but it was THE HURRICANE! You can say whatever you want about Vince just not pushing him or HHH burying him afterwards or whatever but the fact was that a guy wearing a mask pretending to be a superhero was not your next main eventer so Rocky doing the job meant nothing. So in reference to your original statement of "Rock jobbed to Hurricane, so he'd be fine with jobbing to CM Punk", the two worlds could be no different.

    Now if you had said that Rock basically went out and MADE Lesnar by taking a Sting/Vader ass kicking so he might be willing to do the same for Punk, then sure. But I also firmly believe that the Rock of 2002 isn't the same Rock of 2012: he is a legacy star, everyone knows he's done, but he wanted to do for Cena what Hogan did for him, though he REALLY took the long way around, and to a further extent, what Andre did for Hogan.

  193. It almost feels like a punishment at this point.

  194. Who wants to see Cena/Lesnar II when we can watch Brock wrestle HHH three times?

  195. Its what we deserve for watching wrestling as adults


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