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Matches that could have been better had they stopped sooner

I'm rewatching Cena vs Rock II and finding it would have been better had the match ended with the spot where Cena ran the ropes, and Rock popped up like the year previous, only this time to be out smarted and get caught in the FU. From a story perspective I thought it made better sense to end the match there since Cena had been going on about the reason the Rock beat him the year before was because he out smarted him, yet this time it was Cena who got the upper hand. Mind you there are other ways the match could have been better, but this has always been a glaring example to me.

Anyway it got me thinking. What are some matches that stand out to you that would have been rated higher had they ended in a certain spot?

And back to Rock vs Cena. Is it out of the realm of possibility that we will see a third match?

If Rock's insurance company has anything to say about it.  And they do.

As for the main question, I can think of TONS of matches where they peaked and then kept going too long, although to their credit it doesn't happen that often in WWE main events because they tend to be pretty well timed for TV and PPV reasons.  Off the top of my head, I think Rock-Hogan went a bit too long and probably could have ended with the Hulk Up, Rock Kick Out, Rock Bottom sequence.  The extra stuff with the People's Elbow felt like overkill.  I know there's numerous others but that one really stands out to me.  


  1. I actually collected the majority of the ps2 WWE games,Kinda making a timeline,then I throwed away and today I only SVR11 and HCTP,this one I play all the time,making everyone tap out with Jericho and You-know-who.

  2. It appears my big incest troll has been top-posted three posts in a row.

    Well played, Scott.

    Well played.

  3. I shot a wedding for a couple of friends of mine in a particular social circle. Turns out they don't live too far from me. But after the rehearsal there was food and hanging out back at their house. While I was there I saw a guy I went to grade school, Jr. high, and high school with. Turned out he was the bride's cousin. And he was currently going to college where I was going at the time.


    Fits your incest troll title and a holy fuck moment.

  5. A friend of mine from college (probably the "best" friend I made in my college experience) facebook friended me recently and invited me to beer tasting at his house. His house... is two blocks from mine.

  6. The IWC is a work.

  7. You need not continue with these. They are mostly terrible and the little discussion they start is quickly squashed when people get bored of mocking you or complaining. Please return to posting an allow bayless to continue on his righteous path.

  8. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomeryFebruary 9, 2014 at 9:19 PM


  9. I think it's safe to say this has jumped the shark.

  10. I think of a of a certain episode of a show and it plays on TV a few days later!

  11. Your_Favourite_LoserFebruary 9, 2014 at 10:59 PM

    someone right here IN THIS. VERY. BLOG. read one of my comments about an experience i had with a reality tv star at work back in the 90's and it turns out he worked at the same place, a year or so later

    scotty flamingo and i both happened to have seats right next to each at the '02 rumble (rspw days)

    back when irc was a big thing, i was talking in some chat room with some people and one of the guys i was talking to turned out to be the brother of one of my high school classmates

  12. Your_Favourite_LoserFebruary 9, 2014 at 11:02 PM

    there was a similar story recently about 2 girls (no cups) who randomly became aware of each other before college via the schools message board or something, decided to become roommates, TIME PASSES, and it turns out they're half sisters (also raised by lesbian couples)

  13. Your_Favourite_LoserFebruary 9, 2014 at 11:05 PM

    and a jedi moment

  14. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryFebruary 9, 2014 at 11:23 PM

    Meekin, quick tip: incest jokes aren't funny and don't draw page hits, they just make you look like a weirdo. Just something to think about...

    Anyway, one of my co-workers looks like my ex-fiance's twin sister. She's a little shorter, but other than that it's uncanny. Fucking weird, really.

  15. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryFebruary 9, 2014 at 11:24 PM

    Jumped it and did some Travis Pastrana double backflip type shit.

  16. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryFebruary 9, 2014 at 11:26 PM

    I could do that shit back in the day, hit like a 35 hit combo in Killer Instinct. Play it now and I'm fucking terrible at that shit. I suck at SF and MK too now. What happened?

  17. does the totem stop spinning or not?

    i say that at the last split second, you can see it start to fall over

  18. Yeah, this is so much better than pornography.

  19. Caliber_Winfield_TCTFebruary 10, 2014 at 2:38 AM

    Huh, answering a QOTD. It's like when you own a car for years, and then one time ride in the passenger seat.

    I've had shit like this happen to me my entire life. But far more "what are the chances?". I'll list a few.

    Just the other day I was watching a video on youtube, and searching for an image on google. What I was searching for and what I was watching on google could not have been further apart from one another on subject matter. At this point in my life, I'd never heard the term "over-seer" before, as in regards to slavery. Just as the person in my youtube video says it, I see a meme on the google image deal with the word "over-seer" and read it just as the person says it in the video for the first time. The very first time I hear/read this word, and it happens at the exact same time.

    I awhile ago I was reading a book & while watching Friends. At one point, Chandler says he wants to name their son "Hemingway Bing", after the author. Just as he says Hemingway, a character in the book I'm reading mentions him. It literally happened at the same exact moment.

    When I was in high school a bunch of friends came over to watch Scarface. Before it began, they were watching some documentary on the DVD. At the same time, I'm finishing up reading Jerry Seinfeld's book "Seinlanguage". At one point in the book he mentions the St. Valentine's Day Massacre, literally just as I read that I hear gun-shots, look up, and the documentary is playing a scene from a movie depicting: you guessed it, the SVD Massacre.

    A year ago I was headed to the gym. I came to a 4 way stop, and had to turn right to get there. Before I can turn though, there's a lady about to cross the street in front of me. She does so. I go to the gym. I work out, and leave about an hour, hour and fifteen minutes later. I come to the 4 way stop again, and this time have to turn left to get back down my street. However, before I can turn left, that same lady is back, yet crossing the street the opposite way she was going before.

    I was working at a construction site with my friend when I was a teenager, as his dad had a friend who owned a company and would get us work. Well, one day while we're working I over hear a guy who sounds EXACTLY like Tom Arnold. I make a joke to my friend about it. We're called over to meet the guy. His name? Tom Arnold.

    The other day while listening to The Adam Carolla Show, he he was talking about the movie Rudy. Before he had mentioned it, I had just fired up my blu-ray player to see what episodes of Seinfeld had been updated in Crackle. Just as I open the Crackle program, the first movie my cursor lands on is Rudy, at the exact moment Adam starts talking about Rudy. Literally saying the movie's title as my screen loaded up and the cursor selected it.

    I have weird, one in a billion bullshit like this happen to me all the time, and have ever since I was a kid. These are the ones I can remember off the top of my head.

  20. Caliber_Winfield_TCTFebruary 10, 2014 at 2:40 AM

    I disagree. But Meek' would look pretty fresh in a leather jacket & shorts.

  21. Caliber_Winfield_TCTFebruary 10, 2014 at 2:43 AM

    What the hell does top posted mean?

  22. I feel dirty for agreeing with you but... I do.

  23. I love "Romeo and Juliet"; that's my go-to break-up song. The Killers do a really fantastic cover of it as well--I would recommend checking it out. Nothing's going to live up to Dire Straits' original, but it's an interesting song to hear other artists interpret.

  24. This always weirded me out: When I first started ordering ROH tapes, the Backseat Boys (Trent Acid and Johnny Cashmere) heavy presence in the company. I thought they were a decent team but they didn't capture my attention to any great extent. Then they stopped working ROH shows and completely fell off my radar. It had probably been over a year since I'd last seen or thought about the Backseat Boys, when I had a dream one night about being at a dive bar/bowling alley and discovering there was a wrestling show going on in the back room. I checked it out and it was mostly local indie workers I'd never heard of, but then I finally saw a guy I recognized: Trent Acid. He worked a match and was treated like a big star and that's all that really stuck with me from the dream.
    The next morning I opened up 411mania and learned that Trent Acid had been found dead of a drug overdose.
    To be clear, I don't think there was anything supernatural or prophetic about this, but it was a pretty creepy coincidence.

  25. "ex-fiance's twin sister"

    ...wouldn't that mean she looks like your ex-fiance? Or are they not that kind of twins?

  26. Jumped ages ago in that one thread that wasn't even all that weird to start with but devolved into takl about beastiality.

  27. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryFebruary 10, 2014 at 2:34 PM

    No, my ex doesn't have a twin sister... Piss off, you know what I meant!

  28. I like reading these kinds of stories.
    I always find myself driving past a McDonald's as a McDonald's commercial comes on the radio. (Sometimes Subway, Dunkin', etc.). I know there's one every few miles or so, but it still feels like "they know".
    (I heard some stat. once about how you can't drive X miles in America without hitting a Wal-Mart. Can't remember what it was but it was scary.)

  29. One time me & my hetero lifemate were browsing the DVD section of Best Buy (back when they still had a substantial DVD section), and we picked up a disc of short films from Troma's film festival "Tromadance" (Troma, for the unfamiliar, are the guys who made the Toxic Avenger & are famous for their films looking like the budget was ten bucks for each of them). We start talking about how if they can make movies that look that bad, WE should be able to just as good if not better! And hey, they have a film festival!

    A guy walks up & interrupts our conversation, saying that he'd worked for Troma before and they're dicks, they make you sign away all the rights to your movie, blah blah blah. We listen politely & thank the man for his input (he was kinda creepy), and once he's out of earshot we turn to each other and start quoting the roofer scene from Clerks that this experience has reminded us of.

  30. I don't want to live in a world where incest jokes aren't funny

  31. Anyone else feel like watching Oldboy?

  32. I thought this was going to be a thread about our favorite Woody Allen movies

  33. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryFebruary 10, 2014 at 5:09 PM

    Tell me a good one. I don't find incest jokes unfunny because they're offensive or anything, I find them not funny because they just aren't funny.

  34. Oh okay. Yea, can't think of any off the top of my head.

  35. So you've played the Ryland games have you ever played TEW or did you stop with EWR?

  36. I did a little TEW but it became so complicated it lost it's charm - plus it didn't have those match write ups, right? Plus I'm onto booking revolution now, which is like EWR but with actual gameplay.


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