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Monday Night Open Mic

Howdy Blog o'Doomers,

What a shitty Super Bowl. Hate when the season ends on a boring blowout. However much respect to the Seahawks because they kicked some ass.

I watched Smackdown this week when I heard about the Titus turn and I wanted to see how they executed it. Luck have it I watched the rest of the show too and found some nice surprises.

Dean Ambrose seems to be channeling a little bit of Randy Savage in his promos. Not with the same delivery but the promo he cut on Reigns, especially when he said 'next time I'll do it to your face' seemed like something straight out of the Savage book. The Shield are probably as good a booking and pairing job the WWE has done in a long time. The only exception is how they are wasting Ambrose's title reign. He's held the belt since May and it barely gets used in the booking for him. Would be nice for him and Big E. to actually be booked as the dominant mid-carders if they are going to hold the straps. Why they aren't booked for weekly title defenses against the various mid-card talent makes no sense. They should open the second hour of RAW with a defense against someone.

And Roman Reigns even sounds better than average on the mic. As I said before, the only thing the WWE can do with Reigns is fuck it up by waiting too long. If things run their natural course he's going to make them a ton of money in and out of the ring. He's already getting face pops and they are going to grow. Having him stare down HHH and get what he wanted was a nice step and subtlely starts the power struggle that will exist with him and Ambrose. I like Rollins too, I'm actually really impressed with him. He's likely going to get swallowed in the Reigns-Ambrose but he's one of those guys that can find a spot for himself in the second tier of guys on the roster.

As for the rest of Smackdown, a renewed Cesaro push is a nice thing. Spitting him and Dutch from Swagger is even better. Cesaro is a little too talented to be stuck in a meddling tag team but I enjoy the pairing of him and Dutch. Like I said before if there needed to be a replacement for Swagger in the Real Americans, it should be Mark Henry. He's great as a heel and he's a former U.S. Olympian so the connection is there.

Anyway silly booking, enjoy the show tonight and come out swinging but always try to keep it clean.


  1. Philip Seymour Hoffman
    Joan Mondale

    They say these things happen in threes.

    Somebody keep an eye on Punk tonight.

  2. Denver was already killed last night

  3. I keep feeling Ambrose has a similiar "sound" to Jake Roberts. His promos feel very similiar to old school Snake promos.

    I think they should do Reigns vs Taker at Mania with Reigns putting up a solid effort and Taker giving him a star making performance. You can even have Ambrose and Rollins look to come out to help him but he tells them to shoo as he wants to do this himself. Then end with Taker showing Reigns respect with a handshake.

  4. "Somebody keep an eye on Punk tonight."

    Is AJ at RAW or is she with Punk?

  5. I see Bray more like Jake.

  6. Punk's gonna murder dem sugawalls if you know what I am saying.

  7. Punk is gonna expand his horizons,He's going to TNA bang the knockouts.

  8. Philip Seymour Hoffman dying, worst news ever. Favorite actor ever maybe. Fuck that sucks

  9. My favorite Superbowl was sf working elway 55 to 10

  10. meh, Superbowl's over, time to start prepping for fantasy baseball drafts

  11. Top 5 all time qbs: Marino, unitas, elway, Montana, Brady and Manning. Who do you take out of that list?

  12. That was fun, I enjoyed their crushing of the Chargers as well.

  13. I see Bray more like tugboat

  14. Tugboat didn't had talent.

  15. Unitas. Montana amd brady are 1-2. Bradys the best b I've ever seen but I'm 31 so didn't see Montana prime. Steve young in a vacuum might ge the best ever

  16. #8 is my favorite player of all time but you can't be the best player of all time and lose to favre 3 times in the playoffs

  17. I'm a mark for Favre so maybe him over Marino?

  18. Favorite non 49ers qb ever-mike Vick, partially because I don't care for pit bulls. Fight those dogs black people, fight those dogs

  19. *signals for BoD security to remove CinamericaJason from BoD locker room*

    I have nothing but hatred of favre, the kind of hate a 49ers fan growing up in the 90's would have. Is he top 5 good? I couldn't make an honest assessment

  20. I do not feel bad at all. You play with fire, you get burnt.

  21. Everyone but Montana and Brady.

    Does that answer your question?

  22. That's a fairly simplistic view of addiction.

  23. Running qbs that use the pseudonym Ron mexico and and use the old fake water bottle to get weed on the plane > dogs

  24. Well maybe you can shake his hand. He'll be in O-Town soon enough.

  25. Does it make you feel better that in addition to my Favre jerseys that I also have Young and Rice ones?

  26. Yea, those packer loses killed him. The way I look at it...most accurate ever, playing with infer niners teams imo. I go Esty think if young hac a bigger career window on a good team (instead of sitting behind Montana for awhile) he MIGHT be GOAT

  27. Gotta put the old guard guys in though. Seems like he's the best of the barrell right?

  28. Only "fairly"?

  29. It's hard to quantify because Unitas played in an entirely different era, and even Marino, Elway and Montana played in a different era than Brady and Manning. The gaudy numbers that the modern Quarterbacks put up since the major rule changes (2004 onward) would be far less gaudy if they played in the 80's and 90's. And the numbers that the QB's from the 90's and before would probably be much better if they played in today's game.

    I'm 26 so I obviously never saw Johnny Unitas, didn't see Joe Montana and barely saw Dan Marino and John Elway. I guess I have to trust people and put Unitas in the top 5. Ditto for Montana. I'd also put Brady, Elway and Manning over Marino if only because Marino never won a Super Bowl and when you're trying to differentiate between players of this caliber, Super Bowl rings matter.

  30. Can't wait to buy that raiders jersey. Dangerous to walk around San Diego with a raiders jersey but if they sign Vick I'm buying one

  31. Well, I didn't want to be too agressive. But yeah, it shows no real understanding or compassion for those with addiction issues.

  32. Say a prayer for Kofi Kingston, who's lost his swank ride to the show.

  33. Marino was a killer though. You put him in this era and he might toss 75 TDs and 6500 yards

  34. *signals BoD security to confiscate the Favre jersey, and let CinamericaJason back in*

  35. Well Peyton was not too far behind those number and look what happened.

    Same situation, different QB if Marino was playing today.

  36. But Bizarro World XFL Season 14 is about to begin!

  37. Anyone think they open with a hot match to try and stop the Punk chants? If it opens on a HHH promo, he is gonna get killed out there.

  38. is CM Punk's bus free?

  39. So you're doing this via Siri?

  40. Re: jobber/goat qbs

    I think the best way to answer this is to ask: if you had to win 1 game, who would you have as your qb? Jim drunkenmiller or gtfo.

    Honestly, brady or Montana. It's splitting hairs

  41. I'm convinced one of my local weathermen is Chris Traeger irl.

  42. To get Reigns over they should have him win the title then have Randy Orton cash in MITB and win.

  43. I don't know what was worst about yesterday, the fact the superbowl was as lopsided as it gets or that I got a Bruno Mar's song stuck in my head.

  44. It would have to be a new Bryan match. Def possible

  45. God I love Steve Young. The guy was tough as a fucking lug nut too. I've seen him gut out concussions, broken ribs, sprained ankles, all that shit. He got sandwiched by Dallas and GB, but for my money he was the best player of the 90's. My favorite football player of all time, and the only pro athlete I would currently contemplate escalating an argument in a bar about to violence.

  46. I think Ambrose ends up being a top 5 promo guy of all time. The fact that he is good in the ring too is just icing on the cake.

  47. Apparently the chants have already started

    "-@WRESTLEZONEcom @TheHistoryofWWE attending #Raw #WWEOmaha .. already have been a few loud cm punk chants"

  48. You won't get stabbed though. Jeered, maybe, but you'll be safe.

    I'm kind of surprised San Diego hates the Raiders the most. I'd imagine Chargers fans still see themselves as elite in the division, so they'd hate Denver more.

  49. WTF is George Blanda?

    Blanda is the Babe Ruth of football. Run, pass, kick, he did it all.

  50. Punk chants are gonna dominate the show. I can't wait.

  51. I hope hijacking shows becomes a thing.

  52. Just as long as they don't forget to chant for Bryan too. Don't give the schnozz a chance to say "see, Vince, I told you it's just a fad."

  53. Wow what a bad ass. BTW drugs or not he did more with his life than you ever could. Best actor, just a brilliant artist. If that's a troll well done because I'm legit annoyed but if you really think that you're so fucking stupid I wouldn't even classify you as a person.

  54. Since Brady hasn't won a Super Bowl in 10 years I don't know why he'd be an option.

  55. Orton to start Raw? Are they serious, bro?

  56. Have HHH come out and tell the stadium there's a bomb underneath them. If he hears one Punk chant he'll blow them all up. They will of course chant anyway because they are stupid and boom.

  57. Is this a serious response?

  58. Wait, I know I haven't watched much of RAW since October, but THE NEW AGE OUTLAWS?!? When (and why) the fuck did this happen?

  59. I'd trade the whole roster of the wwe to bring back Hoffman for a few more flicks.

  60. I didn't know CM Punk frequented the blog.

  61. Do people actually enjoy this NCIS stuff? I almost don't want to turn on Raw right away so I don't have see 5 minutes of it.

  62. Addiction is more complicated then you are making it out to be. Not as cut and dried as you think. But it's nice how you can show no compassion for his family or fiends.

  63. BREAKING: WWE resigns CP Munk.

  64. Do Super Bowls with a 5 year expiration date count more then recent ones? Do they count for 2.3 Lombardi trophies if you win them more then 5 years ago? This This is the stupidest arguement I've ever heard

  65. It kills HHH too. Take one for the team Omaha.

  66. No, HHH, Steph and Vince will flee the scene in a helicopter as the stadium blows up.

  67. Over/Under Peyton Manning/Omaha/Super Bowl jokes or puns: 6

  68. Fucking hate the guy and his way too big lunch pail head but Brady is definitely 1a with Joe cool. One guy is more of a jordanesque cut throat competitor and the other guy is the ultimate smile and stay cool no matter what qb. 6 of one, half dozen of the other

  69. I'll take the over when WWE returns in 2016.

  70. The guy was clean for 23 years. An injury led to him being prescribed painkillers which led to a relapse. That alone should demonstrate to people just what a bitch addiction can be. People need to get over their view of drug addiction as an evil criminalised thing and realise that it's a serious health issue. You can be anti-drugs and still have empathy and sympathy for those affected by them. In fact, I'd think you should have even more than other drug-takers.

  71. It's a top rated show but I have a feeling it's mostly from the over 40 crowd.

  72. It's the new "Law and Order". You know the good guys are going to win, and the plot follows the same beats every episode so you can jump in half way through.

  73. As much as I HATE Brady, dude has a killer instinct.

    Something my boy Kap needs.

  74. I posted this elsewhere but it needs to be heard here more than than there because most of you guys really are somewhat smart guys. Its just that you've let your fanboyism blind you and make you delusional to reality. So I'm going to do an experiment tonight. I'm predicting two major things. If they happen then I'm a genius and I clearly know what I'm talking about. Its obvious to me that they're going to happen but you guys here at Powerhouse are so delusional that maybe just maybe if I can call this ahead of time you'll be able to step into reality. So who here is willing to take the challenge? Tonight if these things happen like I say who is on here willing to admit that you're out of touch with the average fan and no matter how bad you want it the average fan will never want to see the same things as you on television and as long as that stays true you'll never have the guys you want be "the guy" they'll always be 1B or the number two guy but never THE guy. So here it is guys the prediction that I've been calling for all week and we'll get visual evidence tonight.

    So everyone on here either believes this CM Punk thing is a "work" or they believe that the fans will "revolt" against the product starting tonight now that you know its mainstream that CM Punk quit. So I'm going on record that you won't get one clear, audible CM Punk chant and Batista is going to get a good pop. Thus defeating two annoying internet "certainties" over the last week. That CM Punk will be starting some sort of fan "revolt" by being gone and that the fans don't want to see Batista. Of course I'm sure even when this DOES happen you guys are so far in denial over what the average fan wants that you'll refuse to accept that these are happening. You'll continue to claim that there is an uproar of vocal fans ready to revolt with CM Punk and you'll continue to think that one crowd on one night booing Batista is the normal and not the anomaly despite it not happening before or since that night. I'm here to HELP you guys deal with your delusions and addictions.

    Step into reality, realize Punk isn't the voice of the voiceless he's just as voiceless as you. I'm trying to help you realize that Batista IS who the fans want to see an no amount of Daniel Bryan fanbosim, or CM Punk rebellion or even Dolph Ziggler obsession or Dean Ambrose admiring is going to make a difference. Randy Orton vs. Batista is what Joe in middle America wants to see and THATS who the WWE caters to. I'm helping you realize this so you DON'T buy the Elimination Chamber in hopes of a Daniel Bryan win, I'm helping you realize this so you DON'T buy the network in hopes of seeing CM Punk at Wrestlemania.

    Of course we know that no matter how much you say you hate Randy Orton vs. Batista you guys would buy these things if these two were involved in a three hour iron man match. And THATS why your voice doesn't matter. You'll watch the product no matter what, you'll cry afterwards not unlike your hero CM Punk but you're addicts. Help me help you guys. Watch the show tonight and after its over and Batista was cheered and CM Punk was forgotten about from the fans realize that what you want will never be what joe in middle America wants and that if the guys you cheer for get on television THAT should be championship enough for you. I'm here to help you, help me help you. Yes! Yes! Yes!

  75. I think their point was that it's harder to feel sorry for an addict dying of a drug overdose than someone hit by a bus or in a random mall shooting or something.
    I think we like to believe they could have controlled it and didn't, though it's more complicated than that.

  76. Randy Orton is totally the guy to get the fans not to chant CM Punk.

  77. The "legendary" JBL?

  78. Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow

  79. After Koko B. Ware's hall induction, the scale changed.

  80. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonFebruary 3, 2014 at 6:01 PM

  81. The threat is looming with CM Punk chants dominating the show and how do you counteract that?

    Randy Orton.

  82. Is it wrong that I pictured Cena with an eye patch in that graphic?

  83. Who cares how he died. The guy was fucking amazing


  85. CM PUNK chant off the bat

  86. Oh here we go already.


  88. Well that didn't take long.

  89. No, it's very, very right.

  90. This is gonna be glorious if they chant all night.


  92. This show is already doomed.

  93. I feel bad for the intern that has to calm down Randy.

  94. Wrong 30 seconds in! Thanks for playing!

  95. At least Orton isn't pausing to give them room to chant more. He's learnding

  96. Since Super Bowl 39, the Patriots have ben slaughtered in the divisional round by the Colts, slaughtered in the wild card game by the Ravens, blew a 24-point halftime lead in the AFC title game, lost at home to Mark Sanchez(!) and the Jets in the divisional round, lost back-to-back AFC championships and have lost two Super Bowls.

    So why would I choose a quarterback who is on the downside of his career and hasn't won a big game in 10 years?

  97. WWE: Keep it up, we'll do empty arena matches ALL THE TIME

  98. You just need to poke him in the eye Randy.

  99. That didn't take long...

  100. When did Orton beat Cesaro? I'm sure he had since the WWE has sacrificed everyone on the altar of Cena/Orton, but I don't remember.

  101. Orton is playing this promo very well

  102. If Orton wasn't in the main event he'd be fucking awesome

  103. Dont give up yet crowd. 3 hours left.

  104. Orton is doing a good job at keeping the Punk chants at bay

  105. Pro Wrestling Fans today are embarrassing and they act like babies if they dont get their way.

  106. He has talent,but he refuses to show.

  107. Unusually solid Orton promo so far.

  108. Randy Orton facing Scott Steiner at 30? I'm buying two.

  109. Troll alert!

  110. I was going to say, it was workign for him

  111. Ok, if anyones gonna acknowledge the Punk chants, itll be Trips.

  112. Ten dislikes in less than a minute. That's gotta be a blog record!

  113. You're going for the record of downvotes.


  115. I'm actually watching the 4th quarter now on my computer (while Orton rambles on) cause I didn't pay much attention to it last night. Just utter dominance throughout the entire game.

  116. my new writing job turned into a cold-calling sales job. My tech job won't promote me to a cool, digital-media related position because there aren't enough people to do my tech job, I left my wallet at home, my socks are wet from the snow, and I smell like weed because a baggie I had broke in my pocket.

    Surely a Monday Night Raw will be the cure for what ails me.

  117. I guess we should all just accept what the WWE spoon feeds us.

  118. bet Steiner can't read that aloud without getting gassed...

  119. The Punk chants are making me kind of look forward to the trainwreck that is Orton vs Batista.

  120. Orton rushing and talking loudly without pauses was amusing, at least.

  121. I'm sure that long-winded screed was worth it. Now that you've told us, I'm sure you've got some porn to look up.

  122. Batista's name gets booed every time now. This is fucking hilarious. I love it.

    I don't think the chants are gonna be long and strong tonight though...they're crazy if they didn't beef up their audio sweetening equipment in preparation for this.

  123. I like how their answer to crowd unrest is extreme closeups to avoid the crowd whenever possible

  124. CM PUNK chant #2

  125. By Gawd! That's Poochie's music!

  126. That was the longest run-on sentence in WWE history.

  127. Here comes Stephanie to cut Randy's balls off...

  128. Holy crap, wasn't this supposed to be the "non-internet" crowd? that CM punk chant is thunderous.

  129. are they still attached? I thought she did that a while ago

  130. Abey,how's life.

  131. Punk wasn't just an internet darling.

  132. Aren't they in Omaha? Yeah, pretty surprising.

  133. Hunter face/heel meter - FACE

  134. I say everyone keeps downvoting him to see how many he can get in x amount of time.

  135. They are chanting for a guy they like, the horror!

  136. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonFebruary 3, 2014 at 6:06 PM

    He probably had surgery so they can snap on and off.

  137. yup, they back to being faces this week.

  138. Why does he still have two belts?

  139. Ummm. Again, he's 3-2 in the superbowl. Do superbowl 10 years ago count more them recent ones. This is such a dumb arguement. If you want to keep debating this bring it up top. I'm done for now

  140. Yeah, it won't be him

  141. Vince is going to re-wire every mic in the building during break #1

  142. Toy belt sales.

  143. Hes also won a ton of playoff games around those losses

  144. Win the crowd over with Bryan WWE.

  145. What even is Triple H, hes a big pile of rotten

  146. I've got radio TV tonight because no one in the UK wants to stream this show...

  147. Steph's arms are huge. Why won't Triple H admit that he regrets dumping Chyna?

  148. Oh goddamnit, they're gonna turn Bryan heel.

  149. Stephanie is slowly becoming a Chyna 2.0

  150. Because implants.


  152. oh fuck, HHH wants to be cheered again

  153. Nice try at making the yes chant lame, Hunter. Fail.

  154. This city isn't coordinated as well.

  155. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonFebruary 3, 2014 at 6:07 PM


  156. And the leeching off Bryan's popularity has begun...

  157. HHH's Yes looks like someone begging for the heimlich

  158. I am struck by the urge to kick Trips in the nuts.

  159. So, the main event is what happens in HHH's BRAIN???

  160. Seriously, Steph can gain 50 pounds and still be hotten than Chyna.

  161. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonFebruary 3, 2014 at 6:08 PM

    That began awhile ago.

  162. Authority are faces tonight. Got it.

  163. That was the weirdest shit ever. Have your heel authority figure lead a chant for a top babyface? Wtf

  164. Daniel Bryan..... Truly Overrated. Not as good as Chris Benoit was in his prime. And the dude can't draw.

  165. The new face of Sunday Night Heat.

  166. So, the plan looks like for HHH to face Bryan at Mania.

  167. They're just telling stories, man

  168. Rhodesdust break up tonight?

  169. HHH is turning face so he can get another hard fought victory cheer after a loss. Oh wait.....

  170. The finally figured out how to kill Bryan's heat, Triple H and Stephanie endorsing him. Vince is a genius.

  171. HHH associating with Bryan only pushes closer to Bryan/HHH at Mania, and honestly that's really what it should be at this point.


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