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New Punk DVD

> Could totally see this happening if he doesn't go back soon. ;)
> Hope all is well!
> RD

You're probably not far off on this one given HHH and his feelings. The sad thing is that their real life animosity is a better story than 99.9% of the crap the writers are putting out there for WM thus far.


  1. The sad thing about the second world belt is, for the most part, you could've just had it as great programs for the IC title and no one would've batted an eye.

  2. I take exception to the "Beth Phoenix. Really?" joke. I wouldn't kick her out of bed, for eating crackers.

  3. Weren't Batista and Taker pissed they didn't get the main event slot at WrestleMania 23 and went out to steal the show? That is the only time I can remember there being a question of who would close the show.

    Though in retrospect, 25 should've ended with HBK/Taker

  4. When Taker held the belt and had feuds with Edge and Batista I thought it was pretty legit. I don't think it became really terrible until it started bouncing around Orton, Christian, Henry, and a not insanely over Bryan.

  5. The crowd sure as hell thought the show ended after their match at 25

  6. The Big Gold Belt became such an afterthought, they could have just stuck the Western States Heritage title in guys.

  7. I've been here since Fuji and CultStatus (unfortunately only 1 has left) were having dick measuring contests in every thread but lurk 99.999% of the time. This Punk debate is the most interesting debate I've seen on the blog since the Brock - Cena ER match. I don't agree completely with either side (sorry OfficerFarva) but both sides make great points that hold merit.

    The pro punk side seems to be those that want to live vicariously through Punk. They probably aernt thrilled with their jobs and would love to be able to tell their bosses to fuck off." They are willing to overlook the fact that he did it like an asshole because they just envy what punk did.

    The anti punk stance can't comprehend why he'd let his emotions get the better of him, subsequently making him act like an asshole. In his eyes, he was dicked around for a few months amd eventually his emotions got the better of him. It happens to everyone.

    I lean towards the Punk was an asshole side simply because everyone has peripds in their careers they are unhappy with. Punk wasnt complaining abput his role or his pay when he was working feuds with all the A listers. It's a fascinating debate. I'll go back lurking now.

  8. "2. No, because the prestige isn't a real thing."

    Man, Scott has been cranky lately.

  9. The worst was when the fake world title was the top title (when Benoit, Shawn, and HHH were fighting over it in '04) and the real world title was on Smackdown with JBL.

  10. Totally agree and actually that's probably what drew me to Bret as a fan. He wanted to win and he wanted to be the champion. That was his entire gimmick and I was into that. I could never respect someone who wanted to steal the Undertaker's urn or something like that. The realism of Bret is what made me a fan. But while Bret Hart the wrestling character that was obsessed with being the best was cool, Bret Hart the man that is obsessed with being the best is kinda lame.

  11. Given the state of the wrestling business as a whole these days, I don't blame him.

  12. That's because HHH didn't want to work Tuesdays. =D

  13. Scott, please stop constantly no-selling these questions man. You used to not do that.

  14. Looking back at that, how can HHH be so stupid? After him and Jericho bombed after Hogan/Rock, you would think he'd have known better than to try to follow Shawn/UT. At WM18, he might not have had a choice, but by WM25, he could have influenced it.

  15. Damn right. All aspiring wrestlers should make it required listening, because Austin knows his shit.

  16. I would imagine going through his emails would be enough to do it, but yeah, 2014 has already been frustrating as hell.

  17. Blasphemous as it may sound, I kind of had the same experience (on the Triple H DVD at least). Doesn't mean I approve of the character he plays now or have always uniformly enjoyed his work, but I don't have the distaste that others do for the guy. CM Punk is what he is for me; I appreciate the work inside the ring and the character, even if the real life guy is a giant douche.

  18. I can see why people don't like Punk the person... he's a very opinionated, I'm always right no-matter what kind of guy, or at least that's what he comes across as, specifically in the DVD documentary. As a professional, nothing but the very best is good enough for him. There's nothing wrong with that. If your ambition in rasslin' is to be the next Curt Hawkins, good for you, but everyone's opinion should be "I'm the best and I deserve the best".

  19. Are you kidding? The no-selling is the best part of it!

  20. Threadjack: Wyatt Family is getting the live music treatment at WrestleMania, apparently. Here's to hoping two things: Wyatt goes over Cena to establish him as a major star, then let him challenge NEW WWE World Heavyweight Champion Daniel Bryan as his first challenger. Their Rumble match was fresh, and I could go for another round or two.

  21. It was cute at first when it was endless Bryan questions, but if he doesn't give a shit he should just not bother posting these.

  22. 4/10 would not bang.

  23. I know why a lot of hhh's peers would keep their mouths shut about him but man, if you listen to austin or Jericho's podcast or foley's writings, you can sense their dislike of him bubbling to the surface but held back at the last moment.

    I really wish there was some top guy just saying fuck it and letting loose on him. The only guy who has ever done so is Bret Hart, who doesn't seem to care at this point in his life. Again, I know why no one would speak up but a guy can dream...

  24. If Punk isn't through with wrestling altogether, I'm really excited about seeing a star of his magnitude do anything outside of the WWE. If he heads to New Japan we get Punk/Tanahashi and about a dozen other international dream matches. If he stays in the US, could you imagine if, secure in his wealth, he did some indie shows just for the fun of it, like ROH or DGUSA? I realize that's unlikely, but there aren't many alternatives if he still wants to climb back in the ring. TNA is a thing, and I would be somewhat interested in that too, but we all know how that goes.

    Realistically he's probably going to try some MMA and wind up patching things up with WWE after he cools down. But it's fun to consider the alternatives--Punk/Elgin and such.

  25. Your_Favourite_LoserFebruary 9, 2014 at 10:43 AM

    i'm really sorry that titus turned on you, darren

  26. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonFebruary 9, 2014 at 10:44 AM

    Whatever title that the top tier (Cena, HHH, Orton) hold were the important one. That was going to headline RAW. That's just the way it is.

  27. I can see punk doing mma like Batista did but unless he's a prodigy, he's not going to ufc anytime soon.

  28. Easy there, studman.

  29. Your_Favourite_LoserFebruary 9, 2014 at 10:45 AM

    "after watching his DVD I just think he's a whiny little bitch that cries
    when he doesnt get his own way. On the other hand, I use to despise HHH
    but after watching Thy Kingdom Come, he seems like a really hard
    working, smart guy and a great father to his girls.'

    holy shit, the guy who sent out the e-mail to the media sent an email to scott!

  30. I actually kind of respected Bret more after reading his book. While he did have a certain ego about himself (especially when he compared himself to Shawn as Polo points out below), he did admit to his mistakes. He fully admitted that he was the one responsible for his marriage failing, which a lot of people would not admit, even to themselves.

    I think he's way too hard on himself for taking the blame for Owen's death, though. Looking at it from his point of view, i can understand why, but at the same time, it was something completely out of his hands.

  31. I will miss punk as a performer. He's a great talent and truthfully, the main event of mania should be a who's better match between him and Bryan.

    Why did fuj leave? I liked his dry sarcasm.

  32. I'm gonna say, the World title was less important once it wasn't HHH's personal pant holder.

  33. I was always more into the Big Gold Belt, but I'm an independent spirit and a free thinker. I'm not going to let Vince prescribe the value of any title for my eyes, no matter how many Great Kahlis he puts it on. I also wear a fedora that I made myself out duck tape.

  34. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonFebruary 9, 2014 at 10:48 AM

    That is HHH's fault. IF you remember, the IC belt was supposed to be the main belt on one of the shows and they were going to consolidate all the other belts (Hardcore, Euro) into it. HHH vetoed this idea, saying the belt was beneath him.

    This is what pisses me off the most. The person makes the title, not the other way around. but HHH has some weird hatred of secondary belts.

  35. He would probably get owned in MMA.

  36. There's something on that DVD after Shawn/Undertaker? Really?

  37. Which is funny because he was one of the guys who helped with the IC title's prestige, like his war for it against The Rock back when they were both still mid-carders.

  38. There's something on that DVD OTHER than Shawn/Taker? Really?

  39. I think HHH may have an ego problem.

  40. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonFebruary 9, 2014 at 10:51 AM

    Yeah. I don't get it. He could have easily had those same good matches with other wrestlers over the IC belt.

    I wish they would have put the IC or US bet on Punk and let him have a run with it to put over a lot of people just to piss HHH off.

  41. WHAT?! This dude watches wrestling wrong. That Punk DVD was a top 5 dvd for me. As for the HHH DVD...hahaha, you watched it.

  42. I'm just waiting until some of these guys decide to cut ties entirely with WWE. If/when Jericho decides to hang it up entirely and cut all ties (not even working as a road agent/booker, or making occasional guest appearances for promos), I'd love to see what he has to say.

  43. HHH emailed you? Nice.

  44. Yup. Would absolutely hit.

  45. I gotta agree with the prestige thing. Sure there is SOME prestige associated with the belts but 75% of it is just based on who is holding the belt. You could put a chastity belt on Cena for a year and the WHC belt on Kofi for a year and the chastity belt would be alot more prestigious after 12 months. Seriously. It's just a prop to help sell non money feuds these days. See: Orton/Cena

  46. Your_Favourite_LoserFebruary 9, 2014 at 10:58 AM

    i like the cut of your job

    i know a lot of people have problems with cena/bray at WM, but i think it could be good. i do think bray needs to go over in order to cement himself

  47. It's assumed HHH doesn't like Punk, but has there ever been any hard evidence for that? Seems like something that's just put on HHH

  48. Your_Favourite_LoserFebruary 9, 2014 at 11:03 AM

    with a forward by hhh, along with the standard "quotes of support" on the back cover all by hhh

  49. I kinda get the sentiment about he HHH DVD. When it's focussing on him getting to the top, it's hard not to like him for the simple fact he worked his ass off to get there. However, once the DVD starts focussing on Triple Haitch the "Bonafide greatest Jesus King Main Eventer" of all time, you remember why you dislike the guy so much.

  50. Which Foley writing was he simmering about HHH in? I don't remember any sort of underlying dislike of him in at least the first 3 books at all.

  51. I recall HHH and HBK saying during Punk's OVW days that he seemed pretty generic and didn't have anything special to him, but HHH said the same thing about Cena and as far as I know, there's no bad blood there. Of course, Cena seems like a nice guy all around where Punk is an asshole who is totally the sort of person who could end up holding a grudge that results in bad blood on both sides.

    Still, as I and others have said, there's a ton of people confusing HHH with Paul Levesque. If Paul Levesque doesn't want Punk back, there's a good chance it's only because it sets a horrible precedent for other guys to just walk out when they're unhappy and wait for the company to beg them to come back.

  52. Whaaaaat? That's crazy talk. You're crazy. Stop talking crazy.

  53. Some of his blog posts. I can't recall which one exactly.

    Dewey foley really hates HHH.

  54. Without picking sides on this current CM Punk debacle, I think its pretty pathetic the way Vince can treat his wrestlers sometimes. They put their life on the line, bust their ass doing over 150 matches a year, and in many cases die young as a result. In return, they get to pay for their own healthcare, and get insulted if they try to leave or take a break. I'm kind of stunned Vince has insulted Punk yet. Again, I don't know the details, but in general, the wrestlers deserve far better than what they are getting, and I can understand if Punk needs a break.

  55. Punk is WAY too far past the aging curve to make a serious run at an MMA side career. If the dude is too banged up to be a pro wrestler, he'd get wrecked by any halfway decent MMA fighter.

  56. Caliber_Winfield_TCTFebruary 9, 2014 at 11:08 AM

    Dewey's post was incredible, and made me so happy to finally hear someone from the Foley family just lay into HHH.

    I saw the Best of Raw & Smackdown 2013 set at wal-mart the other day, and I was shocked as shocked can be to see that Triple H had the biggest image on the cover.

  57. He sure does now. I like that kid,

  58. Caliber_Winfield_TCTFebruary 9, 2014 at 11:09 AM

    I'd really like to hear about it from Jericho. Because Triple H was an absolute prick to him when he started.

  59. Did enjoy Edge and Jericho dancing around "some people in power" in regards to Edge's first WWE Championship reign, it ending in 3 weeks "because we have to stick to the plan, but you know if he wanted plans changed it'd be fine," etc.

  60. Well said. That was my thought. No way Paul still thinks Punk is generic or isn't a huge asset to the company. It seems people are just putting this on HHH just because he's an easy target for the IWC

  61. Too old, too least he could teach Chael Sonnen there's more to a wrestling promo than ripping off 40-year-old Superstar Graham quips.

  62. Caliber_Winfield_TCTFebruary 9, 2014 at 11:11 AM

    We're hoping the other one leaves, but he likes using his status as the top poster to get chicks, respect, access to the best clubs, and basically VIP treatment from everyone he sees. I mean, c'mon, 13,000+ posts on a wrestling blog? That ain't nothing to sneeze at.

  63. Since 2002, was never a fan of the BGB. Stunk too much of Double J

  64. Caliber_Winfield_TCTFebruary 9, 2014 at 11:13 AM

    69thed! Heh heh heh!

  65. Caliber_Winfield_TCTFebruary 9, 2014 at 11:16 AM

    I agree they deserve better treatment, but no one forces them to do the job. Plus, it's their passion in most cases, and to do that for a living, while being paid handsomely and have legions of fans is a pretty sweet deal. If I were able to have 1/100th of Punk's success in my chosen field, I'd gladly be on the road 300 days a year and pay for my own health care.

  66. Well, in Undisputed, it's like he drank the Hunter Kool-Aid on why he was dicked around with at the start.

  67. This. It's a shitty grind, but really, in the post-internet age, there's no excuse for getting into the business not knowing that it's gonna be a shitty grind.

  68. Caliber_Winfield_TCTFebruary 9, 2014 at 11:20 AM

    Also, there are some who find the grind to be part of the appeal. Honestly, I wouldn't mind it for a few years. I think it'd be a lot of fun traveling the world with your friends, doing what you love. Sure, after 20 years it'd be old, but for a few, I think it'd be a real blast. There isn't a wrestler alive with a few years under his belt who doesn't have 100's of awesome stories to tell.

  69. HBK? Aren't there stories from former creative people on podcasts that HBK was chipping in on creative at one point and argued for Punk when others were feeling like he wasn't working out on the major league level?

  70. I've already done this rant before, so I'll keep my response to this short and sweet:

    "The belts have no prestige/don't matter/are props" is one of the BIGGEST problems in WWE today. If there's not that "top prize" to show who the best is, then why should anyone give a flying fuck about ANYTHING going on.

  71. I would pay to see a Punk v. Cena "loser has to wear a chastity belt" match.

  72. Totally. That's what they're talking about when they say you have to "want it."

    Some people love the constantly on the move lifestyle.

  73. they solved that by creating the Face of the WWE, didn't you hear? (facepalm)

  74. Both docs on the Punk and HHH dvds are top 5 all time.

  75. Were there? I'm so far out of the podcast loop, I have no clue.

    All I recall is that when HHH went down to OVW to size up the developmental talent, there was one time than it was reported HBK went with him and they both panned Punk as generic. Could HBK's opinion have changed over the course of nearly 10 years? Sure. HHH's could have, too.

  76. Throw in Bells and AJ in each corner. Winner gets the chastity belt AND a vibrating toy for their respective girlfriend

  77. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonFebruary 9, 2014 at 11:24 AM

    "Punk loses..and there was great wailing and gnashing of teeth within the Diva community.."

  78. It's not about the WWE being lazy, Punk is just a crazy nut!

  79. Better make it no-DQ... Punk'll just kick Cena in the junk, smile, and toss the belt down on him.

    (On the other hand... I'd pop for that.)

  80. Unrelated to the topic at hand, but I've been keeping an eye out for a TCW rebirth and I'm beginning to think they've just become part of Elite Championship Wrestling out of Louisiana. Their rosters are pretty much the same and the TCW site has a plug for an upcoming ECW show that involves Americos, Tim Storm, Scott Phoenix and a chance to win dinner with Matt Riviera (still time to enter, btw). I tweeted @TCWNews to ask them if Riviera had taken over the company and just shut it down. They retweeted but did not respond. I also tweeted a warning to Elite Championship Wrestling that Riviera now has a history of winning control of the company and shutting it down so they should watch out for him, but no response yet. I did get a response on Twitter from some guy who said he has emailed the office twice with no response. I've spent way too much time on this...

  81. Yeah they are following passion, but Vince, and to be fair nearly every major wrestling promoter ever, is taking advantage of them. I was never mad at Austin for leaving in 2002 for example. He clearly needed a break (domestic abuse against Debra is another story though). The way Vince runs the wrestlers through the grinder, and profits off them, and insults them after they are done (Ultimate Warrior DVD, Insulting Austin on that Raw in 2002, etc) is terrible. Yes they are following their passions, but that allows Vince even more leverage. Also the fact that he found a judge to agree the wrestlers are independent contractors and not employees, which is absurd, WWE wrestlers are very clearly employees by any definition. I always wonder how much better that 100 million Linda blew on her two failed campaigns could have been spent on the wrestlers. (AKA the people who busted their ass to earn her that money)

  82. The 3rd book he talks about HHH having a problem with what he was doing with Randy Orton and Foley says HHH didn't have a problem when he was benefiting from it back in the day.

  83. I hate it also. It's the natural progression of the devaluing of the "sports" side of it. I was listening to a podcast with the writer who used to be big dick Johnson and he claimed they had discussions of completely getting rid of the belts in X number of years. They thought it would make everything more "character" based as opposed to sports based.

  84. Ouch. That's freezerburn bad (good).

  85. "I've been here since Fuji and CultStatus (unfortunately only 1 has left) were having dick measuring contests in every thread but lurk 99.999% of the time."


  86. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonFebruary 9, 2014 at 11:29 AM

    That is the dumbest thing ever.

  87. Yes, because you're a shining example of maturity.

  88. Every post you make is full of cringe.

  89. This guy gets it.

    Before Punk, the biggest smark darling was Chris Benoit.

    Could it be that Internet smark geek fans are terrible judges of character?

  90. The story of some nitwit (Dunn, Russo, or someone under one of them) thinking that the ring was completely unnecessary would be my winner for "dumbest wrestling idea ever", beating out pretty much 90% of Vince Russo's career and Vapid Twat's existence in the business.

  91. To be fair, I don't think you're wrong in spirit, but the two examples you used of Vince running guys through a grinder and insulting them when he's done are awful.

    Austin walked out in the middle of a storyline and admits he was wrong to do it.

    Warrior held Vince hostage for a payoff and routinely no-showed live events because he didn't feel like honoring his word.

  92. Whatever your opinion of the guy is, can anyone deny that HHH is a smart (some might say cunning) guy and a hard worker? I think most of us would realize that without watching the DVD.

  93. Yeah, I could've sworn Bauer said it at one point and the rapping guy whose name I'm blanking on said it too, that Punk wasn't up to the "Internet hype," too small, yada yada, and Shawn said that he was too small too once and if you want someone to be a big deal, treat him like one and then you see if he's overhyped or not.

  94. But didn't other wrestlers always talk about how Benoit was a great/likable guy? Seems like everybody was wrong about that.

    Also, I think it's pretty common knowledge among the aforementioned fans that Punk's difficult in real life. Fans are (were?) just more willing to look past it/put up with it because they liked his work.

  95. Interestingly, Trips himself was the IC Champion during the Two Man Power Trip, we'll after his main event rise.

  96. I guess that's game recognizing game. Jeff Jarrett did the same thing, and Vince insulted him on live TV as well. However, Jarrett claims that he was getting his back pay, and its hard to know whose telling the truth. Its hard to feel sympathy for Vince in these examples considering the overall general treatment of the wrestlers. I used the warrior, because making a DVD doing nothing but insulting was extreme. I can't think of any other sport or entertainment industry that has done something like that.

    About Austin, yes he left in the middle of a storyline. However, his physical health was beyond the limit, and that played a role as well. I just found it pathetic that Vince went on TV that day and insulted the man who made him the most money ever, with the possible exception of Hogan.

  97. I had tears in my eyes at 7 different points of his being world champion.

  98. I totally get this as I cant believe how much of an Uncle Elmer mark I became after watching Wrestling's Country Boys....

  99. Hell, even when WCW tried that only within a video game (Backstage Assault or something?) everyone was like "WTF?! Where's the ring?" In a VIDEO GAME, let alone real life!

  100. While the match stank, the build-up for HHH/Orton was really hot. I don't entirely blame him/them for putting it on last, even though it ended up definitely being an unfortunate decision.

  101. Unfortunately for the Authority, the face of the WWE for most non-wrestling fans of the past 30 years is still Hulk Hogan.

  102. In their defense... the whole game sucked balls. Even with a ring, it had no chance in hell.

  103. I bought a Bret/Hulk '93 match because to my 9-year-old mind Hulk hadn't fought a guy with a purely technical submission-based skill set before. Plus I've long been an easy mark for "it's not how big/strong you are, it's how smart/skilled you are" stories in wrestling.

  104. I remember this too.

  105. You appreciated Hunter more after watching a documentary extolling his virtues subject to Hunter's approval? Exxxxxxcellent.

  106. Funnily enough, Triple H says the same thing on the Punk DVD, that the person makes the title and how Punk's first reign as world champion was bringing the level of the world title down.

  107. Welcome to the wrestling industry since 1905 (and before)... you can put a "corporate" veneer, hire an actual office staff... it's still professional wrestling.

  108. The title CAN make the person that first night/first week... but after that, it's all on the performer. Also, using that "quick boost" too often (hello, mid-late 1990s) WILL devalue the title sooner or later.

  109. Caliber_Winfield_TCTFebruary 9, 2014 at 11:47 AM

    Slaughter, please give me one example in which I acted in a manner not befitting a mature person.

  110. Caliber_Winfield_TCTFebruary 9, 2014 at 11:48 AM

    I'm still mad at you for taking my wife, man. I should have known. Seeing that 13,000+ post count. Then you just used her and threw her away because of the slew of women at your beck & call. Damn you, Cult!

  111. ... That's parallax's gimmick.

  112. Caliber_Winfield_TCTFebruary 9, 2014 at 11:49 AM

    What, stealing women?

  113. Caliber_Winfield_TCTFebruary 9, 2014 at 11:49 AM

    What's the story behind that?

  114. Oh yeah, I listen to his podcast all the time. Really informative shit.

  115. I kinda flipped on Bret after the Bret and Shawn rivalry DVD. He seemingly still seemed bitter about everything while Shawn seemed to roll with the punches realize he was a dick back in the day.

  116. I've said it before, I'll say it again. I soooo love the irony of HHH (or Paul Levesque if you will) having to deal with this generation's Shawn Michaels (in terms of backstage behaviour) from a management point of view. Oh, to be a fly on the wall if Hunter ever turned to Vince and asked him, "Did you ever have to deal with somebody like this?"

  117. 10% reality, 90% BoD embellishment. He has admitted, IIRC, to going out with a married woman (or two, or three, or...), and it's taken a life of its own here.

  118. (Must not make easy joke...)

  119. I guess my 9-year-old mind at the time felt that brute force would beat a submission guy. But despite who I thought would win, I was still clamoring for a Hulk/Bret match just because that's what your mind was supposed to want after WM9....and again in 1998

  120. Yeah but Shawn was a druggie, asshole manwhore. Punk is just a asshole manwhore. Big difference!

  121. Caliber_Winfield_TCTFebruary 9, 2014 at 11:57 AM

    Although in the book he doesn't name names, he just says "people backstage".

  122. Good news, I love the Wyatt's entrance music.

  123. Definitely happened while HBK was helping book ECW. Creative was bitching about CM Punk and HBK said something to the effect of "Well, why don't you talk to him about it and work to help him improve instead of just complaining?" Various tellings of the story go so far as to say HBK saved his job.

  124. Caliber_Winfield_TCTFebruary 9, 2014 at 12:00 PM

    I always like how Hunter & Nash talk about guys like Punk, Benoit, and Eddie as being types who were too small, yet Shawn is the smallest champion ever next to Rey Mysterio, and of course all they ever say is "Shawn is the GOAT"

  125. Are you or are you not the guy who plagiarized from one of the highest visibility sites on the net?

  126. Stranger in the AlpsFebruary 9, 2014 at 12:01 PM

    Hell yeah, you have. But I did take notice of the Elite group. I found it to be very interesting. Honestly, the TCW Classics episodes I've seen were a completely different product than the ones I reviewed. It was more "sports entertainment" and less quality wrestling. The fact that they shifted focus to the in-ring later in the year makes me think that they changed bookers. I know that Bobby Eaton was booking TCW for a while. Anyway, thanks for the info. They are promoting a Mid-South Legends reunion show on 4/4, and there is a wrestling card being co-promoted, so hopefully, cameras will be rolling for that show.

  127. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonFebruary 9, 2014 at 12:02 PM

    I actually wondered how that would have ended if he didn't tear his quad.

  128. "Greetings, Scotts Tots.

    I have a small favor to ask. Will you ban Dougie for 24 hours? The guy is a total prick, and is despised by everyone. Today he was trying to stir up shit in the Man Movie thread, but I wouldn't let him. So then he goes over to my website and starts spamming my comments section as Jesse Baker, which was fucking annoying because when a new comment comes in, in goes to my email, which then makes my phone alert me. So, I'm trying to work and my phone keeps going off, and I have to drop what I'm doing, and then read witty comments such as "have you ever had sex?". The IPs matched, so I know it was him.

    If you don't want to ban him for 24 hours, I understand. Will you then at least tell him he gets one warning, and that's it? Much appreciated. Sorry to bother you with such trivial shit.


  129. Anybody got a link too that Dewey post? Sounds like something I'd enjoy.

  130. Caliber_Winfield_TCTFebruary 9, 2014 at 12:04 PM

    Wow. Really? Years later and I still have to address this?

    Look, if you're a stupid person, then yeah, I stole from a website that had been linked to on this website for years and years and tried to sneak it past, despite the fact that there are a few guys on here who would have loved nothing more than to bust me on something like that. After years and years of creating 100% organic material I put my credibility on the line for an article that wasn't even that interesting.

    Or, if you're smart, you realize that many websites have done that same list and it was just a coincidence.

    I mean, the idea isn't even that good. There are plenty of better cracked article ideas I would have stolen had that been my intention.

    Besides, you're a werewolf, who are you to judge me?

  131. Caliber_Winfield_TCTFebruary 9, 2014 at 12:05 PM

    How is that immature? The guy is a complete troll and I ask for a 24 hour ban for something Scott once banned me completely for, when I didn't even do it. This is also the same guy who makes jokes about one of Scott's biggest supporters molesting his mentally challenged daughter. Yes, it's very immature for me to think he shouldn't be allowed to post here.

  132. I wanted to downvote you but then you recognized my screen name so you get a reluctant upvote for Werewolf Awareness. the first step to a safer foggy evening is education.

  133. Threadjack: A sad day for crimefighters everywhere:

  134. Caliber_Winfield_TCTFebruary 9, 2014 at 12:06 PM

    How'd you like the remake? I thought it was pretty well done, and I was extremely happy they went light on the CGI.

  135. Someone threw salt in his eyes.

  136. THREADJACK: It makes me respect The Rock that much more after I read this list of wrestlers who totally bombed in their acting careers. I was initially surprised by who showed up at #1, but it makes sense from a $ standpoint. Triple H being #2 is hysterical and I loved the shout-out to Scott Steiner math.

  137. Stranger in the AlpsFebruary 9, 2014 at 12:07 PM

    It's a set up by his hated rival Chang, the Evil Siamese Cat.

  138. "This is also the same guy who makes jokes about one of Scott's biggest supporters molesting his mentally challenged daughter."

    O_O Who is that?

    And yes, running and telling telling on Dougie like your 7 years old is immature.

  139. Holy fucking shit the belligerence of those awful ads somehow overpowered my AdBlock Plus

  140. HATED it. Thought it completely missed the point of what made the original great, and leaned way too hard on the big stupid fight at the end. They had good actors, but the script didn't give them anything to run with, and only Hugo Weaving was particularly entertaining…then he had nothing to do in the third act.

    SPOILERS coming for anybody who cares: Turning the father character into a mostly unrepentant villain hollows out the emotional core of the movie, and changing the love interest from "engaged to another dude" to "dated my dead brother" takes a lot of the tension and immediacy out of their dynamic. Benicio also was not the guy to follow Chaney Jr. and his mumbly bullshit didn't do much to establish a character I could root for or feel sympathetic towards. The original movie was about alienation, self-doubt, paranoia, and the dark nature of man… the new one is about that time Anthony Hopkins was a dick to his family.

    Shorter version: Original movie was carried by character, remake was carried by set pieces.

    Shortest version: I'm a werewolf hipster.

  141. On the subject of Punk and DVD, I was watching the Punk DVD yesterday (watching the DVD was my girlfriends idea. She has a crush. I think it's equally awesome and worrisome.) and I was watching the DVD special features and Punk tells a story. He had, I believe, a fractured skull. He stayed at his surrogate families house and was basically in bed a couple of weeks with the movie Half Baked playing on the TV. The VCR when the movie ended would automatically rewind and replay the movie. Punk said after the two weeks he actually thought it had only been a couple of hours.

    The story made me shudder a bit and wonder how much permanent brain damage that injury caused him. And how much brain damage has built up over the years. When thinking about that, I'm actually fine if Punk never wrestles again. He gave us years of entertainment and a plethora of great matches from WWE, TNA and ROH. So, yeah, if he retired I wouldn't complain.

  142. Bryan, Eddie and Benoit are all smaller than Shawn

  143. Caliber_Winfield_TCTFebruary 9, 2014 at 12:13 PM

    The guy I'm talking about is Dougie.

    Telling on Dougie? That's immature? A person who's purposely creating a shitty environment on Scott's website, then going else where and impersonating members of the BoD, something I was banned for when Chad pretended to be me.

    Then tell me, how mature are you? I've never had a bad word to say to you that wasn't provoked. When I came here a week ago, I even said I was glad to put you over in the rumble, and thought you were a decent guy. Because although you didn't like me, for whatever reason, you never posted in my QOTD threads and talked shit for the sake of it. Yet, I start posting, and there you are. Talking shit to me for whatever reason. I've tried time and time again to simply respond to your posts and such in the same manner I would everywhere else, hoping you'd pick up on it and quit being a twit. Yet you don't.

    You're in your 30's man, and yet you act like this.

  144. Caliber_Winfield_TCTFebruary 9, 2014 at 12:14 PM

    Haha, I can dig it.

    I felt the same way about the Fright Night remake. Motherfuckers.

  145. Caliber_Winfield_TCTFebruary 9, 2014 at 12:16 PM

    What? AdBlock Plus can be defeated?!

  146. There's no doubt that he's got some health issues that stem from his reluctance to take even an aspirin when he, you know, breaks his head.

    He's also got some family issues to say the least and presents in many ways as a dude who probably could have benefitted and still could benefit from some therapy.

  147. Caliber_Winfield_TCTFebruary 9, 2014 at 12:16 PM

    Do you mean height wise? Because Benoit & Eddie were probably a good 30lbs of muscle heavier than Shawn.

  148. That site must've hired Cena to OVERCOME THE ODDS against AdBlock.

  149. Yeah, I thought it was funny the choice of movie since he's straight edge.

  150. I only know the barebones... someone else originally brought it up.

    (Educated guess): The nitwit thought they could turn WWE into a "normal" television show, I would have to guess. Beyond that, and the fact that whoever had the idea should NEVER be allowed near a wrestling product again, I got nothing.

  151. I thought you were quoting Simpsons, so I quoted Simpsons. Moving on.

  152. But then Punk has to wear the belt...

  153. Lol at Dougie persistence. I'm starting to view his trolling in a new light

  154. The Power Trip? I believe HHH was going to turn face and feud with Austin during the summer. The seeds were planted right before the injury.

  155. In the same vein, Netflix unloaded Thy Kingdom Come and WWE 50 Year History DVDs this week in quick succession. I know the line being passed around was that all WWE digital stuff would be removed once the network started, so I wonder if they're just knocking off the rest of the releases they promised Netflix before everything gets taken down.

    Thy Kingdom Come's best part is a short story from Haitch about how Kowalkski picked his original name. Got a chuckle out of me.

  156. I had a college professor who called the University of Louisiana-Monroe the "University of Lost Manuscripts", after someone there got busted for plagarism. Oh, and he had no problems failing people if there was a WHIFF of it in any paper.

    (For the record, I've never plagarised. I HAVE "over-cited" on many an occassion, but better safe than fucked.)

  157. I would like to be a fly on the wall when Punk is telling indy guys what moves he'll take at this stage in his career.

  158. Agreed, more power to the guy but there are times it should be ok for him to take a painkiller. Just don't abuse them. I do think he has some permanent damage all around his body. He had some pretty stiff matches in ROH (as did Bryan, I get goosebumps remembering the detached retina match) that had to do damage. Not to mention his time in the wwe. He's been having nagging injuries for a while now.

    I do agree that therapy could be useful to him. He does seem to hold resentment towards his real family and hearing the story I don't blame him. It's a hard thing to get over when you know a parent or parents don't care for you. Thankfully he got that surrogate family to give him the emotional support he needed.

  159. Farva's version has the winner getting the belt. Unless he edited it...

  160. Caliber_Winfield_TCTFebruary 9, 2014 at 12:38 PM

    Amen, brother. I had to update firefox a bit ago, and thus reinstall all my plugins. I didn't realize this, so I surfed for a few minutes without adblock plus.

    How the hell do people use the internet without? Youtube, 411, and a multitude of other sites were absolutely unbearable.

  161. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryFebruary 9, 2014 at 12:38 PM

    Aspirin is the last thing you should take if you have a concussion.

  162. In my case, I guess I'm mostly "immunized" to the ads. The only time I have any "complaint" is when a Youtube pre-video ad doesn't have the skip option.

  163. Who joins the Alliance? Or is HHH the face of the WWF during this whole feud?

  164. Whenever I use on of my school's computers I'm shocked at how much worse the experience is.

  165. Also, I tend to not stay with sites that use pop-ups or "bad" ads for long.

  166. Also held by Vince Russo and David Arquette - but sure, let's pretend Jeff Jarrett sullied that belt's good name.

  167. Was thinking the same thing.

  168. I hope the Wyatt entrance also features 50 people lining the aisle, all wearing sheep masks. Basically, the creepy version of Cena's entrance at WM25

  169. That should be awesome.

  170. Some of the articles on that site are extremely poorly written. So, naturally, I'm considering writing for them. I noticed they pay in pence direct to PayPal. Is that set in stone, or can you ask to get paid in US dollars?

  171. Yes, that needs to happen. We should of had 50 shaved guys come out to CM Punks WM 26 entrance.

  172. Someone here once said that without the matches Raw would be ye worst show on all of tv. I agree 1000%. I can't imagine the demographic that would watch Raw if it was only storylines

  173. That's what happens when you change your life for the better.

  174. why "should" this be everyone's opinion? what's wrong with someone like Kofi Kingston being fine with his status as a midcarder-for-life (seemingly)?

  175. Hit and show off are two different things.

  176. That title change a historic 9 times that year.

  177. Interesting site. The articles below are probably the best of the rest, especially the one about Kane. It's amazing he's been able to last 15 years now with what creative has given him.

  178. Caliber_Winfield_TCT Slaughterama
    an hour ago

    "Slaughter, please give me one example in which I acted in a manner not befitting a mature person."

    Unfunny 69 jokes are super mature!

  179. Punk can try MMA all he wants, but he'd better stick to regional shows. The lowest ranked fighter in his weight class in WSOF would beat him senseless.

  180. Why does somebody have to choose between doing what the love and their personal health and well being?

  181. When has Hunter called Punk/Benoit/Eddie (and guys like them) too small?

  182. Probably? No, definitely. He would get mauled by anyone whose name you'd know, and about 60% of those whose names you don't.

  183. Yeah I remember watching that, some scary bizarre stuff.

  184. I've been listening to Place To Be's podcasts with Kevin Kelly recently and it's been interesting to see how Russo and Dunn were basically universally loathed by the wrestlers back then. Everyone from lower card guys to Austin hated him.

  185. I'm guessing he'd be the face of the WWF, and Austin the face of the Alliance. Kind of what Rocky ended up doing.

  186. I miss the shitty old pre-2000 Wrestlecrap site design :-(

  187. It became a glorified Intercontinental Title the second the Brand split ended.

  188. But there's that reward at the end of the rainbow! I mean, look at all that hard work that Dolph Ziggler has put in through the last year and he's clearly been rewarded with...


  189. They dont. HE knew what he was getting into when he signed the deal. I'm sure when he was headlining house shows with Cena and raking in the money he didn't mind it. He could have gone to TNA 3 years ago and that would have been his choice. We can't act like all of a sudden wwe started asking to do stuf completely out of the norm

  190. Sports vs. Entertainment, in a nutshell. WWE wants to be both, but fails in various ways at each. WAY more on the "sports" side, granted... but the "entertainment" side isn't exactly a blooming rose either.

  191. HHH without the marriage is long gone by now, IMO.

    Either after the DX reunion, or UT/HHH 3, or at "best" after HHH/Brock at SummerSlam.

  192. What I don't understand is why WWE hasn't continued to give the guys who they previously had in the WHC picture Intercontinental Title programs. But that would make too much sense.

  193. Is anyone entertaining the theory that the Punk thing might be a work? The way this is playing out, it would be huge if Punk returned in, say, 6 months to a year from now and dropped the mother of all pipe-bombs. If they let it get to that Bret Hart point, where it's almost inconceivable that he'll ever come back, it will be mind-blowing when he does do so. Kind of like how big it was when Hart came back, only Punk can still actually wrestle. Imagine Punk vs McMahon or HHH at Wrestlemania 31 after all of this drama.

  194. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryFebruary 9, 2014 at 1:38 PM

    Painkillers are fine, aspirin isn't. If you have a concussion then there's also a chance you have a hemotoma (ask Joe Mesi), and something that thins out the blood is the last thing you want to take. Booze is definitely a no-no too.

  195. It only seems logical that in your chosen field you would want to be the one at the top. If someone's happy with being in the middle of the pack, I'm happy for them. Personally, I want to be the very best and be recognized as the best, no matter what I do. Egotistical? Yes, but that's how everyone should be. I'm not saying I feel a lack of respect for those who don't feel that way.

  196. I'm inclined to agree.

    I'd throw it out there that without the marriage, either post HBK 2002/03 feud he slips down the card, or finally if Evolution still plays out as it does, Orton in 2004 is actually the death knell of HHH's permanent Main Event stay. A dX reunion might have given him a nostalgia come back later on.


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