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QOTD: "Game Over? Damn right, I'm Over!"

The above quote comes from one of the two wrestling-related clothing items I've ever owned. It was a Triple H shirt I bought before I 1) Realized what being 'Over' was, and 2) Realized Triple H is kind of a sillynanny and kind of like Pro Wrestling's Jay Leno - not dynamic, but hard working and good at corporate politics.


What Wrestling Related Merchandise do you own? Shirts / Figures / Games / Toys / pillows / misc. 

I have:

Have a Nice Day,
Foley is Good,
Hardcore Diaries
Countdown to Lockdown
Tetiem Brown

"Stone Cold" University shirt
"Damn Right I'm Over" Shirt

Booking Revolution
WWE Smackdown: Know Your Role
WWE 2k13
WWE Smackdown vs. Raw 2005(?)

Misc assortment of action figures from my youth, specifically The Rock in a football jersey with a Brama Bull on it.

A 'talking' Stone Cold Steve Austin figure that you plug into your computer with a parallel port.

I also have one pro-wrestling autograph.

It's Gillberg.


  1. Books: The first 3 Foley books, Bret Hart's book, and Jericho's first book. I don't own anymore videogames but I bought them all back in the day. T-Shirts I had back in the day were nWo, D-X, DDP's first shirt, and a bunch of Austin ones. I also had pretty much every action figure that was produced in the 90's.

    But my favorite wrestling merch, and I still have it, is a Wolfpac beach towel. It is so fucking awesome.

  2. A very old, beat up Andre the Giant action figure that I received as a gift from a friend in college. I believe he got it at a yard sale.

  3. I owned most of the WWF and WCW games up until the Gamecube which was my last system. Also Foley's first two books, Bret's book, Dynamite's book, Sex Lies and Headlocks... Also 3 or 4 RF Video compilations that I picked up at an ECW houseshow, and VHS copies of Beyond the Mat, and Wrestling with Shadows. I had a bunch of the old 80s rubber figures too, and a 4 pack from like 2005 with Benoit, JBL, and I can't remember who else. Also a Rey Rey stuffed doll that my wife got for herself. I think that might be all.

    I've never owned a shirt or anything like that.

  4. I have every WWF PPV from the Wrestling Classic through Wrestlemania 20 on VHS, either purchased or recorded. I'm willing to sell some of them off on the cheap if anyone's interested (not trying to turn this into a plug post or anything, but figured it'd be worth mentioning).

  5. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryFebruary 8, 2014 at 12:33 PM

    Books: I have a couple of Scott's rant collections on my Kindle, that's it. Don't really like (auto)biographies, especially ones written by/about people that are essentially professional bullshitters.

    Shirts: I have a bunch of indy shirts, though I bought them more to show my financial support of indy wrestling then I did to actually wear them. I still have an nWo and DX shirt around somewhere, and I used to have about a dozen ECW shirts, but they've been lost to time.

    Games: SD vs. Raw 08, EWR, and pretty much every game from the N64 on back in emulator form.

    Toys: None, and don't think I've ever owned any.

    DVDs: Heartbreak and Triumph, Rise and Fall of ECW, The Ladder Match, and the Jake Roberts DVD (sort of gag gift from my brother).

  6. When I was about 10 I had some Diesel gloves that I bought at a house show. I went around and told all my friends that he took them off before the match and I picked them up so they were authentic.

    Nobody believed me and my life has been spiraling into disaster ever since.

  7. Dusty blamed David Crockett for doing that

  8. I thought he was supposed to be some babyface answer to Vader. Seriously.

    Maybe when I get access to EVERY PPV EVAR!!!!!!!! I'll have to check fall brawl 93 out to see what ottoman does I'm the ring.

  9. I never had any shirts, but I have a few ECW books, WWE Unscripted (pretty neat book), Foley's third book, and Chirs Jericho's first. I had a FUCKLOAD of toys, including a ring/steel cage set, a backstage set, and at least two titan-tron sets. I lost most of them during one of the many times I moved, though by that point I was 14 and didn't care.

    As far as games, WWF Attitude played a big part in launching my fandom in the first place, and then I also had the first two SmackDown games, WrestleMania 2000 (with which I constantly updated the rosters for whenever new guys came to the WWF. I had an entire WWE/ECW section and I also created the nWo and Brock Lesnar until my brother traded in our N64 without even telling me. The game had a move that was really close to the F5, which made it easy to create Lesnar), No Mercy, and SvR 06-10.

  10. I had the red HBK glove. By far the most embarrassing piece of merch I ever owned.

  11. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryFebruary 8, 2014 at 1:25 PM

    The Wolfpac beach towel makes up for it. That is fucking awesome.

  12. In 2007 I had a game that I ran further into the future than we are even now. It's long since abandoned.

  13. I'd post a picture of it but it is up at my lake house. The thing is HUGE. Black with giant red nWo letters.

  14. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryFebruary 8, 2014 at 1:29 PM

    I swear that a friend of mine has a gigantic WM beach towel.

  15. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryFebruary 8, 2014 at 1:30 PM

    I haven't played it in a long time, but my saved game of MVP Baseball 2005 is currently in the year 2023.

  16. Only ever owned Austin's shirt and stopped wearing it outside of the house about a decade ago.

    Also, I don't think "Game Over" was a reference to actual over-ness.

  17. "...what ottoman does I'm the ring."
    Just sits there as Dick Van Dyke trips over him.

  18. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryFebruary 8, 2014 at 1:33 PM

    I created myself in with my real birthday, it's funny to see "Age: 41" on my player card. I would have to think that if I pick up again this would be my last season.

  19. Caliber_Winfield_TCTFebruary 8, 2014 at 1:33 PM

    That makes sense, actually. They're about the same size, and Tugboat was likeable. Plus, they could have argued over who was truly the master, and who had the better mask.

  20. Caliber_Winfield_TCTFebruary 8, 2014 at 1:33 PM

    Or side-steps that bitch!

  21. Absolutely, he's the greatest intercontinental champion of all time!

    But I think he's declined, if my sources* are correct.

    *random internet shit

  22. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryFebruary 8, 2014 at 1:36 PM

    "Game Over" might not have been, but I can't see what else "Damn right I'm over" could possibly be referring to.

  23. On second thought I think I started that game more likely in 2005 because I know that I used CM Punk prominently in the lower card and I'd never actually seen him at that point.

    I didn't know much about him, and I actually had him in a stable called Downward Spiral with Jake Roberts and Raven and a couple of others with the gimmick of being degenerate drug addicts.

    Fascinating stuff, huh?

  24. I feel like I watched a shoot interview with him where he said he declined but I can't definitively remember.

  25. Stranger in the AlpsFebruary 8, 2014 at 1:38 PM

    A shitload of DVD's, Some purchased, some rented from NF and copied. Somewhere, I have a Chris Benoit "4 Real" t-shirt, and I had copies of Foley's first book in paperback form, and Flair's "To Be the Man". I also had a 2010 calendar which I found in the bin at a 99 Cent Only store. I never had any action figures myself, but I had siblings who collected. I would collect now, but that seems kind of silly for someone my age. Although, I was sorely tempted, recently, to pick up a Brock Lesnar figure in the grocery store. But I moved on and bought adult diapers instead.

  26. I had a seaon for the orginal Smackdown that was at Wrestlemania 76.

  27. Who did HHH face in the main event?

  28. Stranger in the AlpsFebruary 8, 2014 at 1:41 PM

    In a shocking swerve, it was Dewey Foley.

  29. That is what was awesome about EWR/TEW. My favorite game I played was a 1995 WCW mod. Made Austin the champ 2 months in and pushed him to the moon.

  30. I have A LOT of DVDs and books, because i'm a communal house for stuff friends don't need/have no room for. I've got a few Punk shirts, a pretty bad-ass Haitch shirt, and my Shockwave The Robot hood(signed!) Still have a frigging wrestling blanket from when I was, like, five(Four of the people on it are dead!)

  31. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryFebruary 8, 2014 at 1:44 PM

    I never even knew that EWR existed until about a year ago. I'm running TNA, with Bryan as my world champ, Jeff Jarrett and Steve Corino feuding with Punk and Cabana over the tag titles, and Johnny Kashmire (what happened to that guy?) as the X-Division champ. I drove ROH out of business by stealing all their workers, and for some reason bought out CZW and IRON, then did nothing with any of the workers save a couple, just shitcanned everyone.

    One thing I hate about that game is that you can't set the length or style of match. I mean, you can decide the stipulations and shit, but there's no way to decide if you want to do a quick "yep, he's dead" squash or a half hour ***** classic.

  32. Also, wrestling buddies. I had Hulk and Warrior. I might even still have the Warrior one in a box somewhere. I must have suplex'd the Warrior 3,000 times growing up.

  33. You should downloaded TEW, it is a more advanced version of EWR. You can do all that shit and more. The 05 or 07 version is free I think.

  34. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryFebruary 8, 2014 at 1:47 PM

    Seriously? Holy fuck!

    Are you talking about the original PS1 game? I gave up on that when someone attacked me backstage and stole the belt, and it was considered a legit title change.

  35. That Sir, is dedication.

  36. Is it? I will look into that. I always wanted to try TEW but the cost was ridiculous I thought for an indie game like that.

  37. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryFebruary 8, 2014 at 1:50 PM

    I've played it, it's pretty good, I just can't get into it because Adam Ryland (I think that's his name) had to use all fictional workers due to legal reasons.

  38. The only downside is there can be almost TOO much detail. In EWR, it is pretty fast and easy to book shows. In TEW, it can take all day to book a month full of shows and a PPV.

  39. There are mods. I've never used the fictional roster before.

  40. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryFebruary 8, 2014 at 1:51 PM

    Got any links on where I can acquire said mods?

  41. Kane currently holds the record for most WON "Worst Feud of the Year" awards with 7. Second place is Hogan with 3.


    Go to the TEW 05 section, I think that is the free version of the game.

  43. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryFebruary 8, 2014 at 1:55 PM

    Cool, thanks. Next time I'm on my other computer (I mainly use a Chromebook, and can't install it on that) I'll check it out. Right now my brother has it because his idiot fuck buddy/girlfriend spilled soda on his. Man, he was PISSED, especially about her lying about it.

  44. YankeesHoganTripleHFanFebruary 8, 2014 at 1:57 PM

    I remember watching the 90 Summerslam and 93 and 94 August Clashes while on vacation at the beach. Is that the fucking best or what, watching special event wrestling, WHILE ON VACATION!!

  45. Threadjack: Listening to the new Austin Unleashed podcast. So weird hearing Austin field smark questions from fans and talk about the IWC.

  46. Nah. I just skipped every event except the major ppvs. Still,

  47. The original. Put way too many hours into that, because it bothered to have a co-op career mode.

  48. It's a work. He treats it like a work and a shoot. Can't have both

  49. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomeryFebruary 8, 2014 at 2:05 PM

    Games: All the N64 AKI stuff, most of the PS2/3 Yuke's games save for WWE 12 and 2K14, WWF RAW (GEN), WWF Attitude (DC), WWF Superstars (GB)

    Shirts: A couple of Orton, Bryan, and Punk shirts

    Other stuff: Ultimate Warrior plush, old comic "Wait Till I Get My Hands On", souvenir cups and programs from live events

  50. Really hoping you put hall of gamers on purpose

  51. Abdullah wrestled all over North America, and for WCW. It's a WWE Hall of Fame, WWE sees themselves now as the custodian of all the major wrestling promotions that existed here. Abby's inclusion is fine, they don't have to induct a bunch of Japanese or Mexican wrestlers to be "legitimate."

  52. I'd love to get a few more games:

    SNES WWE games (underrated fun)
    N64 AKI games (all four)
    WM X-8 for the Gamecube
    The first few Smackdowns (Probably up to the ECW one)

  53. Everyone who's whining about how the WWE Hall of Fame isn't legitimate are going to be among the first in line if they ever actually open a legitimate Hall of Fame. So stop it.

  54. Only one item but only one item needed: one of those pink/purple Macho Man T-shirts that I ordered when they were re-released!!!

  55. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryFebruary 8, 2014 at 2:10 PM

    Man, I played the shit out out that game. I marked the fuck out the first time I played an I Quit match and finally realized that you had to stick the mic in the guys face to win. I'm beating on this guy with a chair for like 15 minutes wondering why I haven't won yet.

  56. Okay, and my bro and I have the entire WWF action figure collection from the mid-80s (you know, the ones made of that material heavy enough to bludgeon someone to death with). TED ARRRRRRRRCIDI!!!

  57. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomeryFebruary 8, 2014 at 2:10 PM

    I *still* update my MVP 05 rosters with current players. Takes me several months in the offseason because I'm so anal about getting attributes juuuuust right, but so worth it.

  58. I've heard that a bunch, too. I think they want to signa. Legends contract, which would severely curtail his ability to be The Honky Tonk man on the independent circuit.

  59. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryFebruary 8, 2014 at 2:12 PM

    Are they in the packaging? If so, they're probably worth a metric fuckton of money to the right person. Even loose they have to be worth a good chunk of change.

  60. Anybody remember the WWF comics from the early 90s? I had a Ted DiBiase one and the art was really good.

  61. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomeryFebruary 8, 2014 at 2:13 PM

    This is the one I have. My mom got it for me when she found it in a thrift store super-cheap.

  62. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryFebruary 8, 2014 at 2:14 PM

    Vaguely. I've seen them, but I'm not a comic book guy and never have been.

  63. Some packaged, some loose. I don't know if we'd ever sell 'em though. I should ask my brother actually now that you mention it...

  64. I think Backlund, Foley and Sammartini all wanted to go in because it was at MSG. It was kind of like the "New York Class" of the Hall. Like of the Orlando Wreslemania had a lot of Florida stars going in, and the Houston Wrestlemania had a bunch of Texas stars going in.

    I also maintain that HHH made sure to get Bruno in so Mick Foley couldn't headline his class... Cause HHH is a jerk.

  65. What's the corniest/worst piece of merchandise you've ever seen? Think www soap or some of the John Cena xmas ornaments for me.

    Also, does anyone remember wwe cereal from the early 90s?

  66. I thought Poffo has said the wwe can go ahead and do what it wants. He just won't be there to be a part of it.

  67. Man, I forgot all about that. So many little touches, even back then. Smackdown games really capture Sports Entertainment well, even if AKI made better Wrestling games.

  68. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryFebruary 8, 2014 at 2:17 PM

    Wow, that's dedication. I just think of it like sort of a parallel universe (only way I'd be an MLB player anyway) and just use the rookies that the CPU creates.

    I have MLB2K12 for the 360, and I'm shocked that the servers for the game are still running. EA shuts them down as soon as the next year's game comes out, because EA sucks.

  69. Yeah that happened, and Gordon Solie quit the promotion over it.

  70. Someone didn't vote for Maddux, but voted Nomo

  71. Well I HAD an unopened Benoit 'Ruthless Agression' figure, but i sold it on Craigslist 2 years ago when i needed money to move, I still have a bunch of old Wrestling magazines from the 80's though.

  72. Outside of DVDs, I have a black macho man shirt, nwo and raven shirt. I wear them out on occasion. People either don't know what they are or think they're cool. I would never rock like a powder blue shirt with a picture of hbk on it or something though.

    Other than that, somebody gave me a muta figure once. I think that's it.

  73. 12,000 fans paying for tickets to go to the Hall of Fame ceremonies each year take it seriously.

  74. Caliber_Winfield_TCTFebruary 8, 2014 at 2:21 PM

    One of my fondest memories as a kid is when we went to this really cool vacation spot in Washington. Something I'd been looking to for months. Well, the first night we get there, I turn on the TV and BAM! Enter The Ninja was just starting. I was obsessed with all things ninja as a child, and loved the Canon ninja films. I seriously couldn't have been happier.

  75. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryFebruary 8, 2014 at 2:22 PM

    I want to say that that was the first game to have a ladder match in it, but I'm probably wrong.

  76. I have a #1 issue of WCW Comic book with Luger on the cover. Never read it.. LOL

  77. They need to partner with someone like Disney or another theme park to make it part of an existing attraction people will already go to.

  78. Because he'll have to sign a legends contract, and that will curtail his freedom when it comes to independent bookings. He's still making mad duckets on the independent circuit.

  79. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryFebruary 8, 2014 at 2:24 PM

    It would be hard to find a buyer (we're not talking about a complete first year Starting Lineup or NES collection here), but the right guy would pay well. Or girl, I bet a old-school mark like AJ or Bryan would take them off your hands.

  80. Why would anyone? So see one of the million Rock/HHH or Austin/Undertaker matches?

  81. YankeesHoganTripleHFanFebruary 8, 2014 at 2:28 PM

    Caliber your back? Well damm good to see ya.

  82. i haven't purchased anything wrestling related since the early 2000s.

    My collection was never very large. I had four wrestling shirts: ECW's "Politically Incorrect and Damn Proud of It", Austin 3:16 and his "Other Side Jackass" shirt and Chris Benoit's "Victim of the Crossface" shirt. Yeah, I was really big into wearing black.

    As far as video games, I had WWF Raw for the Genesis, and War Zone and Smackdown for the PSX. And I do have a copy of Mick Foley's "Have a Nice Day!"


    Greatest toys WWE has ever produced.

  84. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryFebruary 8, 2014 at 2:34 PM

    I nominate the gigantic CM Punk Bic lighter I saw about 6 months ago. Let's list the reasons why that's stupid:

    1. A lighter featuring something that's marketed mainly towards children (there were Cena, Orton, and HHH ones too, I think). Ever seen a Pokemon lighter? Exactly.
    2. A lighter featuring CM Punk. That makes sense, let's put the face of a sXe guy on a product that only exists because people smoke various drugs...
    3. A lighter so big that it's totally impractical. It's so big you need to hold it with 2 hands. First rule of designing a lighter: you have to able to use it with one hand.


    BWAHAHAHA! This is WrestleCrap worthy, methinks.

  86. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryFebruary 8, 2014 at 2:41 PM

    "ECW's "Politically Incorrect and Damn Proud of It"

    I had that one, along with "EC F'N W", the one that says "Experience the Difference" on the back (still have that one), the Sandman one, 2 or 3 of the Raven shirts, the one with the silhouette of the Total Elimination, the one with all the ECW guys in anime form based on the Hardcore Heaven 97 poster (Heyman: "The lighting on the poster is better than the lighting at the PPV!"), and a few others.

  87. I'm not saying he's obliged to. It's his hall of fame, but I'm saying that if they're looking for inductees, include Kenta Kobashi or Mitsuharu Misawa. Nobody can say they don't deserve to be commended for their wrestling capabilities.

  88. I still get goosebumps seeing those on display like that. In summer 1990 those new toys were a dream come true for a 10 year old. I still have them lol.

  89. Books: Foley's, Jericho's, Bret's

    DVDs: a ton; everything from Wrestlemania 20 to Punk's

    T-Shirts: a old school Cactus Jack one, as well as the Punk Ramones and Best In The World.

  90. Games:
    Smackdown Here comes to pain and SVR 11.

  91. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryFebruary 8, 2014 at 3:07 PM

    I understand it's a "WWE" HOF, not a "wrestling" HOF. Still, why not induct guys like Santo and Rikidōzan? Hell, next time they do WM in Glendale just do a whole lucha legends induction with El Santo as the headliner, the HOF ceremony will probably be the most highest non-soccer match TV program in Mexico for the year.

  92. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryFebruary 8, 2014 at 3:08 PM

    Here Comes the Pain was fucking awesome.

  93. Austin 3:16 shirt, Cactus Jack Wanted Dead Shirt.
    Match used Kendo Stick signed by Tommy Dreamer, Match used Kendo Stick and Match worn Shirt signed by Raven another Shirt signed by Raven,

    TNA lockdown Shirt signed by most of the guys there,

    copy of the Road Warriors book signed by Animal, Ticket to the international Showdown signed by Foley and Christopher Daniels,

    TNA wembley programme signed by Nigel Mcguinness, Hernandez, Rob Terry, Earl Hebner, Sarita, Gail Kim, Doug Williams, Jeremy Borash and Dixie Carter (really)

    Also have a John Cena Autograph sent as an apology for WWE Auctions site "losing" the lighter JBL used to set fire to the car he chucked Cena into during a match.

  94. Everything else I've got is pretty standard DVDs and that.

  95. Yeah I think that would be the best plan. They need to put it somewhere where there are already people because it's just not going to be a big enough destination on its own.

  96. I had 06 to 10,however I throwed away in clean-up,I play HCTP all the time and SVR 11 just for the rumble and the wwe universe(I have tag team with Archer called Lost & Damned).

  97. But really unbalaced.

  98. Oh I totally had WWF soap! It was from like 1987 and there were two bars - one Hogan and one Steamboat. I never used them and I THINK that I still have them somewhere in a box.

  99. Man, that whole thing had me in tears. They tore it to shreds

  100. Caliber_Winfield_TCTFebruary 8, 2014 at 3:21 PM

    Yeah, I'd stop by once every couple of months, and the other day I saw the BoD Royal Rumble. It made me a little nostalgic, so I thought I'd hang around for a little while.

  101. I hadn't thought of that, but yeah.

  102. Barry Horowitz or we riot!

  103. I want to see Randy Savage, Rick Rude, and Demolition inducted. After that, they can induct whomever they feel like.

  104. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryFebruary 8, 2014 at 3:26 PM

    I have SDvR 08, but don't play it much, the AI in that game is a fucking joke. Mostly I play the AKI N64 games on my emulator. Kind of wish I still had my PS2, so I could play Fire Pro Returns and HCTP. Come to think of it I do HAVE a PS2, it just doesn't work because Sony builds consoles like Americans build cars.

  105. I loved those! I have bear hug hulk and gorilla press warrior!

  106. Shirts: 2 Punk, Mania 29, macho man, wyatts, Zack Ryder

    DVD: all mania and royal rumbles

    Books: signed George Steele and ric flair autobiographies. Bret Harts is around.

    Misc: I did a wall in my mancave devoted to my trip to WM29 with my kid. Including a panoramic framed shot of the view from our seats, we did a pic in front of Pittsburgh's skyline with the mileage sign to MetLife framed with our tickets and then nine framed 8x10's of shots from the matches.

  107. SVR 08 will always I have soft spot to me,because of that game I discovered John Cena(he was my main guy along with Rey),with that I started looking for his matches and became hooked.The problem of the SVR games is the AI,HCTP is so much tough win.

  108. I had the hulk lightswitch plate.

  109. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryFebruary 8, 2014 at 3:40 PM

    Oh man, the AI in SDvR08 is just awful. It's like playing a 2600/NES game, once you figure out the pattern you can completely dominate the game.

    One thing that really pissed me off about it: I'm playing story mode, they do the usual thing where a guy interferes, and as soon as I see him coming I duck outside and blast him with a chair... and get DQ'd. Find me a match in wrestling history where a guy got DQ'd for hitting a guy that interfered in match outside the ring, I dare you. And I know someone will post a clip, and that's just lazy shitty booking.

    The Royal Rumble in that game sucks too, but to be fair I've yet to see a wrestling game that gets that right.

  110. YankeesHoganTripleHFanFebruary 8, 2014 at 3:40 PM

    Yeah well last week Scott posted an e-mail of mine....I told everyone why I win the Blog....Hogan gets to host Mania...HHH is going to inherit the company...and I have a girlfriend that watches wrestling with me...I am not real popular right now, (not that I ever was)

  111. HCTP has a nice rumble,11 is pretty much the best,it is really hard to win.

  112. Oh,I forgot that I'm reading Jericho's first book.

  113. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryFebruary 8, 2014 at 3:45 PM

    I never owned it but have read it, it's actually pretty good.

  114. I'm at the Rob Benoit chapter,I've been laughing through the whole book so far.

  115. Shirts: the bitchin' lavender Macho Man shirt & an early Kurt Angle tee that I never wear. I always wanted to get some CM Punk shirts when I worked at Hot Topic, but the good ones sold out too quickly and all we were left with was the hideous banana yellow GTS shirt.

    DVD: a bunch of random WWE stuff that's vastly outnumbered by a bunch of random RoH stuff. Most of the WWE DVDs are sets for individual guys (Jericho, the first Flair set, first Michaels, Bret, Benoit). I have the big VHS box set of the first 15 Manias too, although I don't have a functional VCR at the moment.

    Books: Foley's autobiographies, that's about it.

    Toys: I used to have a shitload of the Jakks Pacific WWF/E figures, but most of them are long gone now. I currently collect the WWE Rumblers, because 3 inch tall figures are much easier to store (unless you have a ton of the Marvel, DC & Star Wars figures in the same scale).

    Misc: technically not wrestling related, but I have an XFL jersey. It's not for any specific team, just has the XFL logo on the front and a big number 1 on the back (I assume because I'm the only "1" who bought it).

  116. Shit, I forgot to add to my list of wrestling crap that I just inherited 10 or so of these guys (loose of course) from my best friend when we were cleaning out his childhood home's basement. Half of the guys I got from him are dead, frowny face.

  117. And because I haven't pulled them out in YEARS (... last time was 07-08 maybe), I forgot I have most of the first two years of ROH, up to Reborn (both stages). I used to have a list of what was missing, but that vanished with my last desktop's crash. I'd like to get up to... Summer of Punk (or right after) one of these days.

  118. Most of what I have was given to me by my friend after he got over an obsessive collecting stage. I have a best of Punk from RoH that chronicles most (if not all) of the stuff he did with Steamboat - it was my favorite DVD case to roll joints on top of.

  119. They'll probably get around to it. They've got Mascaras and Inoki.

  120. If you're saying why not induct these guys, I agree. If you're saying, "it's not legitimate unless they include Santo and Rikidozan," then I don't have time for that. As someone else said, you can keep saying the hall isn't legitimate until this guy is in, and than once that guy is in, move to someone else.

  121. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryFebruary 8, 2014 at 3:57 PM

    Don't think I've played 11. Ever play any of the Legends of Wrestling games? The battle royal in that is the worst I've ever seen. Really pissed me off too, because you had to win that to unlock Owen Hart. Fuck off with that shit, if I spend money on a game just to be able to play as Owen, then I should be able to do it as soon as the game loads up.

    Sort of related subject: Fuck the DLC in Forza 4, I shouldn't have to pay twice. If I'm paying real hard-earned actually worked for it money to unlock cars, I shouldn't have to pay again in in-game cash to use them. I paid $10 to DLC for the car pack that had the Pagani Huayra, and I'm sitting there thinking while it's downloading "OK, this is about to be sweet". But no, then I have to spend something like $2 million in game money to use it. That's fucking bullshit, pick one or the other.

  122. Shame on anyone without No Mercy and Revenge still in their possession

  123. Good God ok lets see like 2 or the 3 cds of the Entrance Themes .
    Edge's book
    Have a Nice Day
    No Mercy (i still own a N64 and break it out just to play)
    every Smackdown game
    The Damn Right I'm Over shirt
    AWA Toy Ringset
    CM Punk Action Figure
    and to many of the DVD's to name

  124. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryFebruary 8, 2014 at 3:58 PM

    Out of the wrestling bios I've read (which I'll admit isn't many), his is by far the best.

  125. Agreed. Same for WCW

  126. Agreed. Same for WCW

    I think I had everyone except for Big Josh

  127. I never owned any of them... always a rental back in the day.

  128. The xbox/ps3 one?Yes,I thought it was a okay game.

    DLC are the curse of this generation of gaming,Capcom love to do that,just see SF VS Tekken,thank god I know a place where it sells the game with all the DLC in it.

  129. Dusty's Re-account of this on Legends Roundtable is pretty damn hilarious

  130. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryFebruary 8, 2014 at 4:03 PM

    Do roms on a HD count? Because for me it would be pointless to own the actual games when I don't own a N64. I used to though, and those were the games I bought with it.

  131. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryFebruary 8, 2014 at 4:09 PM

    Outside of what I mentioned the LoW games were pretty decent. And my problem with video games is not just DLC, but the whole online thing in general. I dunno, I've always thought of video games as something that I do when I want time to myself. If I want to interact with people I'm gonna... you know, go out and actually interact with people.

  132. Fuck this generation multiplayer,I really don't of playing online or buying DLC,even though WWE 2k14 made one with Package piledriver in the move set.

  133. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomeryFebruary 8, 2014 at 4:12 PM

    I have those plus World Tour and WM2000....and I actually play those more than No Mercy (save glitch) and Revenge (cart is dirty so the characters glitch and warp for minutes on end, gotta get it cleaned)

  134. Games: WWF WrestleMania Challenge (NES), WWF Royal Rumble (SNES), WWF No Mercy (N64)
    Books: all of Mick Foley's books, except his fiction stuff; Bret's book; Regal's book; Chyna's book (Christmas gift years ago, alright?); Jericho's first book.
    T-Shirts: I had an NWO shirt and a D-X shirt in the late 90s. Haven't owned a wrestling shirt before or since.
    Action figures: had a ton of them when I was kid.

  135. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryFebruary 8, 2014 at 4:18 PM

    Take a couple q-tips, dunk them in rubbing alcohol, and scrub the contacts until the q-tips keep coming back white. If that doesn't work the contacts are either corroded or bent, at which point it's pretty much shot. Copy your save file to a memory card and buy a new one.

  136. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryFebruary 8, 2014 at 4:22 PM

    Only games I've ever played online are Forza 4 and GTA5, and I've given up on GTA5. To many 12 year olds calling me a nigger and intentionally wrecking me. At least Forza players know how to conduct themselves.

  137. Real multiplayer is the one you where your opponent is in the same room with,I miss playing KOF in bars.

  138. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryFebruary 8, 2014 at 4:27 PM

    I miss split-screen racing games.

  139. My aunt's boyfriend sometimes comes in my house(or got his) to play PES.

  140. That Jeff Farmer interview is hilarious.

  141. Excluding what may be in storage somewhere (e.g. bunch of old hard plastic figures from early 90s):

    Shirts: Edge & Christian "So Reeking of Awesomeness", Kurt Angle 3 I's

    Games: WWF No Mercy, WWF Raw

    Merch: 1 RVD Foam Hand (Right), unopened Kurt Angle figure w/$0.90 price tag, WWF Magazine from April 2002 w/nWo on cover (from April 8 Raw)

  142. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryFebruary 8, 2014 at 5:19 PM

    PES? What's that?

  143. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryFebruary 8, 2014 at 5:27 PM

    No, I'm not saying that at all. It's the WWE HOF, not the wrestling HOF, and they don't claim anything otherwise. My original point was really "How is Abby in when he never even worked for Vince?", and it kind of went off the cliff after that.

  144. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryFebruary 8, 2014 at 5:30 PM

    Inoki is in the HOF? Didn't know that, though I think Mascaras being the first lucha guy in is bullshit, if anything just because he's a complete prick.

  145. All the n64 Games, a few of the inferior next gem games. A purple Macho Man shirt. I also have a bunch of 80's action figures in my parents basement (note: this is not where I live). Several DVD, Blu Ray sets, and a 3 bins of dubbed VHS tapes.

  146. "Come on Sid! YOU WANT A PIECE OF ME?!"

  147. It was so hard to wrestle with them though. I preferred the Jakks line, but by then I was getting too old to play with them.

  148. Yeah it was Superstars Cereal or something. Apparently those are worth a lot more than other vintage boxes for some reason. I wouldn't mind one myself, but I ain't paying 30 bucks for one.

  149. I'm a big action figure guy to this day, and one of the lines I like to collect is the Mattel Elite Collection, but mostly just the "flashback" ones. Other than that any wrestling stuff I own is in my basement that I've long forgotten about. I used to buy the DVDs (primarily the biography ones but sometimes the match collections), but I've been behind on them for the last year or so.

    When I was a kid I was big into the shirts, foam fingers and posters, and of course the action figures were a must-have. Probably the most cherished pieces of merch from my childhood that I don't have anymore are the Wrestling Buddies. I had Hulk and I think my friend had either Warrior or Macho, and we used to have a shit load of fun with them. Guy didn't even like wrestling, strangely enough.

  150. What about Lita???

  151. Pro evolution Soccer.

  152. Oh yeah, this one was awesome. It played guys' entrance music and shit:

    And then I had this:

    I'm a little miffed that the awesome Hell In a Cell sets came out a little bit after my time, because I would've been all over those as a kid.

  153. I still have a crap ton of action figures packed away in boxes at my parents' house, including an almost complete set of the LJN figures. I'm missing only Ultimate Warrior from the final series. I've thought of buying it on ebay a few times just to complete the collection, but it can sell for over $50 even in the worst condition and I just don't care that much.

  154. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonFebruary 8, 2014 at 7:09 PM

    I heard that Patterson had access to that opening..

  155. I have:

    WCW Raven Shirt- Most of their shirts looked like crap, but this one was pretty cool.

    Wanted: Cactus Jack Shirt - Classic

    A Steve Austin Shirt my cousin bought me that was a wrestler with a skull for a head and rattlesnakes for arms. This was when the Austin merch machine was off the rails and was really overblown. Never wore it.

    ECW Hardcore Wrestling - The classic shirt that I ordered on the phone in the 90's. Some woman answered the phone, probably Heyman's mom. Didn't sound professional at all, but I got the shirt and it ruled.

    WWE Legends Action Figures - Freddy Blassie, Polka Dot Dusty and Gorilla Monsoon - Some of the WWE lines suck but the Legends were always badass.

    Blue Blazer Figure - My friend bought a ton of them when Owen died and gave me one.

    Tons of DVD's - I was actually making decent money buying and selling wrestling DVD's on Ebay. People got retarded with the Benoit set.

  156. Patrice was THE reason to listen to O&A. He could discuss stuff I totally disagreed with but still liked the guy (Penn Jillette is another who can do this). And he had the greatest laugh ever.

  157. Is Bizarre some sort of Brit slang or was he just coked out of his mind?

  158. Holy crap, no kidding. I just downloaded the freeware version and it's insane. It took me well over an hour to book my first show and I have no idea how storylines work yet.

  159. IIRC, storylines have mapped out shit to do, so to advance them, you have to pick the right angle from the list. I used to just always stick to "free mode" or whatever it was called. As long as feuding wrestlers were in a segment or match together, it got more heat and you could end it at any time.

  160. Didn't know about that part. Pretty funny IMO and assuming that HHH had a big part in the idea of the design, it plays into the perceived arrogance/insecurity of his real-life personality pretty well.

  161. Shirts: I have the yellow CM Punk GTS one and the Daniel Bryan Yes! Yes! Yes! shirt. When I was 10 I got a NWO Wolfpack shirt with Nash, Sting, Luger, Savage, and Konnan's faces on it for christmas. Those are actually the only one's I've ever owned.

    Games: I had all the classics like everyone else, WWF No Mercy, all the Smackdown games at some point (excluding Just Bring It & WWE '12), WrestleMania 2000, In Your House, WrestleMania: The Arcade Game, Royal Rumble for Genesis, Attitude, WCW/NWO Revenge, Thunder, Mayhem. I ended up trading all of them in over the years and only currently own WWE 2K14, WWE '13, SVR 2011, and Booking Revolution.

    DVD's: WWE's 50 Greatest Superstars and I used to have Sting Unmasked.

    Action Figures: Don't have them anymore but I had A LOT. Had the WWF figures with the bendy arms and legs, the JAKKS ones with the bone crunching limbs, the hard plastic WCW ones, WCW/NWO era ones with the accessories (guard rails, championship belts, etc.) some miniature WWF ones that came with a ring and cage, the old blue WWF ring with some old school figures.

  162. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryFebruary 8, 2014 at 10:12 PM

    "Some woman answered the phone, probably Heyman's mom."

    Supposedly Tommy Dreamer used to be the main guy running the merch side of ECW, so it very well could have been Beulah. You lucky son of a bitch...

  163. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryFebruary 8, 2014 at 10:17 PM

    Never played it, but heard it's pretty good. Not really a soccer fan, being American and all.


    Vince McMahon decides who goes in every year so he can get a house gate during WrestleMania weekend without anyone wrestling.

    That's not real. What is wrong with you people??

  165. Now that's an interesting idea: assuming venues were HOF-worthy, which ones would go in?

    Off the top of my head, I'm thinking MSG (duh), the Tokyo Dome, Maple Leaf Gardens, the ECW Arena, and the Sportatorium, but I'm sure there are many others.

  166. All the more reason why any second discussing the merits of a fake hall of fame is one second too many.

    Vince McMahon is a fucking genius, that's the Hall of Fame. He collects a House Show gate during WrestleMania and NO ONE WRESTLES!

  167. There will never, ever, ever be a Hall of Fame building because no one would visit it. Or at least not enough to make it a viable enterprise.

    The only reason the other Hall of Fame's work is because they make crazy money the week prior to the induction ceremony...but the induction ceremony for the WWE takes place at WrestleMania and they will NEVER change that, because it's the easiest million+ dollars they make all year.

    Does no one else get that the Hall of Fame is just a gimmick to make money during WrestleMania weekend? That's it. There's literally NOTHING more to it.

  168. I think it's disgusting they're putting it on the Network. The man died in the fucking ring. They should've stopped the show. Absolutely no reason to show it ever again.

    Unless people want to see Vince McMahon do an ambulance angle 20 minutes after Owen died. Ridiculous.

  169. Becomes a joke? LOL too funny. It Is a joke!

    My favorite thing about the WWE Hall of Fame is that Mr. T, OF ALL PEOPLE, has turned it down MULTIPLE times. But you guys carry on like it means something.

  170. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryFebruary 8, 2014 at 10:52 PM

    Wouldn't surprise me if "game over" was a reference to actual over-ness. All 5 Clique guys are really smarks at heart, for some reason they just don't want to admit it.

  171. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryFebruary 8, 2014 at 11:01 PM

    You know he was laughing his ass off on the inside though.

  172. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryFebruary 8, 2014 at 11:05 PM

    Arena Mexico, The Boston Garden, Philly Spectrum, and The Omni in Atlanta.

    The Sportatorium is where Fritz did most of the WCCW shows, right? If not, wherever that was needs to be there too.

  173. Caliber_Winfield_TCTFebruary 9, 2014 at 5:17 AM

    Beefcake got over. The rest, while crappy, sure, weren't main event stuff like what Sting had. I mean, millions of dollars were put into those films. And honestly, the simple gimmick of Zodiac, is no where NEAR as bad as that Beach Blast video. Man, they're so bad.

  174. Caliber_Winfield_TCTFebruary 9, 2014 at 5:46 AM

    I saw that, they weren't happy with you. The funny thing is, the assholes & jack-offs who run around here don't know how to take a joke, you know? The guys who are smart, and can make this place worth hanging around: jobber123, Farva [although he took some shots at me when I left, but I understand], Abeyance, Steven Ferrari, and a few others [forgive me for not including you] all get it. They can take a joke. They're smart guys who probably don't even realize you can down-vote here.

    But the others? Man, it's amazing how pathetic they are. Guys in their mid-to-late 30's who feel the need to talk shit on a wrestling website. Funny thing is, they take shots at myself, and people like you, but they never realize how the last thing on Earth we'd want is for them to dig us.

    Also, how great is it that Hogan is gonna host Mania? I'm fucking stoked.

  175. YankeesHoganTripleHFanFebruary 9, 2014 at 7:18 AM

    I can't wait to see Hogan again...also you need to put over Brian Bayless. He is doing fantastic work on this site and I get the feeling he is like you and me in that he finds joy in wrestling rather then unhappiness.

  176. The worst part of the Hall is the "Celebrity wing." It seems like any celeb who spent 10 minutes near a WWE at one point in their life can join. Drew Carey is in for 1 royal rumble appearance noone cared about. That must make all the guys in the undercard, who wrestle 150-200 times a year and have no chance of being in the hall of fame, happy. Strangely the only celeb anyone could make a somewhat legitimate case about being in a wrestling hall of fame, Andy Kaufman, isn't in it. WTF?

  177. All very worthy choices. And yes, the Dallas Sportatorium was home to WCCW back in the day.

  178. Caliber_Winfield_TCTFebruary 9, 2014 at 9:46 AM

    Oh yeah, Bayless is a good guy too. He could have really buried me in the rumble, but I had one of the best showings. He busts his ass too regarding his reviews.

  179. My brothers and I had a lot of those figures, and we had the ring too.

    Those things must've been made of raw rubber with a latex skin put on at the end ... the King Kong Bundy doll was so much heavier than all the other fellows.

    My memory is terrible, but we definitely had a Hogan, and Savage (maybe?), and there were three others I guess since we each had 2 of the toys.

    The three of us each had one 'favorite' and one 'you can beat this guy up instead' toy ... keeping the main eventers strong as practiced by children I guess.

    Video Games: Fire Pro 6 Man Scramble, Fire Pro D

  180. Exactly. It's not a museum, it's not an actual "honor".

  181. Bret Hart takes everything seriously though. Most of all, himself.

  182. Exactly. There was nothing else of note on that show. Who would want to watch it, other than for the perverse experience of the awkward silence following Owen's fall

  183. Let's be clear, I think you're awesome. Let's go Yankees!

  184. Probably a dozen or so shirts (Mysterio, Hogan, RVD, Goldberg, Jericho, Austin 3:16, DX, Matt Hardy, etc)
    Bunch of books (Foley, Flair, Hogan, Chyna, Brock and a few more, including one Scott Keith book)
    A lot of action figures from the attitude era most still in the box, plus a collection of the old LJN figures I had when I was a kid
    A bunch of 8x10 photos
    Tons of magazines, I had a subscription for a while.
    100s of DVDs, just about everything that was put out until the past couple of years.


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