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QOTD: Take This Job and (CM) Punk It.

A month or so ago I posted regarding a job I got that would prevent me from doing these QOTDs regularly. The job is...interesting, I'm 'technically' in charge of managing a website, which is great.

However I'm being tasked with making sales calls for a different company my boss owns, with the risk of "If we can't get a sale we're all out of jobs'.  I'm told to call various people with a tenuous lead, and the pressure is on me to convince these peoples to buy this service we're offering. I hate this so much I'm actively avoiding it. Like hardcore avoiding it. Anxiety, walking around putting it off, etc. I.hate.doing.this.

But because I'm now being paid full time hours, I feel obligated to do this thing that is NOT in my job description with an incredible amount of pressure, too boot. I.E This company is being run out of the guy's front pocket.

So, I understand, but somehow the entire fate of the company relying on my ability to 'sell' a product while the other guys that run the company are doing other things, seems unfair?

Which reminded me of on Charlie Malden Punk - how would that fellow handle this kind of situation?


What's the best way to quit a job? What's your best job-quitting story? Make off with any cool loot? Is a person ever justified in 'up and quitting', or is giving advanced notice almost always the proper thing to do?

So, I e-mail my boss saying I'd like to reduce my hours because due to my second shift schedule getting up at 9am every day to make sales calls on my non-tech-support job days is very, very, difficult. He offers to pay me the same, but cuts out the creative responsibilities, I am now a full-time salesman.

I spend 40 hours a week on the phone, waiting for the phone, talking to people on the phone, calling people on the phone at my tech job, and it's...incredibly frustrating to have a job that was at least a little tiny bit full-fulling creatively turn into something that makes me avoidant and such. 

Thus, I am figuring out if I want to quit, or not. I like the money, but would take less to the creative parts - which my boss already hired someone else to do. Do I simply walk out with a "This is NOT what I was hired to do, and if I wanted a sales gig I'd find one," offer two weeks notice, or keep making sales calls until the company goes out of business and my sleep / work schedule is so fucked it could be in porno?


  1. I hate everything about this thread. Maybe it's bc i worked an overnight and am just cranky but this is topic im sick of debating Let's go back to talking about our favorite WM matches or some shit

  2. No. I prefer graphic Meekin sexual stories.

    Meekin please make the QOTD- incest, yay or nay?

  3. I have it half typed up and it's not quite what anyone thinks, but I'm going to leave it for when I get home from work tonight.

  4. Giving notice, no matter where you work, is obviously the mature thing to do. As much as I don't want to possibly cause more arguments over Punk, maybe he's said "if things don't change,. I'm gone" for months, and he finally said "bye." We don't know that part, but we do know is he walked out less than an hour before a live telecast.

  5. Is this an on purpose troll, or is Paul just that oblivious?

  6. I suppose it depends what I'm oblivious too?

  7. We're here to escape our mundane lives, not live yours.

  8. I am the worst (or possibly the best?) when it comes to quitting jobs:

    - Once working as a government admin I woke up one day and just did not want to go to work. I got up, showered, got ready, got the bus, got the train and got within 100 metres of work. I don't know what came over me but I suddenly thought FUCK THIS and just turned around, went home and had a 'me' day.

    - Another time working in a good hotel in Cyprus, hated it, got up one day after payday, booked my ticket and just flew back home to the UK. They probably still have no idea what happened to me.

    I'm also one of these guys who took 6 years to finish university. Yay me!

  9. Your_Favourite_LoserFebruary 4, 2014 at 2:37 PM

    'Let's go back to talking about our favorite WM matches or some shit'

    i was looking forward to that punk/hh match, but now it wont happen b/c punk walked out, which was totally justified, and no one anywhere, anyhow, in any way shape or form disputes that he 100% was in the right and could in no way whatsoever find any kind of fault with how he chose to handle the situation

  10. Well graduating college in 4 years is like leaving a party at 10pm, you can do it, but why would you?

  11. Do you have something to say?

  12. Your_Favourite_LoserFebruary 4, 2014 at 2:42 PM

    do i have something to say?


  13. Let's talk about our favorite WM matches. There are so many but Taker/Shawn part 2 gets me more emotionally invested then any match I've ever seen. I also rewatched Angle/Brock a few weeks ago and it is FUCKING AWESOME. It close to 5 stars if he hits the SSP. If both buts were healthy it would have been like 8 stars

  14. We've had a thread or two about Punk already.

  15. For the good of QOTD I think you should stick with the job.

  16. Which is not what this thread is about!

  17. Your_Favourite_LoserFebruary 4, 2014 at 2:45 PM

    what about the goldberg/brock match?

    the one that was the last match brock had before walking out

  18. Your_Favourite_LoserFebruary 4, 2014 at 2:46 PM

    which means i suck, 'cause i'm usually awesome!

  19. I've never quit a job in a theatrical way. I was in charge of hiring and training new employees and none of them ever quit in a theatrical way either.

    The most memorable walk out we had was literally just a walk out. I'm supervising a new training group when a guy just puts his headset down, picks up his bag and walks out. It's no big deal, I figure he's off to catch a smoke or take 5 or whatever. We were pretty liberal with breaks; as long as you get your contracted hours in you can take a break every 30 minutes if you want. There are 16 hours when we're open, if you need to take 14 to get your 7.5 in, hey that's on you. Few hours go by and he's still logged in and he never came back so I have to manually log him out. Dude just decided he'd taken one too many calls and had enough. I even went back and reviewed the calls before he walked out, nothing serious or dramatic or anything. He'd just had enough of working for minimum wage + commission I guess.

    Only other story that comes to mind was when a detective called me about a skeezy looking guy who randomly quit a couple days before. Guy looked like a creep so I wasn't surprised that he was in trouble. I don't know how these interactions usually work but the detective told me that if he came back, have someone call the cops immediately and don't try to restrain him "for everyone's safety". I never found out what they were looking at him for but that was just weird all around.

  20. Most of us are asked to perform some type of work that stretches our job descriptions from time to time, and if you are working for such an early startup with limited funds then your job description is basically "anything to get us rolling" anyhow.

  21. Your_Favourite_LoserFebruary 4, 2014 at 2:47 PM

    dude... wtf

    buzzkill, you arse

  22. I'd like to see a thread about the moments when you thought the streak would end. We probably would all jump on the same ones, but it'd be nice to go down memory lane.

    My list from ("Holy Shit He's Going to Lose" to "This Is So Badass It Might Work")

    1. After the Arn spinebuster at WM 18
    2. Orton-Taker, the whole match - it just seemed like it'd be the perfect chapter in Orton's Legend Killer gimmick
    3. The superkick-pedigree combo at WM 28
    4. The HHH tombstone at WM 27 (I couldn't trust HHH NOT to end the streak at some point)

  23. You're right, that was an asshole thing to say. I am in a shit mood and decided not to be a star. I apologize.

  24. You've got to be kidding.

  25. Your_Favourite_LoserFebruary 4, 2014 at 2:49 PM

    accepted. i always thought you were on my side and rooting for me

  26. I am. Like I said, just a bad day, and I am a bit of a bully at times.

  27. It's related to CM Punk, but it's more about everyone else's job quittin' stories and such.

  28. Comes down to fuck you money. Have enough? have fun with it. Need to find another job? Handle it as classy as possible, never know when you'll need a reference or bare minimum not piss someone off enough for them to actively sabotage you

  29. Orton and HHH are the only two that I ever _really_ thought might do it.

    With Orton it would have been such a perfect crown on the legend killer gimmick, and they were obviously strongly behind him.

    With HHH.. HHH.

  30. I LOVE how you sold this. See, in a vacuum I completely agree with you on the last 2. Knowing what I knew about the streak tho, I couldn't completely buy into ever ending the past few years. Orton is the answer here. He was the PERFECT guy to end it. A youngster they loved, how grow www guy, and the streak wasn't such a monstrosity at that point....would have been easier to end

  31. Don't tempt me to go on a 120 comment binge to prove you wrong. I would tie every ccomment into the premise if the thread

  32. Upvoted just to show I didn't downvote

  33. He is doing it on purpose. He even upvoted you complaining about the thread... he just likes attention.

  34. Caliber_Winfield_The_3rdFebruary 4, 2014 at 2:56 PM


  35. Let's have everyone just propose alternative questions here. I did mine


    Can we blame the crowd for shitting on everything right now?

    I don't think it's fair to blame the fans for the hijackings. The show
    is fucking boring and has been boring since Summer. They're in another
    one of those states where nobody on the show is stepping up and doing
    anything to make it better. It's a one man show right now, all the fans
    want to see is Bryan. And instead they get John Cena vs. Randy Orton
    in terrible PPV matches.

    I think the main event on RAW was a last minute audible to save the
    show, any other main event would of been buried by the crowd. If it's
    not Bryan/Shield/Wyatts closing RAW from here on out, the fans are just
    going to shit on it. Which is funny because Batista comes back to win
    the Rumble and he's been involved in NOTHING. The show isn't booked
    around him, he isn't competing every week, he isn't involved in any type
    of high tier feud, he's just there. He's made no impact whatsoever
    since his return, it's so disappointing because he is better than that.

  37. Who quit their job better: Stone Cold, Mick Foley, or CM Punk?

  38. Lol. What...the...Fuck. you see how the QOTD has changed since you left, right. Let me just answer expendables 2 and Al pacino and I'm thrilled

  39. Caliber_Winfield_The_3rdFebruary 4, 2014 at 2:58 PM

    Ooh, let's get Stranger here right now. It'll be like The Avengers of asking questions daily.

  40. 2011 Punk did a good job.

  41. Your_Favourite_LoserFebruary 4, 2014 at 2:58 PM

    i'm sorry, the correct answer was "solitaire"

    "this is amazing spider solitaire" is what we were looking for

  42. Your_Favourite_LoserFebruary 4, 2014 at 2:59 PM

    'left, right'

    i hold on an L so i know which is which

  43. Well, AdBlock takes care of the pop-ups for me but everything else is awful.

  44. Wouldn't be the first time that a Triple H win at Wrestlemania would be showered in garbage.


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