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Random question

I just watched the Shockmaster debacle again, and something dawned on me; if everything went fine and the storm trooper helmet didn't fall off, what was he going to wear on his head when he wrestled? He obviously couldn't wear the helmet. Was he gonna go with just a mask, or would they just have ended up revealing his face before War Games?

I don't think his identity was intended to be any big secret.  He was gonna take off the helmet and be Fred Ottman as far as I know.  It wasn't a really well thought out storyline or anything.  


  1. Never gets old

  2. Maybe something akin to the Super Shockmaster get-up from 1994?

  3. You know what I secretly kind of dug? That wrestler who shot out the streamers from his hands. I thought it'd be a fun little gimmick.

  4. So glad Bulldog was there to make the moment even more hilarious

  5. Sting never got enough heat for his dumb "He is going to SHOCK the world" pun.

  6. The Juicer (Beetlejuice ripoff guy)?

  7. Best part you never see in highlight packages: Jesse Ventura laughing his ass off saying "What an entrance by the Shockmaster! WCW is full of great entrances!"

  8. The Arachnid? Spider-Man ripoff in yellow and purple?

  9. I don't know why they thought even before the fall that it was a good idea. His attire was hilarious looking. Why would they bother investing time in Tugboat?

  10. Bulldog: "He fell right on his ass."

  11. He's Dusty Rhodes brother in law

  12. That explains it. *pumps fist* TOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT

  13. How great would have been for him to wrestle with the helmet. His gimmick could have been that no one could put him in a headlock, or suplex or piledriver b/c his head was just too big.

  14. It was quite BIZARRE!!!!

  15. The key to a good wrestling t-shirt is to make it look like it has nothing to do with wrestling. Which reminds me, I should go on eBay or Amazon or some such & try to find that Kaientai "Evil/Indeed" shirt...

  16. The question I've always had is: Ottman tripped over a piece of wood that wasn't supposed to be there. Did someone screw up with leaving the board for Ottman to trip over, or was it sabotage?

  17. Caliber_Winfield_TCTFebruary 8, 2014 at 11:10 AM

    Dusty explained that when they did the rehearsal, everything went fine, but they needed something to reinforce the wall he breaks through. So, a guy nailed a 2x4 to the bottom, and failed to mention it to Fred.

  18. Hell, I'd just make my own. There's gotta be somewhere online that offers blank foam fingers.

  19. Purple Macho Man like everyone else, aside from that I only have one of if not the first Kurt Angle shirts they made, but I never wear it. I use it as my "when this is the last clean t-shirt I have, it's time to do laundry" shirt.

    I used to have the first Jericho shirt they made & one for Road Dogg back in the day, but they each disappeared after wearing them only once.

  20. You can wear Punk's shirts anywhere (exceptions - crazy chicks and the banana yellow GTS shirt) and Bryan's shirts absolutely fail on that regard. They've all stunk since the "sooner or later everyone taps" shirt.

  21. The BITW shirt, the In Punk We Trust badge shirt, Bryan's sooner or later everyone taps shirt, and the first Wyatt Family follow the buzzards shirt.

  22. Yep, Jesse being unable to help himself from laughing and digging in the knife a little more bit more has always been my favorite part.

  23. He really is that nice, I've met him a couple times.

  24. I kinda liked the simple "Yes/yes/yes" and "No/no/no" shirts... especially how the "No" shirt made the text look like it was written on masking tape over the original "Yes" one.

  25. I think Kane (and even more: the worker Glenn Jacobs) give him a good run for his money. although the difference might be that at least a lot of the horrible Kane stuff were just whacky midcard angles.

  26. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomeryFebruary 8, 2014 at 11:25 AM

    Everything about that moment was perfect. THE SHEEEEYYYYOOOOCCCKKKK! MASTAHHHHH!!!!

  27. Oh shit, the maroon YES YES YES or the NO NO NO with STOP IT on the back, somehow those slipped my mind. Those weren't bad. But all the goat and beard shit, I think it was Meltzer who said Bryan is 4th in merch sales. That's friggin' incredible with the crap he's peddling, lol.

  28. Do you mean Phantasio?

  29. I used to work in a mall and I saw a decent amount of Punk and Bryan shirts, but rarely a Cena shirt. Granted it might be that the Punk or Bryan shirts stuck in my mind more...

  30. I love that video, just because Davey Boy can't even bother to sell the angle, opting for the awesome "He fell right on his fucking arse!"

  31. Caliber_Winfield_TCTFebruary 8, 2014 at 11:43 AM

    Kane had some bad stuff, but Sting's crap is LEGENDARY.

    Black Scorpion, White Castle of Fear, Spin The Wheel, Beach Blast, Starrcade 1997, all that crap with Vampiro

  32. Two great observations from comedian Bill Burr when this clip was watched on Opie and Anthony a few years back.

    1) The helmet looked like "a glittered potted plant"

    2) How come nobody on the Sid side of things, realistically, just pointed at him in the confusion and said, "Dude, you fell through the wall!!!"

    One of the funniest bits ever on the show, mostly for Patrice O'Neal's infectious laugh

  33. One of the few wrestling shirts I do own is a Bryan Danielson shirt from ROH. It's just a grey shirt with some maroon text on the front.
    Hell, they could easily rip that shirt off for one of their own. Just change "Danielson Revolution" to "The YES Movement" and change the fist to a finger pointing like people do when chanting YES.

  34. NSFW audio, but utterly rewatchable

  35. Agreed. Sting wins just for the Cheatum the One Eyed Midget trilogy.

  36. One of his early shirts, on commentary they talked about how he drew/designed the front of it. I forget what it looked like, though.


  38. Caliber_Winfield_TCTFebruary 8, 2014 at 11:50 AM

    You know, Jake is perhaps the greatest promo man in history, because even with how terrible the Spin the Wheel movie is, Jake rocks it and actually makes it pretty damn cool. It made me want to see the match, even if apparently the wheel landed on "Lazer Shoots Out of Our Eyes Match".

  39. Patrice going so soon is still such a total bummer.

  40. I just watched the debut match of The Super Shockmaster and the commentary is hilarious. " He looks like the same shockmaster to me." "Lets see if he falls down and we'll know for sure."

  41. He was gonna comment on the Shockmaster's entrance whether he wanted to or not.

  42. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryFebruary 8, 2014 at 12:10 PM

    "How come nobody on the Sid side of things, realistically, just pointed at him in the confusion and said, "Dude, you fell through the wall!!!"

    Probably because they were all laughing too hard.

  43. Black scorpion, spin the wheel make the deal, White Castle of fear, beach blast 1993 skits, and this. Plus a few others I'm sure.

  44. To be fair, he wasn't that bad a worker. Not even remotely close to the greats, but he's pretty good.

  45. I'd like to think they never were =)

  46. Yeah now that I think of it, I do see a lot of kids with Cena garb on. And yes, pretty much only Cena.

  47. Probably too many. I own the BITW Punk in white, 3 Nexus shirts (Original, the top line shirt that got worn like once, and the newspaper clippings shirt), a I (Pentagram) Steen shirt, a @steenwasright shirt, and a Bruderschaft des Kreuzes shirt from Chikara.

  48. Yeah, the only cool shirt that are explicitly wrestling are nWo and any of Austin and Rock's merchandise, and only because those guys transcend wrestling.

  49. The "Big Nasty Bastard" shirt was the first time I'd ever seen that word. I immediately asked my mom what a bastard was and she flipped out lol.

  50. The "Best In The World" Punk shirt is awesome, but he's had a few great ones; it seems like he'll get a new one every time he changes his look, which is a nice touch.

  51. Wow I really liked the Bryan/Cesaro match, that ending sequence was just amazing. 2 best workers in the WWE bar none.


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