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Ring of Honor on WWE Network?

Hey Scott,

Do you find this very odd to acknowledge ROH?

I remember a couple months ago you suggested an idea that WWE should purchase Ring of Honor and use it as a go between NXT and WWE. I really have a feeling they are going to do that and put it own the Network. How awesome would it be to a adult geared brand in WWE??

I do find it very odd, although they had some pre-existing relationship with them via the Punk DVD and such.  I really don't see them buying ROH or anything, since Sinclair is presumably already happy with them as a source of cheap programming for their own network.  


  1. I wonder if Vince will try and get some ROH matches on the network from the talent that used to be there.

  2. Buy them then edit out all the Punk matches like they did in the article.

  3. It'd be awesome going forward to see guys who wrestled in ROH like Bryan or Cesaro to get an ROH match or two on a DVD if/when they get one.

  4. I was thinking the same thing, that ROH would make for great cheap programming on the network.

    Or, maybe they're just familiarizing the fans with the product to buy the library when Sinclair tires of supporting them.

    Up next on TNA, where WWE wrestlers retire.

  5. Maybe one day use them as a second farm system like they basically did with ECW back in the day

  6. You mean like they kind of are now?

  7. Sinclair is bank rolling ROH and Spike/Panda or whoever is funding TNA. Exactly how hard is it for a promotion to get a network behind them?

  8. Oh please! Even if this actually happened by summer the new ROH champ would be Alexander Rusev and his first big title defense would be against The Big Show to give the lil indy "THE RUB"

    Vince,Stephanie and the rest of the assholes at Titan Towers wouldn't even let Paul E book ECW properly after they put on 2 great One Night Stand shows what chance would ROH have?

  9. Same exact line of thinking that I have (Big Show included).

  10. That would be sort of funny. The WWE adopting a PGA-style structure where NXT/ROH are the Latin America/Nationwide Tours, the WWE brand is the "show" like the PGA is, and then TNA is the equivalent of the Champions Tour.

  11. Dixie Carter: "They're talking about ROH? Wow, we must have them scared! Push Magnus/Jeff Hardy fast!

  12. I was thinking that, as well: you basically run them as their own "territory," which allows you to cycle in some of the other Raw/SD guys for a few months for retooling or rebuilding. No unifications, no invasions, just let it be a bigger Main Event-level show and a go-through for the NXT guys.

  13. With Batista back, we can run him and Big Show at Hammerstein!

  14. The way things have been going in ROH for the last 3 years, I'd prefer PWG to get more exposure


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