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The Double Space Conspiracy!

Here's Mental Floss with their explanation of the ongoing war between editors and longtime touch-typists.  As noted in the NXT rant, I fall on the side of "Can't unlearn it due to muscle memory" and so I'll continue double-spacing whether I want to or not.  


  1. One space for life, Brah!

  2. Have to agree with you Scott. Years of double-spacing cannot be unlearned.

  3. Always! Learned it in high school and never looked back.

  4. It took me less than a week to unlearn 25 years of double spacing.

  5. But yeah, single-spacing has always been the rule in newspapers, and somehow that filtered down into the public school system in the 90s. It's a generational thing. Writers I work with in their 20s have never double spaced, whereas those in their mid 30s and above had to transition to single spacing at some point.

  6. The site turned into a literary journal so slowly I never even realized til now.

    Also, cast my vote for two spaces.

  7. More troubling is that every once in a while I'll double space on my PC at work and not understand why it doesn't put a period there automatically.

  8. Another great show!

    Oh but Kevin. Punk is done with WWE? We both know that's not true.

    Barring the idea that this is somehow a work. I think this.

    Punk won't be at Mania this year. Punk has every right to throw a hissy fit and walk away. I don't begrudge him that, but he did throw a hissy fit. That doesn't surprise me actually. However, he'll be back in the WWE by the end of the year or early 2015.

    Somehow, I can see Punk leveraging this into main eventing WrestleMania next year.

  9. Why did you change your avatar? You're welcoming people into BoD, so you should always smiling. Just like me! *grins*

  10. I'm a single-spacer married to a double-spacer, who sometimes asks me to edit her work (I have an English degree). If we ever get divorced, it's on your head, inconsistent educational system!!!

  11. I don't blame anybody else for his behavior. Him having CTE isn't a theory, it is a fact. What that does to a human being is a fact.

  12. It's not a fact that it makes you kill a child. Which is what you keep asserting.

  13. I hadn't realized Word was now compensating for post punctual spacing until I printed out my first paper after returning to school and saw that it looked like it was full of holes. It appeared padded, but I didn't think I'd done anything wrong, so I just handed it in that way. My instructor never said anything about it, but I soon learned that double spacing was no longer the standard. I hated the aesthetic of that paper so much that I know try to single space everything I write (I think it looks far worse in print than on screen). I have the muscle memory problem too, so when I'm done writing a piece I just run a find and replace to turn all my double spaces to singles. I'm always amazed by how many it catches.

  14. When has the WWE ever acknowledged that someone left? If they fire or release someone, sure they'll give a "future endeavors" post to the website. But Punk walked out, Vince wants him back. This is a hiatus for him.

    Did they announce The Rock left, or Jericho? Or that the Undertaker was taking a year off until next year's Mania? I don't think so.

    There's no reason to acknowledge what's happening on TV. The crowd is trying to hijack the show asking for a guy who isn't going to show up. Let them get it out of their systems until they get a "YES!" chant going, or a "Jerry" or "JBL" and then move on. Punk will be back eventually, and there's no reason to burn a bridge.

  15. and it doesn't work because it is not real competition. the moment someone would get over huge in that other "promotion" we all know it would be only a matter of short time until he is brought to the "main roster" (again).

    (but if it's actual competition there is the chance of the competition totally outclassing the WWE)

  16. They sent The Rock out on live TV to blast Steve Austin when he walked out.

  17. I'm not surprised Vince likes Punk, he seems to prefer people that aren't afraid to get in his face and challenge him. A few of the ex-writers have mentioned that he seemed to respect you more if you yelled (back) at him.

  18. Thanks for podcasting!

    Haven't finished this week's episode, but do you think Kevin would put up a segment, whereby people, (and by people, I mean me) could write in with questions about specific things? It'd be neat to hear his take.

  19. It is a fact that it makes you do fucked up shit. Benoit brain's resembled the brain of an 85 year old Alzheimer's patient. It was mush, he wouldn't have lived another 10 months.

    You really believe 21 year old healthy Benoit and the mess he was at the end were the same person?

  20. Yep, I think one of the only times they did acknowledge it was when Bret left after Montreal, and Austin walked out in 2002. Vince even did an in ring speech about it and thanked him, then left a beer can in the middle of the ring.

  21. A lot of personality types like Vince respect guys like Punk. If you do whatever you say, you might keep your job longer but get walked all over, like you are JR

  22. "Currently in developmental, they are teaching for the babyfaces to get one comeback spot built around trademark spots and only use their finishing move for the win"

    That's one of the things that REALLY sucks about today's wrestling. The audience is trained to wait for the finishing move, and all other pin attempts get little or no response. I loved old school wrestling where you didn't know whether a small package, backslide, sunset flip, etc. would end the match. You had to actually pay attention to the little things.

  23. Even as a kid, I was fully aware that 99% of moves were just "setup moves" and had zero chance of actually finishing a match. So I see this more as a "protecting your finisher" deal, which is good.

  24. This should be a poll. Count me in with the double-spacers.

    Here's a terrific essay in defense of double-spacing:

  25. He does that via twitter right now, but we will also take email questions if that works better for you?

  26. "built around traditional spots" I imagine is code for 'a bunch of clotheslines' for big guys and 'a bunch of dropkicks' for little guys.

  27. I'm kind of half-way between both of your opinions - like Vince, I agree that even as a kid, I realized that almost all pin-attempts other than finishers were pretty much assured to not be the win, and that that's just always been "the way it is". I don't have a problem with that, as, structurally, it's building to a crescendo. I like that.

    However, like Robert, I do agree that it can lead to some wins seeming anti-climactic, almost like the crowd is more confused that the match is actually over instead of cheering (or jeering) the victor. Just look at "Summerslam", when Bryan hit the big knee to Cena's face - as big as that win was on paper, I think the lack of build-up to the finish hurt it a bit. It took the audience a few seconds to digest what had just happened before they started cheering.

    That said, I also disagree with Robert's assessment about backslides and small-packages - we get so many of those finishes every week that fans are surprised when a mid-card match DOESN'T end that way.

  28. As a kid I thought the match could end anytime off any move but if a finisher was hit that was it. That's why they fought so hard to hit it/avoid it because it was a sure victory.

  29. Your_Favourite_LoserFebruary 6, 2014 at 10:36 AM

    you know what really needs to be addressed?

    those assholes who never capitalize words

  30. More importantly, flog people who use endnotes. We have word processing now and footnoting is just easier to read.

  31. Until his last weekend, though, there was no real evidence of him having antisocial personality disorder, and this kind of thing usually shows up well in advance - usually in childhood, actually. Very, very unlikely that antisocial personality (a "psychopath") would have been his diagnosis.

  32. You're wasting your time. Dougie will argue that the Earth is flat because he himself hasn't seen the Earth from space.

  33. Your_Favourite_LoserFebruary 6, 2014 at 11:13 AM

    what i do for my job involves a lot of editing of colloquial dialogue. so we're always having to establish standards for so much minutia: "ok vs OK vs Ok vs okay," "mm-hmm vs mm-hm vs mhm vs mmhm, etc).

    dont even get me started on short dashes/long dashes/ellipses

  34. Oooh, sorry dude. Graduated in 2000, worked as an editor of small-town publications for about nine years before getting laid off (my position was eliminated and another editor took over the workload). I wrote for a television news/review Web site for a year, but that ended last summer. I still freelance for said papers, but it's literally only my music/video spending money now. I sincerely wish you the best of luck.

  35. Wow, can't wait for this episode. Still way behind. Finishing up InVasion (what was with that uppercase V anyways).
    Can't believe Vince thought of Jumper 5 years before it came out, should've sued Third Eye Blind for rights. ;)

  36. I was hopeful to parlay my degree into a career in public relations, to be honest; my dreams of being a sportswriter flew out the window long ago.

  37. Agreed. I thought this was resolved in like 2003.

  38. I'm in my twenties and was taught to double-space. I only recently got out of the habit because I'm in school for public relations and it's frowned upon due to economy of space. There's still something of a conflict for me because I also minor in a social science and it's still somewhat prevalent in their academic papers.

  39. You can find and replace double spaces?! Mind blown.

  40. I'll take care of it: Don't use dashes or ellipses in formal writing. It looks tacky and unprofessional.

  41. That's a make or break for me with books. Endnotes? I sure as hell am not flipping through the damn book to find them, and I probably just won't even bother buying it.

  42. Just do what I do, refer to the AP Style Guide!

  43. Amazing, right? Thanks for listening!!

  44. It's just that sportswriter is barely even a job anymore, with the compression of newsroom staffs and budgets. I have to laugh when I watch Everybody Loves Raymond (I admit it, I like it), and someone says to Ray "you're a sportswriter; you make a lot of money." Even in 1996 for the New York Post, I doubt that was true.

  45. Says who? If it says 300 dates per year, cross it out and put 250. Yeah, the $ number that goes next to it will also get smaller; but you'll live longer

  46. I was under the impression that single space caught on the last few years because HTML shortened multiple spaces down to a single space when displayed on almost all browsers. Or am I wrong on that?

  47. Your_Favourite_LoserFebruary 6, 2014 at 12:20 PM

    single spacing caught on b/c tna could no longer afford to maintain double spacing, even though double spacing had been their foundation. tna had to trim costs and single spacing seemed the way to go, even though many people obviously are a big fan of double spacing and follow tna for that very reason

  48. Your_Favourite_LoserFebruary 6, 2014 at 12:21 PM

    i don't handle formal writing

    dashes i think have their place in formal writing; i can see the argument against ellipses

  49. The state of WWE made me do it, and only 40 post? Welcome to the BoD!

  50. This sounds like a bad wrestling gimmick waiting to happen.

  51. I'm not sure that's true. Jericho said in his book that he "had a feeling" that Benoit had killed them when he heard the news that all three were dead. Same with JBL. And same with Regal. If I received a phone call and was simply told that my best friend, his wife, and his children were all found dead, my head would NEVER "go there." The fact that these people -- some of which he was extremely close with -- could foresee that as a possibility says a whole lot.

  52. Dang, Jethro! I don't think this gimmick is gonna get ove-*shot*

    Yeah I didn't put ANY spaces in front of periods for years for whatever odd reason, and now I can't stand that so I unlearned it. I CAN CHANGE! YOU CAN CHANGE! WE ALL CAN CHANGE!

    (In all seriousness the rants look fine, more power to you)

  53. That is because it wasn't like Benoit didn't have CTE on Tuesday, then got it on Thursday. He happened over time and those guys noticed that Benoit had changed.

  54. I'm surprised this doesn't have more to do with how HTML (Hyper-text Markup Language) works, which is basically the backbone of the web. In an HTML file (if you were actually editing it through tagging, as opposed to using a fancy webpage editor like DreamWeaver and FrontPage... and I might be dating myself with this applications, since it's been a long time that I've actually made a webpage), you can hit the space bar as much as you want, it's only going to recognize once space between non-space characters. SOOOOOO, if you double-tap after a period, the HTML page will only recognize one. I actually think I do both, i.e. if I know it's something for the web (like this), it will be one space; if it's an academic paper, double-tap.

    I've never actually heard, though, that single space is ever appropriate.

  55. CoughBullshitCough.

  56. Daniel Bryan got Punk fired?


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