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The SmarK RAW Rant–02.03.14

The SmarK RAW Rant – 02.03.14

WWE Network in Canada update for those who have asked me: Unblock-US is currently taking the stance of “We’re looking into it, so shut up and leave us alone.” There is a LOT of demand from Canadian fans for it, however, and it seems likely that someone will support it and thus meet the demand, whether it’s Unblock or Playmo.TV or one of the other VPNs. I heartily recommend Unblock-US anyway because of Hulu and streaming shows off the US network websites, but whoever can guarantee support for the WWE Network will get my money without reservation.

Live from Omaha, NB.

Your hosts are Michael Cole, JBL & Jerry Lawler

Randy Orton starts us out, and he’s still having problems with the Authority while the fans immediately try to hijack the show with CM Punk chants. Jesus, Punk quit, why are you chanting for him? It’s not like WWE fired him or anything. So anyway, HHH and Steph interrupt, and this week they’re arguing with Orton again and are losing faith in him, because that’s how they’re written this week. Orton will face each of his Chamber opponents leading up to the PPV, and at stake is the possibility that someone else might be considered as the new face of WWE. That’s HUGE STAKES. And we start with Orton v. Bryan tonight.

The Shield v. Kofi Kingston, Rey Mysterio & Big E Langston

JBL actually brings up a good point for once, with Cole going on again about how Ambrose has been US champion for months and months and then JBL countering that it’s easy to be champion for 14 years if you never defend it. Which is true, I think he’s literally had less than a dozen title defenses since May. The Shield works Kofi over, but Rey comes in and runs wild on Rollins for a bit before he too falls victim to the Shield in the form of a Hart Attack that gets two. And we take a break. Back with Ambrose holding a chinlock, but it’s hot tag Big E, the perfect hot tag guy. Warrior splash on Reigns gets two. It’s breaking loose in Tulsa, but Big E walks into the superman punch and Ambrose finishes E with the bulldog driver at 11:09. Pretty blah stuff for the Shield. ** Why are they still beating Langston all the time? Broken down Rey was RIGHT THERE. Or more importantly, why put the title on him in the first place if they had no plans for him? Bray Wyatt pops up with a promo to creep everyone out.

ALEXANDER RUSEV is coming, thankfully with Lana in tow.

Christian v. Jack Swagger

Christian evades a blind charge and dumps Swagger, but Swagger gets a cheapshot outside and takes over. Back in, he tosses Christian with a hiptoss for two and goes to a submission hold, but goes up and misses. Christian comes back with the missile dropkick, but runs into a knee. Unprettier gets two, however, and he goes up and lands in an anklelock. Christian escapes that and goes up again, but Swagger brings him down and also misses, allowing Christian to roll him up for the pin at 6:00. So yes, it’s the LOSING STREAK gimmick for Swagger leading to another team breaking up. Call your friends and tell them to start watching right now! *1/2

Cage Match, WWE tag titles: The New Age Outlaws v. Cody Rhodes & Goldust

Thankfully they’ve dropped the escape rule for the tag team version of the cage match, because it was stupid anyway. Apparently this feud has been heated up by “interesting back and forth on social media, including one Tweet where Cody made fun of the Outlaws for their age!” TAKE ALL MY MONEY NOW! Road Dogg gets nowhere with Cody to start, and Gunn slugs it out with Goldust before Cody comes in with a small package for two. The Outlaws work Cody over in boring fashion while the crowd chants for Punk. Probably because they’re as bored as the announcers by this. Road Dogg and Goldust randomly trade armbars with absolutely nothing going on as the announcers posit that fans are so quiet because both teams are incredibly popular and thus fans don’t know who to cheer for. So are the Outlaws supposed to be faces or heels? I’m really at a loss here. Either way, this “CM Punk” guy seems to be the most over person in the match. So this drags on AND ON and finally Goldust hits a spinebuster on Dogg and makes the hot tag to Cody, allowing the faces to run wild. Disaster kick gets two on Billy, pissing off the crowd. And then Cody goes up to the top of the cage, totally whiffs on a moonsault that barely grazes Road Dogg’s arm, and Billy sneaks in with a fameasser to retain at 17:38 to kill the crowd again. -* This was AWFUL and completely exposed the Outlaws in every way, from the total lack of heat to everyone stumbling through the main portion of the match to Road Dogg being out of place completely for the big moonsault spot and nearly killing poor Cody as a result. Oh yeah, negative stars, I WENT THERE. This feud is rapidly eroding any heat that Cody and Goldust ever had and I still don’t know what the endgame is supposed to be. They break up another tag team and have a feud that no one wants to see with Cody becoming a midcard heel again? Because that seems to be where we’re ending up.

Batista is out for some reason, and Alberto Del Rio is still UPSET with him. Batista laughs him off, so Del Rio attacks and they do some macho posturing as Batista is now also upset. You know, it would be nice if Del Rio would just add something like “I would also like that title shot and don’t think you should have won it” or something in order to give them an actual issue to feud over.

The Wyatt Family v. Dolph Ziggler, R-Truth & XAVIER WOODS

Finally, Woods debuts on the Hulu RAW after doing the intros for weeks! Not that I care about seeing him, but I just think it’s kind of funny in that I’ve literally never seen any of his RAW matches on this version of the show. The babyfaces get the advantage on Rowan, but Harper puts Truth down in the corner and the crowd chants for Ziggler. I don’t foresee that going as well for Dolph as it has for Punk and Bryan. But he gets the hot tag anyway and slugs away on Harper in the corner, with a DDT that gets two. Bray turns the tide, however, and finishes Dolph with Sister Abagail at 5:00, because OF COURSE they beat the guy getting all the chants. * The Shield responds on the Titantron afterwards, and Ambrose is also crazy and thus not afraid.


Jerry Lawler really lays it on the line here: If Randy Orton loses ANY of these matches, that’s really gonna affect the opinion of him with the Authority. So that’s now their idea of a storyline. Instead of fighting for titles, guys are fighting to impress HHH and Stephanie. Michael Cole restates it even more forcefully: If Daniel Bryan wins, then the Authority may have to rethink who the face of the company really is. Riveting. RIVETING. Orton puts him down with a headbutt as the announcers are already writing off Orton’s chance of winning at the Chamber, since it’s painfully telegraphed that he will be doing just that. Bryan throws kicks in the corner and the ADD directing is getting really obvious and annoying here. Going cut-kick-cut-kick-cut-kick is headache-inducing once you start noticing it. Bryan works on the knee and dropkicks it into the post. Cole notes that Orton is questioning the authority of the Authority. But that’s their NAME! That’s the one thing you can’t question about them! Maybe that’s why I’m supposed to boo Orton. Bryan puts Orton down with a forearm with two and goes back to the leg, and a backslide gets two. Orton bails to avoid further punishment, and Bryan follows and tosses him into Cole’s lap. Back in, he stays on the knee and follows with a top rope rana for two. Into the surfboard and a half crab, but Orton puts him on the floor and drops him on the railing to take over. Back in, Orton stomps away and powerslams him, and we take a break. Back with Bryan throwing kicks while the camera zooms in and out and continues to drive me crazy. Orton catches him with a throw, however, thus injuring the shoulder. Orton works on that and they head to the top for a battle up there, won by Bryan. He follows with a missile dropkick, but hurts the shoulder on the way down. He keeps coming with kicks, but Orton wrenches the arm to put him down again. Bryan catches him in the Yes-Lock and the camera cuts FIVE TIMES between Bryan reaching for the move and actually getting it. Corner dropkicks as Bryan makes the comeback, but Orton hits his own dropkick. Bryan escapes the RKO and goes up with the flying headbutt for two. Bryan with the kicks (ZOOM, cut, ZOOM, cut) but Kane comes out and gets dropkicked off the apron as a result. Bryan hits both Kane and Orton with a dive, and back in for the running knee to finish at 28:28. ****1/4

Kane and Orton deliver the beatdown afterwards, as the announcers posit that the Authority sent Kane down in case Orton was going to lose. Wasn’t the point that they WANTED Orton to lose because they didn’t have faith in him? I am legitimately confused by what the storyline is supposed to be. HHH doesn’t want Bryan as the champion, he doesn’t want Orton as the champion, but sometimes he does…who does he even want as champion? His buddy Batista? That at least would be a storyline that makes sense. What would make even more sense is HHH coming out and admitting that he wants HIMSELF as champion, and would probably be far more true to life and easier to build off at that. Cole closes by noting that Bryan might have had a chance to be the face of WWE, but Kane got involved, so now he can’t. What? How does that even…never mind, I give up.

The Pulse

Terrible show, great main event, which has been noted by many already. Unfortunately it also bombed in the ratings, so you know who’s gonna get blamed for that.


  1. Too bad you didn't get to see Aksana's eye-opening performance.

  2. Stil smh that andy had that main event at almost 5 stars. D bry mark period.

  3. They missed an opportunity to get Barrett massive heel heat. *Cult of Personality plays*.... Out comes Barrett. "I'm afraid I've got some bad news."

  4. Don't those VPN's just reroute you to give you an American IP? What do they need to do to specifically support WWE Network?

    I've never used one.

  5. I think Roman Reigns could pull off the Drago look far better than Rusev. Rusev, btw, kinda reminds me of a Final Fight villain.

  6. Stranger in the AlpsFebruary 4, 2014 at 4:01 PM

    Knock knock!
    Who's there?
    Orange who?
    Orange you glad that the WWE Network is almost here?
    I dunno. Maybe?

  7. Daniel Bryan vs Christian?

  8. I think the crowd is simply chanting for CM Punk because they want to see him. "We want Punk!" doesn't necessarily mean, "Boo on WWE for firing Punk," it just means they literally want Punk, whether that means the crowd is trying to coax him back, or they're trying to convince WWE to do what it takes to bring him back.

  9. See, I actually think he's meant to be Khal Drogo from Game of Thrones and Lana is the Khalesi - the only one who can reign in his violence. If they can get dragons involved, I am SOLD.

  10. Too recent for Vince to comprehend.

  11. That's a good point. Maybe the pair are based on the old black-and-white version of King Kong then?

  12. It's pretty weird... the angle they are undoubtedly focusing on most has the most plot holes in it. The losing faith in Orton bit started in SEPTEMBER and it's still around, poking its head in every few weeks. They may as well nominate both Bryan and Orton for the HOF for putting up with this. I can't imagine what a mindfuck it must be for the wrestlers not knowing how their character will be portrayed from week to week (oddly enough, it was Punk who looked the most consistently strong the last few months). "Hmm...what lazily written, nonsensical segment do I have to participate in this week in front of 4-5 million people?"

    Let's not forget that Kane just got taken down a notch a week ago for putting his hands on Punk and now he's attacking Bryan. Plot hole number 378.

    We can talk about certain guys not getting the pushes we want them to get, and that's fine. But what really has turned WWE into subpar/mediocre TV is the Authoritah gimmick/angle. The tone of the show changes on a weekly basis. No major angle gains any traction. No wrestler stands out by design (Bryan is an unintended side effect). No one looks better off than they were six months ago, INCLUDING Triple H. Anybody here have any hopes that they'll get their act together by Wrestlemania?


  14. I was thinking Omaha had been moved to New Brunswick. I was okay with that.

  15. "Batista is out for some reason, and Alberto Del Rio is still UPSET with him. Batista laughs him off, so Del Rio attacks and they do some macho posturing as Batista is now also upset. You know, it would be nice if Del Rio would just add something like “I would also like that title shot and don’t think you should have won it” or something in order to give them an actual issue to feud over."

    When I watched it, I heard Del Rio say, "hey, while you were sitting on your couch waiting for movie deals, I was here WRESTLING," which makes Del Rio the face and Batista the heel to me, and the issue about how Batista basically hasn't earned his spot. Which the smark fans are going to 100% agree on. Also, the way Batista was so dissmissive of Del Rio pissed me off, too. And I could give a shit about Del Rio; I think that's just how much I hate Batista now.

  16. I was down for the Outlaws coming in and winning the belts to drop them to another team in a star-making effort... two years ago. Since then, the Sheild and Cody/Goldie re-established the tag team division, and yeah, the Outlaws were totally exposed last night as fucking useless. And they almost killed poor Cody! I hope they keep Cody face when they do the brother v. brother match at WrestleMania, but I just have so little faith anymore.

  17. Instead, Lawler just gave him the lamest put down ever seen in wrestling with Cole thinking it was the greatest thing ever.

  18. Don't be daft, why would they need anything more than some catty twitter insults to feud over?

  19. Hey, at least we now know what the fever-dreams of a senile elderly man look like. They're being projected onto our screens each week! Dancing blacks! Inconsistent characters with ever-morphing motivations! Business savvy and your position in the corporate heirarchy mean more than winning and losing! I imagine HHH, despite all his flaws, gets just as annoyed as us at the constant changing of Vince's whims. It must be impossible to plan anything and keep it on the tracks.

  20. Am I the only who's like, "We're doing evil Russians again?"

  21. Dave Batista is The Choice of the Choiceless

  22. Evil Bulgarians you HORRIBLE RACIST.

  23. Haha, no doubt. I was just pointing out I thought Del Rio was trying to give some depth to their Insta-Feud, and Del Rio's reasoning was making him -- not Batista -- the face.

  24. Suggest that to the barbershop window t-shirt guys; I'd buy that shirt.

  25. "Hey Barrett! Um.... YOU STINK!"

  26. I was happy last night when I tweeted that out and Seth Mates re-tweeted it

  27. Shit, you're a made man, son! :)

  28. Orton screaming over the CM Punk chants in the beginning was hilariously pathetic.

  29. Whilst I blamed Road Dogg at first, it has since been pointed out by a few people, including Lance Storm, that the catch was almost impossible to do safely. Cody jumped HIGH and came down with his knees. Road Dogg would be fucked and potentially paralysed if those came down on his head. Just a stupid spot, really.

  30. And I was just watching the Lawler-Roberts match from '96 (?) and wondering where Lawler belongs on the list of best crowd/mic workers of all time.

  31. The way WrestleMania XXX could be potentially shaping up, I may be glad to have the network so I can watch something OTHER THAN WrestleMania XXX.

  32. "Cole closes by noting that Bryan might have had a chance to be the face of WWE, but Kane got involved, so now he can’t. What? How does that even…never mind, I give up."

    This sums up.......a lot.......I'm just utterly confused watching this show, this Face of the WWE nonsense, it just makes my head hurt.

  33. Hey now! Vince probably isn't aware that Peter Jackson remade King Kong, but I'm sure he's at least up to the 70's version by now.


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