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WCW 2001 = TNA 2014?

Subject: WCW 2001 = TNA 2014?

A look from PTBN at the parallels between the talent and work going on in WCW 2001 and TNA in the post-Hogan world of 2014.


  1. An insult to WCW 2001. TNA wishes they were WCW 2001. There were people who wanted to buy WCW 2001 and saw value in it. TNA is dead.

  2. Looks like Vince Russo just created a Disqus account.

  3. This person is a genius and I'd like to be the first to publicly recognize their genius.

  4. "And when they open their mouths they shoot BEES at you!"
    Send in the robotic Richard Simmons?

  5. Get Leslie Nielsen on the case (hologram him like Tupac), bring in Brian Blair and Jim Bunnell as Sting's cohorts. Then, Undertaker can cut a promo saying, " are you going to release the dogs, or the bees, or the dogs with bees in their mouth, and when they bark they shoot bees at you? Well, go ahead Sting, do your worst!"

  6. TNA on its best day is 1000x worse than wcw on its worst day. That promotion is just complete garbage.

  7. TNA has been a total mess since Hogan and Bischoff left. Is it their legacy, or do they get unfairly blamed for the incompetence of others?

  8. ARRRRGH THE BARBARIANFebruary 7, 2014 at 11:35 AM

    Basically, this is the PG version of Candyman

  9. I bet $1000 this is a BeardMoney E-mail

  10. Awesome sauce. Seriously though, would this be THAT much more absurd then some of the other shit they've tried doing in the past?

  11. Could be the best fantasy booking idea I've ever heard. Please get this guy to Vince asap

  12. Here's a tip, Undertaker. Get the point?

  13. How appropriate...You fight like a cow.

  14. If the bees suddenly start disappearing, does it mean Davros wants Taker at Summerslam?

  15. Jesse Baker is shaking his head in disbelief....

  16. Ok. Can anyone explain the Styles thing to me?

  17. Id prefer watching an episode of Thunder to watching anything TNA related...

  18. I don't see why people hate on TNA so much now. It's been bad, but right now it's good enough. Maybe it's just because the WWE product is just completely dull so they look better by comparison. Do you guys watch Impact at all? They have Rockstar Spud!

  19. Afterwards, they can set-up the respect handshake by Sting saying "Let's Bee Friends".

  20. And there can be a card.

    With bees!

  21. Maybe Undertaker turns to Jake Roberts to confront his fear of getting stung until Jake traps him in a locked room full of bees...
    I would imagine Sting shows up at the Raw after Mania and either becomes Raw GM or confronts Taker and sets up Undertaker-Sting for WM31.

  22. LOL! Ouch! Bees? I would much rather just show up in a bee costume, walk up to him multiple times and say "Bzzt! Gotcha!". LOL. Bees. :smh:

  23. I apollengise, but I can't beelieve that this angle has never been tried beefore. Those bumbling idiots at WWE Creative should definitely take a look at this thread before the buzz dies down! Just thinking about this gives me the hives!!

  24. Damn...I read that as the robotic RON Simmons

  25. I defeated the sword master of Melee Island and all I got was this lousy T-Shirt.

  26. Who sent this email...I wonder who it could BEE?

  27. LOL! Ouch! Puns. Bzzzt! Gotcha! LOL!

  28. I'd prefer watching an episode of Thunder in Paradise

  29. Damnit, someone beat me to the "dogs that shoot bees" reference...

  30. my email getting published has made my day and its also my birthday

    happy everyone likes my bees idea

  31. They made a storyline about his real life contract expiring, threatening to leave with the belt. After going over at the biggest show of the year (Sound familliar?)

    The difference is that AJ actually fucking left, thus making the companies anoiting him the man look rather silly

  32. But messing with him is like rolling the dice...

  33. It does bother me that people 'can't wait' for TNA to go out of business. On its worst day, it's still exposure for good talents like Joe, Roode, Aries, the Wolves, Magnus, Daniels, among many others. The last couple of shows were surprisingly coherent and watchable, which leads me to believe Gaburick behind the scenes could be a source of sound direction.

    Sadly, for as much as TNA *has* dropped the ball, when they do something good, like make Aries the champion (in a helluva match over Roode) or put together X-Division based PPVs, or run with Angle vs. Joe (probably TNA's best feud ever), people still avoid watching because, "Oh, I hate Tenay's commentary" or "I don't like Russo" or "I don't like Hogan" or whatever. Now it's "I hate Dixie", which is justified, but those same people also hate HHH and Stephanie, and still watch their show, even as they bitch about it.

    If TNA dies, it'll probably be a long time before anyone dares challenge WWE on the number two level. That'll be a sad day, and bad news for any wrestler that seeks bargaining power or an alternative. The WWE you bitch about will only get more full of themselves.

  34. You have a beeliever in me.

  35. HowmuchdoesthisguyweighFebruary 7, 2014 at 12:15 PM

    Funny email actually.... On a serious note. How about he doesn't speak and has a big theatrical debut then hangs out in the rafters brooding until WM31.


  37. The best part of this is it'd fit right in with WWE's love of celebrity guest hosts. They could have Nick Cage show up to host Raw one week so he could call out the mystery bee man: "You're doing it for nothing! Killing the streak won't bring back your goddamn honey!"

  38. Glad to see worthwhile emails are being responded too and posted

  39. It's funny because bees STING!

  40. Shouldn't it be a scorpion that stings him and not a bee?

  41. Thank you for posting this. I don't understand the mindset of people who take joy in companies going out of business. Even Scott seemed to do it in the last days of WCW. It's not good for anybody. If you don't like the product, don't fucking watch, but to cheer the eventual loss of livelihoods for many wrestlers is just juvenile. Wrestling needs MORE viable companies, not less. Wrestlers need places to work where they can improve their craft and feed their families. And history has shown that Vince McMahon needs stiff competition in order to get off his ass and stop coasting.

  42. I support this gimmick. The repetitive "LOLs" really sell it

  43. that doesn't make any sense

  44. He's expanded his mastery to control ALL animals that sting. Bees, scorpions, jellyfish, sea urchins...

  45. " going on wikipedia and researching bees"

    I'll admit...I lol'd when I read that. I'd love a Raw segment with Taker on his cell phone, reading wikipedia about bees. In the ring of course. Replace the "main event interview" with the "main event researching"

  46. Totally with you guys.

    And Impact has been pretty darn good the last two weeks (after two months of garbage, but still).

  47. One area where I disagree with Andrew (the author of the piece) is that I've found Magnus to be TREMENDOUS as the heel champ. I really like the "Ladies and gentlemen, this is your champion speaking" line.

  48. Release the robotic Richard Simmons.

  49. Not like it was that great shakes before Hogan showed up...

  50. Without the stench of Vapid Twat, Magnus would probably be a perfectly acceptable heel champ, and Spud could be his simpering servant.

    But again, TNA's been going from heel champ to heel champ, with very little in the way of face runs (Aries, Hardy (?), ?????) to change the pace.

  51. But then you're inviting trouble with the Scorpion King.

  52. Un-bee-lievable.

  53. ... and Dixie turns on Sting then.

  54. I watched a LOT of WCW in 2001. I loved how chaotic it was and I also love cheering for the underdog. Logically, I knew Booker T and Lance Storm couldn't carry a wrestling company, but it was fun to dream. Plus, Nash was just doing whatever he felt like and it was hysterical.

    I haven't watched TNA in a long time. They just seem like a directionless mess. 2001 WCW had solidly supported guys like Booker and Storm, so you always knew no matter how chaotic it was, there was a direction. TNA seems to make a new guy the face of the company every few months before either abandoning them or watching that person leave. Meanwhile, very talented wrestlers like Aries and Sabin just go to rot.

    I dunno...TNA just seems sorta blah. I'm not for anyone losing a paycheck, but I wouldn't mind seeing Joe and Daniels go back to ROH and re-motivate themselves.

  55. I've never really hated TNA, just hated how they blow opportunity after opportunity to improve due to their delusion that they're just one step away from being on equal level with WWE. Aries was doing great as champ but no, they had to give Hardy ANOTHER run on the top and keep chasing WWE castoffs rather than build on what they have. Worse, they keep overreaching; talk to guys there in 2010 and they've mentioned that Carter, Hogan and Bischoff truly thought the "New Monday Night War" would put them on equal footing but instead they got their asses royally kicked. They could be a good company if they concentrated on their strengths but their desire to be WWE right now hurts them time and again. I don't want them to go out of business as they do provide an alternative (such as it is) and we need that but the way they're going, I'm not all surprised to see "The Rise and Fall of TNA" WWE release by 2016.

  56. Exactly, Vince himself has said he never felt more alive than when he was going against Bischoff and Turner. It's why the whole "brand expansion" happened, he wanted some compeitition going and be nice if TNA can try to keep that up.

  57. ... Where HHH goes over him when Scott Armstrong, having been brought back as HHH's "personal ref", makes the three count normally?

  58. Your_Favourite_LoserFebruary 7, 2014 at 1:26 PM

    sting was chased by dogs

    so are you gonna release the hounds, or the bees, or the hounds with bees
    in their mouths so everytime they bark at you they shoot bees at you?

  59. I don't think they are in any real danger of dying. Even the "aces and 0.8" days are actually good ratings for spike. I just am annoyed beyond belief because I'm dying for a wwe alternative and they just suck. They push the wrong guys, run awful angles, and Dixie Carter is way more unbearable than hhh and Stephanie.

    Aries as the champ was the last time, to me, TNA was any good. That was like two years ago. Magnus as the champ seems like a bad joke. EC3 getting that kind of extended mic time is embarrassing. The weird bull ray and ken Anderson coffin vignettes didn't do them any favors.

    Its not that I want them to die, but I find the current form they are in to be disgraceful. History has clearly established that there is room for two big promotions in America. The fact that TNA hasn't improved very much in 10 years isn't a good thing. Honestly TNA is letting down the wrestling industry because they haven't created any leverage or negotiating power for wrestlers. A guy like ziggler is stuck in whatever role the wwe wants to see him in unless he wants to go make 700 bucks a week working for a bad sportz entertainment rip off.

    I completely agree that its important there is a second promotion but TNA doesn't perform any of the acts that another promotion should. I bought a ticket to go see bound for glory. It was a horrible show because the main event was booked like shit, and built like shit. They have a fucking TV show one million people watch and there weren't 400 people at the biggest show of the year. That's because they are god awful at booking and promoting. Yeah its an alternative to the wwe but that alone isn't enough. TNA has to do better.

  60. No, she refuses to let go of his leg.

  61. The tna hall of fame is another good example of how they embarrassingly over estimate how close they are to the wwe.

  62. If there are any tears involved, Bret Hart must be near....

  63. Tna isn't really a viable place for them to work though. However your point is well taken. I remember during the Monday night wars the iwc was insanely pro WWF and lots of people wanted wcw to get shut down. We rooted for the WWF like it was a sports team. We were very wrong to do that.

  64. Batista gets stung, is stretchered out. Weeks later he returns as Beetista.

  65. Then, later, when Sting needs a tag team partner, he can choo-choo-choose Undertaker.

  66. I'm entertained by it because its at least something different. I just don't buy anything from them

  67. exactly. it seems like everyone has forgotten that even during the "Monday Night Wars" the "tide" didn't shift within two or three weeks and instead it took a lot of time until the "top position" changed.

    and even more important: I absolutely believe there is room for a constant "number two" (the fact that TNA is still existing despite year-long claims that "this will be the year TNA will go out of business" is even kind of a proof of that).

  68. Didn't she later say that the book was almost 100% bullshit? What a crazy chick.

  69. btw, as mentioned before: while their might be an argument for TNA being like WCW 2001, there are also several arguments for the WWE being like WCW in 1999.

  70. In some ways very true but while WCW was trying to get the Nitro Grille off the ground, WWE is doing its own network....

  71. There is merit to that thinking for sure from a program viewpoint. I think one major difference is the ownership piece. WCW had to answer to Big Corporate who didn't give a shit about wrestling, Vince still has final say and will never look to shut down WWE to solve the problem.

  72. Vapid twat? Seriously?

  73. It really waspn't that funny.

  74. Tbf, anointing him the man is quite silly at any time.

  75. Even better. Get Hulk Hogan and the Honey Nut Cheerios bee from the commercial they did together in the 80s

  76. He did try to inject it with a lethal dose of nWo once though....

  77. True. Say what else you will about this company, you have to admire how they're still in business when by all rights, they should have gone under years ago.

  78. Ha. Those promos were so batshit.

  79. He's been calling her that for months. Try and follow along.

  80. Really? Seems awfully childish. Why not just call her a doody-head?

  81. Sorry if this joke as already been made, I'm on a phone. But I think you meant

    Two BEElion network subscriptions!

  82. Might be safer just to cut your cock off when you've finished.

  83. Undertaker gets Sting a Valentine that says 'Let's bee friends!'

  84. So in other words, Sting would be in control of A DEADLY BEE WEAPON?

    Bees. My God.

    I look forward to seeing how many people get this reference.

  85. "BEEP! BOOP! DAMN!"

  86. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonFebruary 7, 2014 at 2:16 PM

    Sting as a darker looking evil Doink would kick ass.

  87. I could see this being pretty awesome if they can get Macauley Culkin as RAW guest host one week.

  88. Definitely Kitten...or Bree Olsen

  89. Was about ready to downvote until I realized you were referring to the Bumblebee Man. Well played...well played.

  90. I agree....wasnt that great but then again, I wasnt Mr Marcus lol

  91. He had some of the funniest facial expressions this side of Regal

  92. Well for one, it's not 1986 anymore

  93. He left out the whole part about her and Jim Kelly (Buffalo Bills QB)

  94. tj: seen this for the first time a few minutes (also that video was uploaded years ago) and wonder why this didn't catch on:

  95. They already got him on once, why not.

  96. Hey man, it was a hulking black menace that hooked me on wrestling too - they were Jacqueline's boobs.

  97. But he swung his chair around & it was a reflection in the mirror, so it was really the One Warrior Nation.

  98. And WCW 2001 had double TNA's ratings too.

  99. TNA in 2014 is NOTHING like WCW was.

  100. I was talking about Miley Cyrus....

  101. bad....well she was probably more attractive in 1986 as well!

  102. That Justin Bieber look just ruined her once and for all

  103. It's best days in 2006 were pretty damn good.

    Hell, the Motor City Machine Guns/Beer Money best of five series was absolutely incredible, I'd seriously consider hunting that shit down.

  104. I think it's a reference to his short height?

  105. Your_Favourite_LoserFebruary 7, 2014 at 4:23 PM

    yes, but i'm curious as to whether missy phrased it like that or if cucch took it upon himself

  106. I also hold the 89 Survivor Series dear, it was the first full ppv i got on vhs tape. Love Heenan having to wrestle Warrior at the end.

  107. "My America" by Ed Anger was a must read, even if it was probably written by an old Mexican woman.


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