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We Want Sting!

With negotiations in place for Sting to work for WWE I felt the need to reflect upon the storied career of The Man Called Sting.

I’ll save everyone the time that we’ll all spend watching Sting’s biography on the new WWE Network by leaving that information alone. After all we want to read about the wrestler Sting and not so much the person Steve Borden, right?
Let’s turn the clock back to 1985 when Borden started wrestling in the Continental Wrestling Association (CWA) with a bleach blond flattop, rat tail, and face paint and called himself Flash Borden. While in CWA he was partnered with Jim Hellwig as The Freedom Fighters. ( ) Since they were unable to get over as babyfaces they turned heel, changed their team’s name to the Blade Runners, and changed their own characters to Sting and Rock. Unfortunately, the Blade Runners fizzled in CWA so they moved on to the Universal Wrestling Federation (UWF).

When Rock ultimately left the UWF to debut in World Class Championship Wrestling (WCCW), Sting remained and joined the Hotstuff and Hyatt International stable captained by “Hot Stuff” Eddie Gilbert and Missy Hyatt. Partnered with Gilbert, Sting won the UWF tag team titles twice in 1986 and once with Rick Steiner in 1987.
Sting’s days as a heel ended when he was attacked by Gilbert during his match against Terry Taylor. “Gentleman” Chris Adams rescued him then questioned his loyalty. Sting chose to align himself with Adams and became a babyface.

Upon the acquisition of the UWF by Jim Crockett Promotions Sting was recognized as a rising star by booker “The American Dream” Dusty Rhodes. In order to showcase Sting, Dusty partnered him in a six-man tag match with Michael P.S. Hayes and Jimmy Garvin against Gilbert, Steiner, and Larry Zbyszko at Starrcade ’87. (
From there his star shined brightly during his segments on World Championship Wrestling. Regularly he would excite the crowd with what would become his trademark howl. Additionally the Stinger Splash and Scorpion Deathlock (sharpshooter) became his trademark moves. (

During the first Clash of the Champions in March 1988 Sting faced his toughest challenge to date—NWA World Champion “Nature Boy” Ric Flair. Their 45 minute match ended in a time-limit draw and is considered a ****1/2 to ***** classic. (
Throughout the rest of 1988 Sting was embroiled in feuds with the Four Horsemen among others. At the Great American Bash he teamed with “The Russian Nightmare” Nikita Koloff to wrestle against NWA World Tag Team Champions Tully Blanchard and Arn Anderson to a time-limit draw. At Starrcade ’88 Sting teamed with Rhodes to face the freshly heel-turned Road Warriors for the World Tag titles but only won by disqualification (DQ). (

In 1989 Sting won his first singles title by beating Mike Rotundo for the NWA World Television title. He would hold the title until the Great American Bash in a fantastic match against the Great Muta. Due to a controversial finish the title was held up. ( )
During the main event Sting rescued former adversary Flair from a post-match beating orchestrated by Terry Funk and Muta. Sting and Flair would settle that feud with a victory in a Thunderdome cage match at Halloween Havoc. ( Subsequently Sting joined Flair, Arn, and Ole Anderson as a member of the Four Horsemen.

At Starrcade ’89 Sting participated in and won the singles Iron Man tournament making him the #1 contender for Flair’s World title. Consequently this did not sit well with the other Horsemen, and Sting was summarily booted after a vicious beating during Clash of the Champions X. (
In the show’s main event Sting attempted to climb the cage to get to Flair; however, he suffered a severe knee injury which not only knocked him out of action for several weeks but also cost him his title shot at the WrestleWar ’90 PPV. (

At said PPV Sting appeared while on crutches during the main event to show support for his friend Lex Luger. Nonetheless Ole Anderson attacked him causing Luger to lose the match by countout. Sting would be tormented again by the Four Horsemen at the Capitol Combat PPV although he would astonishingly be rescued by RoboCop! (
Finally upon his recovery Sting defeated Flair for the NWA World title at the Great American Bash. While the victory seemed predictable the pop for Sting was tremendous. ( At Halloween Havoc Sting defended the World title against Sid Vicious. In a mysterious twist it appeared that Sting had been pinned; nevertheless, Sting re-emerged from the back having been tied up and defeated Sid.(  In addition to those shenanigans Sting also dealt with an enigma called the Black Scorpion.

Regrettably WCW also experienced a dilemma regarding the Black Scorpion in that they didn’t cast the character properly. Originally the character was supposed to be played by Al Perez. In fact Perez challenged Sting at Clash of the Champions XII under the Black Scorpion disguise; however, he quit the promotion before the angle ran its course. Jeff Ellis and The Angel of Death filled in as the Black Scorpion at house shows. But for Starrcade ’90 Flair stepped in to fill the shoes of the Black Scorpion and was unmasked after the cage match with Sting to blow off this hokey feud. (
Less than a month later Sting dropped the NWA World title to Flair in East Rutherford, NJ, but the loss didn’t take anything away from his shining stardom. ( In fact at the inaugural SuperBrawl he teamed with Lex Luger to challenge the WCW Tag Team Champion Steiner Brothers in what turned out to be one of the greatest matches in wrestling history. (

Following the match Sting feuded with Nikita Koloff but lost in a Russian chain match at Great American Bash ‘91. In August he won the vacant US title by beating “Stunning” Steve Austin in the tournament final ( and would hold the title until Clash of the Champions XVII when he lost to “Ravishing” Rick Rude. (
At Starrcade ’91 Sting won the Battlebowl battle royal and the prize of the #1 contender’s spot to the WCW World title. He would face Lex Luger at SuperBrawl II and win his first WCW World title. ( Interestingly the victory occurred while Sting was involved in a feud with Dangerous Alliance managed by Paul E. Dangerously. The feud culminated in a WarGames match at WrestleWar ’92 which was both a bloodbath and a classic. (

As 1992 rolled on Sting encountered an opponent with whom he would have legendary encounters—Big Van Vader. Sting would lose the WCW World title to Vader at the Great American Bash. Rebounding quickly he defeated Cactus Jack in a thrilling match at Beach Blast. (
Later that year at Halloween Havoc Sting would be included in what some would call a “dream match” with Jake “The Snake” Roberts; however, WCW supposedly didn’t gimmick the wheel. ( So they faced off in a Coal Miner’s Glove match, but the dream became a nightmare in spite of Sting’s victory as the match felt flat. At Starrcade ’92 Sting would avenge his earlier loss to Vader in the final of the King of Cable tournament.

But that would not end their war as Vader had won the WCW World title from Ron Simmons and challenged Sting to a strap match at SuperBrawl III. Although the title was not on the line Vader defeated Sting. ( Later that summer Sting was associated with Davey Boy Smith in a banal mini-movie to hype their match against Vader and Vicious. (
At SuperBrawl IV Sting was intertwined in a six-man Thundercage match with “Flyin’” Brian Pillman and “The Natural” Dustin Rhodes against “Stunning” Steve Austin, “Ravishing” Rick Rude, and “Mr. Wonderful” Paul Orndorff. Sting’s team won; however, Rude slammed the cage door on Sting’s face and gave him a Rude Awakening. (

This led to a series of matches that centered on the WCW International World title. Sting beat Rude for said title in April, but “lost” in May in a match that ended up costing Rude his career. In lieu of being handed the title, Sting defeated Vader at Slamboree to fill its vacancy.  (
For Clash of the Champions XXVII WCW wanted to unify their World titles and pitted Sting against WCW World Champion Flair. Using excellent psychology on the part of Sherri Martel, Flair defeated Sting. (

After an extensive feud with Kevin Sullivan’s Dungeon of Doom (which included another US title reign) Sting met Flair again on the very first Monday Nitro but lost by DQ due to interference by Arn Anderson. ( As a result of the interference Flair asked Sting to assist him in a tag team match against Pillman and Anderson at Halloween Havoc.
Considering the history of bad blood Sting had with Flair since ’88 he remained skeptical. Surprisingly he gave Flair one last chance being the nice guy that he is. However nobody ever accused Sting of being smart allegedly. So, in an angle considered old school even for 1995, Sting tagged with Flair, but Flair turned on him recreating the Four Horsemen with Brian Pillman, Arn Anderson, and Chris Benoit.  Definitely check this out: (

Although Sting would get his revenge against Flair at World War 3 the bad blood continued to flow until Starrcade where Sting would meet Flair and Luger in a great triangle match to determine the #1 contender to the WCW World title. (
By 1996 Sting began altering his appearance by growing his hair longer and darker but maintained the face paint. While tagging with Luger they traded the WCW World Tag Team titles with Harlem Heat. But the best was yet to come.

In June the Outsiders (Scott Hall and Kevin Nash) invaded WCW and wanted Sting, Luger, and “Macho Man” Randy Savage in a tag match at Bash at the Beach. In a match that changed wrestling history Hulk Hogan who seemed to be rescuing the WCW wrestlers turned heel and became the leader of the nWo. (
Following the formation of the nWo Sting was being courted to become a member. In fact, the nWo orchestrated a ploy to con WCW wrestlers into thinking Sting had become a member and attacked Luger; however, Sting was being impersonated by Jeff Farmer. Since Sting felt he had been besmirched by fellow WCW wrestlers he walked out in the middle of the WarGames match against the nWo at Fall Brawl. (

The next night on Nitro Sting turned his back on WCW and became a “free agent.” ( Sting would not reappear to the WCW audience until October 21 when he attacked nWo Sting with his new move The Scorpion Death Drop—an inverted DDT and turned down the offer to join the nWo. Sting’s appearance changed further in this episode as he donned a black trench coat and wore white face paint with black markings.
As 1997 began Sting joined “blackballed” Randy Savage in the ring on Nitro to oppose the nWo. On subsequent Nitros Sting and Savage would be seen in the rafters leading up to SuperBrawl. At the event Savage turned his back on Sting and joined the nWo. (

At WCW Uncensored Sting repelled from the rafters to attack the nWo. In an epic moment his allegiance to WCW had been cemented. ( With the exception of the buffoonery played by Commissioner JJ Dillon everyone, including the audience, knew Sting wanted to face Hogan. Knowing it had quite the marquee matchup WCW did everything in their power to keep the two goliaths from meeting until Starrcade.
Meanwhile Sting periodically repelled from the ceiling to assist WCW in their war against the nWo. Most times he succeeded; however, other times they got the best of him. Sting became so popular that WCW decided to create a mask for Sting fans. These masks would prove to be extremely popular insomuch as the nWo masqueraded as Sting in high-profile matches. (

When Hogan and Sting eventually fought at Starrcade WCW faced a conundrum. Eric Bischoff, President of WCW at the time, was known for creating controversial storylines. By December of 1997 WCW’s main competitor, the World Wrestling Federation (WWF), had unceremoniously turfed Bret Hart out of the promotion weeks prior to Starrcade creating a tremendous amount of controversy for themselves in an attempt to garner attention as well as ratings and away from WCW.
A clean finish by Sting over Hogan was the logical choice but not the proper choice in order to create controversy in order to keep the paying customer around longer. In theory this makes sense while in practice the controversy contained mixed signals. Let’s go over the particulars:

First, instead of Sting repelling from the ceiling, kicking Hogan’s butt for 10 minutes, and winning the WCW World title in dominant fashion, Sting simply walked through the entrance, received the brunt of the punishment of the match, and was pinned due to a “fast count.” Second, referee Nick Patrick allegedly “forgot” to make it a fast count; therefore, it looked like the match was over.
Third, Bret Hart debuted for WCW as a special guest referee for the Bischoff-Zbyszko match. Upon seeing the “injustice” of the questionable pin Hart decked Patrick, restarted the match, and counted Hogan’s submission to give the WCW World title to Sting. (

Fourth Dillon decided to hold a rematch on the following Nitro. To make matters worse WCW purposely “ran outta time” (tm Tony Schiavone) keeping the audience watching at home in suspense for the debut episode of WCW Thunder. Lastly, due to the controversial finish in this match Dillon vacated the WCW title until SuperBrawl VIII. ( All in all an 18-month storyline that should have concluded with Sting looking strong and triumphant instead made his character really weak because of all of the extra-curricular activity spun within.
Regardless, at SuperBrawl Sting successfully regained the WCW World title but again did not dominate Hogan. In a unique twist Savage, who had been a major player in the nWo, interfered on his behalf tainting Sting’s win. (

Within the same timeframe while Sting became WCW World champion by questionable means the WWF crowned a new World champion at WrestleMania XIV clean as a whistle further destroying the credibility of Sting’s title reign.
In an effort to improve said credibility and maintain strong ratings, Sting repelled from a helicopter at WCW Spring Break Out ’98 in Panama, City Beach, FL. ( But the following month at Spring Stampede Sting lost the title to Savage due to interference by Kevin Nash. (

After Nash and Savage decided to split from the original nWo Sting joined their group alongside Luger and Konnan comprising the nWo Wolfpack. To better suit his Wolfpack affiliation Sting wore red face paint instead of white. Meanwhile Bret Hart joined the nWo Hollywood faction and attempted to psyche out Sting by first associating with him and then double-crossing him. Their differences would be settled at Halloween Havoc. Sadly Sting lost in another disappointing dream match where Bret put Sting on the shelf for the foreseeable future. (
Sting would not return to WCW until March 1999 once again in white and black face paint. The next month at Spring Stampede he wrestled in a four corners match for the WCW World title against Hogan, Diamond Dallas Page (DDP), and champion Flair. ( Fifteen days later on Nitro in a great match and ratings ploy Sting would defeat DDP for the title ( only to lose it back to him in a four-way match that included Goldberg and Nash. (

Another notable feud for Sting in 1999 was against Hogan. Previously in the year Hogan turned babyface and won the WCW World title, but Sting questioned his integrity. The two squared off at Fall Brawl where Sting turned heel for the first time since 1985 and won his last WCW World title. (
In spite of his heel turn the WCW fans didn’t want to support Hogan in their feud thus making Sting’s turn a flop. Exit Eric Bischoff and enter Vince Russo. What would transpire for Sting would be storyline over substance as the rematch for Halloween Havoc became Russo’s first worked shoot in WCW. Hogan came out in street clothes and laid down for Sting rather than wrestle him. (

Later that night Sting fought Goldberg in an unsanctioned match and lost. ( Remarkably, the title would be vacated on Nitro and a tournament to crown a new champion was announced. Expectedly Sting would enter the tournament and defeat Brian Knobs, Meng, and Luger to reach the semi-finals at Mayhem.
In the semi-final Sting lost to Hart due to Luger’s interference. After the match he shook Hart’s hand to become a babyface again. ( At Starrcade he would face Luger, and despite losing, in a shocking swerve he showed some intelligence. Sensing Elizabeth’s disloyalty Sting gave her a can, supposedly of spray paint, but when she turned on him she sprayed silly string at him instead. (

Sting’s main feud in 2000 was against Vampiro. At Slamboree Sting beat Vampiro. However, at the Great American Bash Sting lost in a Human Torch match as a stuntman played Sting and was set on fire. ( To say 2000 was a bad year for WCW storylines is like saying the people who flew on the Hindenburg had a bad day.
On March 26, 2001 the final episode of WCW Monday Nitro aired. In the main event Sting faced his long-time nemesis Flair in a lackluster match with a predictable finish. In spite of that it was a nice nod to WCW history and the two legends that made WCW great. (

In lieu of working for the WWF Sting sat out the remainder of his contract with AOL/Time-Warner. In 2002 and 2003 Sting spent time in Australia working for WWA. He would claim the WWA World title on December 13, 2002 but lost in a unification bout to NWA World Champion Jeff Jarrett on May 25, 2003.
From there Sting would sign with TNA. Although his initial stay was brief, he would return in early 2006 to wrest the NWA World title from Jarrett. At Hard Justice Christian Cage turned heel and cost Sting the title. However, at Bound for Glory, Sting successfully defeated Jarrett to win his second NWA World title. ( Only 24 days later he would lose the title to Abyss.

In 2007 TNA parted ways with the NWA. Later that year at Bound for Glory Sting met Kurt Angle for the TNA World title. Despite interference from both Karen Angle and Kevin Nash Sting pinned Kurt Angle and became champion. ( Again Sting’s title reign was short due to a loss to Kurt Angle at the next TNA taping. (
In 2008 “The Icon” Sting won the TNA World title from Samoa Joe with the help of Kevin Nash at Bound for Glory. ( Amazingly Sting would hold the title for 189 days until he lost to Mick Foley at Lockdown 2009 in a “Six Sides of Steel” match. (

At No Surrender 2009 Sting fought in a five-way match for the TNA World title but lost when AJ Styles pinned Angle. Thereafter Styles offered Sting a title match at Bound for Glory and won in a well-worked match. (
On January 4, 2010 during a live edition of Impact Sting was shown in the rafters in the same fashion as his 1997 stint in WCW. On August 5 Sting donned the nWo Wolfpack red face paint in support of Kevin Nash. On March 3, 2011 Sting defeated Jeff Hardy to win the TNA World title for a third time. (

On March 13 Sting would defend the TNA World title at Victory Road against Jeff Hardy. Disastrously Hardy was in no condition to wrestle that night. ( At times Hardy looked lost and confused especially after he suffered the pin. Sting would hold the title until he lost to Mr. Anderson at Slammiversary in June. (
By this time Sting adopted a more menacing persona similar to the Joker from The Dark Knight. His surname would be adjusted to “The Insane Icon.” In fact Styles, James Storm, Frankie Kazarian, and Robert Roode (dubbed Fortune) along with Angle dressed as clowns to assist Sting in winning the TNA World title from Mr. Anderson on July 14. (

Sting would hold the title until the next PPV when he faced Angle at Hardcore Justice. ( On June 10, 2012 Sting was announced as the first member of the TNA Hall of Fame and enshrined on October 6 at Slammiversary. (
For over 25 years Sting entertained fans all over the world whether it was in the NWA, WCW, WWA, or TNA. While he may not have been the most technically gifted performer Sting’s charisma and high-impact style carried him to legendary status. I certainly hope that upon his introduction to WWE fans that they realize just who “The Icon” truly is.

Thank you, Sting, and welcome to WWE.
For more information on me please visit


  1. Just give me a good Sting DVD.

  2. I started watching wrestling before WM3 and may favorite moment is still Sting beating Flair for the NWA title in 1990.

  3. Where do you find the time?

  4. I don't mean in any insulting way. I think it's awesome work.

  5. I recall X-Pac vs. Shane from WM15 being watchable where I was expecting a total mess. I haven't seen it since 1999, so I could be way off base. I recall being pleasantly surprised by a lot of Shane McMahon matches actually.


  7. Watching the Clash X video, I realize that Sting didn't actually hurt his knee falling from the cage like we all thought, he actually hurt it trying to jump up onto it. Must have wrenched it when he jumped up.

  8. This was a great read on a Friday afternoon. Thanks for posting. As a former little stinger I can't wait for the network so I can rewatch early 90s wcw

  9. The fuck finish to stsrcade 97 is the biggest black eye on Hogans career and cock blocked sting from having a real revival has the #1 guy in the late 90's

  10. That is true but 80's Miss Elizabeth is like Mario. A timeless classic everyone loves.

  11. I saw the Attitude Era as a bunch of fucked up characters - cross-dressers, pimps, porn stars, vampires, satanic cults, etc, so it's understandable not everything they do is logical. Kind of like your typical 80's wrestling dressing room - a bunch of crazy people forced to coexist.

  12. Sable was suing them so they backed off the Blonde Bitch Project, Key's was fired, Goldust was released and HBK went on a rant about Austin on Byte those things were out of their control.

    The Chyna thing was just sloppy though.

  13. Four angles in one match. They can barely do that across two TV shows now.

  14. Did nothing but play off NWO heat? You mean, like every babyface ever a

  15. Yes. You could put almost any we face in that role and their as successful. Let's not act like he carried that feud. He said nothing for 10 months and sat in the rafters. What a skill set!

  16. Well done. Really good chronology.

  17. Which Hillbilly Jim reverses to a Bear-hug...which Kurt Angle then reverses back into an Ankle Lock, and so forth.

  18. I don't see how he was the knockoff Warrior when they literally evolved at the exact same time, right on down to coming into prominence (Sting in WCW Jan 1988/Warrior in WWF Jan1988). It's more that they were both popular with kids for the exact same reasons.

  19. It's the biggest reason I hate him indeed, still to this day. HIs ego was and still is just insane. I guess that's what happens when you have smoke blown up your ass for an entire decade.

  20. And the "Re-write" for Punk going away seemed to be. "Have Kofi wrestle a longer match."

  21. You talk as if that was his choice. Moreover, why would any wrestler turn that deal down?

  22. I need never did they should. People cite this as the feud of his career but he didn't contribute much and still claim he sold it. Put Luger in the same role: wcw lifetime guy who is mysterious amd doesn't say shit amd the buyrate for starrcade is exactly the same.

  23. WHY was he hot? Because they protected him, kept him mysterious and made people pay to want to see him. He cut NO promos during the build, sat in the raters, wrestled NO matches, and was kept off tv. They could do that with literally ANY babyface.

  24. My studies continue. It's too close to call at this early stage.

  25. Lol. Sting at Uncensored 97 was awesome.

  26. Lol. WHY was he "awesome"? Because they protected him, kept him mysterious and made people pay to want to see him. He cut NO promos during the build, sat in the raters, wrestled NO matches, and was kept off tv. They could do that with literally ANY babyface. Literally, ANY babyface

  27. No way it world have worked as well for any other face. He was the WCW guy who never left. He had never been a heel ( at least not in the memory of any fan. I don't count his time in UWF). He was the Franchise of WCW. Him turning on WCW was unimaginable, which is why a fake Sting was so shocking, and why he felt betrayed when his friends didn't trust him. No way in hell that angle works as well with any other babyface.

  28. You'd be wrong. Protect flair as much as you did sting, give flair vs NWO as much build as you did sting vs nwo, and make people WANT to see flair vs Hogan as much as Sting vs Hogan and it probably does a BETTER buyrate. I'd say Luger in that position does just as well as sting

  29. I give Liz credit. She was always beautiful. She had the glamorous 80s look then at Wrestlemania VIII she was stunning and it didn't even seem like she was trying. Then WCW Elizabeth also brought the heat for 3-4 more years. So if longevity rules she's in a class by herself.

  30. That was superb work.

  31. YankeesHoganTripleHFanFebruary 14, 2014 at 6:47 PM

    So funny that you post this today as I watched the Hogan/Andre vs Studd/Bundy match last night.

  32. YankeesHoganTripleHFanFebruary 14, 2014 at 6:48 PM

    I'm surprised he never turned on Hogan. There is a Saturday Nights main event match right there.

  33. Luger wouldn't have been the same. He had turned heel too many times, had jumped to the WWF, wasn't as popular, and hadn't been treated as the' franchise' oin the same way.

  34. Your husband is right.

    And he has great taste in video games.

  35. Liz's appeal, especially in the 80s - was very different than Stacy's. Much like wrestling itself.

    Liz was beautiful. She was glamorous. She was treated as something...different. Like she was too good for professional wrestling, but she was there because she loved her man. When Jake slapped her (a move that seems mild by later standards) - Monsoon said he should be immediately fired. And that didn't seem like much of a stretch.

    Stacy (like most of the Attitude era Divas) was just presented as more just raw sex appeal.

  36. The man called Bees

  37. So 2001 wasn't the Attitude era?

  38. Buzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

  39. I wouldn't go that far, it's not like they could have put Jeff Jarrett in the rafters and got the same reaction. Sting was established as WCW's top good guy - turning him into the Crow just made him seem more badass.

  40. Really nice retrospective. You should forward this to the man himself. Maybe Sting will appreciate it and you two can become friends, hang out on weekends, maybe grill steaks at his house sometime or hit the gym together. Then one night you call him up and ask if he wants to come out for a drink. He lives a clean life-style, but he says, "Sure," because you haven't seen each other in a while.
    "I'll buy you a couple of Shirley Temples," you joke. Sting likes that one; he laughs and fumbles for a comeback, but you cut him off and hang up the phone while you still have the upper-hand.
    At the bar you ask if he plays pool.
    "Sure I play," Sting replies. "Whether I play well, is another question altogether." You chuckle as you pump a couple of quarters into the table. He wasn't kidding; the few shots he makes are the product of slop.
    As you're about to start a second game, a couple of your friends arrive at the bar. You make a round of introductions then turn to Sting. "Doubles?"
    "I don't know. I don't want to drag you down in front of your friends."
    "Nah, come on." You wave off his self-deprecation. "We're just here to have fun."
    "Well, okay. Sure, why not?" Sting cups his hands to his mouth, exclaims 'Woo', and beats his chest.
    You offer him the cue. "You break."
    "Really." Beneath his white make-up, you can see him blush.
    "Yeah, man. I have faith in you."
    Sting takes the cue and begins measuring his shot. While he steadies his bridge, one of your friends from the other team hands you his cue. You crack it over the back of Sting's head. He falls limply over the table and your friends hold his arms while you pummel him with the cue-ball. Layers of paint peel off of Sting's face with each blow. You push him to the floor and compound injury with insult by grabbing his legs and applying his trademark Scorpion Deathlock.
    Several employees from the Footlocker shoe store next to the bar happen to be at the establishment, having stopped there after their shift, still in their uniforms, and they eventually manage to pull the three of you off of Sting, who is left bloody and barely conscious.
    As they usher you toward the exit, you yell, "How's it feel Sting? You're nothing. You're a punk. Who do you think you are Sting? I don't ever want to see your face here again. You hear me? You're done here."
    Several weeks later, you call Sting up and apologize, claiming you were just "really stressed out from work and stuff." You invite him out to play paintball with you and some of your buddies. He's very reluctant, but eventually he accepts your apology and agrees to meet you at noon on Saturday at Paintball Ballistic.

  41. Sting was energetic and spoke every week, that's why him not speaking for 10 months was significant. You couldn't just put the mysterious Jeff Jarrett in the rafters it worked because of who Sting was - he became a dark loner to signify how much the nWo changed him.

  42. Flair? Not a chance.

  43. He wasn't a WCW lifetime guy. And he wasn't as over as Sting as a baby face. You're being ridiculous.

  44. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonFebruary 14, 2014 at 7:57 PM

    I did that joke already.

  45. It's great you're a booker and know that any baby face could have worked. Prince Iaukea is up in the crowd!

  46. It was his choice. He had one of those, "you will work x dates under this contract deals" and when he hit x, decided he wouldn't wrestle again.

  47. I don't know why Nash is the first guy in line to be blamed for WCW's demise. I watched it back then, Hogan was unbearable. Everything had to revolve around him, he always had to be champion and half the time he wasn't even defending the title, he'd just come out every week and rant about nothing for 20 minutes.

    Austin's catching fire and WWF's taken over the ratings and WCW's answer is Hulk Hogan vs Jay Leno.

  48. This was a lot of words.

    And I don't care if Sting ever comes to WWE.

  49. Flair v Hogan had already happened a bunch of times. I don't know that would have done as good as the big Hogan v Sting match at Starrcade.

  50. I re-watched some nWo era Nitro not that long ago and I forgot how rabidly over Sting was - they were actually able to sustain that for a long time considering he essentially did the same thing every week, if he did anything at all.

    After Starrcade he just became another babyface but invincible pissed off Sting was over HUGE.

  51. He had no problem submitting to Luger five months before and no problem letting Goldberg kill him six months later. He did even eventually put Sting over. I don't get why he needed to do that fuck finish first.

    Oh wait, Eric Bischoff needed to recreate Montreal.

  52. Why would he? They probably would have had to pay him for extra matches, he risks injury any time he gets in the ring, and they're building this monster face by having him not wrestle. Seems to work out well for everyone.

  53. '96 Sunny, Evil Trish, and Duchess of Dudleyville Stacy are the big three of Wrestling babes

  54. That's a good point actually. This rant was really just saying the hype was to see Hogan lose, not sting win. The build was awesome amd helped sell the match, but stung himself besides being act wcw lifer really didn't do much to sell it.

  55. They had to have realized the fans would have never bought Hillbilly Jim as a heel. They would have booed Hogan out of the arena, out of the city, out of the state, and out of the country before they would have directed a single negative sentiment toward the country boy.

  56. Kickass match all around, aside from the botched finish. Regardless, I don't know if can think of a better divas match

  57. I agree. Sting's role was literally to do nothing.

  58. I'm just saying, he COULD have worked out more matches in his deal. It was his choice to sit out.

  59. Could not disagree with you more. Sting was the fucking man in the early 90's. Ultimate personification of a prototypical babyface.

    Maybe I'm being biased cause iv always been a fan, but I have zero bad to say about the guy. First ballot Hall of Fame. A legend in the business, etc. etc. Sting IS WCW

  60. That DDP/Sting match is ****1/2.

  61. Who are we to doubt El Dandy?

  62. LOL! They wanted to set me on fire and have me fall off the tron. "No way!", I said. "I don't have any insurance!". The guy that did my stunt for me wore a flame-retarded suit. LOL!

  63. How do you not like Sting? WHO DOESN'T LIKE STING??

  64. Liz was never hotter than this show.

  65. No wonder he got the WHC next Mania (ducking)

  66. It was the perfect blowoff to the McMahon family drama. My god even LINDA was over. The problem is they kept doing the McMahon family drama over and over for the next 13 years and counting

  67. It's the PERFECT attitude era "sports entertainment" type match. Great watch, even now.

  68. Also a good angle leading up to it helped tremendously.

    I was watching it recently, and it still holds up well.

  69. Best women's match in Wrestlemania history.


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