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Wizard World New Orleans: AJ Lee Q&A

From Wizard World NOLA at the Ernest N. Morial Convention Center, it's the longest reigning WWE Divas Champion AJ Lee from her panel with the fans on February 7, 2014.

Remember to follow me on twitter! @maskedreviewer


  1. And within the first question, becomes Lita.

  2. If a tree falls in the woods.... does anyone really care what aj Lee has to say at a convention? The one question everyone had.... couldn't be asked! And I'm not talking about beadle ;)

  3. What are you asking then?

  4. "I don't have a lot of friends" how ironic.

  5. thanks, it was a bit killer on my arms at times.

  6. It was reported that the hosts told the crowd beforehand that there will be zero cm punk questions allowed. Idk

  7. And for the most part everyone there was fine with it and didn't really seem that upset about it. The moderator said "No questions about someone who may or maynot be currently employed by the WWE."

    And actually he said people could ask them but AJ might refuse to answer as long as the questions weren't "out of line".

  8. Kudos for your work MR. :)

  9. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryFebruary 9, 2014 at 11:38 PM

    I'll be her "friend".

  10. Did she have any qualms about the masked guy in the crowd filming her?

  11. There seen to be some NJPW events on YouTube.

  12. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomeryFebruary 10, 2014 at 12:09 AM

    I'd love to give her a Sunset Flip pin.

    In bed.


    ...Sex. I'm talking about sex with AJ.

  13. I dunno, for me at least, the problem with Randy has a lot more to do with his character than his ring work. His matches with Bryan, Christian, Foley, Shawn, Punk, and probably others I'm forgetting have always been good to great; the guy knows how to work, he's just been playing the same bland angry guy for seven years or so.

  14. why would she? punk still does it in the bedroom using his SES mask

  15. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomeryFebruary 10, 2014 at 12:11 AM

    ALso one of the funniest reviews Scott ever did for a match. "HHH has odd- looking red tights tonight, which I guess means that Steiner gave it to him extra hard before the match."

  16. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomeryFebruary 10, 2014 at 12:12 AM

    When people ask me why I hate blading, "blade off a belt shot" tends to be one of my first answers.

  17. Best wrestling move sex position? The Tombstone has to be up there, along with the camel clutch.

  18. Almost. Give it a few months until it's been over 10 years since the Shawn/Benoit series.

    Oh, and I guess the DX/Rated-RKO match and one of the Batista matches were pretty good. Though that ruins the joke.

  19. hebner is such an awful ref


  21. 'And for what it's worth, Delirious from RoH started in Chikara.'

    i fucking hate him. such a stupid gimmick

  22. Hey, Vince's idea to go off the cage through a table against Austin at "St Valentine's Day Massacre" in '99. And look at the sick bumps he takes in the Mania bouts against Shane and HBK. Say what else but the guy always makes sure fans get their money's worth watching him get his ass kicked.

  23. He really is, I HATE his slow 3 counts.

  24. 'It's just like, avant garde wrestling for the wrestling fan. Like a Lou Reed album.'

    it's full of itself?


  25. The one at WM against Shawn was insane, just because with the can on his head he couldn't see it coming.

  26. boldie bold bold and the beautiful

  27. 'my girlfriends'


  28. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomeryFebruary 10, 2014 at 12:23 AM

    Oh yeah, Rated R Superstar Edge was fantastic.

  29. But the whole point of having the Ironman match stip was to have the crowd accept that it would be a 60 minute match, because WWF fans weren't used to something like that.

  30. The ref should have rung the bell as soon as Brian got kicked in the face.

  31. Never understood why Mankind had to take 86 chair shots to the head in that Royal Rumble match if the ending was going to be him never actually giving up.

  32. Yeah, on Shawn's 2007 DVD Documentary, they talk about it with Shawn saying how Vince must have been secretly freaking out lying there "Is it now? Is it now?"

  33. Brian Hebner is actually leagues worse. I honestly don't know that there's been a worse referee on a major stage than him in the past decade. Even Garrett Bischoff-as-Jackson James didn't embarrass himself, save for the Matt Morgan/Jeff Hardy title match, which may or may not have been on purpose.

  34. True for anime as well. Even if you avoid shitty Americanizing companies (like 4 kids) the talent level in America can't even SNIFF the pool of talent in Japan. There isn't any money in anime acting in America, and it shows in the quality.

    Are there excellent dubs. Yes, but usually in shows with a high budget that had the BEST in the Japanese industry too, which is stronger.are often hit and miss

    Translations are hit and miss in the world of dubs.

    If people prefer the dub, more power to them--but when I went to see Madoka live the movie theatre and a trailer for the same franchise as the movie came on in English...there was MALICE in the theater for fear the movie wouldn't be subbed.

    Like, probably 80% would have got up and left based on the conversations we had after the show

    tl;dr All the reasons that film subs are better, also true for anime

  35. "And you can get a lot more out of a performance when you speak the same language as the characters."

    I think this is overstated if you watch enough subtitled and...

    "Dubs have been mostly pretty good for over a decade now."

    Less cringe worthy--but the number of actually talented ACTORS working for even the industry leaders like Funimation...Not a whole lot.

  36. Yeah but they spend months building the whole thing on TV of "whoever gets the most falls wins" and then Bret and Shawn refuse to give up falls to each other, taking away the point of the damn thing.

  37. I hate Davey in singles...Edwards is better then that

  38. God damn, now I need to think before I post!

    I apologize, 'twas hyperbole. I do believe you've busted Caliber's balls about this a fair number of times before right? After getting Phred's age wrong I'm getting concerned for my stability

  39. I hate Davey playing a spirited babyface. It brings out the worst qualities of him.

  40. I'll go with a different angle: a shitload of the Royal Rumbles where there was a new entrant every two minutes as opposed to ninety seconds.

    If you have three jobbers or midcarders entering in a row, you're gonna have a bad time.

  41. Probably not Shattered Dreams...

  42. Night of a Thousand Suplexes was GREAT.

  43. And whoever got the most falls did win. Which was the point of the damn thing.

  44. Pretty sure the reason there was no falls was so the match would initially appear to be a draw, leading Monsoon to order it to continue under sudden death rules. Bret could then claim Shawn "didn't really" beat him when he returned to start the build for the rematch.

  45. Pumphandle Slam, dude.

  46. No, his comment had nothing to do with any of the following:

    Matrimonial ceremonies, and concurrent precipitation.

    Possession of inadequate flatware.

    Airplane crashes.

  47. I've always felt Bret-Owen from Summerslam '94 could have stood to lose 5-10 min.
    Actually, on the subject of Bret, his "match" with Vince might have managed to attain "ok for what it was" status if it had been 5 minutes long as opposed to 11.

  48. Subs break suspension of disbelief a little for me. I don't mind them and I usually pay more attention with them, but I prefer dubs because it's a more "natural" way of watching.

    There may only be a small roster of talented VAs, but luckily all of them perform like ten different roles in the same series. Voice actors have crazy fucking schedules.

  49. You're saying that Cowboy Bebop is better subbed then dubbed?

  50. Can anyone explain Nakamura's gimmick to me? I'm thinking pretentious JapTrash, but I'm not totally sure. Also, Tanahashi looks like a total star.

  51. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryFebruary 10, 2014 at 2:16 AM

    Hell yes, that's a good one.

  52. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryFebruary 10, 2014 at 2:17 AM

    Probably? PROBABLY? (goes to get some ice)

  53. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryFebruary 10, 2014 at 2:20 AM

    "And the whole point of a 60 minute match was that the roster was so thin that they couldn't fill another 30 minutes any other way."

    That... is actually a REALLY god point.

  54. Language issue isn't the problem, the problem is the VAs in all cases of a
    bad dub. In USA, they tailor the actor to suit the character. In Japan,
    they tailor the character to suit the actor. The voice of Naruto used
    the exact same voice for her role as Red in Pokemon Origins and Endou in
    Inazuma Eleven, all three of which were enthusiastic, outgoing kids with
    some underlying self-doubt that the voice perfectly suited.

    In USA, they'd not only hire different VAs for all three roles, but they'd also hire actors that aren't well-suited for the role and have to act into it, which is very hit or miss. This is also the case for English to Japanese, because I watched a dub of several TV shows such as Seinfeld and the actors did not get the essence of the characters at all.

    To be fair though, in some cases the issue is also the fact the scripts get censored. FFX is famous for this, as they literally had some VAs get an earlier version of the script than everyone else, which led to loads of timing issues and small inconsistencies.

    Japanese voices aren't inherently better than American ones. Plenty of American cartoons have show stealing VA performances. Its all in how you cast, and companies like 4Kids and Funimation on occasion don't know shit from shinola.

  55. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryFebruary 10, 2014 at 2:25 AM

    Which is the point of every fucking match, except every other match doesn't lie to you beforehand about the outcome being 1-0.

  56. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryFebruary 10, 2014 at 2:28 AM

    "Blade off being tossed into a chain-link fence" should be #2.

  57. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryFebruary 10, 2014 at 2:29 AM bed. Allegedly.

  58. I still maintain that the cowboy bebop dub is superior to the sub.

  59. Surely the more "natural" way of watching something would be to watch it in it's own language, there's so many missed out emotions from the various tone pitches in a voice that the dubs just can't catch, it really makes all that extra difference.

    Does this extend to foreign cinema as well?

  60. That's a very rare example, but even then it's not a clear cut winner.


  62. Thank you. It's nice to know that someone of your BoD stature thinks of me as a god.

  63. What lie? Where did they promise that 63 falls would take place? All they promised was that the person with the most falls would win.

    And really, would that match have been any better being 10-9 as opposed to 1-0? Neither man wanted to lose, and they both fought hard as hard as they could to not lose. That's why it took over an hour to score a fall!

  64. Caliber_Winfield_TCTFebruary 10, 2014 at 3:51 AM

    I think you and I may be the only ones who still remember that interview on Conan. Ice always had my respect, but after that interview, and several others, it's in stone now.

  65. One forum. Get your facts straight.

  66. You confuse complain about with make fun of.

    And LOL to the Scotsman thing.

  67. I would say the "natural" way of watching a television show is without text at the bottom of the screen. Format>Language.

    Cinema is different because the characters in anime are much less connected to the actors than in a movie. I'm not watching them physically emote, I'm listening to them talk, and I'd prefer to hear them in my language.

    And I'm not saying dubs>subs. I'm saying good dubs>subs.

    Though I'm kinda hypocritical about this, because I usually detest the "American Remakes" (Much preferred the original Girl With A Dragon Tattoo, Noomi Rapace...ungh).

  68. Caliber_Winfield_TCTFebruary 10, 2014 at 3:56 AM

    You guys make jokes about people molesting their mentally challenged children.

    Honestly, it turned my stomach to read that. How can you defend that?

  69. Roles shouldn't be written for actors. There's a reason actors audition after the script is chosen.

  70. Guess you're not into the same shit I am...

  71. I haven't been following anime as much as I did when I was younger, but there's plenty of examples where that's the case.

    The main reason I prefer dubs is that in most cases, if you're as ignorant of Japanese culture and language as I am, there's going to be a ton of stuff you'll miss out on. The Osaka accent has very specific cultural implications in Japan that I just won't get. Because I'm not Japanese.

    Their use of formal pronouns are big character moments that tell a lot about the relationships between people, and because I won't pick up on them or their full subtext...I miss out on the story. Good dubs can translate that with the minimum effort of translating what the fuck that means to actual enjoyment (its another degree of separation, and I try to cut down on as many of those as possible).

  72. This is the second time this has been said and I still have no idea what you're referring to.

    Also, I'm glad you're inferring I am defending it by talking about a completely unrelated topic. Are you Charlie Day with your bird laws?

  73. At least the had the smart psychology of it being Kurt's 3rd match of the night (With Shane getting involved in his semi finals match just to guaranteed that he'd have to wrestle again in the finals.) So that made it more even.

  74. I'd drink her bath water...

  75. 30 comments and no one has mentioned having sex with her. Guess I'll be the first. Man, I sure would love to have sex with A.J.

  76. Try reading the comments a little more slowly.

  77. for what it's worth, I agree with you- reading the text just takes me out of the moment, and the intricacies the voice actors are portraying completely wash over my head because I'm not familiar with the language and am reading text. If I'm interested in reading I'll read a book.

    Admittedly, I'm not a huge anime guy, so I tend to not get into stuff until I've heard a million people talk about it, which means I probably end up watching only the really well done stuff... but I'm pretty okay with that.

  78. Tsk tsk. Just when I thought you were mature enough to discuss adult subjects you resort to name calling. I now remember why I ignore the opinion of a 20 yr old community college kid.

  79. crazy strong style advocate/Early Michael Jackson fan? he really loves red leather vests/jackets.

  80. See...that's the mindset thing. I went out of my way to learn honorifics, and kansai accents significance etc.

    Take Clannad's dub. There's a beautiful scene all about using each other's first name that's completely lost in the dub.

    I prefer manga translations that leave Japanese honorifics in.

    Which is why I don't begrudge dub fans (like I did in my younger years) I do really beleive subs are superior but you have to be willing to study the culture just a little bit to get everything out of it.

    And not everyone is gonna want that. So localizers break those barriers down for the viewer

  81. I don't know if there's any former Online Onslaught forum users here, or anyone who used to frequent Micasa, but sometimes I lurk around the forum and recently noticed that The Rick has been pretty sick lately. There's a post in the forum about how he's got tubes sticking in him, and he's been in and out of the hospital. Just thought some of you that have been around since the early 90s, like myself, might be interested in some "community" news.

  82. Respect for that then.

  83. I dont see how someone could hate on the Bebop dub. It was done so well

  84. the last match in the big series with Okada was my personal fave of their series. here's a fun one with Ishii from that massive tourney the run.

    The good and the bad thing about Tanahashi is that he was supposedly really influenced by HBK, so, he's a great starting point on the way to watching Japanese wrestling, but he's not THAT different from just watching a really good American wrestler.

  85. The doctor gave his chances to live a thumbs in the middle

  86. To be honest, a large reason I always referred dubs is so I didn't have to be glued to the screen. I can go wash dishes or do laundry while still being involved in the show, while with subs you can't

  87. Rock Cena 2 would have been a better match if it had ended at Wrestlemania 28

  88. -Why is it that HHH sometimes acts like a heel, and sometimes like a face?
    -If there's doubt about something, a Wizard did it.
    -But what about...

  89. I just remember him acting very douchey in general, and Hyatte owning his soul. But I don't wish any illness on anyone, so I hope he pulls through.

  90. Too soon.

    *upvotes anyway*

  91. I knew that all of that Randall Orton hatred was unhealthy.

  92. Wolf of Wall Street might have my favorite of those types of quotes. "I'd let her give me Aids".

  93. Parallax scared him away, more or less.

  94. I tried to look at the oo forums like 2 days ago for the first time in forever, and here you are mentioning them. I'm going to post this in that incest thread!

  95. So basically, they know it's fake. We know it's fake. They know, we know it's fake and we know they know we know it's fake, so why not have some fun and do something completely different.

  96. Love that damn movie!

  97. ...are we talking about the same forum, dude?

  98. Austin/Owen at any point before the botched piledriver.

  99. Strictly speaking, we're talking about 2. The Online Onslaught forum and Meekins Incest thread. Which is, hilariously, actually about coincidences.

  100. Undertaker vs Edge hell in a cell.

  101. Same here, i like knowing the backstory and the little things that help make a match more enjoyable.

  102. Dave Hebner was a lot better

  103. Bret/Vince and Cole/Lawler both shouldn't have made it past the 5 minute mark

  104. Malenko vs Jericho @ Slamboree 1998. That match needed to be quick and very intense, with a follow-up grudge match built from that 'moment'. The crowd kinda died on the match after popping like crazy for the reveal after the battle royal and the opening minutes.

  105. He's said before that wasn't the plan. He was to take a couple in the ring then make it to the isleway for the finish, but they both got carried away. Especially Rock. He should have known to stop after the 4th or 5th one

  106. It's like goin' crazy when you're already nuts!

  107. It is available on iPPV in the US.


  109. Good call. Should have been a 60 second beat down into a Texas cloverleaf finish

  110. LOL! I would like to take AJ out for a nice, quiet dinner and talk her into having a couple of steaks, and maybe not putting her t-shirts into the dryer so much. LOL!

  111. I saw Worker Ant and Soldier Ant coming to the ring. Entrance music was "Ant's Marching," and they were marching in with the music. The music stopped, and they froze in place until the music started up again.

  112. I don't think preferring something in it's original language is snobby.

  113. nah. Bryan/Wyatt >

  114. I was shocked to here people even praising the Bryan/Wyatt match. It was a good match but I watch NJPW, so I've learned a good match in WWE means MOTY to some.

  115. *Deep breath*


  116. He's a rebellious bad motherfucker and THE King of Strong Style, who does seem to borrow fashion styles from Michael Jackson/Freddy Mercury. YeaOh!

  117. Yeah, I don't watch everything. I double-check everything from multiple sources before I get into a show.

    Have you seen Baccano!? It's about immortal Prohibition era gangsters and 17th century alchemy.

  118. I'll give it a shot if I can find it easily enough.


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