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Andre the Giant

Hey Scott,

I wonder if you'd share this post I did which I'm pretty proud of - 20 Astonishing Photos of Andre the Giant. To my surprise it's picked up over 71k shares and has had all kinds of people who used to know Andre commenting and sharing memories of him. Didn't expect such a huge response to it but it's been great. 

Thanks and big up the BOD!

Have you been invited to the battle royale, too?


  1. And really if I'm the Fink, I'm really ok with the whole deal. Less travel, still on payroll with a pretty neat and seemingly easy job, and still gets to do ring announcing every now again.

    And I'm sure he doesn't miss tuxedo matches anyhow.

  2. 30th Wrestlemania.
    29th anniversary of Wrestlemania I (1985-2004)

  3. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomeryMarch 11, 2014 at 2:14 AM

    Not to mention every time he shows up, the place goes nuts.

  4. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomeryMarch 11, 2014 at 2:14 AM

    Wish my name passed the Finkel test =/

  5. He truly hit his peak as Chris Jericho's second version of Ralphus.

    "Got it, Harold?"
    "It's Howard."
    "Oh, WHATEVER."

  6. Well, I believe in YESterday.

  7. The best thing about WWE2k14 is hearing Finkel announcing your name. Christ knows hes better than Justin "JYAAAAAN CEEEEEEENA" Roberts and Lilian "can't be bothered to remember wrestlers names, even though that's 90% of my job" Garcia.

  8. As if that was ever going to have any legs to begin with?

  9. Finkel always seemed to be the butt of jokes from Vince and the backstage bully crew, since god knows that anyone who actually likes wrestling is just a NERD, but at least they tossed him the bone of a (deserved) Hall of Fame induction.


  11. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryMarch 11, 2014 at 2:41 AM

    That, BTW, was the point where Jericho putting you over meant NOTHING.

  12. That shot of Debbie Harry and Andre is priceless. Neither look like they have any idea who the other is.

    I want to see an entire movie about the Samuel Beckett/Andre the Giant friendship. What an odd case of famous people's lives intertwining.

  13. And, in fairness to Lillian, she's in her late forties (!) and still looks incredible.

  14. HHHaters gonna HHHate.

  15. My favorite is the shot of Andre with Wilt Chamberlain and Ahhhnold.

    It's clear that Wilt is at least two inches taller than Andre, he was listed at 7-1.

  16. Yeah, and hipsters have a point.

    You really don't get the appeal of rooting for the underdog? Of supporting the young and hungry that want to make a name for themselves? Being a rebel and liking something that's unknown or unpopular is fun and daring.

    I've been souring on Bryan for a while (namely because he hasn't cut a good promo since August) and this is adding to it. I'm really happy for him, but I find the Occupy Raw and Hijack Raw stuff to be blatant and uninteresting pandering. Also I always knew he'd get pushed so this isn't a big cathartic moment for me.

  17. Wrestled the Undertaker at 22

  18. It's still a natural human reaction, the joy of discovery, the hope for success, and the eventual slide into ambivalence after they get mainstream.

  19. It's happened once too often. It would deflate the crowd and leave them thinking everything was a waste of time. The trick will be keeping the odds stacked against Bryan once he wins, Having him face Lesnar, Batista + shenanigans and still finding a way to come out on top would be great, and if they can do business with him, have TripleH reach out to Punk to return as a jealous heel (as Bryan will actually be a face that care about enough to boo CM over) saying that Heymen's word struck home.

    Also they need to start building a guy like Sandow or Cesaro as the next big Heel to win the belt off Bryan, and someone like Sami Zayn to take them on, when the YES! stuff starts to fade so don't end up with another huge period of stagnation.

  20. I'd argue that the only reason it isn't as invested in by fans is due to things like MITB 2011 going nowhere and everything always going to the Cena Status-Quo for years. WWE need to re-educate fans that things matter.

  21. They could do everything on the app ;)

  22. As far as who can benefit the most from winning the WM30 battle royale and turn it into a legit singles push, I'd like to see Ryback or Titus win it. But I'm pretty sure it's gonna be Big Show.

  23. Austin 3:16 says I just printed a shit load of t-shirts and sold them to the audience for a tidy profit.

  24. Much as I love The Fink, Lillian is definitely easy on the eyes.

  25. Fink is the man, but yeah, he's definitely not TV pretty...

  26. Holy crap! She's 47?!?!?!

    Well, good for her. Though much love for the Fink.

    I would watch a "Fink Tells The History Of The WWE/F" on the Network any day.

  27. and he also has something a lot of people working there don't have: he is almost universally loved by those who witnessed him as the ring announcer.

    I don't dislike their current ring announcers as some here do, but I don't think future stars will specifically request Roberts or Garcia to announce them (> unlike Finkel who was said to be requested by CM Punk for his Survivor Series title win).

  28. OK now wait a minute. I love The Fink, but goddamn it, it's WrestleMania XXX.

    Can we please get the greatest ring announcer of all time, Michael Buffer?

    "For the thousands in attendance... and the MILLIONS... watching around the world... uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhLET'S GET READY FOR BRYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!"

    *Cue Ride of the Valkyries performed by a live orchestra*

  29. Told you HHH wasn't going over at mania

  30. Buffer announcing the 2008 Royal Rumble in MSG was incredible.

    And Bryan getting the full orchestra treatment at Mania would be beyond incredible. This also would've been a good idea for Sandow if he hadn't descended into jobberdom, or for Flair at a Wrestlemania back in the day.

  31. Bret, the hitman...CLARK

  32. Finkel coming out to announce CM Punk as the NEW WWE Champion at Survivor Series is still a special moment. Fink elevates events to moments.

  33. His head is shaped like a square watermelon, like that time the Simpsons went to Japan.

  34. I'm appealed I'm the first to upvote this

  35. They should have had Batista ask fans to participate in a vote of confidence.

  36. To me, the worst one was when she came out and just put down the top babyface diva (don't remember who it was) for no reason at all other than to amuse herself. some sort of backstage reference or something? Why do that on TV?

  37. But you don't understand. Since this might not have been their 100% concrete plan all along for the past 8 months, then it simply does not count, and zero enjoyment can be taken out of it.

  38. When it was first announced, I assumed Big Show would win it. Though if they want to use it to push a fresh(er) star, I'd go with Ryback or Titus.

  39. I think Survivor Series '97 effectively killed any chance of "guaranteed world title wins" in WWE contracts.

  40. Hhh going over could possibly be the funniest thing ever.

  41. I do. Just the combination of HHH hate, Daniel bryan love and tease of Bryan getting his WM moment would be hysterical if hhh went over.

  42. Lana's "NIMANYA..." is like the polar opposite of "EXCUUUSEE MEE!!" when it comes to attractiveness.

  43. But Big E already announced that he's going to be in the battle royale. I wouldn't be surprised if the Real Americans break-up is one of the battle royale's mini-storylines, instead of having a separate match up in which it is played out.

  44. Very cool collection.

  45. I remember hearing in the 90's that one the side jobs Howard had was to check the internet to see what people were saying.

  46. If HHH and Stephanie had been full bore heels this whole time, this would be even more magical. Say what you want about them, but when they are on, they draw the absolute right kind of heat.

  47. Again, this never bothered me. They were pandering to the crowd when everything was going their way. In other words, they weren't heels just for the sake of it. No need to randomly insult the local sports teams. Everything was going fine for them, so they were happy. But the moment someone stands up to them, their true colors start showing. (I absolutely don't see it as 100 heel turns and 100 face turns week after week) .

  48. I thought he wanted to go off the road.

    Regardless, I do wish that he still did the big events. The new guys are fine, but can't convey epic-ness the way Howard can just through announcing.

  49. Neat pics. There were 1 or 2 I hadn't seen before.

  50. Especially when they treat him like an afterthought and a jobber who either gets pinned clean or gets fluke wins. They couldn't have used Ryder, Yoshi, Tyson Kidd, etc. in the Big E role?

  51. I thought that the YES Movement bit started out a bit goofy but it turned out hot. Triple H of all people really sold it as a big deal.

  52. Am I the only one who thinks the old "speak a foreign language to get heel heat" trick is played out?

  53. Not when the woman involved has legs like that. If she needs a green card, I will happily and naively marry her today.

  54. What we need next week: Usos vs Batista and Randy Orton for the tag team titles!

  55. And if he doesn't get it, hire Jimmy Hart as his manager.

  56. Hmm... but they're not standing side-by-side, so it's hard to tell with any certainty. It is also taken from an angle. He still dwarfs Schwarzenegger, who claims to be 6'2" but others have estimated that he's closer to 6' or even 5'10"

  57. But... who f'n cares??????????????? It's so stupid that everyone has to look "good" but often the best looking are the least interesting. Where are the edges? If wrestling would have been about that someone looks "good", Hulk Hogan would never had gotten a title in the first place...

  58. They could have used all of those guys in that role. Big E should be having his own feuds. Or if they insist on having him in this storyline, have him take a more active role or even tease him being the replacement of the guy who quits.

  59. I don't care if I'm allowed to or not. I absolutely loathe the "when last we left" intro line and the way he sounds like he's got his pants around his ankles for every Bryan segment is grating.


    Goddamn, man. It's a TV show. You're not a black man escaping a southern plantation in the 1800s.

    Drop that intro, change your name (no grown man should WANT to be called Andy) and you're onto something.

  60. Umm... Big E has been jobbing clean to Swagger and Cesaro?? They have been having perfectly fine matches, and both Cesaro and Big E have looked good.

  61. HowmuchdoesthisguyweighMarch 11, 2014 at 6:46 AM

    I really think reigns vs Ambrose vs Rollins is in the cards.... Would bring the work rate up on the card and it doesn't have to be an official shield breakup..... That would then leave; Real Americans, Big E, Christian, Sheamus, Big Show, Mark Henry, Alberto, Ziggler as the big battle royal names. Maybe a few surprises.

  62. HowmuchdoesthisguyweighMarch 11, 2014 at 6:49 AM

    That's exactly what he said and I laughed!

  63. You mean the tall, blonde-haired musclebound adonis Hulk Hogan? That guy?

  64. HowmuchdoesthisguyweighMarch 11, 2014 at 6:50 AM

    Shield will not be relegated to strictly in the battle royal. And I don't see Christian vs Sheamus being a match.

  65. Could Hogan even be medically cleared to be in a match at this point? I agree that you could stash him in a corner, but to have no one come near him the whole time would take suspension of disbelief to a whole new level.

  66. They did not plan it out. It took a fan revolt to get where we are today. Any claims to the contrary are either trolling, or blind to what happened.

  67. Maybe they can change MITB to the Bret Hart invitational. He invented the ladder match, you know.

  68. And no grown man should want to be named for a lamewad pun, but here you are.

    Brian Bayless has his own recap right now. Read that. If you won't say something positive, you're doing nothing to help.

  69. In my opinion it's as funny as it is true, that Raw would kick way more ass with Finkle on the mic & Ross in the booth. Almost too simple a solution.

  70. I would mark out if the winner of the Andre Battle Royal surrendered the trophy to Ted DiBiase.

  71. If anything, there should have been more fans in the ring. When they cut to the wide shot, the back of the ring was empty (which I get because everyone was in front of HHH) but more would have been better. Still, it was a nice visual.

  72. Had this been a TNA PPV, the entire crowd could have fit in the ring. *rimshot*

  73. Its funny because its true.

  74. How do you know this isn't my name?

    And sorry you're incapable of handling criticism. You shouldn't be creating anything for public consumption if you can't handle negative opinions.

  75. yup. that was an ECW thing

  76. Nothing sealed a title win quite like "...and NEW." The Fink is awesome. Have him do NXT and it'll make a great show even better.

  77. As I've said before, I can handle constructive criticism. But when your commentary is grade-school level inanity combined with a little implication of sexual activity rather than, you know, talking about what you think I can improve on, that makes me not listen. Your childish insults mean I dismiss you offhand, especially since, frankly, I've done everything to filter out the stuff I interject so that someone like you doesn't have to read it.

    And yet you persist, so you can complain.

  78. Well, yes, but she's also not very visible to anyone sitting outside the arena.

  79. Duh. I'm asking if it's more impressive this way than plqnning such a thing out.

  80. AverageJoeEverymanMarch 11, 2014 at 7:11 AM

    servingsize obviously works for WWE. Just like WM25 was the "25th Anniversary of Wrestlemania"

  81. What you mean Justin "Jaaaaayaaan Ceeeenaaah" Roberts doesn't cut it?

  82. HHH was channeling Vince last night. He had the facials down pat. He and Steph were awesome last night. Steph was in the zone though. Holy shit was she good last night.

  83. I really like this recap style Bayless. It didn't take me 25 minutes to get through the first paragraph. *golf clap*

  84. "If you are looking for ways to pick apart this segment, it is because you do not enjoy watching wrestling."

    I don't necessarily agree. While I was thrilled with the payoff, I think having a bunch of fans "occupy" the ring and surrounding area might set a bad precedent...hopefully, most people recognize that they can't just run down and do this, but one never knows. And, the creative team taking over the organic "yes movement" really feels more than a little forced and artificial to me, though that's certainly not limited to this segment. To be honest, until DBry added the stip about being part of WM's Main Event, the whole thing felt a bit awkward. Still, credit to Creative for trying something different. I don't remember anything like it.

    And, yeah. The payoff had me marking out like a little fucking kid. The moment was just a notch or two below Mick winning the belt for the first time. I fully expect to lose my damn mind if WM closes out with DBry holding the belt.

  85. He had two matches in one night where Cesaro and Swagger used their finishers on him and were about to win...Big E only won by DQ due to run-ins. Last night was a little better, but he still got the distracted roll-up pinfall. Big E would be much better served in a separate feud where he isn't an afterthought to the Cesaro-Swagger storyline.

  86. I largely agree, though his running down fans still strikes me as unnecessary and wrong. These trolls and fat people pay his fucking salary. I know he was being a heel, but he should be good enough to do it without trashing the audience.

  87. It makes me think of the noise Peter Griffin makes when he refuses to finish his vegetables :)

  88. And u didn't blow a load bout daniel bryan ;)

  89. Although I want Bryan to win the belt at WM, I actually agree with this. For sheer and utter "fuck you" by HHH to the fans, it would be impossible to ever surpass.

    I wonder what would happen. If Taker had already been on at that point, would the arena just empty? Would they ruin the rest of the show? Would be chaos :)

  90. Really?? Hasn't just about every heel in history made fun of how fat and ugly fans are? Like literally almost every heel. That's just major nitpicking there.

  91. I sit on my couch and can see her.

  92. No. JUST NO!!!!! *calm down, calm down...* HOW DARE YOU NOT WORSHIP LANA??? *deep... breaths....* Ok, I'm fine now.

  93. I love watching the old MSG shows on the Network with Finkel wearing the cheesiest tuxedos ever sewn.

  94. In your words, if someone isn't telling you how good you are at things, they are not helping.

    Actually, that's the definition of help: telling you what you're doing wrong.

    You only want to hear "good job, man!"


  95. I knew what you were asking. I was meaning the comment as a more generalized response.

  96. I also thought it was dumb that they were doing it JUST for a match with Triple H, because it felt like WWE trying to adopt a fan movement but horribly missing the point. Once Bryan mentioned the stipulation, it all made sense and I was mugging like a mark.

  97. That was a goof on my part. I had Crate & Barrell on the brain. Had to buy wedding gifts a few days ago off of their registry. Fucking 5 weddings from Friday to June that I have to go to. Plus, I just booked a vacation to Aruba. Gonna be broke soon

  98. All right, pal... what should I do better? Try phrasing it in the form of a mature adult.

  99. Great show. Bryan is obviously going over HHH now, the only question is how clean the victory will be.

    Thought - it seems like they might be setting up Kane to turn on the Authority and rejoin Bryan. Perhaps Stephanie demands Kane get involved in the Bryan/HHH match, Kane comes out to ringside, then refuses to do anything, allowing Bryan to knee HHH in the face for a clean win?

  100. Once a certain level is reached, it's unnecessary. Indie guys doing it at a show to establish that they are fucking heels is one thing. The goddamned COO KIng of Kings Ruler of all WE Survey doing it just feels weak, especially with the whole anti-bullying campaign.

    Steph - while making me fucking cringe with that damn screech of hers - did not single individual fans.

  101. Say what you want but HHH us gonna end up jobbing, probably in an opening match, because it's best for THIS BUSINESS

  102. He is really just floundering in his current role.

  103. Rick Rude did it and got massive heat.

  104. But there is only two of them.

  105. Difference - Rude addressed the crowd as a whole, and ran down ALL local males. And, he managed to make it funny. Trips pointed at one fat guy, and called a small group trolls, and whatever else, and did so in a way that felt venomous. It's just part of who he is, apparently....same thing with referring to Lilian Garcia's "horse face."

  106. Yep, so did Skip & Sunny, Simon Dean, and ... just about everyone else in history. But because they pay their salary, they should never say anything derogatory about them! [/slight sarcasm]

  107. Indeed, it was the first time Stephanie has ever talked out loud that didn't have me hitting mute.

  108. Nope, I just think you're taking yourself WAY too seriously. It was simple cheap heat.

  109. Yep. That pretty much covers it.

  110. Andy Griffith is shouting "FUCK YOU STAN!" from his grave.

  111. Bryan will get destroyed by HHH and eek out a win somehow. Thus having him go into the main event as even more of an underdog. Sure seems like WWE is trying to set up WM to have the roof blow off the Superdome once Bryan wins.


  113. To me, it came off as not just for a match against HHH but a show of force against the authority on behalf of Daniel Bryan. I never thought this was solely for a match against HHH at Mania.

  114. No, I'm not taking myself seriously. It's just an opinion about one of the ways HHH man chooses to get heat. I don't like it. You don't have a problem with it. That's it. You don't see it as unnecessary and vindictive. I do. If the man is 1/10th as good as he thinks he is, he should be able to establish himself as a vicious heel without insulting the audience.

    Look at this way. Remove the comments directed at individual fans - the fat guy, the trolls, and whatever the third one was. How does that hurt the segment? In my opinion, it doesn't. If you think it's justified and part of wrestling in general, fine. That's your opinion.

  115. LOVE that moment. Fucking Picard.

  116. AverageJoeEverymanMarch 11, 2014 at 7:33 AM

    as Ric Flair said at least once per match:
    "Shut up fatboy!"

  117. I do wonder if a clean Daniel Bryan win over HHH will be enough for some. Or will they just say that HHH made Daniel look like a loser, and he buried him even when losing to him. Would not surprise me one bit to be honest. (Aka, the final Brock/HHH match)

  118. Hollywood Rock also did tons of that "The rock has had more pie in 1 night than you've had in your whole lifetime!!"

  119. Hm. Yeah, I can see that perspective. At the time, I didn't, but frankly, I wasn't all that into the segment. It felt like, "yeah, ok, this is how we're going to get the endgame of DBry jobbing to Trips, whatever." When the title match was mentioned, I'm pretty sure I did a literal double take.

  120. Nice argument; telling me to shut up. Way to put me in place. Nicely done.

  121. Wow.... clear self esteem issues here. No wonder you took HHH's harmless jab so deeply and personally.

  122. Truthfully, I can't speak to this with any authority. I wasn't watching at the time, but from the clips I've seen, Hollywood Rock just came across like a dick.

  123. I think those complaints will be muted if Bryan wins the title. However, if Bryan gets destroyed by HHH, then loses the title match...all bets are off. Its going to be holy hell on this board.

  124. Well, he is Andre's son and all.

  125. Nope. You are incorrect. I didn't take it deeply or personally. All I said was that I didn't like it. As for my response to AverageJoeEveryman, it's pretty much the same thing. Telling someone to shut up rather than having a discussion is a copout.

  126. "Here is YOUR winner... And NUUUUUUU TNA World Champion... Howard FINNNN-KELLLL."

  127. See, I didn't even take his comment as a jab at you. It was just a clever way to say that Flair also did this all the time. It was well done.

  128. I could totally picture Hunter having lots of offense, then after Bryan wins the title, people will say "Oh sure, HHH made himself dominate the eventual WWE champ, so we all know who REALLY should be the WWE champ... HHH leeched Daniel Bryan's heat again, HHH sucks!!"

    And the sad thing is, I'm only being semi sarcastic. I could totally see this happen. I for one 100% agree with you, as long as Daniel wins the title, IT'S ALL GOOD.

  129. Already did. Drop the intro, change your screen name, cut out the long winded phrases and sentences that just wander and meander around the point and reign in the outlandishly childish "OH YES EVERYTHING WE EVER WANTED" naïveté. It's just a TV show. You can enjoy it without resorting to writing as though Daniel Bryan's scripted triumph is your own personal one. Healthy detachment.

  130. I can see how that might have been the case. I have been wrong a time or two.

  131. Rock did that stuff as a face also

  132. AverageJoeEverymanMarch 11, 2014 at 7:52 AM

    There was one PPV (I think it was a Halloween Havoc) where he did intros for just about every match and every time he would announce "Randy Peterson" as the ref instead of Randy Anderson. I understand its just a ref but come on it was like 10 times that night.

  133. He's not the best color man in the business for nothin'!

  134. Speaking of which, I know it made a lot of people laugh, and again, I wasn't watching consistently at the time, but I didn't care for the way he used to run down Coachman.

    Yet, I was pretty much ok with "Wonderful Tonight" thing he directed at Vicky. I suppose part of the difference there is that she did something (I don't remember what) that merited the response. Coachman was just an announcer/interview guy/whatever.

  135. Jericho on his podcast said when asked if Bryan would be the new face of the company, "there's a difference between being fun to cheer for, and being truly over for business". I agree with him Bryan is fun to cheer for, but he has never moved the needle, and has been the focus since July pretty much.

  136. HA! I actually youtubed quotes from the Major League movies a few hours ago. And that was one of them. I need to rewatch those!

  137. After reading some of the responses, let's take off the mark glasses for a minute and realize it would actually be smart to have Bryan eek out a win over HHH (he is Mr. small package)... That way an enraged HHH can go for the title at Extreme Rules or even Summerslam to get the job done himself. Would make for a great PPV main event.

  138. AverageJoeEverymanMarch 11, 2014 at 7:55 AM

    I didnt. Ric Flair said that every match. It was an example of a tip top level pro wrestler using that type of insult directly at a singular crowd member.

  139. Ps what a Schulz punk is, you think he has any regrets now?

  140. I agree for the most part. I still say Batista hugging them on the night of his debut killed Batista dead, but they definitely have mega heat.

  141. I think after what we have now for Mania, let's stop the CM Punk chants, as we have a much better top of the card now than we would've had with him.

    Also, where do you see the HHH/Bryan match going? I can see it being the opener, or HHH may try to stack the deck against him and it goes 2nd to last.

  142. Bryan can eke out a win all he wants, so long as it's clean.

  143. Agreed. I think a pedigree reversal into a small package is fine.

  144. Fair enough. But, there's a difference between trading barbs with a ringside fan and cutting down folks while you have a mic in your hand.

  145. "If Batista Wins We Riot"

  146. Buffer would call him Darryl Baker or something.

  147. That would be awesome.

  148. I doubt it. Punk doesn't walk out, who's to say Bryan still isn't with the Wyatts and Punk and HHH are feuding over who knows what with Batista and Orton in the worst WM main event ever.

  149. I was wondering how they planned on getting a lot of these people on the card. I guess the Battle Royale works as well as anything else

  150. I'm not as interested in who wins the battle royale trophy as I am in who gets the BREAK said trophy.

  151. That's a pretty tried and true way of being the heel though. I don't find it out of line.

  152. Maybe the winner can celebrate by eating a big cake afterwards.

  153. Finkel as Punk's special ring announcer was a great moment that evil heel Michael Cole almost fucked up.

  154. Hate him and his style.

  155. That does seem to be the case..

  156. U think sack ryder will even be invited to the battle royal?

  157. Not saying I agree or disagree with the decision, just pointing out their argument.

  158. Of course I would miss an amazing segment like that

  159. too busy banging college girl. rough life you have

  160. Rusev or Cesaro.

  161. Exactly. Bryan is not Zack Ryder or Fandango. Those guys got a certain amount of silliness over, but lacked much of anything behind it, and fans were basically along for the ride because, "Ha! This will be silly." Then when WWE got "in on it" it ruined the joke. Bryan, on the other hand, is not over because of being a joke.

  162. Why are you rooting for someone to make a name if you don't like what happens when they make one?

  163. I always got a feeling that it's because it makes themselves feel special for rooting for a specific underdog/indy rock band... But when it becomes mainstream, they are not special anymore, so they get offended and upset about it.

  164. I had a witty response to your reply to my comment above but your reply seems to have disappeared...

  165. I'd argue Bryan was made when he pinned John Cena clean at Summerslam for the WWE Title, but regardless, it was a highly effective segment. Even Stephanie's raging entitlement was glorious. "WHEN I WAS BORN, ALL THE BECAME MINE!!!!"

  166. "I have just been informed that Shawn Michaels has left the building!"

  167. Not only that, and slight threadjack but it works in this case, I want to see a movie about the supposed road trip Michael Jackson, Elizabeth Taylor, and MARLON FUCKING BRANDO took together after 9/11. The story was the later two were at Michael's concert on the 10th, but when the attacks happened, they were in such a rush to get back to their homes that they didn't want to take any other form of transportation.

  168. I wouldn't say Garcia is "much prettier" than Howard. It's close.

  169. Why even watch if that's what you want to happen. I dropped a grand on my tickets and I'm not going because I think something would be "funny"

  170. Your_Favourite_LoserMarch 11, 2014 at 10:02 AM

    that's what you get for insisting on picking up the pizzas instead of having them delivered. the delivery charge split among all of us would be nothing.

    but no, you had to check out the cashier


  171. "After the show I confronted Buffer in catering. Buffer, with tears in his eyes, confided in me that he didn't actually know who I was and he was simply reading off his cue cards. 'That's bullshit!', I yelled. 'Everyone on the Goddamn planet knows who I am!' I continued to lay into him, telling him about the night I carried Davey to a classic match at Wembley Stadium and how Shawn Michaels screwed me out of the WWF Championship. Finally, Buffer apologized for his mistake, shook my hand and said 'It sounds like you truly are the best there is, the best there was, and the best there ever will be. If there's any justice in his cruel, cold world the next time I announced Bret Clarke's name he will be the WCW Champion'".

  172. Your_Favourite_LoserMarch 11, 2014 at 10:05 AM

    "Plus, I just booked a vacation to Aruba. Gonna be broke soon"

    gonna disappear soon, more like it

    natalie holloway was from my hometown

  173. If Michael Buffer says your name is Peterson than your name is Peterson.

  174. Don't they know that normcore is the new hot shit in the streets?!

  175. Brie would take offense to "Mr. small package" thank you very much.

  176. I'd rather watch "Disgruntled Fink Tells The True History Of The WWF".

  177. Horse of a different color

  178. The intro I can see some people not liking, but I get a lot of positive feedback on that too... my name isn't just a handle; Andy is my first name and P and G are my middle and last initials. So that's staying... as for the structure, it's a drawback of doing it live. If I had time to clean up and post a while later, I'm sure I could keep it detached. But I'll tell you what; I'll try to mix it up some when I do Main Event tonight. See if it's any better. Deal?


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