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WWE Stock In Trouble?

TNA Taping Shows at the Hammerstein Ballroom?

Due to not being able to secure dates this Summer at Universal Studios, TNA has inquired about running shows at the Hammerstein Ballroom in New York City. They have also discussed the possibility of running at a casino, with the hopes that they would partner with them for the tapings.

Credit Mike Johnson,

WWE Producing Workout Videos

The videos, which will have a men's video starring HHH and a women's video starring Stephanie McMahon, will also feature talent from NXT.

Credit Dave Meltzer, Wrestling Observer Newsletter Highlight Package for Roman Reigns

Personally, I think the added effects are horrible, but the video is solid overall.


  1. Finally to Royal Rumble 92..this should lead right into tourney action this afternoon.

  2. A HHH workout video? LAME. I'll just wait for the Adam Rose 'Party Your Ass Off' video.

  3. I cant wait for the matador video produced by Los Matadores with special guest Tito Santana

  4. But in all fairness, I think an HHH workout video would sell better than the Chris Hero workout video

  5. Interesting, The rumble is the Colosseum Video version, I think this is the first PPV i've noticed doing this. I don't know if there are any edits but they went to Lord Alfred with a Colosseum exclusive.

  6. Lol #3 is awful. How embarrassing that Stephanie is going to give work out tips

  7. There was a running list floating around somewhere of all the home video versions of PPVs. Not sure if there are any significant differences between the broadcast version and the Coliseum version in this case. It's certainly not chopped up like a 2 hour THE release or anything, at the least.

  8. WTF is a Desert Storm Match?

  9. ?? She's in great shape, so she'll give out tips. Where is the embarrassment in that?

  10. The only tip I want in relation to Steph is my penis in her.

  11. Not sure, but they will have a rematch about 12 years later where Hogan blindsides him.

  12. There was already a short video produced of her and some fitness instructor doing the basics.

    While the shape she's in shows she'd be a good person to learn from... it's not hot... and she wears those weirdo shoes with the individual toes.

  13. WWE Stock: In the spirit of March Madness - Bubble bubble in the stocks, when will we see the cleaning of the clocks?
    TNA: Wherever they may go, the tiny crowds are sure to follow.
    WWE Workout: Rick Rude's dead, as is any interest I may have had in such a video. (No rhyme here, sorry daddy-o.)
    Reigns: The rocket up the ass, everyone else shall get a pass.

  14. I don't get it. Quit speaking in riddles.

  15. You are so vague. Now I'll never know the hidden meaning in your cryptic message!

  16. IIRC, It's just a fancy name for a Street Fight.

  17. The workout video is actually a great idea and surprised WWE hasn't done it sooner, though I wouldn't have the first videos star HHH and Steph. Cena would have been the best choice.

  18. Coliseum Video versions weren't as bad as Turner, but stuff still got cut regularly.

  19. 1. A few of us have been saying that. The last few quarters the WWE has made money basically from TV rights, and that's it. Yes their stock is overpriced and they are taking a huge gamble with WWE Network and if it fails, they will be hurting financially.

  20. Its pathetic. C'mon man

  21. Those shoes are awesome for exercise.

  22. Aw crap I missed Superstars last night! Thankfully with the Network I can watch it tonight!

  23. Was it Muffy?

  24. I think I figured out why Stephanie McMahon bums me out. During the attitude era (when I was a young high school boy) she was this fresh gorgeous "billionaire princess." We loved her (looks). Then she's off TV forever and comes back-llooking older and weathered. And that makes me feel older and its too much of a reminder of the frality of life. How come Julia Roberts basically looks like she did in pretty women but Stephanie is now just in milf territory?

  25. I think hes saying he wants to go by her house and use the bathroom?

  26. You sure have issues with wrestlers' wives getting older. First Kane's wife, now Steph.

  27. If TNA lost their spike time slot do they last 24 hours?

  28. Finally, THANK YOU. See Kbjone, WAS THAT SO DIFFICULT??

  29. Mmmm. It's so attractive when a ripped 40-year-old woman with a smoker's voice gives workout tips.

  30. 1) I don't see Stephanie as HHH's wife. I see her as a stand alone entity. If anything I consider huntor "her husband." I just don't like seeing time ravage my preferred divas from childhood. At least with sunny we can act like its self inflicted.

    2) My problem with kanes wife was that she was hideous, not old.

  31. Kevin Steen workout video: him eating McDonald's double cheeseburgers.

  32. In between shifts at UPS

  33. You laying any bets today?

  34. Bet against UMass. They in now way deserve a #6 seed

  35. Yea. Tennessee is actually favored by 5

  36. Yea, not sure what yet tho. Kinda liking Duke and UK but I gotta look some more.


  37. I'm shocked by how low WWE's operating profit margins are (4.1%). This is a company that treats its biggest assets as independent contractors (and thus don't have to pay for their insurance and benefits), sells merchandise and TV rights that are hugely profitable, and are relatively lean when it comes to the number of offices they have and the staff they employ.

    Without looking at the earnings report (I'm not a shareholder), my guess is that the McMahons are artificially lowering the profits by charging exorbitant expenses to the company such as 5-star hotels stays, private jets, bespoke suits and so on. This is a somewhat common tactic in businesses where the principal owners are either family members or close friends and can therefore get away with it.

  38. My shoes are awesome!

    *weeds reference*

  39. Watched Starcade 90 yesterday...that Black Scorpion shit was fucking horrid. Also weird seeing Teri Runnels before she was Marlena (well, before she was Teri Runnels), and before she had a boob job.

    The tag tournament thing was pretty good. Those Russian dudes were pretty fucking awesome. Muta seemed like he didn't want a damn thing to do with them.

  40. He wants to stick his willy into her hoo-hoo.

  41. I'm taking the over of 9 double cheeseburgers.

  42. You want to stick Owen Hart's corpse up Roman Reign's ass?

  43. TNA at Hammerstein would be a great idea.. hopefully the NYC crowd won't shit on it. If they bring their "A" game, then that might make the show more interesting.. I still won't watch though.

  44. Kane is a really hadnsome guy, he should have a 21 year old super model wife. Kane is so sexy here are some of the roles he played:

    - an evil dentist
    - a fake version of a more famous wrestler
    - a burned freak, with a burned penis
    - a horror movie villain who may or may not have had a 12 foot penis.
    - he currently presents as a hillbilly aspiring politician.

    Your right, Kane should be competing with Ryan Gosling and Channing Tatum for movie roles.

    In all seriousness good for Kane that he is loyal to his wife and isn't running around getting young women pregnant who will steal all his money. I agree with you on a majority of your points on here, but you are way off base insulting Kane's wife.

  45. Triple H's workout book actually wasn't bad at all. There is a great template for both basic and and advanced body building routines. HGH wasn't included however.

  46. Power & Glory had a pretty damn good finishing move.

  47. Sur Ser 90...Volkov face, Slaughter heel. Weird.

  48. If only this compant employed any young people who were in impeccable condition, perhaps former fitness models.

  49. I was watching Summerslam 1995 and they cut to a coliseum exclusive Undertaker interview.

  50. And we're back, I guess?

  51. Holy crap, I like to rip the Network and stuff, but that article on the WWE stock was vicious.

    The stock has skyrocketed due to 1) sale rumors, 2) TV rights that will double and 3) the WWE Network. I don't know if any of those 3 are going to pan out.

    The WWE producing workout videos featuring HHH & Stephanie is one of the stupider things I've read about it recently. They should just pour a few million dollars into a garbage can and burn it.

  52. Do you happen to know what was cut for RR92? I'm intrigued now.

  53. The new casino in Queens just had an indy wrestling show that featured Piper, Snuka and Mickie James. I wonder if they're looking there to tape programs? Since it's not as established as a Mohegan Sun, it might be cheaper.

  54. Hey this Royal Rumble 92 match is pretty good...This Flair dude has some talent

  55. I'm not seeing anything cut from the matches...and there are a lot of interviews so I don't know if anything was. There might have been some announce team time filler stuff cut and replaced with Col. Video interviews.

  56. Did somebody delete my post about the HHH workout video basically being 60 mins of him shooting a needle in his butt? Are steroids a taboo subject on this blog?

  57. This is a very pro HHH board, so any derogatory comment towards him gets automatically deleted.

  58. You really don't think an aspiring politician/pro wrestler doesn't cheat on his wife? No chance. Also he could have done better but that's not my point.

  59. Yeah, Disqus didn't work for me for awhile.

  60. Pshaw, that workout video is nothing new. I had the Hulk Hogan workout audio cassette and barbells - three mighty pounds each that little 9-year old me used to pump to the dulcet tones of Hogan trying to motivate me. I think those barbells are probably still hiding somewhere in my mother's house.

  61. I was just about to make a joke about that, still going to though.

  62. How much stock footage of Chris Hero is going to be in HHH's video?

  63. I wish I did... it's usually small cuts in matches though, like cutting out part of a heel heat segment.

  64. He'll be the "Before" pic.

  65. I expect this to work out about as well as HHH's fitness book, which somehow managed to mix in elements of kayfabe for no discernible reason whatsoever.

  66. Kevin Steen's "Fuck It" Fitness System

  67. I've been watching all the 1995 ppv's for some reason and holy shit, Bret Hart vs Jean-Pierre Lafiette is a damn good match including a sick bump from JPL where he goes to do a cannonball from the ring to the outside and Bret moves out of the way. JPL basically did a flip over the top rope and takes a flat back bump to the outside. These 95 ppv's are filled with a lot of bad or average matches, but you've always got Bret or Shawn there to deliver a classic.

  68. Hope he didn't work in the facility in Maspeth, Queens.

    Yes, that's a cheap plug for my paper.

  69. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonMarch 21, 2014 at 10:10 AM

    I think they should have 3 -4 buildings and rotate tapings.

  70. I hope the Triple H workout video manages to work in jabs against CM Punk.

  71. That match was very good. From '95, one of my favorites was Shawn vs Jarrett from IYH 2. Legit 4-5 star match and one that's forgotten about quite a bit.

  72. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonMarch 21, 2014 at 10:13 AM

    Yes. People are making a big deal about this. Their ratings are strong enough that they could find another TV slot.

  73. Won't someone loan TNA a backyard to use?

  74. Actually, it's the Anthology version from 2007 (but with the original opening music and Vince voiceover that were not included on the DVD in 2007 due to some weird editing error).
    For some reason, the Anthology version includes the Coliseum Video exclusives (the 3 segments with Lord Alfred Hayes), but the quick Rumble interviews before the main event include one with Repo Man and one with Flair and Mr. Perfect. Those were edited out of the Coliseum Video release back in '92.

  75. "It'll take a good man to beat Tito Santana. It just won't take him very long."


  76. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonMarch 21, 2014 at 10:18 AM

    If Naomi's workout video involves her wearing thongs and bending over to pick things up I would imagine it would sell really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really well.

  77. "If you don't wanna look skinny/fat, you have purchased the right video."

  78. I watched the Doomsday Cage Match last night. Is there anyway I can sue WWE for my PTSD?

    Also, a really underrated match is the triple threat between Edge, Cena, and Triple H from Backlash '06. Really fun match with great spots, a GORY Triple H bladejob, and a great finish.

  79. A bunch of the WWF PPVs from 1993-1997 on the Network are the Coliseum Video versions. You can tell if it is or not because the copyright notice at the end of the show will include "Copyright 199x Evert Enterprises". EE was Coliseum's parent company.

  80. Isn't the website that did the stock story the same one that reported that AMC was interested in buying WWE?

  81. I wonder if they would have used the missing 7 money barrels to make WWE an offer.

  82. Workout videos depend more on the motivational personality of the host than that person's success with working out. That's why everyone loves DDP Yoga. The guy is inspirational as hell.

    I can't imagine HHH being very inspirational.

  83. Man, the finish of Hogan/Savage at WM5 pisses me off. And people wonder why we get tired of Cena when he does the superman comeback like that.

  84. Stranger in the AlpsMarch 21, 2014 at 10:34 AM

    This thread is getting BERRIED!

  85. Seems like they replaced DDP's entrance music with something that sounds less suspiciously similar to Smells Like Teen Spirit, but close enough to it anyway.

  86. Royal Rumble 92...why did we like Hogan? He was a sore loser every time things didn't go his way...doesn't matter if he was cheated or not.

  87. I've never seen this Slaughter/Hogan match before.

  88. This thread is berried so far in the BoD's ass that whomever can pull it out would be crowned King Arthur.

  89. The best part about the HHH video will be Sheamus grinning like an idiot as he spots him and wipes down the machines when he's done for him.

  90. Yeah, I'd take work-out tips from Triple H 2000. He's still in good shape but he's starting to look a little Vince-y.

  91. They should put Reigns in Owen's Hammer pants.

  92. Really? What's the benefit?

  93. she's still one of the hottest divas of all time IMO.

  94. Oh and workout videos? Are HHH and Steph forming the New Bodydonnas? I could totally see Batista in the Cloudy role.

  95. I'd rather watch Scott Steiner's workout videos.

  96. How is giving workout tips pathetic? She's in good shape?

  97. Been watching a lot of the legends roundtables and they are usually enjoyable but the Raw roundtable discussion sucked. It was just two hours of JR, Patterson, Michael Hayes, Road Dogg patting themselves on the back and burying WCW Nitro at every turn.

    Jim Ross came across very unlikeable in that video.

  98. Coliseum Video had quit cutting matches by 1992 because they started putting all of the PPVs on 3 hour tapes instead of what they had been doing (putting the shows in 2 hour tapes and clipping most of the matches except for WrestleMania which was fit into a 3 hour tape, however WrestleMania was 4 hours long so there was still a significant amount of stuff cut). The only things cut from that point on were announcer filler segments, hotline and merchandise plugs, some backstage interviews and the occasional in-ring botch (although those were mostly kept intact).
    Turner waited another 2 years to start putting the PPVs on 3 hour tapes. It made no sense as to why they would even put the shows on 2 hour tapes in the first place (they owned CNN so obviously they had a ton of 3 hour tapes lying around). And Turner is also responsible for quite possibly the two worst edited wrestling tapes of all time, Great American Bash '88 and Halloween Havoc '91.
    On the Bash '88 tape, a great U.S. Tag Title match got cut down to almost nothing (from 16 minutes to 2 minutes), yet the godawful Barry Windham/Dusty Rhodes was kept in its entirety and they put in a completely pointless house show match that only took up time that could had been used to show the U.S. Tag Title match.
    On the Halloween Havoc 1991 tape, a great Bobby Eaton/Terry Taylor match was removed from the tape altogether and yet they kept several time wasting segments where Jim Ross and Tony Schiavone talked about nothing important, just talking for the sake of filling a few matches. Why not just cut that out and put a great match in the tape?

  99. "just in milf territory" ain't a bad place to be to be fair. With the husky voice, and her wardrobe, Steph's kinda reminding me of Roz in the later seasons of 'Frasier', and she was hot. Just saw Peri Gilpin in 'Modern Family' this week, and you know what, I still would.

    I feel I've rambled a bit......

  100. I just think it is unnecessary to insult the guys wife. Kane would rather chill at home with his old lady and his shitzu vs. chasing loose women and strippers. I imagine you would be living a different life style but your whole tangent just comes off as classless and low brow. Not that this blog is the epitome of class.

  101. He brought it up, not me. I don't agree that having a ugly wife is a virtue but that's just my opinion I guess

  102. I know the joke thread's gone, but:

    'I went to the zoo, and the only animal there was a little dog.'
    'It was a shitzu.'

  103. A Cesaro workout would seperate the men from the boys.
    Kaitlyn would have been good for the women's one before she left.

  104. Because the only purpose of workout videos is to sexually arouse you?

    Have you heard of porn?

  105. Your_Favourite_LoserMarch 21, 2014 at 12:45 PM

    so wwe has ALREADY fucked up adam rose by not having secured the rights to the music that got him mega over in his debut...?

  106. I'd actually say that getting a mid 30s mother of three for these videos is way smarter, that way the viewing audience can look at her and say "Wow, she's in great shape and we're not too far apart in age and I had kids too, if she can do it, so can I!"

    Likewise with Triple H.

  107. He's a mover, not a driver.

  108. "You need to see this workout through to the end. Don't quit part-way through"

  109. Well, they have to rent multiple arenas a week, right? That's sure to bite into their costs. And shipping all their employees and equipment around can't be cheap either.

  110. It'd give many men's wrists a good workout, that's for sure.

  111. Well, at least he didn't get fired.

  112. If HHH is Skip and Steph is Sunny, Batista is Zip and Cloudy is HBK.

  113. There's that.

    Steen is probably going to be this generations "If only" performer.

  114. Your_Favourite_LoserMarch 21, 2014 at 1:36 PM

    the song he had in his debut when his entourage came out with him was a real song called "world goes wild" and wwe didnt secure the rights to it so now they have to dub over what's already been taped and then use something generic after that

    and damn does rose looks like johnny polo

  115. This might be a new speed record for jumping the gun on bashing WWE.

  116. There's a nasty joke about hemorrhoids in there somewhere.

  117. I liked her better without the horrid fake tits.

  118. I find it interesting that the company's profit margins began falling precipitously well beyond the company's launching of the film division, but prior to the beginning of development on the network, which have basically been the two bogeymen for the company in terms of investment expenditures over the last decade. Falling right into that sweetspot, you could make the case (albeit theoretically) that the profit margin may be more affected by the product than any one investment. It's a platitude that fans have clammored over for years (staleness of the show/upper card), but something business minded folks have disagreed with because of merchandising totals and what not.

  119. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonMarch 21, 2014 at 1:52 PM

  120. 2008 was such a weird year. Cena losing damn near every big time PPV match? HBK and Jericho main eventing No Mercy? CM Punk getting a world title reign? Triple H stepping out of the spotlight and going to SmackDown? Kinda bizarro world.

  121. WrestleWar 91. Z-Man vs Terry Taylor match, no DQ. Nary a weapon involved. Because WCW.

    Um. And why is Paul E. dressed like a matadore?

  122. Reminds me of something JoMo said in his AoW podcast with Cabana, that he wanted to release a health/exercise book but the WWE said they wouldn't back it coz HHH tried before and it flopped.

    When this workout video flops it's sad that they're going to restrict Cesaro from producing one :/

  123. I was watching Road Wild 97 and the crowd is a bunch of assholes!

  124. Least they weren't Aristocrats.


  125. Dan Spivey vs Lex Luger. Spivey has hit him with 2 piledrivers and an elbow off the top rope. Luger keeps kicking out. So, what does Dangerous Dan do?


    < sigh >

  126. I have more respect for that family than that crowd. Go watch the Benoit vs Malenko match from Road Wild 97. It goes into double overtime and when they announce the second overtime the entire crowd boos. It was a great fucking match. Unless all those bikers could see the future and they were booing Benoit.

  127. Maybe Luger had a glass chin.

  128. And that was the last year I really liked wwe programming lol.

    2008 is a very underrated year for wwe.

  129. What the fuck was WWE smoking when they booked the finish of the JBl/Undertaker match from Summerslam '04? They made Taker look like a complete fucking moron by hitting JBL with the belt in clear sight of the ref and then throwing a temper tantrum over losing the match through his own stupidity.

  130. I was there live and that match was god awful, no wonder the crowd did the wave

  131. I probably saw that show when it aired, but not since. I'll get there eventually; I'm going through all PPVs in order.

    But anyway, there's your problem. Isn't that when they did the PPV at Sturgis? Free attendance for an audience made up largely of people who aren't fans. Recipe for disaster, or at least unanticipated audience responses.

  132. I like JR's commentary in the UWF, WCW and WWE up until about 2000 or so, maybe as far as 2002. The last 10 years, he comes across as a bit of a blowhard, and a cantankerous (great word) old asshole. Especially on some of the Roundtables.

  133. "We got jobbed, Gorilla!"

  134. I've been wanting some tag team to pull the Powerplex out of moth balls for years now. The Usos could, since they do use a splash as a finish.

  135. That match was fucking great though.

  136. It's not like they went back for four fucking years in a row.

  137. It was a different time. There were a bunch of screwy finishes around many combinations of Terry Taylor/Arn Anderson/Z-Man/Bobby Eaton matches on WCW weekend programming around that time about contending for (or fighting for) the TV title that ended in over-the-top dq s or time limit draws. So having Z-Man and Terry Taylor in a "no dq" match wasn't about seeing a crazy brawl like it would be today. It was just about getting A FINISH.

  138. Stranger in the AlpsMarch 21, 2014 at 5:59 PM

    LOL. LUGAR!!!!

  139. Anyone see the news article about how the WWE is reuploading some old WCW and WWF/E shows (well, just WrestleMania X-7) and they're reuploading them with ORIGINAL WCW MUSIC.

    And also some of the ECW shows have the bleeping lifted from when they were on Classics.


  140. HHH went to Smackdown to boost its ratings when they moved it to MyNetwork TV or wherever it moved to after it was CW/UPN.

  141. I really like that year's WrestleMania.

  142. I didn't like Hogan in 91-92.

    And when he pulled Sid out the crowd BOOED THE SHIT OUT OF HIM. And BOOED HIM SOME MORE in the post-match argument.

  143. Meh. I think Luger is like interest repellant to me.

  144. Holy fucking shitballs. Watching Superbrawl I, and some fucker named Big Josh is coming to the ring with TWO REAL FUCKING BEARS?!?! What in the actual fuck???

    I have no memory of this gimmick. A big ass snake is one thing, but two fucking bears? Yeah, they're young, and there is a guy who is clearly a handler, but who approved of this idea?

  145. Big Josh was the original Doink the Clown, Matt Borne.

    He died last year. Was mostly a star in Oregon, I think.

  146. Yeah, I'm a bit familiar with Borne, but I did not recognize him here. Fucking bears.

  147. and his finish is the same as Earthquake's. And he's at least 175 pounds lighter. Because WCW.

  148. Stranger in the AlpsMarch 21, 2014 at 6:25 PM

    I like to read your dislike of Luger.

  149. Stranger in the AlpsMarch 21, 2014 at 6:26 PM

    Did the bears kill anybody?

  150. No, they were only part of the entrance.

  151. ah. Well, it's not like he's Hogan.

  152. It's just, you know...kicky punchy clothesline....toture rack.

  153. Holy. Crap. They're doing Wizard of Oz during Superbrawl.

    LIke, seriously.

  154. LOL One of them even has a monkey on his shoulder. Jesus.

  155. to go with his metal forearm.

  156. Stranger in the AlpsMarch 21, 2014 at 6:30 PM

    However, he was Flair's broomstick several times. That probably helped solidify some of his pushes.

  157. I could see Luger becoming a bigger or equal star to Hogan if he would've won the title at GAB '88 then held it for awhile.

  158. now monkey on a leash. Oz = Nash. I knew that, but I really had never seen this horrible, HORRIBLE introduction.

    and seriously. This makes The Dynamic Dudes and The Ding Dongs look like booking genius in comparison.

  159. yeah, but going through these PPVs has made me tired of Flair's broomstick formula. I can enjoy Flair/Steamboat or Flair/Funk...but jeez.

  160. and this Missy Hyatt in the locker room thing was just...bad.

  161. Big Josh was part of the series of ridiculous gimmicks WCW featured in 1991 - Oz, The Juicer, PN News, The Diamond Studd. When they announced the WCW Phantom would debut at Halloween Havoc, I didn't even blink an eye at the stupidity. Made the Rick Rude reveal that much cooler.

  162. Slam Jam? Don't Step to Ron? Simply Ravishing? The Natural? Man Called Sting?

    The Network is now complete.

  163. Turner wanted to use WCW to promote some of the classic movies he had recently purchased. Hence, Oz.

  164. I remember some of this. I had never heard of or seen the bears.

  165. I know saying this around here is amount to blasphemy but watching Angle vs Benoit from WM 17 and it's not a great match. I mean it's ok, it's decent but it's not this amazing match I remembered it to be. I hadn't seen the match in many years and I didn't even remember who won. But it came off a bit too slow and plodding.

  166. You forgot a ch at the end of that sentence. Awww, now I feel bad.

  167. Because fuck Terry Taylor.

    Seriously. Fivearm? Fuck off.

  168. Nikita Koloff was awesome. Even in 1991. Awesome.

  169. Oddly enough, even the WWE DVD Anthology version of RR 92 features some of the Coliseum segments, so it may still be the 'master' version they used on that show -- which is sort of a hybrid between the two.

    For the record though, the original CHV cuts out a few small things -- a couple of the Rumble interviews (Repo Man I believe is one of them) and they replace Flair's great interview with some crappy CHV one where he gives away the number he gave to Lord Alfred Hayes.

  170. Yup this. It's an odd hybird.

  171. Yeah he was a big star here in Portland Wrestling. He's also related somewhat distantly to one of my friends mothers, who said he spent a LOT of time on house arrest over the years.

  172. Oz's porno music was amazing 90s synthesizer music though.

  173. I thought it sounded like a knockoff of queens Another One Bites The Dust.

  174. Yeah, JR drives me nuts on the Roundtables too.

    Most of the guys on there are pretty fair and even handed, but JR and Hayes (to a lesser extent) just bury everything not in the WWE cannon as a reflex. The discussions would be a lot more fun if they'd just loosen up a bit -- the war is over, ya know.

  175. The No-DQ Nasty Boys vs Legion of Doom @ Summer Slam a couple of months later was equally as lame on the mayhem scale.

    I think ice was a weapon in that match, along with the Jimmy Hart motorcycle helmet and megaphone (which were involved in roughly every Nasty Boys match from 1990 to 1992).

  176. I hate how the wwe has at times booked their wrestlers as if they are too stupid to understand the rules of a wrestling match. How many times in the wwf did a face win a title match by dq and then celebrate with the title before looking shocked when the ref takes the belt away?

  177. Yeah, just watched that ppv a few days ago and that jj/hbk match holds up well.


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