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BoD Daily Update RAW Preview

Two Wrestlers Have Been Removed From the "Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal"

Ryback and Curtis Axel have been removed from the competitors list on the WWE website.

Kayfabe Commentaries Releases a Preview for 1984 WWE "Timeline" Series with Roddy Piper

The link below is a clip of Piper telling a crazy story about how he got arrested at a hotel after a night out with Adrian Adonis, Don Muraco, and Bob Orton. The DVD is a two-disc set that will be released on April 22nd.

Jake Roberts Wrestled This Past Weekend

Jake wrestled for Maryland Championship Wrestling. Below is his post-match interview about what he has gone through in his life and how he got where he is today. It is an excellent speech


  1. No Ryback or Axel? That's it, I'm boycotting Wrestlemania!

  2. So RybAxel is in the tag title match. Just what everyone was hoping for!

  3. I hope that you're getting that Piper one.

  4. Scooby Doo aside, I'm excited to be going tonight? Any other New Yorkers going to be in attendance?

  5. I absolutely will be getting that.

  6. AverageJoeEverymanMarch 24, 2014 at 7:00 AM

    Im thinking that Piper story is the same one that he said on a Legends of Wrestling show that was hilarious and as crazy as you would imagine with those involved.

  7. Any word on how he went in the match?

  8. Didn't hear on how he went in the match but I imagine he worked a tag matchor something like that and just came in for a few spots.

  9. He's been making the rounds at NJ indies and doing the same. Even before the diagnosis.

  10. "You must have this much personality and/or talent to enter the battle royal..."

  11. I'll be there!

  12. "Two Wrestlers Have Been Removed From the "Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal"

    Ryback and Curtis Axel have been removed from the competitors list on the WWE website."

  13. Why/How is Brock Lesnar a lazy fuck?

  14. Two weeks until WrestleMania and there are five matches. One of them is a battle royal. It's pretty weak for a multimedia entertainment company to have a three-hour flagship show with an extremely talented roster and not have anything hyped beyond six guys.

  15. Threadjack:

    Macho Man vs. Jushin Liger. Even when both men were in their primes I'd still consider this a random matchup.
    Also, been watching WCCW on the Network...did Akbar have a thing about his army being booked in heel vs. heel matches? They are now in the midst of Devastation Inc. vs. Armand Hussein's stable. And I know later they did the same against the Freebirds.

  16. Holy crap, Orton and Batista have been fighting with or against each other on and off for TWELVE YEARS. Tell you the truth, I never thought early Batista would amount to anything. He just seemed one of the many generic big men that came up around this time.

  17. Angle being goofy and then "snapping" and getting violent gave him two places to be. It's why I don't like Serious Wrestling Machine Kurt Angle. There's nowhere for him to go and no journey to take.

  18. Oh man, now crowds will sarcastically cheer for Ryback.

  19. So Raw tonight will feature Lesnar, Taker, Arnold and Scooby Doo? Am I being selfish for being upset that Hogan isn't scheduled to be there? I haven't seen Hogan live since January 1998, the internet radio show WCW did at the Fleet Center in Boston.

  20. I'm upset because this is ruining the potential for them to put the belt on Hogan and get all that mainstream attention.

  21. didn't Jericho claim that because of the whole way the WWE works nowadays there are no such things as "five star matches" anymore a few years ago?

  22. Nexus finally wins gold again!

  23. I guess that's really our typical "smark" attitude because as we have discussed a few days ago many of "us" felt the same way about Brock when he started.

  24. I did too.

    I watched the match a few years back on YouTube and I still thought Jeff was winning the belt after he nailed Taker with two SICK chair shots to the skull, that was one hell of a false finish.

  25. Taker and Angle had an awesome match on the July 4th Smackdown, that brilliantly continued their feud into Vengeance. I believe Angle turned the Last Ride into a choke and got pinned at the same time that Undertaker tapped out, so there was no decision on the winner. I remember being at that show, and being surprised at how good it was, considering Undertaker's in-ring work during that era was generally horrible.

    That show was also memorable for Hogan making his first appearance since he came back to WWE with "Real American" as his music, when he and Edge won the tag titles from Chuck & Billy.

  26. That's just the way things are now, they never advertise everything in advance. We're probably lucky we're getting 5 matches announced.

  27. They'll probably add the tag and diva title matches tonight along with Shield vs the NAO and Kane.

  28. I was afraid the post said that Jake passed this weekend.

  29. Team Creatives Got Nothing For Us So We Had To Change Our Names And Personas On 3 Different Occasions.

  30. Hogan was rumored to be on the show but the company hasn't announced anything yet

  31. I guess they could still surprise us, but yeah, I was more talking about the official announcement.

    Bayless, I follow your daily news updates, I KNOW he was rumored!

  32. Sting wouldn't have committed to a rapper gimmick.

  33. Welcome to wrestling!

  34. Look at those ratings, look at them!

  35. Glad to know you get your daily dose of newz on the blog but I am always here to help and inform the people.

  36. So I guess the Rybaxel news means no one will double dip in matches for Mania and they are going after the tag titles with the RA. And hopefully Harper and Rowan added as well.

  37. They'll be too busy standing by Bray's side during his match.

  38. Yeah I know but I still hoped they'd be wrestling on the show.

  39. Sting doing a rapper gimmick, would probably be akin to Homer doing his Mr. Plow rap.

  40. Yes, but apparently TCGNFUSWH2CON&PO3DO > Team Ryder and Miz. Whomp whomp.

  41. Agreed. His mic skills were really bad, too.

  42. I really hope this isn't because they're giving Ryback or Axel something else to do at mania.

  43. Which, let's be honest, even if he's in a hell of a lot better shape, he's not exactly a spring chicken anymore. I think even Jake knows he's there to help the fed make money on his name, alone.

  44. When mr. America shows up for the first time and says "brother", the reaction on piper's face is priceless.

  45. So likely it'll be Ryback/Axel, the Real Americans, the Usos and probably another team (the Rhodes bros seem like a logical pick) in a fatal fourway for the tag titles. Ryback/Axel and the Americans were both promised title shots by Kane for helping him attack the Shield on Smackdown, so it seems likely for Mania.

  46. Savage probably shouldn't have been wrestling on that clearly injured leg. It was hurting him enough that it even affected his delivery of the big elbow --- he couldn't tuck it in and it looked more like CM Punk's version

  47. Jesse, was this rant during the period where according to you, Scott was "trying to phrase the rant in the most banal, wishy-washy possible with plenty of masturbational whacking for his favorite Chris Benoit while still not saying ANYTHING bad about HHH so as to stay on the cunt Steph's good side when he submits his monthly application to be a WWE writer."

  48. Your_Favourite_LoserMarch 24, 2014 at 9:40 AM

    TJ: never got into gwar but they were an always present part of the metal world i was aware of since i got into metal as a wee loser back in the late 80's. r.i.p.

  49. I am obviously 100% happy and supportive of people that have chosen to no longer be addicts... but man do they get annoying with talking about their sobriety sometimes... I know I was when I stopped I was bad (and can still be at times)... anyway good for Jake regardless... couldn't care less about the rest of it.


  51. I wish I knew what WWE's fixation with triple-threat tag team matches is. They're almost never good, not even when you've got three competent teams in there, like the one they did at WM 28.

    I'd prefer it were just The Usos vs. The Real Americans with no Rybaxel in sight.

  52. It's a four-hour show, with a two-hour preshow. So having only five matches announced two weeks out is even more galling. But I expect we'll get an extra three matches announced this week alone. Maybe even four. This pretty much has to be a nine-match card, unless they're giving huge chunks of time to the main matches + Hogan hosting segments.

  53. Your_Favourite_LoserMarch 24, 2014 at 9:55 AM

    i remember after cena debuted, everyone was like "holy shit, this dude is a technical master!!!"

    then we learned it was angle carrying him

    not that cena doesn't bring the good now, of course (though not in a technical sense), but after his debut everyone was touting him as a pure wrestler, which really wasn't the case

  54. Your_Favourite_LoserMarch 24, 2014 at 9:57 AM

    "This would be during the period when Jericho was bitching about a match that I apparently under-rated. So of course I took the high road in response"

    jericho went on a diatribe after KotR 02 b/c he was thought his match with rvd was the tits when a lot of people thought it was the bee stings

  55. Your_Favourite_LoserMarch 24, 2014 at 9:58 AM

    gunn+holly = hard ass

  56. Your_Favourite_LoserMarch 24, 2014 at 10:00 AM

    "Any word on how he went in the match?"

    hopefully sober

  57. I'd rather see more guys on the show than less. Besides Ryback has been getting into his new character pretty well and I'd rather see him stay in the tag division.

  58. No one is forcing you to listen to him.

  59. I don't think they should be left off the show, but rather simply confined to the battle royal. I'm already kind of struggling to figure out how they're going to find thirty guys to fill out the thing as is, unless they dip into the NXT roster. And while I'd love to see guys like Sami Zayn, Adrian Neville, and Aiden English get WM paydays, I hate the idea of bringing them in cold like they did with Rusev at the Rumble.

  60. A) I didn't listen to him

    B) No one is forcing you to listen to me

  61. Maybe there's a staffing shortage in concessions at the arena?

  62. I really found out about Gwar from watching Beavis and Butthead as a kid

  63. Were you an addict at one point in your life?

  64. Not sure I'd put that label on what I was. I definitely drank entirely too much and was not a nice person while I was doing it...but when I decided to quit, I just fucking quit and didn't go through all the winning and theatrics that people who think addiction is s disease do when they decide to quit... but I did get quite preachy about it afterwards (and still do at times) so I leave it to everyone else to decide what I was or wasn't.

  65. I really think the Battle Royal was a mistake in terms of getting a good undercard of matches, because now they're backed into a corner with a roster that is not as large as the mid- to late-80s. I wonder how many NXT guys/legends are going to be brought back for the Andre match in order to fill out 30 guys.


  67. It's funny how neither Orton or Batista get zero love on the Raw preview.

    Taker-Brock is such a forgone conclusion that there has to be some kind of swerve coming.

  68. To be fair, you aren't a public figure with well-documented issues like jake. So maybe this is a way that jake wants to show his fans that he's doing well and maybe he can inspire others with his message.

  69. Yea. I think people with a public forum or a following have more of a social obligation to speak out on things like that.

  70. TJ: New Days of Future Past trailer

    Gonna be fun!

  71. That's how I feel about born again religious people. Good for you for finding something that gives you peace...I just don't want to hear about it all the time

  72. You'll get a swerve, but it'll be Taker beating Brock in 10 minutes instead of the usual 30.

  73. Seems like you realized alcohol made you difficult to be around and you decided to stop.

  74. Ryback was almost in a high profile match if Goldberg hadn't been so picky about the financials.

  75. Partially true, though I did it more for myself than the fact that other people found me hard to be around (which is an understatement)

  76. I know nothing about comic books but is that Superman series where he's dead but comes back as 4 different Supermen worth anything?

  77. He was apparently trying to spread the word about Pete Weber.


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