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Impact Wrestling - March 6, 2014

Impact Wrestling
Date: March 6, 2014
Location: Wembley Arena, London, England
Commentators: Mike Tenay, Tazz

Reviewed by Tommy Hall

We're STILL in England and it's the go home show for Lockdown. The main story coming into tonight is a six man elimination tag for the advantage in Lethal Lockdown on Sunday. TNA has been doing better lately but they need a really good showing on Sunday to take it to the next level. Given their track record, I'm hoping for good things tonight. Let's get to it.

After the usual recap, here are Roode and the Bro Mans with something to say. The Bro Mans are champions again, having won the titles in Japan. Nice touch of continuity there. Roode says he and his team are ready for Lockdown and he wants MVP right now. Instead he gets Aries (wearing the X Title to take away the nice bit of continuity) who says that 10% of the pie isn't much but it's a piece and Aries wants half.

The Bro Mans say not so fast because they want a piece too. Roode says no because he's the captain and he isn't sharing. The top priority is winning the match and Aries says that isn't a problem. There isn't a single person in this company that can save MVP, so here are the Wolves and MVP to disagree.

MVP says he made a mistake when he trusted Aries, but he won't be fooled twice in a row. He had to do some hustling to come up with another partner and he has made his decision. Before he can say anything, here's Dixie Carter to cut him off. She doesn't care who MVP's partner is because she's been in New York securing the victory for Team Roode. The company means everything to her and she'll do anything to keep it under her control.

MVP understands but asks if Dixie wants to know the mystery partner. It's a former world champion and that's enough for Dixie to want to know. It's Jeff Hardy and Dixie FREAKS. Dixie says over her dead body and MVP offers to send a wreath to her funeral. Roode jumps MVP and the six man starts before a break.

MVP/Wolves vs. Robbie E/Austin Aries/Bobby Roode

Elimination tag and the winning team gets the advantage at Lockdown. We're joined in progress after a break with Robbie driving Edwards into the corner before it's off to Roode for some kicks to the ribs. The villains take turns working over Eddie until he backflips out of a belly to back suplex and makes the tag off to MVP. The title belts are laying in the corner of the rung until Davey lays one of them on the floor. MVP hits a quick Drive By for the pin on Robbie at 2:00.

The Wolves hit a double kick on Roode for two but Aries comes in with a running dropkick in the corner to Edwards, followed by the brainbuster for the pin at 3:45 total. Richards and Aries come in for a slugout with Richards kicking Aries agianst the ropes but Austin coming back with a discus forearm to put both guys down. A double tag brings in MVP and Roode for a forearm and clothesline exchange that goes nowhere. Roode gets knocked down but Aries makes the save, allowing Roode to hit a clothesline to the back of MVP's head for a pin (with Roode holding the feet) at 5:10 total.

So it's Richards 2-1 against Roode and Aries. Austin starts by working over Davey in the corner and getting two off a bulldog. Davey is sent outside for a top rope ax handle from Aries but comes back with a dropkick to take out both heels. A running knee to Roode's chest looks to set up the top rope double stomp but Bobby rolls away. The Roode Bomb is countered but Richards rolls into a half crab, only to have Aries come in with a chair to the arm for a DQ at 7:55 total. Edwards comes out to check on his partner and we take a break.

After a break there's no official winner, but Earl Hebner gives them one hour to get Davey back in the ring for a match with Roode. The trainer doesn't think it's going to happen.

We recap Samuel Shaw and Mr. Anderson fighting because Shaw creeped Hemme out. Shaw says last week was beautiful and he'll do something else beautiful in the ring tonight.

Samuel Shaw vs. Eric Young

Shaw comes out with a cup of tea. Christy isn't in her usual ringside seat so Anderson comes out to do the intros instead. Shaw yells at Anderson and almost gets rolled up for the pin. Young hammers away in the corner but Shaw just smiles at him. Samuel hammers away in the corner as the fans call him creepy. Shaw yells at Anderson again and Eric hammers away and is sent to the apron for some strutting. A forearm to the head sets up a belly to belly for two. They head outside and Shaw throws the tea into Young's eyes for a DQ at 2:23.

Shaw throws Young into Anderson and chokes Mr. out again. He says he'll be going to claim what is rightfully his. Christy wisely walks away in the back.

Richards says he needs to go to the hospital but MVP has something to do. Davey looks confused.

Richards says he needs to go to the hospital but MVP has something to do. Davey looks confused.

Back from a break and MVP is looking for Aries. He goes into the locker room and yells at Austin over attacking Davey. MVP knows how things are working now.

We recap the Ethan vs. Angle showdown last week. Ethan comes in to see Dixie and she tells him to just focus.

Shaw is looking for Christy in the back. After a break he's still looking and goes into the locker room. Instead he finds Velvet getting dressed and asks where Christy is. Velvet says the makeup room and runs off.

Here's Ethan Carter III to call out Kurt Angle. If there's one thing he learned last week, it's never meet your heroes because they might sucker punch you in the face. Carter rants about all of the parts of Angle's leg that he'll injure and lists off all the people he's beaten. Once he beats Angle on Sunday, he'll be the American Icon. Angle finally limps out and says he's ready to go now but Carter runs. Kurt goes to leave but Ethan jumps him to go after the leg. He slaps on a leg lock until referees make the save.

MVP talks to the Wolves and Richards says he'll be standing up tonight.

Video on Kenny King being King of the Night. Nice idea at least.

Alpha Female/Gail Kim/Lei'D Tapa vs. Velvet Sky/Madison Rayne/ODB

Madison jumps Gail to start and scores with a quick northern lights suplex. Off to ODB for a Bronco Buster but Tapa comes in and powerbombs her down for two. Back up and they slug it out until it's off to Velvet vs. Alpha Female. Everything breaks down and Sabin goes after Velvet with a chain and yells at her a lot. Chris charges at her but gets low bridged to the floor. Alpha Female tries a full nelson but gets kicked in the face. In Yo Face is enough to pin Female at 4:17.

Rating: D+. This was a messy match and it didn't go much of anywhere. I'm not sure why you would have Female lose this quickly unless she's just there for the European tour. Madison and Velvet only had a few seconds here but that's better than no build for their title match on Sunday. Yeah they have a title match on Sunday.

Shaw is still looking for the makeup room.

Willow is still creepy.

Shaw goes to find Christy but finds Anderson in a red wig instead. They fight behind a door and Anderson puts lipstick on Shaw's head.

We recap Storm vs. Gunner.

Here's Gunner to talk about the code he lives by. He takes every day at a time and he remembers a lot of days since he won that briefcase. This Sunday at Lockdown he's inside a cage and that brings back a lot of memories for him. This brings out Storm (minus the catchphrase to start his music) who says it sounds like Gunner is just complaining about his bad luck. Gunner needs to pack a lunch on Sunday because it's going to be an all day beating. Storm gets in the ring and promises to cut Gunner down before kicking him low. The Last Call to a kneeling Gunner knocks him cold. Apparently it's a last man standing match.

Roode wants Richards in the ring right now.

Bobby comes out and wants the referee to count to ten so his team can win. Davey comes out around six and it's time for our match.

Davey Richards vs. Bobby Roode

Bobby of course goes right after the arm and wraps it around the post. Back in and Roode drops a knee on the arm and stands around for a bit. Richards rolls to the floor and manages to crotch Roode as Bobby goes after him. Roode heads outside but gets taken down by a suicide dive, only to injure the arm even worse. Back inside and a missile dropkick gets two for Davey and he fires off some kicks to the chest. The Roode Bomb is countered into a half crab but Bobby rolls over and kicks at the bad arm. Richards goes shoulder first into the post and the Roode Bomb sets up the Crossface for the tap at 5:31.

Rating: C. Basic idea here but it did its job well enough. This give MVP's team a slight disadvantage going into Sunday which is something they need to do given how one sided the match is on paper. Richards sold the arm well and it's a decent enough story coming into the PPV.

MVP and Edwards make the save.

Tigre Uno is still coming.

Dixie tells Magnus to stop worrying and just win on Sunday. She implies his match means nothing to her.

Here are Magnus and Joe for their showdown to end the show. Magnus says the two of them have won titles and championships in Japan and here in TNA, including here in this building. Joe has had far too many chances to win the title but has blown it time after time due to his rage, and that's exactly what's going to happen on Sunday.

Joe says that he does have a rage problem because he wants to make people feel as much pain as he can. That's exactly what he can do on Sunday because it's Joe's Rules, meaning he can beat on Magnus as long as he want and take the title from him. Magnus gets in a cheap shot and gets choked out to end the show.

Overall Rating: C-. This was a good go home show but it didn't do much for me. The heels getting the advantage in the cage isn't a surprise at all and the matches were just ok. Joe vs. Magnus was a good build but I can't imagine Magnus loses the title this early. It should be a good show on Sunday but this was just ok.

MVP/Wolves vs. Bobby Roode/Austin Aries/Robbie E went to a no contest
Eric Young b. Samuel Shaw via DQ when Shaw threw tea into Young's eyes
Velvet Sky/Madison Rayne/ODB b. Alpha Female/Gail Kim/Lei'D Tapa – In Yo Face to Female
Bobby Roode b. Davey Richards – Crossface

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  1. "Willow is still creepy"

  2. Its amazing to me that the only way a guy like Derrick Bateman can get a push is as a fake son to a woman who fired someone that broke his neck working for her. Wrestling is a strange business.

  3. TNA presents "Groundhog Day: Still in England".

  4. The UK crowds have been really great, and made the last few weeks of Impact that much more enjoyable to watch. Agreed that TNA needs to pay this stuff off bigtime at Lockdown but...what does that mean? Bobby Roode getting 10% of TNA and setting up another pointless power struggle? More chickenshit wins for Magnus? Other than Angle putting over EC3, I don't know where any of this stuff can go.


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