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The Kevin Kelly Show Episode 5 - Featuring Adam Pearce

In the fifth episode of The Kevin Kelly Show, the Voice of Ring of Honor speaks with Adam Pearce about his time as booker of Ring of Honor, his early days wrestling, his potential gig with the San Diego Padres and much more. Kevin also shares his thoughts on Daniel Bryan and WrestleMania, Ring of Honor, Future of Honor and more. As always, Kevin takes your #AsKKevin Twitter questions as well.

The Kevin Kelly Show is available on iTunes and Stitcher by searching for Place to Be Podcast and can be downloaded and listened to below.

You can find the complete archive of Kevin Kelly at Place to Be Nation here which includes the following past episodes:

Episode 4 - Featuring Mike Bennett
Episode 3 - Featuring Hanson
Episode 2 - Featuring AJ Styles
Episode 1 - Featuring Adam Cole

Email the show at and send questions to Kevin (@realkevinkelly) on Twitter using the hashtag #AsKKevin.

Don't forget to follow Place to Be Nation on Facebook and Twitter.


  1. I've said it before, but I'm fully confident that Triple H will get his comeuppance at WrestleMania, Bryan will win the title, and Vince will come back shortly afterward to ream Stephanie and Hunter out for "botching" WrestleMania and letting the "Yes Movement" take over WWE. In that way it will become Vince vs. Stephanie.

    Because if there is one thing WWE likes to do over and over again, it's feudin' McMahons!

  2. Not to open this can of worms but wouldn't Bryan going over HHH cleanly and winning the title at WM be "comeuppance" enough? This whole angle has built around him being "B+". Wouldn't beating a so called A+ guy amd then winning the belt be enough?

    If HHH gets in any offense in at WM, are we gonna flame him for "not looking weak"?

  3. I believe you mean a FURIOUS MAMBO, Scott. Also, Tito Puentes is dead. At least I think he's dead.

  4. It was a Simpsons reference. And Puentes was salsa.

  5. "Revenge? Of course! But why wound his body with bullets, when I can set his soul on fire with a slanderous mambo? Listen, if you will, to my revenge."

  6. It was a Simpsons reference from "Who Shot Mr. Burns."

  7. I know it was, I was correcting it for him. He says "furious mambo", not salsa.

  8. I know it was...I was correcting it for him. He says "furious mambo", not salsa.

  9. I believe it was a "furious" mambo.

  10. I think it was a Simpsons reference from "who shot Mr burns"?


  11. #IknowitwasIwascorrectingitforhim #Hesaysfuriousmambonotsalsa

  12. #SimpsonsSuckSoItDoesntMatter

  13. If Total Divas hadn't killed the Kayfabe aspect of Bryan and AJ's past, it would have made perfect sense to reunite them against Hunter and Steph. The Bella just wouldn't draw the same crowd reaction if she went up against Steph.

  14. I wish we still had down votes right now. The Simpsons is a top five show for me.

  15. Lacing her drink with laxatives while she is in a big traffic jam has to be the best revenge in this day and age.

  16. AverageJoeEverymanMarch 20, 2014 at 7:54 AM

    Here's how DB vs HHH goes down. Match starts they circle around eachother then suddenly DB grabs a mic and says "I respect you BOOKERMAN!" then walks back to the dressing room. Kevin Sullivan comes out to finish the match beating HHH and then winning the WWE World Heavyweight Title.

  17. Maybe while Bryan is celebrating his win over Triple H, Steph will be giving him the stink face and Bryan can walk by and crop dust her.

  18. Oh? You're probably right. I'll have to go back and check.

  19. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonMarch 20, 2014 at 8:12 AM

    CM Punk will get his revenge when he marries Aurora Jade in 20 years or so and takes over the company.

  20. Definitely. Remember that HHH *allegedly* won the cage match against Brock by verbal submission when Brock sold his injured knee. The match apparently ended right there and HHH won the feud.

  21. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonMarch 20, 2014 at 8:15 AM

    No. People want to see someone go upside Stephanie's head. From a storyline standpoint it should be the B-cup Bella. But I could the less talented, more annoying C-cup Bella getting the nod in a mixed tag match because she's full of Cena's baby gravy.

  22. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonMarch 20, 2014 at 8:16 AM

    ...but they're the stars of Total Divas!

  23. Just the other day I was sitting in a rocking chair with my son on my knee telling him about the good ole days when the main event of Wrestlemania had a McMahon in every corner.

  24. Lol, I can just see HHH now...

    "Ok, so I'll go over Bryan at WM, then win the title. But see, it's because Stephanie needs to get hers, too. We'll team Bryan with a diva... no not anyone he's known to have a relationship with, it'll be someone no one knows. And they can beat us in a mixed tag at Backlash. No, it won't be a clean win, gotta keep the heels strong."

  25. Disqus needs to have a way to like Scott's replies.

  26. Bryan and JoJo.....BROJO! FTW

  27. Couldn't they still do that? And not mention the Bryan/Bella portion of Total Divas? I can't tell if that show is in-universe or not...

  28. I do also. Think this could have been in the 30+ downvote range.

    Ive just never been a fan, at all, for whatever reason

  29. I'd love to see Stephanie cut a scathing promo on the Divas, only to have Kharma make her return and pound Steph into a mush.

    Plus it'd make sense, because you know, karma.

  30. "One high knee from HHH and we riot!"

  31. They've mentioned the engagement on Raw.

  32. No, it's "slanderous".

  33. Your_Favourite_LoserMarch 20, 2014 at 10:40 AM

    tito shot mr. stephanie

  34. I still don't think it would matter. I doubt the two overlap that much. Plus the people watching Raw wouldn't care anyway.

  35. slightly off-topic but I watched a little bit of "Total Divas" the other night. So John Cena broke it off with the big tit Bella? My faith in celebrity relationships is shaken right now. Not sure where I go from here.

  36. They should set up an angle where Bryan sneaks into Stephanies house and steals all of Stephs scissors, shavers, razors and wax so that she too "grows" a beard

    Then DB makes jokes about Triple HHH fucking him in the mouth

  37. Not sure if you're being sarcastic... but that show is a work, in case you're not.

  38. only thing topping this would be Aurora and Dewey Foley becoming a couple.

  39. "Yeah! OK, I believe you're innocent. Gee, I hope all our suspects are this much fun."
    (cut to Principal Skinner)

  40. I keep telling you, Tito Puente is 90 years old, and he's dead.

  41. It will be Vince. They've been dropping anvils about her claiming the WWE belongs to "her", so I can see Vince coming back to "fire" her again, sending her off-camera again

  42. Either that or have Randy Orton turn "face" once he loses the belt to Bryan via Steph once again trying to cut off his balls and getting in his face, calling him a loser and such.

    Orton punting Steph in the head would probably serve as the "reset" for Orton's character, especially if they plan on sliding Batista into the role of HHH's hand pick top guy.

  43. She'll be FAR too old for him by that point.

  44. I think this sets itself up nice for having vkm come back and "put her in her place"

    Im fine with an older non athelete like Stephanie not taking any bumps, it's not like we had people power bombing Vickie through tables etc. Also if she's going to be on TV she has to play a heel. Anyone remember how much she sucked as a face

  45. Yeah, plus I'm pretty sure they pulled a retcon on a Raw last fall by mentioning Bryan had never dated in the past few years or something. Gotta wipe away Gail too.


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