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Thunder - October 22, 1998

Date: October 22, 1998
Location: Tingley Coliseum, Albuqurque, New Mexico
Commentators: Lee Marshall, Tony Schiavone, Bobby Heenan, Mike Tenay

Reviewed by Tommy Hall

It's the very last show before Halloween Havoc and we're actually coming off a good show on Monday with every major PPV match getting some focus. Nothing has been announced for tonight but that's usually the case coming into Thunder. I'm sure we'll get plenty of videos on the two main events though. Let's get to it.

The announcers talk about Hogan attacking Horace on Monday and call it a horrible act.

We look at Goldberg and Page nearly brawling after Goldberg cost Page a match against Jericho.

Super Calo vs. Rey Mysterio Jr.

Calo takes over with some kicks to the ribs to start and gets two off a shoulder block. A missile dropkick gets the same and Calo hooks a seated abdominal stretch to slow things down. Back up and Calo throws Rey to the apron before sending him to the floor for a big dive. Totally one sided so far. Back in and Rey climbs corner to hit a nice headscissors followed by the yet to be named 619 back inside. Calo gets caught in the ropes and the top rope legdrop to the back of his head gets two. Super gets to his feet and goes up, only to get crotched and taken down with a hurricanrana for the pin.

Rating: C-. Nice fast paced match to start things off here but there wasn't much to it. It's nice to see Mysterio back and mostly healthy though as no one could keep up with him when he was at even 85-90%. Calo looked better than usual here, but that doesn't really say much as he isn't one of the better luchadores.

Post match Eddie and the LWO comes out to offer Rey a spot but he throws the shirt back at Eddie and leaves. Chavo watches with a smile on his face from the entryway.

Video on Page vs. Goldberg.

Here's Page for a quick chat. Monday was nothing but intensity and it makes him think of Goldberg as even more of a champion. The Diamond Cutter is enough to beat him though because he's next. On Sunday, Goldberg will feel the BANG.

Ad for the Mastercard.

Alex Wright vs. Johnny Swinger

Wright cranks on the arm to start and puts Swinger down with a fireman's carry takeover. Johnny comes back with an armbar of his own and a Russian legsweep has Wright in trouble. A spinwheel kick puts Swinger down and Alex drapes him ribs first over the top rope. Swinger comes back with a hard shot to the chest but gets dropkicked out of the air, setting up a neckbreaker to give Wright the pin.

Rating: D+. Just a squash here with Alex looking good as almost always. I'm still not sure why he never got a huge push but the thick accent might have had something to do with it. Or maybe that this is WCW and it's a good day if they can tie their shoes properly. Swinger never did anything for me but he was fine for something like this.

We look at the Steiners brawling on Monday.

Video on Sting vs. Hart closing Nitro. Tony accuses Heenan of being a snitch for the NWO. Heenan: “I am not!” Tony: “That's true. You're a liar, a traitor, a coward and a snitch.”

TV Title: Kanyon vs. Chris Jericho

Jericho is defending and this has some serious potential. Kanyon does his Who Better bit with Jericho putting bunny ears up behind his head. Chris takes the mic and says the real question is Who Better Than Jericho. Kanyon doesn't take kindly to gimmick infringement and the fight is quickly on. Jericho knocks him to the floor with a shoulder and we take and early break.

Back with Jericho getting two off the Lionsault as we see Raven for the first time, looking on from the apron. Jericho does his long stride and Kanyon sends him face first into the buckle to take over. The superplex from the middle of the rope (not the corner) puts Jericho down for two as the fans get distracted by something in the audience. Jericho counters a suplex into a reverse suplex for two but Kanyon comes back with a swinging neckbreaker for the same.

The announcers talk about Raven looking distracted as Jericho scores with a gutbuster but can't get the Liontamer. An electric chair into a flapjack gets two on the champion but Jericho fights out of a superplex. Jericho tries a missile dropkick but hits the referee (Billy Kidman according to Tony and Lee) which draws in Raven. The Even Flow is easily countered into the Liontamer and Raven taps, which is good enough for a submission win for Jericho.

Rating: C+. Good while it lasted but the match was more about Raven than anything else. It's nice to see Jericho get a win for a change, even if he was acting more like a face while doing so. The Raven story is interesting as he's lost his edge without the Flock and could have some good stories as a result.

Clip from the new Kurt Russell movie Soldier.

We see Hogan beating up Horace and Warrior on Monday

Saturn vs. Norman Smiley

A lockup goes nowhere so Norman makes his chest dance to entertain Saturn. Apparently Saturn is more of a song than dance man as he throws Smiley down with a beal before dropping him with a t-bone suplex for two. Norman picks the ankle but Saturn is quickly in the ropes before anything can be done. A neckbreaker sends Smiley to the floor but he comes back in with a nice sunset flip for two.

Since this is a pretty good technical match so far, the announcers are talking about Horace. Saturn slams him down but misses a top rope splash, allowing Norman to take over with some uppercuts. A tiger bomb gets two for Smiley but Saturn drills him with a superkick. There's a belly to belly to Norman followed by the Death Valley Driver for the pin.

Rating: C. The match didn't have time to go anywhere but it was nice while it lasted, much like the previous match. Smiley is a very sound technical guy and could actually keep up with Saturn on the mat. Saturn's superkick always looked good though and it nailed Smiley in the jaw here. Nice little match.

Lex Luger vs. Scotty Riggs

Feeling out process to start until Luger remembers he's fighting Riggs and runs him over with some clotheslines. Riggs snaps Lex's throat across the top rope and chokes away a lot before scoring with a dropkick. Luger quickly breaks out of a chinlock as the announcers say no one anticipated seeing Hogan vs. Warrior again eight and a half years later. A few running knees in the corner have Luger in trouble but he comes back with a suplex. Luger comes back with all of his usual stuff and finishes Riggs with the Rack.

Rating: D+. Not the worst squash in the world here as Riggs looked decent out there. That's rather surprising as Riggs is usually one of the least interesting wrestlers on the roster. Luger was his usual self here, meaning he was charismatic but used the same moves he's done for ten years now.

We takes yet another look at Bischoff being thrown out of the United Center. It really wasn't that big of a deal.

Juventud Guerrera vs. Prince Iaukea

They trade takedowns to star until Juvy charges into a boot in the corner. Iaukea gets two off a snapmare and breaks up a sunset flip attempt. We hit the early chinlock on Juvy followed by a suplex and chops in the corner. It's Chinlock: The Sequel followed by another suplex attempt but Guerrera counters into a Fameasser. A top rope corkscrew dive puts Prince down and sets up the 450. Disco runs out to break it up but Juvy dives off with the 450 for the pin just in time.

Rating: C. Short but fine as Disco vs. Juvy continues to build. I'm not sure how good of a match that's going to be when we get there but it's nice to see them doing something in the cruiserweight division that doesn't involve the title. Prince wasn't bad here but the bald head doesn't make him more interesting.

Clips from Nitro of Bischoff being thrown out by cops and the mayor of Minneapolis.

Konnan vs. Scott Armstrong

After the usual intro, Konnan hits the rolling clothesline just after the bell. There's the seated dropkick and Scott bails to the floor, holding his shoulder. Back in and Scott uses his bad arm for a test of strength and rakes Konnan's eyes to take over. A few basic moves later and we're in the chinlock. Konnan fights up with some elbows to the ribs but gets dropped by a clothesline. A bulldog and rollup get two on Scott before Konnan kicks him in the ribs, hits the X-Factor and hooks the Sunrise for the win.

Rating: D. These squashes are getting weaker as we're approaching the end of the show. Konnan was always better on the mic than he was in the ring and this match proved it for the most part. Scott was the least interesting of the Armstrong Family but he wasn't that bad out there.

Clips of Bret and Sting's rivalry.

Horsemen video.

Kendall Windham vs. Dean Malenko

Kendall says he knows the Horsemen and can prove Dean doesn't measure up. Dean hammers away in the corner to start but runs into a big boot. A lariat puts Dean down again but he grabs a sunset flip. Windham punches the mat instead of Dean's head, allowing Malenko to hit a quick kick to the leg, setting up the Cloverleaf for the win in less than 90 seconds.

Dean grabs the mic and says that's why he's a Horseman. The rest of the team comes out and Arn has a mic. He says it's obvious why the Horsemen are here and calls Bischoff a vicious coward. Bischoff has been making fun of Arn's physical shortcomings but he's not even half the man Anderson is. If Bischoff ever makes fun of his family again, Arn will do things to Bischoff that his family should never be allowed to see. Flair says that this is the Horsemen's party and names each individual member. He'll be running this company one day and Bischoff will be working for him.

Sting vs. Giant

Giant misses a charge and Sting hammers away but misses the Stinger Splash. The big man steps on his chest and pounds on him in the corner, only to miss a big elbow. Three straight Stinger Splashes set up a slam but Scott Steiner runs in with a chair to the leg for the DQ before the Deathlock.

The NWO lays out Sting until Rick Steiner and the Wolfpack makes the save to end the show.

Overall Rating: C+. It's still good and a different kind of show from Nitro. This is one of the most frustrating things about WCW. It's clear that they can put on entertaining shows but we get the garbage that they put on so often anymore that it's barely worth watching half the time. Good show tonight with some entertaining squashes and small build to the PPV on Sunday.

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  1. Well the ending to the ppv main event, with Nash killing tatanka after getting the hot tag, and then pulling tatanka up at 2 and demanding sid tag in, only for did to bail, is a good way to book Nash and a cool way to set up the July ppv.

  2. Vince's exasperation during Mo's eight hour reading of the coronation proclamation ceased to be a work sometime around hour 3.

  3. He's an ass on the show.

  4. He's horrendous. A bloviating self-important asshole, which is saying something on a panel of ex-wrestlers.

  5. Watching Judgment Day and then KotR 01.There was was a gap of me watching in Jr high from WM 17 til the Invasion started so it's interesting watching these for the first time.

  6. The July ppv has the HBK and Jarrett match. Go with that.

  7. Stranger in the AlpsMarch 15, 2014 at 2:41 PM

    Watching the Wrestling Classic, and it's a shame that we don't get a longer match between Steamboat and Davey Boy. Also, Paul Orndorff is the fucking man at this point.

  8. Imagine a Orfndoff these days with that gimmick.

  9. I swear Damien Sandow is Bruiser Brody reincarnated. He looks just like the guy.

  10. 3 more after that. June 7, 14, 21. The last 1 is the Razor/Kid rematch where Kid steals the bag of cash.

  11. Yeah it's making this show a lot better than I remember it. I just don't understand the subterfuge in convincing me wrestling had hot angles in 2003.

  12. Stranger in the AlpsMarch 15, 2014 at 3:13 PM

    Wrestling Classic: Tito Santana vs. Paul Orndorff. I always enjoy watching two babyfaces go at it because it always ends up in a slugfest as they both lose their cool.

  13. He just needs a killer gimmick.

    Ehh? ehh?

  14. John Cena, Eddie Edwards and Prince Albert would like a word with you.

  15. Stranger in the AlpsMarch 15, 2014 at 3:28 PM

    Parts Unknown. I think that's in Arizona.

  16. Poor Zach Ryder, man did they just shit on him storyline wise.

  17. Stranger in the AlpsMarch 15, 2014 at 3:34 PM

    Sandow would get murdered out there.

  18. Stranger in the AlpsMarch 15, 2014 at 3:39 PM

    Wrestling Classic: this broad that points at the board with the pointer. Later on, she is with Vince when they give away the Rolls Royce. He asks for her take on the giveaway. No wonder all they had her do was point.

  19. Stranger in the AlpsMarch 15, 2014 at 3:40 PM

    This giveaway segment is fucking horrible.

  20. Having suffered through a recent bout of it... yeah, it fucking sucks.

  21. Stranger in the AlpsMarch 15, 2014 at 3:43 PM

    Someone from Batavia, IL won the Rolls Royce. The greatest thing to happen to that town. I wonder if that guy still has the car.

  22. Stranger in the AlpsMarch 15, 2014 at 3:44 PM

    Sorry, dude.

  23. "Hogan made it cool to like sports entertainment."

    Oh for fuck's sake, just say wrestling you douche.

  24. Tommy Rodgers vs candido, I'm intigured

  25. I love WWE's whitewashing of Austin 3:16, in that it was an instant hit and made Austin a household name and he went on to stardom and never looked back and he was the top guy bah gawd. Instead of saying the phrase, then not doing anything of note for until NOVEMBER.

    I can't wait for years down the road, when they talk about how the YES Movement was an instant hit at Wrestlemania 28.

  26. Yeah, but I still don't get what they're doing with Raw and Smackdown. They haven't added any episodes more recent than the Rumble, and they haven't added some of the Raws they've been showing on the live feed (such as the 2001 Raw where Vince bought WCW). The rest is definitely nice, and I have Hulu so I don't really care about the more recent Raws, but I'm wondering when they're planning to add more Raws and Smackdowns, or at least add the ones they're showing on the Live Feed to on demand.

  27. Craig seager and his fucked up sports coats beg to differ

  28. Stranger in the AlpsMarch 15, 2014 at 3:52 PM

    I stand by my original statement.

  29. I'm on my 3rd ECW ppv since I got the network and I'm already fed the fuck up with the mutants

  30. Stranger in the AlpsMarch 15, 2014 at 3:53 PM

    Yeah. Wrestling Yokozuna on the Summerslam 96 pre-show has been forgotten.

  31. Candido was pretty amazing in the mid 90's, just took a suplex from inside the ring to the arena floor

  32. Is this a faction or just a nickname for everyone on the roster

  33. Stranger in the AlpsMarch 15, 2014 at 3:55 PM

    "Mutants" was the term for the ECW fanbase. They're pretty fucking ugly.

  34. Hey ken Anderson came out of there too

  35. The good one (Bengals qb), not the shit one

  36. But he wrestled HHH on the October card, that's huge isn't it?

  37. I bet they just start throwing up full years of either show

  38. Is that supposed to be a play on humanoids?

  39. Whoooooooooooooooo

  40. Gotta admit, I don't care for joey styles calling a 3 hour ppv with no color guy

  41. Its just what scott called the more annoying ECW fans. Its embarrassing seeing them do some of the shit they did

  42. Stranger in the AlpsMarch 15, 2014 at 4:01 PM

    Wrestling Classic: JYD beating Randy Savage by countout on the last match of the PPV is pretty lame. Chalk this show up as a thumbs down.

  43. Oh shit the ecw ref turned it to a tag team match. That !might be one of the first times I personally saw this done

  44. E C DUB, E C DUB, E C DUB...alright we fucking get it guys Jesus Christ

  45. Oh sweet, the Iron Man Match is coming up soon. By the way, have they ever released this match in full without the breaks for commercials?

  46. I hated the finish to that candido vs rogers into a tag team match

  47. I love how Andre is a heel at Wrestlemania 3 for having the nerve to do something so dastardly as wanting a title shot.

  48. No Mercy 1999 UK Version says there's a Hardy vs E/C ladder Match for 100K but it is not on the show at all? Did it exist or chopped from here?

  49. What was candidos original ecw theme song?

  50. It's just a degrading term that was assigned to them. Foley MIGHT have been the first one to call the ECW fans that. Those fans were pretty bloodthirsty and had a group asshole mentality. They also didn't seem like the best groomed fans.

  51. Justin credible tried hard man but he was barely fit to be a mid card ecw act

  52. I don't care what anyone thinks, I fucking love Mikey whipwreck

  53. back in black

  54. I don't even want to know what it smelt like being in the middle of a crowd of them. What is it with hardcore nerd neck beards and proper hygiene? A few months ago a comic shop opened up around me and I went in to pick up a few comics (not a huge comic fan but I've read the big ones like Watchmen and Dark Kight Rises). There were six people in there, I was in close proximity with most of them, five of them had this musky sweat smell. What the hell? Shower, soap and deodorant aren't foreign concepts.

  55. He turned on Hogan and ripped the cross off his chest. He turn on AMERICA and JESUS.

  56. Him and Cactus Jack were great together

  57. You could say that about Mick and a lot of people.

  58. I liked Mikey Whipwreck enough, it was a good gimmick in ECW. The young underdog kid, knew two offensive moves and was scared to be against these big guys but kept at it. The tag match with Foley is fantastic with Cactus having to drag Mikey back to the match.

  59. Yeah, making Credible the ECW Champ was not a smart move.

  60. So many of Hogan's friends turned on him, you gotta assume Hogan was a jerk.

  61. There was no internet full of atheists back then.

  62. Well he aligned with Heenen and ripped the cross off Hogan, that's heel moves.

  63. Wasn't that directly the result of Hogan constantly denying him or something?

  64. They waited too long to pull the trigger on RVD and the window closed.

  65. Hogan trying to piledrive Andre on the exposed concrete. What a hero.

    Jesse correctly calling him on his hypocrisy is great though.

  66. I may be misunderstanding your question, but No Mercy 99 did, in fact, have the ladder match you asked about. I have to be honest, though. I haven't a clue what the UK version of the show is. Didn't know there was one until now.


  68. YankeesHoganTripleHFanMarch 15, 2014 at 4:21 PM

    The thing about it jobber...was that when Roberts was cutting promos on Savage, and unleashed the cobra at the wedding, and having the cobra bite him, then after the cobra was banned he HIT MISS ELIZABETH. I was 12 at the time, I knew wrestling was fake, but I still honestly believed that someone was going to die in that feud. And I thought it was going to be Elizabeth when Jake had the chair behind the curtain. I kept yelling for Randy to get in front.

  69. YankeesHoganTripleHFanMarch 15, 2014 at 4:22 PM

    He ripped the man's cross off for god sakes!!! Besides why didn't Jesse ever "take that dude on?"

  70. I miss Thug Life rapper Cena, watching him like that feels really fresh and new as opposed to our current Cena.

  71. Even as top face Hogan would still do heelish things from time to time.

  72. Wasn't RVD injured and shooting a movie for a while though?

  73. Yeah. I don't remember where I read it but I remember finding it funny when it was mentioned that Hogan basically had to change nothing concerning his moveset or pacing when he went from face to heel in 96.

  74. Been watching some old ECW and I've yet to see 1 woman in the stands

  75. Hogan never denied him a shot at the title, Andre never asked until on that Piper Pit with Heenen. Andre had even been asked if he wanted to go for the title and he said "naw man, I'm good at just being a big motherfucker".

  76. Oh, I have no context for the 80s stuff.

  77. That poor poor women.

  78. I'm a Cena Heel Turn Guy, there is nothing I want to see more than heel Cena. The heat would be nuclear.

  79. I don't have the network but just happened to be watching that era of PPV's recently. I was watching them in the wrong order so man did the tag team scene seem weird. Sunny was with the Bodydonnas, then the Gunns, and even the Godwinns I think. Gunns were faces and heels and, at one point, Billy was wearing all black cuz I guess he turned on his brother.

    Suppose it's my own fault for not following them in order.

  80. Stranger in the AlpsMarch 15, 2014 at 4:33 PM

    Yup. ECW shows were one big sausage party.

  81. Of course there was the woman Bubba Ray Dudley accused of sucking black cock.

  82. Stranger in the AlpsMarch 15, 2014 at 4:34 PM

    Let me backtrack and say one big CLASSY sausage party.

  83. Stranger in the AlpsMarch 15, 2014 at 4:37 PM

    The UK No Mercy took place a week before Over the Edge 99. The main event was Steve Austin vs. The Undertaker for the WWF Championship. There is also a match for the European title between X-Pac and Shane McMahon.

  84. Neither did I until today. It was after Backlash. I figured it was just mislabeled regarding the ladder match.

  85. He sucked one he became fat though

  86. Brock and Angle in a marathon match? I can think of worse ways to waste an hour.

    This Smackdown has felt pretty much like a min-ppv.

  87. There were TWO "No Mercy" pay-per-views in 1999. One between Backlash and No Mercy that was UK exclusive (and featured something like Austin v. HHH v. Undertaker for the title) and one in October of 1999 with the Austin/HHH title match and the Hardy/Edge & Christian ladder match.

  88. And then WWF did the same thing with RVD!

  89. Yes, it's on the greatest superstars of the 21st century Blu-Ray without commercials (don't know if it appears that way on the DVD version... can't imagine it wouldn't).

  90. I wonder what happened to Hat Guy

  91. Austin, Brian Pillman and Owen Hart cutting promos on Bret Hart is why the September ppv was called MIND GAMES.

  92. For those without the network. Steamboat vs Muta in Japan 1990:

  93. It's crazy Angle has kept his head shaven since losing that hair match vs edge in 02

  94. Some people are just meant to be bald.

  95. Vince was trying to find his next Hogan.

  96. Why weren't they doing the Sting/Vader dynamic with Bret and Bam Bam Bigelo? Dude had FLAMES tattooed on his SKULL and crazy Luna as his manager. That feud would have been awesome.

  97. Beluah, sunny, and Francine were fucking smoking hot in 1997

  98. Why we never got an Angle/Benoit 60 minute iron man match is beyond me.

  99. Give me Daffney over all 3 any day of the week.

  100. "Tommy dreamer would fight for free in an abandoned warehouse for the right to raise the ecw flag!" -Joey styles

    Wow does that make tommy sound retarded

  101. Marry fuck kill
    1997 ecw
    Beluah. Francine. Tammy.

    I'm marrying tammy cuz I love blondes and I know I can keep her thin
    Fucking Francine because she's pretty
    Killing Beluah because shes a cheater

  102. I'm watching n2r 97 and there's two girls I've spotted in the entire arean

  103. 96-97 sunny might be top 3 diva ever.

  104. Eye gouges and back rakes baby

  105. One thing I'll never understand is why Heyman wouldn't put the heavyweight title on RVD ND just run with that as long as possible

  106. It should have been Shawn's to win in a walk... but they decided to make it all about Mabel and turn him into a top contender. They were trying to build up a new challenger for Diesel and it wsan't a great result.

  107. So, still watching after NWO 2000 (after a break to watch the new Veronica Mars movie this afternoon). Did they really put Too Cool and Rikishi over the Radicalz just weeks after they debuted?

  108. I'd put her at #1

  109. What the hell happened with Brakkus?

  110. Mickie James is my #1. My type to the T.

  111. This Malaysian plane thing might be the most bizarre news story I've heard in my life. How in this day in age do you lose a plane?

  112. Been watching wrestling from 9am to 4pm and still going strong. Only stopping to head over to a friends for the ufc show

  113. Sunny started out with the BodyDonnas, who won the belts and started a feud with the Godwinns, and dim-witted Phineas got a crush on Sunny. The Godwinns won the belts on a MSG house show, and Sunny followed the belts by somehow agreeing to be PIG's girlfriend. The next week, the Godwinns dropped the belts to the Gunns in a face v. face match, with Sunny turning on the Godwinns and the Gunns turning heel with Sunny as their manager -- and Sunny was now Billy's girlfriend. This was all in a two-week span. Sunny stayed with the Gunns, but they the Gunns dropped the belts in a heel v. heel match to Owen/Bulldog, and Sunny dumped the Gunns and dumped Billy. When the Gunns couldn't win the belts back in a nother heel v. heel match against Owen/Bulldog, Billy turned on Bart -- turning him face. This feud lasted until Billy "broke his neck" on a live Raw, but he was back three months later.

    The moral of the story: Sunny is a whore for tag team gold, and 1996 was not a good year for the WWF.

  114. HHH was hurt in this match and injured in the first Chamber match.... he's in a match with FIVE OTHER GUYS and can't figure out how to get the fuck out of there when he's injured to save the match from being the drizzling shits. And in a match when he's injured going in, he can't do a stop where he's pinned right away because he can't fucking work anyway.

  115. 2nd best plucky underdog face ever

  116. 2013 was pretty fucking great though. Punk/Brock and Bryan/Cena were as close to two straight ***** matches as I've ever seen on ppv.

    And you're 100% right about being conditioned not to buy it -- this was the first Summerslam I bought live since 2004.

  117. Rvd was the shit in ecw. Talk about a guy who could carry a whole ppv

  118. It might have been the best match on the show.

  119. I believe this is the first time "ECW!" chants made it onto pay-per-view.

  120. Tommy Hall is the BoD's MVP. You've been dependably posting show recaps with no drama for years! I always love reading these even if I don't comment.

  121. Austin/Michaels at WM14 is so good it's disappointing considering how great it could have been had both guys been healthy.

  122. kbwrestlingreviewsMarch 15, 2014 at 5:16 PM

    Much appreciated.

  123. By the way, what time is the Saturday Night PPV starting? I'll think I'll grace you all with my presence since my back is wrecked tonight so I'm not doing anything.

  124. Austin/Michaels is on King of the RIng 97 and both guys are healthy and it's amazing. Shit finish, though.

  125. Ah OK, so 8 Eastern. Thanks Bobby. You new here? If so welcome.

  126. This match is fantastic, I don't think I've seen it since it first aired.

  127. No, I've been here for years, just haven't been as active as I have recently.


  129. Damn rvd gets busted open super hard way by a chair... Ouch. Also I've spotted a 3rd girl in the crowd.

    This is the kind of thing my gf would love to have me go to alone. Total sausage fest, almost no girls except a few dragged by the bf or there as part of the show. I'm going to a friends to watch the ufc show and apparently have to bring my girlfriend because another guy I know who loves hookers and titty bars is going to be there so now she immediately has to go with me to make sure no extra fun is had... Lame!

  130. This is what happens when you change your avatar

  131. Best tag team ever?

  132. It's crazy to think that 2002-2010 Shawn completely shits all over the work he did prior to the back injury. Geez.

  133. Kicking rvd in the balls to counter a split legged moonsault is a pretty cool spot

  134. Yeah, I was the Austin fanboy with the Austin avatar.

  135. Man, that Mountie vignette was awesome.

  136. Beluah doing a ball shot that hits just above the side of Fonzie's knee is very considerate

  137. So the Shield are on the same page and faces now? I'm ok with that. Too bad they won't run them vs Wyatt's at Mania.

  138. Hopefully they keep The Shield together for a while longer then run a few month program with Wyatt's in the summer with the blowoff match at SummerSlam in the Cell.

  139. Ah, but you forget, they can't do a Cell match at Summerslam because they have "Cell PPV" two months later.

  140. Ah OK, yeah I think the avatar threw me off a bit as well as not seeing you around recently. Should I take back my "welcome"?

  141. Uggg, I wish they would just let these matches happen organically as a fued needs it. Not just having one at a specific PPV each year.

  142. Ah sweet No Way Out 2001 won the poll, not only a great PPV but also a show I can watch on my Xbox. When the hell are they going to fix the app on the Xbox 360 anyway?

  143. Agreed. I'm fine with the Rumble and Money in the Bank because they're once a year, special matches that aren't matches you build to with a feud. I'm even okay with Elimination Chamber because, again, with 6 guys, you're not usually going to get to that match with a natural feud anyway. But I don't like Hell in a Cell and TLC as PPVs. The shows themselves are usually fine, but they take away from storylines by forcing them into those matches, and by forcing them to not use those matches the rest of the year unless you're HHH.

  144. Watching Triple H-Cactus i the Cell, how the hell does anyone think it's a good idea to have Cactus get back body dropped through the cell into the ring? The spot looked fucking brutal.

  145. The Network is great for days like today. A Saturday where you are doing things around the house/yard. Just have The Network on in the background, take a break now and then to watch a match.

  146. I'm still wondering if I want to sit through the rest of GAB '88 and continue to watch the WCW PPV's in order or just hop on and watch all the WWF ones instead. OR BOTH in order!

  147. Wow rvd can take a pile driver dump

  148. Well the ring was rigged in that specific spot to give way and cushion the fall more. The choke slam at KOR 98 through the cell is MUCH more brutal. Although that spot wasn't planned and was more an accident.

  149. Chris Benoit super kicked Fonzie????

  150. You going to watch No Way Out 2001 with the rest of us tonight?

  151. Lol other wrestlers can just come in and count the pin fall?

  152. Carlos Colon began his career in 1967? But...but...Gorilla said he was a youngster!

  153. Youngster = 35-40 years old.

  154. I still can't go in exact order since there are a good bulk of PPVs missing but currently I'm going through the old In Your House PPVs. It's not all classic stuff but the PPVs are a good amount of fun to watch.

  155. Sabu takes out belluah and they all start stomping her??!!??!!that's extreme dude

  156. I still am not a fan of ADR, the guy just seems so boring to me.

  157. That's gonna be tough. So I'd finish up GAB then jump to Summerslam '88.

  158. Seemed like they were building to Del Rio-Ziggler at Mania...I guess not.


  160. Oh man this is gonna suck

  161. Ziggler won a match huh? I thought I felt my feet getting cold.

  162. Okay. I knew of the UK only shows like One Night Only, but I didn't know about the No Mercy double shot.

  163. I'm surprised wwe hasn't rereleased the ecw shirts yet

  164. There's PPV's missing?

    IYH shows were extremely hit or miss. They got better as the years went on. Some of them were just awful though.

  165. You can find the stuff that's been on the Live Stream but hasn't been added to On Demand yet with the search function.

  166. as you pointed out, the Sunny story really made sense. she wasn't in it for a certain team, she wanted to be with the team that was on top.

  167. It was more important to have Bam Bam feud with a prankish clown.

    WWF had just no idea how to make money off Bam Bam.

  168. Killing Beulah because she was a cheater? Didn't Tammy sleep around on Skip with everyone?

  169. He started to grow it back a couple years ago but quickly aborted

  170. Yeah but I already married her

  171. Fantastic recap. Love reading these. WCW had such a huge cast of characters and man, it wasted so many of them near the end

  172. kbwrestlingreviewsMarch 15, 2014 at 7:53 PM

    Much appreciated.

  173. Mabel winning and getting pushed COULD have worked, except...
    1. His 1st Round win over Undertaker was a tainted victory meant to further Taker/Kama's angle.
    2. Semi-Final Bye
    3. Beat a guy who was in his 4th match, and all three prior were very competitive.
    He basically won one match by himself, against a guy who's tank was running on empty.

  174. Man what a roster Dubbya had. Damn near a fantasy roster.....
    Hogan, Warrior, Piper, DDP, Goldberg, Raven, Sting, Hitman, Flair, Jericho, Savage, Hall, Nash, Booker T, Luger, Steiners, Syxx, The Horsemen, Ray Mysterio, The Giant...
    Just think about this roster for a moment. I realize some guys were way past their prime and some guys hadn't reached it just yet, but DAMN that is one thick line-up. How do you possibly screw up anything?

  175. I got to see Halloween Havoc through a free stream on the Internet at college. I enjoyed the show, and I can't wait to see what you think of it. Sure, it had one horrible match, but I figured the others made up for it.

    Sorry, 15 year spoiler alert.


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