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WWE Network Thread

With Stranger in the Alps out of town, I will post the thread today and tomorrow.

Looks like some house shows have been added (The October 1984 Toronto one is absolutely awful by the way) as well as some episodes of ECW TV and World Class.


  1. Is it true SNMEs are added?

  2. Cant' wait to watch World Class. I remember watch that on ESPN growing up, those shows were fantastic.

  3. I'm actually kind of glad I haven't signed up. I would be blowing off everything to watch wrestling all day, every day.

  4. If they ever add all of the old Mid-Atlantic and World Championship Wrestling shows, I'm done for. I'll have to ask the boss if I can just work from home every day.

  5. First match of the day - Christian/Edge v Dudleyz v Hardyz - WrestleMania 17.

  6. *sigh* I thought the Network bug for the 360 was supposed to be fixed today. At least that's what the email from WWE said a few days ago. Come on, this is getting ridiculous! I know it's Microsoft fucking up but the WWE should be all over them to fix it ASAP, not whenever Microsoft feels like it. Again, I'm not super tech savvy but it appears to be a log in problem, how hard should it be to fix the code in something like that? Maybe when they said "Monday" they meant after Raw.

  7. They added Royal Rumble '14, and I notice the crowd seems to have been edited in its chants. Smooth, WWE.

  8. I can't watch a damn thing because my proxy service has been acting up all day.

    I'm waiting for them to start adding full episodes of RAW starting from #1. When that happens I will gladly glue my ass to the couch for days on end.

  9. It's weird that they have some old Raws and they start at episode 2..

  10. Next: Sullivan/Jack v Nasty Boys, Slamboree 1994.

  11. They're not full episodes are they? From what I've seen they seem to be excerpts.

  12. Been watching wcw 95 kinda of lead up to the Nwo era boy was the dungeon of doom something terrible

  13. Are you saying you didn't like it that's not clear in your post you should try and be more specific it would help you be understood I think everyone can agree on that

  14. Why exactly do you think Microsoft is going to hop to it if wwe puts more pressure on them? You should've gone sony obvy.

  15. Over the weekend, I managed to check out the first episode of Smackdown (streamed live), Final Four (as I had previously planned to do), a September '98 episode of Raw, and NXT ArRIVAL since I couldn't catch it on Thursday.

    Overall, I was very pleased. Final Four and ArRIVAL were great, and Smackdown and Raw were interesting to revisit after 15+ years, although very much products of their time. Can't wait for more content!

  16. Yeah that post was confusing after I went back and reread it but yes the dungeon was bad in my opinion

  17. Huh, I thought so too, but then I thought maybe I just overestimated the crowds when I first watched it.

  18. Had watched all of NWA '89 so I've kept going with WrestleWar 90, and this RNR/MX match is lots of fun. Plus I always enjoy watching anything with Foley, even if it is him jobbing to Norman.

  19. So do they have the tabs to skip to each match for every VOD piece, or just select ones? On the PS3 I noticed there were instances where they were there and instances where they weren't.

  20. Nope, they're full episodes. Don't forget Raw was only 1 hour back when it started. And yeah, I found it weird too they didn't include Episode #1. Probably waiting to unveil it for another reason.

  21. I'm glad you cleared that up everybody was wondering now we can all sleep soundly didn't think that would be possible thank heavens for small favours

  22. I'm watching on my laptop. On WrestleMania 17, there were there but on Slamboree 1994, they weren't.

  23. They showed the first episode during the live stream, did they seriously take it off?

  24. Yeah, it's not there.

  25. Looks like its a work in progress. Once they break the shows into chapters, those chapters show up in the search option. They really need to cool it with the spoilers, though. Not only do spoilers suck, they cause double entries for each match when searching.

  26. You really can't call them spoilers when they're events that were already shown on TV, some 20-30 years ago.

  27. I watched Stunning Steve Austin v Ricky Steamboat from the first Bash at the Beach. What a great match. Bobby Heenan's commentary is pure gold.

  28. Have they uploaded a lot of new content yet?

  29. I'm like 90% sure that episode 1 was on there early last week.

  30. The easy fix for the Xbox is to buy an Apple TV.

  31. Fair enough, but I haven't seen every match of all time and I don't necessarily want to know the finish before I see the match.

  32. Watched Sid vs HBK from Survivor Series 1996. HBK was at his best that night, great match and I really enjoyed him getting passed off at the MSG crowd cheering Sid.

  33. I'm making my way through the old Raws, and two thoughts:

    1. How awesome was Heel Doink? His facial expressions, especially his blank faced/eye blinking look remind me Ledger's Joker 15 years early.
    2. I could honestly watch the Steiners destroy a different team of geeks every week. In their week 7 match I don't think they gave the jobbers even a sniff of offense. It was awesome.

  34. Looks like they added some raws from 93 and another episode of smackdown from 99.

  35. On WrestleWar 90, I'm enjoying a pretty good Andersons/Steiners match, however all I'm thinking is how amazing a match this would have been if Tully didn't fail that drug test right before coming back to NWA, because as good a match as this is it would be an all time classic with Tully instead of Ole.

  36. Good call, I'll definitely start watching them once my proxy works again.

  37. Long time lurker first time poster. The RAW from the night after Rumble 98 with Tyson debut was posted today also.

  38. Then my advice to you would be to not navigate through those bookmarks, then.

  39. Were you on laptop/CPU or app? I don't see RR14 on the app. Odd.

  40. Maybe you missed what I was saying: they show up under search, often before the match itself. Por exemplo, I was searching for Luna (Vachon) yesterday, and the outcome of her bra and panties match against Sable at Unforgiven was listed before the match itself. Now, I know, no big deal. But it still kind of sucked.

  41. And before anyone asks - I was searching for Luna because The Artist Formerly Known as Goldust is not a valid search term.


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