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WWE Network Thread

Slow day here so I thought I would put this up


  1. This is why we need time machines.

  2. Lowe, Keri, Brian Phillips (especially when he's writing about soccer), Lambert's reviews, and Hot Sports Takes. In fact, it's worth reading Hot Sports Takes for the people who take the bait.

  3. That's why Vince is a genius. Someone in 100 years can watch Wrestlemania 17 and know why Austin and Rock were wrestling.

  4. Watching the "Coolest Catchphrases" countdown for one simple reason: I love countdown shows. Some more WCW is also on order today.

  5. Was watching Fall Brawl 98 to show my buddy the first fake Goldberg angle, only to be super disappointed that they overdubbed Jericho's "Evenflow" knockoff with Break The Walls Down.

    Also, they're showing the RAW/Nitro simulcast on the live stream, but it's STILL not on the on demand menu?

  6. Going to take a break from the Network to watch the Red Wing/Ranger game.

  7. Need to sleep? Watch Tommy Rich vs. Cuban Assassin from Havoc '89

  8. Older Starrcades had some AWFUL matches.

  9. I think Tommy Rich is approaching Tony Garea levels for me.

  10. Stranger in the AlpsMarch 9, 2014 at 10:37 AM

    Daylight Savings Time is enough to drive someone to smash a wooden chair, make a spike, and force some chickenshit heel to say "I quit"......inside a deadly steel cage.

  11. I'm so glad they aborted the "Debra iis forced to manage Rock" part of the angle. Didn't need that.

  12. They dubbed it over with Walls? Weird, I figured they'd go with generic rock.

    By the way, Fall Brawl 98 was absolutely awful, but Raven/Saturn was a big part of actually getting me into wrestling.

  13. Is it just me or is the Live Feed not following the schedule? The schedule says Main Event replay, then WM 25, instead it showed the Raw before WM 17 and now is showing Night of Champions 2010.

    I'm not complaining mind you, I don't care about Main Event and already saw WM 25 on the Live Feed. Just wondering if the schedule is all off or if I'm looking at the wrong thing.

  14. Cole at Night of Champions: "This guy (Daniel Bryan) has no charisma! Who wants to watch this guy on Raw every week??"

  15. Lets not get carried away here

  16. Heel Cole was awful.

  17. Supposed schedule for today..I'm guessing that they had 15 minutes to fill after the RAW show so they are airing the Bryan/Miz match as filler.

    10:30am EST – Best of RAW – 3/26/2001
    12pm EST - WWE Main Event replay
    1pm EST – WrestleMania 25
    5pm EST - WWE Superstars replay
    6pm EST – WWE Main Event replay
    7pm EST - WWE NXT replay
    8pm EST – WrestleMania 26

  18. Ah, they probably didn't change it for Daylight Savings Time (since they're usually on Eastern time and it's already 12:50 here). That makes sense.

    And also a great use of their stuff if they are indeed tossing the Bryan/Miz match in as filler. Mini matches that aren't "big matches" but are significant in some way (in this case, Bryan's first title win) is a great idea.

  19. I think it's showing up in my onDemand menu on the Apple TV.

    Trying searching for someone on the show, like The Rock or Steve Austin, and see what pops up.

  20. Barnwell is awful. I like his vegas preseason bet column but he went on "momentum is a myth, I'll try and prove it with stats" tear last year that permanently turned me off.

  21. Lockdown tonight.

  22. You could try and get less shitty internet.

    I'm getting 5MBps for $50/month from my DSL and it works great.

  23. If it helps, in those old WCW ppvs a lot of the matches didn't have context.

  24. And when they go to WrestleMania 18, they'll know Edge and Booker T fought over a shampoo commercial!

  25. TheRealCitizenSnipsMarch 9, 2014 at 11:17 AM

    "I was ordering only the three biggies and that’s it: WrestleMania, SummerSlam and Money in the Bank (the Masters, U.S. Open and British Open of wrestling)."


  26. With good reason. a) He's probably not even in ring shape anymore since he's just been hanging out since he left, and b) there isn't any money to be made with him anymore since taking him out of that ECW title tournament just before the PPV killed his heat dead.

  27. Well, it's nice Shoemaker acknowledges "some" saying he's a WWE homer. Progress!

  28. Melodramatic Randy MarshMarch 9, 2014 at 12:31 PM

    "Damn it, it's never off the table..."

  29. They're talking about the errors, but nobody is actually saying what they are...

  30. Yea, some of it was petty, but the Furnas and Lafon thing was bad

  31. "Summerslam" sucks more often than not over the last ten years.

  32. DESCRIBE WHAT PAUL LEVESQUE LOOKS LIKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  33. He was like that for the Boston Globe. Wildly inconsistent

  34. It was awesome last year...which I got to see live.

  35. I knew a guy with this user name on a Jim Rome message board...hmmmmmmm


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