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WWE Planning on a Second Tribute to the Ultimate Warrior

The WWE is working on a special that they plan to air on the WWE Network this Wednesday called "Warrior: The Ultimate Legend."


WWE Helping out the Ultimate Warrior's Family?

TMZ reports that a few WWE employees are assisting the Warrior's wife, Dana, with tasks such as grocery shopping, so she can focus on being with her daughters

Wade Barrett's Hall of Fame Speech Unplanned?

According to Bryan Alvarez, sources told him that no one in the company knew that he was going to do a speech that "jokingly buried everyone" but everyone in the company loved the speech anyway.

Credit Bryan Alvarez, Figure Four Weekly Newsletter

Former WWE Diva Back With the Company?

Victoria, who was at the Hall of Fame Ceremony, is apparently back with the company. He role is unknown at the moment but its most likely that she will be a trainer. The WWE is planning on having a Women's Tryout Camp in June and there is speculation that she is being brought in for that.

Credit Bryan Alvarez, Figure Four Weekly Newsletter

WrestleMania Box Score?

Someone posted on Deadspin a "box score" compiled of various moves and stuff like entrance lengths

Kayfabe Commentaries Filming Newest Installment of the "Breaking Kayfabe" Series

The subject will be Shane Douglas. The release date as not been announced


  1. That sounded like quite the good news for Wade.

  2. that box score is fantastic.

  3. Wrestling really is a bizarre world. If you would have told me 10 years ago that Brock Lesnar would be breaking The Streak, the new age Outlaws would be in a WM match and WWE would be producing Warrior tribute shows I would have shaken my head.

  4. Judging by the times, Undertaker's entrance could have been a nice bathroom break.

  5. Wade Barrett should be bigger than he actually is. He's such a good heel when he's allowed to be.

  6. Plus he finally has a gimmick that seems to work for him well.

  7. They're fucking missing the boat. Put him in the Authority and have him announce legitimate stuff that will piss off the crowd.

    "I've got some BAD NEWS, Daniel Bryan will not be here tonight and your main event will be Randy Orton vs Kane! "

  8. It's a testament to Wade's charisma that he is making a WTF gimmick like Bad News Barrett work so well.

  9. WWE missed the boat at this year's Royal Rumble when everybody wanted Daniel Bryan to be #30. They should have used Wade Barrett to that spot: "I know everybody was expecting Daniel Bryan to be the last entrant, but I got some bad news..."

  10. How about Bryan Danielson as the undisputed world champ and the biggest wrestling star in the world right now?

  11. Best idea I've ever seen on this blog, credit goes to Marv Cresto, was to have Barrett sitting at ringside during the Rumble.

    After each elimination hed go up to the guy eliminated and say "I've got some bad news, you are NOT going to Wrestlemania."

  12. He's always been good on the mic, even as leader of Nexus. In ring, he isn't too bad but can improve.

  13. He honed that gimmick for months on the JBL and Cole Show before he debuted it on the regular shows. He really gets into that gimmick and he makes it work. I could see him turning face with that gimmick, just make him the lovable grump and the fans would eat it up. Cody Rhodes is playing the egotistic man-child on that show to the hilt. That could be a basis of a character revamp for him.
    Maybe they should start using the webshows as a way of revamping some of the stale characters on the main roster.

  14. It comes off way better on the JBL and Cole Show because it's not sophomoric Jerry Lawleresque quips.

  15. That could get old REALLY fast.

  16. It would get funnier and funnier. Pay ot off by like having a babyface just beat the shit outta him after he's eliminated

  17. Ok, that's a good scenario.

  18. The JBL and Cole Show is just a fun show period. Yeah it is silly but it's an enjoyable way to spend five minutes.

  19. This would be incredibly unlikely had it been a scenario brought up in 2004. I'm glad to eat my words because I was one of those "he couldn't make it in WWE as more than a CW Jobber."

  20. His podium would be towering at the beginning, but as the match goes on, it gets lower and lower with each elimination, leading to the scenario you stated.

  21. Yeah, Barrett seems very entertaining on it.

  22. It was for me!

  23. Bayless are we having a PPV watch tn at 8?

  24. yup. Key is knowing when to pull the trigger before the joke gets too old, and having the right guy do it. Could be a fun way to launch a feud.

  25. I love that idea. It's a variation of when Howard Finkle (or whoever was the ring announcer at the time) used to announce "__________ HAS BEEN ELIMINATED!"

  26. Have this Womens tryout camp be like the Japanese womens dojo's with Sara Del Ray and Victoria stiffing all of the models with no ring ecperience WWE likes to bring. Would be glorious

  27. WWE would be left with nothing but Bull Nakano's.

  28. If we are, I vote either a Royal Rumble PPV or a show with a War Games bout.

  29. Austin said the same thing on his podcast as well as plenty of other people. Would've been hilarious.

  30. Most of his biggest fans thought the WWE would eat him alive.

  31. It'd only be glorious if they made a series out of it.

  32. Or raw in Chicago.

    *Cult of Personality hits*

    *Crowd goes ape shit*

    Barret: I'm afraid I have some BAD NEWS

  33. Here's an alarming stat from the box score website: The number of unsuccessful pins each wrestler had was either 1 or 2 (except for Orton who had 0 and Wyatt who had 5). That means that each match had only 5 total pin attempts or less (other than Cena-Wyatt which had 7).

    The problem with this is that when no one goes for a pin attempt, it makes the matches seem less realistic. Of course WWE isn't doing themselves any favors by having every match end only on a finishing move, but I really miss the days when any match, even a title match, could end at any time via a small package or a sunset flip.

  34. That would have been borderline dangerous. Like "Puerto Rico riot" levels. I'm glad they handled it the way they did with Heyman.

  35. His stats also aren't perfect.

    He has Bryan listed as not hitting a finisher in the main event.

    Running knee+Batista tapping=2 finishers so...

  36. Didn't Heyman enter to Cult of Personality? I don't think having Barrett do it would've caused a worse reaction.

  37. Wow, this is new levels of "Taking all the fun out of wrestling".

  38. I don't even nessesarly dissagree with his premise that more covers or ending matches more creativly are bad.

    He just sounds so depressing taking it this seriously

  39. Yeah, but Heyman (especially as a heel) can get away with something like that. Barrett... is risky, with a still "sort of new" character.

  40. Yes, but because Heyman had a link to CM Punk, plus he handled it quite respectfully, I think it worked. Barrett doing it would have just be rubbing it in.

  41. I'm not taking it seriously. Just an observation that pinfalls don't matter as much as they used to and that there's very little suspense left in matches because you KNOW a match won't end unless someone hits their finisher.

  42. Who ever got a boner watching Bull Nakano?

  43. He's big, charismatic and good in the ring. I don't see why they haven't done more with him, he seems to tick all the boxes.


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