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BoD Daily Update

WWE Already Planning Top Match at SummerSlam 

Roman Reigns vs. HHH is on the books for SummerSlam, not WrestleMania XXXI. I apologize for the error from Friday night. 

Credit Bryan Alvarez,

Samoa Joe Update

Joe is currently on leave deal with a "personal situation." He is not injured and did not suffer a concussion

Credit Mike Johnson,

WWE Star Injured Last Night

Darren Young was injured last night working a match against Fandango in Hidalgo, TX. It is believed that he suffered a sprained ankle. 

Credit Dave Meltzer,

Highspots Releases Shoot Interview with Mickie James

Below is a link to the trailer. 


  1. (Joe is currently on leave deal with a "personal situation." He is not injured and did not suffer a concussion)

    HE'S FAT!

  2. Darren Young and Fandango, 2 guys with failed pushes.

  3. Needs to try the blow away diet.

  4. He needs to quit and form a new company with Punk. Or both of them could just buy controlling interest in Ring of Honor and make it a legit #2 to WWE in the way that TNA should have been.

  5. He is at a fat camp

  6. Do you mean Scott Steiner 'he's fat' Joe or 'Joe is actually fat?' Joe? Or the rapper Fat Joe?

  7. There will never be a legitimate number two

  8. He makes me look like HHH

  9. HHH/Reigns could be fucking fantastic

  10. Translation: "We saw Roman Reigns spear HHH on Raw just like all of you guys did, so we are speculating that they will fight at some point between Extreme Rules and Wrestlemania 31. "

  11. That's not true. They get pushed around or pushed out of the way all the time!

  12. I still don't get the point of splitting Young and Titus. They were a solid tag team that could work face or heel. It's good sometimes to have tweener acts like that. Now we have Jobber Young and Titus working singles on Superstars.

  13. Fat camp is just a place for fat people to meet up and exchange recipes.

  14. Yep, it helped him in his big WWF return in 1997... and late 1997... ... and early 1998... and mid 1998... and late 1998.... and 1999...

  15. ...and then you wrap the waffle around a stick of butter."

  16. "Do you like bacon? Add that to everything!"

  17. Well they really haven't tried to push Darren as a singles guy yet. But I don't see it working out well if they did since he has the personality of a brick. Titus at least has charisma.

  18. Mr. Personality Jack Swagger keeps finding pushes. All Young needs is a mouth piece... and 6 more inches.

  19. What confuses me is that Titus got the big singles push, not Young. Young, after all, was the one that made all the headlines last year coming out of the closet. You'd think they'd reward him for all that positive PR.

  20. Young is 6'1'' so I really don't want to know where the extra 6 inches go.

  21. Just keeping him employed is enough for now.

  22. He seems much shorter, but maybe that's from being next to Titus O'Neil all the time.

  23. I believe Young is quite used to having 6 inches and a piece in his mouth.

  24. I think the story was that Titus asked McMahon for his single push. That's why he got it.

  25. Not much of a push. Beating Dolph and Kofi on Superstars, then jobbing in 2-minutes to Big Show on Raw.

  26. He's not fat, he's big boned!

  27. Its weird that WWE never acknowledged on air that Young came out and all the mainstream media attention he got because of it. Usually whenever anyone gets the slightest bit of mainstream attention WWE hypes it makes video packages about it, etc.

  28. All Young needs is for John Cena to fall asleep on a tanning bed for about a month, then they can run two house show tours with John Cena on top of both of them.

  29. Which is fine, but to completely toss Young to the wolves after all the news he made for them seemed strange. Not even giving him the chance was strange.

  30. Fun fact: In the first NXT season, Daniel Bryan started at something like 0 wins and 9 losses, while I believe Darren Young had the best record, around 6-1, including a win over Luke Gallows. Strange how things worked out!

  31. They were trying to woo Warrior into the Hall of Fame at the time.

  32. Worthy of a repost:

    In Lawrence Taylors autobiography, he claims he spent his ENTIRE WM paycheck on crack

  33. That's the strangest euphemism for sex I've ever heard. Good work.

  34. I doubt it. Half had to go to prostitutes.

  35. Kind of contrasts Arquette's entire paycheck going to charity... Different strokes for different folks I guess...

  36. Would that be considered a "Fun" Fact?

  37. 14 year old girls need to pay for things also!

  38. Abortions from being impregnated by LT?

  39. What I always found weird is that Warrior's big comeback match in Spain was against.... Orlando Jordan... I'm kind of surprised he had no problem with that.

  40. If Fandango hasn't been relegated to the Santino/Khali/Emma comedy tier already, he probably soon will be.

  41. If Triple H keeps up on the fantastic roll he's been having this past month, it could be a MOTY candidate.

  42. LTs old school. He prefers coat hangers and shop vacs

  43. Its' been a good decade since this was a hot topic, but wasn't Warrior's stance just "I disagree with homosexuality" not "I hate everyone that's gay"?

  44. Reigns in solo action is far from ready for MOTY potentials.

  45. But the last 3 months and WM 30 don't matter. Only WM 19 matters, you silly goose!!

  46. Well, there's also butt crack to consider.

  47. I think the guy was getting seriously out of shape (not just with his waist line, but his conditioning seemed shot aswell) around 2009-10, but he's worked hard to at least look healthy again

  48. That it Bayless... YOU'RE FIRED!!!!!!

  49. Reigns hasn't a good singles match with anyone other than Bryan

  50. I have seen zero evidence to back that statement up.

  51. 1) HHH just put out a 4.5 star match a week ago
    2) they have 4 months to get Reigns ready for his first top level singles match
    3) it won't be 5 stars but it could be a good big man match
    4) the build will obviously be the authority vs the shield. How would that NOT be good?


    So not only is it everyone that's gay, it's anyone that acts gay.

  53. I'm glad they haven't mentioned it to be honest, it's easy to make a mockery out of that kind of thing

  54. Summerslam might be far enough away, but they're going to have to really have learned from the past 4 months to pay attention to how the crowd's are reacting for the mega Reigns push. They need to really make the audience feel like they are dictating someone's push now, otherwise they're gonna get booed out of the building b/c that's what's fun for the crowd now, to paraphrase a bit from Steve Austin. As of right now, everyone knows SuperReigns is what Vince & COOHHH want and they're not taking the bait like they were last year.

  55. So funny. You just kill it every day here.

  56. Looks like DDP just got another customer!

  57. He probably spent it all on crack, then gave the crack to prostitutes.

  58. TJ: Botchamania 249 is up. The music choice is a little disappointing to me but since every person ever likes Link to the Past I'm sure its adequate.

  59. Still bitter about life in general I see. Perk up! The world really isn't that bad of a place.

  60. I loved Zelda 2 as a kid, and finally played Zelda 1 about 10 years ago... But I am just too intimidated by "Link to the past" to try it. Just seems to huge and time consuming.

  61. Damn...

    Reading that made me a little queezy...

    How can there be people who read that shit and just nod-along.

  62. No way man. It's worth it and great in bite-sized chunks. I bought it a few years ago and it was a great! I lost my save RIGHT after I got to the dark world, but I'm going to revisit it after I beat Full Throttle.

  63. This guy gets it.

  64. Huge I can get....but time consuming? Isn't Zelda 2 one of those Nintendo platformers that require a million tries to learn to beat because !@@#%!$@#$@#$ing difficulty?

  65. I stopped read at "time consuming". Every Zelda game for the most part is worth the time it consumes.

  66. That 4.5 star match was against Daniel Bryan.

    Triple H can't carry people to good matches. It's been a proven fact.

  67. Who will replace me

  68. Fandango's reign of terror continues!

    Have Brock Lesnar throw him around like a ragdoll for a few minutes. That'll learn him!

  69. He washes himself with a rag on a stick.

  70. Paging Mr. Hall, paging Mr. Hall.

  71. It would be quite funny if the crowd starts chanting for Rollins or Ambrose when there's a big HHH/Reigns confrontation. I like Reigns, though.

  72. I like him as well.

  73. Same here, the way they have presented him makes him feel like just a regular guy.

  74. TJ: listening to a Kevin Kelly p2b pod and he claims Austin was scheduled to turn heel in 2000 if he didn't get hurt as opposed to 2001 at WM?

    Has anyone ever heard this before?

  75. Orlando's bi. Unlike gay people, bi people make the world work.

  76. I definitely also like him, it just makes me nervous to see this drive to get him over is still in full gear when the crowd has clearly caught on and is not playing along. It's going to be a real test to see if they actually learned anything from Bryan, or if he was just another bandaid.

  77. How dare you make fun of the HHHaters. That's a sacred topic!!!!

  78. Trips a surprisingly decent match with Khali (probably Khali's best non-Cena match, for what it's worth) at SummerSlam 2008. And while you may not consider it a carry-job, he had an excellent HIAC match with Batista back in 2005, when Batista had never had a good singles match (and wouldn't have another until WrestleMania 23 against 'Taker).

  79. As long as they keep it short, I agree. Make it no-DQ, give them 10-15 minutes, make it heavy on the power moves (even though Trips has never worked that style despite his size), and they could go ***1/2 IMO.

  80. Even seven years later, seeing the words "personal situation" in regards to a wrestler makes me cringe.

  81. Boggles my mind. But pro wrestling does kind of encourage that mentality, so it's not like he's isolating all that many people by saying it. Many defensive fanboys on the Deadspin article...and pretty much anywhere else anyone mentions anything remotely negative.

  82. Yeah, I'm with you. It would play into the idea that Brock is only in it for the money. The old "I don't need you" thing is a timeless device for getting a guy away from his manager.

    It was Paul that turned on Brock. He "doubted" Brock could beat Big Show at Survivor Series '02 leading up to the PPV. Then he pulled the ref after Brock F5'd Big Show and cost him his first loss (and the title). Show carried the belt about a month and dropped it to Angle to set up the Kurt-Brock WM19 match. The classic "transitional champion"

  83. I meant a character based on Magnum PI, but in the present day, mustache and all. =)

  84. Lance Armstrong made the same bet in 1996, he said "this Stone Cold guy won't amount to shit."


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