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BoD Easter Thread

Thought I would post this for everyone today who had nothing going on today (like myself) and wanted to post about sports, wrestling, or whatever they want.


  1. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryApril 20, 2014 at 11:27 AM

    She doesn't have a cell phone. It's 2014, what the fuck?

  2. It's a Tigers/Red Wings/pizza day for me.

  3. totally agree... its a big breaking point... just stops the whole shoot dead

  4. Just had my lunch now.

  5. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryApril 20, 2014 at 11:32 AM

    Again, fuck the Red Wings.

  6. If it makes you feel any better, I'm far more of a baseball, football and MMA guy than a hockey guy,

  7. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryApril 20, 2014 at 11:33 AM

    So did we do the 4/7 falls match last night? I was, to say, rather intoxicated and don't remember.

  8. Mister_E_Studd_Got100ProblemsApril 20, 2014 at 11:33 AM

    Fuck even I have a cell phone since 2012 and I was the last person that anyone knew who didn't have one.

    1998 clamshell model.

  9. Weaseled my way out of seeing my extended family today because my girlfriend has a lot of work to do and they didn't want me to leave her alone today, as she's so close to law school graduation.

    So instead, I have a full day of video games and WWE Network watching ahead of me (after the Yankees-Rays game, of course).

  10. If you two did, it was a house show. Wasted match, if you ask me.

  11. Mister_E_Studd_Got100ProblemsApril 20, 2014 at 11:34 AM

    I wonder if you're related to my Wife...

  12. Mister_E_Studd_Got100ProblemsApril 20, 2014 at 11:34 AM

    Needs more "sweathogs"

  13. I don't have one, have no use or need for one in all honesty.

  14. I celebrate the resurrection of Christ by watching sweaty men play fight in trunks on the wwe network, by watching tall guys shoot balls into a hoop, and by sipping on some Stoli

    Good times

  15. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryApril 20, 2014 at 11:35 AM

    The Red Wings are my least favorite team in all of sports. And Drew Margary put it best: "You don't see leagues expanding to Atlantis, right? Stop playing sports in an ancient ruin, it's fucking creepy".

  16. Bayless not posted.

  17. Go Spurs. Though I like both teams.

  18. Just got the Punk route, "I am God!"

  19. I'd watch a team from Atlantis.

  20. You got no beef with me considering I could take or leave hockey. Now you start mouthing off about the Tigers and THERE WILL BE A PROBLEM.

    Or pizza. If you don't like pizza we can't be friends.

  21. Just wear a nice shirt and you'll be good to go.

  22. Detriot Red Wing fans are the most insufferable bastards I've ever talked to. I cannot even talk on ESPN with these people.

  23. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryApril 20, 2014 at 11:38 AM

    Like kbjone just said, it would be a waste to do it at some random house show, especially with BofD Extreme Rules coming up. 4 out of 7 might be a bit much though, this isn't a ROH show, it shouldn't last 5 hours.

    So how you been, kid?

  24. 4/20 and Easter? I guess one could say that this is a...


    I'll be here all week

  25. Just had my easter lunch and reading Engels The situation of the working class.

  26. Last time I went to a church it was for my cousin's baptism.

  27. Interesting discussion I had with a huge hoops head over lunch today...would you trade LBJ or any 2 players in the nba....Durant and love? Durant and cp3? I'm not sure I would

  28. You're such a nerd. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go find the new Snoopy Hot Wheel.

  29. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryApril 20, 2014 at 11:41 AM

    I can make a chicken finger pizza that will blow your fucking mind.

    I just like talking shit about Detroit because I'm from Buffalo, and they're the only city in the U.S. that lower than us. Well, there's Baltimore and Rochester, but no fucking one is going to admit they're from either of those places.

  30. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryApril 20, 2014 at 11:44 AM

    I'm just chilling, doing my 4/20 thing and playing F1 on the 360. I'm just glad Lent is over, the last 6 weeks have been hell, mentally and physically, if I never see a piece of haddock again...

    I'm just resting. Just saw my niece, and of course she's talking mad shit.

  31. Speaking as someone born and raised in Cereal City Battle Creek (points to self 3 times), I'd like to think most of us like our teams but hate the city. How that abomination of a place is still operating is beyond me. Not sure how actual Detroit residents feel about it, but they're all out stabbing people right now.

  32. Gonna chill out after this,take a nap or watch something on tv,I'm going back to college thrusday.

  33. So, at work this week, I'm down one reporter (new one starts on Wednesday) and have a big issue coming out this week. One of my reporters texted me yesterday, asking to take a day off on Monday, because "something SUPER important came up" and she REALLY NEEDS to take the day.

    I told her no. She has three stories for this special issue, she promised to send me one before Monday. I told her no. If she wanted the day, I needed two stories, at the minimum. She complained that it was Easter weekend, and she didn't want to work when she could be spending time with family, and asked that I be understanding and give her the day.

    This girl is constantly taking days off at the worst possible times, causing her coworkers to have to do more work to make up for her not being there. Further, she has taken more than 12 days off since September and is pretty much out of paid vacation days, but she wants mercy and to be paid for not coming in tomorrow.

    I think I'm going to have to fire her tomorrow. It's a shame, too, because she's freaking hot and very easy on the eyes. Too bad she's more trouble than she's worth.

    Last time I fired someone, day after Thanksgiving in 2012. Holidays are rough.

  34. You're in college right...the alternative is that you're a socialist

  35. How old is she?

  36. She's turning 24 next Monday. Oh, and if I fire her, it'll be a week before her birthday...

  37. Is part of my reading Cronogram for sociology class,gonna try read Adam Smith later.

  38. Damn,there is a rivalry in there,Left wing and right wing just a bunch of idiots acting likes primadonnas.

  39. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryApril 20, 2014 at 11:50 AM

    Buffalo is actually pretty nice, though I'll admit that I only venture into the city proper when I go fishing. Still, the weather isn't nearly as bad as people say and it's insanely cheap to live here.

    Bayless' quote from the BofD Rumble was hilarious: "#25 is Adam Curry, who is from the Buffalo, NY area. No need to insult anyone if that is the case because living in Buffalo is insulting enough."

  40. What I figured. She sounded young. If she was older with a family I'd cut her some more slack but some one older probably wouldn't have be take that many pto days already

  41. Best part is, she's spent the better part of the last 6 months - after she was given a raise - complaining that she doesn't make enough money and uses that as an excuse every time she does something she knows won't fly in an office setting.

    I'm actually looking forward to it, I've been looking for an excuse to fire her for months now.

  42. Magoonie NOT Teddy BelmontApril 20, 2014 at 11:53 AM

    Farva, not to be a pest (sorry) but any idea if you'll be in town for Battleground? The reason I'm asking is, pre sale ends in a few days and I figured we could try getting seats together. If not that's cool. Hey, I'll bring my emotionally unstable girlfriend with trust issues to pawn off on you (no I haven't broken up with her yet).

  43. Magoonie NOT Teddy BelmontApril 20, 2014 at 11:54 AM

    Also Hitlers birthday, so you could say its a HoloCaustDay.

  44. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryApril 20, 2014 at 11:54 AM

    I'm off today because of the holiday, but I'm working a 12 hour shift tomorrow, the usual easy 7 hour deal Tuesday, then I got Wednesday off and I do back-to-back 12 hours on Thursday and Friday. These other douchebags don't want to get shit done and I'm trying to get that money. You want to make sure shit's done right, do it yourself.

  45. What will be worse, Trump buying the Bills or the team moving to Canada?

  46. Can't a coach call a time out and tell his players "penalties - don't do it!" ?

  47. At the very least, you should suggest a threesome with the roommate. I feel like, at the very least, she owes you THAT much.


  49. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryApril 20, 2014 at 11:56 AM

    Trump buying them, because moving to Canada isn't an option. They might move to L.A. or something, but they're not going to Toronto.

    Oh, and GO NINERS!

  50. What was the score yesterday,17-1?

  51. Not being a pest. I'm like 60% sure I won't be here...gotta visit the parents. Go ahead and get seats if you want. If i do end up going I'll grab some tix and we can meet up for a drink or something afterwards.

  52. Nothing is worse than moving to Canada.

  53. Magoonie NOT Teddy BelmontApril 20, 2014 at 11:57 AM

    I went over there last night and the roommate (who is normally friendly and talks to me) only said two words to me and wouldn't make eye contact. I don't know what happened, if it's her own doing or my girlfriend talked to her or something.

  54. So what happened? Did you and the gf talk about it?

  55. That's probably not a good sign. Based completely on every sitcom I've ever seen.

  56. It seems like you're conflicted and don't want to have to do it, but she sounds like a prime candidate to be fired. She's basically saying she doesn't want to do her job, and if she has to she'll do 1/3 of her job.

    Have you talked to her about it? If it hasn't be addressed, maybe give her a firm "this shit doesn't fly in the real world" talk, but if it has and she's pulling this type of shit it didn't sink in.

  57. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryApril 20, 2014 at 11:58 AM

    I would say that spending the night in jail in Toronto and then getting kicked out of Canada was worse than moving there, but that's just one man's experience.

  58. That's the plan, Doc.

  59. Excuse me, no. It was 16 to 1.

    So there!

  60. I'm sorry, but when they ran the shortstop being put on the mound on Sportscentre is laughed my ass off

  61. Just do this

  62. What do the rest of your staff think of her? Is she a cancer in the bullpen?

  63. Oh, I've had discussions with her about it a few times. We're well beyond the point of no return, I think. If she comes in tomorrow, does her work and gets the job done, she'll live to work another day.

    I have a feeling it won't go down that way, though.

  64. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryApril 20, 2014 at 12:01 PM

    I work with a chick like that. Love her to death though, fortunately the front of the house isn't my concern.

  65. if he was in shape or in his prime, could raven be a heyman guy?

    or would it be too close to wyatt?

  66. Would she sleep with you to save her job?

  67. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryApril 20, 2014 at 12:03 PM

    I said "fuck it" when it was like 11-1 and went home.

  68. Magoonie NOT Teddy BelmontApril 20, 2014 at 12:03 PM

    Yeah, we had a talk about it, about how now I don't think she can trust me and how sorry she is but thought it would be a good idea to test me after what happened to her. I told her I don't need to be tested and that's not how a relathionship should work. She tried rationalizing her actions which pissed me off. I started yelling a bit. She started crying. And I....folded.

  69. They're kind of passive about it. They dislike how she takes advantage of things and then complains about how she deserves more, but they don't have the personalities to tell her to shove it.

    I DO have the personality to tell her to shove it, but being management, I have to keep a level of professionalism. I don't think the others would shed too much of a tear (except for having to make up the work she bailed on).

  70. It was not at all a good game last night (or Friday night, honestly, blowing a 4-0 lead). Hoping they rebound today.

  71. Nope. She's also high and mighty about people cheating on their girlfriends.

  72. Magoonie NOT Teddy BelmontApril 20, 2014 at 12:05 PM

    You aren't far off man. Talking with her Saturday she told me she got this whole idea from a fucking tv show. What the fuck?

  73. Oof. Well, good for you for saying something to her about it. At least she knows how you feel about it.

    Hopefully she knocks the stupidity off now.

  74. He wouldn't fit in the Heyman look,Raven works best as cult like leader.

  75. It's too close to Bray Wyatt. Although, you could have probably incorporated him into the family somehow.

  76. Yeah, fire her. It says a lot about her maturity that she thinks she doesn't have to do her work because something "super important" came up. A big issue and short-staffed and she's pulling that now? Yeah, done. If nothing else she probably needs the learning experience.

  77. On the surface it seems weird but those guys are both so talented they would have figured out a dynamic that worked

  78. I went to school with a girl like that - she wasn't as pretty or likeable as she thought she was.

  79. Raven vs Wyatt would be a dream feud,the promo at least would be awesome.

  80. Good luck man. Maybe she is genuinely sorry and just needed to be called out on her trust issues/game playing to recognize it was a problem. I'd just keep an eye out for any other potential signs of crazy

  81. Definitely well-drawn, but it got too bogged down in its own continuity after, like, the sixth or seventh issue. I honestly think the last great Loeb story was Dark Victory, the sequel to Long Halloween.

  82. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryApril 20, 2014 at 12:13 PM

    No, this girl is really pretty and likable, and really good at her job. She just calls off way too often and is always asking for days off. And it's not like she works mad hours or anything, she's there only 3 days a week.

  83. There's no one to root for in that feud, because they're both sociopaths. The promos may be good, but the story would be problematic, I think.

  84. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryApril 20, 2014 at 12:15 PM

    Tip the veal and be sure to try your waitress.

  85. Jesus, I was joking. No offense, but it makes me a little sad for her that she would put into practice something she saw on TV. I wonder how many people 4-5 decades ago saw some hair-brained scheme on "I Love Lucy" and thought, "Let me try that."

  86. Magoonie NOT Teddy BelmontApril 20, 2014 at 12:16 PM

    For some reason I find the generation below us (if you are over 30) just doesn't have the same work ethic. Hell the same. Can be said about our generation but it seems to have gotten worse.

  87. I can see Raven playing the anti-hero role,being the loner trying to prove he's the Psycho.

  88. Fun Raven/Heyman fact: Heyman said on Austins pod that EVERYTHING Raven ever said in an ECW promo was what a sympathetic babyface promo would sound like.

    "I want to be loved."
    "I grew up with a dysfunctional family"
    "I just want to be accepted"

    He said it was strictly his delivery and actions that actually made him a heel. That's true for some heels but I never thought about that for Raven. Guess it's true

  89. It was okay.I was still catholic at the time.

  90. How many guys use insane Barmey Stinson schemes to try and pick up women?

  91. Now we need to know which show.

  92. I would hope that not that many guys would have that kind of access to the kind of costumes he has. Honestly, it can't be that comfortable going to a bar in a SCUBA suit.

  93. It's technology I tell ya.

  94. Raven could be sympathetic at times.

  95. He can and has cut good promos but the wwe had him doing some really really pandering promos that cena would have gotten killed over. IMO the verdict is still out on his mic skills.

  96. Oh, I absolutely agree with you. There's also a sense of entitlement I see that drives me crazy. Just because you exist doesn't mean you don't have to follow the rules.

  97. Raven is just awesome,they could've made a comic books series about his background and would work.He's truly a 3 dimensional character.

  98. Yeah, but he did his best work as the guy drawing heat.

  99. And he accepts continuity.

  100. Until he got to WWE and his character was "He used to be in ECW so he hits people with trash cans and shit"

  101. Just look at the crucifixion angle.

  102. WCW didn't help him a whole lot, either.

  103. Yeah,he was the best thing on ECW history.

  104. Accepts continuity? My type of guy then.

  105. I love Stevie Richards telling the story on the Rise and Fall doc. "This is fucked up" is probably putting it mildly.

  106. I speak not of your office specifically, bit employment in general.

    My parents speak of how, in their era, they felt valued by their employer. Workers were respected by the establishment--and they WANTED to do good work for the company. They were loyal.

    Today's youth feela perpetually screwed by companies. Not a circumstance that breads loyalty

    It's a complex socail shift, and I just felt like adding 2-cents

  107. Just book the feud with Psychos trying to be the one,Wyatt can play the "face" of the feud since the crowd loves him.

  108. But are they being screwed by their employees? Or do they just feel screwed because sometimes work sucks?

  109. They acknowlegde the Stevie/Raven background.

  110. Magoonie NOT Teddy BelmontApril 20, 2014 at 12:23 PM

    I was hoping for a Glengary Glenn Ross clip. I was dissapointed. Now Farva, will you go to lunch? Go to lunch! Go to lunch!

  111. That's what happens when you tell every city that you're here.

  112. I see that point of view, too. Which is why I'm constantly trying to show my appreciation when it's warranted. I have little say to their pay, other than suggested raises and being ignored. So instead, I get coffee for them, buy pizzas for lunch, etc.

  113. I own the playbook.

    You can prepare some of them in like 15 seconds

  114. They actually published one? That's awesome.

  115. There are less well paying jobs these days so employers have the upper hand. Employees are made to feel like they should be appreciative of having a job even if it sucks.

  116. Magoonie NOT Teddy BelmontApril 20, 2014 at 12:25 PM

    That's cool, just wanted to double check. I'll probably get a ticket in the camera section just above the floor level. Should be fun.

  117. And the blow off needs to be a street fight.

  118. At least in WCW he cut promos and had video packages. Although I don't think anyone in WCW really got them.

  119. They choose Goldberg instead of Raven,go figure.

  120. Magoonie NOT Teddy BelmontApril 20, 2014 at 12:27 PM

    Oh I am. I will say it wierds me out a bit that she's breaking down into tears a bunch over a "relathionship" that's been basically just having fun for the past few months.

  121. I think they are.

    Labour used to be held at a much higher value in society.

  122. Ravens Clockwork Orange match.

  123. Never seen it.

  124. Published the bro code too.

  125. I noticed that the 90's had way less cool theme songs than in the 70's & 80's.

  126. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryApril 20, 2014 at 12:28 PM

    Agreed. I'm 32, and I've called off from work 4 times in the lat 10 years. Once because my father died, once because he had a stroke, once because I broke my foot in a fight with my brother, and once because I had to go to court. I won't tolerate that shit people, I always make sure I'm at work and on time, I expect the same from everyone else.

  127. She probably has an addictive personality when it comes to people. Gets attached really quick. Be on the lookout for any wedding magazines and/or videos.

  128. It was a TNA match where half of the ring had a cage wall full of weapons.

  129. Mister_E_Studd_Got100ProblemsApril 20, 2014 at 12:30 PM

    I think that there is definitely some truth to this. A lot of younger kids seem to have a real sense of entitlement, and ideas that they deserve a lot of wiggle room in schedules and vacations in particular.

    But at the same time, there has been a shift on the other end that employing someone is almost a favour by the company to the individual, rather than a fair exchange of labour and talent for wages and benefits.

  130. 34 and, outside of a vacation to see my niece get baptized, since I took the job here 2 and a half years ago, I've taken two days off, once for my grandmother's funeral and another was a half day to attend the funeral for my photographer. I was sick as a dog at the funeral and decided to go home afterwards.

  131. I could talk about how awesome Raven was all day.He,Taker and Jericho are my favorites.

  132. My favorites are ones that look good executing moves as they do selling them, like Cross, Styles, and Daniels.

  133. It's all CM punks fault!!

  134. Raven as the Higher Power: Second greatest idea ever (Roberts is still #1), or floppy failure?

  135. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryApril 20, 2014 at 12:37 PM

    Don't get me wrong, I've taken days off, but I always made sure someone was there to cover me. People calling off just infuriates me though. I mean, if you have a legit reason then fine, but there's some people that do it constantly for no good reason. I'm always trying to get hours and when people call off I'm usually the first one that gets called in. Or I'm already there and I'm getting fucked over because we're shorthanded. Fuck that shit, if you don't want to work your shift then pass it off to someone who does, or just get the fuck out.

  136. Since this is Easter

  137. My mark side says yes.

  138. I think flop just because how many people really knew who Raven was or would have bought him being at that level at the time? Not a lot I think

  139. Matt Cross, lost TE 11, Cleveland Ohio's own.

  140. I agree with the employer side acting like it's a favor, because it's true to an extent, but honestly, there are rules that need to be followed, especially when you're just starting out in a business.

    I hate to use a phrase like "paying your dues," but you do have to earn a level of respect at some point. You don't just get to say, "I believe this is unfair, therefor I won't follow this rule," when all of your coworkers have found a way to accept it.

    Sometimes, the squeaky wheel gets some grease. But sometimes, it just gets replaced.

  141. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryApril 20, 2014 at 12:39 PM

    The whole Raven/Tommy/Beulah angle is my favorite angle ever. And supposedly Raven came up with the whole thing.

  142. I totally get what you're saying, and I agree with you 100 percent. If you're entitled to days off, you should take them, but when you take advantage of it, it really hurts your coworkers and, in my opinion, it makes you look bad to them and to others.

  143. Somehow that whole camping background worked.

  144. Shit like this, by the way, is the reason I generally took your side on the Punk stuff.

  145. I don't get the issue here. She should jusg walk out and expect the internet to pamper her and tell her she's justified

  146. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomeryApril 20, 2014 at 12:43 PM

    *do dodo do do*......GO! SPURS! GO!

  147. This is all your fault!

  148. Threadjack:
    Rubin "Hurricane" Carter just passed away at age 76


  150. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryApril 20, 2014 at 12:45 PM

    I probably overrate the whole thing because I've been in love with Beulah since back before I had hair on my nuts, but it was awesome.

    Ever see when Raven broke Tommy's fingers? That would be a case of it getting a little too real.

  151. Fact no one cares about: The City where Carter was arrested, Paterson, NJ, is also where I was born. Also, the city where the Morgan Freeman classic "Lean On Me" took place.

    I'm so proud.

  152. I'm starting to get annoyed with this Despicable Me guy being on everything now.

  153. That angle is what drew me in to ECW. Johnny fucking Polo as a grungy bastard and in a love triangle? It was stupidly compelling.

  154. Dreamer defeating Raven at the end is awesome,too bad they wasted his title reign,they should've gave him a year long reign.

  155. BAD penalty by the Rangers there. Barring a massive stroke of luck, it'll be a 1-1 series in 1:19.

  156. My fault? That means I'd have to accept responsibility for something. Never!

  157. Ken Singleton during the Yankees broadcast: "Yankees have no game on the schedule." Like, there's the possibility that they can get into a pick-up game with one of the other three teams not playing tomorrow.

  158. Like you could ever pull of Macho Man level of cool

  159. Oddly enough my weekends are usually with friends and your girlfriend also

  160. Jeez, the video package for the Six-Pack Challenge from Unforgiven looks like it was made in 1995 and was preserved until 1999.

  161. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomeryApril 20, 2014 at 1:01 PM

    Popovich's interview with Craig Sager Jr was the fucking best. Right in the feels.

  162. Well he did save your data...usage

  163. Damn is it like gold plated or something? I wouldn't go to church for any broad

  164. That has been damn near a decade now and the poor bastard still hasn't recovered

  165. Jesus is clearly not Atkins friendly

  166. We've already moved on, 'llax. We've already moved on.

  167. Can we now spend the remainder of the thread talking about Planet Fitness then?

  168. Your_Favourite_LoserApril 20, 2014 at 1:09 PM

    is the weather nice enough for a snoopy sno-cone?

  169. They're going to show up to Yankee stadium to cut a promo and Selig is going to put them into a game, right there, on that very field, tonight!

  170. We can, but do you have any insight on me firing my hot reporter for being whiny and incompetent?

  171. Seabrook got 3 games - seems about right, he's not a Penguin.

  172. "We're making history tonight in Yankee Stadium, fans! It's the first-ever empty stadium baseball game. At least, since the 1980s. And outside of Miami this decade."

  173. She deserves it... bitches need to learn that being hot isn't enough to get you through life.

  174. No, that would have fallen flat on its ass.

  175. I'm totally quoting this in my termination paperwork.

  176. The mark in me at the time was thinking/hoping it was Bret.

  177. He should promise them that they will get slammed like a screen door?

  178. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryApril 20, 2014 at 1:18 PM

    "USE MY SIGN!" Classic.

  179. I don't like the Indians phasing out their classic logo. Their new uniforms are snazzy though.

  180. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomeryApril 20, 2014 at 1:20 PM

    Great game so far, Spurs hanging tough with the rally. Even though it's 1-8, this is gonna be a goddamn tough series with the Mavs. This is gonna be both fun and nerve-racking seeing Timmy and Dirk, two of the greatest PFs ever (I think Duncan is THE PF GOAT), going at it one more time.

  181. It's the greatest night in our sports history!!!

  182. Way too quick there TP.

  183. You are an advocate of keeping Chief Wahoo?

  184. Man, these critical buckets won't drop.

  185. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomeryApril 20, 2014 at 1:21 PM

    I'm OK with him taking that, he had space on a 15-footer, he can sink that more often than not.


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