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BoD Evening Update

More News Regarding the Undertaker/Brock Lesnar WrestleMania Match

During the match, referee Chad Patton was apparently told that the Undertaker was winning the match, which is what most people thought, but counted to three anyway during the third F5 he received from Lesnar as the referee's are instructed to continue to count if the wrestler does not kick out. Also, after the match, Lesnar was reported to have whispered "thank you" into the Undertaker's ear.

Credit Dave Meltzer, Wrestling Observer Newsletter

WWE Dropping The Term "PPV"

Going forward, what where formerly known as "PPV" shows will now be referred to as "Special Events."

Credit Dave Meltzer, Wrestling Observer Newsletter

WWE Signs Former NFL Star

Shawne Merriman has signed a deal with the WWE. He is going to be featured as an announcer to start then train off-camera and eventually become a wrestler once he is good enough to be featured on television

Credit Dave Meltzer, Wrestling Observer Newsletter


  1. Taker/Brock: what is meltzer trying to say? That Taker did audible the outcome? I find that extremely hard to believe. Wouldn't the refs be the very next person in line after the wrestlers to be clued into the result?

    I'm not really sure what to make of this report


  3. I'm calling immense bullshit on that Chad Patton story.

  4. There have been several matches where the referee has counted to three and ended the match despite it not being the "planned" finish. There's no reason why the ref has to be privy to something Taker and Brock may have planned on their own.

  5. He did a big piece on it but basically said that no one knew about the finish besides a very small circle and said he heard two stories about Vince asking him to lose and Taker agreed

  6. Really? I assumed the ref would always have to be in on the result, for a plethora of reasons

  7. TJ:Cody Rhodes verbally attacked Nancy Grace,someone please push this guy.

  8. This gives me another excuse to post the Brock troll wink.

  9. The Undertaker-Lesnar match is going to end up being like the rumors leading up to WrestleMania the next few days/weeks/whatever. Guys who heard something or think they know something will "leak" info to Meltzer and Keller and the others, regardless of how it fits into whatever else we've heard.

    Unless Undertaker, Lesnar or Heyman ever do a shoot and discuss it, we may never know the real story.

  10. Long live VIKING SPACE LORD LESNAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  11. But it looks really stupid if a ref deliberately avoids making a three count just because it's not supposed to happen. So it's the sports entertainer's responsibility to kick out on time.

  12. Even then we won't really know. How many years did Shawn swear that he wasn't in on the Montreal Screwjob?

  13. Not for nothing, but guys like Cornette have said to read Meltzer's piece on the Montreal Screwjob as it is the most accurate timeline of what happened. Sometimes, I think people just want these guys to be wrong.

  14. S'truth. These are pretty old school guys we're dealing with here.

  15. Your first sentence is why the rule exists. That stuff happens all the time on house shows from as recent as the mid 90's and it all looked bush league. Vince wants to get rid of that and I agree

  16. That's pretty fair, and I'm not saying Meltzer is wrong about this, or the Screwjob. All I was saying is that there have been a lot of theories about the match floated by reputable guys.

  17. Magoonie NOT Teddy BelmontApril 10, 2014 at 4:38 PM

    Is that piece available online for free? If so can I trouble somebody for a link please?

  18. It might be. I'd google it and it might pull it up from a message board somewhere

  19. I give meltzer shit but his Montreal and Vince steroid stuff is the best wrestling reporting/journalism I've ever seen.

    I've heard Kevin Kelly say his stuff is pretty accurate fwiw

  20. I'm just floored by the idea that the refs are out there legit counting
    pinfalls and don't know whether or not someone is going to kick out. I
    understand hesitating your count because someone is not kicking out when
    they are supposed to looks stupid. I just think that this is going to
    lead to all sorts of situations where someone didn't kick out just in
    time and the result isn't as planned. This seems especially silly at a
    big event like Wrestlemania and the streak match.

    I guess the
    news bit says that the ref was informed that the Undertaker would win,
    so perhaps they are looking for him to kick out of everything. I guess I
    learned something today.

  21. Bayless, when you get a moment, for us free loaders, any way you can give us the bullet points of what Meltzer said? I'm really curious and interested in what went down

  22. And that would be different how?

  23. THAT's the one I was waiting for!

  24. I'll say this: it seems like every time one of the major contributors to this site has a meltdown of sorts they get criticized by the guy that replaces them. I can't remember the guy's name, but he flipped out and Charlie Reneke chastised him. Then Charlie left the way he did. Then Caliber (who criticized Charlie's exit) took over. And when Caliber left I distinctly remember this Meekin guy denouncing the way he handled criticism. He promised to have thicker skin. Well, here we are.

    That's why I'll never tell somebody like this to just ignore it. I *think* I would, but I've never been in his position and it seems like everybody who is eventually can't take it.

  25. Hold that 10 for Johnny B. BadApril 10, 2014 at 5:10 PM

    Knocked out Energy this morning. Excited to jump on Red Hot Core tonight. (Thanks for the accountability. I really needed it.)

  26. Mister_E_Studd_Got100ProblemsApril 10, 2014 at 5:23 PM

    But you're not telling us anything that we don't already know?

  27. Mister_E_Studd_Got100ProblemsApril 10, 2014 at 5:31 PM

    Magoonie. Voice of reason.

    We eat our own here.

  28. You know, I'd enjoy a column where a writer just did recaps of major things that happened in Sports the previous night.

    Like a Sportscenter of sorts.

  29. Has anyone suggested to just move this to the forum that nobody uses? Then people will use it.

  30. At least you were able to have some prom night debauchery. Poor planning led to the person getting busted by her mom on my end.

  31. You're Barney Stinson IRL, aren't you?

  32. I never noticed Libertarians were Republicans essentially until I sat in my Gov't Class last week.

    My teacher asked us to write 3 criticisms of it, and I just wrote in caps "THEY'RE FUCKING REPUBLICANS BUT TOO ASHAMED TO ADMIT IT".

  33. Half Sean O'Haire.

    Half The Blerch.

  34. And that's where you fucked up.

  35. I've been using Comixology's web interface for a few weeks now and I've never had a problem. I've been using Comixology to get my comics for almost two years now.

    I read in the press release that they were staying an independent subsidiary of Amazon, so I'm hopeful that things stay the same with their service.

  36. Hmmm... maybe THIS is why we don't have more comics-related threads...

  37. All of this comes down to "blog otters", I know it does

  38. I would assume they would integrate somehow within Amazon, just to stop Apple getting their 30% slice for ITunes purchases on the IPad

  39. I'm listening to an old p2b podcast with Scott on it. He keeps saying "left money on the table." Amusing with hindsight

  40. Speaking of which I still need to buy All New Ultimates.

  41. Chrrrrrrrrrist. There's times when I regret still rocking the flippy phone and being too lazy to vpn around my work's network filter....this isn't one of those times. Blog's much nicer when we're hating (and at times admiring) the product and not just random fits of insanity

  42. "Mr. Overdraft" Jef VinsonApril 10, 2014 at 7:08 PM

    I'ma put this right here (since we're talking about working out)

  43. Like I said: They are this era's versions. We don't have pure jobbers anymore. These 3 are the closest we have to Barry Horowitz and Dwayne Gill. Wins aren't important. Miz, Ryder, and Ziggler are never booked as credible threats to ANYONE. Even when Miz was champ they didn't book him as a threat. More like Honky Tonk Man. So yeah, the comparison fits. That's how it's not totally different.

  44. That's not REAL debauchery with the Mrs... getting a pink hookup would be a real party. If you knowwhatImean.

  45. So the big company with DRM'd eBooks bought the big comics company with DRM'd eComics.

    Oh yeah. There won't be any problems whatsoever.

    (Actually, these companies are probably smart enough to avoid problems with their products, but I still am waiting for the day that books and comics are DRM-free.)

  46. "Even when Miz was champ they didn't book him as a threat."

    he was still part of the main event of WrestleMania. so the Honky Tonk Man comparison doesn't fit as well (and the Horowitz/Gill of course even less).

    Ryder MIGHT be the only coming close to what you are claiming, but the other one won major championships and were in main events of ppvs.

  47. "he was still part of the main event of WrestleMania"

    What difference does that make? He wasn't booked to be a threat to John Cena. That match was booked in a way that made it very clear that Miz won simply because of interference from Rock. Going into the match, it was practically a given that Cena was going to win the belt. Why? Because Miz was booked as a weak champ that could only retain due to DQ, count-out, etc. Same as Honky Tonk. And when your role is to simply make your opponent look good, and then job, yeah.... that pretty much puts you in the same category as Horowitz, Gill, et al.


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