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Daily Network Thread - 4/13/14

The network live stream schedule for today:

1:00 PM ET - Smackdown Backstage Pass.

1:30 PM ET - WWE Hall of Fame 2014.

5:00 PM ET - WWE Superstars - 4/10/14 - Dolph Ziggler vs. Ryback; Kofi Kingston vs. Titus O'Neil.

6:00 PM ET - WWE Main Event Replay - 4/8/14 - The Shield vs. The Wyatt Family in a 6 Man Tag Team Match.

7:00 PM ET - WWE NXT - 4/10/14 - Justin Gabriel vs. Bo Dallas.

8:00 PM ET - Wrestlemania VI - 4/1/90 - Hulk Hogan vs. The Ultimate Warrior with both WWF and Intercontinental titles on the line.

Also, if you want to chat about other sports, there is a full slate of games in MLB; the NBA has Thunder-Pacers, Raptors-Pistons; and the NHL's regular season wraps up today.


  1. This OKC-Indiana game is pretty Meh so far.

  2. I've decided to give the 3 match Brock/Hunter series a look (I've only seen their Mania bout). So far I'm right at their Summerslam match but man that show was damn good all around.

  3. Oh man, they better do War Games with Evolution vs. Daniel Bryan & The Shield.

    That would kick all kinds of ass.

  4. Uh, Paige is kind of hot.

  5. If Canadian Stampede had any sort of historical significance, it would be considered one of the best shows EVER, right?

  6. I wish they'd add an extra 30 minutes to This Week in WWE.

  7. So Brock/Hunter part 1 was really great! Excellent use of psychology and story telling. HHH made Brock look great throughout and the finish put Lesnar over really strong. Now to re watch their Mania bout.

  8. You'd think after this week, they would need it to get everything in.

  9. Paige is REALLY hot.

  10. Got a notification earlier about someone responding to a comment I posted in a thread from June. So very random.

  11. I think that a lot of die-hard, longtime fans probably do consider it one of the best shows ever. You HAVE to, as the worst match on the show is like, ***.

  12. Stranger in the AlpsApril 13, 2014 at 12:08 PM

    I have no desire to rewatch the Hall of Fame again, so I've got the Pirates-Brewers game going. Brew Crew red hot right now. It probably won't last long in that NL Central dog fight with the Cards, Reds and Pirates, but a good start is important.

  13. Yup. It's such a throw away show but it's fantastic from the very first minute. You favorite part is seeing Pillman having the time if his life out there

  14. I think she's smoking

  15. Yes. I think when someone compiled the highest average star ratings for all his PPV reviews, this is 1.

  16. Stoked I can run outside today instead of doing the elliptical

  17. Magoonie NOT Teddy BelmontApril 13, 2014 at 12:14 PM

    Hey Farva, you thinking about going to Battleground in July?

  18. Magoonie NOT Teddy BelmontApril 13, 2014 at 12:15 PM

    It's at The Tampa Bay Times Forum by the way.

  19. Yea, I was thinking about it. It's the 20th of July iirc. I MIGHT be out of town from the 18-21st tho, so I'm not entire sure yet.

    U going?

  20. The best part was the crowd participation at the end. They really let Triple H know how much they appreciated his efforts carrying Brock.

  21. Magoonie NOT Teddy BelmontApril 13, 2014 at 12:22 PM

    Yeah I think so, I was going to suggest meeting up and maybe getting seats together.

  22. Continuing adventures in 2006:

    A clean-shaven Sandow as a tag jobber. Interesting.

  23. I live in Texas. It's been that way pretty much since mid February.

  24. If i go, I'd be down to do that. When I figure out if I'll be in Tampa I'll let you know. Are tix on sale yet do you know?

  25. No question.

  26. Are the In Your House's on the Network?

  27. This game would of been if OKC could clinch first still. They have nothing to lose here.

  28. Brock/Hunter part 2 was fine though not as good as part 1. But not nearly as bad as others have said IMO.

  29. Magoonie NOT Teddy BelmontApril 13, 2014 at 12:41 PM

    They are on presale with the code WWEVIP until the 25th, then tickets are open to everybody. But yeah, let me know. My couple of friends who do watch wrestling aren't big enough fans to want to go to a show.ticket prices aren't that bad if you don't want close floor seats. I was thinking about going for the $107 price range (those ticketmaster charges really fuck you).

  30. Are we talking the Wrestlemania match? Didn't they fight at Extreme Rules, too?

  31. The first version of Austin's song, Hell Frozen Over, sounds a lot cooler in arenas than Won't Do What You Tell Me.

  32. Yeah. I'm watching the entire ER event later even with Scott giving the show a poor review. But he seemed to be in a pretty anti-WWE place at the time even if it was somewhat deserved.

  33. I like the disturbed version of his tune quite a lot.

  34. Watched Spring Stampede 94 earlier. Why didn't they do an Austin/Pillman US title match there? Crowd was crazy hot for Pillman's TV title match with Regal; imagine if they were giving the blondes their proper final blowoff on that show instead.

  35. Whoa, Vince's outrage over Austin stunning JR was a pretty nice foreshadowing of Austin/McMahon. Almost like a sneak peak of the Mr. McMahon persona.

  36. Watching some old Raws. I desperately want 94 announcer Vince back in his powder blue suits talking about the Quebecers

  37. Because WCW was anti-making money till Bischoff got the NWO. But he did do a good job with it at the beginning.

  38. And their awesome theme.

  39. I like Vince as announcer,shoot me if you want.

  40. Konnan says in his podcast how Eric in the beginning was open to ideas,later he became a fiddle for executives in WCW.

  41. If you believe his book he wanted to quit in late 98 but stuck around due to his contract and ego in wanting to keep the company strong.

  42. Never read his book.

  43. "When Shawn Michaels is at a funeral, he's upset he's not the corpse!"

  44. Don't know why I laughed.

  45. It was actually pretty good, especially for a WWE sponsored work. His chapter on his trip to North Korea is worth the read alone.

  46. King? That's hilarious.

  47. I read Jericho's book which tells in details how crazy WCW creative was,NWO had total control and re-wrote hours before the shows matches,so no one of the undercard knew if they where gonna have a match in the night,it was a mess.

  48. I live in CLE and it could still snow.

  49. I think they're all awesome except Venemous.

    I remember you mentioned this a while back so I checked it out and I agree. When did he switch to Won't Do What You Tell Me? Late 98?

  50. You into the MLW stuff now?

  51. I asked the husband if he wants to go, he seemed rather indifferent. I will go if I can convince him or the kid to join me.

  52. What's the difference?


    Mainly the drums and the speed.

  54. Hell Frozen Over is basically a barebones version of Won't Do What You Tell Me.

  55. Man, I can't wait until WWE network gets to 1997 for Raw. I'm tired of relying on these VHS recordings on YouTube and Dailymotion.

  56. Semi unrelated thought...I'm currently on SuperBrawl 1994. I think one of the reasons Terry Taylor never distanced himself from the stupid Red Rooster gimmick is that he kept going back to that same look, aside from the rooster mohawk. He did the Taylor Made Man gimmick with the Dibiase suit for awhile, but that didn't last long, and he immediately went back to the same look and colors he had as the Rooster. Why not go with an entirely different look?

    No wonder the dude still gets Rooster chants.

  57. You know what grinds my gears? "Beast Mode". Beast Mode is the weaker of the two versions characters in Beast Wars can be. There's maximized, then beast mode-ed. Beast Mode was the inferior of the two, but NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO now it's a thing. Damn you Lil' Wayne, The Seattle Seahawks, ESPN, and JLB.

  58. I think he liked it. It was stupid, but people seemed to enjoy it in a 'so bad it's...bad' kind of way. Sort of like how the crowd chanted "You Suck" even when Angle was a face, and how everyone hates Blog Otters but secretly loves it.

  59. Actually this Brock Vs. Triple H EC match ain't bad so far - though it looks like it has 20 minutes left, so I imagine lots of slowwwwwwwww methodddiccaallllll pacciiinggggg

  60. Konnan had a podcast he does every week on MLW

  61. They're still both awesome and not enough for me to really care.

  62. This might be an unpopular opinion but I never saw Taylor getting about midcard range even if he was never given the RR gimmick. He was good in the ring don't get me wrong but to me he just lacked that certain kind of charisma needed to get to the main event.

  63. points for camoflauge sledgehammer!

  64. Whether he would ever get beyond the midcard isn't my point. I didn't really care for or dislike him as a wrestler. I just don't understand why he didn't do more to distance himself from that horrid gimmick.

  65. After I'm dong studying I'm going to watch all of the 2013 EC. In fact I'll probably get through all the 2013 PPV's I've never seen eventually, even the stuff after Summerslam. In hindsight the Bryan stuff isn't upsetting anymore considering where he ended up.

  66. There are stories floating around about his getting ticked off at people chanting rooster at him after he retired; he may have liked it then, but he don't anymore...assuming said stories are true.

  67. You have just taken yourself off the card of this week's Raw with that statement.

  68. THIS is how you do dialog in matches by the way! Heyman going "Stop! Don't! He's Hurt!" and then Brock going "That's my manager!" is hilarious! I love it!

  69. Magoonie NOT Teddy BelmontApril 13, 2014 at 3:02 PM

    I would say try and convince him since it is a PPV/Special Event and not just another RAW/SD/houseshow. I'm hoping Bryan is still champion by then.

  70. He had enthusiasm at the very least and tried to put everything over best he could.

  71. So Trent Barretta debuted at one of the One Night Only TNA PPV's last night and his name was, and I shit you not, "Ace Vedder".
    Are they trying to out-awful former FCW names or something?

  72. He seemed pretty gracious in the infamous gimmicks thing on the WWE Network

  73. Yeah he could have trashed it if he wanted to and not gotten fired.

  74. Oh! did anyone else make Wolverine vs. Sabertooth jokes Re: Brock vs. Punk at summerslam? I feel like they write themselves.

  75. My favorite Trent Barretta memory is when he wrestled Drew McIntyre. He did a dive to the floor and completely missed splatting on the floor. McIntyre then deaded him with whatever his finish was on the outside.

  76. Never saw that but in PWG he and Chuck Taylor debuted "Trenchcoat Man". And it was glorious. Plus they won the DDT4 tournament and Trent is getting over like crazy with the Reseda crowd.

  77. The only good rename TNA did was "Desmond Wolfe" for Nigel McGuinness. That's a legitimately awesome name.

  78. Yes. Yes she is.

  79. He's turning into a pretty good wrestler.

  80. It's so weird when that happens. I get one every couple of months

  81. Was that that terrible tag team with Michelle McCool as the manager?

  82. I watched that episode of Smackdown from 2007 the Network added yesterday, mostly because outside of Wrestlemania and Benoit I remember nothing from the year. After watching that show, I'm pretty sure I don't remember anything because of how awful it all was. Most of the characters/wrestlers are just plain terrible, and even the merchandise is embarrassing. Also very weird to see WWE in these tiny arenas that might hold 6,000 people tops, and even the upper decks there are blacked out.

  83. Yes it was.

    2006 WWE=1995 WWE with more cruiserweights

  84. Might have to wait 4 more years

  85. You're right, I like the first one better to.

    The first time I heard it it sounded like the theme to an 80's horror movie.

  86. No doubt, I've jerked to her.

  87. 2006 was easily Smackdown's worst year.
    They badly needed someone like John Cena to anchor the show instead they got a sleepwalking Batista, an equally bored King Booker, Eddie Guerr...Rey Mysterio and a formally strong undercard replaced with Johnny Ace's worst acquisitions.
    The show was so bad it pretty much shut a network down, that's something not even WCW could accomplish.

  88. I can't be more then three PPVs away from them ending the separate PPV era

  89. Trenchcoat Man is one of the 5 greatest things iv seen in wrestling this year

  90. Her outfit though as their manager...

  91. The MNW shows get added this summer, though I'm not sure how quickly it'll be. If it's RAW 1993 speed, we should be pretty good. Less than 2 months into the Network and we've gone through 10 months worth of shows. Really hoping it isn't 24/7 speed when you got two shows a month.

  92. I've never seen this fatal four way match where Bret wins the belt. Should be interesting.

  93. The 2 had a good 2 minute match once.
    My favorite memory is his girly scream.


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