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Daily Network Thread - 4/9/14

RIP Ultimate Warrior.

The network live stream schedule for today:

9:00 AM ET - RAW Flashback - 10/17/93 - Randy Savage-Crush confrontation.
10:00 AM ET - RAW Flashback - 10/24/93 - Marty Jannetty vs. The 1-2-3 Kid.
11:00 AM ET - Legends of Wrestling - 3/1/12 - Celebrities in professional wrestling.
12:00 PM ET - Extreme Rules 2010 - 4/24/10 - John Cena vs. Batista in a Last Man Standing match for the WWE Championship; Edge vs. Chris Jericho in Steel Cage Match.
3:00 PM ET - Beyond the Ring - 10/24/11 - The Bret Hart-Shawn Michaels rivalry doc.
5:00 PM ET - WCCW - 1/23/83 - Bugsy McGraw/Al Madril vs. The Great Kabuki/King Kong Bundy; Jose Lathario vs. Michael Hayes.
6:00 PM ET - WCCW - 1/26/83 - Kevin Von Erich vs. Terry Gordy for the American Heavyweight title; Brian Adias vs. The Great Yatsu.
7:00 PM ET - WCCW - 2/26/83 - The Von Erichs vs. The Freebirds in a Lumberjack Match.
8:00 PM ET - Best of RAW - 1/10/93 - The premiere episode of RAW.
9:00 PM ET - Wrestlemania XXX - 4/6/14 - Daniel Bryan vs. Triple H; The Undertaker vs. Brock Lesnar.

If you want to check out some Ultimate Warrior on PPV, check out SummerSlam '88 for his historic IC title win over The Honky Tonk Man; defending said IC title against Rick Rude at Wrestlemania V, and the subsequent rematch at SummerSlam '89; of course, his greatest accomplishment with his match against Hulk Hogan at Wrestlemania VI, and his greatest match ever with Randy Savage at Wrestlemania VII.


  1. I became a fan in 1990 and the Ultimate Warrior was the reason. Throughout my childhood this was always my favorite Wrestlemania match. It still holds a special place in my heart to this day.

  2. Is there a platter with Roast Beef sandwiches and horsey sauce available?

    (For the record, if there was any legit concern there, as much as this sucks there are far bigger things for me to tackle in my life, bu thank you)

  3. This is a great match. Two of my favorite superstars from my childhood battling it out. At the time I was thrilled the Warrior won. As time went I was disappointed that Savage retired shortly after. I'm glad the retirement didn't stick. This is definitely one of if not the best Warrior match ever. Their encounter at Summerslam 92 wasn't bad, but this one was much better.

  4. When originally watching it I did find it weird they made such a big deal about him wearing a baseball cap. The cartoon era was ending and characters were getting more "real" so why not have a little humanization in him.

  5. "It has also been reported that Reigns has been passing all of the "tests" he has been given, on camera and backstage."

    The "business" side of wrestling is so fucking dumb sometimes.

  6. I figured it wasn't suicide, thankfully. And correct me if I'm wrong but Warrior wasn't a devout Christian right? He was just hardcore right wing.

  7. This was just memorably bad, and also because Jericho got into hot water for embarrassing Taker.

  8. I haven't trashed him today. I felt a twinge of sadness and felt for his family when I heard the news. I'm not sure how I became anti-warrior.

    If we are reflecting, we should be reflecting on him as a person. With the good, there is bad. This isn't a formalized service so it's ok to discuss things like him being a hatefull homophobe along with the good.

  9. Sting will be revealed as the leader of the Wyatt Family. The subtle hints have always been there: Follow the BUZZards.

  10. "Last night, the Warrior was walking to the car with his car from a hotel
    in Arizona when he collasped. He was then taken to a nearby hospital
    where he was pronounced dead."

    He kicked his leg out from under his leg?

  11. Warrior: Devastating loss...wouldn't be surprised to hear it is cardiac arrest from an enlarged heart
    Reigns: Not much surprise here
    Sting: Again not much surprise, but too little too late
    TNA: Who cares

  12. I hope Reigns is the second-to-next top star, since I think Cesaro is more singles-push ready and the Shield should remain a trio at least through the Summer.

  13. Sting involved with the Wyatt's would be so damn interesting, especially if he's used to mess around with Cena.

  14. The question remains: Did Reigns pass the JBL haze test in the showers?

  15. Yeah I think he was just extreme right wing. I don't ever remember him claiming he was religious

  16. If only Sting were any good as a heel.

  17. Loved the Survivor Series 1989 match. Especially Heenan yelling at Arn to get back in there...not realizing he had been eliminated.

  18. Yeah. I like Reigns and all but Cesaro would be so much more reliable in terms of a great worker.

    But I guess it's good that WWE now has multiple potential new top guys instead of what we've had to go through the past few years.

  19. The Love-Matic Grampa!April 9, 2014 at 8:59 AM

    Fair enough, but I honestly think that says more about how much Caliber irritated people. I mean, I was pretty indifferent to him on the first few go-rounds, but the last fiasco was really the turning point. He pretty much had that pillorying coming for years.

    But if the unthinkable happened and he passed on, I would hope we could show some kindness towards those he left behind, if nothing else.

  20. Test 1: do you have a good handshake...check

    Test 2: do you workout with HHH...check

    Test 3: do you NOT shit in gym bags...check 3


  21. He could get over as a heel easily in the WWE environment.

  22. Stranger in the AlpsApril 9, 2014 at 9:00 AM

    I'm just spreading the levity you brought to the table.....and placed next to my huge jug of honey mustard.

  23. Because he has no legacy with the company and can start fresh.

  24. He has never convincingly played a heel. That would be his biggest impediment.

  25. I was such a huge Warrior mark that when I started getting smarky and being more involved online, it made me sad that so many people despised him. lol

  26. Reigns would snap JBL in half

  27. Don't fuck with a Samoan

  28. I would hope since JBL is 47 and broken down.

  29. It's a very bizarre industry with some rather odd customs.

  30. Summerslam '92 vs Savage deserves some love, as well.

  31. This isn't popular and I REALLY feel for his family but the fact that warrior used steroids, and was a a hatefull homophobe makes it tough to to really feel badly for him.

  32. In a weird way, I think this DVD did more good for the Warrior than being ignored. It revealed how many fans loved him and hated the DVD for being spiteful and petty.

  33. So I'm a longtime Blog of Doom reader and this was my first post. To have jobber123 respond to me with an excellent case of example trolling and condescension is an honor. You made my day.

  34. I was such a huge Warrior mark that when I started getting smarky and being more involved online, it made me sad that so many people despised him. lol He had the Goldberg streak AND was my commissioner whenever I played with my wrestling toys.

  35. He has a differing point of view so I'm glad he's dead. I'll never get that. Why does it need the and/but 12 hours after the guy died?

  36. I feel bad because the guy was a favorite of mine growing up, and also because his two young daughters won't grow up with a father. I feel bad for him in the sense that he seemed to finally be finding some peace in his life.

  37. That would be cool. I'd rather see sting vs Wyatts since sting is a better face

  38. Why would you not feel bad for someone using steroids?

  39. I figured religion was where the homophobia came from?

  40. He doesn't even have to talk, just wear the face paint and hit Cena with his bat.

    Hell, don't even wear the crow gear, dress like the Wyatt's.

  41. Also this exchange after the match. Warrior runs from the ring and clotheslines Bobby in the aisle.

    "Now, why did the Warrior do that, Monsoon?"

    "He was in the guys way".

  42. I hear you. And I'm certainly not saying that he hadn't earned a healthy amount of criticism with his antics. I just thought the level of piling-on that happened was way over the top and made a sizable portion of the blog look like junior high girls. I've always appreciated the thoughtfulness of a lot of the people here (and still do), but that would've been an embarrassing comments section at 411, never mind for a group that usually carries itself as if we're above the fray.

  43. Or how about because he's dead and that's it. He's gone for ever to rot in a box. Like I get it, he didn't like gays, but guess what, he's dead now. Gays win.

  44. You can have a different POV but once you become a hatefull outspoken homophobe it's tough to muster sympathy for someone

  45. Or how about I feel how I want to feel? I said nothing about his stance on gays.

  46. Honestly, it wasn't that far long ago that being using homophobic slurs were kinda accepted in society. Any one remember that cringe worthy episode where Homer thought Bart was gay? At the end of that infamous RAW where Austin pushed Tyson, the last word said on that episode is Mike Tyson calling Steve Austin a faggot.

  47. Well, if he was walking to the car WITH his car, no wonder he died. That's a shitload of weight to carry any distance, an ultimate warrior or not.

  48. He's clarified his view on homosexuality as a bad thing because if everyone was gay the world would die out due to lack of population.

  49. His peak was about two years before I started watching, so I don't have a real connection to him. I just find it ridiculous that people will go to such lengths to absolve Vince McMahon of asshole behavior.

  50. Because the long term health effects are well know...Such as cardiovascular failure. He knew the risks. It was his choice. Im.nit glad he's dead but he made a personal decision as an adult.

  51. I kinda understand your point, but by using that criteria, you'd probably hate 80% of the wrestlers in the 80's & 90's...

  52. He most likely abused them in the early 90s. Where the precautions of steroids really that common then? This is a legit question.

  53. I know some people call their car their wife, but this is ridiculous.

  54. It wasn't all THAT long ago, in the grand scheme of things, that it was socially acceptable to lynch black people for being black.

    What's your point?

  55. Nearly every wrestler from the 80's and 90's tried or regularly used steroids. So what? By that logic, you won't feel bad when nearly all the wrestlers from the 80's die.
    Regarding his views...that was his belief. Just like you have yours and I have mine. He didn't like homosexuals and he had that right. You don't like people who don't like homosexauls. Hypocrisy? Maybe. But everyone has a right to have their own views on life.

  56. And it was terrible when it was somewhat accepted.

  57. Who cares what his views were? He's dead and gone. Like does getting on a soapbox right after someone dies get gay people extra rights?

    Weren't we supposed to have freedom of speech in America? But if you exercise it to express an unpopular point of view you can't die without tons of people soapbox circle jerking.

  58. I totally get that, and if I were a few years older I'd probably feel the same way.

  59. Also, he just buried the hatchet on what was probably one of the biggest conflicts of his life, was able to meet with many of his former peers face to face and, according to Twitter posts, make amends. He was given the highest honor a retired pro-wrestler could have been given over the course of three days, and then he's dead. Didn't even get a chance to enjoy it all.

    And no matter what the guy was like years ago, for all we know many of his views may have changed over time.

  60. I thought they would look favorably to people shitting in gym bags.

  61. The two books I want to read, and would pretty much would pay any dollar amount for, would be Taker and Vince. Doubt either guy would ever write one.

    Taker, maybe. Vince, probably not.

  62. Yes. Steroids have become safer if anything.

  63. That people can be ignorant. Who knows what Warrior's stance on homosexuality was shortly before his death. We're only relying on stuff that he said 10 years ago.

  64. This probably goes back to the common, and incorrect, thinking that addiction is a disease and not a choice.

  65. Oh yes! I forgot about this until you mentioned it. Classic Monsoon-Ventura exchange.

  66. I love Cesaro. I beleive he will be an excellent main event player.
    I don't know that he's a flagship guy

  67. why do you think you "should" feel bad for him?

  68. Sick burn dude. Way to use what I said back on me. Glad you could make someone's death all about you!

  69. AverageJoeEverymanApril 9, 2014 at 9:10 AM

    Yeah they do, the whole DVD's arent about the flaws but they do mention things like temper tantrums, drug use, and not being in shape to perform.

  70. The fuck are you talking about?

  71. People shouldn't be so surprised that there was so much speculation about Warrior committing suicide when news of his death first broke. This blog has never had much patience for letting things play out and seeing where they go.

  72. I don't know that Reigns is either. Really you don't know that anyone is until you try. Reigns's best matches have pretty much all been six-man tags, though, and the two of them get pretty similar crowd reactions. And Cesaro's offense is a little more spectacular.

  73. It's not a soapbox. I'm not glad he's dead. I was just saying he's a VERY unsympathetic and unlikeable guy.

  74. I agree and I hope it doesn't come across like I'm trying to justify his comments but I have used the word faggot to call someone for being lame. Warrior's opinion on homosexuality was definitely way more then that but I wonder if he ever changed his stance on it.

  75. "Mr. Overdraft" Jef VinsonApril 9, 2014 at 9:12 AM

    More for what Savage did than the Warrior.

  76. And dude, you surely can't mean because someone used illegal drugs there death deserves no sympathy right?

  77. Because he died and all and I used to enjoy watching him

  78. Nope. Check out his website (if it's still up and hasn't been touched) and google search his name.

    He MAY have toned it down, but he never changed and honestly, there's no atoning for being that much of a shithead bigot who was proud of training his children to believe the same garbage he did.

  79. doesn't make it right.

    and this was the kind stuff that I loathed during the attitude era for that particular reason (I also thought it was stupid that at first it Goldust seemed to be portrayed as the heel just because he was gay).

  80. I honestly wish they saw the same thing in Reigns that I see in all THREE members of The Shield. Seriously, I think all three of them have great potential to be huge stars.

  81. Well let's be fair, Warrior needed a great opponent to get a good performance out of him.

  82. The Love-Matic Grampa!April 9, 2014 at 9:13 AM

    Some people can separate the character/persona from the actual man. Others can't, and that's perfectly understandable. I can mourn the loss of a childhood hero while recognizing his flaws and acknowledging his shortcomings. That doesn't mean condoning bad behavior or glossing over unpleasantness, just simply choosing to focus on the positives.

  83. Oh, I no one knows about Reigns. He needs time to develop.

    Cesaro is already a complete package, and too me his ceiling seems to be 2nd or third babyface.

    He could be top heel though

  84. Reigns just looks like guy who was specifically designed to be a wrestler. My only concern is that Rollins and Ambrose get overlooked because of him. I think Ambrose in particular has main-event heel written all over him.

  85. If i do mass amounts of cocaine, I know the risk. If i have a heart attack at 54, I have nobody to blame but myself. It was his choice that he had every right to make. It's really hard to feel sympathetic for that aspect of this since he made that choice as an adult

  86. Yea, I'm not saying that it's right. At all.

  87. Well, a top heel is a top star.

  88. Roman Reigns is going to get them so many new female fans that it's not even funny. When's the last time the WWE had a bonafide sex symbol? I remember when The Rock used to flirt with Lillian Garcia... EVERYBODY ate that shit up!!

  89. It wasn't just this blog

    The speculation was wverywhere online

  90. Well now he's dead too so I'd say he got his universal comeuppance.

  91. Addiction may be a disease, but using something in the first place IS a choice.

    I won't become addicted to cigarettes or heroin if I choose not to try them in the first place.

  92. If only Fred Phelps had worn face paint.

  93. You do realize that when a wrestler dies, a majority of the public thinks either suicide or overdose

  94. Funny how the genes in that family work: you're either a sex symbol or obese.

  95. This is kind of like when religious people say the earth is 6,000 years old.

  96. I'm conflicted on this

  97. But if Warrior never does steroids, it is unlikely that he is ever famous and successful. He did those steroid for us!

  98. Gay people die too. OWN is the only one that wins.

  99. Actually no. It is nothing like that.

  100. Well I'd say that has swung almost 180 degrees now.

  101. I'm somewhat splitting hairs, but the news peice says THE top star. The Ace.

    Other then Billy Graham and HHH I can't think of a time when the heel was pushed as the number one attraction

  102. I'm looking at his blog, most of it is fan art work. Would you mind showing me anything or are you merely just speculating

  103. Actually it says the "next top star", which could also mean the next person to join the rank of top stars.

  104. I can just envision Vince at the funeral now:
    "Warrior is...he's...he's trying to CLAW out of the casket!!!"

    Too soon?

  105. Tell that to a crack baby.

  106. I really don't see the problem here. either you feel bad or you don't. but you don't "need" oder "should" feel anything.

  107. It'll take longer, but if Rollins keeps at it long enough, he could get the Jeff Hardy fanbase.

    Maybe even a mainevent run

  108. He'd also be alive still. Again, it was his choice. I'm not judging his choice to do steroids, I'm just saying that it had consequences that he knew about.

  109. Ignoring science

  110. I don't personally share that sentiment, and believe people do deserve sympathy, "we're all humans/we all make mistakes" etc. etc., but Warrior himself very strongly and outspokenly felt the way you do (, so it's tough to argue.

  111. Maybe Meltzer has the latest "list". I think Triple H keeps updating his Notes on his iPhone so it is hard to keep up.

  112. really, what kind of "tests" are we talking about?

  113. Just because people are aware of the consequences doesn't necessarily mean they know any better.

  114. I should have added that caveat.

    In MOST cases, addiction comes from personal choices.

  115. The Love-Matic Grampa!April 9, 2014 at 9:20 AM

    I will say that even I felt bad for him after the e-mails became public. Not sure I would have done that, but I imagine Scott was the most irritated of us all having to deal with Caliber himself AND all the complaints about him.

  116. I agree in part, getting cancer isn't a choice either.

    Now seeking treatment or letting it control your life...that's a choice.

  117. People soapbox circle jerk MLKs death. Get over it. It's not the freedom of speech. It's the hatred spewed that goes against people's rights. If he called all black people niggers and wanted to resegregate your narrative would be different. Stop reverse soapboxing and realize were all gonna die. Some of us spew hatred some spew love. Your legacy will be remembered for it.

  118. Fuck me.

    Apologies, I interpruted it as "next Cena"

    But you're right, it could just as much mean "next Randy Orton"

  119. death is tricky, man

  120. Where's BuckDiddy when you need him?

  121. Even still is proclaiming this hours after his death necessary?

  122. Considering the family he grew up in I'm sure they prepped him for all the bizarre shit and hazing.

  123. Yeah, I don't think there's any reason to be automatically saying what a great guy he was. None of us knew him personally anyway. But he was incredible at being a crazy, over-the-top pro-wrestler and I'm sad that there's no chance of ever seeing him shake the ropes again. I had a blast watching him on Monday.

  124. Ultimate Warrior was not a crack baby. Now there's a sentence I never thought I'd type.

  125. Probably not but saying it's tough to feel sympathy for him as opened Pandoras box on this

  126. I had a lot of material that I couldn't say last night or today. One including a HHH wearing a Kane mask visiting his coffin.

  127. I spew awesomeness

  128. I'd say that while Reigns is clearly the 'favorite' in the group right now, neither Ambrose or Rollins are far behind. They got just as big a pop for their tandem topes as Reigns did for his spear on Monday. All three guys will do just fine.

  129. Next week's Warrior's wife comes out on Raw "EXCUUUUUUSITY ME!" It'll be great.

  130. Plus Rollins isn't a fucking loon.

  131. I was going to post this as well. Children aren't born from two men or two women being together.
    Now of course there is artificial insemination, but generally speaking he was correct.

  132. Anyone wanted to ever go to Warrior University? I couldn't have been the only one

  133. Mister_E_Studd_Got100ProblemsApril 9, 2014 at 9:25 AM

    He's unusually trim for a Samoan.

  134. Yeah this thread came to life instantly after that one. Meh, I didn't know the guy either way but I flamed some dude pretty hard in another thread for saying something similar in point but far mote stupid in actual writong so I just wanted to re enter my two cents again less I be called a hypocrite

  135. He must work out.

  136. Coolest thing about Warrior is how he said Hulk Hogan..."I'm coming for Foy HOOAKE HOOOGAN"

  137. Ric Flair, if we are including NWA

  138. No, but a lot of his positives are the same.

    He's attractive in a similar way

  139. Usually a safe assumption

  140. I mean instinctively I feel like I should just be able to tell some asshole to drink less or go to work instead of getting high and I like to goof on the whole aa thing but I feel like science proved me wrong so I switched sides. Ymmv

  141. A ton of posts with a tinge of awesomeness

  142. Meh your avatar looks like some other guys from another thread. Still

  143. The Love-Matic Grampa!April 9, 2014 at 9:30 AM

    Dusty Rhodes proved you can be both!

    Or not.

  144. At that point you might as well hire a young guy.

  145. I know buy there are biochemical imbalances that can cause people to turn to substance abuse. People typically with untreated bipolar or severe depression typically turn to substance absue to try and self medicated. In that sense in don't think it's a "choice."

  146. Anyone ever read Warrior's rant after the DVD was released? HOLY SHIT! The guy would've been an amazing brutal heel.

  147. Plus the nWo

    Wasn't Harley a heel at several points too?

  148. Plus most addiction whether bits drugs, booze, sex, food, etc. are completely rooted in psychological issues that stem from a young age. It's almost impossible to cure those without a LOT of professional help.

  149. I love that Warrior was able to get his ultimate revenge on Hogan before passing away: For all of Hogan's trash talk on this DVD about how Warrior meant nothing to the business, Warrior got to be the centerpiece of the Hall Of Fame while Hogan had to watch from the sidelines.
    And Warrior was at least able to leave the business on his terms without people complaining about him killing promotions and holding people down while Hogan saw his legacy get severely tarnished by playing a role in the demise of WCW, a terrible reality show, a sex tape, public battles with his family and most damaging of all, wasting four years of his life running TNA to the ground.
    Warrior at least had the class to let go of the spotlight and let the young guys have their moment in the sun.
    R.I.P. Jim Hellwig, you will be missed.

  150. Its also genetic

  151. Probably had latent homosexuality issues. Look what he did for a living. With guys that anti gay its usually just to fight down their own feelings

  152. For good reason.

  153. What about ass babies?

  154. I'm surprised they didn't complain on the Attitude Era DVD about how the announcers didn't wear suits half the time during that era.
    Whatever happened to those shirts with the WWE/F logo on the sides anyway? Did those get burned in a bonfire along with all copies of the Chris Benoit DVD?

  155. So he was about 24 hours away from dropping dead on Raw?

  156. Harley Race's "Hawk Hogan" > Warrior's "Hooooke Hogan" > Sid's "Hoke Hooogan"

  157. Smoking/Doing drugs/drinking etc... all begin with a choice the consequences of those choices are well known. Therefore addiction is a choice. It really is that simple.

  158. Is it just me or would anyone else kinda mark out for Impact in the same Manhattan Center ballroom as Raw used to be?

  159. As a kid I thought it was pronounced Hawk Hogan as well. Whoops

  160. I always interpreted Warrior's version as Ho Kogan

  161. It would be a cool visual I must admit.

  162. Well the AMA says it is, and I am just going by there definition.

  163. The Warrior was one of the reasons I became a fan in the first place. I'll admit he wasn't the most technically sound, but when I was growing up he was exciting and fun to watch.
    I like you have always been disappointed he's been not well received by the smark community.

  164. I'm just going by the fact that genetics don't make you pick up a beer/joint/needle etc... Genetics probably make it harder to quit something, but it all begins with a choice.

    I don't think I am going to continue this conversation in this thread though, I didn't mean to get into it to begin with and it seems a tad inappropriate given the circumstances.

  165. Now did the warrior actually do other drugs than steroids? Because he comes across as an anti drug guy to me. Obviously not steroids but he was doing them for money basically. I only bring that up because we may ultimately be debating a meaningless subject if that's the case.

  166. Is Ambrose? I don't know hat much about him. I just know he has the face of a born whiner. That irritating, complainey, woe-is-me face that you just want to PUNCH.

    And I mean that as a real positive. He wouldn't have to be the stereotypical chickenshit heel or the dreaded cool heel, he could be a great, effective wrestling champion who just complains incessantly about EVERYTHING.

  167. I whole heartedly agree and it'd my fault partially for bringing all this up. We'll just agree to disagree (but I agree you have a point too)

  168. Yup. People think Rollins has the least potential but that dude can work. Plus he's quite tall.

  169. Holy shit. That would have been the worst thing ever

  170. Hey so which one was the good rick rude match? The summerslam one or the wm5 one?

  171. Granted, most of the hate is warranted but it was a blow to my heart because he was THE reason why I became a fan as well. I never ever cared for Hogan. I was always about Warrior and when he came back in 1996, it was like my prayers were answered.

  172. What's your favorite warrior match if you take out the two mania matches, the two rude matches, and the htm squash?

  173. I love that papa shango blow off

  174. His match with HHH. Loved Lawler's way of saying "HAH! IT'S OVER!"

  175. Bodybag match vs. the Undertaker at MSG. Shockingly good.

  176. Didn't he have two summerslam rude matches?

  177. I found both entertaining. They're not workrate matches, but both tell stories. Although the Summerslam one has Roddy Piper's ass.

  178. Oh yeah that's right.

  179. Worst_in_the_WorldApril 9, 2014 at 9:53 AM

    I remember loving a Savage/Warrior cage match from MSG right before Mania 7, back when MSG Network would show the monthly cards.

  180. Hasn't passed the solo match "tests," that's for sure. Still needs more time in the oven.

  181. Oh yeah I forgot about summerslam 90

  182. There's also this match he had with Macho Man at MSG that has a soft spot in my heart, mainly because it was included in the first ever WWE VHS tape I ever had as a kid. I think the matches included on the tape were Rude vs. Piper in a cage, Hogan vs. Hercules, Snuka vs. Valentine, and Demolition vs. Powers of Pain Mania V

  183. The Love-Matic Grampa!April 9, 2014 at 9:54 AM

    Yeah, that's a scary thought.

  184. That would be the SummerSlam match vs Savage (featuring two of the worst ring outfits ever.)

  185. Don't doubt Dr. Samson, lol.

  186. So crazy that I was at RAW seeing Warrior cut a promo. The only product I bought during WM weekend in New Orleans was an Ultimate Warrior T-Shirt.

  187. Wow good call that match was the shit and the flair and perfect angle put it over the top

  188. Sadly, it is usually true

  189. Has JR ever written a book?

  190. How sad is it that maybe seconds after Brock pinned taker and I picked my jaw up off the floor, I instantly thought "Farva!" Wug thoughts on you never getting to fap it out to Cena/Taker?


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