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Michael Hayes

I've been watching the Legends of Wrestling episodes on the network. Whenever Michael Hayes is on, the panel always jokes about him not being in the Hall of Fame. Just wondering if there is a reason why Hayes/Freebirds have not been nominated for the Hall of Fame,

I find it more odd that of all the ways you can score off Michael Hayes with cheap jokes, "Not being a Hall of Famer" is the target they go with.  

Really, he should be in either as a solo deal or with the Freebirds, and I don't know that there's any specific reason why he's not.  Maybe they're just waiting for the next Wrestlemania in the south?  


  1. Dont they go to Dallas in 2016? That would be ideal.

  2. If Wrestlemania 32 is in Dallas, that would be the perfect place to induct the Freebirds.

  3. Went to bed with a migraine last night as well. Woke up puking from the pain.

  4. We did Heatwave 98' in a Saturday Thread a few weeks and I was blown away by how good it was. It was insane as they were using moves that WWE won't even allow as finishers in the middle of matches as transition moves.

    As far as video games we played some NHL 94' (sega version) on my modded Wii and that was a damn forgotten treasure.

    As far as porn I wish I knew the movie names of or even actresses names from the mid to late 90's films I used to enjoy.

  5. Havent thought about it. He was just on Austin podcast, taped from WM weekend, and it NEVER came up.

  6. Your use of nostalgia is strange.

    The rest of your premise speaks generally to expectations, and I was nodding along. The came nostalgia. Why limit it to heads in the clowds or gopd old days.

    The same thing occurs when the hype machine overdoes it (Spore, Homefront, etc.)

    There are a miriad of things that lead to having too high expectations.

    Why limit them it to nostalgia

  7. lol yeah Kazaa was not the greatest for logging those involved in a given production.

  8. There's lots of dudes still waiting for their shot. Sid, JBL, Vader, DEMOLITION!!!

  9. See a doctor?

    Where's Farva?

  10. I'm saying it's not limited to nostalgia at all. I'm saying a game like Hitman was generally poorly recieved because it wasn't what Hitman fans wanted. As a non-hitman fan, I enjoyed the new game for what it was, because I DIDNT have nostalgia kind of clogging me up, so to speak.

  11. See also: Trek, Star '09

  12. Blog of Doom: "Every Single one of OfficerFarva's posts"

  13. Nah, been getting migraines since I was like eight. I normally get them when the weather changes up.

  14. I'm with ya on Vader and Demolition. Maybe Sid someday. JBL in about 30 years when they have absolutely nobody left to induct.

  15. The Legends show around Wrestlemania XXVII in Atlanta... Hayes joked that if it didn't happen there it wasn't going to happen.

  16. The Freebirds should of had went in Atlanta in 2011. But I'd like to see them go in Dallas.

  17. I just don't know that I'd call feelimgs for previous games in a rather new franchise "nostalgia"

    Nostalgia is a very specific kind of memory and expectation

  18. I think going in in Dallas is a GREAT will make that particular Wrestlemania HUGE....especially if the Cowboys are winning. The problem with that is: In the time they have waited, all the (original) Freebirds have gone on to join most of Lynyrd Skynrd. So they need to hurry up and do it while Michael Hayes is still with us

  19. By the way, off the topic.....but Disqus sucks ass!

  20. Parallax: "Fucking Farva's girlfriend causing her to dump him"

  21. I think Hayes has to be pretty much clean atht his point, holding down a corporate job with WWE and all.

    That said, anything can happen.

  22. "See a fake doctor?

    Where's Farva?"



  23. I wear contact lenses... I find I start getting migraines when they get old/dry out. Just a thought.

  24. I completely missed out on the Freebirds, so he'll always just be Dok Hendrix to me.

  25. Vader and Demolition should be in absolutely. Does anyone know if there is still bad blood between Vince and Bill Eadie?

    Also, Savage, Rude, Thesz, The Bulldogs, Cornette, Midnight Express, Wahoo, Bigelow, Dr. Death, Gary Hart, Skandor Akbar, The R&R Express, Brody, Hansen, Honky Tonk Man (though hes turned them down), the Steiners, Luger... the list goes on and on.

  26. Vader and Demolition yes.

    Sid, no way.

    JBL, it depends on his longevitey as a commentator for me. As a wrestler, no. Wrestler + 10 years of great commentary, sure. I love the JBL & Michael Cole team on commentary.

  27. "What's are your favorite stumbled-upon treasures"

    Other people's wives

  28. I think Philly is still in the running to get 2016.

    They were pretty close to getting 2015.

  29. Wait, he turned them down? Would have been nice to see him with the Warrior last weekend.

  30. ::Scans the room for Hart_Killer09::

    "Sunny had just come into my dressing room and told me she had been watching some of my 5 star matches. She was so turned on and wanted a piece of the Hitman. Since I'm the greatest ambassador for wrestling and NOT like Shawn Michaels, I knew I couldn't deny a fans request. Stripping my clothes off, I told Sunny I ONLy ver engage in coitus while wearing my WWF title belt. She thought this was weird but was to turned on by my mat psychology that she had just watched.

    After HOURS of intercourse, Sunny, with tears in her eyes told me that receiving my load was the most unexpected treasure she has ever had."

  31. For the most ridiculous Dok Hendrix moment ever, check out In Your House 2 from 1995. After Jeff Jarrett loses the IC title to HBK, they cut to Dok backstage where he's outside of Jarrett and Roadie's locker room. WATCH THAT DOK HENDRIX SEGMENT. He comes off as a robot with the wires crossed.

  32. The BoD of course!

  33. The perfect place would be Bad Street, Atlanta, GA

  34. Man, they haven't been to the South for WrestleMania since 7 days ago.

  35. When does the 10 years of great commentary begin?

  36. I thought about answering that way also but figured it seemed like pandering.

  37. Rock and Taker are still pretty recent. I was listing people that should had been in a while ago. But def Taker and Rock.

  38. Six of their last eight I believe.

  39. Yeah the way Honky tells it is that he didn't want to sign a Legends deal because they would want to be in charge of his indy bookings where he was making decent money. However, I think he signed a legends deal a few years back so he could probably go in any year now.

  40. No Sid in the Hall? Blasphemy.

  41. It's s bad in the funniest way.

  42. Koko B Ware got in. By that criteria, Sid should be a fucking shoe-in.

  43. "John Layfield and those two other things they call announcers."

  44. Girl in question "the burning sensation I get when peeing, after fucking parallax"

  45. I remember they did this comedy segment in 1995 or 1996 where they did a montage of wrestlers just ripping on Dok in really casual moments. Very funny.

  46. Parouse? Making up words for qotd is very un otter

  47. Weren't the Freebirds a hot act for Mid-South? A New Orleans induction would have been approrpiate.

    Obviously, a Texas induction would be MORE appropriate, but still.

  48. Yeah, Heyman's great, but I disagree with his backhanded compliment toward JBL.

    I can't stand listening to this particular 2-man booth for 3 hours a week. They're uninformative, uninteresting, and not entertaining as a trio in the slightest.

    I was listening to commentary during the HHH/Booker match from WMXIX and was laughing my ass off at, not only, how King was berating Booker T during the match (I miss heel commentators), but at how JR was responding. And yet, they still helped tell the story of the match.

    Will we ever have that again? I'm not holding my breath.

  49. The 24th anniversary of WrestleMania would have been appropriate, along with Austin, the Funks, and the Von Erichs.

  50. Echoing the sentiments that they should go in when WM goes to Dallas. Heck, depending on the rest of the class, Hayes's speech could go on last.

  51. When are the Otter Award winners gonna be announced?

  52. Didn't they do a big Superdome show when the Birds blinded JYD?

  53. Paul Heyman himself certainly deserves induction as a manager in the territories, a manager in WCW, ECW, and then coming back to WWE with BRock both in the early 2000s and now ... also with CM Punk

  54. Sure hope me time to save up for tickets.

  55. Sid's in the Hall? Chicken Lady should induct him.

  56. You could make a drinking game out of the number of times Hayes spit his tobacco on Austin's podcast.

  57. They're comin' I wanna do a stupid video thing and it's taking forever due to work and such.

  58. Just seems to be an inside joke. Hayes seems to be in pretty good with Vince. If he wanted in bad enough they'd make it happen.

  59. Melrose Place. Not sure where it started but before you know it, my brother, my dad and myself were all caught up in it. Remember when the redhead chick blew up and then came back from the dead somehow? That's how you write trash.

  60. No idea on that one. Afraid to Google

  61. It'll be hilarious if they induct him as Hall of Famer Dok Hendrix.

  62. Am I the only one that doesn't understand what a Blog Otter is?

  63. Playing Hitman:Absolution as well, thanks to Gold. It's good fun

  64. NHL 94 (SNES for me) is an all time great. The Wings are quite the team

  65. Blog Of Doom.

    Blod O'Der.

    Blog ODer.

    Blog Odder.

    Blog Otter.


  67. It's great! It's also the first hitman game I ever played.

  68. I played the 2nd and 3rd one, so I can see why hardcore fans of the series arent crazy about it. But I still like it

  69. Chuck was a really fun little show that I stumbled upon early in it's 1st season and really enjoyed from start to finish. Seems quite unappreciated.

  70. One of these years, I'm sure they'll have WM inside Jerry Jones's vanity project down in Dallas. That'll be the year the Freebirds will go in, I'd imagine.

  71. You have to remember that Jarrett just walked out after his match because he felt he wasn't being promoted enough.
    Hayes had to come up with a pay-off to the storyline and deliver it in the space of about 10 minutes.

  72. I loved that show! I made it to the season finale where Chuck's buddy got the thing downloaded into HIS brain too, then kind of fell off it. I gotta get back in.

  73. What's different if you don't mind me asking?

  74. I was under the impression he didn't turn down the HOF so much as he already had a booking for the day of the induction and he makes a point of principle to never cancel on a booking.
    I'm pretty sure if they ask him again, they'll get him in.

  75. I think Wrestlemania 32 is going to be in Jerry World.

  76. Loved that show. Never took itself too seriously and was a lot of fun to watch.

  77. It's just kind of more cookie cutter, linear and not real groundbreaking

  78. I stumbled upon Persona 4, pretty much buying it cause I heard it was an RPG and the cover really caught my eye. Then I took it home and was blown away by its sheer awesomeness, and now I'm eagerly anticipating Persona 5.

    Other stuff on the list include MLB The Show, about 15 million ROMs downloaded that blew me away with their awesomeness and made me regret not being 10 and having access to this sick library, the movie Magnolia (Even 9 year old me thought this movie was a classic and I likely didn't understand more than like a third of it.), United States of Tara (which was found during channel surfing), a legendary "miracle water from Chernobyl" religious infomercial that is still one of the funniest things ever seen, A Bit Of Fry And Laurie, and.........I guess YouTube overall, as I believe I found it during a google search for my friend's old No Mercy CAW league.

  79. Not tears. Bret's aim was off.

  80. Magnolia is awesome.

  81. I thought it was at the Silverdome.

  82. Guy, did you ever post on a forum called World Of Stuart?

  83. "I told Sunny I ONLY ever engage in coitus while wearing my WWF title belt. She thought this was weird but was so turned on by the mat psychology she had just watched, she didn't care."


  84. Agree. When I watched the Benoit / Booker Best Of Seven series, I was interested to see how it would finish, but wouldn't describe my feelings for the previous matches in the series as 'nostalgia'.

    Though I do totally agree with Captain Fuckin' Otters about the topic AND on Hitman Absolution itself.

  85. Right, I misspoke he had a booking the day that he was asked originally, but I was thinking about this old shoot interview before he signed the legends deal..

  86. Yeah, I've always thought it was some kind of running joke as well

  87. I hope he's drunk for it.

  88. He was the IC Champion, had a music video played all summer and performed it live that night, what else did he want?

  89. No Sid? How's Sid different than Warrior?

  90. Makes sense. Shame Jimmy Jam is only other Bird still around and that's a bit of a stretch since WCW Birds were way different. I'm a Garvin fan and would love to see him in then.

  91. Jarrett always thought too highly of himself. Solid hand but a mid carder unless he, his daddy or Russo booked.

  92. Spot on. I did like Bryan saluting Brody with the furry boots. Wonder if that was directed at Colon going in?

  93. Its because Jim Ross is really good. The current crew suck at their jobs

  94. I won a copy of Tactics Ogre for PS1 back in the day, which blew me away and got me hooked on tactical RPGs.

  95. Not me, I vaguely remember a Guy Incognito from way back on some message boards, though. Maybe he's my exact double...hey, that dog has a puffy tail! here, puff puff!

  96. Sadly, I think the days of the heel color-commentator are over. JBL's water-downed version is the best you're gonna get anymore. The brilliance of Jesse, Heenan, and King is long gone. Nowadays, they'd never let commentator speak ill of a superstar unless it was "written" for him to do it. Off-the-cuff stuff like Jesse making fun of Sapphire's weight, King ragging on Bret Hart's family, or Heenan relentlessly slamming the company's top guy won't fly in today's WWE.

  97. Here in the UK, shows like Community, Parks & Rec and 30 Rock are tucked away in late slots on obscure channels, so i'm used to being the only person who watches shows like this among people I know.

    Ooh, Supernatural. I got into it late, then binge-watched five seasons in about six months to catch up. Awesome show.

    Going back a bit, before it became the juggernaught franchise it is today, GTA 3 blew me away - such a difference from the fun, but basic top-down 1 and 2.

  98. I'm sick of the Koko B Ware argument. By that logic, everyone should get in. So then stop having these debates and just let every wrestler ever in.

    Oh, except Koko did record the title track to the Piledriver album. That might have something to do with his induction.

  99. Netflix helps a ton in finding new things. "Psych" is an awesome show I found that way. So was "My Name is Earl" and "Orange is the New Black" (which I watched for lack of anything else to watch -- and got hooked on big time -- still waiting for Season 2)

    For movies, strangely enough Fight Club. Never saw it in the theater, but loved it when I rented it on DVD with no real knowledge of it.

    For games, "Beyond Good and Evil" turned out to be a ridiculously fun game that was totally overlooked when it came out.

  100. Kids in the Sandbox

  101. Orange is the new Black was surprisingly awesome. Season 2 needs to hurry up

  102. So afraid to ask

  103. I need to bite the bullet and check out Persona 4

  104. Well, naturally he wanted to hold the WWF Title for five years, only dropping it for short reigns. Everything else was an insult to his Austin/Rock-level talents and mic skills.

  105. Koko jobbed his ass off for YEARS during one of the hottest streaks the company ever had- I think he earned it. Plus the HOF is just a "hey- you're a legend. Welcome to the club and have your nice speech!" thing. Yeah it's a vanity project, but it gives the guys a nice moment.

  106. Miami Vice on Netflix

  107. Exactly. No one expected the Warrior to leave us 2 days after WM.

    Would it be wrong to have what's left of Skynrd induct Hayes?

  108. Jane Austen and Rocky Chavez?

  109. Yeah, HHH is the wors...oh wait, you were talking about Jarrett? Sorry, I got the two confused.

  110. I'm gonna say the film SPYMATE. It's on Netflix. It stars a chimp and Emma Stone. It looks like awful kiddy crap. It's somehow TREMENDOUS. YMMV if you don't partake of de 'erb, however.

    Full Throttle was good, but WAY too short and easy, I think its the briefest of all the Lucasarts adventures.

    Now, Day Of The Tentacle... woo! I play that through to completion every few years and it still makes me laugh every time.

    I THINK that 'Blood Money' is considered THE Hitman game, so Absolution sucks for being not the same game, essentially. I liked it just fine too.

    Also, Paul, tiring references to predominantly fresh-water dwelling carnivorous mammals aside, you seem like a good guy and I enjoy your threads even if I don't always reply in them.

  111. Went into seeing Inside Man without any clue what it was about, and since Spike Lee movies never really resonated with me, I was expecting less than nothing.

    I freaking LOVE that movie, and is on the short list of movies that I stumble on while flipping channels, the remote gets put DOWN til it's over.

  112. Its gota be a rib at this point

  113. They probably want Larry Zbyszko for the HOF, but they're not really sure if he's retired or just still stalling.

  114. Yeah sadly a few years ago. Related to throat cancer I think.


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