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Promo of the Day

Here we have Terry Funk describe his "beautiful dream" in regards to Ric Flair


  1. That's kind of how I felt about Bret after he beat Perfect, who was my guy.

  2. Ah. That makes a little more sense actually. What I'm reading just said "in the Savage match" and I assumed it was the WM match.

  3. Uh, you sure you don't mean Paul Heyman?

  4. "Extreme Rules, 2011" is a VERY underrated PPV - Cena/Miz/Morrison was great, Christian/ADR was FANTASTIC, and Cody/Rey was good. I didn't really care for Punk/Orton, but I know a lot of other people did.

    Great PPV.

  5. I think Fandango is VERY salvageable. He is NOT a bad wrestler. The Fandango gimmick isn't even that bad...though they might need to re-work it. I don't feel like they've given him a chance. I'm not quite sure whose fault that might be.

  6. "Mr. Overdraft" Jef VinsonApril 16, 2014 at 9:32 AM

    The problem with Stables today is that they get away from the whole reason to be together: to own all the titles and dominate.
    The Horsemen jumped on every title. Other than (maybe) the Shield and Evolution what was the last group that tried to win all the belts? The nWo? What are the Wyatts motives?

  7. and because of the backlash they got for it they didn't dare to release something like this again (that Randy Savage dvd would have been a top candidate for a similar release but instead it pretty much was an all-out celebration of his career).

  8. Agreed, I hated him about 30 times more than I hate Cena now, and as a 13-year old I was probably supposed to love him.

  9. Worst_in_the_WorldApril 16, 2014 at 9:33 AM

    Yeah, I agree that Shawn suffers badly in comparison to Bret. As good as Shawn was in the ring, and as much as one might think Bret's personality was boring or whatever (I wouldn't say that), Shawn just came off as painfully lame in that period. Especially compared to Bret, who at least was a bad ass who didn't make loads of lame jokes.

  10. Was it about the cap or about Warrior's character wearing a cap because It's not the same thing.

  11. Nah, I'm talking about the people who say with absolute sincerity that this is Vince's "family business."

  12. Well it started out that way.


    Bret took that shit wayyyy seriously.

    i remember on Amazon they has pre-orders for "Screwed" and like 2 weeks, they were gone.

  14. Yup, I'm there, too.

  15. Scott was kind of down Evolution and "wasn't nostalgic" for it. I'm sure if they some kind Canadian group or Hart Foundation reboot with Harry Smith, Tyson Kidd, Teddy Hart, Nattie, David Benoit, and whoever else he would think it was the greatest Raw ever.

  16. i wasnt a warrior fan as a kid, i was a hulkamaniac so i thought the dvd was funny, but very mean spirited

  17. I loved Warrior as a kid and bought it because I wanted to see the car crash documentary, and have his matches.

  18. I am always in the discussion.


  19. Just exaggerating for effect.

  20. Shawn was my guy and I even wanted to cockpunch him during this time he was such a twerp.

  21. The whole right-wing "act" may have run its course, but Zeb's a great talker and easy to dislike, no reason he couldn't continue to help others.

  22. People are making too big of a deal about it. The while DVD wad just propaganda used to crush Warriors rep. I'd say most people watching it were aware if the backstory between Vince/Warrior/WWE, hence knew the context of the material on the dvd.

  23. Bret definitely had the cool factor for me. As a mark, I recognized Shawn's matches as being "good" and liked him for his abilities, but when it came down to it, cool out-weighs pretty-boy when it came to who I would rather watch if had the option.

  24. Who do you think could make a good "future" member of the current Evolution?

  25. I liked him as a kid but he wasn't my favorite, and I had the same assessment. I already knew him as a basic nutjob by then so I had very little sympathy, and he really was pretty ridiculous and funny.

  26. Ditto. I wanted to see the trainwreck. Some points were valid, most were petty bullshit (the stuff with the baseball cap got a 5-minute focus. THE BASEBALL CAP!)

  27. Worst_in_the_WorldApril 16, 2014 at 9:39 AM

    Having Shawn doing his awful "male stripper bad comedian" routine on top at the exact moment that the nWo was starting up on the other channel was death too. You pretty much had the goofiest babyface champ possible being compared to the coolest thing wrestling had seen in fucking ever up to that point.

    1996 Babyface Shawn Michaels was feuding with the fucking British Bulldog over the Bulldog's wife having a crush on Shawn... while at the same time Hall & Nash were invading WCW, powerbombing Bischoff through a stage, and Hogan was turning heel.

    That's about as wide a gulf in coolness and heat as is possible.

  28. I think Bret himself said that he took that very seriously. He didn't want his reputation tarnished or history to remember him the way that WWE wanted back in that time period.

  29. Worst_in_the_WorldApril 16, 2014 at 9:42 AM

    Yup, Bret came off as a cool, tough dude.

    Wish we never got the Diesel or Yokozuna eras and Bret could have just been on top as champ for two years in there somewhere.

  30. I'd like to see the 'Heyman Family' in the same vein as the Heenan family, where the guys are loosely associated in the storylines when, but are all managed by one guy however the talent rarely interact with each other, perhaps around Survivor Series time they come together as an actual unit.

  31. Bret made feuds with a dentist and pirate watchable. The man could do no wrong in an era where everything else was.

  32. From TNA: AJ Styles and James Storm should be his top babyfaces. Outside of those two, he should also poach Daniels and Kaz if he can, and Angle if the animosity still isn't too much. But I don't see much worth in anybody else.outside of Bobby Roode and Bully Ray but they're both probably locked into contracts.

    Current WWE: Brodus, Ziggler, Goldust and Dutch/Zeb (to assist with booking). Maybe Sandow.

    Ex-WWE guys: Shelton, Chris Masters, and Harry Smith.

    ROH: RD Evans, Silas Young, The Briscoes, Mike Bennett and Maria (mostly just Maria), and Tommaso Ciampa.

    Other indy dudes: Brian Cage, Colt (commentary), Uhaa Nation, and Matt Cross.

  33. Heyman's Heroes vs. Bryan's Bombers!

  34. From an in-ring perspective, though, it's one of the greatest years anyone has ever had. Using Scott's ratings as a reference point:

    -Owen at IYH6 (4 stars)
    -Bret at WM12 (4.75 stars)
    -Nash at IYH: Good Friends, Better Enemies (4.75 stars)
    -Vader at Summerslam (4.25 stars)
    -Foley at Mindgames (5 stars)
    -Sid at Survivor Series (4 stars)
    -Shawn/Ahmed/Sid v. Owen/Bulldog/Vader at International Incident (4 stars)
    Even his couple matches with Bulldog on PPV were 3ish.

  35. I'm on day 3 and did Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness last night. I've also had Chinese food every day since Sunday.

  36. Yep. And what's funny is two years later, Shawn's buddies were an enormous part of turning the tables pretty much 180 degrees, cool-wise, on the exact same act in WCW.

  37. I believe the argument was that since Warrior went over at WM6 he shouldn't be bringing it up as it would undermine people wanting to see Warrior kick heel Hogan's ass. Which does kinda make sense. I'm doing this off memory so I could be wrong, though.

  38. That isn't even counting some of the very good Raw matches he had in that stretch too.

  39. Back in 2010 or so, Swagger had some REALLY good matches on "Raw" with Cena and Taker - they were competitive, back-and-forth matches, and Swagger looked great in them. His earlier "ECW" run against Christian was really good, as well.

    I'm a big fan of Swagger, but about a year ago, I gave up on thinking that he could be a main-eventer. The guy's talented, and has a goofy kind of charisma (I really liked his 2010 reign where he was bragging about his trophies and had the "Swagger Soaring Eagle), but he's just never really figured out how to put a match together - he's a great athlete, but he'll hit a move or spot, and then just stand there looking confused. He still does that green rookie thing of clotheslining a guy down, waiting for the guy to get back up, and then just clotheslining him back down again.

    Being half of a tag-team is exactly the right use of him - he's a big, athletic guy that can come in, hit his spots, and then exit. He's good enough that he can be carried to 4* if a veteran holds his hand, but he's lost out there on his own.

  40. Right, that's what I'm saying. I think a lot of people would've been down on it and there wouldn't have been much of a nostalgia market for an Evolution return (I was about to say among "our demographic," but judged by fan responses and what's being pushed as a result, I'd say the fanbase as a whole has gotten noticeably smarter/smarkier).
    But they've done it in a way that has nothing to do with nostalgia. They're currently doing the best all-around storytelling I can remember them doing in years.

  41. What's funny is that a lot of the interviewees on that Warrior DVD don't understand how ridiculous they sounded when they were bashing Warrior. For example:
    Brooklyn Brawler mocks Warrior for not shaking other wrestlers' hands every day (apparently Warrior used to say "I'm not shaking hands with you guys again, I did it yesterday"). Of course any sane person is thinking, "why on earth would you shake your work colleagues' hands every single day??".
    Warrior missed a house show, which according to Vince is "the absolute worst thing you can do because the audience has paid to see you". What about all those times WWE pulls a bait and switch on Raw and PPV?
    And best of all, Vince says "Warrior claimed he missed the house show because his father died...which turned out to be TRUE but my understanding is that he hadn't spoken to his father in years so for him to use that as an excuse was just ridiculous". Does Vince really not understand how callous and awful that makes him sound???

  42. There's at least one with Al Snow (as goober Leif Cassidy) leading up to or right after Mania, and another 3-star match with Jannetty in July. Pretty sure he had a good one with Owen leading up to SummerSlam, too. Shawn's workrate wasn't a question, it was his character was poorly executed. The predominantly male crowd doesn't want a striptease from the WWF Champion.

  43. Yep, I remember this as well.

  44. Oh, absolutely. I'm not saying Dutch Mantell needs to get off my TV altogether. There's certainly still a role for him. Not sure who I'd nominate to be the next "Zeb Colter guy" but he could definitely help someone.

  45. Seriously, what if UT or Sting came out wearing a baseball cap before getting hit in the head with a portrait. We'd crush them for it.

  46. I went ahead and implemented the BOLD look. That's the beauty of the BOD Universe. They have the power to change things. Yes. Yes. Yes.

  47. Some of it's genuinely funny and affectionate. Christian and Edge and Jericho were legit fans of the guy--Christian's re-enactment of the "Take The Controls" promo is one of the funniest things WWE's ever done--and Warrior's promos really are the fairest of fair game.

    But then, as so many people have already said, the rest of it is unbelievably petty and spiteful.

  48. "Mr. Overdraft" Jef VinsonApril 16, 2014 at 10:05 AM

    What is it with with the higher ups in wrestling and their hatred of baseball caps? Didn't Cornette get pissed and smack up a wrestler for wearing one?

  49. Was that the first of appearance of "will talk shit about anyone for money" Ric Flair?

  50. As others have said, Cesaro seemed like the obvious answer, but I can understand not wanting to push him too far, too fast. Langston, maybe? Barrett?

    Come to think of it, Cody turning heel might have worked well. It may be too late to go back to the Authority/Rhodes feud, and Cody's already been part of a stable before, but he'd certainly fit in with the whole "vibe" of the group.

    McIntyre's another guy that would fit well. It'd take a lot to get that "jobber stink" off of him, but he would look good with them, and he's certainly much better in the ring than he's given credit for. Would be a nice way to "reboot" him.

  51. Yeah, in retrospect 1996 Shawn Michaels wasn't as cool as I remembered him being. But 1997 Shawn Michaels was the man.

  52. I think if they repackaged Sandow, slightly, admitting he has more to learn -- "The wise man knows when to admit he knows nothing" -- I think he could be a good Tully Blanchard-style guy in that group.

  53. The Kliq knew what they were doing.

  54. Jeff Hardy was a fan of wearing a hat. I wonder of he got heat for that.

  55. Lol. This replaces drunk Peyton Manning as my favorite BoD avatar

  56. It would be ridiculous and put the wrestler in a hole.

  57. All of this is irrelevant...the only important question is if CM Punk wears hats on his other "head".

  58. That immediately made me think of the Santino Marella incident but that was something else?

  59. I believe so. Then there's the Horsemen DVD. Reminds me of Hunter's comment on Paul Roma and still being the greatest example of burying someone on a DVD documentary. "The job guy from WWF?!"

  60. Agreed. Way too derivative. This doesn't need to be what the gimmick was 10 years ago.

  61. Hunter's reaction to Roma being in the group was hilarious. Say what you will but that was a pretty accurate assessment of the situation.

  62. None is the correct answer but I would LOVE to see Ambrose walk out with them in a suit.

  63. Your_Favourite_LoserApril 16, 2014 at 10:34 AM

    i always felt it was incredibly forced. hhh already had flair on his side by giving him the standard "where's the dirtiest player in the game?!" type speech, so flair turned heel and joined up with hhh

    orton had been a face in '02 since his debut that spring/summer, but he injured his shoulder, and began his heel turn via the *awesome* RNN updates that would randomly interrupt matches, promos, vid packages, etc. he basically was presented as the best thing since sliced bread and that we the viewers should fret not about his injury, but all done in an obnoxiously manner (a distant cousin to bo dallas's seemingly positive but in reality intentionally overbearing "bo-lieve" gimmick)

    batista had been deacon batista, then split off from d-von somehow and off tv, and then they reintroduced him via vignettes of him working out like a monster in the gym. can't recall if he came back as a heel or face who eventually turned

    as for how flair/hhh came to recruit batista/orton, i honestly don't remember. sometime in 2003, *boom*, evolution

  64. Your_Favourite_LoserApril 16, 2014 at 10:38 AM


    forced just to make the steen joke

  65. Crap that match is still amazing..If only Owen had wiped that crap off his mouth before his promo.

  66. I vaguely remember the part about Flair and HHH. When they had their big match on Raw were they already together or was that before? My timeline on this is so murky which tells me how blah the whole angle was.

  67. Though it seems like the purpose is to split them up and feud again. There was no interest before and probably won't be afterward.

  68. Most of it was serious. Love the fat guy heel team/stables.

  69. They officially formed in January of 2003 but soon after Batista suffered a triceps injury which put him on the shelf for like 8 months. By late 2003 they were all back together though.

  70. Oh man that would be sweet.

  71. Your_Favourite_LoserApril 16, 2014 at 10:45 AM

    really? i always used wm xix as a benchmark, and i only remember flair being involved in the booker t match, and not orton (nor batista, but he couldn't anyway, i guess)

  72. Now I patiently wait for the ladder match. A question to anyone reading, Why do you think Vince didn't go with Luger vs Bret for the main event? IT would have been a better match, we had already seen both faces take on Yoko, WM6 showed that face vs. face main events can work at mania so why? Was Vince just opposed to face vs. face, was he afraid Luger might get to much support and that would hurt Bret's reaction or did they just want Bret to get his win back?

  73. 1. Until she tires Punk out.
    2. Sudden death is a sad thing
    3. So is it now 2 and a half man band?

  74. My brain is about to explode with AJ/Punk/quitting jokes

  75. More like A.J. Steamboat amirite?

    See? It doesn't have to all be Punk comparisons.

  76. I'm sure they're crying all the way to the bank.

  77. Some weak headlines right there.

  78. "AJ Lee Taking Time Off?

    According to Mike Johnson of, AJ has asked for time off. There is no word yet on how long she will be gone for.

    Credit Mike Johnson,"

    MAH BAD!

  79. Punks brain is about to explode while AJ is sucking his d...


  80. He jsut reports the news he doesn't create it... this isn't Fox.

  81. "Mr. Overdraft" Jef VinsonApril 16, 2014 at 11:05 AM

    DAMMIT man, Condoms are NOT expensive!

  82. "Mr. Overdraft" Jef VinsonApril 16, 2014 at 11:06 AM

    "Reason For Hornswoggle Joining 3MB Last Night

    He replaced Heath Slater, who is currently on the Saudi Arabia tour."
    ..and no discernible decrease in talent was evident.

  83. TJ: here's a bunch of GIFs of that classic wrestling trope, "Never Headbutt A Samoan"

  84. "Mr. Overdraft" Jef VinsonApril 16, 2014 at 11:07 AM

    Steamboats fucking AJ?
    Man, that dude has game.

  85. "Mr. Overdraft" Jef VinsonApril 16, 2014 at 11:08 AM

    "He just reports the news he doesn't create it... he isn't Meltzer."

  86. Thanks, this is my first time visiting the BoD and I wasn't sure.


  88. "Mr. Overdraft" Jef VinsonApril 16, 2014 at 11:10 AM

    Slater will feud with Hornswoggle upon return. The other two members don't want him because they won 3 straight matches.

  89. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryApril 16, 2014 at 11:10 AM

    Day 4... I've been on a 14 year bender.


  91. "Mr. Overdraft" Jef VinsonApril 16, 2014 at 11:13 AM

    Afterward the money shot:

  92. Just what the world wanted... more Hornswoggle.

  93. "Mr. Overdraft" Jef VinsonApril 16, 2014 at 11:14 AM

    Said no world EVER...

  94. When Hornswoggle is considered an adequate replacement, it's time to pack it in.

  95. What's wrong with Hornswoggle as a replacement in a comedy jobber group?

  96. He even ripped off Slater's spot where he traded body gestures with Torito.

  97. Did someone replace the spermacide with whipped topping?

  98. Lulz. She needs her daily allotment of protein also.

  99. When I start acting like it, I'll let you know.

  100. This is great.

  101. Well, their inception wouldn't have anything to do with it anyway, since he specifically said the "reforming" of it. Which you quoted yourself.

  102. "Mr. Overdraft" Jef VinsonApril 16, 2014 at 11:20 AM

    Shouldn't the last one be him getting a Pedigree?

  103. That is good.

  104. All I know is that I have the sudden urge to attempt a bunch of SSP today.

  105. Still not cranky.

  106. HowmuchdoesthisguyweighApril 16, 2014 at 11:29 AM

    Flair started managing Batista in December 2002... Randy was doing the awesome RNN updates on his health until he just popped up on RAW to help HHH. Batista returned from injury a little while after.

  107. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomeryApril 16, 2014 at 11:30 AM

    Hell, do it like WCW where everyone is a stable member! YOU GET TO BE IN THE NWO! YOU GET TO BE IN THE NWO! EVERYONE GETS TO BE IN THE NWO!

  108. Your_Favourite_LoserApril 16, 2014 at 11:33 AM

    i saw goldberg with the spear and hbk with the superkick/pose, but who was the 1st one?

  109. That is great. The only thing it needed was Stick Lesnar punting Stick Lincoln's hat. I loved when he sprang upon the bongers with the botched SSP.

  110. The first one was Lesnar F5ing Cena only for Cena to shrug it off and put him down with the Attitude Adjustment. Then it was Rock and Michaels hitting Cena with their moves only to also get no sold and have their Attitudes Adjusted. I had to watch it a couple times to get it.

  111. Your_Favourite_LoserApril 16, 2014 at 11:40 AM

    the rock bottom looked like a spear

  112. Damn you for winning the BoD hoops league

  113. I'm sure Stick Heyman was waiting on the stage below to cut the JWB promo.

  114. "Mr. Overdraft" Jef VinsonApril 16, 2014 at 11:41 AM

    Him no-selling being shot by a tank was funny.

  115. I laughed way harder at that then I should have.

  116. It ended up being that he was Finlay's son all along.

  117. But, she's not married yet.

  118. Never thought Hornswoggle would become relevant again.

  119. Punk's gonna need some Gatorade, because he left all his electrolytes in AJ.

  120. I called it last week that AJ is likely done with the company.

  121. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryApril 16, 2014 at 12:01 PM

    The older one or the son?

  122. For the first time since 2007.

  123. Thanks a lot Punk.

  124. I think it works fine without adding new members. Because if you go down that road, it makes even less sense to add just a guy or two and then just kinda.... stop adding people? Otherwise you're constantly adding people to drive home the "cult" aspect and totally watering down the gimmick.
    Playing up the preacher/false prophet aspect moreso than the cultlike recruitment aspect is the way to go. Besides, they *are* kinda playing up the cult gimmick in making note of how he's gaining followers in the audience. I really hope they don't add actual performers to the Wyatt family.

  125. I would have loved to have seen the look on Stick Front Row Yes Shirt Guy's face after Stick Lesnar ended Stick Lincoln's being alive streak.

  126. Is Main Event completely off Ion now and only on WWE Network?

  127. As in it gives him TV time, something JTG never sees.

  128. I think they still play it on Wednesdays.

  129. My favorites were the wedding and the Lincoln one.

  130. Am I the only one who has always loved that wrestling trope?

  131. I haven't seen it

  132. I've been calling for this too. They should have facepaint, scream a lot and kill teams dead for like three months. Basically, an update on the Road Warriors/Powers of Pain/Demolition trope.

  133. Is JTG still with the company?!

  134. I wouldn't mind something like that, could work.

  135. I loved that so much.

  136. Ziggler needs some motivation.

  137. Only WWE Network. The ion deal ran out the week before Mania.

  138. I'll miss her theme music and ass, but her ass more.

  139. Bourne think it's safe to say Bourne is gone for good.

  140. Nope, I loved it too! They should bring it back with the Usos and Reigns.

  141. You had me at McDonalds.

  142. That's a good roster right there.

  143. Impending AJ-CM nuptials?

  144. Oops, should have watched it before commenting. Usos and reigns do use it.

  145. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryApril 16, 2014 at 12:34 PM

    I found this whole little sub-thread really amusing. Just thought I'd share that.

  146. Stranger in the AlpsApril 16, 2014 at 12:34 PM

    Lousy browser on the work computer giving me script errors, so I am unable to see it. My imagination tells me that it is Vader at a Golden Corral enjoying All You Can Eat for only $10.

  147. Or she's just taking time off.

  148. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryApril 16, 2014 at 12:35 PM

    And an impending annulment.

  149. Shut up, you're dumb! :P

  150. Worse yet...I'm watching WM X ...M.O.M rap entrance...followed by the

  151. Complete random TJ: was listening to a podcast at the gym and they bring up the whole criticism of Cena "not showing vulnerability", "no selling opponents in a build up", "no selling losses", etc., etc.

    They bring up the point that he might do this purposely to essentially be perceived as a bigger deal than everyone he works with? Do you think he does this on purpose? I have never thought about it

  152. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomeryApril 16, 2014 at 12:37 PM

    Goes well with my back to back BoD fantasy football titles. Should invest in some dual belts to carry around...

  153. Impending burning when she pisses also

  154. Clearly there's only one way to settle this. WARGAMES!

  155. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryApril 16, 2014 at 12:38 PM

    Seriously, I got a good laugh out of they're little back-and-forth there.

  156. I'm scared for him a little.

  157. Me too. I just wanted to keep with the motif.

  158. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryApril 16, 2014 at 12:39 PM

    Hence the annulment.

  159. Punk is the Captain Kirk of the wrestling world. They should have Shatner sing a cover of CoP as his new theme.

  160. Stranger in the AlpsApril 16, 2014 at 12:43 PM

    The real for Hornswoggle joining 3MB was *hack* *hack* *choke* *gasp* *-------------------------------------------------------*

  161. Not sure why you would think that, everybody loves the Samoan hardhead gimmick.

  162. I think he;s a Hulk Hogan for our times. Except that Hogan had the good sense to know when to turn heel before the babyface act got too annoying.

  163. Not really. Everyone still says Hogan was on the fence to turn until like the day it was supposed to go down because he was still cashing in on endorsement deals no matter how ridiculous they may have been (Pastamania!).

  164. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryApril 16, 2014 at 12:47 PM

    I loved the one Rumble where someone did the noggin-knocker spot with Samu and HBK (I think) and only HBK sold it.

  165. I'm not as big of a basher as many but there is certainly a insecurity to him, that is why he always falls back on the comedy and does what he did to Brock, Rock and so on.

  166. I don't think Cena tries to hold people down. I think the WWE is just scared that the obvious heel turn would wreck his money-making ability, so he's stuck, and that's how it's going to be until people stop buying Cena wristbands.

    This is a guy taking Mandarin lessons in his spare time so he can help expand the WWE business when it eventually takes on the China market. I really don't think he's a Hogan wannabee.

    Also- loses to Punk- Punk becomes a big star. Loses to Bryan- leads to the eight-month run up to Wrestlemania that makes Bryan a massive star. Lost to Orton. Beat Wyatt, but it fit the story and elevated Wyatt. Exactly who did he hold down? Zack Ryder?

  167. "I'm the CULT! ...of personALity. NE. ON. LIGHTS. NO. BEL. PRIZE. When a leader speaks, that leader *dies*."

  168. Uh, you might want to look at that link before saying that. Looks like they HAVE been doing it.

  169. Let's just saw if Triple H or Hulk Hogan had the run Cena's had, while acting the way Cena acts, it would be seen differently.

  170. I wish more ethnicities would have hidden superpowers like this. Celebrate our differences!

  171. ...Snuka's not even Samoan.

  172. They should make him into a quasi-Adrian Adonis where he turns into a killer once you really tick him off. "I'll dance on your grave".

  173. its really great

  174. IS he still Vince's kid? If so they should totally pay it off at some point with him joining the authority...

  175. richard householderApril 16, 2014 at 1:12 PM

    random...who is that girl in the exploding grey shirt in the The Chive ad that's always at the bottom of the comments?

  176. That's too good for Fandango. Triple H proclaimed that he would be carrying the company and we can't have an Adrian Adonis type's face on the box for WWE 2K20.

  177. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryApril 16, 2014 at 1:18 PM

    TJ: I just saw the TV schedule for the NHL Playoffs, and damn near every game is either on NBC, NBC Sports, or CNBC. Sweet. Of course one of the Avalanche games is on the NHL Network, which I don't get. Fuckers...

  178. Halfway through Survivor Series 1993. It's ugly.

  179. The first thought is Ziggler.

    I don't think Cena actively "holds down" guys (like HHH/Jericho) but I don't think he's all that eager to lose (as well he shouldn't, since the fed prints money off his back).
    And I'd argue that Wyatt was big after he beat Bryan at RR.

  180. yea the opener is fun and the RnR Heavenly Bodies match is solid but that is it.

  181. "Mr. Overdraft" Jef VinsonApril 16, 2014 at 1:26 PM

    Vince always carries a spare know, for special occasions.
    You never know when a song might blare over the loud speakers and he wants one to dance.


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