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Shoot Interview Poll

This week, I chose three fairly new interviews that are long shoots. I haven't seen the Prichard shoot but the other two are very, very good. So, here are your choices:

Bruce Prichard

Chris Hero, Volume 2


Scotty Riggs

Vote by clicking on the link below. Voting ends Saturday at 7pm.


  1. Riggs. The trailer makes it sound like he has a to of stories. I can just imagine the rats he and Bagwell got, and even better (worse?) the rats with Raven.

  2. It's gotta be Pritchard, right? A guy that close to Vince (and who I thought would have a job for life) has to have some cool stories/insight.

  3. I've seen the Riggs one, even though it's pretty old now it's really good. I'll vote that, even though Prichard may be more interesting since he's newer to the shoot scene.

  4. The Riggs shoot was just released about two months ago

  5. That was Highspots, my bad. Well, more reason for a review on a newer RF one.

  6. Mister_E_Studd_Got100ProblemsApril 17, 2014 at 7:41 PM

    Pritchard would be my first pick, then Riggs at a distant second.

  7. I gotta go with Riggs. I've heard awesome things about it.

  8. "Master of the Dropkick" Scotty Riggs

  9. How do you decide which three to group together? Just random chance or is there a method to the madness?

  10. I got the 1989 WWF jobber edition soon too: Barry Horowitz, Jim Powers, and Sam Houston

  11. His shoot entered the Danger Zone

  12. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomeryApril 17, 2014 at 8:39 PM

    Because Scotty Riggs is alright. Don't nobody worry about him.

  13. Who would have thought he would have ended up the crazy one between him and Paul Roma.

  14. Didn't Sasuke bust his skull like 2 weeks before his wwf debut?

  15. I think that may have been the most heavily papered wwf shows ever. They were practically bringing the homeless of the streets just to have more bodies in there. Over 20,000 were freebies

  16. Have you seen/ reviewed the Gary Hart one yet? Either the regular one or the "guest booker" thing he did. Both are good. He's one of the smarter wrestling guys I've heard.

  17. I don't know, 40,000 paid is still a damn good number for a non-Mania wrestling show even if the stadium used fit many more.

  18. I have his RF shoot, which is really good

  19. I voted for Bruce Prichard. His podcast with Austin was really good, although Austin's a far better interviewer than RF. Still, I'd much rather hear Bruce talk than Chris Hero or freaking Scotty Riggs.

  20. I can't believe Chris hero is getting crushed, it is a top 10 shoot of all time.

  21. "Mr. Overdraft" Jef VinsonApril 18, 2014 at 6:18 AM

    I guess I'll pick Pritchard.

  22. "Mr. Overdraft" Jef VinsonApril 18, 2014 at 6:20 AM

    "Interviews that are in English but still require subtitles"
    I'm assuming Ahmed Johnson is a choice there.

  23. I've heard so many little asides on the Riggs one that I have to vote for it.

  24. This is the second time I have put it in a poll and it has gotten crushed in the vote. And the funny thing is a lot of people have requested that to me.

  25. I already reviewed that one

  26. Anything that Bruce has to say has been discussed on this blog a thousand times plus dude is a blow hard. Riggs is a fucking jobber, once you've heard one junkie shoot, you've heard them all. Hero's shoot is the only interview that goes behind the scenes in that much detail on NXT, it's great.

  27. The Riggs shoot is gold. But Hero's shoot was too and I respected him a ton after I viewed it.

  28. I really recommend the Guest Booker shoot. Lots of interesting stuff, but kind of eerie because he died right after flying home from that trip.

  29. Did he cut Footloose, too?


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