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The SmarK RAW Rant–04.07.14

The SmarK RAW Rant – 04.07.14

No, I’m not going back to RAW, but last night’s was such an awesome show that I thought I’d throw a rant your way. Also, this allows me to test out Hulu on Xbox One and gives me an achievement. So everyone wins!

Live from New Orleans, LA

Your hosts are Michael Cole, Jerry Lawler & JBL

Really spectacular video package to start, recapping the Daniel Bryan saga, in particular when the chorus goes “I’ve turned into a monster” and you see a montage of his beard and hair growing out over the years. The people they have doing these things are top notch.

Daniel Bryan joins us to start, and he’s already got “Yes” plates on the belt so you know he’s keeping it for a bit. And the crowd won’t even let him talk because of chanting his name, and then “You deserve this”. The difference between Bryan and John Cena is that Bryan comes across as a real person with real emotions who actually connects with the crowd and gets them emotionally invested in his quest. And after a bunch of Yes-ing, HHH and Steph interrupt. Oddly (or not I guess) the Hulu version edits out the “asshole” chant from the crowd. HHH is pretty sure Bryan’s moment won’t even last through the night, and to make sure he’s challenging for the title personally TONIGHT.

Meanwhile, the Douche Twins bitch at HHH about how they both deserve title shots, so Stephanie gives them a tag title shot against the Usos. HHH once again hints that when they all work together, bad things happen to people.

The Wyatt Family v. John Cena, Big E & Sheamus

The new awesomeness from this crowd: Singing “John Cena Sucks” to the tune of his music. The crowd immediately cheers for Wyatt as there is no split tonight. Bray stomps on Cena, but Sheamus comes in with a shoulderblock and the crowd boos the crap out of him as well. The Wyatts pound on him in the corner, but he fights back against Rowan to a cascade of boos. Sheamus has fun with it, however, making sure to keep punching so that people can boo him. Over to Big E, who hits Rowan with backbreakers for two, but he’s so impressive with it that people cheer him for a bit. Back to Cena, who hits Harper with the Five Knuckle Shuffle, but Harper faceplants him for two as we take a break. Back with Bray hitting a uranage for two. Harper pounds him with forearms as there’s actually a “Let’s go Cena” portion of the crowd now fighting to be heard. Hot (?) tag to Sheamus, who hits Harper and Rowan with a double shoulderblock, but walks into a lariat from Rowan. Back to Big E and Bray as E runs wild with a suplex and splash, but the Wyatts clean house on the other babyfaces and Bray finishes E with the Sister Abigail (“Bray is gonna kill you!”) at 13:12. Wacky fun! ***

Speaking of wacky, Bo Dallas starts his vignettes as we learn that “impossible” really means “I’m Possible”. I thought they might tweak the character, but I guess they’re just gonna go for it. Or BO for it.

Brock Lesnar joins us after breaking the streak. And Paul Heyman told us so. He’s such an awesome heel that a heel crowd boos him. Brock is not here to make people happy, he’s here to PUT TEARS IN THE EYES OF CHILDREN. He continues his awesome roll (“John Layfield and the other two things they call announcers”) and points out that Brock might get no respect, but he also respects no one and barely tolerates Paul. Daniel Bryan never fought in the UFC! John Cena never fought in the UFC! YOU’RE ALL WANNABES! Oh, and Brock is the “1” in “21-1”. This was MASTERFUL.

WWE tag titles: The Usos v. Randy Orton & Batista

The crowd is on Batista already, but at least now he’s fully embracing his heel status. Orton pounds on an Uso while the crowd does the thing where they chant for everyone else in the world but him. Everyone fights outside and Evolution destroys them until both are counted out at 2:14. The heels don’t seem to care, and an Uso gets powerbombed on the stairs in a crazy sick spot. So, uh, point made, I guess.

ADAM ROSE is coming. If ever there was a gimmick in NXT where it was ready to be dropped into prime time with no tweaking, this is it.

Ultimate Warrior joins us, wearing a goofy paper Warrior mask. His spirit will run forever, apparently.

AJ Lee is out to celebrate her 295th day as champion, the “best Diva in the World”, which draws a Punk chant. This brings out NXT champion Paige, and this would be the crowd that actually knows her. She just wants to congratulate AJ, but this OFFENDS your longest-reigning champion because she doesn’t like interruptions. So she wants to beat on Paige, and she’ll even give her a title shot right now.

Divas title: AJ Lee v. Paige

The crowd chants “this is awesome” for the match, and AJ attacks right away and puts her down with an elbow. AJ spins into the Black Widow, but Paige reverses out and hits the Paige Turner for the pin and the title at 1:21. ½* Finish looked terrible but the poor girl had to be nervous given this kind of pressure. So AJ gets Honky Tonk’d. The rematch on the PPV (pardon me, “WWE Special”) should be great given some time as well.

Hulk Hogan joins us, to award the ARMBAR trophy to Cesaro. Uncle Zeb won’t let him talk, however, so Cesaro changes teams and introduces Paul Heyman as his new manager. And then an hour after ripping the crowd apart with a master class in heel promos, Heyman draws a giant babyface reaction and then cuts a hilarious babyface promo on Zeb. This brings out Swagger, and he SMASHES THE TROPHY. Good god, when has that ever happened before in the history of wrestling? THIS IS WHOLLY UNPRECENDENTED.

Jack Swagger v. Cesaro

So this is an impromptu match joined in progress after the break, and Heyman is clutching the remains of the trophy like CM Punk’s belt. Swagger pounds away with knees in the corner and works on the back, but Cesaro fights back with forearms until Swagger powerslams him for two. Swaggerbomb hits knee and Cesaro comes back with the deadlift superplex for two. Running uppercuts in the corner set up the Giant Swing, but Swagger runs away at 5:00. Probably should have destroyed Swagger and moved on to something bigger for Cesaro. *1/2

Meanwhile, Stephanie rallies the Shield and makes sure that HHH will be walking out with the title tonight. Kane gets too worked up and accidentally starts blabbing things that he shouldn’t be blabbing, which is a nice subtle touch you don’t usually get. Stephanie actually sells it well too, giving him the “SHUT THE FUCK UP” look.

Daniel Bryan v. HHH

Never happens, as Douche and Douchier attack Bryan and lay him out, as does Kane. This brings out HHH for what would seem to be the easy pin (and watching live I was like “Fuck me, they’re gonna Mick Foley him”) but then The Shield makes the save in the name of justice. So there’s your main event babyface turn for them, which is exactly what they should do. And to think they were gonna split them up at Wrestlemania. We get the big staredown between Shield and Not-Evolution ala the Wyatts feud, but HHH declares that it’s not happening. Never not awesome. And then Reigns spears HHH anyway and the war is on. Ambrose and Rollins hitting dives like excited little kids is great. And then HHH takes the running knee as Daniel Bryan finally has some muscle on his side.

The Pulse

A spectacular show, one of the best episodes I’ve seen in the history of the show. Nothing really for good wrestling, but just pure entertainment from start to finish that set up a bunch of interesting stuff for Extreme Rules and was MOVING THE CHAINS. And after months of being stuck on a treadmill, we now have new characters, new main eventers, and best of all different things happening. What a great weekend to be a fan.


  1. "Meanwhile, the Douche Twins bitch at HHH about how they both
    deserve title shots, so Stephanie gives them a tag title shot against
    the Usos. HHH once again hints that when they all work together, bad
    things happen to people"

    Weird, I didn't see the Bella's take on the Uso's.

  2. "Daniel Bryan joins us to start, and he’s already got “Yes” plates on the belt so you know he’s keeping it for a bit. "

    "This brings out HHH for what would seem to be the easy pin (and watching live I was like “Fuck me, they’re gonna Mick Foley him”) "

    You're such a mark. I love it =)

    Seriously though it says something about how compelling the story is that they would have that kind of storyline touch and yet there's still the worry he's gonna lose.

  3. Funny you speak on the video package people. I was reading this a few hours ago. Here is linkage.

  4. Sorry guys, but I was on FARK and found the best joke ever. I didn't make this up, I'm just stealing it to post it here:

    Guys, about Sting....

    I have it on good authority from my
    source in WWE that Sting was scheduled to show up tonight and they'd
    even come up with a way to work around Undertaker's concussion, but
    Vader has apparently opened a fast food restaurant in New Orleans and,
    well, you know Sting...

    He can't pass up Vader's invitation to his White Castle.

  5. Awesome, thanks for posting.

  6. I'm probably reading way too much into this, but the word "war" was uttered multiple times last night by HHH and I think one of the members of The Shield. God I hope they're doing Wargames at Extreme Rules.

    I thought they were really setting up Cesaro as a face. Hopefully this leads to Paul turning on him soon because Cesaro will be cheered everywhere.

  7. No mention of stoic Sting fan in the front row!?

  8. THANK GOD they did not break up the Shield.

    Whenever it happens, Brock Lesnar vs. Daniel Bryan is going to be amazing.

  9. I may actually have to watch a full wrestling show for the first time in 10 years. I can't remember this much excitement about a WWE show that was entertaining in the way that it was meant to be entertaining for a lon, long time.

  10. If there's a "special event" that would be a good thematic fit for WARGAMES, it would be extreme rules.

  11. That 6-man match deserved way more than 3 stars. It was amazingly good, everyone bumped their asses off and the crowd was way into it. At least a 4 or 4.25 star match IMO.

  12. this ARMBAR thing was a big success, I cant wait till it breaks away from Wrestlemania and gets its own PPV like MitB! They could give the winner a title shot and...and...oh :(

  13. They were smart to book the show for THIS crowd.

  14. I was flipping through the live thread during raw and saw tons of people calling the Wyatt's match 4 stars plus/the best raw match in years etc. So when I watched the match I was kind of surprised. It was good but far from great. 3 stars sounds about right if your factoring in the crowd heat. I'm glad Scott brought some sanity to talk about that match. I guess for some people if you plop any old match out in front of hot and smakry crowd its a five star classic.

  15. Thanks for the great link. The article even includes my favorite WWE video package of all time, Taker vs. Shawn with Placebo's Running Up That Hill.

  16. Wow great link! That's for posting, that was really interesting.

  17. Please, no more Bryan vs. Orton PPV main events.

  18. I say it all the time but what a difference a hot crowd makes. The show was booked brilliantly too, but man crowd heat like that really gets both the wrestlers and viewers more into it.

  19. To be fair, I think most of us were caught up in just how fantastic RAW was so far up to that point. Not knowing, of course, that it would continue to be awesome throughout the rest of the show, but still. Also, the super-hot crowd really made it feel special.

  20. Finally glad that they are moving stuff forward for a change. For some reason I can't see Cena in the midcard for too long so things should get interesting.

  21. Part of the reason this story has gotten so good is that Triple H and Stephanie are no longer tweening; they are just being bad people. There's no need for either one to change.
    Also, Triple H's ahem...evolution has been amazing. Weeks ago he was a condescending jerk who was amused by Bryan. Slowly he became more and more enraged and has hit a new gear in terms of being a heel.
    The road from SummerSlam to now wasn't perfect, but it's worked out and everyone is hitting their stride.

  22. "What a great weekend to be a fan."

    Says it all.

  23. Honestly, I think TV should be rated on a point system like how Scott rates the Coliseum tapes. Only TV matches that really break the mold of a TV match should actually be rated on a star scale.

  24. Totally. Like I said in another thread, last night's crowd was super-hot for completely different reasons from last year's New Jersey crowd. Last year, they were super-hot on trying to get themselves over for the most part. They constantly hijacked the show and basically shit all over the product.

    Last night? They marked the hell out for everything, loud and proud. I wish we could just take that very crowd and have them go to every show from now on because they made last night's amazing RAW all the better.

  25. For the record, our man James gave Bryan and Batista the perfect tag name:

    The Brothers of Douchetruction.

    We need to refer to them as such from now on.

  26. It's amazing what happens when you give the audience what it wants!

  27. I hope they leave him there because there's no room. This is about Bryan fighting the machine, with The Shield seeking justice. Unless Cena aligns himself with Triple H and Stephanie, he doesn't belong.

  28. You know, provided Bryan went over, I actually would be okay with Cena/Bryan for, say, Summerslam.

  29. I get the feeling it will go there at some point. Reminds me of Austin/Undertaker in '98. Austin was the champ and all but I still thought kayfabe wise it was still UT's show. Until UT put him over at Summerslam.

  30. Ya know, while that six man tag match was awesome, how sweet would it have been if Wyatt came out and shot on Cena in front of that crowd, calling him out for not doing a damn thing to help out Bryan against The Authority and continuing to call him out as a hypocritical false hero?

  31. I really wish they would take it there. It would help out his character tremendously.

  32. That's crazy. You're crazy. That's crazy talk. Stop talking crazy!

  33. At some point they need to address that elephant in the room, and having Wyatt go there in front of a crowd you knew was going to be Anti-Cena would have been the perfect place to do it. Moving forward Wyatt could have gotten under Cena's skin at an increasing pace, and Cena might actually develop a compelling character and purpose.

  34. The thing that annoyed me about Triple H playing the ambiguous tweener is that i saw what they were going for. He was supposed to be a two-faced slimeball businessman with a phony, pandering "good guy" persona manufactured for PR purposes. Like, I got that - it was basically the same as the early Mr. McMahon character from Survivor Series '97 to WrestleMania XIV.

    But the execution was piss-poor. His motivation and alignments kept changing from week to week and the whole thing just got confusing. With early Vince, he'd do heelish things towards Austin but through a bullshit "I'm just looking out for you!" facade, rather than backing The Rock one week and then emasculating him the next.

  35. Whoa, that's "Adam" of George and Adam fame! That makes me unreasonably happy.

  36. I think the big money's in Bryan vs. Lesnar at SummerSlam, but this would work, too. I think Cena has to be a heel this time around though, but of course that's not happening any time soon.

  37. "Mr. Overdraft" Jef VinsonApril 8, 2014 at 11:06 AM

    That wasn't a Sting fan. That WAS Sting. He knew he blew his chance at the big time.

  38. This felt like a show from the late 90s, IMO. It was fresh, exciting and the crowd just added to everything. This was an absolute blast to sit through.

  39. Hey it worked out for Money in the Bank!

  40. The interesting part is that if Cena had helped Bryan against the Authority -- and he did step in a couple of times, if I recall -- then people would get all upset that "Super Cena" coming to save the day makes Bryan look weak.
    I think you can keep Cena near the main event and yet just outside the Bryan storyline. Cena-Wyatt, Cena-Batista, Cena-Orton, Cena-Kane, Cena-Cesaro would all work.

  41. There's money in both.

    What I think would be interesting is HHH and Steph failing so badly at getting the title off Bryan that they start propositioning Cena every week. They keep trying to entice him with something different until they finally hit upon something that gets him to bite.

  42. Honestly, I would put that front and centre at WrestleMania. I think it's a big enough match now that it's WM worthy.

  43. But IMO, the crowd HAD TO hijack last year because Cena on top again wasn't gonna work for them. They're much happier with the situation this time around.

    Also, major props to the Rumble and Elimination chamber crowds for solidifying that Batista was not gonna be shoved down our throats.

  44. I think there's money in a lot of Daniel Bryan matches. They're pretty stacked right now.

  45. Oh, absolutely. It was the biggest, clear-cut signs that WWE desperately needed to change gears.

    What a difference a year makes, eh?

  46. It could just be Cena like, "I gave you your shot last year at SummerSlam, give me the rematch now."

  47. Orton and Batista are douche and douchier but I will say Batista is douchier. 40+ year old man with grand children ROCKING skinny jeans is hard to top!

  48. Orton and Batista?

    Kudos James.

  49. It was great. I don't watch from week to week but I didn't want last night's show to end.

  50. How awesome is this RAW? It gets THREE THREADS.

  51. Just take ANY of the top or near-top guys and imagine pairing them with Bryan and it works fantastic:

    Bryan/Cesaro (*drool at that match potential*)
    Hell, they could revisit Bryan/Wyatt NOW after what's transpired.

  52. That works for a match but it doesn't address his character issues though. He needs something to get him out of this lull

  53. I don't think anybody actually wanted to see Cena get involved in that angle, but within the context of the kayfabe world, it is suspect that Cena, the guy who's supposed to be a paragon of virtue and stands up for every Tom, Dick, and Harry in the back, never once bothered to help Bryan out.

  54. And Air Jordans while wrestling a match. Fuck is that all about?

  55. As long as they are smart, they've got a year plus of great storylines

  56. The Brothers of Douchetruction. Yes.

  57. So he is definitely wearing Jordans, right? I wasn't sure if they were just Jordan-inspired boots.

  58. That Hounds of Justice chant was almost goosebump worthy.

    Beleive in the shield

  59. It would also be a rematch. SS last year was Cena vs. Bryan. Bryan won, and then Triple H turned on him.

  60. Bryan-Cesaro seems more like a 30-minute RAW classic than a PPV -- err, WWE Special -- main event. Maybe Bryan-Cesaro gets second billing on a card where HHH-Reigns or Brock-Cena is the main.

  61. Stop it. Don't even get me all excited about the possibility of War Games.

  62. I'm calling it now. WAR GAMES at Extreme Rules!
    This might be the best raw ever and certainly the best in a long time. Even on shows with better matches this was perfectly paced and felt like a second night of PPVs. Heyman should be the highest paid person in the company for doing the best heel and face work of the night.

    My only concern is is Bryan gets pushed out of the spotlight a little, however for last night it might have been a good move, he was half of wrestlemania so maybe they were concerned of burn out.

    Beyond that I think we can all agree Bray's gonna kill you is here to stay, they managed to make the women's division interesting to me for the first time in years in one segment......just awesome stuff.

  63. Knowing Batista you can't put it past him.

  64. Your_Favourite_LoserApril 8, 2014 at 11:20 AM

    from all of us who were at the rumble, YOU'RE WELCOME

  65. Which one? I counted at least three.

  66. Orton's pose still takes the cake for me. One of the people watching WM30 at my house, who hasn't watched wrestling since he was a kid, was like, "Does he think he's a Greek god or something?"

  67. Awesome crowd, awesome show. Heyman is a promo god.

    This was the first three hour Raw that held my attention from beginning to end. Looks like I might have to watch Raw again next week as well.

  68. The crowd popping huge when Cesaro looked at Zeb and said "I'm a Paul Heyman guy" was also goosebumps worthy

  69. Random thought after re-watching Bryan/HHH at WM. No way this match isnt up there with Pillman/Liger, Mystero/Psychosis and the others as best opening match for a show.

    The two of them had great chemistry. Bryan brought everything to the table like always, and Hunter was completely motivated pulling out moves he never uses, working the hell out of the shoulder and graciously laying down for the pin. The crowd was excellent and Steph played the role of heel manager great.

  70. I think it's fair to say The Shield, if they can keep up momentum as babyfaces for a sustained period, will go down as one of the best stables ever. Great matches, great gimmick, great look, great music, great and subtle character beats, and morphed from heel to face without skipping a beat.

  71. Off topic but cult was so hilarious is saying that Taker was masterful in his match with Brock with his expression s and psychology when it's now being reported that he had no idea what was going on in the match and had Brock call most of it.


  72. All this focus on the live crowd makes me wonder: Have you ever enjoyed a wrestling show that the crowd wasn't really into? Obviously last night was a perfect example of how a hot crowd can make a show better ... and we've all complained about dead crowds dragging down a show. But sometimes if I like what's happening, the crowd doesn't matter to me.

  73. we get a Brock Bill Gunn match to fight over The One? maybe a moniker on a pole match?

  74. No, he wasn't manufacturing anything. His story was the devolution of nice guy HHH to evil son of a bitch HHH. He thought he was doing the right thing, but the more things devolved the more he went back to the old HHH until he self-sabotaged by assuming he could squash Bryan at Mania and take the gold himself.

    It was excellent storytelling, and in retrospect the Bryan story was handled far better than 'give him the gold from Summerslam for a few months' would have been.

  75. I think this has to be it. 4 on 4 I don't know what else they can won't be survivor series. Chamber won't work. I guess they could do hell in a cell but that seems claustrophobic. WAR GAMES BABY!

  76. "Mr. Overdraft" Jef VinsonApril 8, 2014 at 11:34 AM

    Billy Gunn is already fucked up from the Shield Ass-kicking. What do you think Brock will do to him?

  77. He will "FINISH. IT." Oh wait, wrong meathead...

  78. Reigns: "You want a war, Hunter? The Shield is built for war. Believe that."


  79. I don't know about a whole show, but I've certainly enjoyed many matches where the crowd was dead. I'd even be saying, "Why are you people into this more? It's great!"

  80. Benoit/Malenko at Sturgis in 1996 is the ultimate example.

  81. Though even if they do a War Games match I can't see them giving up the ringside seating to put up two rings, so I imagine that they would just have the match inside of a Cell. And they could still have all my money.

  82. The crowd can keep chanting YES all they want till they get sick of it. Cause they are covering the fact that Daniel B doesn't have the mic skills to carry the company. Watch end of year Daniel B is going to be more exposed as OVERRATED flavor of the month.

  83. depends on the arena I guess...but I'd hope for two rings.

  84. Dude, did you even WATCH Team Hell No? The guy has acting chops.

  85. Worst_in_the_WorldApril 8, 2014 at 11:43 AM

    HAHA, cool.

  86. And people call *ME* a troll.. :)

  87. And then they move on to the next flavor of the month. That's how the business works. But you don't not pull the trigger on a guy because he might not be the next Stone Cold.

  88. It's strange, I actually don't think Bryan all that great with promos, but his general sense of acting is REALLY good. Trying to think of a case like that before...Steamboat maybe?

  89. Yeah, I didn't mean that he SHOULD have done anything, I'm saying it would ratchet up the psychology of their program if Wyatt were to use that as ammunition in his war on Cena's legacy.

  90. ^Line of the night, IMO.

  91. Owen just tripped over his lines sometimes, otherwise the meat of the promos themselves was OK.

  92. Actually, the fact that he stayed out and that we would complain if he tried to Superman his way in is Wyatt's hook. Cena is, to quote TV Tropes, the classic Slave To PR.

  93. Owen's voice was a little annoying to me, which didn't help his promos.

  94. I'm a troll cause I speak the truth. Get mad at me all you want, but you can't prove me wrong!



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