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A good introduction to pro-wrestling for kids?

Hey Scott,

I have a 4 year old son who I want to eventually bring into wrestling fandom with me, I think he'll love it. I'm of the mindset that I'll probably start showing him some stuff when he's around 7, but we'll see how it goes. Just wondering A) what you think is an appropriate age to bring kids into watching wrestling and B) what are some good feuds, eras or even specific shows that a young kid in particular would find fun and a good introduction to this crazy thing we watch so much.

​Their Saturday morning show was actually a really good, kid-friendly show for introducing it.  Basically I've found though that kids either get it or they don't.  NXT is also totally fine for kids most of the time and has lots of colorful characters.  ​


  1. Another good review from you. I would have to fully agree with you on this episode. As much as I thought episodes 2-4 had a bit of charm to them, this one was moving at a glacial pace. Too boring to even make fun of it. I thought they spent roughly six weeks with each other and this was the best they could come up with?

    Each episode seems to cover roughly two days...just skip a bloody day and find some good stuff. I also don't get how there isn't some serious BS sessions going on at night, talking about old times.

  2. Yeah, either find some Saturday Morning Slam or NXT.

  3. Have you seen how miserable we all are? Why would you want him to become a die hard wrestling fan?

  4. Dude, it was brutal. I tried as hard as I could. I even had a bit written about how I paused it and walked away and contemplated my life while it was going on. Thank you for reading, though. It was by far the most boring episode yet.

  5. I also showed my 5 year old future stepson clips from that DDT wrestling promotion in Japan. The wrestling doll, Yoshiko, and the kid wrestler clips were extremely entertaining to him.

  6. I showed a 5 year Okada vs Tanahashi then berated him when he only gave it 2 stars. Fucking kids. What do they know?

  7. Deserving of a LOL. Thank you for that.

  8. I got introduced by my dad buying WrestleMania VHS tapes from a store across the street from his job. My first wrestling memory was Macho winning the WrestleMania IV tournament, so I think that might have been the first VHS I watched.

  9. I'm stuck in a awkward position where my sister absolutely hates wrestling and won't let her son watch it, but her son is interested in it because a lot of his friends watch it and everytime he comes round to mine, he always asks to watch wrestling and I have to break the poor little guy's heart by denying him it.

  10. ARRRRGH THE BARBARIANMay 16, 2014 at 9:44 PM

    I think anything involving Kane from around 10 years ago is an awesome way to start. Crazed rapist Katie Vick murdering testicle-jumpstarting fun

  11. I dunno, Chris Benoit matches seem like the best way to me.

  12. Kids only care for gimmicks, it's cool.

  13. Kids gonna mature so fast.

  14. ARRRRGH THE BARBARIANMay 16, 2014 at 9:52 PM

    If only Vince wasn't feeling Snitsky and subbed Benoit in as the rape baby killer

  15. 80's WWF. Most of it is harmless, goofy stuff.

  16. Wait till he sees the Time Spilters.

  17. Only in for gimmicks.

  18. ARRRRGH THE BARBARIANMay 16, 2014 at 9:56 PM

    Seriously, though you should be safe until right around when Pillman pulls out the gun.

  19. The correct answer here is obviously some classic ECW, anything with New Jack.

  20. Once again, I cannot say enough, your reviews of this ducking trainwreck of a show are priceless, and crack me up every time I read them. Once again, great job.

  21. Scooby Doo...... Scooby Doo.......

  22. I really appreciate the kind words. This episode was so much nothing. Thank you for reading. You're a real trooper. I'm seriously doing this for you and only, like, two other people at this point.

  23. I was going to suggest CHIKARA, but I think part of what makes CHIKARA and its comedy work so well is knowing many of the tropes in pro-wrestling.

  24. I'd start with fun characters like Santino, JYD, face Doink and Bad News Allen

  25. Melina vs. Alicia Fox

  26. That match is 5 stars, perfect choice.

  27. Timeless epic for all ages.

  28. Come on man, embrace a sibling rivalry, make it a Bret and Owen.

  29. It's what got one of the Funkadactels into wrestling.

  30. Stranger in the AlpsMay 16, 2014 at 11:00 PM

    Give the kid a mic, tell him to sing "He's Got the Whole World", then drop some acid to get the distortion effect. Let that continue for three hours.

  31. Mass Transit Incident

  32. From that moment you'll have a Pillmaniac on your hands.

  33. The Nation is great for kids as well

  34. Seriously, I'm not kidding, your reviews of this show are freaking funny. Great writing, and sorry for having to sit through this crappy show. I heard that on season 2 they (wwe) is trying to get Flair and Hogan, at least that would be a lot more interesting, and probably just as funny.

  35. As an uncle of kids who's parents try to shield them from most things. I'll say this.....fuck the parents. Embrace the kids interests. MOST patents don't know better.

  36. Another great choice.

  37. Keep 'em coming! Your reviews are about the only reason I'm still watching the show. The shows are getting worse, but the reviews still are priceless.

  38. "Hacksaw, in the hot tub, tells us that Tony is a very good drawer and he
    draws when he's angry, so he's been drawing the entire time he's been
    here. I'm angry, because I just had to type "Hacksaw, in the hot tub"."

    That was wonderful.


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