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Binding Randy Savage Poll


  1. My answer is D: Who gives a fuck. No offense.

    And nothing will ever be worse than the commentary team of Steve Corino and Donnie B as far as I am concerned. Holy shot were they bad. They make Jack Reynolds and Angelo Mosca look competent.

  2. Savage was a mixed bag. He could be insightful and intelligent, but at other times, he could go off on random rants and/or put himself over. I thought Savage/JR/Heenan was a solid trio for Mania IX and KOTR.

  3. "The fans are hanging from the rafters! Only the Roman Coliseum doesn't
    have rafters but they have columns and they're hanging from the columns!"

    Seriously, when Savage came out to call the opening match of Wrestlemania IX, I tried to convince myself he was just doing the Hacksaw Jim Duggan thing, where he would come out, call one match, wave at the fans and leave. But no. He stayed for the whole show. And then he started doing more shows. It was painful.

  4. There have been far worse than Savage. It was a lot of gibberish but at least it made some sense and he tried to put everything in the ring over.

  5. According to Meltzer, Bret Hart would have made one of the greatest commentators of all time.

  6. I like ex-wrestlers because they'd talk about being in the ring and the psychology behind things.

  7. I voted for bad commentator. I'm thinking, given the timeframe, what other role Savage could have played if WWF didn't want him as a full-time wrestler. Only thing I can think of would be an on-screen GM, but WWF didn't do that type of thing back then.

  8. God, imagine those promos...

    "OOOH YEAH, I'm thinkiiiiiiiiiiin... we're gonna have us a tag team match... TONIGHT! DIG IT!"

    They had Jack Tunney to trot out once every few months. I miss those days.

  9. I liked savage as a babyface commentator


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