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BoD Daily Update

WWE Network Update

The WWE is now planning to roll out the network to the rest of the world by the end of 2014.

Credit Dave Meltzer, Wrestling Observer Newsletter

Bill Goldberg Update

Goldberg is interested in appearing at WrestleMania 31. However, he will only agree as long as the WWE meets his asking price.

Credit Dave Meltzer, Wrestling Observer Newsletter

Brooke Tessmacher Update

The reason for Tessmacher's absence from television is due to the fact she underwent breast augmentation surgery to correct a botched surgery from a few years ago

Credit Dave Meltzer, Wrestling Observer Newsletter


  1. I love news like that. Hell I'm interested in appearing at WM31 if they meet MY asking price. Who isn't if they meet their asking price?

  2. Goldberg can go to hell.

    As long as Brooke's ass is ok there is nothing to worry about.

  3. 1. They need those subscribers. Can't wait for conference call.
    2. You're old, go away
    3. Fake boobs are ugly

  4. If Brooke's ass is in danger, then I am taking the next plane to where she is to remedy the situation

  5. The only thing worse than Goldberg's last WWE run is his MMA commentary.

  6. I might just call in and listen.

    To hear the live call, dial 1-800-697-5978 (US) or 1-630-691-2750 (Intl) with passcode 7849998.

  7. I'd be more than ok With Brookes butt being the main event of WM31

  8. Would Goldberg even draw money at this point?

  9. "Thanks for the Tessmacher update, Okerlund. Just make sure to keep us abreast."

  10. I don't think so. It's been, what, ten years since he last appeared? From what I've read of him, he just doesn't particularly like the business very much. I don't see that going well.

  11. No. The time to do a Goldberg match, if it was ever going to happen, was WM27 in Atlanta against Taker.

    Now? I honestly cannot think of who he would even face, much less draw enough against to be worth his absurd price tag.

  12. Does it make any sense at all for the WWE to bring Goldberg at this point? It's been ten years since he left the company after Wrestlemania XX. He gets the initial pop from those old enough to remember him...and then what?

  13. "As a broadcast journalist, it's my duty to report the news."


  15. Hell, I would even be willing to talk about SummerSlam, if they meet my asking price.

  16. To be fair, Goldberg HAS been away for the past decade and seems perfectly fine with that, it's not his fault there's been rumors of him coming back just about every month of those past 10 years.

  17. The first name that came to mind was Reigns, for some reason. Maybe they bring him in to face HHH or Cena?

  18. Only if he showed up in Atlanta.

  19. Tessmacher's breast surgery was botched.

    Credit: Maffew

  20. I find it a nice change that a guy has (apparently) saved his money to the point that he doesn't need WWE.

  21. Nah. There's no chance Goldberg goes over any of those guys and Reigns wouldn't get much rub off it.

  22. Yeah and his entire popularity is based on squash matches so how does it favor anyone but him? I'd like to see the Shield triple bomb his ass through a flaming table, but he's not taking that bump. If he was willing to job it would be fun in a hate watch way to see Brock get his win back by just trashing him. Then again Brock doesn't give a shit about fake wins and losses and that loss did nothing to him anyhow. Austin is retired so there goes that "dream match" that really nobody gives a shit about now. Ryback is a midcard tag teamer so that match means nothing too.

  23. I don't know. Maybe Goldberg would be fine doing the job, as long as the check shows up on time?

  24. 80 million in revenue due to network subscribers.

  25. "Network on track to one million subscribers by end of year"

  26. 400K+ PPV buys for WM

  27. Worst_in_the_WorldMay 1, 2014 at 9:10 AM

    Don't really see any point in bringing Goldberg in. His popularity was for what, a 2-year period in another company in 98-99? That's fucking 15 years ago. His run in WWE was a bust. He's done nothing in the mainstream to keep himself in the public eye. He's old and even in his prime he was shitty in the ring, I can only imagine now.
    And for all that you'd get to pay him a load of money and have to put him over somebody... for what?

    If he wants to accept a normal Hall fee, then have him spear 3MB on a Raw and put him in the Hall of Fame. Otherwise, I don't think there's any money on the table with a Goldberg match.

  28. bookmarking capabilities will be coming on network.

  29. Unless he is Mick Foley, f that guy.

  30. I could absolutely see Goldberg going over HHH. Cena or Reigns, yeah, I don't see it.

  31. Worst_in_the_WorldMay 1, 2014 at 9:12 AM

    Exactly. The only other time might have been if they wanted to go all the way with Ryback a year or two ago, and you pay Goldberg a bunch of money to job to him.

    There's no Goldberg match that's worth doing now, ESPECIALLY if Goldberg insists on going over or getting Brock-esque money.

  32. While we don't know exactly, or to what extent, the Network's going to change WM payouts, is it not fair to assume that whatever Goldberg's surely exorbitant asking fee is, that it's not in any way worth it for WWE?

  33. If you're meaning I specifically don't like Foley, that isn't really true. I said a while back that I didn't see a problem with him turning down the legends deal, if it wasn't worth it for him to sign. The criticism of Cena yesterday I just found odd.

    If you meant something else entirely, and I'm missing your point, my bad.

  34. That's a good point. How many people are going to make a six-month commitment, just to see a guy whose peak of popularity was fifteen years ago, in one match?

  35. placetobepodcastMay 1, 2014 at 9:16 AM

    Yup, great point. The network is going to shift that sort of stuff for sure.

  36. I didn't think it was criticism of Cena so much as an acknowledgement of the cognitive dissonance of 2014 John Cena. Cena himself has said, both in character and presumably out of it (though it's hard to tell with him), that the WWE is on the cusp of great change. Cena is kinda putting himself in limbo at this point by continuing to be the same thing he's always been. I don't know that the answer is for him to turn heel, drastically change his character or anything else, but I think it's a valid point Mick made regardless.

  37. I'd say more, but it's a topic I might write about for you guys. I promise I have something coming in the next few days.

  38. placetobepodcastMay 1, 2014 at 9:19 AM

    I was going to suggest it, so we are on the same page. Sounds great!

  39. That's well-put. Foley is definitely a very intelligent person, and obviously has an excellent mind for wrestling. He could be very valuable on a creative team somewhere, although sometimes he strikes me as "the doesn't play well with others" type.

  40. I mean, maybe some lapsed fans who are intrigued by a Goldberg return and then as a result see the awesome value of the Network? I guess that'd be the goal if they decided to pay someone like Goldberg a lot of money to come in. But that still seems like a reach, unless Bill's number is a lot lower than I'd imagine it is.

  41. Goldberg/Punk/Austin/Sting 4 way

  42. I might start writing it at work today if it stays as slow as it's been (plus I had jury duty and wasn't fully expected to be here, so not much is being asked of me today anyway, haha). I'll have it done by Sunday at the latest, though.

  43. placetobepodcastMay 1, 2014 at 9:23 AM

    Great, thanks Mike!

  44. Getting those fans in would be the only benefit, obviously. But, as you noted, I would think Goldberg's asking price would have to be somewhat low. I don't see a huge upside in bringing him in, honestly.

  45. Worst_in_the_WorldMay 1, 2014 at 9:25 AM

    I think they're going to need to strategically create HUGE events at times when lots of subscribers might be coming up for renewal. Like, based on the idea that tons of people started their 6 months subs in late Feb through early April, that makes Summerslam and even September's PPV both important events. (Moreso than say, the May-June-July PPVs.)

    So having a big name special attraction for those shows is important.

    The question is though... would Goldberg even be that attraction? Does the dangling carrot of seeing a Goldberg match mean anything to subscribers deciding whether to renew? I really don't think so, or at least not for the mega money that Goldberg would be asking for. And it's DEFINITELY not worth jobbing a main eventer or up-and-comer like Bray/Roman/Cesaro etc to Goldie.

    My bet would be that they have Brock wrestle at Summerslam, and maybe even do another match with him at the Sept show. Or bring Sting in for a match at the Sept show.

  46. With Cody vs Goldust on the undercard!

  47. If it's affordable- whatever that number would be- you might be right that there isn't much upside, but not much downside either.

  48. Random thing, aka The power of boredom at work, at work:
    Daniel Bryan is booked for two shows on the same day; one in Osaka, one at MSG. This, I would imagine, is just an oversight that will be corrected, but I did the research/math anyway:
    1. 5PM show in Osaka (seems early, but that's what the website says) is 4AM NY time.
    2. He does an opening segment and gets back into street garb, 30 minutes worth, brings it to 430AM
    3. Transportation to the airport would take about 30 minutes, 5AM
    4. The flight, assuming he takes a wwe jet and doesn't have to go through the tsa mishegos, takes about 14.5 hours, 730PM (and I hope this is where he sleeps, because yikes, what a day.)
    5. Transportation to MSG is about another 30 minute, 8PM)

    6. Show starts at 730, but he still has ample time to be in the main even segment.

  49. Also, how do we forget the HHH vs Vinces avatar for CONTROL OF THE COMPANY!

  50. As Worst in the World noted above, it may be more advantageous to bring in Goldberg in late August/early September, when we have a bunch of subscriptions expiring. If, and this is probably a big if, there could be value in using him to get fans to renew.

  51. This is true. And a point I'll be stealing in my article I'm about to write. (Sort of. I'd had a similar thought and I'm now angry at him for saying it first.)

  52. Haha, wasn't trying to single you out, just was trying to use a meme.

  53. Phil Collins did this for Live Aid, not as drastic though

  54. Go ahead and steal it! That's what the internet is for!

  55. Highlights of the 1q conference call are available.

  56. 400k at 70 bucks... is that close enough for ppv prices for wm?
    Plus the 10 bucks times 667k.

    Would that be classified as a resounding win?

  57. Post mania lull is really kicking in for me. I have 0 real interest in the product now or the news for awhile

  58. ARRRRGH THE BARBARIANMay 1, 2014 at 9:49 AM

    It's not a disaster. But it's less than last year unless the international buys were massive

  59. The WWE just announced Sheamus for the Extreme Rules preshow panel. Man, how the mighty has fallen. I almost feel sorry for the guy.

  60. Worst_in_the_WorldMay 1, 2014 at 9:51 AM


    Wonder if it's to keep viewers off track for him interfering in something later on. I think Sheamus helping Evolution win is a real possibility.

  61. Okay Vince, you're telling me that I just have to go out there and job to Heath Slater in 30 seconds and you'll give me ten thousand dollars? Pay up, sucker!

  62. Hell, I'll job in seven seconds to ANYONE for a few grand. Being the answer to a trivia question is never bad.

  63. Why do all of that when he owns a time machine?

  64. We did this a few weeks ago. You can call it 1,067,000 domestic buys... meaning if they get 200,000 international, it's the most bought WWE PPV off all time. They hover around 400,000 international buys for the last two WMs.

  65. Blast, i knew i forgot to factor something into the equation.

  66. HHH would win, because he NEVER, EVER puts other people over!

  67. Another great thing about the network for me.. I haven't cared about or paid attention to any wrestling news since Wrestlemania, but now that I'm seeing the PPV is coming up this weekend, suddenly I'm interested again.

  68. ARRRRGH THE BARBARIANMay 1, 2014 at 9:57 AM

    I'm talking about $$$. I think it'll end up being around the equivalent of 900k normal buys.

  69. ARRRRGH THE BARBARIANMay 1, 2014 at 9:58 AM

    Yeah, I think he's just turning heel. He's being jobbed out, which is normally the sign a turn is coming

  70. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomeryMay 1, 2014 at 9:59 AM

    I knew Brooke's tits were off!

    Also, I know a lot of people are asking what the point of bringing Goldberg back in would be, but tbqh, I much rather see Goldberg than Sting at this point.

  71. The Immortal Hoke OganMay 1, 2014 at 10:04 AM

    This is an interesting sentiment that is certainly becoming common. To me that's the big contrast with the current product vs. previous hot periods. We were stoked to see Austin's chase, title win, AND the ensuing months. Bryan's run has been ALL chase, but now that it's been paid off, it has not led to increased interest. The Kane thing isn't helping, but compare with Austin winning at Wrestlemania 14: we were ready to pay and see him fight ANYone Vince threw at him on PPV. Bryan's push has been so heavily weighted in favor of the "enjoy the chase" piece that the champion phase has not really set the world on fire. Granted, it's only been a month and I think a strong Bryan title reign is still very possible

  72. Goldberg at least has some relevance in WWE. And I imagine with Evolution/Lesnar there, they could come up with something for him pretty easily.

  73. The Immortal Hoke OganMay 1, 2014 at 10:06 AM

    I don't think Goldberg moves the needle even a little bit.

  74. generally not a fan of his (Gabriel Genesis for life!) but that's pretty awesome.

  75. The Immortal Hoke OganMay 1, 2014 at 10:08 AM

    Goldberg seriously overvalues himself in the landscape of pro wrestling. He had one hot run, got over and got dismissed nearly as fast. His WWE run didn't mean much over a decade ago; I highly doubt it would move the needle in 2014. Even for a one-off, is there really a 'dream match' out there that would justify a high asking price? I'm willing to bet that he see himself on the level of Brock Lesnar as a special attraction, despite not actually doing anything noteworthy since walking away ten years ago.


  77. Your_Favourite_LoserMay 1, 2014 at 10:25 AM

    lol, was just gonna say that

  78. Your_Favourite_LoserMay 1, 2014 at 10:25 AM

    i love all genesis

    collins-era has good shit, man... a trick of the tail, wind & wuthering, duke, abacab...

  79. cabspaintedyellowMay 1, 2014 at 10:27 AM

    I was about to say. They need to leave that ass alone. I hope she donates it to science when she passes (which hopefully won't be for a long time. Future generations need to appreciate).

  80. Like argghhh said though, I dont think they came away with too much money though.

    I think they took a loss compared to other after giving the ppv people they money and the payoffs.

  81. Even for a one-off, is there really a 'dream match' out there that would justify a high asking price?

    Yeah, in 2001.

  82. Your_Favourite_LoserMay 1, 2014 at 10:36 AM


  83. but maybe those times are hard to compare. two months of programming feel much "longer" nowadays because of several reasons (from the extended replays to seemingly endless discussions about it online. think about this: this blog might be home to many of the biggest Daniel Bryan fans out there. but even here a lot of people were already kind-of bored with the topic even before WrestleMania had happened).

  84. I feel the same way to an extent. I also have about six dramas on my DVR each week including Game of Thrones and Mad Men, so taking time out for Raw is becoming a questionable choice when the vast majority of the show is time wasting with Emma, 3MB, etc.

  85. I must admit I would even PAY for being in a WrestleMania segment.

  86. Stranger in the AlpsMay 1, 2014 at 10:41 AM

    Oh sure, announce that the Network is being rolled out by the end of the year, rather than a specific date. YOU WOULDN'T WANT TO TELL PEOPLE THAT SOMETHING IS THERE WHEN IT'S CLEARLY NOT AVAILABLE FOR EVERYBODY!

  87. but it's not just about WM. Sure they maybe took a hit on WM but if getting 50 more bucks for the next 5 months is more than the hit, then they did it. Remember that the non big 4 ppvs get 100 to 150k buys. If 600k are spending 10 bucks that's a bit more profit there too (they don't have to share the 10 bucks with ppv providers like they do with WM and other ppvs)

  88. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)May 1, 2014 at 10:46 AM

    They could have done Goldberg/Taker before Goldberg/Lesnar. Oh well.

  89. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)May 1, 2014 at 10:47 AM

    "Daniel Bryan is booked for two shows on the same day; one in Osaka, one at MSG. This, I would imagine, is just an oversight that will be corrected, but I did the research/math anyway"
    They could play it off as part of the DBry/Stephanie McMahon storyline.

  90. I've always said I would be a perennial jobber for life or sit on the bench and wave towels for even the league/WWE minimum without any shame whatsoever.

  91. So, what are the chances of Kevin Durant pulling a 2012 Game 6 LeBron tonight?

  92. If they get him the ball, not terrible.

  93. Thats very true but im not thinking the are splitting the network payoffs with talent yet.

    From what I understand they arent getting royalties yet... so that money while going to the companys bottom line, as soon as they start paying out... I dont think those ppv bonuses are gonna be so fat.

  94. Word on the street is Tough Enough is coming to the WWE Network

  95. btw: thats why I dont get the renaming of "ppvs" to "special events". because getting something you normally would have to pay for "for free" sounds like a bigger deal to me.

  96. Don't know how I feel about this. Tough Enough as a whole has been a complete failure.

  97. a Goldberg match would have only made sense if Reigns or Ryback (back when the WWE still presented him as a huge star) beat him very decisively and clean - and I don't even think that would have really been an option for Goldberg.

  98. I don't know, it may not have created any super duper main eventers, but it was a fun way to kill half an hour (or an hour, whatever it was).

  99. On the actual street people are talking about Tough Enough and WWE Network?

  100. Bronze it, or something. Then it can be preserved for all eternity.

  101. Only in the mean streets of Greenwich.

  102. "Who's jumping ship next?"

  103. Agreed, really enjoyed the Austin as host version.

  104. Also, at watercoolers.

  105. I LOVED the last version of it, with Austin hosting. I only really remember the first season of the original MTV one, but I loved the presentation of the 2011 version.

  106. People are talking about it in the 1960's?

  107. Damn dude, that is a serious level of boredom to warrant that research

  108. If they'd have had Titus beat him on RAW (he already had a built-in excuse for losing due to the pre-match beatdown), that could have led to a match at Extreme Rules. Maybe as a palate-cleanser between two big matches.

  109. Or getting ready for a face push with a title in this company.

  110. I've always wondered if they shouldn't do an abbreviated off-season after WM. Like 6 or 8 weeks off. Give the fans time to recover from all the Shiavone-esque "THIS IS THE GREATEST MOMENT IN THE HISTORY OF OUR SPORT" type WM hype, and give the wrestlers time off to heal up and be with their families.

  111. Goldberg couldn't draw money with a box of Crayola's and some construction paper.

  112. YUH HUH! He just put over Bryan at Wrestlemania!


  113. A series of matches with Barrett over the IC Title would be pretty good.

  114. Haters gonna hate.

  115. Triple H reminding Sheamus that he once beat Daniel Bryan in 18 seconds is a good impetus for a heel turn.

  116. I think Durant has more patience than that. That being said, Scottie Brooks is a terrible offensive coach. He gets away with not having an offensive system or many plays because he has Durant and Westbrook. He's hindering their development at this point. He needs to go.

  117. That's largely in the hands of Russell Westbrook and Scotty Brooks. Westbrook is averaging 9 seconds of having the ball in his hands before doing something with it. I know it's cliché to bitch about Westbrook keeping the ball from Durant...but you're the fucking point guard on the team that has the best offensive weapon alive. This isn't 2010, when a still-rail thin Durant sometimes couldn't get free from a guy like Artest or Tony Allen and had nearly 60 percent of his shots assisted on. He's the best scoring weapon alive and watching Westbrook pound the ball for half the shot clock or more is infuriating.

    And Scotty Brooks has a playbook that a biddy ball team could grasp. He's gotta go if they lose short of the WCF.

  118. Yeah, despite my ranting about Westbrook just now...I like Westbrook, I truly do. Him and Durant may forever be an imperfect fit but they're too awesome, collectively, to not be used better than this.

  119. I'm pretty sure watercoolers still exist; I'm staring at one from my office right now.

  120. Are people now, or do they often congregate around it to chat/gossip?

    Also you are on the BoD while at work? SHAME ON YOU!

  121. cabspaintedyellowMay 1, 2014 at 12:12 PM

    Like Stacy Keibler's legs in WWF New York.

  122. Working in a college town and pretty much only a college town gives me a lot of down time. I wrote most of a screenplay in emails to myself on our computer/register.

  123. same here. between baseball season and the playoffs, I'm barely giving a shit about the product.

    And I still haven't subscribed to the network.

  124. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomeryMay 1, 2014 at 12:32 PM

    I'm gonna go out on a limb and say he should avoid any feud with Lesnar.

  125. I can't help it but...

    The Thunder fucked up badly when they decided to trade Harden.

    1 They created a conference rival in Houston. Howard wouldn't have gone there if Harden wasn't there already.

    2 They didn't re-sign Kevin Martin, a legit scorer, and the key piece they got back for Harden.

    3 The rest of their pieces are not being developed. Lamb is completely lost out there and barely looks like he's going to be in the league in 2-3 years. Stephen Adams looks okay, but he's certainly not James Harden.

    4 The Thunder trade Harden because they KEPT Kendrick Perkins!!! Perkins is incredibly limited offensively, and not as effective defensively as he should be.

    5 Harden was a legit NBA star by the time the Thunder traded him. I'm not sure about his ego, but he fit OKC really well, making good decisions and handled the ball in crunch time, instead of letting Westbrook do it, which even 2 years later, his decision making is poor.

    The real nightmare might be coming...What if OKC trade the WRONG guy? What if they should have trade Westbrook instead? This part I don't fault them, but Westbrook has had 2 knee surgeries in the past year, still makes poor decisions offensively, and is taking far too many shots. Harden has developed into a very poor defensive player (there's still time to savage him though), although his offensive game has improved even further. What a mess.

  126. from the admittedly comparably little I know, i'd say they're fun, but Lamb Lies Down on Broadway is awesome and Selling England by the Pound is one of my all-time favorites.

  127. AverageJoeEverymanMay 1, 2014 at 12:51 PM

    "Who was seen backstage at a recent WCW Nitro? Call in now!!"

  128. Your_Favourite_LoserMay 1, 2014 at 12:56 PM

    update for "selling england" being one of your faves

    it's my favorite genesis album, of any era

  129. I really don't see Goldberg's price as being any kind of "demand." He's just saying, "I'm available, if you make it worth my while." If it's not worth the WWE's while, no skin off his back.

  130. AverageJoeEverymanMay 1, 2014 at 1:02 PM

    there is scuttlebutt

  131. They left a lot of money on the table by kicking out Matt Cross.

  132. Or even with Cesaro.

  133. Anyone interested in the screenplay's?

  134. I see that Brooke is in the headlines and all I can think of is Jef.


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