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BoD Daily Update

RAW Ratings Update

This past RAW had the lowest amount of viewers so far in 2014.

WWE Debut Pushed Back

Bo Dallas' Smackdown debut has been pushed back until the May 23rd episode from London as the company felt it would give him the proper spotlight.

Credit Mike Johnson,

Two Names Under Consideration for the 2015 WWE Hall of Fame

The two names that are currently being considered are Rikishi and Mickie James.

Credit Bryan Alvarez,


  1. Uh, wrap it up, WWE Hall of Fame, it's over.

  2. Neither one headlines, so they're not horrible choices.

  3. These headlines suck.

  4. Mickie James? Seriously, bro? The "Diva's Wing" is quickly dropping to the same level as the "Celebrity Wing" or the "Koko B. Ware Token Jobber To The Stars Wing"

  5. The wwe ratings are right back to where they will be for the rest of the year and then they'll jump up again for the Royal Rumble etc. 2.88, 4 million viewers. That is their week to week audience give or take a few hundred thousand week to week.

  6. I agree with those ratings, that last hour dragged.

  7. HOF 2015: The asses you do and DON'T want to see!

  8. See WWE? People don't like horror movie angles and they also care about Bryan.

  9. They always drop during the NBA/NHL playoffs. They'll get an automatic bump in July in addition to the Summerslam push.

  10. I'd care more about the wwe hall of fame if it was a real thing, and not a gimmick to get more money mania weekend and take care of the people in good with Vince. Put Melina and Gail Kim in if you want Vince.

  11. Mickie James gets inducted, and coincidently Cena won't be at the event.

  12. I just saw Joey Styles tweet that "the Authority" is going to make some type of announcement concerning the world title on Raw. I really hope it's not being vacated, but we shall see.

  13. What about Victoria?

  14. LMAO. Nikki would not be too happy.

  15. She better not go to the event either.

  16. Nor should Kenny Dykstra. Haha.


    Not really

  18. Tournaments are awesome!
    Everything is cool when you don't know who'll win.
    Tournaments are awesome!
    To bad Vince hates them.....

  19. I don't think he has to worry.

  20. Hey now, Mickie's ass isn't *that* bad.

  21. Rikishi and Mickie James? Wellllllllllllll, since there are nooooo other really must-induct peeeeople left to go in the WWE HOF, they may be the best of what's left, if you smell what i'm cooking! Dig it!

  22. Rikishi? Really? lol

  23. Yeah. He's more black balled than JJ or Luger at this point.

  24. So who are the big names that could still be inducted? If Undertaker ever retires, there is him. Savage if they ever agree to put in the entire Poffo family, which I would assume they would do at some point, if for no other reason than you can't have an entire class made up of Mickie James/Rikishi level performers.

  25. Rude, Savage, Undertaker, Rock..

  26. The problem is Vince doesn't like inducting more than one dead person a year.

    That and he's a prick who holds a grudge.

  27. He just held a tournament.

  28. Touche. Looks like this year is falling into the same pattern as last.

  29. oh god that song.

  30. Can't believe I forgot Rocky. I wonder how many classes could be headlined by someone that died prematurely before someone noticed and was creeped out by it.

  31. Sting and Luger aren't in.

  32. There are quite a few headliners still left:
    Randy Savage, Vince, The Rock, Undertaker, the NWO, Sting, Triple H, Goldberg, and Kurt Angle. If they spread these guys out once a year I think they're fine because eventually guys like Cena and Punk will go in too.

  33. Has Vince gotten over Luger leaving?

  34. Get out of here, and take your logic and facts with you!

  35. yep, he works in the wellness program for WWE now

  36. When I read through this, I thought you said NWO Sting.

  37. Cool deal. I read a story about him recently and I don't think it mentioned him working for them now.

  38. Hahahaha, well, if Koko can get in...

  39. I think the problem is less headliners and more midcard acts. I mean Mickie James? Really? I thought she was great and she had ONE great angle, but then what? Her impact (no pun intended) on the business was 1/10th of a LIta or a Sherri Martel

  40. Make some shit up. Ain't no one gonna notice.

  41. ehh if Bruno can get in and Warrior anyone not named Jeff Jarrett can get in.

  42. What did Kenny Dykstra do (Besides having the worst wrestling name ever?)

  43. I agree. She's not even close to being the most deserving (I think Madusa is a better choice).

    But yeah, a lot of the "midcard" has already burned through. I was really surprised that this year had 7 inductees when last year had 6 and the year before 5. I figured WWE would scale back on inductees just to keep the pot bigger for future years. They can't do too many 11-inductee years like 2004 without having to induct Iron Mike Sharpe eventually.

  44. Pretty sure he went on a tirade about Cena, and how he buried him or something. I don't think it's wise to talk trash about the company's franchise.

  45. That's what Meltzer does most days. *BOOM!!*

  46. well didnt' they put Johnny Rodz in?

  47. Yeah, I'm sure I'm missing a few, including guys that are debatable headliners (like Rick Rude... I love the guy, but I don't think he's a big enough mainstream "name" to make the cut as a headliner. I think DDP falls into that category too).

    Regardless, there are at least 10 years of solid headliners available, which is really what WWE is concerned about. The 5-6 "other guys" aren't as crucial to selling the ceremony as a big deal.

  48. Deal with it!
    Both this and Let it Go have their own levels of annoyance.

  49. Is that you, Meltzer?

  50. WHO ARE YOU TO DOUBT JOHNNY RODZ? I think he's a heck of a wrestler, a great technician in the ring, and a jam up guy!

  51. What about Lesnar?

  52. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomeryMay 14, 2014 at 10:06 AM

    The nude pics of Mickie James should be in the Spread Em Hall of Fame. She pulled her buttcheeks apart and everything.

  53. Felt like an Arby's night.

  54. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomeryMay 14, 2014 at 10:07 AM

    What about me? What about Raven?

  55. How much do you love Bret?

  56. just went to my daughter's spring concert where every grade, no matter how untalented sings. Last night the 5th grade did Let it go Actually wasn't bad. But what the 6th grade did to Can't by me love (lot of beatles songs) was criminal. My wife has that awful lego movie song on the spotify mix for my daughter and I swear it comes up every time in the car when we are riding somewhere.

  57. Just throw Scotty 2 Hotty in there while you're at it.

  58. Jeff Jarrett has said that Vince and he made up shortly after his wife died when Vince called to offer condolences. I don't know if it's a Hall of Fame-worthy make-up, but Jarrett isn't a Bruno or Warrior anyway so it's not like his induction would make WWE a lot of money.

    Now Kevin "Nailz" Wacholz on the other hand...

  59. the real double J not Bruno or Warrior? Hush your mouth.

  60. One of the most memorable gimmicks of all time.

  61. "He broke 6,000 guitars, and never drew a dime..."

  62. Arby's sucks since they ditche the hot ham and swiss sub.

  63. The pros and cons to each one.
    Let it Go
    Beautiful song, sure to be a Disney Classic.
    It's one of those songs that is getting beat into the ground because everyone has to have their own version up online.
    Everything is Awesome
    If you listen to the song closely, as it ties with the film, the song has a deeper meaning in an ironic sense. It even has some hidden messages in it.
    The simple repetitiveness of it can turn people away from the song after one hear through.

  64. Oh, Lesnar for sure. I was just thinking retired guys. Of the current era, I can see Lesnar, Cena, and Punk as definite headliners. Though I'd love to see Lesnar, Punk, RVD, and Heyman all get inducted the same year... a class full of "Paul Heyman Guys"

  65. Judging by how I did the pros and cons you can see which one got on my good side and which one didn't.

  66. Say what you want, buy the Worm was over.

  67. Rikishi is much more deserving than Mickie James.

  68. If it's that big a deal I'll make one for you.

  69. I remember as a kid I use to imitate the worm, well, at least up until the part where he did the worm.

  70. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryMay 14, 2014 at 10:22 AM

    What the fuck is going on with Disqus?

  71. 2 Adam Curry's?!

  72. Nikki needs to realize Cena is eventually going to ditch her for someone younger.

  73. In the name of hustle loyalty and respect.

  74. Man Mountain Rock is much more deserving than Mickie James.

  75. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryMay 14, 2014 at 10:25 AM

    I'd like to see Heyman, Raven, Dreamer, Sandman, Sabu, RVD, Beulah, Fonzie, and probably Shane Douglas and maybe Corino all go in together as the class of ECW or something. But if they induct Justin Credible they can fuck off. They can fuck off and die!

  76. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryMay 14, 2014 at 10:25 AM


  77. I hate to say it, but even Zack Ryder is more deserving than Mickie James.

  78. Cena gets older... His girlfriends stay the SAAMMEE AGGGEE...

  79. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)May 14, 2014 at 10:27 AM

    *resisting urge to post pics.*

  80. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryMay 14, 2014 at 10:27 AM

    When I was in college I did a spread for Playgirl...

  81. Sorry your room got ripped apart.

  82. Dixie can't go 5 minutes without doing something stupid. Report that.

  83. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryMay 14, 2014 at 10:27 AM

    Fuck man, one is too many.

  84. That's a sign of the apocalypse, right?

  85. "Batista is the weak link of Evolution. He's the only one that hasn't evolved."
    Dolph Ziggler on Twitter.
    I know that they're wrestling Friday, but lol

  86. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryMay 14, 2014 at 10:28 AM

    My fault for bringing these skitzo broads over here.

  87. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryMay 14, 2014 at 10:29 AM

    Whoever keeps downvoting me, piss off wanker.

  88. I thought be being the in the top 5 was the sign.

  89. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)May 14, 2014 at 10:30 AM

    The Hart Foundation COULD go in. I remember Vruce suggesting that as to circumvent Martha Hart's demands not to induct Owen.
    I can't see HHH making her change her mind on this one.

  90. Just ignore it man.

  91. Oh yeah, it would be a great salute to Heyman and his contribution to the business to do a Heyman-themed Hall of Fame, although there's a few I don't see making it because they're on bad terms with WWE and aren't huge enough names to throw a bunch of money at like Bruno or Warrior (Raven, Douglas) or just probably not familiar enough to the average fan (Justin Credible, Corino). As much as we goof on him, at least a lot of fans were familiar with Koko B Ware.

  92. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)May 14, 2014 at 10:31 AM

    Stop downvoting me, Mickie. It's not my fault you're not relevant.

  93. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)May 14, 2014 at 10:32 AM

    Are they using him to test the drugs on?

  94. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)May 14, 2014 at 10:33 AM

    Lita's impact on wrestling is evident every time a wrestler from that era got the clap.

  95. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)May 14, 2014 at 10:34 AM

    Stop downvoting me, Martha.

  96. Exactly. I think he sent like 20 consecutive tweets basically trying to bury Cena. I hope he had a backup career in place.

  97. You're new! Welcome to the BoD!

  98. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryMay 14, 2014 at 10:39 AM

    I don't actually give a fuck, but if I don't say something I look like a pussy. And next asshole that fucks with my timers is losing a finger.

  99. Booker T is already in.

  100. Maybe that one dude from NPP is back!

  101. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryMay 14, 2014 at 10:41 AM

    I think Raven and Vince have buried the hatchet, and the world isn't going to end if we never see Douglas on WWE TV again. Corino likely has no shot as long as he's with ROH though.

  102. I'd be surprised if that doesn't piss off Batista.

  103. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryMay 14, 2014 at 10:41 AM

    First THREE-time top 20 member?

  104. Did Raven and Vince make up? I didn't know that.

    The "Who the hell hired Raven? story is one of my all-time favorite wrestling backstage stories.

  105. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryMay 14, 2014 at 10:43 AM

    Come to think of it, I'm thinking of Jarrett, not Raven.

  106. Yep, but it says something that Raven actually got booked for WM 17 just 6 months after that. Clearly Vince liked his work.

  107. I'd like to think that Dave is above all that since he's going off to promote a film and Dolph will continue to be stuck in WWE limbo.

  108. When I was in JR High I remember a fat kid that was in my bowling league used to do it and it was one of the worst/awesome things I've witnessed.

  109. I use to try to imitate the spinaronnie.

  110. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryMay 14, 2014 at 10:48 AM

    Nash and Hall should have gone in together.

  111. When I want to be elegant, I'll do a VIKING SPACE LORD BROCK LESNAR post.

  112. Even as a mid-level inductee, I don't get Mickie James. Rikishi sounded weird to me at first when you JUST consider that gimmick, but when you consider his years in the business, from the Samoan Swat Team to the Headshrinkers, up through the Rikishi years, it makes a lot more sense. He also had some very memorable moments: the RR2000 spot where he cleared the ring and danced, the 10-man tag on RAW...heck, even helping Rock close the Kiss My Ass club...

    This begs the question, though, of what mid-level HOFers we'd want to see if not Mickie. Dreamer and Sabu jump out at me off the top of my head, plus Tazz whenever TNA goes under. Bigelow deserves a posthumous induction. Haku is another one, partly because I just want to hear him give a speech. Jericho wouldn't headline. but he gets a spot one of these days, obviously...

  113. I think both Rikishi and Mickie are stretches to say the least. I think you go with The Rock, Goldberg or Sting as your headliner, maybe both. I like Luger and Rick Rude going in. You have to think either DX as a group, Waltman or the Outlaws are going in at some point. There's nothing that says a female wrestler has to go in every year. To me, JBL is a better inductee than Rikishi.

  114. They've had too many instances where several potential head-liners were inducted simultaneously - Piper shouldn't have been overshadowed by Hogan, Jake shouldn't have been overshadowed by Warrior, Slaughter shouldn't have been overshadowed by Venture, Edge should have been inducted a few years later, etc.

  115. I think Jericho is absolutely a headliner. "Near" future headliners, in my mind, are the Rock, Sting, Undertaker, Jericho, Goldberg and possibly HHH if he will do it.

  116. And think about how much he helped the community with his "Make a difference" campaign!

  117. Why doesn't WWE make Smackdown a "wrestling" show like it was from 2002-2005ish? Giant pet peeve of mine when midcarders squash midcarders. Or, better yet they could just have a boatload of squash matches with midcarders or main eventers beating JOBBERS.

  118. I'm sure it was better than Edge's.

  119. I think with guys like Eddie and Edge it makes sense from a marketing standpoint to get them in as soon as possible while their careers are still fresh in the fans' minds. Regardless, there's no doubt that Edge was the headliner that year.

  120. I think eventually they'll put in the Outsiders as a team.

  121. If they JUST induct her ass, id be fine with that

  122. I figured they'd induct the original NWO (Hogan, Hall, Nash)

  123. Right. If Edge is a headliner, no way in hell Jericho isnt

  124. Jericho is a headliner both for his career and his charisma as a headlining speaker who could fill 45 minutes and make us all laugh

  125. How about 02-03 and 05. We can exclude 2004 :D

  126. They have so many shows each can have a personality. Raw stays Raw. Smackdown becomes JCP, Main Event becomes AWA/SLWC, Superstars can be CWA, etc. Obviously I use these old federations as shorthand, but this country needs a good old-fashioned rasslin' show and a real wrestling showcase to go along with sports entertainment hooey.

  127. But HHH ruined his career. [/internet]

  128. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)May 14, 2014 at 11:06 AM

    I'm starting to think that's a requirement for the WWE HoF.

  129. If they're going to induct Jeff Farmer, they might as well induct Jumpin' Jeff Farmer as well.

  130. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)May 14, 2014 at 11:10 AM

    Question: Have the Midnights, Rock and Roll Express and Cornette been inducted? Add Savage, Bigelo and Arn Anderson and that is a nice 2015 class.

  131. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)May 14, 2014 at 11:12 AM

    [Madd Rapper]...tell 'em why you mad, son! Tell 'em why you mad! {[Madd Rapper]

  132. Nope. And Arn Anderson was already inducted as part of the Horsemen. I don't see many guys being double-inductees outside Flair and Hogan (for nwo) and Triple H (just because).

  133. RE: Hall of Fame - In order to keep from blowing their load too quickly (they're already running out of legit head-liners), I think that WWE needs to set-up some sort of "template" for inductions each year:

    1) Head-Liner (A still-living guy that was a big name and would provide a great speech.)
    2) Respected upper-card guy (Guys like Steamboat, Booker, etc.)
    3) Tag-Team or Stable
    4) Female
    5) Dead Person
    6) Other On-Air Talent (A manager, commentator, etc.)
    7) Celebrity
    8) Fondly-remembered mid-carder (Koko, Duggan, etc.)
    9) "Pre-Hogan" or Non-WWE Person
    10) Misc. Contributors (Someone like Jim Johnston, or trainers like Fit Finlay.)

    Ten might sound like a lot, and they obviously wouldn't have to do ten per year, but I think putting restrictions based on categories would more evenly distribute the star-power each year. As I said further down, it bothered me to see Piper get overshadowed by Hogan, or Jake overshadowed by Warrior - both Piper and Jake were super-popular icons in their day, and both could have provided their own headliner-worthy speeches.

  134. No to the teams or Cornette. I'd actually save them for 2016 because that'll be in Dallas so at least 'close' to the old Watts territory. Maybe...
    Lisa Marie

  135. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)May 14, 2014 at 11:17 AM

    I'd add an international star. Muta goes in when he eventually retires.

  136. At some point, is everyone going to be in the HOF except for jobbers? I think they need to cut the number of inductions down to 3-4 and not the 7-8 or whatever they have been doing.

  137. And Bob's Your UncleMay 14, 2014 at 11:17 AM

    Mickie James? Seriously? Oh hey I know, why don't we induct Bob Holly next. Or what about Todd Pettingill. Or Bob Smith the jobber in that one match that one time on Superstars back in 89. Or whatabout Bill from the ring crew? Hey, can we get a spot for Adam Bomb? Jesus... A hall of fame where EVERYBODY eventually gets in is not a hall of fame...

  138. I'm gonna stage a protest where I hang from a column until Macho gets in.

  139. I do love the genuine anger that this is generating, from a rumor about something 11 months from now.

  140. Based on how he handles his Twitter followers, I would say no!

  141. And Bob's Your UncleMay 14, 2014 at 11:20 AM

    Not anger. Bemusement. Bewilderment.

  142. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)May 14, 2014 at 11:22 AM

    This is why they're paining themselves in a corner with this when a whole group goes in. But we all know eventually everyone is going to get in.

  143. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)May 14, 2014 at 11:23 AM

    Warrior suggested a member of the ring crew go in.

  144. In that case, I have a feeling that I wouldn't like you when you're mad....

  145. And Bob's Your UncleMay 14, 2014 at 11:24 AM

    It's the gamma rays...

  146. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)May 14, 2014 at 11:24 AM

    I'm pretty sure her ass has been entered before.

  147. This time Stone Cold can drive in to the Hall of Fame and run HIM over.

  148. And Bob's Your UncleMay 14, 2014 at 11:25 AM

    People don't pay to go watch the crew set up the ring.

  149. I hate myself for upvoting this.

  150. People don't pay to go watch Rikishi either.

  151. They'll strip Bryan of the title and do what's best for business. Put the title where it belongs, on Triple H! Either HHH, Bootista, Orton or Cena. Which one is worse?

  152. And Bob's Your UncleMay 14, 2014 at 11:27 AM

    BREAKING (Stanford): WWE Hall of Fame to be renamed "The List of Retired Wrestling Personalities".

  153. Induct just Rikishi's ass too!

  154. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)May 14, 2014 at 11:27 AM

    True, but he said it was because of the service he provided to the company year in and out.

  155. One of the columns that the people were hanging from at Wrestlemania IX, I hope.

  156. I'm seein' double! Four Adam Currys!

  157. Magoonie NOT Teddy BelmontMay 14, 2014 at 11:29 AM

    I was hit with a large amount of gamma radiation TWICE but sadly I never got cool Hulk super powers.

  158. And Bob's Your UncleMay 14, 2014 at 11:29 AM

    I get the spirit in which it's meant, but with that kind of logic the Baseball hall of fame would have to induct somebody from the groundscrew. Or in hockey it'd be the guy who paints the red line on the ice. At some point you have to draw the line. It's bad enough people like Trump and Pete Rose are getting in. Let's not water it down to the point where it has no meaning.

  159. He was a talented big man and, as the Rikishi character, he was crazy over for several years. If you add in his contributions as a member of the SST/Headshrinkers, his ridiculous but memorable "making a difference" and Sultan gimmicks, and the fact that his sons are current performers, his inclusion in the Hall makes perfect sense.

    I don't understand Mickie James going in. For me, Lita was borderline and I'd place Mickie's contributions to the business well below Lita's.

  160. And Bob's Your UncleMay 14, 2014 at 11:30 AM

    I would pay to watch Rikishi give the stinkface to Mickie James.

  161. He'd be really good; maybe Onita for this year. Hopefully Rick Martel can go in also.

  162. I'll bet seeing Razor was inducted this year, Diesel will be going in the 2015 class.

  163. Raineer Wolfcastle: "That was the joke. "

  164. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)May 14, 2014 at 11:32 AM

    Maybe they should have had the HoF class half as big or do it every couple years because at the rate their going they'll be inducting Jacob for wrestling the angel in that bible story. by 2020

  165. You suck, McBain!

  166. But which one?

  167. And Bob's Your UncleMay 14, 2014 at 11:35 AM

    A kayfabed hall of fame for a kayfabed "sport" is a dubious thing to begin with. I agree with you, it needs to be cut down to either fewer people each year, or have it every second or third year or something. When the # of wrestlers in the hall is larger than the number of wrestlers on the roster you have a problem.

  168. Actually, a jobber Hall of Fame would be awesome. You could start with Reno Riggins, Terry Gibbs, Iron Mike Sharpe, Cougar Jay, George South, Marion Mancini, Jake Milliman...

  169. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)May 14, 2014 at 11:37 AM

    Next years Inductee...DAVEY CROCKETT for wrestling a bear!

    Here to receive the award is his great great great great grand son Jim Crockett.

  170. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)May 14, 2014 at 11:37 AM

    Mulkey Brothers or GTFO.

  171. And Bob's Your UncleMay 14, 2014 at 11:38 AM

    "We've just found out that Jim Crockett's induction has been bought by Ted Turner."

  172. how much money did they spend on the plastic surgery?

  173. Of COURSE. How silly of me.

  174. People don't pay to hear Gene Okerlund to interview people backstage, but I think he deserves his spot - he was a big part of the show.

  175. Alright, just for kicks, my 2015 HOF class:

    Midnight Express
    Jim Cornette
    Alundra Blayze/Medusa

  176. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)May 14, 2014 at 11:40 AM

    "One of the columns that the people were LITTERALLY hanging from at Wrestlemania IX, I hope."

  177. And Bob's Your UncleMay 14, 2014 at 11:40 AM

    That is apples to oranges. Gene was an on air talent. The ring crew are not.

  178. Barry Horowitz would of course be the headliner.

  179. And Bob's Your UncleMay 14, 2014 at 11:42 AM

    The only way Medusa is getting in is if she has some sort of dirt on Vince she can use to hold him ransom. She didn't just burn her bridge, she nuked it.

  180. if Ric Flair can be inducted while still being part of TNA (he was at the point of the Horsemen introduction, wasn't he?) then it having a ROH contract shouldn't be any worry for the WWE at all.

  181. This year they should induct Scott Hall.

  182. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)May 14, 2014 at 11:43 AM

    Replace her with someone like Stan Hansen.

  183. And Bob's Your UncleMay 14, 2014 at 11:44 AM


  184. Your_Favourite_LoserMay 14, 2014 at 11:44 AM

    too bad arby's doesn't have a mascot - that could be who inducts mickie

    (unless you consider mickie to be the mascot)

  185. Even 1 is too much

  186. They are really going to be hurting for female wrestlers unless they go to Japan. I mean, there just aren't a lot to put in as far as being headliners for WWE, especially because they killed their own women's division for long stretches of time in the 1990s.

  187. Pete Rose is awesome.


    Seem to be on ok terms now. She could drop the award in the trash I suppose.

  189. And Bob's Your UncleMay 14, 2014 at 11:46 AM

    That would be kind of great. On all sorts of levels.

  190. And when he's giving his speech, the Desperados burst on stage: "We've found him! We've finally found him!"

  191. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryMay 14, 2014 at 11:46 AM

    That thought crossed my mind too, but Steve Corino isn't Ric Flair. Plus AFAIK he's never worked for WWE at any point. Then again, neither did Abdullah, and he's in.

  192. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)May 14, 2014 at 11:46 AM

    He bumped better than half the roster.

  193. They should induct Adam the video package guy.


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