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BoD Daily Update

HHH Frustrated in his Role as Head of Talent Relations?

The following was written by Dave Meltzer in the Wrestling Observer Newsletter:

"It’s been noted to us what an impossible position Paul Levesque has been put in when it comes to talent relations, because Vince McMahon is still the guy making all the final calls, and he changes his mind frequently. It’s become a big frustration of talent that they are told a certain direction by Levesque, and then Levesque is put in the position of having to get with the talent again and explain that what he told them before isn’t happening. Either he’s really good, or he’s in a bad position, because talent for the most part sees him as one of them and that he’s frustrated from above when things change."

Credit Dave Meltzer, Wrestling Observer Newsletter

Brock Lesnar Update

Lesnar is scheduled to work a two-show program starting at SummerSlam that will wrap up at Night of Champions. The WWE is trying to load up the Night of Champions show as it will air a few weeks after the first round of WWE Network subscriptions ends.

Credit Dave Meltzer, Wrestling Observer Newsletter

How Did the WWE View Adam Rose's Debut?

Internally, the Rose debut was considered a flop.

Credit Dave Meltzer, Wrestling Observer Newsletter

Change to Saturday's RoH iPPV

RoH announced that Cedric Alexander was out "due to injury" from being attacked by the Decade so Kazuchida Okada will need a new opponent for the show.

Credit Mike Johnson,


  1. -I'm surprised they didn't specifically structure things to make Summerslam the 1st show of the "Network re-subscription" period.

    -I am still gonna give Rose a chance, since most people never saw his NXT gimmick, so they were probably more in silent awe when he made his debut, like "What in the f*ck did I just watch??" Maybe they'll get into it once they get used to it.

  2. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)May 16, 2014 at 7:12 AM

    That would be a good time to put the belt on Brock

  3. They made Rose come off as an Indy joke in his debut. The act is all about the production and it looked low rent. Bad decision by the WWE.

  4. Gary The Rock Star's #1 FanMay 16, 2014 at 7:16 AM

    Rose was a flop? Yeah, it was because it was presented like crap with a shitty audience.

  5. I still think there were 15000 lemons in that crowd.

  6. Rose was definitely a flop. Going to be an uphill battle to recover from that first impression.

  7. That was my thought when I read that as well.

  8. Mike Johnson said he was told that they were going to slowly build him up and hat decision proved to be a bad one so far. It looked better this week but the live crowd still didn't care

  9. The one area the company rarely misses (production and presentation) failed the guy. The crowd stunk too but it was just bad.

  10. Oh come on now. Bastion Booger lost his debut match to Virgil, and he still went on to be a huge st...


    HEY, LOOK OVER THERE!!! *runs away*

  11. It was thrown in a death slot as an interruption to a Jack Swagger promo of all things. Who's going to get THAT over?

    I thought the entrance worked fine, the crowd chants along, they just need more party goers.

  12. Losing a debut match to Virgil is a sign that you were never meant to be a star

  13. That entrance came across awful on television

  14. Here's one more piece of morning news.... WWE stock is getting HAMMERED in premarket trading, down almost 50% (!!).

  15. I still don't get why. I'm not even being confrontational, it's just pretty much exactly what I expected. Did it need fireworks? a lighting show? I'm asking seriously, what was so specifically bad about it?

  16. When the announcement was made, the quote "May I please have some decorum!!" was heard.

  17. Half of that loss was before midnight last night... but there were more speculators jumping it seems...

  18. As for right now, it's holding "steady" around $11.20-$11.40. Looks like that'll be the floor, barring something else popping off.

  19. I'm not a financial whiz but why is the stock plummeting? Is it because the deals that were announced weren't as lucrative as observers were speculating they would be?

  20. Lol at Triple H STILL working the boys. How stupid are they?

  21. His posse looked to small for what it was trying to do. You need more people than they used. Just throw out a bunch of interns and other low level employees to fill up the screen.

  22. Magoonie NOT Teddy BelmontMay 16, 2014 at 7:36 AM

    I really am starting to think its time for Vince to retire from day to day operations. As much shit as HHH and Stephanie get around here, I really do think if they were given the ball 100% they would do a really good job. It seems from a few of the docs that while Vince is still in guerilla, HHH is more hands on than Vince right now. At this point I think Vince should switch over to a consiliare role.

  23. Stranger in the AlpsMay 16, 2014 at 7:36 AM

    What this company needs is an infusion of Shane-O-Mac.

  24. Nailed it in one. Wall Street has ALWAYS been speculative... it just feels like it's been worse than usual the last few years. Too much "churn", not enough "steady" in the "average" buyer and seller.

  25. The first subscriptions end 9/2 and NOC is 9/21

  26. I didn't have my eyes on it this past Monday, but his debut last Monday had a DEAD crowd. The only "chants" were piped in, at least then.

  27. Magoonie NOT Teddy BelmontMay 16, 2014 at 7:39 AM

    As forRose, I REALLY like the gimmick. Its fun, it's fresh and I think Adam Rose does a great job playing the gimmick. But the live crowds just aren't getting into it as much as they should. A bigger production value I think would help that. And fucking stop have Cole try and convince the audience to do the stupid dance!

  28. Pretty much. In addition to that, this brief article on CNN explains it:

    WWE said they will "need between 1.3 million to 1.4 million subscribers for the new network to make up for the declines in its pay-per-view and on-demand business. It hopes to have 1 million streaming subscribers by the end of this year, but that would still produce a net loss of between $45 million to $52 million this year."

  29. Vince was expecting $280 million and industry people were thinking they could get $400 million based off of Nascar's deal of $820 million

  30. Watching WWE Stock Ticker right now is almost like watching Facebook's IPO... and I will admit to CHEERING when Facebook flopped its IPO, only getting saved by a couple of huge players pumping in millions at the end of Day 1.

  31. Magoonie NOT Teddy BelmontMay 16, 2014 at 7:43 AM

    I really don't think it's HHH working anybody, I think HHH has a solid idea for wrestlers and Vince will either veto it out right or change his mind down the line. We've heard countless times that the writers or wrestlers will be about to go in one direction then the next week or even day Vince will change his mind and change it all up.

  32. F'N Body Slams - Dan SelbyMay 16, 2014 at 7:43 AM

    Look at Fandango's debut, and look at Rose's.

    And look how it turned out for Fandango.

    There's your problem!

  33. Oh shit...wwe stock at 11.11 and not showing signs off leveling off yet!!! Ouch

  34. F'N Body Slams - Dan SelbyMay 16, 2014 at 7:44 AM

    I still stand by the fact that that was an AWFUL decision.

  35. Actually, as I note below, it's been steady for the last 15 minutes now. It did dip a little (now in the $10.90-$11.10 range), but the mass sell-off is likely over by now.

    If it falls under $10.75, though... or if some other piece of bad news comes out... There may be more room under the floor, but I just don't see it going much lower.

  36. Well the good news is it opened at 10.55 and is up to 11.00...

  37. Yeah, that debut was cringe-worthy.

  38. I'm inclined to agree, but with the stock crashing I'm guessing he's going to double-down on his core more muscleheads and vets are coming.

  39. It was awful. I don't get how people are blaming the crowd for it either

  40. I thought Vince Jordan said the Rose debut was a huge success?

  41. Laughing Sting is laughing right now at that

  42. I know a lot of people are champing at the bit for HHH to take over, claiming that it'll result in a better product (i.e. emphasis on tag team wrestling and more focus on WRESTLING) but I can't help but be skeptical. HHH has been on the booking team since 1997 and Stephanie has been head writer for a very long time so although Vince has the final word, will things REALLY change so much? Is Vince's perceived senility over the current product really him or is it a cumulative thing with him, HHH and Stephanie? I think there's a LOT of similarities in terms of HHH and Vince enjoy in wrestling (big larger-than-life musclemen with limited movesets, juvenile humour, etc).

    The consensus is that Vince is this Mr. Burns-esque figure that runs his power plant/WWE with an iron fist but so many wrestlers have mentioned how he's open to ideas and feedback. So maybe a lot of the crappy stuff we see at times is him being influenced by peeps like HHH and Stephanie until he makes a firm decision on which way to go.

    I think 1995 Vince is the guy who did it all alone but since the Attitude Era, even though things have become more restrictive with promos and wrestlers coming up with their own characters, I think he collaborates more with HHH and Stephanie and when Vince finally does pass the torch, we'll be seeing a lot of the same stuff that happened under his tenure. HHH will be just as beholden to the sponsors and networks as Vince was so the hope that WWE turns into some neo-NWA entity circa 1989 isn't really a strong one.

  43. Still I'd think it ends up around 12 or 13 when its all said and done

  44. I said that I won't call the gimmick dead and buried and finnito after just 1 week. That is what I actually said.

  45. 1. I believe it. If you are going to be office, be office. If you are going to wrestle, wrestle. Its a tough position HHH is in. Plus who hasn't had a boss tell you to report one thing, then come back a few days later and deliver some bad news. Perhaps Bad News Barrett is HHH's way of expressing frustration.

    2. More Brock Lesnar=good thing

    3. Hell yeah it was bad.

  46. Who's butthurt ass negged me for that? lol

  47. I think it's finally time to bring in Shane to fix this mess.

  48. Looks like one of our admirers is out of the funny farm.

  49. Gideon Stargrave

  50. Having Cole do anything already makes it uncool.

  51. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)May 16, 2014 at 7:55 AM

    Does Shane even want to come back?

  52. Yep, I cover a different section of the markets and on an earnings call a few years ago a CEO for a large company went off on the stock analysts for downgrading his company. He pointed out that they had met their earnings expectations, which were near record levels, but their stock was down because Wall Street had decided that the company was going to make more and when their own expectation wasn't met they were disappointed. He was right, but the analysts further downgraded the stock. Same thing with Apple a year ago: they announced their expectation for earnings was one thing and met it and the analysts got pissy that it didn't exceed those expectations and the stock took a hit. There is absolutely no room on the stock market for steady growth or a 10-15 year plan, it is all about immediate gratification so when you come UNDER expectations...well, look at WWE stock.

  53. Doubt it, but he's the rightful heir.

  54. I don't think so.

  55. Apparently someone in here's a Rosebud.

  56. I can see them going the opposite way and making him more of a joke. I think we'll see the party crew dwindle until it's just Rose coming out but acting the same (sans the freefall into the party goers) and Michael Cole, Jerry Lawler and JBL will talk about him being a goof.

  57. I still miss downvotes. Not just the "Phantom 0 upvotes" thing, but actual downvotes.

  58. Since these guys have NO control over what they do, if Rose was a flop, there's only one person to blame....Vince McMahon.

    You can't neuter everyone, tell them what they must do, down to every cough and twitch, and then blame them when YOUR stupid fucking ideas flop.

  59. He can come back, while booking an HBK/Rock, and Austin/Punk double main event.

  60. Triple H is frustrated by his boss!?!??! How unique!

  61. It's been 2 weeks, not many guys get huge reactions after being introduced to the audience for 2 weeks. Not saying he will be some huge hit but too early to call it a failure.

  62. The wwes 5 day stock graph looks like one of those cartoon exaggerations of a companies stock chart where the line just falls off the paper...yikes. Watching the ticker on that is more interesting than raw has been in weeks

    I wonder if they get belt back on Cena asap

  63. I'm more of a BO-Liever than a Rosebud anyway.

  64. But WWE will still twist it around to make it seem as though they're getting bigger.

  65. You're the one negging everyone, aren't you?

  66. God damn participation trophy generation.

  67. That's what I've been saying for the past 10 days, but apparently, it's an abysmal failure with zero chance of it ever turning around. He might as well sign his TNA contract yesterday.

  68. Up for a game of musical chairs with 3 more chairs than participants?

  69. You can't compare the Wrestlemani-RAW crowd to the normal burnt out ones where they don't care about anything.

  70. I seriously feel for HHH. Any position like that will be tough but dealing with a control freak like Vince adds an extra layer to the whole thing. For all the input I believe HHH has, he's ultimately just an empty figurehead until Vince retires/dies.

    Hate to say I told you so about Adam Rose...actually, no I don't

  71. Its good to be king.

  72. Also fuck OKC and the biased officiating that's carrying their asses.

  73. I'm guessing once again Vince is back to being "a millionaire who should be a billionaire"

  74. Man, if Wade Barrett wanted to get fired he could have a field day with the last week of WWE news.

    "So you fans like Daniel Bryan as champion? I'M AFRAID I GOT SOME BAD NEWS!"

    "So you own WWE stock? I'M AFRAID I GOT SOME BAD NEWS!"

    "So you think you can triple your TV fees? I'M AFRAID I GOT SOME BAD NEWS!"

    "So you're a Samoan wrestler facing Randy Orton in a steel cage match? I'M AFRAID I GOT SOME BAD NEWS!"

    "So you need 1.5 million subscribers for this Network to be profitable? I'M AFRAID I GOT SOME BAD NEWS!"

  75. A control freak who ALSO happens to be your father-in-law who ALSO built the business that provides for your entire family and made you a millionaire yourself.

    And you thought asking your father-in-law to borrow money was bad.

  76. So what's what's the brock program? Bryan/Brock seems like the logical choice but do you save that for mania? Guess you could have Brock go over at SS, and build to a Bryan getting his win back at mania?

    Not sure who else is worth putting into a 2 ppv program with brock

  77. That could be why HHH has seemed so energized with the DB/Shield stuff, he's getting to get out and do what he enjoys without having to deal with Vince.

  78. So that zero is a down vote? Why wouldn't disqus just put a (hopefully lol) 1 in the downvote part? It really makes no sense and really, wouldn't you think it takes some of the "fun" out of whoever comes here to just randomly down vote everyone to express his displeasure with smarks?

  79. Anybody here seen Godzilla yet? Is it pretty good or really fucking good?

  80. Vince Jordan is outta control!

  81. Fuck him
    Just my .02

  82. True, it's an interesting dynamic.

    If anyone has job security it's HHH. He can be more outspoken and assertive when it comes to pushing back vs vince.

  83. How dare the crowd not cheer for a lame debut!


  85. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)May 16, 2014 at 8:13 AM

    I would like to see Vince give HHH full control of NXT or Main Event for a year to see what he would do with it.

  86. He loves to down vote everyone. I just don't get the appeal under the new rules.

  87. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)May 16, 2014 at 8:14 AM

    Didn't matter who advanced. They were just going to lose to the Spurs.

  88. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)May 16, 2014 at 8:15 AM

    Stop downvoting me, McMahon.

  89. Hey, my posts are downvoted also... So it clearly cannot be me... *unless that is just a decoy... *Ominous soap opera music....*

  90. I feel if you warrant a downvote, I will reply post with "Downvote".

  91. Oh yeah, he's got security -- that's the one thing he definitely has. What he doesn't have is concrete decision-making power when anything he plans storyline or company-wise can be changed by Cranky Vince.

  92. The "Paul Heyman Guys" explode!!!

  93. Yeah a 45% value drop in stock is never a good thing. I assume it will climb back up as the day goes on though.

  94. You feel sorry for a multi-millionaire married into a billionaire family with the reigns to a fortune 500 company?

    Yes. please give me this dude's hardships.

  95. Having money doesn't exclude you from normal problems

  96. At least that way you know it was a down vote. Seems like the better way to go

  97. While CM punk crys in the corner!

  98. I so miss making bad AJ Lee protein drink jokes or going on CM punk rants and getting 20+ downvotes.

  99. Not enough people are buying that, unfortunately for WWE.

  100. Anyone else cutting out from work early to go see the one o'clock matinee of Godzilla?

  101. He just wasn't pushed enough, damn it!!!

  102. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)May 16, 2014 at 8:23 AM

    Nah, I'm good. I'll wait until the middle of next week.

  103. A bad first impression is tough to recover from. That is what people are trying to say here. And the first impression was bad

  104. Cutting out from work early? What is that?

  105. Fun fact: The 1997 Godzilla movie was so horrible that my friends and I listened to the baseball game on radio while at the Drive In Theatre.

  106. I miss fighting with the AJ super fans

  107. It wasn't Shockmaster bad, can still be salvaged.

  108. Also, that extended roar in the trailer is just fucking awesome.

  109. But she skips and likes comic books. She's clearly the greatest thing since sliced bread.

    That few month stretch when she was in main event storylines were unbearable with the aj superfans

  110. I am in love with her, and for neither of those reasons. 100 lbs brunettes FTW (probably why I like asians so much)

  111. If the stock drops below 10 bucks I'm buying just to get in on the rebound.

  112. It wasn't but at the same time, it's been two weeks and no one at all gives a shit. It's an act that is designed to get the crowd into the act and they are not at all. They need to make changes otherwise this is destined to be a house show opening act

  113. What is or has ever been over in 2 weeks?

  114. To be honest, that's what I have thought of the gimmick the entire time, and there is nothing wrong with it. That's why I didn't see it as a flop, I saw it as exactly what I expected.

  115. It's holding at $11ish ($11.09 as I type)... guess that'll be the floor for today.

    On the other hand, who knows?

  116. It's not a headline act but they were not building up his debut for weeks because they thought it was an opening match gimmick either. They had to have planned for him to be in the midcard and possibly catch on with fans and go higher

  117. Adam Rose is already my most hated gimmick in years.

    Haven't not seen much of his NXT run, even just the inspirational ads for him on Raw are enough to make me laugh out loud. Especially because he kinda looks a bit retarded.

  118. Well, if Tony Parker's hamstring is as wonky as they say, Spurs could be in trouble.

  119. You clearly objectify women incorrectly. I lile them a little thicket. Suelyn Mederious, vida, summer Walker FTW

  120. If off an plan on being drunk by 1. Guess that's something

  121. Stop lying. You're going to see Moms Night Out

  122. Adam Rose has inspirational ads?

  123. Vince, let down the reigns.

  124. Funny how I do put Vida in the original "100 lbs brunettes" category.

  125. Are you mixing Rose with Bo Dallas?

  126. Jordan Belfort will jump all over this.

  127. He logs in as "Steve Stennick" to add extra down votes.

  128. Which means nothing, because those don't show the tally any more.

  129. Be funny if someone sent a petition to to have Disqus bring the down votes back.

  130. The Miz's Figure Four?

  131. That was hilarious. I remember sometime took the time out to retroactively downvote every comment jobber and I made in like a huge Saturday night thread. So funny

  132. Miz as a face?

    (The best thing about Wrestlecrap's short lived "Power Rankings"... Miz as a face was in it for so many weeks in a row.)

  133. Does he mean Roman Reigns? Tune into Monday Nitro to find out!

  134. Why Disqus! Why?!

  135. The fact people thought she was a major star is laughable.

  136. Anyone whose gimmick reminds me of Russell Brand immediately sucks in my eyes.

  137. Come on people, it was all in the Punk.

  138. Strong NXT debut, but yeah, bombed on the big stage.

  139. Wall Street needs to look at the marketing survey that showed there are ∞ "WWE Homes."

  140. Here comes the money.....

  141. The good thing is that you have your Steve Stennick account to give yourself up votes!

  142. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)May 16, 2014 at 8:51 AM

    Well I was thinking about going to "Cougars Night" at a club in North Jersey, so in a way you're right. lol

  143. Meanwhile:

    "- Former WWE star Harry "David Hart" Smith choked out a thief while in Amsterdam this past week. Smith witnessed a man steal a woman's purse and while three security guards were having a hard time with the man, Smith jumped in, took the guy down and put him in a choke."

  144. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)May 16, 2014 at 8:52 AM

    And she's from Jersey so she gets points from me.

  145. I think it makes him feel comforted.

  146. Comply unrelated topic: should people that are mentally ill but commit heinous acts ike Julie Schenecker be

    A) thrown in jail with no chance of parole
    B) tried to be rehabilitated in a mental health facility
    C) thrown in jail with the possibility not parole if authorized by mental health professionals

  147. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)May 16, 2014 at 8:52 AM

    Or Punk was all in her.

  148. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)May 16, 2014 at 8:54 AM

    You have just made an enemy out of Abeyance with that statement. He's gonna call you a race traitor or say you're fucking up the economy by fucking local chicks or something.

  149. You're trolling him for being a troll. It's giving me a chuckle

  150. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)May 16, 2014 at 8:54 AM

    D.) Death penalty.

  151. the king stay the king. everything stay who he is.

  152. Here's another thing I hate about the down votes being taken away, when you go to refresh your page, the zero disappears.

  153. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)May 16, 2014 at 8:58 AM

    Stop downvoting me, Abeyance.

  154. In fact, some argue that mo of one would lead to mo of the other.

  155. Please don't get me started on that shit

  156. He's like an annoying parent.

  157. "Mattel Executive "Fucking Retard" (believed to be a nom de plume) commented that it was 'fortunate the WWE had previously released such a violent individual, as such acts set a bad example for our primary demographic.' WWE Chairman Vince McMahon also released a comment, stating that 'WWE sends its condolences to Mr. Smith on the tragic passing of his father.' Davey Boy Smith, known as the British Bulldog to wrestling fans worldwide, passed away in 2002."

  158. Si basically, what I'm getting from this is that Vince needs to go.

  159. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)May 16, 2014 at 9:01 AM

    Stop downvoting me, Punk.

  160. TJ: I fucking DESPISE the Oklahoma City Thunder right now. I've been on the hate bandwagon since they got blatantly giftwrapped a game against Portland back in 2012 and it's only gotten worse. I don't like the Spurs but I hope they handle them in the WCF.

  161. Like right now.

  162. He could expand it to wrestlers in other promotions as well.


  163. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)May 16, 2014 at 9:03 AM

    Honestly, the Spurs should wipe the floor with them if healthy. The Thunder are a player short.
    But as long as someone beats the Heat, I don't care.

  164. as of 10am (CDT forget you east coast people) WWE stock is only down 43%, so that's better!

  165. I love the '98 Godzilla. Mind you, I was 6 at the time and didn't know better.

  166. A. Murder and Rape are where I draw the line on "but he/she isn't mentally competent".

  167. I honestly see that series going 5 games tops.

  168. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)May 16, 2014 at 9:04 AM

    Stop downvoting me, Durant.

  169. The atock market, in its current form, seems really, really dumb and abstract.

    The only place where your value can go down after making a profit.

  170. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)May 16, 2014 at 9:05 AM

    I always wanted to buy a few shares just to say I was a shareholder. Maybe I'll look into it today.

  171. Today would be the day.

  172. I can't really hate OKC because they are a small market team and I find them less annoying than the Heat, who illustrate everything wrong with the NBA whereby top players just join forces for titles and say to hell with the rest of the league, or the Lakers, who I insist have had titles gift wrapped to them by idiot GM's of other teams.

  173. Sometimes I wish I had a billion dollars and could launch a hostile takeover of WWE stock. Of course, I don't think that's even possible with the way they set the stock up when they went public, since the McMahon family controls lots of shares that aren't available for purchase.

    Maybe this debacle will cause the company to completely rethink being a publicly traded firm. It really doesn't play to Vince's strengths because he takes large (and at times unnecessary) risks and tends to overexaggerate and under deliver. That is death in the modern stock market.

  174. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)May 16, 2014 at 9:10 AM

    Stop downvoting me, Julie Schenecker.

  175. Uh, I'm not down voting.

  176. Yeah, something!

  177. Saw it last night, prepare to have your face removed.

  178. They're pretty much "takeover proof", because the real "power stock" (voting rights and such) is 100% in Vince and Friends' hands... what's on the market is really just "Want to say you own a piece of WWE? COME ON IN!"

    It's about as valuable as Green Bay Packers stock for the average person.

  179. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)May 16, 2014 at 9:12 AM

    Just to be funny, I'd LOVE to see someone like Ted Turner, Verne Gagne, Dixie Carter or Eric Bischoff buy up all of the shares that are out there.
    That shareholders meeting full of people Vince put out of business would be classic

  180. Nah, Mattel would only get mad if Mr. Smith had choked the guy out with a tie.

  181. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)May 16, 2014 at 9:13 AM

    It was a joke.

  182. Which is why I don't understand why they are publicly traded. Like, who would want to own stock where you don't get to select the board of directors or something? It just seems like WWE stock is for the people who have the average IQ of those who attend many of their live events (and everyone here knows who I'm talking about!)!

  183. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)May 16, 2014 at 9:14 AM

    The Gasol trade was the biggest slap in the face I'd ever seen.

  184. My face was firmly on my head until i saw those blue lights...(you know the one) then it got blown out of my ass. What an incredible climax.

  185. I never could get behind that idea, those guys were friends that chose their own destinies above the ideas of a congressionally approved monopoly. It's one of the few real cases of the worker fucking over his boss, how can that not be respected?

  186. They were one of the better dividend payouts until recent cutbacks, IIRC.

  187. I wonder what Mark Cuban would do with a wrestling company.

  188. I know, I think that's to new meme here where we yell at someone who is down voting us.

  189. Oh, that's right. I remember reading about that a while ago. Good point.

  190. Yeah, the man practically got traded for peanuts!

  191. Whatever he does, it's going to be fun to watch.

  192. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)May 16, 2014 at 9:16 AM

    He's too open to try new (dumb) things, as evidenced when he wanted to get rig of championship rings and get the Mavs belts or watches.

  193. Stop down voting me Jef!


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