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BoD Daily Update

RAW Ratings

This past RAW had the lowest amount of viewers in 2014.

Goldberg Open to Wrestling Again With the WWE

Goldberg told Jim Ross that he is at the gym five days a week and wants his son to see him wrestle live at least once and would welcome a return to the WWE if the money is right. He also said he would like to wrestle HHH, Brock Lesnar, or Roman Reigns.

NXT Talents Work Dark Match Prior to Smackdown Tapings

Adrian Neville wrestled Sami Zayn in the dark match during this week's tapings in England.


Ring of Honor Holding Show This Summer at MCU Park in Brooklyn

"Field of Honor" will take place on August 15th. An interesting note is that TNA was running shows at this venue.

Credit Mike Johnson,


  1. I think Quake did a few more tv shows after the Rumble and then went to Japan for awhile before returning in 1994.

  2. He gave notice and left following the January 25th, 1993 tapings. Don't know why, probably unhappy with his position in the company.

  3. Me too! That would have been '97 or so, right? I'm not sure; there aren't any names jumping to my mind.

  4. Maybe it's the "big guy not wanting to job to a little guy" thing.

  5. If they actually had Brock f5 a MAW kid, I swear I'd just start signing my paychecks over to Vince McMahon.

  6. I discovered that if you search for Hardcore Holly, Big Boss Man (RIP) or Viscera (RIP), you can find a ton of late '99-early 2000 episodes of Smackdown that are not even available in the vault.

  7. And yet he never wore his own T-shirt so even he figured out how horrible that shirt was.

  8. They taped a match with Bam Bam to air on Superstars at the end of February, but his last date was working San Jose for TV tapings the day after the Rumble. He spent the week leading up to the Rumble doing quick jobs to Yokozuna,.

  9. It's still weird to me that they had Earthquake BEAT Yoko in a Sumo Match, especially if it's right before he leaves.

    I think Volkoff's hiring was just to give the guy a paycheck because they felt bad or something. He was really just used as a Jobber for the Corporation, which of course helped de-legitimize the group.

  10. It's hilarious to think of what became the flagship "Must See" show of wrestling was once a Jobberfest program with one or two "name" matches a week, and even then it was usually squashes.

  11. He didn't really specify when it was, but Funk was there for a couple of shows in January 97, so they may have travelled together then - or in January 98 when they were teaming. I'm guessing it'd be someone older/washed up who was just around to get them a paycheck but I can't think of who it'd be.

  12. Decided to watch the first SuperBrawl last night, and saw the debut of Oz. That has to be the worst thing I've ever seen in wrestling. The crowd immediately crapped all over the appearance of Dorothy & her crew, and rightfully so.

  13. Stranger in the AlpsMay 21, 2014 at 5:37 PM

    I took a look at that, and when you try to play the one of those videos, you get Media Error. I'm not sure if they worked before, but they definitely don't work now.

  14. I would guess Earthquake told them afterwards he wanted to leave.

  15. We're probably missing someone really obvious, too.

  16. What device have you tried it on? I just tested it on the Roku and it still works on that device.

  17. Stranger in the AlpsMay 21, 2014 at 10:08 PM

    Laptop. I only tried about 3 videos, so I assumed it did it for all of them. I haven't tried it on the tablet.

  18. Is it me, or did the Network edit out the Austin bit in the market where he sings, "when the moon hits your eye like a big pizza pie, that's amoré?"


  19. I haven't tested it on a laptop or tablet but if you have a Roku or an Apple TV, the feature should work just fine. Not sure about the PS3 or PS4 but I assume it doesn't work on XBOX 360 because that's the device they pay the least attention to (look at how long it took to get the freaking service to work on the 360 for example).

  20. AND the removed "Wind Beneath Our Ring" from Stone Cold Appreciation Night?! Sadistic bastards.

  21. Which was edited out.


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