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BoD Daily Update

WWE Plan to Have Goldberg Return to the Company and Appear at WrestleMania 31

Right now, the plan is to announce Goldberg as a legend for the new video game around SummerSlam then use that to build to WrestleMania. The company feels that the video game deal would be the most financially beneficial for Goldberg.

Credit Bryan Alvarez, Figure Four Weekly Newletter

Sheamus Turning Heel Soon?

His turn his expected to happen either during or right after the WWE's tour of Europe, which begins in a couple of weeks. They did not want him to turn right before the tour and lose momentum as a heel by getting cheered overseas.

Credit Bryan Alvarez, Figure Four Weekly Newsletter

New Tag Team Forming in the WWE?

There have been recent discussions about teaming up Tyson Kidd with Evan Bourne, who has been out of action since March 2012.

Credit Bryan Alvarez, Figure Four Weekly Newsletter


  1. How does this video game deal differ than the current one? Is he getting more money? He's in 2K14?

    I like the Kidd/Bourne team if they can get momentum on it and not make them jobbers.

  2. Please no stupid Goldberg. WWE needs to knock off bringing in these 40+ year old.

  3. Maybe it's a turnbased RPG.

  4. Would the BoD rather a RnR, pretty boy team for heels to beat up, or an evil, Midnights style team to beat up the Usos?

  5. Goldberg is a smarter play than Batista. People outside the regular WWE fanbase know who he is and might be tempted to tune in.

  6. I'm still waiting for Goldberg vs. Taker streak vs. streak mode!

  7. Although if Goldberg is treated as anything more than a returning legend on one last abbreviated run, this will become as big a bummer as the Batista deal.

  8. I'd be ok with watching Tyson Kidd and Evan Bourne vs. The Usos.

  9. Bourne has been out of action longer then that.

  10. I thought he did a Kevin Nash thing where he hurt himself, came back for a sec, then got hurt again?

  11. Worst_in_the_WorldMay 3, 2014 at 9:39 AM

    Ugh, I really don't ever wanna see Goldberg in the ring again. Move fucking on, WWE.

  12. Bourne Eh-Gain

  13. What was starting to look like a thriving tag division is starting to become "what do you want to do with these guys?" "I don't know make them a tag team"

  14. to be fair, they did that with Swagger and Cesaro

  15. yea it might work, but for every swagger/Cesaro there is a Rybaxle ..I'm still bitter how quickly lost interest in the Rhodes Brothers

  16. There might be a theme again this year? It might be the Monday Night Wars. In which case Goldberg being a major player would make sense.

  17. TJ: I don't know if anyone else noticed, but you can now view Clash of the Champions 1 on the Network. No need to wait till Monday.


  19. Mister_E_Studd_Got100ProblemsMay 3, 2014 at 9:52 AM

    God I hate Evan Bourne.

  20. Who wants to see Goldberg? He has relevant 20 years ago in a different promotion. Kids won't know or care who he is and I don't see a huge nostalgic yearning for him.l from adults. His time has passed

  21. I don't want to see him wrestle, but I have to admit that if I were at a Raw or something and his music hit, I would mark the hell out.

  22. He's the terd that won't flush. Go away dude

  23. They should be repackaged as "fired" amd disappear from my life forever

  24. I'd actually play that game if Square put it out.

  25. Yeah, I don't get the appeal either. Maybe if he hadn't come back 10 years ago it might seem like a bigger deal, but at this point there can't be too many people who want to see him back.

  26. Goldblum> Golden showers > Goldberg

  27. Not sure how I feel about this, but I'm very interested in seeing the match, so I guess that means it might be a good move.

  28. Lapsed WCW or Attitude Era fans could be inclined to check out a show with Goldberg on it.

  29. Of course, if WWE had a say:

    Pick the WCW "team": Great starting stats, but they decline over time. Oh, and they CANNOT beat the final boss, Vinceiroth, even with cheats and hacks.
    Pick the WWF "team": Slow start, but they become powerhouses as the game goes on... long before they reach their final boss, Tedmecia, they can overwhelm any enemies they come across.

  30. AJ Styles just won the IWGP title: only the fifth gaijin to do so. I think that's kind of a big deal.

  31. I used to hate Goldberg quite a bit during his WCW days. Now that time has passed, I kind of like him now. The problem is he's getting old, and I'm not sure how much money is left in him.

    There's still plenty of jobbers to feed him, but I'm just not sure how he'll work against top stars. Is Goldberg willing to do the job against Cena at Summerslam? Or WM? Or another program against Triple H? Daniel Bryan? Another match against Lesnar?

    I'm not against it, but it hard to imagine how it'll work without egos getting bruised.

  32. Is it like midnight over there right now?

  33. Semi-related: I'm watching Nash/Goldberg from Starrcade 98 for the first time in probably 14 years. Am I wrong in thinking this is actually a pretty good match until the horrible finish?

  34. He DID come back 10 years ago.

  35. That's pretty much what I said. If he had NOT come back it would seem like a bigger deal.

  36. Get the chants ready.

  37. Goldberg's WWE tenure in 2003-04 was ALREADY a nostalgia run only FIVE YEARS after his peak. And it sucked. Bringing him in again is a waste of time and money.

  38. Well, in all fairness, he did come in at a bad time.

  39. I agree and it seems like lazy booking, but sometimes it works out. There are a lot of teams that started out that way and wound up becoming pretty good. Pillman and Austin and Bret and the Anvil come to mind.

  40. I've got no problem with Goldberg coming back for one match. He's not a guy who I really liked but at least he's been gone long enough that it would feel like a big deal when he shows up. Not sure who he's going to work with but I'd watch it.

  41. I agree. That's one of Goldberg's better matches and the crowd is super into it.

  42. that may be one of the issues with the network special model as opposed to the ppv model. There isn't much benefit to bringing in celebs or even past their prime wrestlers. The kind of person that might have ordered for Trump or Mayweather or even Tyson is not going to shell out for the network and 6 months. We may have seen the last days of the WM celebrity connection, although Vince does love to have celebs around just for the rub, regardless of monetary gain.

  43. So I guess i'm the one guy who still kinda likes goldberg? You know other than ending Bret's career

  44. where is it located? do you have to search it or is in a specific area like the vault?

  45. Never understood why they stopped the Kidd & Gabriel team

  46. but 6 months isn't much different than the old PPV model and if they get someone's attention with a Goldberg or someone that same person might get an itch to watch the attitude era and low and behold the network (eventually) has all that

  47. Nakamura wrestled in a GI! Also, Shibata and Tanahashi are going to go at it.

  48. nope. Not going to happen. On an intellectual level, yeah 60 bucks is 60 bucks for one night or 6 months. As someone who worked retail, people have issues with commitments. They aren't go to COMMIT to 6 months. It is easier to get folks to shell out 60 one time for one event than it is to get them to sign up and toss out 10 dollars each and every month for 6 months. It is one of the biggest challenges facing the network. While Netflix has helped this situation (as has autopay programs for other bills) it still is an issue and it is especially an issue for parents thinking of purchasing it for kids.

  49. Mister_E_Studd_Got100ProblemsMay 3, 2014 at 10:25 AM

    I don't really get what Goldberg brings to the table at this point, but I guess I'd rather see him wrestle than Sting.

  50. Bourne is good. Dude does a perfect SSP

  51. We need another Goldberg run 16 years past his prime!

  52. Goldberg needs a fresh gimmick and repackaging, maybe give him a NFL gimmick, you know those football jerseys with Goldberg on them would sell good. Plus he could carry a football to the ring and have a cheerleader as his manager

  53. Fuck Goldberg. Whipplemans wife should be featured as a legend

  54. Or do a Jeckll and Hyde gimmick with Gilberg, have him "transform" in the ring etc

  55. They should do a fun WWF vs. WCW 4 on 4 match at Mania.

    Team WCW: Goldberg, Sting, Booker T., DDP


    Team WWF: Austin, The Rock, Undertaker, Shawn Michaels,

  56. Disco Inferno loves these ideas.

  57. So does anyone see heel Shamus being anymore interesting?

  58. She looked exactly like someone who would hop in bed with anyone too.

  59. Shit, the crowd even kinda liked the finish.

  60. It's like when they would drag out the legendary old farts for comedy matches during All Japan shows and it would make you feel sad to see them reduced to that.

  61. Can't be worse than what he is now

  62. She should be on the next Legends House.

  63. Mister_E_Studd_Got100ProblemsMay 3, 2014 at 10:30 AM

    Sheamus and Del Rio occupy the same space for me wherein they are both actually pretty decent but I still just can't bring myself to care.


  65. They should tag together. I've been saying that for months

  66. Anything has to be more interesting at this point, fingers crossed

  67. I mean if they just ran a quick 8-10 minute match where everyone hits there spots. All Japan is just dumb throwing guys in there that can't even walk straight or bend over to tie their boots.

  68. Yea, she definitely looked the part. It was perfect. I was hoping for a fat hog but this was pretty good

  69. absolutely. Sheamus is just.....there. That smirk on his face. Has a decent brawler style but ...hell even in this post I can't bring myself to bother putting into words what it is about him that doesn't work.

  70. They also both have generic location based gimmicks

  71. That would be cool. I would love a WCW option. Wasn't Schiavone at Titan Towers? Maybe signing a related deal? Shame no Heenan to work with him.

  72. It would be worth a shot. The United Nations?

  73. She was surprisingly fuckable, especially for Memphis chicks

  74. Mister_E_Studd_Got100ProblemsMay 3, 2014 at 10:34 AM

    She looked a LOT better than I was expecting.

  75. True....Flair wasn't put in the WCW team so we are safe there.

  76. I figured he was too old. Maybe have Flair be the manager for team WCW and Hogan be the manager for team WWF.

  77. Your_Favourite_LoserMay 3, 2014 at 10:36 AM

    and they could call it slamboree

  78. Riggs needs to do a YouShoot next. He probably has more stories to tell.

  79. After Monday I'm fine never seeing Flair rot away on TV anymore. Let me remember old flair of 6 -7 years ago.

  80. Your_Favourite_LoserMay 3, 2014 at 10:37 AM

    the goldbergs > golberg

  81. WCW ratings didn't tank until DDP won the belt.

  82. He has to act exactly the same and be completely oblivious to what a dick he is for the heel turn to work.

  83. Sheamus, Del Rio, Rusev, Drew McIntyre, big bad Great Khali manager by William Regal would be fun

  84. Your_Favourite_LoserMay 3, 2014 at 10:39 AM

    i wonder what the average "viewing lifetime" is of the current average wwe fan. there's no denying that bourne was always super over when he was a regular feature, but will current fans care or even remember?

  85. Remember when Kofi Kingston eliminated CM Punk and Randy Orton to be the sole survivor at Survivor Series back in 2009? It's scary how plain and not memorable 90% of PPV's are nowadays compared to the 90's and early 00's.

  86. Mister_E_Studd_Got100ProblemsMay 3, 2014 at 10:44 AM

    I agree with this. It doesn't matter about price, an impulse subscription is much less likely to happen than an impulse purchase.

  87. IF they want to get him over have him take on Batista for a match.

  88. Does anybody want to do a PPV watch tonight at 8 PM EST?

  89. I think a deal for him to appear in video games, then show up at WrestleMania to spear some loudmouth heel is a fine way to use him.

  90. I finally got around to watching that segment yesterday. He sounded awful, but honestly, I don't know that it was that big of a difference from what he has been recently, anyway.

  91. I'm game. Feeling an Attitude Era PPV if that's cool.

  92. Yeah, I always felt that way too. I don't think the fingerpoke killed WCW per se, I think it was the aftermath of the fingerpoke angle that didn't lead to anywhere that killed WCW.

    If they followed the fingerpoke angle with Goldberg going through the nWo one by one until he finally gets Hogan at Starrcade, then I'm pretty sure WCW wouldn't have been in such financial trouble, but the fact they did the whole whole fingerpoke angle, with Hogan dropping the belt unclimatically a month later to Flair and then turning face and disbanding the nWo and then the title getting swapped around with no direction was what did the company the most harm.

  93. Yeah, that's what we were saying in the thread the other day. I find it almost impossible to believe that a fan who hasn't watched since WCW died (or even see Goldberg's run with WWE ended) would suddenly decided to commit to six months of the network for one match.

    But, hey, if WWE can get them to do it, more power to them.

  94. Wolfpac were super over.

  95. WOW! He's the leader of that Bullet Club group now right?

  96. WWE were afraid they might get over.

  97. Meh, not really. I didn't particularly care for him when he was a heel the first time around.

  98. Sure. Got any suggestions? Wanna do No Mercy 1999 (US version with HHH vs. Austin WWF title, Hardys vs. E & C Ladder, Rock vs. Bulldog) or Over the Edge 1998 (Austin vs. Dude Love WWF title, Kane vs. Vader, NOD vs. DX, Rock vs. Faarooq)

    I'm really open to anything.

  99. OTE '98's other big draw: Sable in fighting gear. OWWWW!!

  100. I won't be able to participate- watching Spider-Man!- but those are both really good choices.

  101. I know I've been beating this horse for like a year now, but I cannot help but think they're missing the boat with Sheamus and Wade Barrett as a tag team. Sheamus is floundering as a face and Barrett is starting to get noticed with his Bad News gimmick; turn 'em into a modern version of the APA perhaps, with Irish and British stereotypes on toughness turning them into the badass Alpha heel tag team.

    Tyson Kidd and Evan Bourne as a tag team can do no wrong, if they push them as something meaningful. There's room for two or three top-level face teams with 95 hours of programming to fill each week.

  102. Mister_E_Studd_Got100ProblemsMay 3, 2014 at 11:05 AM

    Barrett/Shaemus could be good if they had a roster of smaller teams for them to toss around.

  103. No the times he has shown up in the last year or so where as bad I agree.

  104. I did No Mercy 01' last night and setting aside the Alliance stuff it was a great show with a bunch of guys in their primes.

  105. 2001 was one of their best years ever wrestling-wise and one of their worst booking-wise.

  106. TJ: Just finishing the documentary A Band Called Death...Holy Shit that's good stuff.

  107. Is that about the band from Norway?

  108. No an all black band from Detriot that basically made punk before punk and never got a record deal...handful of years ago a single starts getting passed around..and it goes from there. The music is great.

  109. In under the schedule for Monday. You can click on it and watch iot like anything else.

    They have been doing this for awhile on MOST things. Making them
    available thru the schedule before airing, and in the vault after they

  110. I think there's more traction if they turn Sheamus immediately before the tour, then remember there's a tour and have him pretend the turn never happened, then re-turn him

  111. I remember fans were loving that Nash run in 98. I honestly was looking forward to a Nash title run, then they did the same old crap with Hogan and it all went downhill.

  112. Kidd had a great team with Justin Gabriel, I don't see why they just don't go back to that.

  113. Your_Favourite_LoserMay 3, 2014 at 11:42 AM

    the band you're thinking of is from florida

  114. Goldberg's initial push in WCW had some kind of special aura around it. Hard to explain, probably similar to Warrior's initial run in WWF. The problem with bringing them back is you can't recreate the magic surrounding them. I'd argue that was more than half the appeal of both guys.

    Turning Sheamus can't hurt anything. I'd like to see them acknowledge the crowd shitting on him before turning him though. To at least give some motivation.

    Tyson Kidd and Evan Bourne were over before I started back watching. I went to a house show where one of them (don't remember which one) was gettting beat up and Cena made the save. They turned it into a tag match. I kept asking people who that guy was.

  115. Fuck Wippleman's wife. Oh wait, everybody did....

  116. Fantasy booking: Prince Devitt comes in as an old running buddy of Sheamus, telling him he's gone soft and the old Sheamus wouldn't be smiling and cracking jokes. Then they could form a heel tag team. Freshens things up a bit.

  117. and if they would still be willing to show the "characters" on their show drinking backstage.

  118. oh god, please no.

  119. I think there's more "worth" (= hardly any) to use him to get over someone else.

    let him be the one getting beat down after he initially speared someone. and then either let the segment end like that to push the heels or let a new babyface make the save.

  120. there's not one SINGLE thing that killed WCW. it was all those horrible decisions piling up.

  121. he's not a nugget!

  122. absolutely. imo that "for the whole world to see" reissue is worth buying.

  123. Got hurt, came back, wellness, came back, another wellness, came back, got hurt.

  124. I think that's partially because of the sheer amount of them. to me a lot of the attitude era ppvs are also already kind of a blur to me (I can remember most of the main events but would have a hard time about getting all those mid- and undercard matches right).

  125. That was really good. Have you seen the doc Twenty Feet From Stardom about backup singers or Sound City about the recording studio? Both also really great music docs.

  126. Whoopi > Bill.

  127. so what name will they get. I just hope it won't be "Bour-Kidd" or "TyVan"

  128. I think for many Bourne is in the same category as Sheamus, Kingston or Orton: no matter how decent they are in the ring, many just don't care anymore about them.

  129. An all-black punk band?! What is the world coming to?!

  130. Yeah the possibility of it sucking are still high like those AJPW matches. I really don't want Austin to embarrass himself. He's been one of the only guys to retire on his terms with zero hoopla or real notice that I'd hate to have a final in ring memory be some weird comedy type match where he gets blown up in a minute and butchers moves or worse gets injured. I have the Network to watch how awesome he was and his podcast to still hear him.

  131. Yep putting this in context; remember old ass Superstar Graham comeback in WWF in 87? That was only 10 years after his main event run and it was hideous.

  132. Yes I actually think the Nash streak ender with the taser isn't bad it was the finger poke of doom the next night that killed it. Nash was super over and a title run would've been great. Have Goldberg win it back at the Bash in the summer and that way he lost but not really.

  133. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)May 3, 2014 at 12:32 PM

    The New Bourne Kidds?

  134. Not according to super good Matt Striker, who said on the nWo doc that the Wolfpac were the nWo little brother. Yeah because a group with Nash, Savage, Sting and Luger is obviously a B squad...

    Also the Wolfpac theme was awesome!

  135. Whoa! How was the match? Worth seeking out?

  136. This was a band from Norway. It's on Youtube. It's a death metal band in which one of the band members was killed and another one committed suicide. They were all fucked up

  137. Mayhem is the band you are talking about.

  138. Bad Brains were around in the early 80's.

  139. they'd just make it a funny moment with him and ryback

    they should put him in the game, send him to the doctor to make sure he's not going to die within a week of Wrestlemania, and if he passes the tests put him in the hall

  140. Over the Edge 1998 at 8 PM EST it is!

  141. Austin might wrestle Lesnar next year at Mania...

  142. The WWE has a whole bunch of guys that they don't use and even some of the ones who are on TV on a regular basis are not used as nothing more than jobbers. Why don't they just put a bunch of them together as tag teams and use that to pump up the division. Say what you want about Rybaxel but at least they have some type of purpose even is it is just to shore up the tag team ranks.

  143. Nah, I think we should do it tomorrow night.

  144. I am willing to take wagers that Goldberg is not at Wrestlemania

  145. Oh I completely agree. 12-14 PPV's a year is WAYYY too much. I think the sweet spot is 6-8.

  146. His motivation should be easy though... he runs out to save Bryan from the authority, then turns on him and Brouge kicks him "Last time you had the title fella I took it from your arse in 18 seconds, and now I'm going to do it again."

  147. Finally, we could get the United Kingdom stable running.

  148. But a special is on tomorrow night.

  149. Flair is baseball's Babe Ruth. If the Babe wants to come out and wave on old timer's day at yankee stadium you let him. You don't complain that he still can't hit the ball out of the park, or that he looks old, or that he was supposed to have died 66 years ago. He's the Babe and he can do whatever he wants. He's earned it.

    If I was in the crowd at raw last week, I'd probably remember seeing Ric Flair in person longer than I'd remember any of the actual wrestling that happened that night,

  150. I remember Kofi being the sole survivor.


    Kinda neat footage if you haven't seen it before. A very, very young Andre,

  152. Is that a good thing or bad thing?

  153. Good thing. It was a dead end relationship that was way past its expiration date. Never feels great of course but it isn't really bothering me so I think that says a lot.

  154. Babe died long before he went senile, though. Watching Ric go senile on live TV isn't exactly good on the memories. Same as watching Hulk at Wrestlemania XXX... the first "Silverdome" was possibly an accident... the second was just sad.

  155. Yeah, that's about what I would have predicted. She was NOT "Mrs. Parallax" material, on a good day.

  156. Thanks. You're right. I'm not perfect either, and it just wasn't a good fit.

  157. I'd bet on drunk instead of senile.

    And showing up in public drunk is something both Ruth and Flair are known for.

  158. Yeah I feel like a lot of the great matches get forgotten because of the piss awful booking.

  159. Your_Favourite_LoserMay 3, 2014 at 1:57 PM

    yep, mayhem. i had actually started to address them in my original reply but decided against it just in case it wasnt relevant

    bayless, the lead singer (stage name "dead") committed suicide (shotgun) in '91 and the band members found the body. they allegedly took parts of his skull and brains for a stew/to make jewelry. they also took photos of the scene before calling police. one of the photos leaked and ended up on an album cover (can't recall if it was an official release or a boot)

    (nsfw, graphic)

    the guy who was murdered was the driving force behind the band, a guy with the stage name euronymous. an associate (varg vikernes) had a falling out with him, one thing led to another, and varg killed him. he recently just got out of jail (this occurred in '93), but already is back on the radar., dude is a racist militant, very dangerous, and very crazy

    tons of people in the black metal scene have been implicated/have confessed to/have been jailed for church burnings, grave robbing/desecration, and murder

    read 'lords of chaos" - it's a great book about all that crazy shit

  160. Goldberg will add 0 buys to WrestleMania.

  161. I actually think it made Hogan look human and possibly in awe of such a big event. And even though he made those flubs, I think it actually helped the segment a great deal as Austin and Rock were able to break his balls about it and the ribbing made the segment that much better....

  162. But how many buys will he add to the Network?

    Unless Goldberg bought all those Goldberg DVD's himself, it shows there are still Goldberg marks out there. I think he would add a few buys and I have no issue with him getting one last match....

  163. yeah I've noticed that and hate it. Running things "live" first is a painfully slow way to add content. Are we really going to have to have all 30something clashes run in the live feed like we do the Raws and ECW hardcore TV shows they add to the vault?

  164. Not everything with Brutal, growling, or screaming vocals is death metal...

  165. No, but it's all shit tho

  166. I'll bet you a pizza.

  167. I'm off Monday. I'm gonna love the fat life for a few days and get a pizzza. I'll get you whenever you want then

  168. Ain't gonna lie, Goldberg/Brock 2 would be fun.

  169. So? His signing could be a trending thing on the internet. Lapsed fans could say "Hey Goldberg's coming back?" They tune into Raw to see him, see how crappy the rest of the show is and then leave. But it isn't Goldbergs fault.

  170. That was a damn good Sheamus promo you cut right there.

  171. I say wait until they give up on Barrett again before that teaming. He's got some momentum right now on his own.

  172. There's too much on tonight or I would.

  173. Got no interest I seeing Goldberg again but feeding him to Bryan wouldn't be terrible. Have Bryan feud with big guys for a year...Kane, Brock, Reigns, Goldberg. He'd get good matches out of them and itd be a cool little gimmick they could play up

  174. Because it was so much so the first time?

  175. Magoonie NOT Teddy BelmontMay 3, 2014 at 3:32 PM

    I still like the idea of Bryan being a real fighting champion. Defending the Title against midcard guys on RAW every other week. Have the authority just throw anybody at him to take the title off him. But in a bounty and you have a fantastic old school NWA storyline that works perfectly today.

  176. Will do... I am single (or free if you prefer) again so I won't have to explain "Yes this guy from the internet is ordering me a pizza." so some bitch.

  177. Thanks. It just seems SO obvious I don't see why they wouldn't do it.

  178. Magoonie NOT Teddy BelmontMay 3, 2014 at 3:36 PM

    Nobody offers to buy me a pizza :-( I buy the lax a pizza, I foot the bill for Abeyance to get the Network for six months, I hook Brazilian kid up with a torrent site invite, I offer to get a ticket for you to pay me back at the show. I give and give and give and I get nothing! Not even a complimentary Top 5 spot! I...I...I just don't know. Maybe I should go the route of CM Punk.

  179. Magoonie NOT Teddy BelmontMay 3, 2014 at 3:37 PM

    Well it was kinda fun actually. Just not the way it was intended.

  180. I told you before when your health condition turned out to be less bad than it could have been that I owed you a pizza... you haven't mentioned it since.

  181. I think you were kidding... but you KNOW people would want to see that

  182. Austin did some of his best work and in fact I think he pushed himself too far.

  183. Magoonie NOT Teddy BelmontMay 3, 2014 at 3:46 PM don't want to get in the way of you and Farva sucking each others dicks. I don't want to be sloppy dick sucking seconds.

    Seriously though it's fine, I was just fucking around. It's cool. Currently staying away from pizza and all around crappy foods in general. Lots of chicken, watermelon and salads now. Insert racist joke here.

  184. Magoonie NOT Teddy BelmontMay 3, 2014 at 3:47 PM

    You broke up with the cute chick with the glasses. That's too bad, she was as I said before very cute.

  185. Magoonie NOT Teddy BelmontMay 3, 2014 at 3:48 PM

    What's the lulz I'm missing here?


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