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BoD Daily Update

How Does the Company View Daniel Bryan?

Right now, there are those in the company who believe that the "Yes" chant is over and not Daniel Bryan and that his popularity peaked at WrestleMania. Most expect that he will cool off and fall out of a top position. They also view Bryan as the "model citizen" as he does not fight over the creative direction of his character, which is what a majority of the stars in the company do with the creative team.

Credit Mike Johnson,

Original Plans for Payback

Originally, the plan was to have Daniel Bryan defend his title against Batista. However, Batista turned down the idea, because he would have lost twice in a row to Bryan before leaving to do promotional work for the film. This is why he is leaving earlier than expected as they have no other plans for him.

Credit Mike Johnson,

WWE Possibly Bringing Ric Flair Back Full-Time?

According to a source, Mike Johnson of reports that there is a deal on the table for Flair to return to a near full-time role on television. However, Flair would have to get all of his legal and health issues in check before a deal will be offered.

Credit Mike Johnson,

Stipulation Added to Extreme Rules Match

The three-way between RVD, Cesaro, and Jack Swagger will be under elimination rules


  1. I don't really buy the Daniel Bryan/YES story. WWE is smart enough to realize that if the chant and not the wrestler was over, Big Show's feud with Randy Orton would have been a huge success. I find it hard to believe that they'd put him so convincingly over Triple H, Batista and Orton....AND center WrestleMania around him....if they just thought the chant was over.



    3- I am sure that this somehow related to Daniel Bryan getting BUURRIIEEDD

    4- See #3.

  3. I guess Ric Flair isn't coming back full time anytime soon.

  4. Jesus Christ you are lame

  5. Not to mention the show drew well with his match(es) as the only real draw

  6. The "Daniel Bryan" chants disagree with the "only Yes! is over" idea. I mean would those people say that fans just like chanting names to explain that?

  7. I call BS on the first story. If that was the case, they would have never booked him to win TWICE, which included the main event, at the biggest PPV of the year.

  8. WHY even bother to bring Batista back in the first place, SMH? I also don't buy their views on Daniel Bryan and the YES chants either.

  9. The Batista story lends me giving them a pass on lame duck Kane as the first defense if true.

    Whether he fades post wrestlemania is really up to the bookers not fucking it up now isn't it?

  10. My thought process today:

    Man I don't wanna work.
    Wait there's a PPV tonight at least I can keep up with that.

    rinse, repeat.

    Also regarding Bryan I think keeping him off TV a bit was actually good? It'll make fans wanna see him wrestle more at this PPV, etc.

    Also I predict the WheeLC match is going to rock.

  11. They booked him to win at Mania to avoid an embarrassment, There are no real long-term plans for Bryan as the champ

  12. "Some in the company"

    So two moron lower carders and a Janitor.

    The story probobly is true--it makes no claims about the importance of the sources.

    Classic Tabloid tactic

  13. My hope is that when Bryan gets bumped down it's to feud with someone like a returning Punk who does like an Owen thing.

  14. He said sources high up in the company. I didnt bother to specify

  15. Kane as the first defense is so he can retain the belt against someone who can afford to lose. Pretty easy to figure out

  16. Through no fault of his own Bryan has probobly peaked.

    Like Benoit peaked at 20, and Punk did at MitB/sumerslam '11 (take your pick)

    Unless they decide to give him the machine's full backing (which, who knows maybe they will) then he'll fade back down.

    Lile 90% do

  17. The thrill was in the chase. Once he got the belt, that thrill basically ended.

  18. Sure, but Kane is a joke.

    A JOKE.

    Batista is all of that and more credible.

  19. Clearly the machine is not behind him. I expect to be losing non title matches to Alberto Del Rio and Sheamus in no time.

  20. I was hoping they would find a Dude Love for him like they did with Austin but evidently that is not in the plans.

  21. Kane isnt a joke in the company's eyes. They built him back up as a monster and he and Bryan have history. They are just building up a big stiff for the champ to bring down. They did it with Hogan in the 80's all of the time.

  22. I would agree that they made every excuse not to book him right up until February at Wrestlemania, but he is moving merchandise and it would be bad business on their part for not keeping a 32 year old guy who is in his prime as champ for a while because he is definitely over.

    Off topic, but after a "Yes" chant at the Phillies game last night, the Phillies fans broke into a "Daniel Bryan" chant after Bastardo got the win against the Nationals. It was pretty cool and hysterical.

  23. The thrill wnds if the story sucks

    If they just give us "Daniel Bryan, fighting champion" which is what the people want--then the pops will keep coming.

    Hell--people are ASKING for an all conquering good guy of unwavering moral fiber.
    That thing the wwe kept trying to push just for the crowd to ask for something "edgier"

    No reason NOT to go with it

  24. I dont disagree but with all underdog stories, once the underdog conquers, its time to find a new underdog to root for. Happens all of the time

  25. That is pretty cool.

  26. I agree, that's where the WWE always fucks up.

    He WAS the underdog. That story ended at Mania, he proved the doubters wrong

    Now he's champ. The standard. The story changes, it's the begining of a new saga.

  27. Yes. The bookers won't do anything to keep him strong, then blame Bryan when he's not strong anymore. It's a tale as old as time.

  28. The Immortal Hoke OganMay 4, 2014 at 11:15 AM

    I am on the fence with this. I think Bryan is more over than just his catchphrase/meme, but I do think it's very possible that he has peaked. I don't see much wrong with that though. He didn't need to be the Austin-level guy who boosts business for the next 5 years or starts the next hot period. He was the right guy at the right time and WWE listened. We got a great pay-off at Wrestlemania and a deserving guy as a new "made man".

  29. For that to happen, they need to move on from the Yes Movement stuff and the fact that they have not and some believe the chant is more over than the performer, its probably not going to happen. They are going to milk those chants for as long as they can.

  30. Not quite. They didn't build up a guy
    for Hogan when he'd spent most of the last 20 years as a midcarder.

  31. The Immortal Hoke OganMay 4, 2014 at 11:17 AM

    Yeah. I don't think it's just underdog stories either. I think it's more a matter of when a character reaches a ceiling. Goldberg was an unstoppable monster who could beat everyone. The thrill was in the chase, but once he got the belt and beat Hogan in one fell swoop, they treated it like there was nothing left for him to do. There were still individual matches to be done (Sting, Hart, DDP, Nash, etc), but the perception was that after squashing Hogan on Nitro, he was already the most dominant guy and there was no one left to "chase".

  32. Mister_E_Studd_Got100ProblemsMay 4, 2014 at 11:17 AM

    He's almost certainly peaked. His whole thing was the underdog who the crowd got behind. At WM the underdog came out on top and in any other form of entertainment, that's the happy ending, and when the credits roll.

    Wrestling doesn`t really work that way. How do you carry on an underdog story when he's no longer an underdog?

  33. They can keep the Yes movement, the movement has won. Now it's message, it's gospel is spread by its leader on his throne.

    Even when the war is one there are new enemies to slay

  34. The Immortal Hoke OganMay 4, 2014 at 11:19 AM

    I agree/disagree at the same time. Kane has spent most of his run as a mid-carder, in a sense, but has been a guy they build into a main eventer practically ever year, even if only for short stretches

  35. Remember how they had Big Show hijacked the "Yes!" chant and now no one chants it when he comes out? Clearly it's the chant, not the man.

  36. 1. I thought the story after Mania would be HHH trying to get the belt off of Bryan. It doesn't help that HHH believes that the Shield are a higher priority.

    2. Don't think anyone actually wants to see Batista in a match.

    3. Flair would have to get all of his legal and health issues in check before a deal will be offered. In other words, Flair is never coming back.

    4. They add an extreme rules stipulation 24 hours before the extreme ppv. Yup, sounds like they really care about this match. This is extreme rules right? I keep wanting to call it Backlash. Is everyone ok with just calling it Backlash?

  37. But they do not believe he is over, which is why nothing has changed with his character since Mania. They are going to tap that well dry as a result, because they think that is what over. They view him as the underdog and he has the belt and cannot feud with the authority forever.

    If Brie Bella was likable, then Bryan defending her and saivng her from harm could be a direction they could go in but she really isnt over with the fans enough for that to continue beyond a single feud.

  38. If Bryan was facing anyone other than Kane, sure.

  39. Austin won the title as an underdog. After he won the title they put him against an even bigger heel.

  40. The Immortal Hoke OganMay 4, 2014 at 11:21 AM

    If it is true that Batista was originally supposed to win the Rumble then win the title at WM30 as top babyface, I can sort of see his logic here. He might have been going along with the company's audible on WM30, but then sort of balked at the idea of jobbing yet again. I really think they should have had Orton be the guy to tap out at Mania--it pays off the "Bryan finally beating Orton" piece from last fall, while preserving Batista for a "you didn't beat ME" re-match.

  41. Then you're a moron

  42. The Batista re-signing has been a massive flop.

  43. He's wrestled what, three times since he's been back?

  44. Once we get past this Kane nonsense hopefully Bryan moves on to better matches.

  45. 6 month reign, beats all comers--happy smiles, evil monster (Lesnar) destroyes Bryan (bonus points if he got a little over confident during the reign)

    The fallen hero redeems himself through dedication to slay the great evil.

    That's one way. That took me 30 seconds, I'm sure there are others

  46. Which is why many of us are clamoring for a different storyline for him. At some point, you have to say, "Hey, he's the champ. He's not the underdog anymore."

    You said the thrill is in the chase, but the money is not. The biggest money making moments and times of the last 30 or so years comes from a babyface winning consistently at the top. Going "all in" on Bryan is key. Go all in and give him 90 days to see if he can draw a little bit (his quarter hour segments are still the highest rated of the show). I hope it happens.

  47. Who is a bigger heel in the company than HHH though? He beat Orton a bunch and that is your #2. Bray gets mostly cheers but technically is a heel. He is all that is left but Bray losing to Bryan makes zero sense, which is why that shouldnt happen anytime soon

  48. I think Kane DBry is gonna be pretty good!

  49. Mister_E_Studd_Got100ProblemsMay 4, 2014 at 11:23 AM

    Once you've beat HHH where do you go for a greater heel?

  50. Except that it's not nonsense at all and it will be a perfectly fine "B PPV/Special" match.

  51. A little more than that. But yeah, basically this has been a waste.

  52. Yes, because those first 2 headlines weren't "Daniel Bryan is getting buried" propaganda. Not at all.

  53. Magoonie NOT Teddy BelmontMay 4, 2014 at 11:24 AM

    You keep throwing guys at him to wrestle. Every week he has to defend the title. Have HHH and Steph put a bounty for whoever can take the title off Bryan. Make sure week to week Bryan shows more wear and tear on his body and maybe even his mind. That's where you go with this underdog story.

  54. Sorry, you're wrong here. Randy bloody Orton was jobbing in non-title matches. Bryan's not above this concept. WWE has lost all logic when it comes to non-title matches.

  55. Oh I'm not knocking the match at all, I mean the Kane is a monster, comes out of the ring stuff.

  56. Why can't he still feud with HHH? Personally, I didn't see that as a conclusion to the story, just the beginning. HHH called for his rematch the night after Mania and then just forgot about the whole thing.

  57. Right, but my point is that the company doesnt view him that way, not that he does not deserve the chance. They look at him as the underdog who won the belt. There were never long-term plans in place for him to do anything with the strap. It was the crowd forcing the WWE to change their WM plans.

  58. So the head Janitor?

  59. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomeryMay 4, 2014 at 11:25 AM

    Bryan definitely reminds me of 2004 Benoit, where his win coinciding with Eddie's retaining was the high peak, and remained a reliable upper midcarder after dropping the belt, I could see Bryan going down the same path (right down to a filler title feud with Kane). Minus the murder-suicide thing.

  60. The Immortal Hoke OganMay 4, 2014 at 11:25 AM

    They should add a little depth to Brie's character and use her as a plot device for Bryan. Keeping him as human as possible works well with his character and "working man's champ" concept. Brie can take a beating here and there, as heels coax Bryan into defending his title against them. Easy stuff

  61. Magoonie NOT Teddy BelmontMay 4, 2014 at 11:26 AM

    That's what I've been thinking, this Kane feud is just kinda a placeholder since it was given only two segments and little build.

  62. Yeah, we're kinda in a strange place here. Is there any precedent for something like this happening?

  63. A returning Punk (not until Summerslam AT THE EARLIEST), A newly dominant Lesnar (Beating Taker "got his mojo back", he's barely touchable, and forget winning, leading into SSlam), A Bray Wyatt who's broken Cena (even if only for a month or two) and maybe added another follower or two...

    Building heels. It helps.

  64. Magoonie NOT Teddy BelmontMay 4, 2014 at 11:27 AM

    Yeah, I think the match should be pretty good especially with a no DQ rule. But the actual feud is very placeholderish.

  65. Bryan is a lot younger than Benoit was, and has taken a lot less drugs. He also has more fan support. WWE may not see him, and demote him this year. However, he will be back to the main event eventually unlike Benoit.

  66. To anti-smark mental defectives like yourself I bet it is propaganda.

    And yes, you are extremely lame.

  67. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomeryMay 4, 2014 at 11:27 AM

    Adding depth to Brie is like trying to add depth to those shallow kiddie pool you buy from Wal-Mart.

  68. I'd say HHH and Brock burying the hatchet makes the most sense. He asks Brock to take care of Daniel Bryan for him and you got your big underdog match.

  69. I wonder what Bryan's booking would have been like if he didn't ahve honeymoon and his father didn't die during the build to Extreme Rules?

  70. The Kane match should have happened at money in the bank last year. Hell No was an awesome tag team, and needed an awesome blow off match. Now is almost a year too late, and people don't care anymore. Infact, they've barely even mentioned they were a tag team in the build up.

  71. The Immortal Hoke OganMay 4, 2014 at 11:29 AM

    I agree with all of these. Wyatt breaking Cena, ala Batman-Bane, would make Bray a viable challenger for a couple ppvs. Brock is the obvious mega-heel to beat Bryan at some point. Of course, if Punk returns at some point, all bets are off.

  72. And why exactly am I an anti-smark? I'm more Anti-propaganda headlines.

  73. Mister_E_Studd_Got100ProblemsMay 4, 2014 at 11:29 AM

    Maybe. That sounds like a sort of bland 6 months though.

  74. That would end beautifully in Brock as a "mystery opponent", doing the Clubber/Rocky asswhipping in Rocky 3's first match between the two. The rematch (if there is one) can use Rocky/Drago in Rocky 4 for the concept...

  75. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomeryMay 4, 2014 at 11:30 AM

    Yeah, I think he'll probably end up in a better position than Benoit did, who never really got back to the title hunt. With no Punk, it's pretty easy to say Bryan is firmly in the #1A/#2 babyface slot that Punk occupied, so he'll probably trade the face-chasing-the-title slots with Cena for the foreseeable future.

  76. Mister_E_Studd_Got100ProblemsMay 4, 2014 at 11:30 AM

    Yup, that one works.

  77. The Immortal Hoke OganMay 4, 2014 at 11:30 AM

    Or, as simple as going back to Brock demanding a title shot (like before Elimination Chamber). One F5 on Brie and you've got Bryan *begging* for a match with Brock. Easy for Bryan to lose because he was "blinded by rage" or whatever. Then he can come back smarter and more methodical (if a re-match win is in the cards).

  78. You give Mike Johnson sources?

  79. I also might have to do with the fact that Goldberg had to play second fiddle to Hogans programs despite being the world champion (his first title defense was against.... Curt Hennig?!)..

  80. I kinda hope he disappears and we never see him again until the inevitable Hall of Fame induction down the road.

  81. Think someone said it before but the Rocky III template would work great here.

  82. The Immortal Hoke OganMay 4, 2014 at 11:32 AM

    I don't think there's anything wrong with "he peaked at Wrestlemania" either. For years, that was kind of the dynamic. The face wins the pay-off at Wrestlemania. In only a few cases (Austin, Rock come to mind) did the guy's career trajectory continue to rise after the big money match.

  83. I don't see why he's pissy about doing jobs. He's already killed his drawing power by sucking so hard.

  84. this is one of the few times where I think one of those attitude era-~SWERVES would be a good idea.

    Brie is a natural heel anyway. so in one of his next programs, let her turn on him in a glorious fashion to put over someone else.

  85. Because half of your posts are comments on other fans here. Stick to the topic at hand and you're all right. But you're physically and mentally incapable of doing that. You take shots at posters here and imaginary stereotypical fans in attempts to "call people out on their BS." Yet, your generalizations are BS, and you're unable to detect nuances in counterarguments or opposing views.

  86. The Immortal Hoke OganMay 4, 2014 at 11:33 AM

    Agree. Benoit was my favorite wrestler, but even at the peak of my fandom I had to admit he was one-dimensional. The story worked, but he had none of Bryan's charisma or momentum.

  87. Ha! 'There are those in the company',in other words 'no-one of note'. I disagree, because how can you possibly tell, but even if his popularity has peaked, clearly *he* is the reason the chant is over and he just had two matches headline WWE's biggest event. How can you top that?

  88. That first story is the dumbest thing I've ever read.

    If only the YES chant was over, fans would be chanting throughout the entire show, and not just during Bryan's matches and promos.

  89. I can imagine it would have changed much.

  90. actually, they have done it in the past before with guys like Benoit, Bret Hart and Rey Mysterio (and in a way, even with guys like the Warrior and Randy Savage).

  91. "Flair would have to get all of his legal and health issues in check before a deal will be offered."


  92. The Immortal Hoke OganMay 4, 2014 at 11:36 AM

    Exactly. It sort of speaks to our shorter attentions spans and instant gratification complex. We used to "get" that the B-PPVs would not be headlined by the big money matches. It used to be filler "In Your House" ppvs and one-off monthly challengers. This is no different. You weren't going to get Austin vs. Taker the month after his WM14 title win. Just like we're not going to go straight into Bryan-Lesnar a month after Bryan's win

  93. Let's not forget how the chants became a thing. Fans were pissed off at the way he was booked and let the company know that.

  94. Don't let benoit anywhere near a child (or a special needs child). However, 2004 was still awesome because nearly every RAW ended in some **** tag team match involving Benoit, Evolution, Jericho, HBK, Shelton Benjamin, Edge, etc. Some of Raw's best matches ever happened in 2004.

  95. So, does HHH or HBK get to foot the bill for Flair's legal troubles to "get cleared up" THIS time?

  96. Do you have a personality disorder you are you just this obtuse?

  97. The problem with not quoting someone verbatim is that you end up playing The Telephone Game. There are now several posters in this thread that are hanging on this comment. Which wouldn't be an issue if the story was quoted accurately.

  98. Not really. They would have done this anyway. Its a common theme

  99. I love how Flair haters have an intimate knowledge of the Nature Boys legal and health problems. I must be checking the wrong newz sites. I hope Flair is at Extreme Rules and delivers a huge ball shot to one or several members of The Shield.

  100. He has a warrant out for his arrest in North Carolina

  101. Mister_E_Studd_Got100ProblemsMay 4, 2014 at 11:41 AM

    I hope that Bobby Orr and Patrick Roy come back to play a couple of shifts in the Montreal/Boston series.

  102. "

    Originally, the plan was to have Daniel Bryan defend his title against
    Batista. However, Batista turned down the idea, because he would have
    lost twice in a row to Bryan before leaving to do promotional work for
    the film. This is why he is leaving earlier than expected as they have
    no other plans for him."

    So I guess that means Evolution is winning tonight. That sucks.

  103. The latest NEWZ story I can find on that is from January.

  104. Actually, we are just informed because we READ:

  105. Dude fuck that grantland article. I love how everyone took that as 100% fact.

  106. Yeah, it's not like he has actual facts to back it up, right?

  107. The first one is an lol. He's over and so is Yes. You know who's not? Randy Orton.

  108. Did you personally fact check it?

  109. You do realize that warrants do not go away until you are either caught or give yourself up. They do not disappear magically

  110. I've been patiently waiting for Bo Jackson to return to sports.

  111. You're making the assumption that Flair settling this dispute, which was over spousal support, would make the news.

  112. Mister_E_Studd_Got100ProblemsMay 4, 2014 at 11:45 AM

    I have a friend who I tried explaining that to...

  113. I guess you never noticed the annotations in the margins that tell you which court documents or sources it came from.

    Look, the simple fact is that Ric Flair is a loser. He has been forced to whore his legacy to pay past debts. He sold a fucking Rolex watch that was given to him on the air after HOF. The facts speak for themselves.

  114. He likely has 10 other rolexes. I'm guessing you have 0.

  115. This is why he is currently living in Georgia, with Joe Gomez of all people

  116. Fill them in then.
    Maybe some guy fucks his wife to set up a hardcore match. Maybe Punk comes back. Maybe

    There are stories to tell of Bryan kicking ass, good ones and bad ones. A legnth of time (especially as short as 1/2 a year) is too little Information to say bland or Not on.

  117. January 10, 2014, 11:30 am

  118. Mister_E_Studd_Got100ProblemsMay 4, 2014 at 11:49 AM

    He likely has pawned 10 other rolexes.

    Fixed it for you

  119. I'm also not being sued by a ton of ex-wives, either. Fair trade.

  120. Yeah, and the warrant is still out in North Carolina, which is why he is not living there anymore

  121. neither am I

  122. See Punk, that is how a real man behaves.

  123. ... This one's gonna be a "semi-Russo special", but it WORKS for who I'm using. Wyatt breaks Cena between winning tonight and a little more mind games the next few weeks. Meanwhile, Bryan handles Kane fairly easily, and gets (Heel Of The Month 2) at Payback. Wyatt beats Cena one more time (LOL Cena... Loses?), Bryan deals with Random Schmuck.

    Meanwhile, we burn about one Brock appearance per month, MURDERING whatever unlucky saps are in the ring at the time. And have the announce team mention Brock's sudden focus, how he's sharper, crisper, more dangerous now.

    We set up Wyatt/Bryan at MITB (There's another potential "BLOW THE FUCKING ROOF OFF MATCH"), and Brock decides to crush some upper mid-card nitwit. Bonus points if it's Kane... (Maybe by now HHH and Steph have enough, and toss him to the new alpha wolf.) We want Wyatt/Bryan, hopefully after another RR-like classic, ending in a clusterfuck. Let Wyatt explain that he doesn't care about the belt... but breaking another of the "people's favorities".

    Battleground is set, with Wyatt/Bryan III (Time for Bryan to win), and Lesnar killing Bryan's Payback opponent much like he killed Kane last month, (Orton in that role would be nice...)

  124. Maybe but you can't show me anything newer than January that says that. In all reality it is likely still out, but you can't really prove that. Maybe he likes ATL.

  125. HHH was reportedly hurt after that match and that could be why they cooled off. You can hide an injury easier in a 6-man tag

  126. I doubt that was a Timex on his wrist Monday night.

  127. Mister_E_Studd_Got100ProblemsMay 4, 2014 at 11:53 AM

    Maybe he likes ATL, and maybe he just doesn't like rolexes!

    He's more of a Movado guy.

  128. Mister_E_Studd_Got100ProblemsMay 4, 2014 at 11:55 AM

    Did you fact check that?

  129. Probably got it on loan.

  130. I called the Grantland guy.

  131. It's baffling that they would sign Batista to a big, long-term deal and 4 months into it, go "you know what, Dave? Just go... Away. Go."

    I get that his babyface run flopped, but how do you have NOTHING for a former world champion to do 4 months after signing him?

  132. He has to live with someone else too, because he cannot afford to live on his own. You do realize this.

  133. How are you going to tell me Daniel Bryan is "cooling down" when he's in a feud with Kane?!?! The Devil's favorite demon was literally born in fire!!!

  134. I've never been invited to his house, apparently you have been. Everything you are saying is based off of NEWZ from January.

  135. I think Dave is pissed he didnt get the belt at Mania and that is why he is reportedly refusing to lose to Bryan again.

    I think he was going to leave after Payback, which is on June 1st, originally

  136. The first encounter: HHH decides to pull out the "nuclear option"... not himself, but BROCK LESNAR!. Brock/Bryan at SummerSlam, with Brock making NO APPEARANCES leading to the match. Heyman can promo, saying "Brock's preparing to KILL YOUR HERO, Daniel Bryan. And all the YES! in the world won't save his sorry soul come SummerSlam."

    ... And it won't. Brock doesn't kill Bryan, but it's almost never in doubt, sealed by TWO finish. (Use the Rocky 3 concept here, with Bryan throwing everything at Brock, and most of it bouncing off/not having much impact. Meanwhile, Brock HURTS Bryan when he hits, and it adds up.)

    We've burnt a few Brock appearances, so once again he steps out, with Paul Heyman telling HHH to find Brock an opponent for Hell In A Cell. Bryan's getting a spot... but who does he face for the #1 Contendership? Making his return to full-time competition at Summerslam... Batista. HHH tells him "Bring back Hollywood... Bring back the Animal... and kill this little pest." Night of Champions... EVERY title is defended... except the World title. And the absence is quite noticeable, to where the #1 Contender's match would be almost an afterthought, except for where Bryan flips the script, using the other Rocky 3 fight to knock off Batista.

  137. I think it's less that and more "I didn't come to back to job to everyone," which is understandable.

    It just boggles the mind that you'd sign a guy to a big contract without having a solid 8-10 months of plans for him.

  138. Can you honestly watch the product and think there's a solid 8-10 month plan in place for ANYONE? DB was a time traveling janitor 3 months ago

  139. Some of it's due to bad timing, but both parties have just screwed up so much this year in keeping him as a credible and engaging act on the show. The only bright spots for Batista have been the Twitter rants and Mania press conference.

  140. So is the Elimination Rules set up so that RVD can still get a pinfall on Swagger with the *****?

  141. Speeding this up, because DAMN did this get long:

    Bryan spends most of the time between NoC and HITC "training", seeming to be working on a slightly different style. He'll wrestle on a couple Raws, vs. bigger guys on purpose (He wants a Brodus Clay, a guy that can match or beat the size of Brock, even if not the ability.) Paul E's back, lamenting what will become Bryan's grave, in the Cell.The two haven't even been in the same building since the night after SummerSlam, for Brock's celebration/Bryan's road to redemption.

    But they will be, at Hell in the Cell. And Bryan's modified offense has an effect. Not much early, but he's that little bit faster, stronger... and it starts to tell on Brock. Kane couldn't do it. Orton couldn't do it. NOBODY's so much as put more than a tiny nick in Brock's armor since he beat Taker... until this night. I'm telling them "Go until one of you is about to gas", and hoping it's 20+. Compared to Brock's <12 beatdowns of everyone before, including Bryan... this one's going to push his limits in a way he's not had to push in YEARS, since before the UFC. Both guys start hitting later, but Brock's lost that little extra snap, that final bit of energy that made his stuff world beating. Bryan's stuff starts to hit home, landing more and more damaging blows. And yes, we're exchanging finishers once, both for 2.9s... But Bryan's second knee fells Brock, and returns the title to "full time".

  142. Magoonie NOT Teddy BelmontMay 4, 2014 at 12:07 PM

    TJ: You know, Speilberg has made a bunch of great movies over the years but my favorite is still Jaws. I love Robert Shaw in this movie.

  143. Magoonie NOT Teddy BelmontMay 4, 2014 at 12:08 PM

    At least he's not behaving like an Asian person right?

  144. What had Batiata added to the product since his return? Not much. It'd be worse if they were sticking with him when he's clearly not the guy the fans want on top.....

    And if Daniel Bryan isn't the guy the fans want on top, who is? It's not John Cena. It's not Evolution's time? Sheamus? Big Show? Cesaro?

    Let's see where we go once Bryan disposes of Kane and Bray Wyatt beats Cena. I have a feeling a few months of Wyatt v Bryan for the belt on top will solidify Bryan as the top guy.

    Of course if they rerun Orton/Bryan 2nd from the top while HHH keeps feuding with the Shield, then it's intentional sabotage.

  145. How is it that a man who has never had a ***** match, gets to name his finishing move the ***** frog splash?

  146. With you under the assumption Flair could maturely settle any dispute involving women or money

  147. You want an example of a chant being more over than the superstar who created it?

    The WHAT chant. It's existed longer than Austin's entire tenure in the WWE. If Daniel Bryan were to quit wrestling tomorrow, the chant would go with him.

  148. I'm not sure what the point is for evolution to win and one of the members to leave after. It makes more sense for Batista to eat the pin and HHH and Orton to beat him down and out of the group and replace him with someone (Kane? The Ascention?).

  149. I'm a huge mark for Ric Flair the performer.

    Less so for Richard Fleihr the person. Much less so.

  150. Hope they're prepping an offer for JR so they can fire him when Flair blows another opportunity

  151. Evolution needs to win tonight, anyway, unless the feud is over with the Shield after tonight. If it's going to continue, though, the heels need to go over by hook or by crook.

  152. If Batista is leaving for awhile, then it will be hard to continue the feud.

  153. The night after HITC, with Brock back to his usual part time role (still a viable killer), Bryan having regained the belt (and maybe a little more "killer edge", but at what cost?)... Bryan opens the show. He barely gets out the "Thank you, fans" line...

    No words needed. Punk comes out, shakes Bryan's hand, hugs him... and PLANTS HIM with a G2S. Why? Let's have fun... "You took my TITLE. You took my Mania MAIN EVENT. You took my REMATCH with Brock. Now I'm back... to claim it ALL BACK. And I'll do it over your corpse.

    If that doesn't turn Punk full heel... he'll never be full heel again. And Survivor Series just got one hell of an option, if we're willing to be inventive. NO title match, Team Bryan vs Team Punk. And Punk wins, eliminating Bryan (I'm cool with shenanigans, Team Punk beatdown, or even Punk clean, if we really want shock value). Either way, we've got a title match for TLC... and maybe a title change? Or wait until Rumble?

  154. Because it's true? He used documented court records and Flair's own book to hang Flair. It is 100 percent fact, it's not like he was speaking to sources.

    Flair is a trainwreck, sorry.

  155. Cause ECW marks are stupid. They probably think most of his ECW matches are *****.

  156. So the court records in North Carolina aren't true?

  157. Bryan really seems like a good dude. As much as I liked Punk, favorite act of the past 5 years, I really root for Bryan Danielson the guy infinitely more then I ever rooted for Phil Brooks

  158. Where's that napkin they keep trying to book on? Maybe that's why they want to bring Flair in...

  159. That's the problem here. It's sad how people continue to defend Ric Flair when the evidence is right in front of them.

  160. Problem is that his niceness is viewed as weak backstage and they'll just walk all over him booking wise.

  161. Definitely fair. If they could hybrid the two, there'd be a perfect wrestler there

  162. RVDs matches are exciting. I've been going back and watching his ECW matches on WWE Network. However, i think RVD's matches max out at about ****. He never brings the intensity or emotion that's required for a match to be *****, even if he is doing some insane spots.

  163. CSN Bay Area is considered NEWZ? I don't understand

  164. He's currently watching Platoon on a loop

  165. They likely DID have long term plans.

    They were ruined when the crowd turned on him

  166. Any news you don't like is considered NEWZ?

  167. The Charlotte Business Journal is a reputable paper. It's not a gossip rag.

  168. ... Flair news, that is.

  169. That might be true but he's still relatively young in the grand scheme if things. He's been with the company 4 years. Once he gets established at the top he should get more say in his overall character and direction.

  170. Didn't they learn the crowd wanted Bryan when they tried to give the YES! thing to Big Show?

  171. ....says the poop man.

  172. I hope they don't see him as a Benoit or Eddie that they can just leave in the midcard for their whole career minus one big push.

  173. Yea, it's inevitably gonna be Reigns and Cena as "the guys." Bryan I think will settle into the Foley role, which is pretty good. We'll see tho

  174. We're still running with "they hate Bryan and don't want him as champion," huh?

  175. The Mecklenburg County courthouse in Charlotte contains thousands of pages documenting Fliehr’s legal adventures

  176. For "anyone," no. Batista is not "anyone." I would think there would be a different level of expectation for a guy who wasn't even signed to a deal 6 months ago.

    But then I give the creative team too much credit.

  177. Also, Flair made some noise about threatening to sue until he realized he had no case. One of the claims made in the grantland article is from Flair's own book!

  178. He's had one ****1/2 with Lynn. He's also hit **** a couple of times. Not the ***** though.

  179. So there's a warrant out for his arrest, but that warrant is four months old so Ric Flair is in tippy top shape. What are you exactly getting bent out of shape about here?

  180. My friend once stood in front of Flair's house. It wasn't that nice.

  181. It doesn't have to be.

  182. Stop being delusional. What wouldn't be over if it weren't for Austin.

  183. Worst_in_the_WorldMay 4, 2014 at 12:37 PM

    "Of course if they rerun Orton/Bryan 2nd from the top while HHH keeps feuding with the Shield, then it's intentional sabotage."
    No it's not. That's a logical next title defense.

  184. Worst_in_the_WorldMay 4, 2014 at 12:42 PM

    That's a pretty laughable standard. Do you fact check all the newspaper articles you read?

    Most of those facts are from public record and/or Flair's own book.
    Flair's an amazing wrestler, but also a giant fucking scumbag and fuck-up.

  185. I wonder how far down Flair will fall on my all time favorites list before he dies. Between real life and what his on screen performances have become, it's really clouding 80's Flair for me. His head should have Rock-em-Sock-em'd off in his Mania send off.

  186. At least he won't get paranoid like Punk.

  187. Mike Johnson says the warrant's still active:

    "Flair still has an outstanding warrant out in North Carolina related to a civil matter with his ex-wife Jacqueline as well. WWE is taping TV in Greensboro, NC on 5/13. It could be that WWE wants Flair to get that matter squared away so there are no restrictions on where he can appear, especially since he's always been a huge draw in North Carolina after decades of being a celebrity in Charlotte."

    I don't know what facts he checked though....

  188. Worst_in_the_WorldMay 4, 2014 at 12:49 PM

    The Bryan-Benoit comparisons always strike me as amazingly superficial.
    You wanna know why Benoit didn't get more over as world champ? Not because of bad booking, or a feud with Kane. Because he really did have zero personality and terrible mic skills, and pretty much should have been used as a heel his entire run.
    Chris Benoit as the #1 face in the company was a weird move from day 1. Bryan's got a skill set—in terms of mic skills, personality, seeming like a nice guy, and just plain getting the "sports entertainment" aspect of pro wrestling— that Benoit never had.

    Yeah, they're both awesome undersized wrestlers who won world titles at Mania in triple threats. But beyond that it's always really stretching it, to me at least.

  189. I mean who is a better alternative to Bryan for carrying the company even if he were to lose all momentum? Randy Orton got put in the position of champion despite being just totally forgotten and never really got back over.

  190. TJ: Justin Labar of Wrestlezone wrote that Chris Benoits son will never get a job with the WWE!

    If you want Journalistic excellence, you gotta go to the WZ guys!

  191. It wasn't something terribly in demand and talk about terrible timing.

    And once again, there is no reason to bring back Batista unless he's going to wrestle Brock Lesnar. Which they didn't book.

  192. "Cena's going to Smackdown in the next draft!"

    He doesn't go.

    "Well, plans changed."

    Wrestlezone at it's finest.

  193. That's not my point. My point was that fans were chanting WHAT up until about last year regularly. Austin hasn't wrestled full time since 2002.

  194. So bad. I cringe thinking about how I used to watch Chair Shot reality

  195. They have something for him, he just won't do it.

  196. There isn't anyone right now. It's either him or Cena.


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