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Batista Update

Batista will be staying with the WWE until the Payback Special Event. The WWE convinced him to stay and he will be teaming with the rest of Evolution to take on The Shield at Payback.

Credit Dave Meltzer, Wrestling Observer Radio

Change to RAW Script, Part #1

Originally, Batista was scripted to face Daniel Bryan last night on RAW but that was changed when he agreed to stay until Payback.

Credit Mike Johnson,

Change to RAW Script, Part #2

At one point yesterday, Evolution was scheduled to be guest timekeepers during the Shield vs. Wyatt Family match.

Credit Dave Meltzer, Wrestling Observer Radio


  1. The Immortal Hoke OganMay 6, 2014 at 10:16 AM

    Oh no....that must mean Bryan vs. Kane is a go. This is getting bad.

  2. Hold on, so... he didn't face Bryan on Raw because... then he somehow couldn't face the Shield at Payback... what? Does this mean we can expect... boy am I confused.

  3. Only Part 2 catches my eye... Evolution should have hijacked the announce table, and sent The Three Nitwits packing backstage. Add in one "inadvertent" table spot (Harper's suicide dive sending Rollins into Evolution's lap), and let it simmer until near the end.

    Evolution stands as one, distracts the Shield, Sister Abagail, 1-2-3, begin beatdown.

  4. Then they unite with the Wyatts to create Corporate Ministry 2K14!!

  5. Magoonie NOT Teddy BelmontMay 6, 2014 at 10:20 AM

    Some advice for Batista: Don't be a lemon, be a rosebud!!!

  6. I don't have as much of a problem with Bryan/Kane as others do, but yeah, if Batista does stay until Payback... Why not have the Bryan/Batista match then?

  7. The Evolved Family?

  8. Brayvolution

  9. Ric Flair should definitely manage Adam Rose. Because the last 50 years of his life has indeed been Party time, ALL THE TIME.

  10. NO. Just two groups with a common foe. Hell, the Wyatts could just calmly walk away, laughing at the Shield's latest misfortune.

  11. ... Because the only way Batista's staying is if he's NOT jobbing to Bryan?

  12. I know, it was just the first thing that sprang to mind when I pictured an Authority/Corporate heel faction working with a scary/monster heel faction to stop common foes.

  13. Magoonie NOT Teddy BelmontMay 6, 2014 at 10:23 AM

    I think because Shield/Evolution was such a success Sunday that they want to extend the program. Which to be honest, I don't mind at all, it's a solid feud. Also it might work better if they have the Batista/Bryan match when he comes back. Kane/Bryan, that should be ok. I do wish they had another challenger for him but it's not terrible.

  14. Is that a fact, or just a rumor? I thought it had to do with money. And he's jobbed clean two PPVs in a row, so I doubt he's that big of a mark when it comes to wins/losses.

  15. Rumor at the moment. But I'd call it a credible rumor, there's just enough pieces going around to not rule it out.

  16. Magoonie NOT Teddy BelmontMay 6, 2014 at 10:24 AM

    Eh, Ric coming out one time to party with Rose would be fine but I think him managing him would cramp his style. I will say I freaking loved Rose's debut last night. I think WWE has something with Rose.

  17. Honestly, the ending of Extreme Rules made it pretty clear that the Bryan-Kane feud MUST CONTINUE until Bryan finds a way to exorcise the Demon Kane (I still vote for the Scooby Doo route, where he's revealed to be fake Diesel and then Isaac Yankem, DDS).

    If we get another Shield-Evolution brawl out of it, I honestly won't complain all that much, as that was easily match of the night on Sunday. If they want to use the feud to elevate Reigns, make it No DQ, elimination rules and have Reigns eliminate both Orton and Triple H to end the match.

    Anyone else think Cesaro is winning Money in the Bank, or do they give it to Reigns?

  18. Well it was more of a jab at Flair refusing to grow up than a legitimate suggestion. :)

  19. As I said, it needed a better lead in to have a chance... establish him, THEN use him to pick up the crowd.


  21. Here's a stupid question I hope someone here can answer: is it at all possible to stream network content through VLC?

  22. Yeah, I don't think it has anything to do with Bryan. He's just of the (understandable) mindset that he hasn't won anything since the Royal Rumble save for a throwaway match with ADR. Not a very auspicious return.

  23. Batista doesnt want to lose clean to Bryan again on the way out according to all reports.

  24. Don't be a lemon, be a Lemmon 714

  25. It's the "According to all reports" part that leaves me in major doubts of the credibility.

  26. And I bet what he thought he could make in merch/overall payday is quite lower than he was expecting... his short "face" run did no favors, nor does his current heel run, where he has less heat that Randy Orton, it seems.

    And I just don't see that new Evolution shirt selling enough to help...

  27. I think it certainly plays a part

    the WWE needs Batista more than he needs them. He knows that and wants to protect himself a bit more for his return, so he isnt completely useless when he comes back

  28. Your_Favourite_LoserMay 6, 2014 at 10:39 AM

    hogan tweeted that the shields needs someone to "watch their back, jack"

    please don't insert yourself into this angle, hogan

  29. Just giving the blog what they want... Batista by the barrel full.

  30. cabspaintedyellowMay 6, 2014 at 10:41 AM

    "Well, Dave. Since you won't be around for the foreseeable future, we'll put you out there with Daniel Bryan in the second hour and you can put him over on your way out."

    "Whoa now, who said anything about leaving?"

  31. 1. He'll still be jobbing.
    2. We need more horror stories!
    3. Um, guest timekeepers? They changed it for the better.

  32. Yep, agreed with that. They could go on the mic and say "Just a reminder, that this is no disqualification!!"

    Afterwards "Just a reminder, that this is no longer 1998!"

  33. I think more and more top guys are going to be unhappy about putting anyone over at a "wwe special" because the ppv payouts are gone.

  34. I just realized that May 19 is a Monday! Maybe that will be the day that the Demon Kane can actually be defeated!

  35. Your_Favourite_LoserMay 6, 2014 at 10:57 AM

    and if he has to be a lemon, direct him to lemonparty

  36. Your_Favourite_LoserMay 6, 2014 at 10:58 AM

    i like adam rose, but not using the original music takes it down a notch

  37. Triple H and Randy Orton may want their wins back.

    Or, he can pin Batista and have the Grand Slam (when you count his decimation of Flair in WCW).

  38. I think it would rule if Ric were in the party entourage and no one mentioned it. Just there for the people paying attention.

  39. Ric would die in on TV if that was the case.

  40. I'm thinking they shouldn't have used Flair the way they did. It would have been cool to bring him in now, as Evolution's advocate (or whatever) just to give them an unfair advantage at the Special Event. Then Shield could up the stakes by bringing in Sting as theirs to level the playing field.

    Shield gets a guy who not only dresses like them, but often fought for Justice the same way. Ric and Sting have history, so it makes sense. Best of all, neither Sting nor Ric actually have to wrestle.

  41. He's in the bunny costume.

  42. Sort of like when he and Hall were in that mental ward in WCW?

  43. I really believe they are building to War Games at Battleground.

  44. So, is Payback going to be when Trips buys off Ambrose and Rollins and they all leave Reigns laying to begin the rocket push in earnest? I feel like that's the eventual endgame to this feud in order to break Reigns away as the star, but it's a question of how much life they feel they can get out of the Shield before that.

    Side question: does the Shield move merch? That could be a factor...

  45. At what point can we cool it with this "Special Event" stuff? If you go to, they still have all of their big shows listed under the category of "Pay-Per-View." And at Extreme Rules, Michael Cole used the term "Pay-Per-View" numerous times and never once said "Special." This screams of fans reading something online and making a big deal about it when the actual product hasn't done anything (at this point) to warrant it.

  46. Respectfully disagree. They have pretty much scrapped the pay per view, because most people are watching it on the network. So its just a special on the network. Also most of the satellite and cable providers are dropping the shows so very soon they will only be able to be seen on the network. So you don't have to pay per view of that show, just subscribe to the network and watch the special. I agree its just semantics but I think that is the appropriate name for those shows now, and if Bayless called them ppvs tons of people would bitch about him not using the proper terminology. Just my two cents...but I still hate calling the WWF the wwe and refuse to call wrestlers superstars or wrestling sports entertainment so I feel your point.

  47. DID YOU KNOW...

    More people are watching TNA IMPACT! than Total Divas season 2?

  48. This is where WWE having Hell In A Cell as it's own PPV becomes a problem, you've got THREE matches coming up at Payback (Bryan/Kane, Shield/Evolution, and Cena/Wyatt) any of which could easily be a Hell In A Cell match, but because it's not October, we'll just get generic no DQ matches, or Buried Alive, which is never a good matchtype.


    Amazing job by WWE

  50. TNA execs are probably patting themselves on the back even though that has more to do with Divas losing viewers than TNA gaining viewers.

  51. My wife stumbled across this; I thought you folks might like it.

  52. Judging by recent dirtsheet "reports", I think that WWE is purposely giving Bryan crappy booking to test their question of whether Bryan or the YES! taunt is the thing that is over with the fans. If Bryan continues to stay over throughout all this garbage horror movie stuff, then they will continue giving him the push to the moon.

  53. Impact has been consistently a good wrestling show for awhile now.

  54. Probably not. People would just download the files then.

  55. Yeah, Impact "won 1.131 million to .965 million this past week.
    Two weeks ago, Divas won 1.14 million to 1.09 million.

    Not exactly something to be super-proud of, IMO. But it does give a good starting "crossover" number... 15%-20% of the TD crowd will cross to a PPV? Not bad, actually.

  56. Your TV must air different shows than mine.

  57. Lies. Bully Ray is feuding with Dixie Carter. Eric Young is the Champion.

  58. He's watching reruns from 2011-12.

  59. Damn. Kinda makes a whole lot seem like stupid bs in comparison. Thanks for sharing.

  60. Not a bad theory. I also think the fact that Batista ended up such a bust and CM Punk is still at home has really done a number on the main event scene.

  61. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)May 6, 2014 at 11:41 AM

    Threadjack: This is the funniest video of the week.

  62. But why would they bitch about what the proper terminology is? It's WWE's terminology to use, and at the moment they're still going with "Pay-Per-View." Again, these reactions are based on what people read WWE is doing instead of what WWE is actually doing.

  63. That's the only reasonable explanation.

  64. gotta love white trash

  65. I miss downvotes.

  66. I was told Total Divas got amazing (or was it incredible) ratings in another thread. Hmm. Guess Impact does too.

  67. I would suggest more like 2006 or so when Christian was there.

  68. or atleast there boyfriends and husbands will

  69. Nope. Ric Flair's life = Party time only until the divorce lawyers showed up to take a cut.

  70. Yup. Just been crying my eyes out watching that.

    This should totally be on Raw, and I don't mean that in a distasteful fashion.

    I think it gives a really human side to the WWE, and more people should see this story and this footage and take a step back and realise that maybe their petty problems in life pale in comparison to other things happening in the world.

    This was beautiful.

  71. If Russo was booking...

    You'd have all three of those matches, at once, inside HELL IN A CELL.

  72. It had about 3 good weeks a few weeks ago, then I thought the latest episode was meh.

  73. Which he probably won't pay, then get sued, and ignore that too, while he keeps partying ALL DA TIME.

  74. I think people just nag at it because WWE has had so many different corporate terms for various things that didn't need changing in the past, many of which have not stuck at all.

  75. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)May 6, 2014 at 11:58 AM

    I agree with the Bully/Dixie thing, but EY has been putting on decent matches.

  76. Its just Parallax's ex wives fighting over him. NBD

  77. I never really see any Shield merch.

    I thought those balaclavas would have been a sure fire hit, then after 2 weeks, they stopped them.

  78. Zero chance.

  79. I keep hearing this, and just listened to it. It's really, really similar lol

  80. Well it is amazing that somehow 1,000,000 people actually watch impact every week.

  81. You're telling me you wouldn't laugh at seeing Hogan dressed like a member of the Shield...?

  82. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)May 6, 2014 at 12:01 PM

    "Stop your craziness."

  83. Hmm, you'd need a network stream first.

    I have one at a place called WMR Sports, but the quality isn't too clever, and it's flash based, so i'm not so sure.

    How come you need to use VLC?

  84. There is more to being a credible World Champion than putting on decent matches. The problem isn't so much Young himself, but the fact that he was booked like Santino for years leading up to his surprise title win that was not built up at all.

  85. Your_Favourite_LoserMay 6, 2014 at 12:01 PM

    i dont wanna see the one for hardy's V1

    : \

  86. Well, I'm glad that they scrapped those Bryan/Batista plans in favor of rehashing the angle that murdered Zack Ryder's career.

  87. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)May 6, 2014 at 12:02 PM


  88. I like the options VLC gives me, plus I work ALL the time and like being able to play what I'm watching at a faster pace because I don't have all that much time to spare.

  89. What state is this from?

    I am going to go with Arkansas

  90. Yup I love watching wrestling at 1.5 speed. If you figure it out please letme know!

  91. Woulda laughed if Evolution came out to "My Time".


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