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Shield vs. Evolution at Payback Update

Right now, the company is deciding on either a "Chicago Street Fight" or for the stables to face off in singles matches for the Payback Special Event

Credit Mike Johnson,

WWE Network Making Changes to the Pre-Game and Post-Game Shows?

There is talk among the company that the WWE is going to have angles and set up matches during these shows a lot more than what is happening currently. They are also going to set up matches for "Main Event" during the RAW Post-Game Show.

Credit Mike Johnson,

Reason the WWE Toned Down Adam Rose's Debut

The company did not have a giant production for Rose's debut because they want to save that for the bigger shows. When asked why, a source told Mike Johnson from that "slow and steady wins the race" and that they plan to slowly build him up.

Credit Mike Johnson,

Another Match Originally Planned for RAW Changed Before the Show

Instead of the Shield vs. Wyatt Family Match, the original script of the show had Roman Reigns vs. Bray Wyatt.

Credit Mike Johnson,


  1. I liked it--alot, but I don't think it was even way better then Ishimori--Edwards (it was better though)

    Im SO stoked for the show this saturday though

  2. Bryan DID say, "I can't wait to leave" while he was in the car...that came off as cowardly...

  3. Elliot OlshanskyMay 7, 2014 at 9:17 AM

    Oh my god the Connor case anyone hasn't seen it yet:

    I was crying by the end, seriously...

  4. MASH shill holds the record fpr fiction.

    They only broadcasts that have ever beat it are super bowls.

  5. He was billed as "Brett" on all of the TV shows from his debut until this point.
    The Japanese Girls did a few weeks of house shows and Bull's match from the 3/16 MSG show was featured on the 3/24/86 edition of Prime Time Wrestling

  6. placetobepodcastMay 7, 2014 at 9:34 AM

    Love that one. Right up there with DX celebrating the Raw win over Flash Funk after Kane beat the piss out of him.

  7. You're thinking of the Katie Vick Hertitage Title. That's different.

  8. I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure that was kayfabe - I seem to recall that Benoit was going into the match already injured (due to wear-and-tear, not one particular moment), and that he knew it'd be his last one before surgery.

    Again, I may be mistaken, but I vaguely remember some sites reporting that before the PPV.

  9. Seriously, for all the snarky crap people online give WWE, stuff like this puts things into perspective.

    Awesome gesture, awesome kid, awesome joy on the faces of the wrestlers.

  10. Very dusty in my house last night. I thought it was awesome that he hooked the leg on the pinfall...

  11. How weird that we haven't gotten more mentions from the "Smackdown Six" era.

    Mid-2004 on "Raw" also had some great stuff, with "Evolution" mixing-and-matching with Benoit, Shawn, Foley, Shelton, Tajiri, and probably one or two others I'm forgetting.

  12. You might be right. Or it really may be that Benoit was hurt during the TLC match. WWE really pushed him during that time- I'm skeptical that they pushed him so hard while knowing he was going to have a serious surgery. And he took that last suplex really badly.

    Anyone got better info? Google failed me.

  13. HHH winning the coveted European title over HBK was pretty awesome too.

  14. The Love-Matic Grampa!May 7, 2014 at 9:51 AM

    Rosebud was his sled.

  15. HHH beating HBK for the Euro Strap on Raw in '97 in the Lockup Of Doom match gets my vote for best celebration by the way.

    I still laugh at HHH running the ropes and really cinching in that leg hook on the pin.

  16. "archaic thinking about gender roles" == something a lady would say, Nikki

  17. You can fake crying, but it's pretty damn hard to seamlessly fake holding back a break down like that.

  18. They haven't been "WWE-washed" both matches have been in a ton of DVDs and video packages.

  19. Luger beating Hogan on Nitro ranks as one of my favorite pro wrestling moments. It really did feel like a huge deal after a year of Hogan with the belt. Shame it lasted all of six days.

  20. I cried a bit after Bryan's win at Mania, but that was more a reaction to my four and five year old kids going absolutely batshit crazy when he won.

  21. One of my favorite DX moments ever. Shawn hits the mat like he was shot and HHH goes hits the ropes seemingly 100 times.

  22. I think I was in high school when that happened and I remember thinking, "What's he so happy about? He won by countout..."

  23. It always kills me when Hunter does the prolonged, exaggerated running back and forth between the ropes.

  24. He had to accumulate the proper momentum for maximum impact, you see.

  25. Hogan also went to a different company where no one really cared about him, and worked an angle where he sold more merchandise as a heel than as a face.

  26. I miss the locker room celebrations where people throw champagne over the heads over the new champion's head.

  27. cabspaintedyellowMay 7, 2014 at 10:26 AM

    Or WWE decides they don't need to change a thing because kids still have Connor's sense of wonder about their product.

  28. I wish Jesse Ventura was around to point out how stupid it was for Luger to celebrate after winning by countout.

  29. vince you gotta get on that bub. I remember us on the blog were freaking out when punk hit a piledriver.

  30. The difference between WWF and JCP was the WWF was about getting the act and character over while JCP/NWA was about getting the wrestler over as a contender and competitor.

  31. That's one of the things I was reminded about WCW through the network. When someone was getting a beatdown, the other faces hit the ring and cleared out the trouble.

  32. Its crazy for as much as people hate Cena he sure is on alot of peoples list. Just shows yea his character sucks but his matches against good credible opponents have that big fight feel that captivates the whole arena (like a heavyweight boxing match back in the day) that no one can really match.

  33. .... Except for each and every NWO beatdown for the span of about 4 years.

  34. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryMay 7, 2014 at 10:46 AM

    I gave the Strong match ****1/2 (couldn't really go any higher with no storyline at all behind it, though I believe it was my MOTY), and the Edwards match ***1/2 thanks to the selling, or total lack thereof.

    I'm so far behind on ROH that I don't have any idea what's going on right now.

  35. For all the crap people give Luger: didn't work hard enough, wasn't one of the boys, didn't do shit-related pranks, wasn't a good enough promo...he was awesome at making things seem real through his faces, etc. His title celebrations were epic, but also stuff like when he realized the Horsemen wanted him to job out to JJ in that Bunkhouse Stampede match or when Windham turned on him...that's some Shawn Michaels' level work. I always loved the way he was so damn excited to Rack some jobber like Stu Hart fixing to lock some football player in a submission hold. Also people give him shit for the Lex Express time period, but there aren't many people that could make a total 180 heel to face switch with zero build-up work and yet he did.

  36. Well, they at least usually TRIED...they just sucked at clearing out the ring.

  37. That's one of those nights I'll never forget as a wrestling fan. I don't think I was into the dirtsheets and such at that time, but still, you could feel a title change coming that night.

  38. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryMay 7, 2014 at 10:57 AM

    That Starrcade 97 main the worst booked match in wrestling history.

  39. It's hard for fans to get excited over something that has happened plenty of times before. If Cena and Orton weren't 14 time and 12 time world champions (respectively), their title wins would mean a lot more. Even Cena-Rock II didn't seem like a big deal despite Cena's "THIS HAS BEEN THE WORST YEAR IN MY LIFE!" stuff to try to make it seem special.

    The Red Sox winning the World Series in 2013 was exciting for fans, but winning 3 World Series in 10 years makes it a little less exciting than when the Sox won in 2004 for the first time in 86 years.

  40. Who are the two idiots that disliked that video on YouTube? WTF...

  41. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)May 7, 2014 at 11:03 AM

    The last celebrations I remember was Benoit/Guerrero and Flair winning the IC title.

  42. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)May 7, 2014 at 11:04 AM

    The exactly true. I was happy that the Celtics won that last ring.

  43. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)May 7, 2014 at 11:08 AM

    That match would have been an appropriate place for a Dusty finish.

  44. I didn't see the PPV, but I was thrilled when I found out that Yoko had retained. Because you see, I was going to my first ever house show the following week, where the main event was Yoko defending against Bret. Was hoping for a title change, baby!!

  45. Oh yeah! Alzheimer's setting in...

    Anyway, IIRC, the blowoff was supposed to be in a cage, or they were having cage matches at house shows. Either wa, we were robbed.

  46. Benoit on the ladder match DVD said that TLC 3 forced him to get neck surgery.

    What's nuts is that after injuring his neck in TLC 3, he did that awesome match with Austin and the amazing cage match with Angle where Angle did the moonsault from the top and Benoit hit the flying headbutt off the top of the cage.

  47. I think in a two week period on television we got: Austin/HHH vs Benoit/Jericho, TLC 3, Austin vs Jericho, Austin vs Benoit and Benoit vs Angle in a cage match.

  48. What's going on is THIS.


  49. Hardy vs Undertaker in a ladder match was all kinds of awesome. As a Jeff Hardy mark, I wanted Jeff to win SOOOO badly. Whenever I watch it, I still believe he is going to win the match because the chair shot, the crowd's insane pop when Jeff starts climbing and JR's commentary is one of the greatest false finishes I have ever seen.

  50. There is an Anderson/Flair vs Hollywood Blondes match from a clash show I'm going to be watching today

  51. Yeah that ended the Edge/Eddie singles feud. They still feuded in the tag title tournament and the aftermath of it leading up to SS 2002

  52. Jericho vs HHH in April 2000 was fantastic. The match was crisp, we had craziness outside the ring with The APA and HHH's buddies, insane crowd heat and a stunning finish. It's probably my favorite singles TV match if all time.

    For tag match it's probably Austin/HHH vs Benoit/Jericho

  53. Click is emotional as hell with the stuff with his Dad. People act like I'm crazy when I say that.

  54. Only time I've cried at something in the ring was when Brian won the belt and they showed Connor.

    Though I watched the Macho/Liz angle from WM7 for the first time in years and got damn close.

  55. The title wasn't vacant, Flair was the champion. The double pin was just that...a draw.... and the champion doesn't lose the belt on a draw.

  56. We think Trips is a dick, why again?

  57. A wonderful moment, especially her laughing and the hug after. No matter how much we get on HHH or anyone else in the business, they are so giving to kids, and will do great things like this because it's right, not because it's good PR.


  59. Because he didn't job to Booker T like 11 years ago.

  60. That's simply an awesome story. I love seeing the ESPN My Wish feature every year, and I loved this.

  61. Okay, I laughed out loud at that.

  62. Certainly not the best ever, but I don't think I see Shelton-HBK from '05 mentioned enough

  63. I was (still am) a huge Shawn mark, and bought the show b/c of that match. I was sorely disappointed by that snooze fest. Haven't watched it since, and don't plan to.

    The 03 RAW match is tops obviously, but I'm in the minority that likes the RR '04 last man standing match, shitty ending aside.

  64. If only the finish didn't involve Karl Malone

  65. lobsterhead, BIIIIIIATCHMay 8, 2014 at 12:37 PM

    I was on my phone jerk

  66. The Love-Matic Grampa!May 8, 2014 at 8:32 PM

    That's...not the only reason.

    Also, it's possible for people to be ruthless at work and kind-hearted and decent in their regular lives.

  67. I know. I'm just tired of seeing HHH being bashed so much online, simply for being protective of his spot. Anyone in their right mind would be protective.


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