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BoD Saturday Night Thread

Tons of stuff going on tonight:

NBA playoffs
NHL playoffs
Boxing on PPV, headlined by Floyd Mayweather vs. Marcos  Maidana
MLB Action

Also, the Don Muraco Shoot won the poll and will be reviewed Thursday.


  1. Welp, Hawks shitting the bed so far. Sigh.

  2. But it is nice of Indiana to show up.

  3. Good evening.

  4. The Saturday Night threads will now get their groove back since the franchise player has returned... I assume your response is...

  5. Should be a good series with Washington.

  6. More like this

  7. Going out tomorrow,fuck yeah!

  8. You excited for the Austin-Dude match tonight!

  9. Dafuq?

    Oh and I assume you are not shocked that the little resuscitation she and I had didn't last.

  10. I have no idea... not at all familiar with this card

  11. Main event is awesome. Sable was really hot.

  12. Y'all have fun. Going out to Mohegan Sun for a bachelor party tonight.

  13. I am so telling Brock you said that!

  14. Bayless quick trade lives with me!

  15. And I won't be leaving my house for the next year!

  16. He'll be waiting after a year.

  17. He'll destroy your house the way he did HHH's office

  18. And will have only worked 2 matches in the mean time

  19. First time I lost money at a Casino was at Mohegan Sun. Connecticut casinos don't seem to agree with me.

  20. Is there any good WWE cruiserweight title match? LW doesn't count.

  21. Tomorrow im going to a comics event.

  22. I'm not sure, the only one I really watched was the one where Hornswoggle won it.

  23. And killed the title.

  24. Not a Scrubs fan?

    You know, I was intrigued by the fact that Facebook kept giving me "in a relationship" statuses every few days, as if someone was turning it on and off. Sounds like it was more trouble than it was worth.

  25. Magoonie NOT Teddy BelmontMay 3, 2014 at 5:42 PM

    Did Don Muraco also bang Harvey's wife? Find out this Thursday!

  26. Could have gave it to Noble for awhile instead of retiring it.

  27. She gave Lita the Clap.

  28. Never mind. I should probably listen to the clips when I post them instead of trusting it's the right thing.

  29. And hopefully win the BoD Tag titles.

  30. We agreed on a show for tonight? At 8?

  31. Magoonie NOT Teddy BelmontMay 3, 2014 at 5:44 PM

    Is there a PPV set to watch together tonight?

  32. If you wanna have a second tag finisher,here's the Tornado-plex

  33. I'd like to see a pic of Harvey's wife

  34. Thanks to some truly masterful work built on the back of Robert Downey Jr, and the fellah who directed Swingers.

  35. But does Andrew Garfield hate Mondays?


  37. There is a difference between campy and fun. Shit like ASM2 and Shumaker's Batman are campy. Avengers is fun.

  38. Thor 2 wasn't Avengers 2.

  39. I have the Optimum Triple Play dealymabob, and there used to be a Clearview Cinemas near my house so the Silent Bob to my Jay & I would often go see movies we both had no interest in because... well, it was free. We were disappointed just as many times as we were pleasantly surprised.

  40. Some things are one, some are the other--and some are both.

    Star Treck as been all of the above for example!

  41. No, but Cap and Iron Man are both way more "over" as it were then Spidey right now

  42. No they aren't. Nobody gives a shit about Thor when he isn't with the other Avengers.

  43. Star TREK movies are historically bad.

  44. Thank you, I got auto-corrected

    Star Trek 2, 4, and 6 were good.

    Star Trek 1, 3, and 5 were not.

  45. Umm...I didn't say Thor.

    Spidey will BEAT Thor.

    Come on Cult at least read the comment first, that was some lower midcard behavior

  46. I figured for sure "Arrow" was going to be a stupid series, going too "Dark Knight" on the character and so-so storytelling. Instead, we get one of the best comic book TV shows ever, brilliant turns and great characters that suck you in every week.

  47. You said Spidey will beat Thor like it is some kind of accomplishment. It isn't. Spider-Man is in the holy trinity of super heroes with Superman and Batman. Barely beating a 3rd string guy like Thor is exactly my point about how much the writers are fucking up Spider-Man.

    This current run is supposed to go to 5 at least. I'll bet anything it doesn't go past 3.

  48. For match, Batista/Undertaker at WrestleMania 23. Figured we'd get a slow and stiff affair and instead turned into a terrific battle, they really raised each other's game nicely for a great feud.

  49. About 99 percent of Marvel heroes don't have secret identities.

  50. The reason Sony rebooted the franchise is they had to make another film or else the rights would revert to Marvel. This allows Sony to keep making money off of Spider-Man... and prevents him from being a part of the Marvel Cinematic Universe as a result.

  51. Is talking about what happens in Spider-Man number 121 still cool? Because I got ostracized by a few people for talking about how Bucky Barnes is the Winter Soldier and that Agent 13 is Sharon Carter's great-niece.

    Oh. Spoiler alert.

  52. Random factoid of the day--I had a highschool teacher who owned all but 15-20 issues of the amazing Spider-man.

    Over 700 comic books and that's just one series

  53. How come they always make spiderman movies suck

  54. Mister_E_Studd_Got100ProblemsMay 3, 2014 at 9:43 PM

    I liked Spidey books as a kid, but for some reason have never had any desire to watch any of the movies.

  55. Mister_E_Studd_Got100ProblemsMay 3, 2014 at 9:44 PM

    I did see Thor 2 tonight and it was.. not bad. I have to say that of the MU movies that I've seen the Thor franchise is probably my least favourite.

  56. Yeah those are weird. I'm not a huge fan of high fantasy, but enjoyed the fish out of water stuff in the first movie enough to see it twice and have fun.

    The thing with the fantasy stuff is that it kinda clashes with the sci-fi world of the Marvel Universe - I'm curious how they do Doctor Strange, by the way, and it ALSO feels like a rehash of Lord of the Rings because Lord of the Rings defined that genre on film. Until we get a Goodfellas of High Fantasy (Game of Thrones I guess?) we're stuck with kinda knock offs.

  57. Mister_E_Studd_Got100ProblemsMay 3, 2014 at 10:12 PM

    I'm generally not a fan of mixing science and magic. It always seems weird.

    The first one was better to be sure.

  58. Your_Favourite_LoserMay 3, 2014 at 10:19 PM

    i saw it this evening in imax 3-d, and loved it. the times square battle is breathtaking in so many ways

    for a moment i thought they were going the dark knight route, with 2 hours of a solid movie + 20 to 30 minutes of tacked on stuff that drags the greatness of the prior 2 hrs down, but they didn't. it was close, but in the end i think they managed to avoid it

  59. Your_Favourite_LoserMay 3, 2014 at 10:20 PM


    harry's assistant: future the black cat; a little geek out moment thrown to the hardcore fans that doesn't mean anything past the fact that it was used; or pure coincidence?

  60. Your_Favourite_LoserMay 3, 2014 at 10:33 PM

    i want to say something about the resolution, but there's no way to do it without spoiling

    um, let's see.... jeff albertson would approve, for obvious reasons

  61. Your_Favourite_LoserMay 3, 2014 at 10:35 PM

    ...except for the original #3, they didn't

  62. Your_Favourite_LoserMay 3, 2014 at 10:38 PM

    there was an audible thunk of her head hitting the concrete just as the web slowed her down. different from the comics, where she was caught in mid air

  63. Your_Favourite_LoserMay 3, 2014 at 10:43 PM

    i like my explanation best

  64. Your_Favourite_LoserMay 3, 2014 at 10:45 PM

    i'm still waiting for "peter porker, the spectacular spider-ham"

  65. Semi TJ: Just got back from Fan Expo Regina, which I expected to be like failure and tears but was instead fairly awesome and had tolerable people from all walks of nerdom. I may post some of the more awesome pictures in a future thread, although a lot of what I took was inside jokes amongst me and my friends (A dozen selfies. You really need the context to figure that one out.)

  66. Highlight costume was an awesome Joker one done by a guy who had the Ledger-esque facial features to pull it off properly.

  67. Mary-Jane and the Green Goblin are the only characters you listed that don't suck.

  68. Zoolander is scientifically awesome. Anyone who disagrees is a commumist

  69. That is a real thing that really exists.

  70. I'm certain they're building the world for those specific purposes. There's a reason I think they're using unknown actors so that if they need to recast or whatnot it's not a shock.

  71. Your_Favourite_LoserMay 4, 2014 at 10:49 AM

    i know, 'foo!

  72. Why do electricity powers fix gaps in your teeth? Why did they never even mention anything about Spidey changing his costume? Why did Harry Osborn think he was going to die in like a week when his father made it to 60?

  73. Doug Liman directed Swingers.


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