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BoD Saturday Night Thread

Tons of stuff going on tonight:

NBA Playoffs
NHL Playoffs
MLB Action
RoH/New Japan iPPV
UFC on FS1

Talk about it all here


  1. Gentlemen's,let's get this party started.

  2. I'm playing pinochle tonight. But will probably watch some of the NBA playoffs. I live in Oregon, but am rooting for the Heat to win it all, and I want Portland to lose to the Spurs. Is that bad?

  3. Ordered the RoH/New Japan iPPV mostly as a swan song for both companies as I'm cutting back my wrestling content exclusively to WWE, PWG, and Chikara. Although I guess I can still check out the ROH TV show.

  4. Don't give up on NJPW,they're the best company today with PWG.

  5. I'm not giving up New Japan due to disliking them, just a lack of funds is the real reason. And to be honest I barely kept up with them as is.

  6. Here. You can find the NJPW shows after a couple of days.

  7. PPV watch tonight?

  8. Trying to find a stream for NJPW show.

    Suggestion for a PPV. Backlash 2000.

  9. I have no real urge to watch the ROH/NJPW shows. No titles will change. All the matches seem pretty predictable and with both rosters they had, I am pretty disappointed in the cards they came up with.

  10. NJPW is having a strange year,they're still having some great shows,but some of the booking is weird.And please,get rid of the Gracies.

  11. MMA crossovers are only fun when its a one time thing, not a regular thing. The Gracies haven't improved one bit

  12. What pisses me off is that Sakuraba can actually pull a decent match and now doing shit in the ring.Nakamura will have to pull a miracle against Daniel.Hope he can make it like his Sakuraba match.

  13. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomeryMay 10, 2014 at 5:45 PM

    Michael Sam finally picked up by STL in the 7th rd. In the last six years, the respective SEC Defensive Player of the Year went no lower than 17th overall. While Sam probably didn't warrant that high of a pick, it is a little eyebrow-raising he felt nearly out altogether. Still, works for him; Fisher's a good coach to handle the press that will come with him (that will burn off as it did with Jason Collins) and I think Sam's a pretty good fit in on a STL defense that's not too shabby.

  14. Tomas Plekanic is a bitch. That is all

  15. Thanking for providing security for my aunt against Lax.

  16. ESPN and CNN are ALL over this story. ESPN has had their front page for the past two days: "Sam still available." "Sam not drafted yet." Yes, I understand it's somewhat of a big deal for a gay guy to be in the NFL, but come on man. There's no way he'd be getting that much attention if he didn't prefer weiners.

  17. That turtle-neck should be illegal. He's playing with a warmer neck than everyone else, how is that not an advantage?

  18. $14.95 for Global Wars. Hmm. Do I order?

  19. All-American DE as well but didn't go until 249. Even worse considering that the other All-American DE...wasn't drafted at all (Jackson Jeffcoat from Texas).

    Coming out may have affected where he got drafted (I believe it did), but I hope we don't get a bunch of articles pointing to early draft projections that had him in the 3rd round as "proof" that his orientation is why he dropped. CBS had a 5-6 grade on the Mizzou player taken by Seattle at the end of the 2nd round, and Logan Thomas (4th round to Cards) was on the top of Mel Kiper's Big Board earlier in his career. Some people thought AJ McCarron would go by the 2nd round (well, at least McCarron appears to have thought so).

    Good fit to stay in Missouri with several Mizzou teammates on the Rams, but the Rams D-line is stacked, so he may not make the team.

  20. Stream it.

  21. 538 did an excellent piece of his odds of being drafted at worse than 50/50. Before the combine, he was projected to be a 6th round pick. In the last decade, 37 out of 67 defensive ends projected to be in the 6th round were never drafted.

  22. I'm not going to order. Maybe tomorrow's with the IWGP title match.

  23. Is he a tight end?

  24. Where is Ishii,he could had a great match with Elgin.

  25. Frankly,gonna switch to UFC.

  26. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryMay 10, 2014 at 6:07 PM

    Now we can finally get it started. But who do I pass the blunt to? Where's jobber?

  27. And Forever Hooligans fighting The Young Bucks Again! Send Adrenaline Rush.

  28. Sorry,dude I don't like pot.

  29. Michael Sam got drafted and kissed his boyfriend, then they shoved cake in each other's faces and smooched some more. I am disturbed lol

  30. Because they kissed?

  31. WITH CAKE!!!!!! ESPN is supposed to be a sports network. This is over the top ridiculous.

  32. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryMay 10, 2014 at 6:09 PM

    I know, that's why I asked where jobber was.

    There's a 12er of Molson in the fridge, feel free to grab a beer.

  33. Doesn't seem disturbed.I've seen weirder things.

  34. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryMay 10, 2014 at 6:09 PM

    Wait, really?

  35. Yes.

  36. Just drinking my coke.

  37. Tell me this is strange to see on a SPORTS network lol

  38. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryMay 10, 2014 at 6:10 PM

    Being from Brazil, I'm sure you have.

  39. I didn't thought it was weird.

  40. It would've been just as weird if a woman and man did it too. What the heck did this have to do with the draft?

  41. Reality Television & talk shows are 30%. of that.

  42. I would have been happy to have him on the browns. Were going to be lacking at wr.

  43. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryMay 10, 2014 at 6:13 PM

    It's funny, I'm the resident alkie/pothead, but I refuse to drink any cola because it has caffeine in it.

    Now if my brother would stop being a bitch and crack open his bottle of Grey Goose we could really get this party going. Fuck it though, it's his bottle.

  44. Molson sounds good, that might be my beer of choice tonight.

  45. Question:

    Favorite ROH feud?

  46. It's my "addiction",ya know it's saturday,gonna drink a little bit.

  47. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryMay 10, 2014 at 6:14 PM

    I was going to buy Genny, but I got extra cash, why not drink the good stuff.

  48. Hahahaha! The one bar I go to always has $1.50 Genny. Always feel like hell the next day but the savings are well worth it.

  49. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryMay 10, 2014 at 6:17 PM

    $7.70 for a 12 pack at the store at the end of my street. Genny is a totally acceptable beer, not like I'm sitting here drinking Red Dog or Steel Reserve or some other ghetto bullshit.

  50. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryMay 10, 2014 at 6:20 PM

    S.C.U.M. vs. ROH, but I didn't really get into ROH until the Sinclair deal.

  51. Theres some euro dude who plays for the wizards who tounge kissed his gf when he got drafted and the media KILLED HIM


  53. Generico VS Steen

    Raven Vs "Farva's petulant child" CM Punk.

  54. hmmmm.....NO.

  55. Mentioned it before but Michael Shane and Paul London had a pretty intense feud in ROH's first year. They had a forgotten street fight that's a brutal war.

  56. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryMay 10, 2014 at 6:23 PM

    I constantly get bombed and stoned and I still can't sleep, last thing I need is any kind of upper, even a legal one.

  57. Jan Vesely. He was traded to Denver.

  58. Still gonna check the CZW VS ROH and Homicide/Daniels.

  59. Two men kissing is disturbing.

  60. Joe and the Briscoes also had a pretty good feud in 2003. They Joe and Mark(I think) had a BLOODY Cage match. Briscoe reached Taker levels of blood. It was actually clumping up on his face.

  61. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryMay 10, 2014 at 6:26 PM

    No one will ever say "Man, I could really use a Genny right now", but if you're short on cash or trying to not be short on cash that's the go-to beer.

  62. No it isn't.

  63. Lol that's hysterical. I wish he was actually capable of making a team because watching football fans freak every time he kisses his boy friend or comes to the game in high heels like Johnny weir would be glorious. However you can't weigh 250 and play on a NFL line. Too small.

  64. I prefer it to say, Keystone or Natty. Though I don't think I've tasted either of those beers in close to five years.

  65. Heaven forbid he just become a football player and people forget he's gay. We've gotta be reminded constantly, lest we forget.

  66. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryMay 10, 2014 at 6:28 PM

    Your mom kissing another woman, now that is disturbing. Yeah, they've been together for 20 years and they're legally married, but it's still fucking weird to me.

  67. ESPN had an article up that said he was the second most talked about player heading into this draft behind Clowney. Um....Manziel hello? I guess being drafted to the Browns removed him from ESPN's lovefest.

  68. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryMay 10, 2014 at 6:29 PM

    Keystone is OK, but fuck Natty.

  69. Stranger in the AlpsMay 10, 2014 at 6:30 PM

    I've got my finger on the pulse of the BoD, and I KNOW they want to watch a good old-fashioned Red Sox-Rangers game.

  70. Danielson vs. Nigel

  71. Flipping between Tribe vs Rays and Habs vs Bruins

  72. Danielson vs. Nigel was the first ROH match I ever saw. Damn they put out some great stuff.

  73. I forgot about this one

    Briscoe vs Cole.

  74. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryMay 10, 2014 at 6:31 PM

    Fuck George Bush. That's my automatic reaction anytime someone mentions the Rangers.

  75. Probably took five years off Nigel's life.

  76. His girl was hot. But he looked like an ass. Let's face it. Gay or straight, almost no one is a fan of public displays of affection.

  77. Briscoe is boring.

  78. I met him after a game. He was a dick

  79. Definitely took 5 years off his career.

  80. Like chicks with dicks? Brazil is supposedly crawling with them.

  81. It made him look awesome

  82. Stranger in the AlpsMay 10, 2014 at 6:33 PM

    Dude, for the first time ever, I hooked up my laptop to my TV and fired up the ol' Network. You wanna know what I watched? Ivan Putski and Baron Von Raschke go at it.....for 30 minutes!

  83. Danielson vs. Morishima as well. The Wolves and Steenerico also had some great tag matches in 09

  84. Because they traded like a 4th RD throwaway pick for a potentially good WR.

  85. Blaaaaazzzzzzzing

  86. C'mon,dude the Real world Champion gimmick was great.But everyone can have a opinion.

  87. Did you fall asleep?

  88. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryMay 10, 2014 at 6:33 PM

    Fuck that, if I got drafted I'm tossing my girl's salad for the cameras.

  89. I never saw the Morishima matches.A mistake that I will fix in the future.

  90. Stranger in the AlpsMay 10, 2014 at 6:34 PM

    For the first 15 minutes, yes. For the second 15 minutes....also yes.

  91. Briscoe has had great matches as the challenger for the ROH title. I just didn't like him as champ.

  92. Only saw the unification match,that was great.

  93. In the pantheon of big man/little man matches, that feud gets overlooked and I don't know why. Some amazing matches.

  94. That's a lie.

  95. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryMay 10, 2014 at 6:35 PM

    I've already tried the "Brazil is full of trannies" thing, the kid totally no-sold it.

  96. I was watching Clash X today on 4 hrs sleep and fell asleep during Road Warriors vs. Skyscrapers. Have to finish the show up tonight.

    Did you review the Putski vs. Von Raschke match? ****1/2?

  97. I've seen Morishima's work in Japan,he's a beast.

  98. Was it their match at Driven where they basically rammed heads like two rams about 5 times? Disgusting headbutts.

  99. Stranger in the AlpsMay 10, 2014 at 6:35 PM

    I went the full monty on that one. I was feeling generous.

  100. Weird things actully come out in reality and talk shows.

  101. Those unprotected head first throws into the ringpost were nasty.

  102. Big game for you tonight here dude. I still can't believe D Will put up a goose egg in game 2.

  103. Don't remember.

  104. I can. You get used to Disappearing D-Will. I'm going to Game 4. Really don't want to see them get eliminated

  105. Was it cake? Or was it a fuck load of jizz they saved for the occasion.

  106. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryMay 10, 2014 at 6:37 PM

    Shiiiiiiiit, I've been stoned since 7 in the morning in Cali time.

  107. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomeryMay 10, 2014 at 6:37 PM


    *turns out ghetto blaster*

  108. Habs goal. Plekanec

  109. Stranger in the AlpsMay 10, 2014 at 6:37 PM

    Ha! Honestly, I won't ever give negative stars in my reviews. DUD will be the bottom, and if it's extra bad, I bust out some Dr. Disaster jokes.

  110. Touche. Those old WWWF shows are a serious chore to get through.

  111. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomeryMay 10, 2014 at 6:38 PM

    Remember when Who Would You Take, CP3 vs. D-Will? was a thing?

  112. I'm high as fuck too buddy. I haven't got any beers but I may change that soon.

  113. I would have taken him in a heartbeat with the Lions but when most of you payroll goes to 3 players (Stafford, Suh, Megatron) you don't have that kind of flexibility.

  114. Unintentional comedy lol

  115. Snort it bro, or shoot it

  116. *Rimshot*

  117. My friend trolls me with this all the time. Whatever. I've accepted a lot of things with D-Will.

  118. Some college dudes were duying a pot parade in the center.,you might have enjoyed.

  119. Anybody have a Chromecast? My brother got one today and it's pretty cool. Wondering the WWE App or Amazon Prime work on it. Also, is Netflix worth subscribing to?

  120. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryMay 10, 2014 at 6:41 PM

    You should hear some of the conversations I hear when I have to be behind the bar. And I'm just like "What the fuck?" There's a very good reason why I'm not allowed out of the kitchen.

  121. So for the first time ever I got my daughter (she turns 9 in July) to sit and watch wrestling with me. After 90 minutes she seems hooked. Want to know the scary thing that had her rapt attention? Clash 15, the one following GAB91 that a main event contract signing between Luger and Simmons and Kazmier/Steiner vs. ARn/Zybysko. Apparently she's not only turning into a wrestling fan, but a fan of bad wrestling. Makes me think i should find a Heroes of Wrestling copy to show her

  122. So Eddie Alvarez is out of his main event PPV fight against Michael Chandler. Bjorn Rebney should take this as a sign that maybe they aren't meant to be on PPV yet.

  123. That must be an awesome moment as a father.

  124. Didn't they already cancel their PPV once before lol

  125. A friend of mine went to Copa Bixo(college competion party),he won the drinking award.Well,he went to a girl house which I'm a friend,he got in their and threw up in the hole place.

  126. if you like TV shows, Netflix is great. If you are looking for movies, not that much on the streaming. And not much wrestling. Most of what they do show is just the docs and not the matches, although they do currently have the full Falls count anywhere DVD, full best of IYH, and a full UT DVD.

  127. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryMay 10, 2014 at 6:43 PM

    My niece is the same age (she'll be 9 in October), I tried getting her into wrestling but she wasn't having that shit.

  128. *Man tears*

  129. So I just got back from Vegas. First time trip, and it was a work thing, but we had like 3 days of free time and because it was a work thing it was almost all expensed. Good times.

  130. Yep, ironically enough they cancelled it because Tito Ortiz was hurt and they didn't think Eddie-Chandler was a big enough fight to headline. Fast forward six months and now Chandler-Alvarez is scrapped and Rampage and Tito will be in the top 2 fights.

  131. well as a guy who lives for sports and played every sport there was all the time growing up, having a daughter who is, to say politely, less than athletic and who shows no interest in sports, I'm thrilled to find a common interest.

  132. I have the WWE App, so I wouldn't get Netflix for wrestling.

  133. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryMay 10, 2014 at 6:44 PM

    Speaking as someone who gets Netfilx for free, no, it isn't.

  134. My girls mom sprained her ankle but she's like a recovery person so she came back from her moms with a bottle full of hydrocodone. Its the least she could after she got so wasted Monday she got us thrown out of two bars, called a bouncer "povers shit" threw up on me in a cab, made a huge scene in front of my doorman and front desk lady, and smoked cigarettes inside my apartment.

  135. Jim Ross at the NJPW/ROH show tonight?

    From PWTorch's report:

    "Announcers Kevin Kelly and Steve Corino talked up Jim Ross being in the building, but not looking to join the ROH broadcast booth"

  136. I'm actually glad there's alcohol thread going on because I wanted to ask. So last weekend I managed to sneak into a bar and my buddy was buying. He was low on funds after the first beers, so he bought some Pabst because it was cheap.

    I'm not wrong in thinking it isn't that bad, right?

  137. it was so funny too. She saw Johnny B. Badd, who was in the first couple months of his gimmick and consequently in full on over the top drag queen mode. I've always tried to teach her tolerance and being gay is no big deal and I don't know that she picked up on the gay thing, but she took one look at his outfit and said, "his outfit is really girlish." I said, "well isn't it ok for people to where what they like?" She said, "Yeah, but his outfit is reaaaallllly girlish."

  138. Thanks. Just made my decision for me.

  139. So here's a fun story.My medieval teacher is married to a ex-nun,they met in Portugal and he took her to the kinky land.He cannot enter in USA,because he threw a molotov cocktail in the American Embassy,he said he was left wing idiot.

  140. The match that got me into wrestling was the Kat and Rikishi vs Perry Saturn and Terri.

    I guess the point I'm trying to make is that it shouldn't matter what match got her into it. Just be glad she showed an interest.



  142. Cena VS Umaga at the RR made me a wrestling fan.

  143. D Will crushed an in his prime baron Davis in the playoffs, I was a d will > cp3 guy until two years ago

  144. matches with Kat and Terri got me into something and it wasn't wrestling

  145. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryMay 10, 2014 at 6:50 PM

    Amateur shit right there. You need to eat a grain-heavy meal (pasta is the best, but a burger or even a sandwich will help) before you get into the serious drinking. Party on an empty stomach and you'll be fucked.

  146. Eddie Alvarez is out with a concussion. Won't be out too long. Yet Bellator books Chandler/a new opponent at the PPV for an Interim Championship. WHY?

  147. (5) Young Bucks beat Forever Hooligans (Rocky Romero & Alex Koslov) and Time Splitters (Alex Shelley & KUSHIDA) at 12:22 to retain the IWGP Jr. Tag Titles.

  148. Started laughing the moment when told me the story.

  149. How about putting Adrenaline Rush vs Young Bucks or putting ACH against Ibushi.

  150. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryMay 10, 2014 at 6:56 PM

    Sounds like you need to find a new chick. I mean, I could deal with all shit if it was all separate incidents, but in one night? Fuck that. And like I said, anyone that thinks an NSX is ugly can fuck off.

  151. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryMay 10, 2014 at 7:01 PM

    I once, when I was about your age, woke up on my kitchen floor next to a chick I've never seen before or since and started puking blood. Didn't drink for like 2 years after that.

  152. Yeah, what is he, some sort of instigator?

    And what's the kinky land? Is that where all the transgendereds live?

  153. He was part of PSTU(extreme left wing party)

    Kinky land =sin.

  154. That's right, he's a trouble maker.

  155. I like it for binge watching shows. That's about it.

  156. Now that he's married,he's stopped doing crazy shit.

  157. Spent the day cleaning the apartment with the gf. Going away for three days tomorrow and our families start filtering in Wednesday night and Thursday before her law school graduation on Friday. Off work for the next week.

    Watching the Yankees lose and waiting on a pizza. Hell of a Saturday night.

  158. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryMay 10, 2014 at 7:13 PM

    My niece likes to talk shit to me (my brother encourages it, partly because it's usually really funny) and she was busting my balls about having long hair, and I tell her "Your hair is longer than mine", and she tells me "But I'm a girl, I'm supposed to have long hair".

    Kids are awesome, especially when thy're not yours.

  159. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryMay 10, 2014 at 7:15 PM

    Fuck the Yankees.

  160. Sorry I'm late, what PPV are we watching?

  161. Adrenaline Rush fought the Bucks at Final Battle. It was awesome.

    ACH vs Ibushi sounds like one Hell of a good idea, though.

  162. What were you watching with Lita?

  163. How's going.

  164. Not really my thing. I'll just watch them play baseball if it's all the same to you.

  165. Good, how about you?

  166. I actually don't hate Tadarius like some people do.

  167. Good too.

  168. No one picked anything lol

  169. Funny thing,Cena made a fan of wrestling.

  170. Something needs to be posted. I think we just got lucky last week that OTE 98 picked up steam in a thread.

  171. When does Cole will fight against Liger?

  172. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryMay 10, 2014 at 7:20 PM

    It blows my mind that Tadairus Thomas went from the worst worker on American soil to being pretty decent in like, 6 months. Fuck, WWE needs to hire ACH as their head trainer.

  173. Tazz insulting Edges lack of credibility in hardcore matches is insulting in this match.

  174. But didn't Edge beat Mick in the hardcore match 2 months earlier?

  175. World War 3 1995
    Summerslam 1997
    Starrcade 1999

    Just throwing out choices..

  176. Tie game, fuck yeah!

  177. Yes. Not to mention his TLC matches. I'd call those pretty hardcore too.

  178. ACH,Devitt and Kenta can debut as Heyman Guys.I want a new Dangerous alliance,if they wanna have a new name,The clientele.

  179. SS97 is okay. The others are atrocious.

  180. I've been watching 1989 NWA/WCW, alternating between Clashes and PPVs. Flair just won the world title back.

  181. SummerSlam 97, should we start at 9:30?

  182. If this was 1990 Liger I would be excited,50 year old

  183. I know. When he started in ROH, I hated him and now he's money. It's insane what working with ACH has done. ACH is bound to have a 5 star match soon; he's just too good.

  184. I'm on Wrestle War 1990 later on tonight.

  185. I was at the SummerSlam 1997. I'm not sure I've ever watched the show with commentary.

  186. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryMay 10, 2014 at 7:23 PM

    I had a couple of young punks job to me at the last PPV, I'm doing fine...


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