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Clash Countdown: #12

The SmarK Retro Rant for Clash of the Champions XII: Mountain Madness

- Live from Asheville, NC

- Your hosts are Jim Ross & Bob Caudle.

- Opening match: The Freebirds v. The Southern Boys.

Man, these guys fought each other a lot in 1990. This was supposed to be Freebirds & Buddy Roberts v. Southern Boys & Bob Armstrong, but Buddy hurt his drinking elbow and has to sit it out. Tracy hammers on Hayes in the corner to start, so Michael lets Garvin give it a try. He quickly gets superkicked and bails. The Birds go for the double-team, but Armstrong hits them with a bodypress for two. Freebirds bail again and confer with Buddy. Tracy escapes another double-team, and the Birds take a powder again. Back in, Tracy wins a slugfest, but gets popped in the mouth and sent flying out. Garvin adds a cheapshot on the floor for good measure. Tracy dropkicks his way back in, but Garvin keeps him in the heel corner, where Hayes gets a bulldog for two. He blocks a sunset flip and stomps away, and we hit the chinlock. Tracy escapes but another right from Hayes puts him down again. Garvin goes up, never a good idea for a Freebird, and gets slammed off to allow the hot tag. Backdrops and dropkicks everywhere! It’s breaking loose in Tulsa! Roberts clobbers Armstrong, but Bullet Bob returns the favor on Hayes and Armstrong gets two. The match turns into a mess and they start blowing stuff, but a double sunset flip finishes at 8:32 before it can get too badly out of control. The Freebirds of course exact their revenge on Bob Armstrong afterwards. Nothing outside of the usual here. *1/2

- Buddy Landell v. Mike Rotunda.

Landell works a headlock, as does Rotunda. Then we get an exciting switch to an armbar. Buddy was, at this point, working a bizarre angle involving his friendship with Skid Row. (I don’t even REMEMBER that.  Like, a friendship with the rock band Skid Row?  Weird.)  Buddy clotheslines out of the armbar to take over and drops an elbow for two. To the top, but Rotunda catches him coming down and comes back with a reverse elbow for two. Landell grabs a facelock to slow it down again, but Mike backslides him for the pin at 5:38. Wow, a backslide, what an electric finisher. *  (Mike of course was about to hit on the money gimmick, waka waka, with Michael Wallstreet.) 

- Tim Horner & Brad Armstrong v. The Master Blasters.

This is the historic debut match for one of the great talents of our time. Steel hammers on Horner to start and the Blasters double-team him, as Iron works over the arm. Iron & Steel blow simple moves left and right, until Horner gets Brad into the ring. Iron immediately overpowers him, and Steel drops an elbow for two. Steel gets a powerslam for two. A horrible attempt at a simple elbowdrop misses and Steel keeps clubbing away. Iron gets a shoulderblock, but Armstrong makes the hot (?) tag to Horner, who tries a sleeper. Steel cuts it off, and it’s sort of halfway bonzo gonzo, although I’m loath to apply the term to this match. Horner is left in the ring for a double shoulderblock, which gets the pin for Steel at 4:49. DUD Caudle is sure that we’ll hear a lot from them in the future. We will – Iron would, years later, come back into WCW as the mysterious Dog. Oh yeah, that Steel guy is still around, too. Yes, this match was the first ever appearance of hero to drinkers and couch potatoes everywhere, Kevin Nash. Love the Mohawk, Big Kev.  (WCW had some of the DIRT WORST big generic power teams around this time.  Maximum Overdrive, Master Blasters, The Mod Squad, High Voltage later on…just a parade of crap for years on end.) 

- Brian Pillman hypes a really cool idea for the weekly B-Shows: Running the gauntlet. You draw three names at random on the Power Hour on Friday, and you have to win matches with them on that show, WCW Saturday Night and The Main Event on Sunday. If you win all three by any means, you get $15,000. If you lose any of them, the three opponents get $5000 each. That’s a great idea and the WWE should do that for their own B-shows.  (Or now on their Network B-shows.  As with anything I wouldn’t trust them to maintain interest in it past one week, but it’s still a neat idea.) 

- The Nasty Boys v. Jackie Fulton & Terry Taylor.

Another tag team debut in WCW, although not quite with the same historic ramifications as Big Poochie brought to the table. Fulton (Bobby’s brother) fights off a double-team to start and brings Taylor in for a spinning neckbreaker that gets two on Knobbs. Taylor fights them off with hiptosses, and brings Fulton back in, and he stays on Sags’ arm. Taylor comes back in and brawls out with Sags, and sends him into the ringpost. Back in, he goes back to the arm. Crossbody gets two. Taylor was of course coming off the most disastrous run any one person could possibly have had in the WWF, as it completely destroyed his marketability forever thanks to the Red Rooster gimmick. (He rebuilt himself a bit with the York Foundation deal, but I’m still astonished that he went BACK a couple of years later!)  Taylor & Fulton keep Knobbs in their corner and trade off hitting him with backdrop suplexes, but Knobbs takes Taylor down by the hair and Sags drops a knee. Taylor tries a sunset flip and gets two. “People were out of their seats on that one!” notes JR. Yeah, they’re off getting nachos. Hot tag Fulton and he bodyslams everything in sight. German suplex gets two. A bodypress is reversed by Knobbs into a powerslam, and the SHITTY ELBOW finishes at 7:09. Taylor then cleans house. The Nasties would jump to the WWF a couple of months later and become the hottest team in wrestling. This match went nowhere, slowly, and the faces controlled too long with their vanilla offense, although Fulton looked good and probably could have been something if he bulked up a bit. *1/4

- Wild Bill Irwin v. Tommy Rich.

Rich attacks to start, but Irwin hits him with a high knee. Rich dumps him, and slingshots him back in. Backdrop suplex gets two. He goes to a headlock and they work off that for a bit, as Rich holds on tenaciously. That’ll wake up the formerly-hot crowd. Caudle comments on how wild the match should be, as Rich holds onto a headlock. Irwin escapes with a sideslam and kicks Rich in the face to put him down again, before tossing him. Back in, they slug it out and Rich reverses a sideslam into a sleeper, which was a nice counter. Irwin charges and hits nothing, and the THESZ PRESS, THESZ PRESS, STONE COLD STONE COLD STONE COLD finishes at 3:57. Yup. *

- And now, for your eyes only, it’s the much-requested and always controversial WCW TOP TEN. Like all wrestling lists, THE WCW TOP TEN can cause some side effects. These effects are usually mild to moderate and usually don’t last longer than a few hours. Some of these side effects are more likely to occur with higher doses. The most common side effects of THE WCW TOP TEN are headache, flushing of the face, and upset stomach. Less common side effects that may occur are temporary changes in color vision (such as trouble telling the difference between blue and green objects or having a blue color tinge to them), eyes being more sensitive to light, or blurred vision. In rare instances, men have reported an erection that lasts many hours. You should call a doctor immediately if you ever have an erection that lasts more than 4 hours. If not treated right away, permanent damage to your penis could occur Heart attack, stroke, irregular heart beats, and death have been reported rarely in men reading THE WCW TOP TEN. Most, but not all, of these men had heart problems before taking this medicine. It is not possible to determine whether these events were directly related to THE WCW TOP TEN. THE WCW TOP TEN may cause other side effects besides those listed. If you want more information or develop any side effects or symptoms you are concerned about, call your booker.

WCW World champion: Sting

1. Lex Luger

2. Ric Flair

3. Arn Anderson

4. Barry Windham

5. Sid Vicious

6. Stan Hansen

7. Brian Pillman

8. Junkyard Dog

9. Tommy Rich

10. Buddy Landell

You just know there’s a showdown between Rich & Landell for that #9 spot coming!



Champions: Doom

1. The Steiner Brothers

2. Rock N Roll Express

3. The Horsemen

4. The Midnight Express

5. Southern Boys

6. Freebirds

7. SST

8. Brian Pillman & Tom Zenk

9. Junkyard Dog & El Gigante

10. Mike Rotunda & Tim Horner.

Man, the depth chart kinda goes south after #5, doesn’t it? And how do Horner & Rotundo make the top 10, but not Horner & Lightning, who had been teaming since 1987?  (JYD and El Gigante?!?  That sounds like someone trying to punish me.) 

- Stan Hansen is somewhat upset about his ranking in the top 10, and he’s going to take it out on the people above him.

- Women’s World title: Susan Sexton v. Bambi.

These girls were on loan from the short-lived LPWA. Bambi overpowers Sexton, but gets taken down with a drop toehold and they trade wristlocks. Sexton works on the arm, but Bambi reverses to a headscissors. Sexton overpowers her and gets a slam for one. Bambi goes to a headlock and gets a rollup for two. Bambi whips her into the corner, but gets caught with a forearm for two. Sexton backdrops her and gets an elbow for two. Bambi gets an inside cradle for two, but Sexton reverses for three at 4:09. For the guy in the feedbag last night, the ref stopped the count and re-started for Sexton. 1/2*

- US tag titles: The Steiner Brothers v. Maximum Overdrive.

(Hey, speaking of Maximum Overdrive!)  MO are Hunter (Tom Hunt) and Silencer, who I don’t know. Unless it’s Hunt’s usual partner, Jeff Warner, who changed his name from “Warrior” because of trademark problems with Jim Hellwig. Not that I or anyone else should really care because these bozos were just another couple of roid freaks anyway. They also get my vote for worst team name of the era, as they named themselves after the worst Stephen King movie ever. (Hey now, there’s always Dreamcatcher.)  Scott controls Hunter on the mat, and he bails. Back in, he holds a wristlock and Hunter stalls. Scott hiptosses him, resulting in more stalling. Scott backdrops him and holds off both guys with armdrags, and Rick hits them with a double Steinerline for good measure. More stalling results. Silencer (who, ironically, talks with the crowd the whole time) comes in and immediately gets suplexed by Scott, badly. I think we know who to blame there. Rick comes in and gets blindsided by him, and he gets an elbow for two. Silencer misses his cue on a criss-cross and they extend the move, until Rick can powerslam him. Hunter comes back in and eats a REALLY stiff lariat. Uh oh, they’ve pissed off Rick. The top rope double-team DDT kills him dead at 6:21. That move is just EVIL. The match was also evil, but not in a good way. -*

- Stan Hansen v. Tom Zenk.

Well, nice knowing you, Tom. Hansen attacks him to start and Zenk is game for a fight, but gets dragged out and beaten to a pulp as a result. Note to aspiring wrestlers: Don’t wear pink tights when fighting Stan Hansen. (Sadly Hansen didn’t stick around long enough to meet Johnny B. Badd.  That would have provided for some interesting dynamics.)  Back in, Stan gets a suplex and drops an elbow for two. He pounds on the throat with elbows, and shrugs off Zenk’s comeback attempt. He keeps walloping on Zenk, who tries another comeback, but puts his head down and gets mugged. Backdrop suplex, but Zenk fights back with dropkicks and gets two. Smart move. Zenk charges, and Hansen just walks right over him and finishes with the lariat at 3:18. Total massacre. 1/2*

- US title match: Lex Luger v. Ric Flair.

This is the only time I can think of where Flair was CHALLENGING Luger for a title. Luger overpowers Flair to start, and then gets suckered into a test of strength. Flair of course cheapshots him, but Luger no-sells the chops and press slams Flair. Ric takes a breather outside, and returns to lay in a hellacious chop, which Luger no-sells. Another press-slam and Luger dumps Flair, after Flair practically flashed a neon sign saying “clothesline me over the top rope”. They brawl out and back in again and Luger no-sells everything Flair throws at him, and gets a third press-slam. The HORIZONTAL ELBOW OF DEATH misses, of course, and Flair takes over. Luger blasts out of the corner with a lariat, but Flair tricks the ref into checking on an “injury”, thus buying time. Luger walks right into a sucker punch, and Flair tosses him to take over, for real this time. Luger eats railing a few times, and they head back in, where Flair stomps away. He stands up Luger and chops him so hard that he goes flying backwards into the corner. They head out and Flair starts chopping him for the benefit of the front row, drawing the ire of the teenage girls in the audience. Back in, he goes to the knee, as usual, and keeps making frenzied asides to the camera. Must have had some REALLY good shit before the match. In the corner, he goes into an insane sequence where he chops and stomps the knee in succession. Luger fights back with a burst of energy, but Flair pokes him in the eyes on the way down. That is so cool. Luger blocks a hiptoss with a backslide for two, but Flair chops away. And CHOPS. Luger shrugs it off and hammers away in the corner, but Flair brings him out with atomic drop. Luger no-sells and clotheslines him for two. Flair comes back with a snapmare for two. Flair goes up and gets slammed, and Luger Flips him for good measure and clotheslines him coming along the apron. Back in, another press-slam (the fourth for the match) and a powerslam, and it’s rack time. Flair tries to bail, and then grabs a headlock, only to get caught in a bearhug. They head to the top and Luger superplexes him (a beauty one, too) for two. Luger pounds away in the corner and Flair goes low to stop it, and they tumble out to the floor and keep fighting. Stan Hansen hits the ring and decimates Luger for the DQ at 14:27. Really good match, but nothing we haven’t seen a million times before. ***1/2

- WCW World title: Sting v. The Black Scorpion.

This is the Sgt. Pepper era for Sting. The Black Scorpion we’ve been over before, and in this case the character was being played by Al Perez. The storyline worked well in the short-term, as this match drove the show to a strong 5.0 cable rating, up from the 4’s that Clashes had been doing that year. The Scorpion attacks to start and pounds away in the corner, but Sting fights back, only to get choked down. Lots of choking. Sting tries to run away, but gets run down by the Scorpion and pounded outside. Sting rams him into the railing, but gets hit with a knee and they head back in. Scorpion keeps pounding, but Sting fights back. He goes for the mask, but Scorpion rams him into the corner and chokes away. They had to keep it VERY generic with his moveset, so that people couldn’t guess his identity. They head out to the ramp and Sting gets slammed out there, but he goes for the mask again. Scorpion runs back into the ring, and Sting follows him in and gets a dropkick. Now Sting returns the choking favor, but no one is better than the BLACK SCORPION, and he demonstrates that. This match is like a Sunday afternoon with nothing on TV and only the Financial section of the paper left to read. (That was a reference to Douglas Adams’ “Long Dark Tea-Time Of The Soul”, by the way.)  Sting comes back with a slam and goes up for a bodypress that gets two. The evil Scorpion gets a evil kneedrop for an evil near-fall. A mysterious foot to the throat! JR’s line du jour: “There’s only one World champion, and he’s the guy with the pink boots on!” Indeed. (You can tell I was getting bored by that point.)  Stinger splash finishes clean at 8:11. 1/2* Total kick and punch fest. Sting goes for the mask, but there’s a second one on underneath. The REAL Black Scorpion comes down the ramp and glares at Sting, thus rendering the previous match totally pointless. Sadly, the story would continue…

The Bottom Line:

The lineup didn’t look bad on paper, but unfortunately it didn’t translate to the actual matches, most of which were quite forgettable and/or dreadfully dull. The Luger-Flair match is good, but it’s Luger-Flair so it’s not like you’re getting anything new there.

Recommendation to avoid, unless you’re a Nash completist (and who isn’t really?) and want his ELECTRIFYING debut on tape for posterity.


  1. Maximum Overdrive was Tim Hunt (not Tom) and he tried to rape a memeber of my family, so fuck him.

  2. I love the logic of how WCW was putting in idea of Scorpion possibly being Ultimate Warrior like they thought they could get him. That's like the Jacksonville Jaguars deciding to completely redo their entire offensive plan in case Tom Brady decides to quit the Patriots and join them.

  3. The Jags should trot out Blaine Gabbert wearing #12 with a black visor on his helmet and the announcers could be all "Who is that? Could it be...?"

  4. Well this thread got dark really fast.

  5. Stan Hansen was way gayer than Johnny B Badd.

  6. Just call me Mr. Sunshine.
    Sorry...I hadn't thought of that guy for years until I read this and got all pissed off about it.

  7. The "Top 10" is one of those neat little "real sports" things wrestling should always have IMO. They could call it the 'Power Rankings' today. It's probably the most logical and perfect method for an Instafeud too -- I'm not happy about being #7, so I'm just going to go and beat the guy at #6 or #5.

  8. Yeah but what did #6 do? It wasn't his fault.

  9. "maximum overdrive tim hunt rape" is not one of the things I expected to be googling today.

  10. If I'm not mistaken, WWE edited out Hansen choking Lugar with the bullrope after the match on one of the WCW DVD sets I bought. He had the rope around the throat and then released it instantly afterwards. He also spat tabacco juice on him too.

  11. Well, it all comes back to the motivations of winning matches / making money and taking the spot away from someone doing better than you. Instafeuds are always a thing – so it’s a nice alternative to a goofy angle between two guys (“they’re fighting over shampoo” comes to mind) based on something totally unrealistic or stupid. It takes like 10 seconds to go over and I’m sure you’d get lots of people on Twitter and FB arguing over the rankings the way people make cases for their teams on ESPNs Power Rankings.

    Those may not be ‘epic’ WWE motivations like “having a WrestleMania moment” or “becoming a WWE legend” and all that, but I do think wrestling could stand not to resemble a damn comic book all the time and mix in a little more real amongst all of the unreal.

  12. It was just a joke. I got what you were saying.

  13. Is it in the Network version? And the bag attack from Fall Brawl 89?

  14. It's fun watching these shows get less and less interesting as they go on.

    It's kind of a weird sell for Vince, "Come watch all the utter garbage you didn't watch before because you liked US more!"

  15. What got me was WCW putting all this effort into the Top 10--a great move, as the poster above stated. And here on a live special they're giving a World title shot to some anonymous masked guy in his first match. Way to undermine the entire concept.

  16. Agreed. That was one of the things WCW did I always liked. Made it seem more like a real competition.

  17. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)May 14, 2014 at 2:28 PM

    Too bad Jeff Farmer wasn't around to do the a version of the nWo Sting as the Black Scorpion character. It would have been better than what we got.

  18. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)May 14, 2014 at 2:29 PM

    It's not that he was gay. He was legally blind and couldn't see what he was poking.

  19. the hansen choke is in

  20. intestinal fortitudeMay 14, 2014 at 2:34 PM

    Clash XII - Asheville Smashville!

  21. Maximum Overdrive is an underrated classic. (The movie, I mean. The team was shit.)

    And that "Running the Gauntlet" thing would work perfectly in WWE now. An hour 1 match on Raw, the main on Superstars, and the match before the main on SD.

  22. Didn't the other guy from the master blasters come back to WCW again after being the dog as "Big Al" and have that leather jacket on a pole match with Tank Abbott where Tank pulled a knife on him and threatened to fucking kill him right now?

  23. Or what he was spitting out of his mouth.

  24. This makes my Hot Pocket experience with a previous Clash seem downright petty.

  25. Haven't gotten there yet, but I'm catching up on TiJ and LOVE the show. Jericho is such a natural talker.

  26. It will only hurt him if other guys take advantage of it, and in this day and age, that seems unlikely. I doubt the office gives a shit one way or another.

  27. Nash was selling way too much in that match. It should have been an outright squash.

  28. In WWE's defense, they do have some power top 25 on their website. But I mean, where would they find the time to air this on their five hours of prime time cable television?

  29. I'd prefer Jumping Jeff Farmer. "I'm coming for you Sting, I'm coming FULL FORCE!"

  30. He was the Dog, but Big Al was someone else (no idea who).

  31. so is the Funk bag attack

  32. So you're saying Asians aren't at all important now?

  33. Asked me to register, couldn't be arsed going any further. Could you summarize it in a sentence for me?

  34. ...The British news reader?

  35. Popularity is a harsh mistresss! Somewhat ironically.

  36. well then..

  37. The WWE does have the 'Power Rankings', but they're only on the website. WHY it's not a time-filling bit on I dunno, Superstars or Main Event, I don't understand.

  38. "You left money on the table, Scott! You left money on the table, in a bad way" -- Crunchin' Caliber Winfield.

  39. Wendell is cut. Rudy is cut. Janey, you're gone. Mick, I liked your hustle. That's why it was so hard to cut you.

  40. I think he was also part of WCW's Wrecking Crew in the early-90's, basically a midcard team that wrestled on a few Clashes and on WCW Saturday Night regularly for a while. I don't know if he was Rage or Fury, though.

  41. What's wrong with a backslide? It's actually a slower, unreleased version of the Razors Edge.

  42. That last part just made laugh out loud for some reason

  43. Definitely wasn't expecting that right out of the gate. Usually the rape references come in about 50-60 comments in.

  44. Actually Nash had TWO partners in the Master Blasters. This first guy was Iron, who lasted this show and like 1 other TV taping before apparently quitting the business entirely. Al Green as Blade replaced him.

  45. No it was definitely a weekday; I was up until 1am and I was like, "fucking WORTH IT" when I was dragging ass the next day.

  46. There's only one reason cool trainer would leave money on the table.... Because HE IS CALIBER!

  47. Ah. That makes sense because I could have sworn I remembered that they pushed that guy as being Nash's first ever tag team partner.

  48. Consider that just a month before that incident, Vince Russo had stormed out of WCW in a huff because they wouldn't let him put the world title on Abbott.

  49. I'd love to see a proper Top 10 of WWE on television. I know they do the Power 25 on but a "real" Top 10 or hell Top 25 with points ala the '89 Starrcade Tournament would be great.

    Gives every match some ooomph and it's wrestling so having the guys you want on top seems pretty simple enough. Except how to deal with house show results, if say Kane/Rob Van Dam is challenging for the World/IC strap on tour and doing the J-O-B every night how do you maintain a top ranking for them on the Top 10/25?

  50. It was 2 months ago.

  51. I'm saying that people will move on to something else.
    Then again, if Parallax is still known for sleeping with married woman.......

  52. Maintaining a reasonable top ten would require wins and losses to not be split evenly among the sports entertainers.

  53. The way the business is now, couldn't being a company guy actually help him in the long run? Ryder and Ziggler were getting over big, but part of the reason they got sent back down the card was that they would speak out, sometimes to the detriment of the company.

    Seems that guys like Punk are the exception rather than the rule nowadays.

  54. Caliber also sure didn't like it when things weren't going his way.

  55. Damn their oily hides!

  56. Maybe Caliber can return as the BOD Black Scorpion?

  57. It'll partially help him, in that he'll be safely employed pretty much no matter what.

    It'll hurt him, in that when something stupid (about 50% of the current Kane run) is pushed at him, he won't speak up. And if he loses the fans, that's it.

  58. So this would be like the Bound for Glory series

  59. Well, no, because it wouldn't have TNA wrestlers in it.

  60. The worst part about Abeyance hating Asians is that when he's done hating them, an hour later he wants to hate them again.

  61. It wasn't that exciting. His breakdown here was so much more glorious.

  62. "A mysterious foot to the throat!" had me howling with laughter the first time I read this, and still did on the re-read. Old School Scott was usually the most awesome with a shitty show.

  63. I originally sent Scott a copy of this show and Clash 13 on VHS back in the day, and he mailed me a copy of his second book. Although, unfortunately for me it wasn't signed.

  64. I find Sebastian Bach to be quite annoying.

  65. Um... I'll let you tell him. Tell Barbarian the same while you're at it too.

  66. AverageJoeEverymanMay 14, 2014 at 10:31 PM

    Damn you could have retired by now if it was.

  67. Hard to go wrong with a soundtrack when all you do is grab a copy of "AC/DC's Greatest Hits".

  68. MaffewOfBotchamaniaMay 15, 2014 at 3:03 AM

    So the build up to Sting vs. Black Scorpion on PPVs involves Sting pinning Black Scorpion clean at COTC.

    I heart WCW.

  69. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryMay 15, 2014 at 4:01 AM

    "Yes, this match was the first ever appearance of hero to drinkers and couch potatoes everywhere, Kevin Nash."

    Big Kev is a chill ass dude, but calling him my hero is a bit over the top.

  70. You need to be the straight-edge living, cable hating, college-chick dating Parallax.

  71. 2/3 of those still apply. The on again off again girlfriend graduated college this denying me that bragging right. Selfish bitch!

  72. Tell her the school called and that she has to go back and take some classes. Maybe she is dumb enough to believe and then you can go back to dating a college chick


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