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Clash Countdown: #17

The SmarK Retro Rant for WCW Clash of the Champions XVII: “Subtitle Omitted for Budget Reasons”

(Now this of course is one of my favorite shows from 1991.) 

- Live from Savannah, Georgia

- Your hosts are Tony Schiavone & Jim Ross. I’d like to hear THAT combo these days…

- Opening lumberjack match: Thomas Rich v. Big Josh.

Indeed this match is a microcosm of all the complex social commentary generally found within a wrestling match – friendship lost, money exchanged, betrayal of the highest order. Sure, it might have been worth it in the short term for Rich to move from $2.50 hooch to $4.00 hooch, but WHAT ABOUT THE CHILDREN? (It’s funny because he’s a drunk!)  Anyway, the story as it were is that Rich “trained” Josh (in reality veteran Matt Bourne) and brought him into WCW, only to turn on him and join the York Foundation, quite possibly the most pathetic group of wannabe-heels this side of the Desperadoes. Headed up by Alexandra York (aka Terri Runnels), they wanted to be Ted Dibiase but WCW didn’t even have the money to get her an actual laptop computer in place of the word processor she had to use. Never mind that “evil” Ricky Morton still wore Rock N Roll Express tights as a heel. Rich hammers away, but Josh no-sells and uses some Oregonian Violence. Belly to belly and logroll give Josh the upper hand. Rich rolls out to the heels for solace, but the faces toss him in. Josh drops an elbow for one. The lumberjacks brawl at ringside as Tony earns his keep by analyzing the number of faces and heels on the outside and extrapolating the winner of the match from that. Way to use the power of math there, big guy. (Hey, maybe he was getting info from York’s computer, too!)  Josh gets caught in the middle of the lumberjack brawl, giving Rich the advantage. Back in, Tommy cheats freely and drops an elbow for two. Suplex gets two. Josh comes back, but misses a charge. Rich goes up and gets slammed off, and Josh suplexes him for two. They do one of the best-looking criss-crosses I’ve ever seen (complete with staggeringly well-choreographed circling from referee Randy Anderson) and Rich’s partner Terry Taylor trips him up on the outside, thus putting Rich in the top 20 or so for having done both the dumbest heel AND face turns within the same calendar year. Josh hits the buttdrop and gets the pin at 6:00. The Rich angle never actually went anywhere as the whole York Foundation went their separate ways shortly after, leaving the breakup completely unresolved. Match was nothing you’d be ashamed to watch. *1/4

- Firebreaker Chip v. Bobby Eaton.

Ah, Curtis Thompson, a guy so bad that even though he looks like Ken Shamrock after having a needle filled with a mixture of HGH and Miracle-Gro shoved in his ass, the WWF couldn’t find anything for him to do. Ponder that one and DESPAIR. Eaton was ostensibly still a babyface here, although even the marks were waiting for the heel turn at this point and pretty much everyone figured he’d end up with Paul E. Dangerously. Chip grabs a headlock and hangs on. Chip goes up and blows a bodypress, then confirms his status as mouth-breather by repeating in the spot in the other corner. Back to the headlock, as I stop and think about how bad you have to be in order to be part of a tag team where Todd Champion is considered the talented one. Chip releases his faithful headlock and goes up for a flying clothesline instead, which gets two. Chip now works on a hammerlock, before Bobby has finally had enough and clotheslines him. Crowd pops big for that one. Backbreaker gets two and now the crowd wakes up. Chip rolls through a bodypress attempt and gets two, then somehow manages to screw up a backslide and gets two. Rollup gets two, but Eaton shoves him into the turnbuckle to knock the wind out of him and uses a simple backdrop suplex for the pin at 4:52. Yeesh, whose bright idea was this match? ½*

- Sting is out to receive the mysterious final gift box, after months of getting ones filled with various combinations of Cactus Jack & Abdullah The Butcher from a mysterious enemy. A bunch of jobbers carry out a fancy carriage from which Madusa emerges, distracting Sting The Giant Idiot long enough for Lex Luger to pop out and clip Sting in the knee. As payoffs go, this wasn’t exactly one of the best.

- The Diamond Studd v. Tom Zenk.

This match is somewhat distracted-from by the split feed of Sting being loaded into the ambulance because of Luger’s attack. Must have been a REALLY hard clip. Studd quickly gets his bulldog, but Zenk posts him and sunset flips him. Studd rolls through and clotheslines him, but Zenk gets a superkick and crucifix for the pin at 1:24. Match was just a backdrop for the Sting angle, which even the announcers admitted and apologized for several times. DUD

- World TV title match: Stunning Steve Austin v. PN News.

Both of these guys were making approximately the same money at this point. Boy, that WCW, they sure could spot star talent, couldn’t they? This would be one of the last (if not THE last) appearance of Jeannie “Lady Blossom” Clark as Austin’s valet, before the switchover to Paul E. Dangerously and a near-total character makeover as part of the Dangerous Alliance. News overpowers Austin and gets an avalanche and clothesline. Elbowdrop and they brawl outside. Back in, Austin tries a slam and News falls back on him for two. That spot worked surprisingly well, and the crowd even popped for some weird reason. News hits version of a dropkick, which rates around 0.9 on the Erik Watts scale. I’d go the full 1.0, but he IS a big fat guy, so really it’s to be expected. Basically it involved him “jumping” in the air at a 45 degree angle from the mat and barely making contact with one foot on Austin’s knee. Thankfully the camera angle was BEHIND News when he did it, because if they had been dumb enough to film it straight on like they would end up doing at the fateful Starrcade 92 (where Erik Watts attempted to dropkick Steve Williams and earned his spot in infamy) I think I’d still be laughing right now. Anyway, News follows this offensive onslaught with a suplex, but Austin is in the ropes. News drags him into the center for two. They brawl out again, and News backdrops Austin from the ramp into the ring. Belly to belly gets two. News chases Blossom, and Austin hits a pescado (!) onto him, sending him crashing into the railing. Back in, a groggy News charges and gets pinned at 4:21. Gotta give him points for effort there. *3/4 That was probably his best match in WCW, come to think of it. Hey, I know *3/4 doesn’t seem like much, but for a guy who I can’t recall breaking DUD with before, that’s a big improvement.

- Missy Hyatt introduces us to WCW’s newest rookie sensation (to go along with other rookie sensations like PN News, Johnny B Badd, Van Hammer and Oz), Marcus Alexander Bagwell. And he can actually speak English here instead of his usual Dumbshittian accent.

- And now, to bring meaning to your lives and fulfil your secret fantasies once again…the WCW TOP TEN FOR THE WEEK OF NOVEMBER 19 1991! Please, as a friendly reminder, while heated discussion on the Top 10 is encouraged, wagering on the outcome is not. I also cannot condone stopping people in public places and asking them if they remember who the #5 guy in this week’s top 10 was, because then you’d be a huge loser and I’d have to eject you from my fanbase and find someone cooler to read my rants instead. Please do not read the top 10 if you’re currently reading other top 10-related columns, unless you have permission from a doctor or someone who looks like a doctor beforehand. Side effects for the WCW top 10 are minimal, and may include dry mouth, vomiting, diarrhea, impotence, bankruptcy, baldness, acne, nosebleeds and raised testicles. Should you experience any of these, please discontinue reading the WCW top 10 and go see a movie. The WCW top 10 is for non-profit use only, and any attempt to make money off the WCW top 10 will result in me demanding a 60% cut and then having my associate “Big Tony” roll you for the remainder in an alley outside your house. The WCW top 10 should not be considered a legally binding document unless you live in Washington, Florida, New Jersey, New Mexico, Alabama, Georgia, North Carolina or any other state with an “E” in it. Readers of the WCW top 10 who live in Idaho should move immediately, because face it, you live in friggin IDAHO, dude. I mean, come on. The WCW top 10 should not be taken internally unless specifically prescribed by a booker. Anyone attempting to find logic in the WCW top 10 will be shot. The WCW top 10 conforms to all laws and statutes of my pants. The WCW top 10 is good. The WCW top 10 is loving. Worship the WCW top 10. Send money to the WCW top 10. If you are a Christian, please do not actually pray to the WCW top 10, as this may violate one or more of the 10 commandments and confuse everyone needlessly. For those without commandments, feel free. Please make sure to cook the WCW top 10 for at least 20 minutes at 450 degrees to ensure even heating and eliminate the chance for salmonella. DO NOT REFREEZE THE WCW TOP 10. Store the WCW top 10 in a cool, dry place for best results and top with parsley before serving. The WCW top 10, while not necessarily ignorant of the impending alien takeover of the earth, is by no means connected in any meaningful way with it, whatsoever. No matter what you’ve heard. The WCW top 10 is not a Wayne/Enright production, but it wishes it could be. Failure to read and abide by these rules and regulations will result in absolutely nothing. So there.

Champion: Lex Luger

1. Sting

2. Rick Steiner

3. Steve Austin

4. Ron Simmons

5. Dustin Rhodes

6. Barry Windham

7. Cactus Jack

8. Bill Kazmaier

9. Bobby Eaton

10. Vader

- Cactus Jack v. Van Hammer.

Tony spends the time during Hammer’s entrance talking about how Jack is going to jump him when he turns his back on Jack to pose for the fans, and sure enough that’s what happens. See, who says Tony has no credibility? Hammer suplexes him and dropkicks him out, and follows with a pescado. Back in, big boot, bodyslam and legdrop piss off the crowd. Man, that was REALLY SUBTLE, guys, way to go. Bravo to the bookers for that oh-so-inside bit of humor there. I bet they were sitting around in the back calling their friends on the phone going “See, we just had this big blond stiff go out there and do Hulk Hogan’s moves, and Jack kicked out, so the fans will watch and think that Cactus Jack is better than Hulk Hogan! This has never been done before! WE’LL MAKE MILLIONS!” (Probably not far from the truth, actually.)  Jack comes back with a bulldog and Cactus Clothesline, to set up the Big Elbow off the Apron. Back in, Jack loses a slugfest and Hammer clotheslines him from behind. Hammer’s TOP ROPE KNEEDROP OF AGONY only gets two. I swear to god, if that thing had been within six inches of making contact instead of a foot, he’d have gotten the pin. It’s just that impressive a finisher. Their heads collide and IT’S UNDERTAKER! Oh, no, wait, sorry that “BONG” was the sound of Van Hammer’s empty skull, my mistake. Jack bails, grabs Hammer’s very own guitar, and gives him a weak shot with it for the pin at 4:03. See, that’s what the kids call “irony”. Well, at least Jack went over. *  (Holy cow, RSPW was LOSING THEIR SHIT over this because Cactus Jack actually got to beat someone, even a low level idiot like Van Hammer.  Jack was truly the Daniel Bryan of his time.) 

- Eric Bischoff updates us from the hospital where Sting is. You know that Bischoff is at the hospital because they’ve taken the time to make a complex-looking graphic representation of the state of Georgia, complete with a little dot marked “Savannah”, and a file photo of Eric in the corner to go along with the graphic that reads “Eric Bischoff live from Savannah”. Apparently they just couldn’t spare any extra mobile cameras. Now, you know me, I’m not the cynical type normally, but you don’t think that maybe they just did the supposed live feed from a closet somewhere in the arena and put the graphic over the screen? Not that’d I’d ever doubt anything Eric Bischoff would tell me, of course. Meanwhile, Eric continues his run of Pulitzer-prize winning journalism by noting that he hasn’t received any word on Sting’s condition yet, but an orderly is “giving him the thumbs up”, so it might be a good sign. This is so good they should make one of those reality-TV shows on TLC out of it. TRAUMA IN THE FAKE EMERGENCY ROOM! Jason Hervey can produce. Then Bischoff can run it against Tough Enough and give away the results on his own show. “Fans, we understand that over on the competition, Tazz is going to teach the guy a suplex. Yeah, that’ll put butts in the seats.” HE’LL MAKE MILLIONS!

- Aw, crap, just when I’m in a good mockery groove, they gotta ruin it with an awesome match…

- WCW World tag title match: Arn Anderson & Larry Zbyszko v. Dustin Rhodes & The Mystery Man.

Originally scheduled to be Barry Windham challenging here, but he was having problems with his hand (in storyline and real life), so they went with the “mystery partner” route, and for pretty much the first time in their history, actually managed to deliver on a big angle with a big payoff. Dustin brings out a guy in a goofy looking lizard costume, and after some speculation on the announcers’ part, he whips it off to reveal…Ricky Steamboat, fresh from leaving the WWF only weeks before. Anderson just completely freaks out. Too funny. Steamboat & Arn start, and Steamboat just destroys him and fights off both heels in the process. They all brawl outside, and Steamboat & Larry head back in, where Steamboat & Rhodes proceed to clean house and pop the crowd huge. Arn takes a breather and comments to the camera: “He’s just a man”. No way, Arn, he’s RICK F’N STEAMBOAT. Back in, Steamboat works a headlock on Larry, and Dustin works on the arm. Steamboat comes off the top with a melodramatic chop, and Larry sells it like he’s been stabbed in the arm with Excalibur. It’s so awesome to see someone come out and rock the house, and the heels sell like nuts to make sure it gets over. Steamboat posts the arm and Larry screams like Billy Gunn in the crossface. Rhodes comes in, but so does AA and he pounds Dustin in the corner. Arn goes up and gets caught by Dustin on top, but rakes the eyes and continues the beating. Blind charge hits cowboy boot, and the faces clean house for another monster pop. Zbyszko loses it and starts randomly picking fights with officials, announcers and fans, and then engages in a martial arts showdown with Steamboat, which he promptly loses. So he goes to Plan B and cheats instead, as Arn nails Steamboat from behind and Larry suplexes him for two. See, heel psychology: When confronted by someone who can beat him at his own game, the heel naturally resorts to cheating and generally gets the upper hand that way. This is SO textbook, I’m in awe. Arn whips him into the corner, but Steamboat chops his way out and gets a sunset flip. Arn tags to escape the pin, and Larry grabs an abdominal stretch, and do you even need to ASK whether he uses the ropes, Arn, and anything else available for leverage? Remember, kids, if you’re gonna be a heel, grab the ropes at every opportunity, argue with the referee every chance you get, and always go for the eyes. My name is Scott, and cheating is MY anti-drug. Arn comes in with a backdrop suplex for two. Slugfest is won by Arn, but Steamboat facejams him…and Arn cuts off the tag. Larry gets two. This is PRIMO sneaky heel backstabbing shit. Backbreaker gets two. Arn comes in, drop-toeholds Steamboat to cut off another tag attempt, and they double-team him to cut the ring in half. They should teach courses using this match as reference material. Arn bearhugs Ricky, turning it into a pinning attempt for two, but of course he goes for the kneedrop off the knucklelock, and Steamboat counters with a bodyscissors, which Arn then one-ups by countering into a Boston Crab, which they then top off by Larry pushing on Arn’s head for leverage, then (and this is the brilliant part), they distract the ref and SWITCH OFF. So you’ve just seen them do a chain wrestling sequence, sneaky heel assist, and switcheroo, all in one chain of stuff. There is just about every element of the classic tag formula executed to perfection in this match. How I ever forgot about this match for my Best of the 90s rant, I’ll never know and never forgive myself. That sequence was so perfectly done without requiring anything spectacular or violent or whatever, and the cool part is that a wrestling crowd will “get” everything involved without having to be told, and will have the appropriate reaction for everything with no prompting needed. All this match needed was Tommy Young refereeing. False tag to Rhodes (there’s another element) allows more shenanigans from the heels, but Arn & Ricky collide in the corner off an atomic drop for the double KO. Arn goes up and hits foot, hot tag Dustin. ELBOW! ELBOW! BY GAWD ELBOW! Lariat! Bulldog for Arn, and a desperate Larry tosses Steamboat to buy time, but even that backfires on him as Steamboat skins the cat, goes to the top, and comes off with a flying bodypress for the pin and the titles at 14:46. And that, my friends, is a Tag Team Match and the best thing Dustin Rhodes will ever have the honor of having his name attached to. *****

- Musical tribute to the incoming Jushin Liger, as he beats Chris Benoit in clips from Japan. Jesus, they hadn’t even signed the guy at that point and he’s already jobbing on WCW TV. GLASS CEILING!  (Insert your own remarks here.) 

- Paul E. Dangerously, patron saint of sneaky heels everywhere, comes out to let us know that if Sting doesn’t make it back from the “hospital” in time for his title match, Rick Rude wins by forfeit.

- We make a dramatic return to the “hospital”, complete with cool background graphics, as Sting emerges from the operating room (well, we HEAR him emerging, I guess) to get the news from Eric Bischoff about the forfeit thing. We know that Sting has emerged because the people running the graphics helpfully put a little file photo of Sting beside the file photo of Eric Bischoff already on the screen. Man, they could have saved themselves millions by booking entire PPVs that way – just do a radio play with the guys going “Ooof” and “ugh” to simulate pain while you put little photos superimposed over a helpfully marked computer graphic of whatever state the show is in. God knows that Kevin Nash’s workrate would improve 500% with that setup. Anyway, Sting apparently steals an ambulance in order to make it back to the arena on time for the show.

- Lightheavyweight title match: Brian Pillman v. Johnny B. Badd.

Johnny has opted to go for the full-on Village People “In the Navy” motif tonight, complete with half-length officer’s jacket. God bless Dusty Rhodes for giving me more material for cheap humor than I can ever possibly use in one lifetime. The day he stops booking will be a dark one for me, indeed, when I don’t have any more lisping, fruity lipstick-clad wrestlers who shoot a phallic symbol full of confetti into the crowd. The weight limit for the belt has taken another one of it’s mysterious trips upwards, this time settling on 236 pounds, which would make Randy Savage and Ric Flair lightheavyweights according to the standard PWI weights for them. Pillman wins a slugfest and dropkicks Badd out, then follows with Air Pillman to the ramp. Badd reverses a piledriver and they spill to the floor. Oh man, there’s seaman all over the arena! Well, don’t act like you didn’t know that joke was due. Badd heads back in, but Pillman bodypresses him for two. Powerslam and he goes up, but a big splash hits nothing but knee. Badd gets two. He goes up in turn, but Pillman dropkicks him on the way down and clotheslines him. Pillman gets a leg lariat for two, but Badd comes back with a clothesline and goes up again. Sunset flip, but Teddy Long is inexplicably talking to the ref. Badd goes to argue, collides with Long, and Pillman gets the cheap win at 4:21. Cliched booking, but the match wasn’t anything you wouldn’t want to take home to meet your mother. *1/2 Badd KO’s Long to end that relationship.

- US title match: Sting v. Ravishing Rick Rude.

Paul E. falls prey to that same weakness all great villains possess…the inability to shut up for long enough a time for your master plan to take effect.  (BROCK LESNAR CONQUERED THE STREAK!)  In this case, he gets on the mike to run down the crowd and gloat about how Rude was gonna win by forfeit, which allows Sting the time to arrive in his stolen ambulance and beat the count. They brawl on the ramp, where Sting presses Rude, but his knee buckles. Just a note to Test or any other mediocre wrestlers reading: “Selling” means actually having the injury affect your performance -- not just clutching your ribs, doing a move like normal, and then clutching your ribs again. They head into the ring and Sting slugs away and backdrops Rude, completely grounded by the injury. He clotheslines him out, but Rude outsmarts him and trips him up, then posts the knee. Back in, Rude nails him off the top, but Sting blocks the Rude Awakening. Sting channels the Three Stooges to win a slugfest by faking Rude out, but Rude makes sure to fall FORWARD, and takes out Sting’s knee in the process. Sting falls back just as Paul jumps up and shatters the phone on his head. That’s so cool. It gets two. Sting comes back with a DDT, but he’s got nothin’, and when he gets desperate and goes after Paul again, Rude just hits the knee from behind and pins him to win the title at 4:15. THAT is how you push a new guy, and is one of the rare instances where WCW managed to use someone far more effectively than the WWF did. He would never be beaten for that title. **  (The whole thing was just an awesome angle and made Rude look like a killer.) 

- In a post-match interview with Eric Bischoff (who has somehow managed to arrive back at the arena only 4 minutes after Sting), Paul admits that the whole thing was a setup from the beginning, we’re all stupid, Sting is stupid, Jim Herd is stupid, and all the WCW bigwigs can kindly kiss his ass because the Dangerous Alliance is here and ready to take names and kick ass. (BROCK LESNAR CONQUERED THE STREAK!)  Did I mention what a watered-down corporate patsy Paul Heyman has become? This was actually very much nWo-ish years before the nWo came about. Just saying. (You can’t just say whatever you want and then add “Just saying” to take away any offense!  Just saying.) 

- World title match: Lex Luger v. Rick Steiner.

This was supposed to be Ron Simmons getting a rematch from Halloween Havoc before the injury bug bit again and they were forced to shoehorn Rick Steiner into the slot, having nothing better to do with him while Scott’s arm healed. Scott of course ended up going on the HHH diet plan while in rehab and somehow managed to come back 50 pounds heavier than when he left. Stalling to start here. Lots of it. Finally Rick overpowers Lex, leading to more stalling. Rick gets a powerslam for two, and Luger of course bails and stalls. Back in, Steiner gets a backdrop and german suplex for two. Slugfest, won by Rick. Luger crotches him on the top, however, to take over. Luger kicks away and a slam & elbow get two. He tosses Rick, and gets two back in the ring. Steiner fights back and gets a powerslam and the Buffkiller for two. Hughes runs in, and runs right into a Frankensteiner from Scott, and Race comes in and gets slammed, allowing Luger to use the belt for the pin at 11:30. Scott Steiner v. Lex Luger might have actually drawn some money at that point, but Rick knew that once Scott’s singles push started he was done as a player, so he managed to keep convincing Scott to turn it down. The result: Classics like this match. ¼*

The Bottom Line: Well, tossed off main event aside, it’s the show with Enforcers v. Steamboat & Rhodes, and Cactus Jack gets the biggest win of his career to that point, so really you can’t lose here. Plus Paul E. on his game is always a bonus.

Recommended show.


  1. Arn's reaction should be a textbook on how to properly put a guy over right off: "NOOOOOOOOOT RICKY STEAMBOAT!!!!"

  2. This show proves how consistently amazing Paul Heyman is (as a manager, NOT handling money).

  3. "They went with the “mystery partner” route, and for pretty much the first time in their history, actually managed to deliver on a big angle with a big payoff."

    Dammit, the Halloween Phantom was unmasked as Ravishing Rick Rude 3 weeks before this. I'd say ol Dusty was knocking it out of the park in terms of mystery men in 1991.

  4. Luger said in a shoot that he did whatever was asked of him cause he was just there to get paid. He only went to the WCW office once. Harley Race got fired in a cost-cutting deal right after the Bash and Luger got him his job back. He said if his heel turn had any chance of working it was stupid to fire Harley so soon after joining him. As we see, Luger went right back to not giving a shit.

  5. Magoonie NOT Teddy BelmontMay 18, 2014 at 4:00 PM

    But marriage is more of a symbol, something society at large has accepted and is outside of religion.

  6. Because those 18-49 year olds hopefully have kids, and hopefully grow up to become wrestling fans.

  7. Magoonie NOT Teddy BelmontMay 18, 2014 at 4:00 PM

    It's funny how so many people believe religion came up with marriage.

  8. The earliest documented mention of marriage . . . The Bible

  9. I think it's an issue with being star struck? Since wrestling is really incestuous by nature, you'll find all kinds of folks working at Titan Towers that used to be popular wrestlers, and the LAST thing you want is some intern who's only job it is to print emails and get coffees, chatting up people trying to do their jobs all the time.

    Thus people who GUSH ABOUT THEIR LOVE OF WRESTLING, probably send up a red flag or two.

  10. Gay Bushwhacker sounds like an oxymoron. Or a Kramer alias.

  11. Yeah but the 18-49 aren't always buying or watching as it insults their intelligence and therefore not bringing there kids into the fold as fans.

  12. Signs that the Hell in a Cell match is dead as a gimmick:

    Ted DiBiase, Cody Rhodes, Shane McMahon, Vince McMahon, Jack Swagger, Ryback, and Dolph Ziggler have been in Cell matches. This used to be that rare match to settle feuds, and used to be hyped as the match that "ended Mick Foley's career and shorted Shawn Michaels' career".

    Oh, and Triple H and Shawn Michaels' match went 47 minutes? That's 15 minutes longer than most Cell matches have gone.

  13. The only way that story would be better is if the Pepsi was the one he received as a bonus for the King of the Death Match tournament.

  14. Seriously? Would have been awesome? CultStatus ladies and gentlemen! !

  15. Hmm, well that 18-49 refers directly to people who DO watch it.

  16. Is ironic on his DVD doc, Steamboat notes how he hated the bit WWF had him do with the fire breathing and goofy dragon outfit, was glad to drop it for WCW...and they eventually have him do the same damn thing.

  17. Think that's crap, Steamboat wasn't really known for such antics. On his DVD, he basically says he just felt out of place in WWF in '91, not getting any push and just liked coming back to WCW after so long and fit his style better.

  18. Don't people realize that kids don't like things that are marketed to them?

  19. Lots of reasons. Benefits from employers as well as the Government are pretty big. So is the fact that I simply wanted a legal commitment to my wife. It also ensures certain rights for our children. Religion has nothing to do with any of this.

  20. Magoonie NOT Teddy BelmontMay 18, 2014 at 4:09 PM

    No, no, no and no. The construct of marriage pre dates the bible. It was originally used by ancient civilizations not for a religious reason but to ensure the bloodline of a family as well as land and other things of values. Also it was viewed to make society as a whole more balanced.

  21. Yes, this man doing everything he could to end the streak would have been awesome.

  22. Your_Favourite_LoserMay 18, 2014 at 4:11 PM

    "I'm kind over Bret v. Owen for one lifetime."

    too easy

  23. The Cena/Orton Iron Man is one of my most hated matches. Actually most Cena/Orton matches would probably fit that category.

  24. Come on, really? I love Vince as much as the next guy but a Vince/Taker streak match? I'm starting to think you believe your own posts

  25. You mean you didn't like Cena getting punted, pinned, and then standing up immediately and walking around as if he just lost to a roll up?

  26. They gave Mero matches with Sting and Pillman before he found his working boots. Those could have been Clash classics.

  27. Throw in the 50 and over crowd and the WWE is 75% adult viewers. They're worried about the future so they've tried to really target the kids. (Insert Jerry Lawler joke here)

  28. Magoonie NOT Teddy BelmontMay 18, 2014 at 4:15 PM

    By the way, if you wanted an actual number, most scholars seem to believe marriage originated 4,350 years ago. That easily predates the bible.

  29. Why wouldn't I believe my own posts? It's not like I'm claiming to be a doctor or anything.

  30. Lol. So predictable. Disappointed it took so long

  31. Magoonie NOT Teddy BelmontMay 18, 2014 at 4:18 PM

    Damn, your right, shoulda thought of that. I don't know why but I can see Punk being a big enough prick to drink that.

  32. I've always read that Steamboat was one of the classiest guys in the business. I can't see him refusing to do a job and quitting over it. I can see him doing it, then speaking his disdain to the higher ups, then being punished. I mean it's not like he asked for a vacation.........

  33. I don't think kids can tell this is 'for kids'. When you see Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles NOW - you know its for kids. When you saw it back in the day, you didn't care.

  34. He'd have to beat Mick foley over the head with a bowling pin after.

  35. More predictable that you haven't given a good reason why Vince/Taker wouldn't have been awesome.

  36. For the complete opposite effect of a costume unveiling angle involving Steamboat, look up the Steamboat-Rude match with the mysterious "ninja".

  37. Takers streak is arguably the most marketable, definitely 2nd most marketable, match of WM. Why would you ever waste it on a garbage storyline drive match like Vince, that is 100% obvious in the ending?

    Vinces huge WM matches outside of Shane have been the standard gimmick matches. That's fine if you have Bret, HBK, and Hogan with nothing to do at mania. It's stupid to do not with Taker at mania

  38. Magoonie NOT Teddy BelmontMay 18, 2014 at 4:22 PM

    Aside from buyrates, Superbrawl II is a damn fine show!

  39. I think those early matches and Mero learning so much is what kept him from being let go when the appeal(used very loosely) of his uber-flamboyaunt gimmick wore out it's welcome. He kept his job and it just got taken down notch by notch.

  40. The last time Taker headlined a Mania, it bombed. And really, A Vince/Taker match wouldn't have been better than a random casket match with Henry? Or ANOTHER(as good as it was) Batista match?

  41. How sad is it watching Steamboat matches that we missed out on a HBK-Steamboat match? I know they were both in WWF at the same time, but Shawn wasn't quite to the point that that match could have been an instant classic by the time Steamboat left. I don't normally wish for many lost dream matches, but that one is my big exception.

  42. I don't know, there's stuff that I watched as a kid, that I thought was definitely for me, but when I watched as I got older, I realized what a dark movie it actually was (Who Framed Roger Rabbit? comes to mind immediately). Hell, look at some of the old Nickelodeon cartoons, they've got some crazy adult jokes on those shows, especially Rocko's Modern Life.

  43. Not a lot of top babyfaces in WCW at the time. If Starrcade '91 had been a traditional event, I would have went with:
    World title: Lex Luger vs. Sting
    Tag team title: Steamboat & Rhodes vs. Anderson & Eaton
    Light Heavyweight title: Liger vs. Pillman
    Steiners vs. Rude & Austin

  44. I'd absolutely take that Batista WM match over a Vince match. I can't believe you'd switch that out. That was a good match.

    The only recent WMS (where Vince was VINCE) to even consider would be the Taker/Bossman or Taker/Henry WMs. Vince was heavily involved in 15 and that was a better story and he wrestled HBK at 22. Essentially the exact same type of match a Taker match would have been...just much much better

  45. Agreed, but they should have went with Sting vs. Luger earlier

  46. That Batista match meant nothing. Taker streak matches were just a WrestleMania gimmick, just like Vince's were. Vince cutting crazy old man promos about killing the streak, gigging a juicer, a ton of run ins by hired guns for false finishes would have been glorious.

  47. the 2009 editions of Backlash and SummerSlam.

  48. In Japan he apparently still is, as when he was added to the WWE tour coming up ticket sales shot up dramatically.

  49. One day, a long time from now, a decrepit, 95 year old Cena will be in the process of being laid to rest. And when the Grim Reaper slowly stalks his way over to the hospital bed just as the life support machines are turned off, Cena will jump off the bed, give Death an Attitude Adjustment and yell out, "you can't see me!" While the hospital staff cheers (and half of them boo).

    Then John will ask for his wristbands and jean shorts and go on to main event wrestlemania and win the world title again.

  50. And it was all off the heels of Ole Anderson and the Black Scorpion!

  51. This post is misleading, since Swagger and Ziggler's was in a dark match.

    Also, Rikishi and Bossman were in cell matches.

  52. We have some different viewpoints on this. I find the subject extremely intriguing. I respect and appreciate everyone's point of view and respect you all as men.

  53. Superbrawl II did fine, 160,000 buys which put it above all but one of WCW's ppv's from 1991 till the arrival of Hulk Hogan.

  54. That one.

    96 Shawn vs. 92 Sting
    89 Flair vs. 05 AJ Styles, 05 Samoa Joe, 05 Christopher Daniels, 01 Kurt Angle, and 14 Daniel Bryan (to name a few)
    97 Sting vs. 09 Taker
    87 Hogan vs. 07 Cena
    92 Savage vs. 12 Punk

  55. Dusty didn't book that shite!

  56. Hell In A Cell was a dark match?

    When? Where?

  57. Even though that fall into a truck of hay spot was contrived, I loved that six pack cell match.

  58. But...but...wasn't Luger Sting's BEST FRIEND!? The friend so great that he gave up the World Heavyweight title for him a few months earlier? That's what made that match an EPIC nine star affair according to the BoD!

  59. John Cena (c) defeated Alberto Del Rio, CM Punk, Dolph Ziggler, and Jack SwaggerFive-Man Hell in a Cell for the WWE ChampionshipRaw SuperShow(Dark Match)September 26, 2011
    Kansas City,MO5:01

  60. It would have been like HBK/Perfect: a disappointment. It would be a mess with both men trying to outsell each other.

  61. What in the actual fuck? 5 minute Hell In A Cell match? CM Punk doing the J-O-B right after the summer of Punk?

    What the hell were they thinking?

  62. It was a dark match.

  63. And that with an 11 on 1 advantage, they still could barely beat him.

  64. Why does this mean it's a "dead gimmick? "

  65. Your_Favourite_LoserMay 18, 2014 at 4:54 PM

    marriage exists solely for tax purposes

  66. What are you talking about?

  67. Your_Favourite_LoserMay 18, 2014 at 4:54 PM

    "edit: I read the altpress Tim Lambesis interview and his conversion to
    atheism was actually the catalyst that led him to cheat on his wife and
    eventually ask for a divorce so I find the subject intriguing."

    not his decision to hire a hitman (n.bret). jeebus told him to do that

  68. I would have taken my chances

  69. Your_Favourite_LoserMay 18, 2014 at 4:55 PM

    she means in other divas

  70. Benoit 2004 vs Bryan 2013.

  71. I grew up near Savannah. I'm pretty sure the closest hospital to the arena in question is at least a 15 minute drive. Make of that what you will.

  72. Your_Favourite_LoserMay 18, 2014 at 4:58 PM

    *big bible title

  73. Your_Favourite_LoserMay 18, 2014 at 5:00 PM

    "m Catholic and one of the reasons that my atheist girlfriend and I broke
    up was she wanted to get married and I'd never get married."


    russo booked your relationship

  74. The Rude/Sting match is one of my favorites. So perfect.

  75. A special mention should be made of how obscenely '90s hot Missy Hyatt was at this time.

  76. She's not a nazi!

  77. crazy good interview

  78. Your_Favourite_LoserMay 18, 2014 at 5:00 PM

    they say marriage is in an institution

    who wants to live in an institution?!

  79. You have stupid opinions.

  80. Ha, that was some insane non-news.

  81. Your_Favourite_LoserMay 18, 2014 at 5:01 PM

    CA-RAZY good!


  82. Are suggesting something about the up and up nature of pro wrestling?

  83. Watching this one now... damn Doink was jacked.

  84. Your_Favourite_LoserMay 18, 2014 at 5:02 PM

    "I'm 36 and not married. Maybe I should just jump out the window."


    i'm laughing b/c it keeps the tears at bay :(

  85. A dark match after a Raw/Smackdown double shot so my point stands, what the hell were they thinking?

  86. Perish the thought.

  87. Clash of the Champions were essentially, free WCW PPVs at the time. I got into wrestling around the summer of '90 at 6 years old, so these were HUGE to me. Also, they introduced me to Cactus Jack and Abdulla the Butcher through those gift boxes. I was such a Sting fan that I instantly hated those guys (which I guess, was the point).

  88. Your_Favourite_LoserMay 18, 2014 at 5:04 PM

    "doesn't mean you don't want to be like everybody else in society."

  89. How do people with joint incomes NOT have a HHI of 75k +?

  90. You just pulled a Jobber123.

  91. Your_Favourite_LoserMay 18, 2014 at 5:06 PM

    i remember seeing this quote somewhere: "i'm pretty much an atheist, but i believe in goodness and balance"

  92. They can market to 5-12 year olds a hundred different ways, an edgier product would appeal to 13 and ups way more than the current shit they're showing. I've always said the problem with pro wrestling nowadays is the industry has no balls and doesn't stick up for itself. I don't see how they can't make all kinds of money with an edgier product off different types of TV/sponsorship/advertising deals.

  93. I started to defend myself, and then... aw shit you're right. I'm watching it now for the first time since the live airing.

  94. Your_Favourite_LoserMay 18, 2014 at 5:08 PM

    b/c they're spending all the income on joints


  95. They had the cell there to hype up a PPV, so why not use it for a dark match?

  96. He's my guy, but the triple immediate post is vintage jobber

  97. Stranger in the AlpsMay 18, 2014 at 5:09 PM

    TBS, at the time, was part of a pay-TV package in my part of Canada. I "saw" this show via Scramblevision. We had the WCW Power Hour on TSN, I believe, and they hyped this Clash on there repeatedly. I was nowhere near RSPW at the time of this, and the appearance by the Steamer blew me away, because I thought he was still with the WWF.

  98. Bret 96 vs Angle 02

  99. Your_Favourite_LoserMay 18, 2014 at 5:10 PM

    conversion to "guest" in 3, 2...

  100. Probably the best surprise reveal ever. Rude comes in as an instant mega heel, with a HOT valet, and great heel manager.

  101. To be fair when I do this I don't copy and paste from

  102. Was in attendance for the Meadowlands Bret/Owen match, then called a Marathon Match. Liked it a lot.

  103. I was at that Hell of a Cell show! Good show, but was very disappointed at the lack of blood. I mean...if there's any show where there should be blood, it's that show. But that was a great match.

  104. Way more than that. Go to a show and check out the crowd.

  105. I liked the HIAC match because it was something different. I didn't like the Ironman because it was something different.

  106. Video of it:

  107. BINGO. The stock shot up because short sellers were caught in a squeeze. Nothing, not even the "we're going to double the TV rights", not even the network promises. should have rationally resulted in a $30 valuation. There's not a lot of stock available- Vince ain't giving it up- so when the numbers started to draw in investors, the demand for the stock shot up, and short sellers had to buy the stock at any price to avoid a possibly worse fate. This has happened before on the Street.

    And now that the numbers somewhat suck, everything has collapsed. Never mind that the fundamentals for this company really haven't changed this year. The Network is a challenge, sure, but the numbers aren't really that weak, and there's plenty of opportunity once they get overseas. They probably had crazy tech support bills that first month, but the quality of the product is definitely there, and maybe jettisoning the first VP of content for the network will help.

    The PPV numbers are a little worrisome, and they're going to have to figure out a way to pay the wrestlers for lost PPV revenue, but they'll figure it out.

    Put it this way- if I put a gun to your head and made you pick whether the stock price in six months is higher or lower than today, would you really pick lower? I don't think so.

  108. btw: could it just be different in Brazil?

    (I know the audience for wrestling here (Germany) is very different than in the US. the same might apply to South America)

  109. I agree, in fact i bet they'll be up to 900K when they release the next set of sub numbers in a couple of months.

    Retaining all of those subs past the first 6 months is something we won't know about till the end of the year so that's another battle brewing.

  110. The trailers were insanely misleading though.

  111. Has anyone ever asked Sting why he let himself get so out of shape heading into Starrcade '97? The guy should of been getting into the best shape of his life since he wasn't taking bumps and had time to heal up from nagging injuries. I'll always throw that into consideration when examining his career.

  112. January 1993 at Boston Garden for the Flair vs. Hart Iron Man was amazing...

  113. Everyone and their mother has been in a Cell match now. It's just as diluted as when practically everyone on the roster is a "former world champion".

  114. He was added to the London and Japan shows in order to drive up ticket sales, and it apparently worked. He's also been on plenty of TV shows to promote the Network recently.

    Why this guy thinks he should be champion is another story, but recent evidence proves that people do care about Hogan, probably more so than 90% of the current roster.

  115. Doing the Cell without blood killed the gimmick dead.

  116. Agreed. Orton and Christian had a great series of matches in the summer of 2011. I always felt the trying too hard especially when Triple H/Orton wrestled. I still love the last 5 minutes of Orton/Cena at Summerslam in 2007. It was still "fresh"

  117. I never saw Cena / Orton but Scott's review is great classic stuff.

  118. That's got to be the wrong version: the Avalanche were still the Nordiques back then (never forget), and Forsberg didn't debut until after that game was made.

  119. You follow Mick Foley's daughter on Twitter?

  120. It's not that everyone's been in one... it's that they just started making Cell matches at the October PPV and throwing people into them.... instead of using the gimmick to settle a feud when it needed to be settled with violence.

  121. Netflix went from 20, to 300, then down to 50.....
    Now sitting at 350, down from 450.

    ALL that in the last 5 years.

    Good companies don't panic, they stay the course, and do what needs to be done long term. REALLY doubt that applies to "Panic and shoot first" Vince, but massive stock swings happen.

  122. Agreed. Orton and Christian have always had some crazy chemistry. There's stuff through the years that holds up great... even before that main even run they both had.

  123. Stranger in the AlpsMay 18, 2014 at 6:21 PM

    The hell? Maybe it was '98 then. Alzheimer's clouds the memory here and there. Still.....making guys bleed was the goal of ALL NHL games.

  124. Ha, Tojo.

  125. Orton would have been an amazing foil for Bret. The heel excellence of execution.

  126. Oh, you got to watch it.

  127. :mind explodes:

  128. I'm sure the entire office is still perplexed as to why that Cena/Orton match isn't regarded as an all time classic.

  129. Attempted murder doesn't get over, I guess.

  130. Because of the pyro, and the fact that it didn't end the feud.

  131. Unless you're Undertaker.

  132. They weren't even in the cell half the time.

  133. It's WWE, you should know them by now.

  134. It was a dark match!

  135. I don't think it's odd at all, they had great matches together.

  136. I thought it was pretty good once it got going, but the first 15-20 minutes is all Owen stalling. Tighten up to a 30-minute match a la Steamboat/Rude and you'd really have something.

  137. Survivor Series 09 for the main event 3 way.

  138. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomeryMay 18, 2014 at 6:42 PM

    I'm glad they were; it made for a lot of surprises (I kinda stayed away from news/reviews [outside of TM% check] leading up to it) once I watched the movie proper. I also don't blame WB for doing so; Pacific Rim underperfomed like crazy lacking from mass appeal, so giving the trailers a "disaster movie" feel and keeping all the monster stuff fleeting and under wraps was a better way to pique maximum interest. Its insanely good opening box office tally seems to support that.

  139. YankeesHoganTripleHFanMay 18, 2014 at 6:45 PM

    THANK YOU. As a Sting fan that should have been his moment....once and for all. Hell look at my name I am a Hogan mark and I was still rooting for Sting that night. But Hogan and Bishoff had a point, why should this out of shape guy that did noting for a year and three months get the belt?

  140. When you leave and then come back, they disappear.

  141. If anything, they're getting smarter.

  142. What happens if you say yes?

  143. Mick just stands there speechless.

  144. My apologizes then.

  145. With 1 tablet on each side plate.

  146. Umm, my parents combined are under that.

    Pretty severely.

  147. It's ok to cry.

  148. "67% are ages 18-49" So whose buying all those Cena shirts then? Are there really that many virgins watching WWE?

  149. For my money he was the best there ever was. If he were a little younger he'd have been great for Raw. If I were Vince in the 80s I'd have gotten him in a booth with Jesse Ventura. It would be a perfect contrast.
    I still watch that Tojo bit on Youtube from time to time.

  150. On the same note, Why hasn't there ever been a heel atheist gimmick. I would have thought Vince would have done it by now. Make him a English Professor named Richard Hawkins who is wrestling for some unexplained reason.

  151. I really don't think his shape was much of a problem to be honest. He'd obviously been working out his biceps. I don't think he was like blown up or anything during the match.

    The bigger problem to me was that he didn't have a time to translate his 'standing in the rafters' character into an in-ring style that produced good matches. Hell, Undertaker had the same issue for a long time.

    You can see it over and over in the Starrcade match -- expressionless face, stand around and look menacing. Hit a dropkick, stand around some more while Hogan cowers. The characteristics that made him a compelling in-ring competitor before (abundance of energy and enthusiasm, fast pace) were a bit at odds with Crow Sting. He doesn't really show any signs of those things until the finish.

  152. Lost it at bottle of perocets. Dying.

  153. Because Athiests like to have comitted relationships too

  154. They were replaced with porn stars and pimps in the attitude era. Still "second job gimmicks," but now x rated second jobs. It honestly wasn't much of an improvement.

  155. That is grade A bullshit.



  157. To lock that shit down.

  158. It's not a "different viewpoint"

    It is a FACT that marrige predates Christianity

  159. The likening and hating something different is so paradoxish.

  160. Just dancing black guys and "he's totally Japenese" Albert

  161. Uhh...they make up like 50-75% of the crowds here...

  162. I watched the Funk/Lawler match recently. I recognize it's good, but it isn't exactly my cup of tea.

  163. You are allowed to be a Cena fan and an adult. The guy is a great wrestler and talent.

  164. By all accounts, Punk DOES live frugal as shit.

    He also owns apartment complexes all through Chicago so he makes his fuck you money in real estate

  165. I meant on the conversation in general. I doubt either of you are historians. I can't even take the high road here. I hope someday I can find the faith and conviction in my beliefs as you have in your non-beliefs.

  166. I remember he had a very short run with Crockett in the late 80's but it didn't work out too well. He was at his best when he could interact with heels.

    Tojo was hilarious during that feud.

  167. I fell asleep for the last 30 minutes so I'm gonna have to go again but I really enjoyed it for what it was. See it in a theater though, if you want to see it. I doubt this will hold up as well with out the big screen theatrics.

  168. I agree. I may not have gone if it was 100% truthful advertising, but they did get me to go and I had a great time watching it.

  169. Making the super young "teen parent" types are throwing that off?

  170. Ah, was not aware of that. Then I guess he does have "fuck you" money. Continue on sir

  171. 18-49 demo is great for advertising but the wwe has a harder time pulling blue chip sponsorships from that group. But if they present it for kids then its easier for them to get the best sponsorship deals/make the most money? That's always what I assumed anyways.

  172. Pretty easy for the HS diploma and less types

  173. Very good point. I think Sting never felt comfortable in the ring as the crow. He had 2 great matches with DDP on Nitro He also had a great match with Goldberg on Nitro. His PPV matches left a lot to be desired though. I agree about not ever coming up with a marketable in-ring style to fit the crow character. What a fun time to be a wrestling fan though.

  174. I think they could have made it pretty fun, agreed.

  175. Man, the no blood policy in the PG era has really hurt these Cell matches the last 5 years

  176. Not only is there no blood now, they made it even WORSE by adding PINK freakin Ropes since the show is in October and WWE decides to spend the entire month honoring breast cancer awareness (which I am by no means hating on, as its effected my family like many others, but nothing kills a bloodless, heatless, PG, less violent cage match like PINK ROPES

  177. I have it right there being as bad as their I quit match

    Orton: SAY YOU QUIT JOHN! !

    Repeat same sequence ×25 for 20 minutes


  179. Yes the attempted murder is REALLY dumb, but I really enjoyed that Iron Man Match aside from that silliness. They kept me engaged for the entire hour(which is more than I can say for the Bret-Shawn Iron Man, a match I think is good but is a rough watch) and had some great falls in the match. I think it's a great match, but I seem to enjoy the Cena/Orton matches more than most people here. Their RR match was bad but their match at SummerSlam 2007 was fantastic(highly under appreciated match) their match at Unforgiven 2007 was fun with a molten crowd but a shitty finish 10 minutes in killed it. Their match at NWO 2008 was pretty good, and their series in 2009 were all in the ***-**** range.

  180. In their series of matches in 2011, I seriously don't think any of their matches besides Capitol Punishment dipped below ****. And their Over the Limit and SummerSlam matches were dangerously close to *****

  181. I was surprised by his much I liked number 5. I didn't see until years later and thought it would suck. Cool match.

  182. I'd be willing to miss out on the Kane match from WrestleMania XX in exchange for a Vince match. Odds are the quality doesn't really suffer that much. Just as long as they stop following the rumble blueprint before the aftermath.

  183. This WSJ article says that 3-4 is more realistically the break eve point


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